E. T. Holden and Son

of 6 Park Street, Walsall, Staffs (now West Midlands). (1922)
Ditto Address. Telephone: 48 Walsall. Telegrams: "Holden, Walsall". (1929)
Ditto Address and Cables. Telephone: Walsall 2048. (1947)
1796 Edward Holden was born in Walsall in the county of Staffordshire, on 14 April.
1819 He established his business in Park Street as a Saddler, Ironmonger and Currier.
By 1844 Edward Thomas Holden was working in the business
1896/7 Directory: Advertiser. More detail [1]
1922 British Industries Fair Advert as Tanners, Curriers and Japanners. Hogskins selected for all Markets. Manufacturers of Leather suitable for Motor, Saddlery and Bag Trades. Specialities: Japanned Leather in all colours. Motor Hides. Dash Hides. Coach Hides. Also for Upholstery, Bookbinding, Fancy Trades, etc. (Stand No. J.86) [2]
1929 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Leather for Case, Bag, Strap, Belt, Brace, Fancy and Bookbinding Trades. Motor Hides, Head Hides, Furniture Hides (plain and antique). Clothing Leather. Pigskins a speciality. Japanned and Enamelled Leather in all colours. (Stand No. P.85) [3]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Leather for Harness, Saddlery, Travel Goods, Handbags, Wallets, Belts, Braces and Straps. Patent Leather in all Colours. Case, Bag and Strap Leather. Pigskins a Speciality. (Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. 410) [4]