David Richmond (1858-1903)
David Richmond (c1858 -1903)
1905 Obituary [1]
DAVID RICHMOND, B.A. (Dublin), after serving a pupilage of 3 years to Mr. Alix Richmond, studied at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated in arts, and subsequently engaged in private practice, from 1849 to 1855, chiefly in connection with hydraulic works in Ireland.
In the latter year, he obtained an appointment as Assistant Engineer on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, in which service he remained for 18 years, becoming successively District Engineer and Deputy Chief Engineer of the system.
In 1873 he retired from the profession, and lived at his home in County Down.
He died at Warrenpoint on the 3rd October, 1903.
Mr. Richmond was elected a Member of the Institution on the 7th April, 1868