Claridge, North and Co

of Phoenix Foundry, Bilston, Wolverhampton
1862 40 HP engine for Griffin, Morris and Griffin of Wolverhampton.
1863 Patent No. 1386 to Thomas Claridge for improvements in the manufacture of spur wheels used in the construction of mill and forge gearing, and for other like purposes [1]
1869 'The Spirit of the Times', Batavia, NY, 6th Feb 1869 reprinted from the Birmingham Evening Post an article about Claridge, North & Co. casting a pair of iron rolls nearly 3 ft dia, 15 ft 6" long, each weighing 18 tons, for rolling armour plate at the Sheffield works of John Brown and Co
1870 Rolling mill machinery for Wear Rolling Mills.
1873 Advertising as makers of machinery and plant for iron and steel manufacture, rolling mills complate, chilled and grain rolls, steam hammers, shears and saws, reversing gear, tyre mills, blowing and pumping engines, mill and forge castings, cast wheels, general castings, gas and water pipes.[2]
1874 Partnership between George Claridge, Thomas Claridge, and John Hickman, engineers and ironfounders, carrying on business at Phoenix Foundry and Engineering Works at Millfields, near Wolverhampton, and at Bilston, under the firm Claridge, North & Co., dissolved by the death of George North on 24 Dec 1871. Also, Partnership hitherto existing between George Claridge, Thomas Claridge and John Hickman dissolved by mutual consent, as regards John Hickman. Business to be carried on by George and Thomas Claridge [3]
became Claridge and Co