Charles Joseph Batley (1862- )
1922 M.Inst.C.E., Waterworks Engr. to the Corpn. of Oldham; b. 1862; s. of Joseph Batley, late Town Clerk of Huddersfield. Ed. Bramham Coll., Yorks. Articles with G. and G. H. Crowther, Engrs., Huddersfield; with T. and C. Hawksley, Westminster; Asst. Waterworks Engr., Bury Corpn.; now as above; constructed large Storage Reservoir 0130,000); Pumping Station for utilizing disused Colliery Workings Water; Mech. Filtration Plant; and many works of reconstruction. Address: Piethorne, near Rochdale. T. A.: " Batley, New Hey."