Clifford Woolacott Nash
Clifford Woolacott Nash (1882- )
1922 A.S.M.B., M.I. and S.I., M. Aus. Chem. Inst., Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1882; s. of Francis Wm. Nash, Barrister-at-Law. Ed. Cumloden College, Melbourne. Training: Ballarat School of Mines (3+ years' course); Freiberg Sch. of Mines (Kelm Sachs. Bergakademie), 2 years. Asst. Chem., Sulphide Corpn., N.S.W.; Asst. Mngr., Murchison River Silver Mines, Tasmania; Mngr., Wolfram and Molybdenite Mines, Wolfram Camp, 'Queensland; Chief Metallurgist, Sunshine Harvester Works, Vic. Chief Work: Erection of Concentrating and Floating Plant for Wolfram and Molybdenite Ores, Wolfram; Development of Copper and Brass Tube Industry at Sunshine (the first plant in Australia supplying the Admiralty with Condenser Tubes during the War). Numerous Papers on Metallurgy before the Local Scientific Socs.; numerous 21 Articles in Local Scientific Journals on Microscopic Metallurgy, etc. Address: Tavistock House, 383, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Vic.