David King and Sons

of Keppoch Iron Works, Denmark Street, Possilpark, Glasgow, N, Scotland. Telephone: Douglas 3300 (3 lines). Telegraphic Address: "King, Glasgow"
1873 Founded by David King, ex-manager of Milton Iron Works.
1873 Bought Saxon Foundry.
1885 New works opened at Possilpark.
1890 The business, plant etc. of Messrs. Brown, Henry and Haddow, range manufacturers, Budhill Ironworks, Shettleston were purchased and transferred.
1914 General ironfounders and sanitary engineers. Specialities: castings for electrical, heating and sanitary engineers; ornamental structural work and builders' castings. Employees 500 to 600. [1]
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Fire-Escape and Service Staircases, straight or spiral, ornamental ironwork, including Building Front Panels, Lamp Pillars, Railings, Rainwater Pipes, Heads and Gutters, Soil Drain and Hot Water Pipes and Connections. (Stand Nos. B.909 and B.810) [2]
1947 Became subsidiary of Federated Foundries.
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Scottish Ironworks.