Dewhurst and Sagar
of Salford
At various times the company appears to have had a number of premises in parts of Salford, including Dawson's Croft, Adelphi, and Broughton.
1844 Salford - nuisance committee - the boiling of bones at the works of Dewhurst and Sagar, at the Adelphi. [1]
1845 Salford Town Council: 'The report of the Nuisance Committee stated that the case of Messrs. Dewhurst and Sagar, of Broughton, whose bone mill had for some time past been the cause of much annoyance, is to be left to arbitration to see whether it really is a nuisance, and if so how it can be abated without discontinuing their trade; and the defendants to abide such order as the arbiters in their discretion should make in reference thereto. The arbiters to be Dr. Lyon Playfair, Dr. Smith, and four barristers from the northern circuit.'[2]
The following information is taken from the website 'Weaste Cemetery Heritage Trail'[3]
1860s: Trading as Dewhurst and Sagar.
1861 Henry Sagar had taken out patents for improvements in machinery for finishing and for tracing cloth and other woven fabrics.
1873 Directory refers to Samuel Dewhurst and Co having works at Blackburn Street, Salford and Samuel's residence as 33, Bridgewater Place.
1881, Slater's Directory records Samuel Dewhurst and Co. Ltd, as manufacturers of patent vellum tracing cloth (Sagar's patent) and of bookbinders cloth, label cloth and beetled twills, bleachers, dyers and finishers.
1891 In business at Broughton Dye Works, Blackburn Street, Salford, with a Manchester office at 21 Dickinson Street.