Elijah Thomas
Elijah Thomas (c1852-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
ELIJAH THOMAS, Engineer Commander R.N., died on the 10th May, 1904, aged 52.
The younger son of the late Mr. Peter Thomas, of Sheerness, he entered the dockyard there as an Engineer Student in 1868, and was appointed in 1875 an Assistant Engineer in the Royal Navy, becoming successively Engineer, Fleet Engineer, and an Engineer Commander under the new scheme.
For various periods he served on the "Agamemnon," "Firebrand," "Research," "Tourmaline," "Royal Oak," and "Rodney," with intervals at home; and for a time he did temporary duty at Sheerness as Engineer Commander of the Dockyard Reserve.
Throughout his service afloat he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his colleagues and his superior officers.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution on the 7th April, 1891.