De Havilland: Hawk Moth

Note: This is a sub-section of De Havilland.
The de Havilland DH.75 Hawk Moth was a 1920s British four-seat cabin monoplane.
Lynx DH.75A Hawk Moth 1929
"This machine is a cabin monoplane capable of carrying a pilot and three passengers, and designed for private touring or for commercial passenger and freight carriage, as. for example, on "feeder " lines connecting with main air routes. The fuselage structure is of welded steel throughout. The wings are arranged with a framework of spruce. As shown at Olympia, the machine was fitted with a 240 horse-power geared Armstrong-Siddeley " Lynx" engine. Its normal fully loaded weight is 3500 lb., of which 525 lb. represents the paying load plus the weight of sufficient fuel- 70 gallons- for a range of 625 miles. At 1000ft. the machine has a maximum speed of 127 m.p.h., and a stalling speed of 53 m.p.h. Its service ceiling is 15,600ft., and its initial rate or climb is 770ft. per minute. The machine may be loaded to a total weight of 3800 lb. without impairing its structural airworthiness. It can be arranged as a seaplane. So arranged, the normal fully loaded weight remains the same 3500 lb.-but the pay load, plus the weight of 70 gallons of fuel, falls from 525 lb. to 315 lb" The Engineer 1929/08/02.
See Also
Sources of Information