Casket Confectionery Co
Casket Confectionery Co., Ltd., Toffee specialists, Patricroft, Manchester.
1923 partnership dissolved. '... the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, John William Fletcher, Haworth Kay Anderton, George Greenhalgh and William Standring Sharp, in the trade or business of Manufacturing Confectioners, carried on by us at Patricroft, near Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, under the style or firm of "The CASKET CONFECTIONERY CO.," has been dissolved by mutual consent, as from the 9th instant, so far as regards the said George Greenhalgh and William Standring Sharp, who retire from the firm. All debts due to or owing by the late firm will be received and paid by the said John William Fletcher and Haworth Kay Anderton, will continue to carry on the said business under the present style of "The Casket Confectionery Co"...'[1]
1961 Acquired by J. A. and P. Holland