Charles Tiot Judkins (c1824-1867) of the Lancashire Sewing Machine Co, Britannia Works, Manchester
Sewing Machine maker, of Manchester, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, later of London.
ca.1824 Born the son of Peter Judkins
1851 Award at the 1851 Great Exhibition for Heald machine, and improved heald. See details at 1851 Great Exhibition: Reports of the Juries: Class VI.
1852 Heald machine.[1]
1852 Patent 413. To Charles Tiot Judkins, of Britannia Works, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, for the invention of improvements in machinery or apparatus for sewing or stitching.[2]
1855 Bankrupt. 'Charles Tiot Judkins, of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, and of Cannon-street West, in the city of London, Sewing Machine Manufacturer, Dealer and Chapman'[3]
1856 Patent 1760. To Charles Tiot Judkins, of 98, Fleet-street. London, Middlesex, and 35, Corporation-street, Manchester, Merchant, for the invention of "an improved gas regulator."[4]
1856 'I am a merchant and patentee of sewing machines; I am also the patentee of a gas regulating machine; I carry on my business at No. 98, Fleet-street, and have also a warehouse at Manchester.'[5]
1858 Patent 2527. And to Charles Tiot Judkins, of No. 32, York-road, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey, Engineer, for the invention of "improvements in gas regulators."[6]
1859 Patent 1938. And to Charles Tiot Judkins, of No. 22, Ludgate-street, in the city of London, Dealer in sewing machines, for the invention of "improvements in sewing machines."[7]
1860 Patent 1690. To Charles Tiot Judkins, of No. 22, Ludgate-street, in the city of London, Dealer in Sewing Machines, for the invention of "improvements in sewing machines."— The result partly of a communication made to him by Joseph Wetherby Bartlett, a person resident No. 421, Broadway, New York, in the United States of America, and partly of invention and discovery made by him.[8]
1860 Concerning a partnership with Phillip Carter Clark. 'COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS. Upon the filing of the Schedule of PHILIP CARTER CLARK, sued as PHILIP CARTER, CLARK, and committed as PHILIP C. CLARK, late of and lodging at No. 5, Earl-street, Westminster, Middlesex, Dealer in Sewing Machines, and agent to the Marine Salvage Company, Manchester; previously of and lodging at No. 3, Brook-street, Bury New Road, Manchester, Salesman to an Ironmonger; then of and renting a house at No. 118, Elizabeth-street, Cheetham; then of and renting a house at No. 2, Cedar-street, Cheetham aforesaid, at the same time renting an office at No. 2, Queen's Chambers, Market-street, Manchester, all in the County of Lancashire, Dealer in Sewing Machines and Gas Regulators; then of and renting at No. 16, Beauvoir Terrace, Kingsland Road, Middlesex, Dealer in Sewing Machines and Commission Agent; then of and renting a house at No. 11, Herbert-street, Cheetham aforesaid, at the same time carrying on business at No. 33 and 35, Corporation-street, Manchester, in co-partnership with CHARLES TIOT JUDKINS, and trading under the style of "C. T. Judkins," as Dealers in Sewing Machines and Gas Regulators; then of and lodging at No. 32, York Road, Lambeth, Surrey; then of and for a period of four months travelling in France and Belgium; then again of No. 32, York Road, Lambeth aforesaid, out of business; then of and lodging at Vine Cottage, Sandymount Green, Dublin, Ireland, Dealer in Sewing Machines and Gas Regulators; then of and lodging at No. 90, Broom Terrace, Bury New Road, Manchester, Clerk and Salesman of Sewing Machines and Gas Regulators; then of and renting a house at Na 23, Milton Terrace, Elizabeth-street, Cheetham, Manchester; then of and renting a house and shop at No. 15, King-street, Manchester, all in Lancashire, Ironmonger, a Prisoner for Debt in the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex...'[9]
1861 Married at Lambeth to Catherine Brooks. He is shown as a Merchant.
1867 January 31st. Died, Sewing Machine Manufacturer of 11 Park Terrace, Brixton. Probate to Catherine Judkins, Relict.
1869 Mention of Catherine Tiot Judkins and the Weed Sewing Machine, Deansgate, Manchester.[10]
More information here.
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ The Imperial Journal 1852 Vol I. p389
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:29 October 1852 Issue:21374 Page:2844
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:19 June 1855 Issue:21731 Page:2379
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:8 August 1856 Issue:21911 Page:2749
- ↑ Old Bailey Proceedings
- ↑ [The London Gazette Publication date:26 November 1858 Issue:22204 Page:5172]
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:9 September 1859 Issue:22305 Page:3361
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:10 August 1860 Issue:22412 Page:2975
- ↑ Blackburn Standard - Wednesday 22 August 1860
- ↑ Bolton Chronicle - Saturday 05 September 1868