David Alexander Sheret
David Alexander Sheret (1863-1923)
1923 Obituary [1]
DAVID ALEXANDER SHERET was born in Glasgow on 26th May 1863, and was educated in Newcastle-on-Tyne and at Glasgow University.
He obtained his engineering training at Messrs. Andrew Leslie and Co.'s shipbuilding and engineering works, after which he entered the Royal Indian Marine.
Later he was appointed engineer surveyor to Lloyd's Register, Glasgow District, and subsequently held positions as engineer with various firms.
In 1901 he was appointed engineer-in-charge of the marine department of the Colonial Service in S. Nigeria. This post he relinquished to start in business on his own account as consulting engineer and agent in Newcastle-on-Tyne, and was the proprietor of the "Shere" Flange which is applicable to fuel heating on board ship.
This flange he was actively engaged in developing up to the time of his death which took place on 18th May 1923, in his sixtieth year.
He became an Associate Member of this Institution in 1912.