Edmund Joseph Claude Dixon
Edmund Joseph Claude Dixon (c1905- )
1939 A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Executive Engr. with the Air Ministry, Seconded to Air Ministry for Communications Work, Bawdsey Research Station, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Private Address: "Bramerton," Bath Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Age: 34. Career: Post Office Eng. Dept., 1924-25, Probationary Insp.; 1925-35, Asst. Engr., Radio Branch, Engr.-in-Chief's Office and S. Midland Dist.; 1935-37, Executive Engr., In charge of Bristol Eng. Sect. Patents: Improvements in Thermionic Valves, Piezo-Electric Crystal Mountings.