Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,573 pages of information and 246,142 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Deakin, Parker and Co

From Graces Guide


1875. Engine for Manchester Corporation.
1877. Vertical engine and boiler.
1877. Horizontal engine.
1882. Horizontal engine with Lindley's expansion gear.
1885. Deakin and Parkers' Compound Engine.

of Sandon Street Engineering Works, 25 Sandon Street, Salford.

Successor to Thomas Dickson (Co)

1869 Advert: 'NEW massive HORIZONTAL ENGINES of modern construction, good materials and workmanship throughout, and beautifully finished, ALWAYS IN STOCK and in progress, sizes from 4 in. to 24 in. Cylinders. Prices very reasonable. Many hundreds at work.-THOMAS DEAKIN, Sandon Works, Broughton-road, Salford, Manchester.'[1]

1875 Horizontal compound engine for the Water Street Works of the Manchester Corporation Health Dept. Cylinders 12" and 18" bore, 3 ft stroke. Another engine was made using the same patterns for the Turkish Government. [2]

1876 Five-horsepower horizontal engine. 7in cylinder and 14in stroke. [3]

1877 Range of combined vertical engines and boilers, 3 to 12 HP[4]

1877 7 HP horizontal engine, 8" bore, 16" stroke. [5]

1879 T. Browett and H. Lindley acquired the business

1880 Advert identifies proprietors as T. Browett and H. Lindley (late of Sir J. Whitworth and Co. Limited)

1884 Name changed to Browett, Lindley and Co

1886 H. Lindley of Sandon Engine Works granted Patent No. 5039 for a method of sharpening milling cutters. [6]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Leeds Mercury - Friday 12 February 1869
  2. 'The Engineer' 29th October 1875
  3. The Engineer of 11th August 1876 p113
  4. 'The Engineer' 19th January 1877
  5. 'The Engineer' 27th April 1877
  6. 'The Mechanical World' September 1886