Emrys Gwynne James
Emrys Gwynne James (1906-1965)
1939 Residing at Red Gables, Ruislip, a Research Physicist.[1]
1965 October 05th. Died at Wilhelmena Hospital, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
1965 Obituary[2]
"We regret to record the sudden death, of October 5, of Dr. E. G. James, who was head of a research team of scientists at the laboratories of Associated Semiconductor Manufacturers Ltd., Hirst Research Centre, Wembley, and was an international authority on the physics of semiconductors. Before Mullard Ltd. and The General Electric Company Ltd. combined their semiconductor activities in 1962 and formed Associated Semiconductor Manufacturers Ltd. to develop and manufacture Mullard semiconductors, Dr. James was in charge of G.E.C. semiconductor research activities.
Dr. James was born in 1906 at Talybont, Cardiganshire, near Aberystwyth. He was educated at Ardwyn School, Aberystwyth, and the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he took his first and second degrees in physics. He joined the Research Laboratories of The General Electric Company Ltd. in 1934 and became a senior member of the scientific staff. He worked on thermionics and published some significant papers on noise with Dr. N. R. Campbell. During the war Dr. James worked on microwave amplifier valves and crystal mixers, and when the G.E.C. Research Laboratories started work on semiconductors he was put in charge of this work. His death occurred during a visit abroad to an associated company of Associated Semiconductor Manufacturers Ltd."