Electric Supply Company of Victoria
of 12, St. John’s Lane, Liverpool.
1900 The company was registered May 26, 1900, and is the owner of electric lighting, power, and tramway concessions in the cities of Ballarat and Bendigo, in the state of Victoria. As regards Ballarat the company took over the undertaking of the Ballarat Electric Supply Company and the Ballarat Tramway Co. Limited, and has the right to supply electric energy for all purposes, within certain districts, for a period of thirty years from February 19, 1901, and also has the right to run tramways for a period of thirty years from certain dates in 1902, 1903, and 1905. As regards Bendigo the company took over the undertaking of the Bendigo Electric Lighting Co. Limited, and the Bendigo Tramways Company, and has the right to supply electric energy for all purposes in certain districts for a period of thirty years from February 19, 1901, and has the right to run tramways for a period of thirty years from December 1, 1899.
1908 Directors: E. K. Muspratt (Chairman), J. S. H. Banner, M.P., F. F. Begg, J. C. Stitt, G. C. Taylor, and J. Taylor. Secretary: G. Sales.