Electricity House
of Bramhope, near Leeds
1938 'Mr. J. E. Rylands, the General Manager, whose speech was greeted with loud cheers, spoke of the pioneer work done during the past two and a half years, and of the Company's future aims and ambitions....Electricity House, which has acted as agent for other concerns in the past, is now an independent company working on its own....Mr. W. B. Woodhouse, Managing Director, compared the new Company with its parents, the Yorkshire Electric Power Company and Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire.'[1]
1940 'Mr. J. E. Rylands. the General Manager, was during the year appointed a director Electricity House, Ltd., in recognition of his services and of the valuable assistance we are receiving from him and his staff. Electricity House, Ltd., has now established 17 shops, and acting for all our associated supply companies.'[2]