Crighton and Son

Crighton & Sons of Castlefield Iron Works, Manchester
Established 1814
Various dates: references to patents for textile machinery. These refer to William Crighton, William Wright Crighton, and Spencer Crighton. Example: Patent No. 803, 1872 [1]
1894 Manufacturers of a wide range of textile machinery (see advert) [2]
1889 Goad's Insurance Plans Map 202 dated 1889 shows that the western half of the complex was occupied by Crighton & Sons, while the eastern half was the furniture factory of James Lamb
1895 Death notice: 'Mr. William Crighton, senior partner of the firm of Crighton and Sons, machine makers, Knot Mill, Manchester, has passed away, in his 81st year. Like his father who was one of the founders, along with the late Mr. George Hadfield, of Rusholme-road Church (Rev Dr. Thomson), he was an attached Congregationalist. He was an ardent Liberal.'[3]
- Some of the works’ buildings became the J S Bass packing warehouse, surviving to be refurbished as modern office accommodation