Charles Kirchoff
Charles Kirchoff (c1853-1916)
1916 Obituary [1]
CHARLES KIRCHHOFF died at his summer home at Wannamassa, Asbury Park, New York, on July 22, 1916, aged sixty-three years.
He was born at San Francisco, and was educated at New York and at the Mining Academy at Clausthal in Germany, whence he graduated in 1874. He then obtained the position of assayer, and later of chemist, and assistant superintendent of the Delaware Lead Works. After a few years he became attached to the technical-newspaper business established by the late Mr. David. Williams.
In 1889 he was appointed editor-in-chief of the Iron Age, and in 1904 undertook the duties of general manager of the company, which position he held until 1909. During the period 1883 to 1906 he also acted as special agent for the United States Geological Survey, and was engaged in collecting the annual statistics of the production of copper, lead, and zinc, of the United States. He twice served the term of Presidency of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and was also a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
He was elected a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in 1891, and on the two occasions when the Institute visited the United States, in 1890 and 1904, he was respectively Secretary and Chairman of the American Reception Committee.