Charles Gray and Sons
St. Philips Works, Sheffield, maker of saws and files and machine knives.
1860 Dissolution of the Copartnership between Charles Gray, Edward Gray, William Gray, John Gray, under the style or firm of Charles Gray and Sons, as Saw Manufacturers, Machine Knife Makers, and Merchants, at Sheffield, in the county of York; the business was carried on by William Gray, Edward Gray, and John Gray, under the firm of Charles Gray and Sons.[1].
1866 Dissolution of the Partnership between William Gray, Edward Gray, and John Gray, carrying on business at The Saint Philip's Works, Sheffield, as Saw and File Manufacturers, Machine Knife Makers, and Merchants, under the firm of Charles Gray and Sons. The said John Gray retired from the said partnership. The business was carried on by the said William Gray and Edward Gray, under the firm of Charles Gray and Sons[2]
1868 Edward Gray retired; William Gray carried on the same trade and business at Saint Philips Works for his own sole benefit, under the style or firm of Charles Gray and Sons.[3].