Cocker Brothers

Steel, files, wire etc., of Nursery Wire Mills, Sheffield; also of Fitzalan Works, Sheffield.
Successors to Samuel Cocker and Son, which was established in 1752. [1]
1855 Exhibited edge tools at the 1855 Paris Exhibition
1856 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Fildes Cocker, Samuel Cocker, Henry Cocker, and Benjamin Thomas Bagshaw, as Wire Drawers and Steel Manufacturers, carried on under the firm of Cocker, Brothers, at Sheffield, in respect of Henry Cocker. All debts would be paid by the remaining partners.[2]
1861 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Fildes Cocker and Samuel Cocker, both of Sheffield, Wire Drawers and Steel Manufacturers and Merchants, and Benjamin Thomas Bagshaw, late of Sheffield, Wire Drawer and Steel Manufacturer and Merchant, deceased on the 4th day of June last.
Thomas Fildes Cocker and Samuel Cocker, continued the firm as partners.[3]
1875 Company registered [4]
1886 Description and drawings of Parkinson's quick release vice, made by Cocker Bros.[5]
By 1890 had acquired Fitzalan Works