David Walter Jenkins
David Walter Jenkins (1888-1949)
1950 Obituary [1]
"DAVID WALTER JENKINS, who was born in 1888, received his technical education at the Swansea and Cardiff Technical Colleges, and served a pupilage under the locomotive superintendent of the Rhymney Railway, from 1908 to 1912. On the completion of his articles he continued in the service of the company as a draughtsman for another year, and at the same time acted as principal teacher to the Glamorganshire Education Committee. On his return from America in 1916, where he had been employed as mechanical designer and assistant superintendent to the Dominion Bridge Co, of Montreal, he joined the Royal Navy, and later served in the salvage section as chief motor engineer in charge of repair base.
After acting as manager to the Tin Stamping Co at Port Talbot, he became manager of the Gwalia Tinplate Works, Briton Ferry, Glamorgan, and held this appointment until his death, which occurred on 2nd July 1949.
During the war of 1939-45 he was attached for a period to the Ministry of Supply. Mr. Jenkins, who was the inventor of the Jenkins Alternating Bend Tester, had been an Associate Member of the Institution since 1919."