Charles William Glover
Charles William Glover (1891-1976) of C. W. Glover and Partners
Partner at the engineering firm Walter Bridges and Co
1927 Formed C. W. Glover and Partners
1939 Captain Charles William Glover M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Struct.E., F.P.W.I., Member Acoustical Soc. M.Inst.R.A. Principal, C. W. Glover & Partners, Consulting Engrs. and Architects, Shell-Mex House, W.C.2. Private Address: 5 Overstrand Mansions, S.W.11. Age: 46. Trained: Southern Rlwy Engr.'s Dept.; subsequently Bridges Engr., Bolivia Rlwy. Co. Is a Course Supt. and Lecturer at Regent Street Polytechnic; Building Materials, Structural Eng. and Acoustics. Author of "Practical Acoustics for the Constructor," "Civil Defence," "Floors, Their Design, Construction, and Maintenance." Club: International Building Club.