Croft, Butterfields and Wilkinson

of Keighley
formerly Croft, Butterfield and Co
1877 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership between the undersigned, George Croft, Francis Butterfield, George Wilkinson, and John Butterfield, heretofore carrying on business at Keighley, in the county of York, as Machine Tool Makers, under the style of Croft, Butterfields, and Wilkinson, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to or owing by the firm will be received and paid by the said Francis Butterfield and John Butterfield, who will in future carry on the said business on their own account, under the style of F. and J. Butterfield and Co...'[1]
1885 F. and J. Butterfield and Company Limited, Midland Tool Works, Keighley, was registered, with capital of £80,000 to acquire the company.[2]