Ernest Olaf Henrici (1878- )
1922 Major, late R.E., F.R.Ae.S., F.R.G.S., Assoc.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Fellow of the Optical Society, F.Inst.P., Principal in Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 29, Royal Crescent, London, W.11. T. N.: Park 2044. b. 1878; s. of Prof. O. Henrici, F.R.S.; m. d. of W. M. Mordey (q.v.). Ed. St. Paul's School; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Appointed 2nd Lieut., Royal Engineers, 1896; Telegraph Division, Royal Engineers, South Africa, 1899-1902; Instructor in Electricity, etc., Royal Military Academy, 1903-4. In charge military telephones, etc., Malta, 1905; War Office Staff, 1906-10. Represented War Office on Electrical Plant Committee of Engineering Standards Committee. 1910-14 —Ordnance Survey, Southampton; in charge of levelling division, etc.; Deputy Asst. Dir. of Fortifications and Works, War Office, and Sec. R.E. Ctee., 1916-20; Member of Council, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1914-16. Club: Junior United Service. War Services.—Commanding 19th Co., Royal Engineers, Weymouth, 1914-15; on staff of Signal Service Training Centre, 1915-16; Secretary Royal Engineer Committee, War Office, and Deputy Assistant Director, Fortifications and Works, 1916 to 1920. Member of various committees of the Munitions Inventions Department.