E. J. and J. Pearson

of Fire Brick Works, Stourbridge, Worcs
Manufacturer of firebricks and fireclay goods at the Delph Works, Brierley Hill, which was their main centre of operation. They also owned the Crown Works, Amblecote; and Tintam Abbey Mines and Works at Brierley Hill. The combined output of these three sites in 1903 was approximately three-quarters of a million firebricks per week. The Company also produced speciality bricks and tiles used in the construction of pottery kilns; glass house pots; gas retorts; crucibles; linings of blast furnaces; etc.
1860 Company founded
1871 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore existing between John Pearson, William Pearson, and Edward Jewkes Pearson, in the trade or business of Fire Brick Manufacturers, at the Delph Timtam Abbey Works, in the parish of Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford, and carried on under the style of E. J. and J. Pearson, has been dissolved from the 20th day of July last past, so fur ns regards the said Edward Jewkes Pearson; and in future the business will be carried on by the said John Pearson and William Pearson, on their separate account...'[1]
1872 John William Thomas joins as MD
1881 Partnership change. '...the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, William Pearson, John William Thomas, and Frederick George Pearson, as Fire Brick Manufacturers, at the Delph and Tintam Abbey Fire Clay and Brick Works situate at the Delph, in the parish of Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford, under the style or firm of E. J. and J. Pearson, and at Amblecote, in the county of Stafford, under the style or firm of Pearson and Co., was, so far as regards the said Frederick George Pearson, dissolved, as on and from the 28th day of November, 1880. The business will in future be carried on by the said William Pearson and John William Thomas, under the same respective style or firm...'[2]
1898 Became a private company
1902 Charles William Thomas, the son of above becomes MD
1957 Acquired J. T. Price and Co - the combined group was named Price-Pearson (Refractories)