Charles Wells (1836-1890)
1837 Born in Moxley, Staffordshire
1862 Charles Wells, Moxley Iron Works, near Bilston; Member of I Mech E.[1]
1881 Iron Master Employing 250 Men, lived in Wolverhampton with Rose Ormonde Wells 36[2]
of Moxley Iron and Steel Works
1890 May 1st. Died in Coventry
1890 Obituary [3]
CHARLES WELLS was born at Moxley, near Bilston, on 15th November 1836, but for many years had resided at Wolverhampton.
In 1876 he succeeded with his brother to the business previously carried on by their father of iron and steel manufacture at Moxley, where they made large sheets, plates, and bars of iron and steel.
He was a thoroughly practical man, and had an extensive knowledge of the iron trade as a manufacturer.
He died on 1st May 1890, at the age of fifty-three; and for some years had been a county magistrate for Staffordshire.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1862.