Engineering 1874 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1874 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1874 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ADJUSTABLE Jaws, Vice with, 448
- "A. G. Nish," Tugboat and Engines of the, for Submerged Chain Towage on the River St. Lawrence. By E. E. Gilbert, Canada Engine Works, Montreal, 224, 228
- Air, Compressed, as a Motive Agent, 293, 315 353 391, 395, 441
- Air Compressor, Sturgeon's High Speed. By Clayton, Son and Howlett, London, 319, 322
- Air, The Properties of, 16, 17
- Air-Heating Apparatus. By J. H. Reinhardt, Wurzburg, 251
- Alexander's Vertical Engine, with Head's Variable Expansion Gear, 4, 5
- Aligning the Sights of Heavy Ordnance, The Proper Method of, 326
- "Almirante Cochrane" and "Valparaiso," The Chilian Ironclads. By Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, Hull, from the Designs of Mr. E. J. Reed, C.B., 492
- Ambulance Carriages, French. By the French Rolling Stock Company, Ivry, 198
- American Railroad Station, The Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, 144
- American River Steamboats, 38, 77
- Ammunition and Ordnance, English, 178
- Anchor, Self-Moving By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- " Anti-Primer," Johnson's, 274
- Apparatus for Cooling Railway Carriages, Sanders's, 371
- Apparatus for Corn-Drying. By Davey, Paxman, and Company, Colchester, 35
- Apparatus, Morgenstern's Gravity-Equation, 432
- Apparatus for Preventing Scale, Field's, 114
- Apparatus for Reducing Ores. By F. Dingey, Truro, 378, 379
- Apparatus for Retort Charging and Drawing at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 266
- Apparatus, Screw-Lifting, for the " Britannic," s.s. By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 398
- Arched Bridges, Upright, 291, 292, 330, 331, 332, 348, 349, 396
- Arctic Expedition; Hoisting Arrangement for the Propeller of the " Pioneer," 494
- Armitage's Corn Drill, Details of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Artillery, Heavy Swedish; the 9.448 in. Gun, 159, 162
- Ascension Pipes, Stoppages in, 96
- Atmospheric Transmission, 293, 315, 353, 391, 395, 441
- Austrian Safety Catch for Cranes. 274
- Automatic Gear-Cutting and Wheal Dividing Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 275, 282
- Automatic Machines, Weaving without the Aid of, 271
- Automatic Railway Carriage Cooling Apparatus, Cooke's, 238, 239
- Aveling's Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Aveling's Wagon for use with Traction Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 454
- Band-Saw with Compensating Bearings. By A. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 170
- Band-Saw for Cutting Iron. By J. J. Rioter and Company, Winterthur, 174, 175
- Barrel Staves, Cylindrical Saws for Cutting. By B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, Plan of the, 229
- Barrow-In-Furness, Plan of Docks at, 186
- Beckton Gas Works, Gas Exhauster at. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
BEDFORD, THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT (See Show of the Royal Agricultural Society at Bedford) :
- Brick Press, 64
- Clydone Turnip Thinner, 46
- Dennis's High-Pressure Valve, 84
- Details of Armitage's Corn Drill, 46
- Details of Beverley Portable Engine, 54
- Eight Furrow Turnwrest Plough, 92, 94
- Engine and Windlass for Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System, 69
- Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums, 73
- Horse Dynamometer, 22
- Howard's Safety Boiler, 72, 73
- Plan of Trial Fields and Show Yard, 23
- Portable Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 26, 34
- Roots' Blower and Engine, 54
- Safety Drum for Thrashing Machines, 27
- Self-Feeding Apparatus for Thrashing Machines, 55
- Sell-Moving Anchor, 69
- Steel Clips for Screens, 56
- Stone-Breaking Machines for Preparing Road Metal, 19
- Traction Engines, 42, 43
- Twelve-Horse Ploughing Engine, 56
- Universal Steam Pump, 47
- Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 40 •
- Variable Expansion Gear, 66
- Vertical Boiler, 34
- Water Waste Preventer, 55
- Windlass for Steam Cultivation, 50
- Berry's Radial Drilling and Boring Machine, 68
- Bertram's Revolving Pulp Strainer, 402
- Bessemer Blowing Engines, Diagrams of, 167
- "Bessemer," Channel Steamship, Section of Suspended Saloon of the, 475
- "Bessemer" Saloon, Gyroscopic Controlling Gear for the, 286
- Black's Tank Locomotive for the 2 ft. Gauge, 220
- Blair's Process for the Manufacture of Iron Sponge, 132
- Blast Furnace Hoist for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, Burmah. By J. Farmer, Manchester, 474
- Blast Furnaces and Engine House, Elevation of, for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, Burmah. By It. H. Holgate, 470
- Blower and Engine, Roots'. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Blowing Engines for Blast Furnaces at the Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, Plan of the, 229
- Blowing Engines, Plan of, for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, Burmah. By R. H. Holgate, 470
- Boby's Steel Clips for Wire Screens, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 66
- Boiler, High-Pressure Marine. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- Boiler, Howard's Safety. By the Barrow Shipbuilding Company, Barrow-in-Furness, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 72, 73
- Boiler, Vertical. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 34
- Boilers in the Royal Navy; Indicator Diagram, 283
- Boilers, Safety, 369
- Boilers, Vertical, 86
- Bolt and Stud-End Cutter. By J. Nelson, Sunderland, 352
- Boring Machine, Horizontal. By W. Furness and Company, St. Helen's, 327
- Boring Machine, Horizontal. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 368
- Bottoms, Converter, Holley's Mode of Setting, 211
- Breechloading Ordnance, English, 214
- Brick Press. By J. Whitehead and Company, Preston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Brickmaking Machinery, Semi-dry. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, Loudon, 199, 202, 203
- Bridge, The Niagara Suspension, 158
- Bridge over the River Wanganui, New Zealand. By G. R. Stephenson, 235
- Bridge, Skew, over the Morris Canal. Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. By the Phillipsburg Manufacturing Company, 182
- Bridge, The Victoria Swing, Leith. By A. M. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433, 436, 437, 444
- Bridges, Swing and Draw, at the Middlesbrough Docks, Details of, 341, 342
- Bridges, Upright Arched, 291, 292, 380, 331, 332, 343, 349, 396
- "Britannia" Vertical Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By Grover and Company, London, 375
- "Britannic," The Screw Steamer. By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 398, 406
- Brotherhood's Steering Gear for the Channel. Steamer " Castalia," 394
- Bryn Mawr Station, The, Pennsylvania Railroad, U.S.A., 144
- Buttgenbach's Cap for Exhaust Pipes, 429
- Cardiff, Map of the Port of, 120
- Carriage Cooling, Indian Railways, 175, 238, 239, 333, 371
- Carriage and Gun, the 9.448 in. Naval : Swedish Heavy Artillery, 162
- Carriage, Sleeping, Details of; East Indian Railway. By the Company, at Howrah, 318
- Carrington's Wire Tramway at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway, 308, 309
- " Castalia," Channel Steamer, Steering Gear for the. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Catch for Cranes, Safety, 274
- Central Station, Liverpool, Roof of the. By J. Fowler, and W. M. Brydone, 64, 65
- Chain, Submerged, Towage on the River St. Lawrence; -Engines of the Tugboat " A. G. Nish.' By E. E. Gilbert, Canada Engine Works, Montreal, 224, 228
- Channel Steamship, The " Bessemer;" Section of Suspended Saloon, 475
- Charging and Drawing Retorts at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow, Apparatus for. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 266
- Chemicals and Sugar, Filter Presses for. By A. L. G. Dehoe, Halle-on-the-Saale, 890
- Chilian Ironclads, The "Almirante Cochrane" and " Valparaiso." By Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Hull, from the Designs of Mr. E. J. Reed, C.B., 492
- " Chusan and " Mary," The Wreck of the, 392, 393, 482
- Circular Quay, Sydney, New South Wales, Plan of Proposed Improvements for, 387
- Clamond's Thermo-Electric Generator, 478
- Claridge's Engine for Driving Forge Train at the King of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah, 497
- Claridge's Merchant Mill and Engine for the King of Airmail's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah, 488, 489
- Clarkson's Steam Pump, 210
- Clayton's Horizontal Engine, at the Smithfield Show, 462
- Clayton's Semi-dry Brickmaking Machinery, 199, 202, 203
- Clayton's Variable Expansion Gear at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Clydone Turnip Thinner, The, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Cockburn's Equilibrium Safety Valve, 501 Cofferdams at the Middlesbrough Docks, 290
- Colladon's Gas Compressor; Lighting Railway Trains by Gas, 360
- Cologne and its Industries, 366
- Combined Planing and Moulding Machine. By W. Furness and Company, Liverpool, 327
- Combined Planing and Slotting Machine at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Communication in Railway Carriages, Mr. Sanders's Plan for, 871
- Compensating Bearings, Band-Saw with. By A. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 170
- Compound Engines with Receiver v. Expansive Engines, 265
- Compressor, Air, Sturgeon's High Speed. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 319, 822
- Controlling Gear, Gyroscopic, for the " Bessemer"
- Saloon, 286
- Converter Bottoms, Holley's Mode of Setting, 211
- Cooke's Automatic Railway Carriage Cooling Apparatus, 238, 239
- Cooling Railway Carriages, Indian, 175, 238, 239, 333, 371
- Corliss Engine, Horizontal. By the Graglich Stelberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 140, 141
- Corn Drill, Details of. By A. Armitage, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Corn-Drying Apparatus. By Davey, Paxman, and Company, Colchester, 35
- Counterbalance, Pneumatic, for Winding Engines. By C. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Cowl for Exhausting Air from the Interior of Railway Carriages. By S. B. Newton, 239
- Crampton Puddling Furnace, The, 80, 81, 82, 84
- Crampton Puddling Furnace; Arrangements for Distributing the Powdered Fuel, 81, 82, 84
- Crampton's Revolving Furnace, 211
- Crane Jibs, Weichum's Method of Mounting, 167
- Cranes, Safety Catch for, 274
- Cut Nail Machine, Self-Feeding. By J. Lawrence, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 152
- Cutter, Bolt and Stud-End. By J. Nelson, Sunderland, 362
- Cutting Iron, Band-Saw for. By J. J. Rioter and Company, Winterthur, 174,176
- Cylindrical Saws for Cutting Barrel Staves. By B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Daglish's Horizontal Boring Machine, 227
- Damask Weaving, 337
- Damasks, Draw Loom for Weaving, 374
- Davey's Corn-Drying Apparatus, 36
- Davis's Mining Dial, 500
- Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow, Retort Charging and Drawing Apparatus at the.. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, "66
- Dehne's Filter Presses for Chemicals and Sugar, 390
- De Negri's Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 336
- Dennis's High-Pressure Valve at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 84
- Dennis's Water Waste Preventer, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Designs and Patterns for Diaper Weaving, 29.7
- Diagram of Draw-Loom for Hand-Loom Weaving, 337
- Diagram showing Outline of the 81-Ton Gun, 429
- Diagram of Strains of Centre Span of St. Louis Bridge, Missouri, 349
- Diagrams of British, Prussian, Russian, and French Guns, 429
- Diagrams of the Form, Endurance, and Manufacture of American nails, 369
- Diagrams, indicator, from Bessemer Blowing Engines, 167
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of H.M.S. " Himalaya," 479
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of H.M.S.' "Jumna," 136
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of Our Indian Troopships, 485, 487
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of H.M.S. " Raleigh," 247
- Diagrams, Indicator, from Ransome's Portable Engine, 34
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of the Screw Steamship " Ferdinand Vaudertaelen," 250
- Diagrams, Indicator, from the Engines of the Steamship " Propontis," 129
- Diagrams, Indicator, from Sturgeon's High-Speed Air-Compressor. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 319 . Diagrams of Keys and Keyways, 346, 358, 378
- Diagrams of Strains on Upright Arched Bridges, 291, 292, 330, 331, 332, 349
- Dial, Mining. By Davis and Son, Derby, 500
- Diaper Weaving, 297
- Dingey's Pulveriser, 378, 379
- Disinfector, The Universal, 352
- Disintegrator, Norton and Hawkesley's, 407
- Distributing the Powdered Fuel for the Crampton Puddling Furnace, Arrangements for, 81, 82, 84
- Distributing and Receiving Apparatus, Horizontal; Paris Pneumatic Telegraphs, 391, 395, 441
- Docks at Barrow-in-Furness, Plan of, 186
- Docks, The Middlesbrough, 278, 279, 290,296, 300, 301, 341, 342, 379
- Docks, Middlesbrough, Staiths at the, 379
- Dome of the Observatory at Orwell Park, 259 Domes, Steam, 63
- Door Apparatus for Cooling Railway Carriages. By Assistant-Surgeon E. Drew, 333
- Dovetailing Machine. By the Sachsische Maschinen-fabrik, Chemnitz, 137
- Draw Loom for Weaving, 425
- Draw Loom for Weaving Damasks, 374
- Draw Loom, The, for Hand-Loom Weaving, 337 Draw and Swing Bridges at the Middlesbrough. Docks, Details of, 341, 342
- Drew's Apparatus for Cooling Railway Carriages,. 333
- Drill-Grinding Machine. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 12, 13
- Drilling Machine, Radial. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 386, 387
- Drilling, Radial, and Boring Machine. By F. Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, 68
- Drum for Thrashing Machines, Safety. By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Drying Corn, Apparatus for. By Davey, Paxman, and Company, Colchester, 35
- Dunlop's Pneumatic Governor for Marine Engines, 187
- Dynamometer, Horse, Employed by the Royal Agricultural Society at Bedford. By Eastons and Anderson, London, 22
- East Indian State Railway, Details of Sleeping Carriage for the. By the Company, at Howrah, 318
- Eastons and Anderson's Horse Dynamometer, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 22
- Eight-Furrow Turnwrest Plough. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 92. 94
- Eighty-one Ton Gun, The, 429
- Electrotyping Machines, Gramme's, 412, 413 •
- “Emirghian,” Steam Yacht, for H. H. the Khedive of Egypt. By J. S. White, Cowes, 148, 149
- Empson's High-Pressure Marine Boiler, 428
- Engine and Blower, Roots'. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Engine, Corliss Horizontal. By the Graflich Stolberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 140, 141
- Engine for Driving Forge Train, at the King of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah. By Claridge and Company, Bilston, 497
- Engine, Floating Fire, for Sunderland. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 243
- Engine, Horizontal, at the Smithfield Show. By Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, 462
- Engine, Horizontal, with Variable Expansion Gear. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 336
- Engine and Merchant Mill for the King of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah. By Claridge and Company, Bilston, 488, 489
- Engine, Petroleum. By J. Hock, Vienna, 242; 243
- Engine, Portable, Details of. By the Beverley' Iron and Wagon Company, Beverley, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Engine, Portable, with Variable Expansion Gear. By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, 26, 34
- Engine, Portable Winding. By Marshall, Sims and Company, Gainsborough, 155
- Engine, Ransome's Portable, with Variable Expansion Gear, 26, 34
- Engine, Semi-Portable, at the Smithfield Show. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, 450, 451
- Engine, Semi-Portable Winding. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 424
- Engine, Steam Fire, for the London Fire Brigade. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- Engine, Three-Cylinder. By P. W. Willans, Greenwich, 221
- Engine, Three-Horse Pox table, at the Smithfield Show. By Wallis and Steevens, Basingstoke, 455
- Engine, Traction. By John Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 42, 43
- Engine, 12-Horse Ploughing. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 58
- Engine, Vertical, with Head's Variable Expansion Gear. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4, 5
- Engine, Vertical, with Variable Expansion Gear. By Grover and Company, London, 375
- Engine and Windlass for Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Engines, Bessemer Blowing, Diagrams of, 167 Engines, Traction, Wagon for use with, at the Smithfield Show. By Aveling and Porter, Rochester, 454
- Engines of the Tugboat " A. G. Nish," for Submerged Chain Towage on the River St. Lawrence. By E. E. Gilbert, Canada Engine Works, Montreal, 224, 228
- English Breechloading Ordnance, 214
- English Ordnance and Ammunition, 178 Epicyclic Trains, 449
- Equations, Gravity, Morgenstern's Apparatus for Demonstrating, 432
- Equilibrium Safety Valve. By D. Cockburn and Son, Glasgow, 501
- Escapement, Schoof's Resilient Lever, 254
- Evaporating Pans for Sugar, Halpin and Alliott's. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 356, 357
- Evaporator for Cooling Railway Carriages. By Assistant-Surgeon E. Drew, 333
- Exhaust Pipes, Cap for, 428
- Exhauster, Gas, at the Beckton Gas Works. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
- Expansion Gear, Variable. By Clayton and Shuttleworths, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Expansion Gear, Variable Portable Engine with. By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, 26, 34
- Expansion Gear, Variable, at the Smithfield Show. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, 458
- Expansion Gear, Variable, Vertical Engine with. By Grover and Company, London, 375
- Expansion Valve for Alexander's Ten-Horse horizontal Engine, Detail of, at the Smithfield Show, 452
- Expansive Engines v. Compound Engines with Receivers, 265
- Extension of Docks at Middlesbrough, 278, 279, 290, 296, 300, 301, 341, 342, 379
- Experiments on Shearing Strains of Iron Bolts, 312
- Experiments, Torpedo, on H.M.S. "Oberon," 12G
- Express Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway. By Neilson and Co., Glasgow, 416, 417
- Fabrics, Twilled, The Production of; Hand-Loom Weaving, 111, 112
- Farmer's Blast Furnace Hoist for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, 474
- Farmer's Rail-Straightening and Punching Machine, 496
- Faulkes's Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- " Ferdinand Vandertaelen," Screw Steamship, Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 250
- Field's Scale Preventer, 114
- Filter Presses for Chemicals and Sugar. By A. L. G. Dehne, Halle-on-the-Saale, 390
- Fire Engine, Steam, for the London Fire Brigade. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- Fleet, Our Indian Transport, 485, 487.
- Floating Fire Engine for Sunderland. By Merry-weather and Sons, London, 243
- Forge Train, Engine for Driving, at the King of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah. By Claridge and Company, Bilston, 497
- Form, Endurance, and Manufacture of American Rails, 369
- Four-sided Moulding and Planing Machine. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna, 102
- Fowler's Eight-Furrow Turnwrest Plough, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 92, s4
- Fowler's Roof of the Central Station, Liverpool, 64, 65
- Fowler's Semi-Portable Winding Engine, 424
- Fowler's " Sutherland" Plough, 96
- Fowler's Traction Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 42, 43
- Fowler's Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Fowler's Windlass for Steam Cultivation on the Roundabout System, at the Smithfield Show, 454
- Fame for Spinning Silk. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 98
- Fraser Gun, The 81-Ton, 429
- French Ambulance Carriages. By the French Rolling Stock Company, Ivry, 198
- French Electro - Magnetic Machines. By M: Gramme, 412, 413
- Fuel-Distributing Apparatus for the Crampton Puddling Furnace, 81, 82, 84
- Furnace, The Crampton Puddling; General Arrangement of Plant, 80
- Furness's Combined Planing and Moulding Machine, 327
- Furness's Metallic Packing, 352
- Garrett's Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Gas Exhauster at the Beckton Works. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, London, 287
- Gas, Lighting Railway Trains by; Colladon's gas Compressor, 360
- Gates, Lock, at the Middlesbrough Docks, 296, 300, 301
- Gear-Cutting and Wheel-Dividing Machine, Automatic. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 275, 282
- Gear, Gyroscopic Controlling, for the "Bessemer" Saloon, 286
- Generator, A Thermo-Electric, 478
- Girder Piers of Skew Bridge over the Morris Canal, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. By the Phillipsburg Construction Company, 182
- Goods Locomotive for the Royal Hungarian State Railways. By the Royal Hungarian State Railways Company, Pesth, 258
- Governor for Marine Engines, Pneumatic. By Cunliffe and Dunlop, Port-Glasgow, 187
- Gramme's Magneto-Electric Machine, 412. 413
- Grant's Arrangement for Keeping Window Tattles of Railway Carriages Moist, 238
- Gravity-Equation Apparatus, Morgenstern's, 432
- Grinding Machine for Drills. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 12, 13
- Grover's Vertical Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 375
- Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums. By Garrett and Sons, Leiston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Gun, The 81-Ton, 429
- Gun, The 9.448: Heavy Swedish Artillery, 159, 162
- Gun, 7-in. Muzzle-Loading and Carriage, The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Guns, English Breechloading, 214
- Gwynne's Gas Exhauster at the Beckton Gas Works, 287
- Gyroscopic Controlling Gear for the Bessemer" Saloon, 286
- Hall's Lever Vice, 5
- Halpin and Alliott's Wetzel Pans for Sugar Manufacture. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 356, 357
- Hammer, Single-Action Steam. By Thwaites and Garbutt, 153
- Hand-Loom Weaving, 111, 112, 217, 271, 297, 337, 374, 425, 467
- Rand-Loom Weaving; The Jacquard Loom, 467
- Hand-Loom Weaving; The Production of Twilled Fabrics, 111, 112
- Hand-worked Slotting Machine, 210
- Harbour at Cardiff, Map of the, 120
- Harbour, Sydney, Plan of Proposed Improvements for, 387
- Harland's Lifting Screw Propeller as Fitted to the s.s. "Britannic," 398, 406
- Hayward's Universal Steam Pump, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 47
- Head's Variable Expansion Gear, Vertical Engine with. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4, 5
- Headles and Treadles for Hand-Loom Weaving, 217
- Heating Air, Apparatus for. By J. H. Reinhardt, Wurzburg, 251
- Heavy Artillery, Swedish; the 9.448 in. Gun, 159, 162
- Hematite Iron and Steel Works, Barrow, Plan of Blowing Engines at the, 229
- H.M.S. "Himalaya," Trials of, 479
- H.M.S. "Jumna," Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 136
- H.M.S. "Oberon," Torpedo Experiments on, 126
- H.M.S. "Raleigh," Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 247
- H.M.S. "Raleigh," The Hirsch Propeller of, 128, 129
- Hick's Sensitive Thermometer, 13
- High-Pressure Marine Boiler. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- High-Pressure Valve. By T. H. P. Dennis and Company, Chelmsford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 84
- High-Speed Air-Compressor, Sturgeon's. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 819, 322 "Himalaya," H.M.S., Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 479
- Hirsch Propeller, The, of H.M.S. " Raleigh," 128, 129
- Hock's Petroleum Engine, 242, 243
- Hoist, Blast Furnace, for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, Burmah. By J. Farmer, Manchester, 474
- Hoisting Arrangement for the Propeller of the " Pioneer," Arctic Exploring Ship, 494
- Holley's Mode of Setting Converter Bottoms, 211
- Horizontal Boring Machine. By R. Daglish and Company, St. Helen's, 827
- Horizontal Boring Machine. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 368
- Horizontal Conies Engine. By the Graflich Stolberg Wernigerodische Faktorei, Ilsenburg, Harz, 140, 141
- Horizontal Engine, at the Smithfield Show. By Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, 462
- Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 336
- Horizontal Receiving and Distributing Apparatus; Paris Pneumatic Telegraphs, 391, 393, 441
- Horse Dynamometer Employed by the Royal Agricultural Society at Bedford. By Eastons and Anderson, London, 22
- Hospital Railway Wagons, French. By the French Rolling Stock Company, Ivry, 198
- Howard's Engine and Windlass for Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Howard's Safety Boiler. By the Barrow Shipbuilding Company, Barrow-in-Furness, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 72, 73
- Howard's Self-Moving Anchor, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Howard's 12-Horse Ploughing Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 58
- Howard's Windlass for Steam Cultivation, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 50
- Hungarian Goods Locomotive for the Royal Hungarian State Railways. By the Royal Hungarian State Railways Company, Pesth, 258
- Hydraulic Rivetter, Tweddell's Portable. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 93, 117, 124, 130
- Indian State Railways, Tank Locomotive for the. By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 61, 84, 85, 88 Indian Troopships, Our, 485, 487
- Industries at Cologne, 866
- Iron, Band-Saw for Cutting. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 174, 175
- Iron Bolts, Experiments on Shearing Strains of, 312
- Iron Manufacture, Rolling 11111 Machinery, 74, 76
- Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway, Wire Tramway for. By W. T. H. Carrington, 308, 309
- Iron Sponge, Blair's Process for the Manufacture of, 132
- Iron Works for the King of Burmah, near Mandalay, Burmah. 470, 471, 474, 488, 489, 497
- Ironclads The Chilian, " Almirante Cochrane" and " Valparaiso." By Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Hull, from the Designs of Mr. E. J. Reed, C.B., 492
- Jacquard Apparatus for Weaving, The, 425
- Jacquard Loom, The; Hand-Loom Weaving, 967
- Jibs, Crane, Weichum's Method of Mounting, 167
- Johnson's " Anti-Primer," 274
- Joliet, Steel and Iron 1{ail and Blooming Mill u t. 74
- Joliet Works, General Arrangement of the Steel Department of the, 74
- Jones's Universal Disinfector, 352
- "Jumna," H.M.S., Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 136
- Keys and Keyways, 346, 358, 378
- King of Burmah, Iron Works for the, near Mandalay, Burmah, 470, 471, 474, 488, 489, 497
- Launch, Steam, for Laying the Shore Ends of Telegraph Cables. By Yarrow and Hedley, Poplar, 195
- Lawrence's Self-Feeding Nail Machine, 1.52
- Leith, The Victoria Swing Bridge at. By A. M. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433, 436, 437, 444
- Lever Escapement, Schoof's Resilient, 254
- Lever Vice. By Mr. Hall, New York, 5
- Life Raft, Roper's, 409
- Lighting Railway Trains by Gas : Colladon's Gas Compressor, 360
- Lock Gates at the Middlesbrough Docks, 296, 300, 301
- Locomotive, Express, for the North-Eastern Railway. By Neilson and Company, Glasgow, 416, 417
- Locomotive, Goods, for the Royal Hungarian State Railways. By the Royal Hungarian State Railways Company, Pesth, 258
- Locomotive, 'rank, for the Indian State Railways. By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 61, 84, 85, 88
- Locomotive, Tank, for the 2-ft. Gauge. By Black, Hawthorn and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Loom, Draw, for Weaving Damasks, 374
- Loom, the Jacquard; Hand-Loom Weaving, 467
- London Fire Brigade, Steam Fire Engine for the. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- Machine, Automatic Gear-Cutting and Wheel-Dividing. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia., 275, 282
- Machine, Combined Slotting and Planing, at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Machine, Disintegrating. By Norton and Hawkesley, 407
- Machine, Dovetailing. By the Sachsische Maschinen-fabrik, Chemnitz, 137
- Machine, Drill-Grinding. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 12, 13
- Machine, Four-sided Moulding and Planing. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna, 102
- Machine, Band-worked Slotting, 210
- Machine, Horizontal Boring. By W. Furness and Company, St. Helen's, 327
- Machine, Horizontal Boring. By Pfaff and Company, Vienna, 368
- Machine, Planing and Moulding. By W. Furness and Company, Liverpool, 327
- Machine, Radial Drilling and Boring. By F . Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, 68
- Machine, Radial Drilling. By J. J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 386, 387
- Machine, Rail-Straightening and Punching. By J. Farmer, Manchester, 496
- Machine for Silk-Drawing. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 106
- Machine, Silk Sett or Slivering. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8
- Machine, Silk Spreading. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8
- Machinery, Paper, 402, 403
- Machinery, Semi-dry, Brickmaking. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 199, 202, 203
- Machinery for Treating Silk Waste. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8, 98, 99, 106
- Machines, Stone-Breaking, for Preparing Road Metal. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 19
- Magneto-Electric Machine, The Gramme, 412, 413
- Manufacture of Iron Sponge, Blair's Process for the, 132
- Map of the Port of Cardiff, 120
- Marine Boiler, High-Pressure. By J. Empson and Company, Hamburg, 428
- Marine Engines, Pneumatic Governor for. By Cunliffe and Dunlop, Port-Glasgow, 187
- Marshall's Portable Winding Engine, 155
- Merchant Mill and Engine, for the King of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah, By Claridge and Company, Bilston, 488, 489
- Merryweather's Floating Fire Engine for Sunderland, 243
- Merryweather's Steam Fire Engine for the London Fire Brigade, 340
- Metallic Packing, Furness's, 352
- Middlesbrough Docks, Lock Gates at the, 296, 300, 301
- Middlesbrough Docks, 278, 279, 290, 296, 300, 3C1, 341, 342, 379
- Middlesbrough Docks, Staiths at the, 379
- Mill Machinery, Rolling, 74, 76
- Mill, Merchant, and Engine, for the ling of Burmah's Iron Works, near Mandalay, Burmah. By Claridge and Company, Bilston, 488, 489 41,
- Mill, Rail, of the Pennsylvania Steel Company at Harrisburg, U.S.A., 76
- Mines, Iron, near Aalsund, Norway, Wire Tramway for. By W. T. H. Carrington, 308, 309
- Mining Dial. By Davis and Son, Derby, 500
- Morgenstern's Gravity-Equation Apparatus, 432
- Morris Canal, Newark., New Jersey, U.S.A.. Skew Bridge over the. By the Phillipsburg Manufacturing Company, 182
- Motor, Siemens' Steam, 179
- Moulding and Planing Machine, Combine& By W. Furness and Company, Liverpool, 327
- Moulding and Planing Machine, Four-sided. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna, 102
- Mounting Crane Jibs, Weichum's Method of, 167
- Muzzle-Loading 7-in. Gun and Carriage. The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Nail Machine, Self-Feeding. By J. Lawrence, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 152
- Narrow-Gauge Tank Locomotive. By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Naval Gun and Carriage, the 9.448 in.: Swedish Heavy Artillery, 159, 162
- Neilson's Bolt and Stud-End Cutter, 352
- Neilson's Express Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway, 416, 417
- Newton's Cowl for Exhausting Air from the Interior of Railway Carriages, 23u
- Niagara Suspension Bridge, 'I he, 158
- Norton and Hawkesley's Disintegrator, 407
- " Oberon," H.M.S., Torpedo Experiments on, 126
- Observatory at Orwell Park, Dome of the, 239
- Ordnance and Ammunition, English. 178
- Ordnance, English Breechloading, 214
- Ordnance, Heavy, The Proper Method of Aligning the Sights of, 32G
- Ores, Apparatus for Reducing. By F. Dingey, Truro, 378, 379
- Our Indian Troopships, 485, 487
- Owen's Pneumatic Counterbalance for Winding Engines, 233
- Packing, Furness's Metallic, 352
- Pans, Evaporating, for Sugar Manufacture, Halpin and Alliott’s. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 356, 357
- Paper Machinery. 402, 403
- Paris Pneumatic Telegraph; Receiving and Distributing Apparatus, 391, 395, 441
- Passenger Express Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway. By Neilson and Company, Glasgow, 416, 417
- Pattern for Damask Weaving', 337
- Patterns and Designs for Diaper Weaving, 297
- Patterns for Weaving Satins and Satinets, 271
- Patterns for Weaving Twirl., 111
- Pennsylvania Railroad, U.S.A., The Bryn Mawr Station on the, 144
- Pennsylvania Steel Company at Harrisburg, U.S A., Rail Mill of the, 76
- Petroleum Engine. By J. Hock, Vienna, 242, 243
- Pfaff's Horizontal Boring Machine. 368
- " Pioneer," Arctic Exploring Ship, Hoisting Arrangement for the Screw Propeller of the, 494
- Plan of Docks at Barrow-in-Furness, 183
- Plan of Proposed Improvements for Sydney Harbour, 387
- Plan of Trial Fields and Show Yards at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 23
- Planing and Moulding Machine, Combined. By W. Furness and Company, Liverpool, 327
- Planing and Moulding Machine, Four-sided. By the Engine and Wagon Construction Company, Simmering, near Vienna, 102
- Planing and Slotting Machine, Combined, at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Plough, Eight-Furrow Turnwrest. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 92, 91
- Plough, The "Sutherland." By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 96
- Ploughing Engine, 12-Horse. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 458
- Pneumatic Counterbalance for Winding Engines. By C. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Pneumatic Governor for Marine Engines. By Cunliffe and Dunlop, Port-Glasgow, 187
- Pneumatic Transmission, 293, 315, 353, 391, 395, 441
- Port of Cardiff, Map of the, 120
- Portable Engine, Details of. By the Beverley Iron and Wagon Company, Beverley, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Portable Engine, Three-Horse, at the Smithfield Show. By Wallis and Stevens, Basingstoke, 455
- Portable Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, 26, 34
- Portable Hydraulic Rivetter, Tweddell's, as applied to Bridge Work. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 117, 124, 130
- Portable Winding Engine. By Marshall, Sous, and Company, Gainsborough, 155
- Power Reel for Silk Yarn. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 106
- Press, Brick. By J. Whitehead and Company, Preston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Presses, Filter, for Chemicals and Sugar. By A. L. G. Dehne, Halle on-the-Saale, 390
- Propeller of H.M.S. " Raleigh," The Hirsch, 1'28, 119
- Propeller, The Screw, 142
- Proper Method, The, of Aligning the Sights of Heavy Ordnance, 326
- Properties of Air, 16, 17
- Puddling Furnace, The Crampton; Arrangements for Distributing the Powdered Fuel, $1, 82, 84
- Puddling Furnace, The Crampton; General Arrangement of Plant, 80
- Pulp Strainer, Revolving. By J. Bertram and Son, Edinburgh, 402
- Pulp Strainer, Steinmayer's, 403
- Pulp Strainer, Wanders, 403
- Pulveriser. By F. Dingey, Truro, 878, 379
- Pump for Raising Heavy Tar, Worth's, 114
- Pump, Steam. By Clarkson Brothers, Glasgow and Maryhill, 210
- Pump, Steam. By A. Schmid, Zurich, 262
- Punching and Rail-Straightening Machine. By J. Farmer, Manchester, 496
- Punkahs in Railway Carriages, Sanders's Plan of Working, 371
- Radial Drilling and Boring Machine. By F. Berry and Sons, Sowerby Bridge, 68
- Radial Drilling Machine. By J. J. Rioter and Company, Winterthur, 386, 387
- Radiation Thermometers, Solar, 93
- Raft for Saving Life at Sea, Roper's, 409
- Rail Mill of the Pennsylvania Steel Company at Harrisburg, U.S.A., 76
- Railroad Station, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., The Bryn Mawr, 144
- Rail-Straightening and Punching Machine. By J. Farmer, Manchester, 496
- Railway Ambulance Carriages. French. By the French Rolling Stock Company, Ivry, 198
- Railway Carriage Cooling, Indian, 175, 238, 239, 333, 371
- Railway Carriages, Sanders's Apparatus for Cooling, 371
- Railways, Indian State, Tank Locomotive for the. By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 61, 84, 85, 88
- Railway Trains, Lighting by Gas: Collation's Gas Compressor, 360
- Raising Heavy Tar, Worth's Pump for, 114
- Ransome's Portable Engine, Diagrams of. 34
- Ransome's Portable Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 26, 34
- Ransome's Safety Drum for Thrashing Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Receiving and Distributing Apparatus, Horizontal. Paris Pneumatic Telegraphs, 391, 395, 441
- Reinhardt's Air-Heating Apparatus, 251
- Resilient Lever Escapement, School's, 254
- Retort Charging and Drawing Apparatus at the Dawsholm Gas Works, near Glasgow. By W. Foulis, Glasgow, 266
- Revolving Furnace, Crompton's, 211
- Revolving Pulp Strainer. By J. Bertram and Son, Edinburgh, 402
- Rieter's for Cutting Iron, 174, 175
- Rieter's Radial Drilling Machine, 386, 387
- River Steamboats, American, 38, 77
- River Wanganui, New Zealand, Bridge over the. By G. R. Stephenson. 235
- Rivetter, Tweddell's Portable Hydraulic. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 93, 117, 124, 130
- Road Metal, Stone-Breaking Machines for Preparing. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 19
- Robey's Semi-Portable Engine, at the Smithfield Show, 4.50, 451
- Robey's Vertical Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 34
- Rolling Mill Machinery, 74, 76
- Roof of the Central Station, Liverpool. By J. Fowler and W. M. Brydone, 64, 6.5
- Roots' Blower and Engine. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Roper's Life 1:aft, 409
- Roving Frame, Screw Gill, for Silk. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 99
- Roundabout System. Windlass for Steam Cultivation on the, at the Smithfield Show. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 454
- Russian Hand-worked Slotting Machine, 210
- Russian Vice with Adjustable Jaws, 448
- Ruston's Self-Feedings Apparatus for Thrashing Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Ruston's Variable Expansion Gear, at the Smithfield Show, 458
- Safety Boiler, Howard's. By the Barrow Shipbuilding Company, Barrow-in-Furness, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 72, 73 Safety Boilers, 359
- Safety Catch for Cranes, 274 •
- Safety Drum for Thrashing Machines. By Ransomes, Sims, and Heed, Ipswich, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Safety Valve, Equilibrium. By D. Cockburn and Son, Glasgow, 501
- Safety Valves, 44.5.463
- St. Louis Bridge, Missouri, Diagram of Strains on the Centre Span of the, 349
- Sanders's Apparatus for Cooling Railway Carriages, 371
- Satins and Satinets, Patterns for Weaving, 271
- Saw, Band, with Compensating Bearings. By A. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 170
- Saw, Band, for Cutting Iron. By J. J. Rioter and Company, Winterthur, 174, 175
- Saws for Cutting Barrel Staves, Cylindrical. By B. D. Whitney, Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 313
- Saving Life at Sea, Roper's Life Raft for, 409
- Scale Preventer, Field's, 114
- Schmid's Steam Pump, 262
- Schoof's Resilient Lever Escapement, 254
- Screw Gill Roving Frame fin• Silk. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 99
- Screw-Lifting Apparatus for the s.s. " Britannic." By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 398
- Screw Propeller, The, 142
- Screw Steamer, The " Britannic." By Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 398, 406
- Screw Steamship, " Ferdinand Vandertaelen," Diagrams of, Performance of the, 250
- Self- I- ceding Apparatus for Thrashing Machines. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Self-Feeding Nail Machine. By J Lawrence, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 152
- Self - Moving Anchor. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Sellers' Automatic Gear-Cutting and Wheel-Dividing Machine, 275, 282
- Sellers' Drill-Grinding Machine, 12, 13
- Semi-dry Brickmaking Machinery. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 199, 202, 208
- Semi-Portable Engine, at the Smithfield Show. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, 450, 451
- Semi-Portable Winding Engine. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 424
- Sensitive Thermometers, 13
- Setting Converter Bottoms, Holley's Mode of, 211
- Seven-inch Muzzle-Loading Gun and Carriage, The Vavasseur. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Shearing Strains of Iron Bolts, Experiments on, 312
- Shedding; Hand-Loom Weaving, 217
- Brick Press, 64
- Clydone Turnip Thinner, 46
- Dennis's High-Pressure Valve, 84
- Details of Armitage's Corn Drill, 46
- Details of Beverley Portable Engine, 54
- Eight-Furrow Turnwrest Hough, 92, 94
- Engine and Windlass for Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System, 59
- Guard for Thrashing Machine Drums, 73
- Horse Dynamometer, 22
- Howard's Safety Boiler, 72, 73
- Plan of Trial Fields and Show Yard, 23
- Portable Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 26, 34
- Roots! Blower and Engine, 54
- Safety Drum for Thrashing Machines, 27
- Self-Feeding Apparatus for Thrashing Machines, 55
- Self-Moving Anchor, 59
- Steel Clips for Screens, 56
- Stone-Breaking Machines for Preparing Road Metal, 19
- Traction Engines, 42, 43
- Twelve-Horse Ploughing Engine, 58
- Universal Steam Pump, 47
- Vans for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation, 40
- Variable Expansion Gear, 55
- Vertical Boiler, 34
- Water Waste Preventer, 55
- Windlass for Steam Cultivation, 50
- Expansion Valve, Alexander and Son's Adjustment for, 452
- Horizontal Engine, 462
- Semi-Portable Engine, 450, 451
- Three-Horse Portable Engine, 455
- Variable Expansion Gear, 458
- Wagon for Use with Traction Engines, 454
- Windlass for Steam Cultivation on the Roundabout System, 454
- Siemens' Steam Motor, 179
- Sights of Heavy Ordnance, The Proper Method of Aligning, 326
- Silk Waste, Machinery for Treating. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8, 98, 99, 106
- Single-Action Steam Hammer. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, 153
- Six-Coupled Goods Locomotive for the Royal-Hungarian State Railways. By the Royal Hungarian State Railways Company, Pesth, 258
- Skew Bridge over the Morris Canal, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. By the Phillipsburg Manufacturing Company, 182
- Sleeping Carriage, Details of; East Indian Railway. By the Company, at Howrah, 3l8
- Slotting Machine, Hand-worked, 210
- Slotting and Planing Machine, Combined, at the Barrow Shipbuilding Works. By Fairbairn, Kennedy, and Naylor, Leeds, 263
- Solar Radiation Thermometers, 93
- Spinning Frame for Silk. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 98
- Sponge, Iron, Blair's Process for the Manufacture of, 132
- Staiths at the Middlesbrough Docks, 379
- Station, The Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Railroad, U.S.A. 144
- Station, Liverpool Central. By J. Fowler and, W. M. Brydone, 64, 65
- Steam Cultivation on the Roundabout System, Windlass for, at the Smithfield Show. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 454
- Steam Cultivation, Van for Men Engaged in. By Aveling and Porter, Rochester, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Steam Cultivation, Van for Men Engaged in. By M. Faulkes, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Steam Cultivation, Van for Men Engaged in. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Steam Cultivation, Windlass for. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 50
- Steam Domes, 63
- Steam Fire Engine for the London Fire Brigade. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 340
- Steam Floating Eire Engine for Sunderland. By Merryweather and Sons, London, 243
- Steam Hammer, Single-Action. By Thwaites and Carbutt, Bradford, 153
- Steam Launch for Laying the Shore End of Telegraph Cables. By Yarrow and Hedley, Poplar, 195
- Steam Motor, Siemens', 179
- Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System, Engine and Windlass for. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Steam Pump. By Clarkson Brothers, Glasgow and Maryhill, 210
- Steam Pump. By A. Schmid, Zurich, 262
- Steam Pump, Universal. By Hayward, Tyler, and Company, London, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 47
- Steam Yacht, the "Emirghian," for H.H. the Khedive of Egypt. By J . S. White, Cowes, 148, 149
- Steamboats, American River, 38, 77
- Steamer, " Castalia, ' Steering Gear for the. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Steel Clips for Wire Screens. By R. Boby, Bury St. Edmunds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 66
- Steel Company at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Rail Mill of the, 76
- Steel and Iron Rail and Blooming Mill at Joliet, 74
- Steering Gear for the Chantal Steamer "Castalia." By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 394
- Steinmayer's Pulp Strainer, 401
- Stephenson's Bridge over the River Wanganui, New Zealand, 235 '
- Stone-Breaking Machines for Preparing Road Metal. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 19
- Stoppages in Ascension Pipes, 96
- Strains on Upright Arched Bridges, Diagrams of, 291, 292, 330, 331, 332, 349
- Stud-End and Bolt-Cutter. By J. Nelson, Sunderland, 352
- Sturgeon's High-Speed Air Compressor. By Clayton, Son, and Howlett, London, 319, 322
- Submerged Chain Towage on the River St. Lawrence; Engines of the Tugboat " A. G. Nish." By E. E. Gilbert, Canada Engine Works, Montreal, 224, 226
- Sugar Manufacture, Halpin and Alliott's Wetzel Pans for. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 356, 337
- Suspended Saloon of the Channel Steamship " Bessemer," 475
- Suspension Bridge,, 'he Niagara, 158 "Sutherland" Plot 401, The. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 96
- Swedish Heavy Artillery: the 9.443 in. Gun, 159, 162
- Swing Bridge, The Victoria, Leith. By A. M. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433, 436, 437, 444
- Swing and Draw Bridges at the Middlesbrough Docks, Details of, 341, 342
- Sydney Harbour, Plan of Proposed Improvements for, 387
- Tank for Cooling Railway Carriages. By Assistant-Surgeon E. Drew, 333
- Tank Locomotive for the Indian State Railways. By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 61, 84, 85, 88
- Tank Locomotive for 2-ft. Gauge. By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Tar Pump, Worth's, 114
- Telegraph Cables, Steam Launch for Laying the Shore Ends of. By Yarrow and Hedley, Poplar, 19.5
- Telegraphy, Parisian, 29:3, 315, 353, 391, 395, 441
- Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Air, The, 16, 17
- Thermo-Electric Generator, 478
- Thermometers, Sensitive, 13
- Thermometers, Solar Radiation, 93
- Thrashing Machine Drums, Guard for. By Garrett and Sons, Leiston, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 73
- Thrashing Machine, Self-Feeding Apparatus for. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 65
- Thrashing Machines, Safety Drum for. By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 27
- Three-Cylinder Engine. By P. W. Winans, Greenwich, 221
- Three-Horse Portable Engine at the Smithfield Show. By Wallis and Steevens, Basingstoke, 455
- Thwaites's Blower and Engine, Roots', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 54
- Thwaites's Single-Action Steam Hammer, 153
- Torpedo Experiments on H.M.S. " Oberon," 126
- Towage, Submerged Chain, on the River St. Lawrence; Engines of the Tugboat " A. G .Nish." By E. E. Gilbert, Canada Engine Works, Montreal, 224, 228
- Traction Engine. By John Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 42, 43
- Traction Engines, Wagon for Use with, at the Smithfield Show. By Aveling and Porter, Rochester, 4154
- Trains, Epicyclic, 419
- Tramway, Wire, at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway. By W. T. H. Carrington, 308, 309
- Transmission, Pneumatic, 293, 315, 353, 391, 395, 441
- Treadles and Headles for Hand-Loom Weaving, 217
- Treating Silk Waste, Machinery for. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8, 98, 99, 106
- Trial Fields and Show Yard, Plan of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 23
- Trials of H.M.S. "Jumna;" Indicator Diagrams from the Engines of, 136
- Troopships, Our Indian, 485, 487
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Rivetter, 93
- Tweddell's Portable Hydraulic Rivetter as Applied to Bridge Work. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 117, 124, 130
- Twelve-Horse Ploughing Engine. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 58
- Twilled Fabrics, The Production of; Hand-Loom Weaving, 111, 112
- Twills, Patterns for Weaving, 111
- Two-Foot Gauge, Tank Locomotive for the. By Black, Hawthorn, and Company, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 220
- Tubes for Cooling Railway Carriages. By Assistant-Surgeon E. Drew,;-,33
- Turnip Thinner, The Clydone, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 46
- Turnwrest Plough, Eight-Furrow. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 92, 94
- Upright Arched Bridges, 291, 292, 380, 331, 332, 348, 349, 396
- Universal Disinfector, The, 352
- Universal Steam Pump. By Hayward, Tyler, and Company, London, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 47
- Utilisation of Silk Waste, Machinery for. By Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 8, 98, 99, 106
- Vacuum and Atmospheric Transmission, 2V3, 315, 353, 391, 395, 441
- " Valparaiso" and " Almirante Cochrane," The Chilian Ironclads. By Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Hull, from the Designs of Mr. E. J. Reed, C.B., 492
- Valve, Equilibrium Safety. I3y D. Cockburn and Son, Glasgow, 501
- Valve Gear of Tank Locomotive for the Indian State Railways. By Dubs and Company, Glasgow, 84, 85
- Valve, High-Pressure. By T. H. P. Dennis and Company, Chelmsford, at the Roy41 Agricultural Show, Bedford, 84
- Valves, Safety, 445, 463
- Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation. By Aveling and Porter, Rochester, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation. By M. Faulkes, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Van for Men Engaged in Steam Cultivation. By J. Fowler and Company. Leeds, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 40
- Variable Expansion Gear. By Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Variable Expansion Gear, Horizontal Engine with. By De Negri and Hermann, London, 336
- Variable Expansion Gear, Portable Engine with. By Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Ipswich, 26, 34
- Variable Expansion Gar et the Smithfield Show. By Ruston, Proctor, and Company, Lincoln, 458
- Vavasseur's 7-in. Muzzle-Loading Gun and Carriage. By the London Ordnance Works, Southwark, 103
- Ventilating Indian Railway Carriages, 175, 238, 239, 333. 371
- Vertical Boiler. By Robey and Company, Lincoln, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 34
- Vertical Boilers, 8G Vertical Engine Details. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 5
- Vertical Engine with Head's Variable Expansion Gear. By Alexander and Son, Cirencester, 4, 5
- Vertical Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By Grover and Company, London, 375
- Vice with Adjustable Jaws, 448
- Vice, Lever. By Mr. Hall, New York, 5
- Victoria Swing Bridge at Leith, The. By A. M. Rendel and G. Robertson, 433, 436, 437, 444
- Wagon for use with Traction Engines, at the Smithfield Show. By Aveling and Porter, Rochester, 454
- Wallis and Steeven’s Three-Horse Portable Engine, at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Wanders Pulp Strainer, 403
- Wanganui, The River, New Zealand, Bridge over. By G. R. Stephenson, 235
- Warming Air, Apparatus for. By 3. II. Reinhardt, Wurzburg, 251
- Water Waste Preventer. By T. 11. Dennis and Company, Chelmsford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 55
- Weaving, 111, 112, 217, 271, 297, 337, 374, 425, 467
- Weaving without the Aid of Automatic Machines, 211
- Weichum's Method of Mounting Crane Jibs, 167 Wetzel Pans for Sugar Manufacture, Halpin and Alliott's. By Manlove, Alliott, and Company, Nottingham, 356, 357
- Wheel-Dividing and Gear-Cutting Machine, Automatic. By W. Sellers and Company, Philadelphia, 275, 282
- Wheel-Fastening (Key and Keyways), 316, 358, 378
- Wheelwork Trains, 449
- White's Steam Yacht, The " Emirghian," for II.H. the Khedive of Egypt, 148, 149
- Whitehead's Brick Press at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 64
- Whitney's Band-Saw with Compensating Bear-ings,170
- Whitney's Cylindrical Saws for Cutting Barrel Staves, 313
- Willan's Three-Cylinder Engine, 221
- Windcatcher for Cooling Railway Carriages. By Assistant-Surgeon E. Drew, 333
- Winding Engine, Portable. By Marshall, Eons, and Company, Gainsborough, 155
- Winding Engine, Semi-Portable. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 424
- Winding Engines, Pneumatic Counterbalance for. By C. T. Owen, Chesterfield, 233
- Windlass for Steam Cultivation. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford 50
- Windlass for Steam Cultivation on the Roundabout System, at the Smithfield Show. By J. Fowler and Company, Leeds, 454
- Windlass and Engine for Steam Ploughing on the Roundabout System. By J. and F. Howard, Bedford, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Bedford, 59
- Window Tattles of Railway Carriages, Grant's Arrangement for Keeping Moist, 238
- Wire Tramway at Iron Mines, near Aalsund, Norway. By W. T. 11. Carrington, 308, 309
- Woolwich Arsenal, The 81-Ton Gun at, 429
- Works, Iron, for the King of Burmah. near Mandalay, Burmah, 470, 471, 474, 488, 489, 497
- Worth's Pump for Raising Heavy Tar, 114
- Wreck of the " Chusan" and "Mary," 392, 393, 4S2
- Yacht, Steam, the " Emirghian," for the Khedive of Egypt. By J. S. White, Cowes, 148, 149
- Yarrow's Steam Launch for Laying the Shore Ends of Telegraph Cables, 195
See Also
Sources of Information