Charbonnel et Walker

Old Bond Street, London
1875 Founded
1878 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore existing between us the undersigned, Virginie Eugenie Levy (nee Charbonnel) and Minnie Walker, carrying on the business of Parisian Confectioners and Bon-Bon Manufacturers, at No. 173, New Bond-street, in the county of Middlesex, under the firm or style of Charbonnel and Walker, was by mutual consent, dissolved on the 16th day of April, 1873; and that the said business will henceforward be carried on by the said Minnie Walker alone...'[1]
1883 '... all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Mary Ann Alphandery, sometimes known as Minnie Walker, late of 173, New Bond-street, in the 'county of Middlesex, trading under the style or firm of Charbonnel and Walker, deceased (who died on the 8th day of June last...'[2]
1894 Company to be wound up. '...That the Company be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1867...'[3]
Manufactured its chocolates at its factory in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, until 2018 when it relocated their production to Poundbury, Dorset.
1990 Charbonnel et Walker Ltd, Chocolatier, Quarry Road, Tunbridge Wells. 'We produce high quality chocolates at our factory in Tunbridge Wells'[4]