Charles Bright

Charles S. Bright (1863–1937), Telegraph Engineer.
Son of Sir Charles Tilston Bright.
Educated at Lancing College and King's College.
1898 Wrote an authoritative treatise on telegraph cables, Submarine Telegraphs: Their History, Construction. and Working. (London: Crosby Lockwood and Son.)
1899 Wrote for The Engineering Times.
1902 Gave expert evidence before Inter-Departmental Cable Communication Committee
1907 Gave evidence before the House of Commons Radiotelegraphic Committee.
1911 Evidence before the Dominions Royal Commission.
1912 Delegate for Australia at the 1912 International Radio-Telegraphic Conference in London.
1916 Member of Royal Flying Corps (R.F.C.) (Air) Enquiry Committee.
1920, 1922 and 1923. Official delegate at Air Conferences.
1921 Formed Sir Charles Bright and Partners with Mr A. Hugh Seabrook, Mr A. J. Stubbs and Lieut-Col H. W. Woodall[1]
1923 withdrew from the board of Sir Charles Bright and Partners.
1923 Appointed London Director of Muntz's Metal Co.[2]
Vice-President, Radio Society of Great Britain and Institute of Aeronautical Engineers.