Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1876 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ABBOTS Ripton Collisions, The, 78.111, 280
- Abolition of Patents in Holland, The, 488, 496
- Accident at St. George's Hospital; Dangerous Tanks, 535
- Accidents on Prussian Railways in 1874, 285
- Accidents, Railway, Board of Trade Summary of, for 1875, 313
- Accidents on Railways, The Cost of, 470
- Acid. Sulphuric, The Concentration of, 145
- Act, The Artisans' Dwellings, 467
- Action of Light on Silenium, 161
- Acts, The Factory, 233
- Adamson, D., and company's Works, Hyde Junction, 291
- Address, Inaugural, of N. P. Burgh, First President of the Institution of Marine Engineers; Presidential Gems, 198
- Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 25, 46
- Address of Dr. C. W. Siemens at the Mechanical Section of the Conferences at South Kensington, 493
- Addresses of the President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 61, 70, 91, 241, 265
- Admiralty, The First Lord of the, and the " Devastation: 560
- Agricultural Implements at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 499, 524
- Agricultural Machinery; Memorandum from the Agricultural Engineers' Association, 105
- Air-Compressing Pump, Wyllie's, 517
- Air Compressor, Francois and Dubois', 249
- Air Compressor for the St. Gothard Tunnel, 273
- Air Pump and Separate Condenser, Davey's, 37
- Ainscow's Patent Tyre Fastener for Railway Wheels, 376
- Aird, John, 382
- Alarm, Kenyon's Low-Water, 168
- Albert Bridge, The Royal, Proposed, across the River $t. Lawrence, 249
- Alley's Bearing Feelers, 98
- America, Patents in, 145
- American Bessemer Steel Production, 422 '
- American Institute of Mining Engineers (See Engineers, American Institute of Mining)
- American Locomotive Boilers; Report to the " Master Mechanics' Convention," Philadelphia, 517, 530, 567
- American Navy, The, 13
- American Railroads, 2
- American Society of Civil Engineers (See Engineers, The American Society of Civil)
- American Teats of Iron and Steel, 376
- Ammoniacal Liquor, The Valuation of, 515
- Ancient and Modern Water Works, 403, 457, 500
- Aneroid, The; its Construction, Principles, and Uses, 223, 490
- Annual Dinner of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 263
- Annual Meeting of the British Association of Gas Managers, 513
- Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 234
- Apparatus, Scientific, The Exhibition of, 393, 395, 418, 434, 465, 477, 525, 550
- Applied Mechanics; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 550
- Arched Bridge, Wrought-Iron, at Pittsburgh, to. Pa., U.S.A., 529
- Arched Ribs and Suspension Bridges, with their Auxiliaries, 63, 183
- Art and Engineering Science, The Inadequate Union of. Address of Mr. Holley, President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 241, 265
- Art of Measuring, The; Opening Address of Dr. C. W. Siemens at the Mechanical Section of the Conferences, South Kensington, 493
- Artisans' Dwellings Act, The, 467
- Asbestos-Packed Cocks, Dewrance's, 68
- Ashworth's Steam Domes, 433
- Ashworth's Variable Expansion Gear, Horizontal Compound Engine with, 315
- Association, The British Iron Trade, 163, 174
- Athletic Cables, The, 535
- Atlantic, The First Steamer to Cross the, 376
- Atlantic to Pacific, From, 560
- Atom's Combined Duplex Boring, Turning, and Keyway Grooving Machine, 312
- Automatic Block Signals for American Railway TraftiV28
- Babbage's " Economy of Manufactures," 309
- Baird, James, 654
- Balanced Slide Valve, Weatherhogg's 168
- Band Sawing Machine for Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 454
- Banquet at Crewe Works on the Completion of the 2000th Locomotive, 458
- Barker's Hydraulic Brake, 187
- Barker's Self-Landing and Self-Delivering Hoist, 389
- Barrage of the Diver Nile, The, 40, 101, 143, 218, 20, 338, 379
- Band Sawing Machines for Staves, 434
- Chiming and Crozing Staves, 547
- Cross-Cutting Stave Blocks, 453
- Cylinders for Staves, 502
- Jointing and Bevelling Staves, 503 .
- Preparing Ends or Heads, 548
- Rolling or Compressing Staves, 602
- Sawing Flat Staves, 453
- Sawing Stave Blocks. 452
- Trussing or Erecting Barrels, 647
- Bath, Zinc, for Galvanising Iron Wire, Thum's, 481
- Bathometer, A, 259
- Beam Compass, Johnson's, 18,9
- Beam Engine, Corliss (1400 H.P. Nominal) at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 413
- Beam of Light " Weighing" a, 133, 281
- Bearing Feelers, Alley's, 98
- Beckton Gas Works, The Pier and Railway System at, 538
- Belfast Boiler Explosion, The; Report of Mr. MacColl to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 189
- Bells, Lightfoot, and Co's Pumping Engines at Hull Water Works, 433, 461
- Bement's Drilling Machines, 551
- Bement and Sons' Car Wheel Boring Machine, 505
- Berlin Kinematic Models; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 465
- Bessemer Steel Production, American, 422
- Bevelling and Jointing Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 503
- Beyer. Charles, 505
- Bill, The Merchant Shipping, 154, 173, 213, 279, 367, 394
- Bill, The Patent, 193, 215, 258, 265, 393, 417, 441, 472
- Binder, Wood's Sheaf, 68
- Black Sea and the Caspian, H. C. Spalding on the, 350
- Blackburn Boiler Explosion, Mr. Fletcher's Report on the, 6
- Blast Furnace Charging Apparatus, Weimer and Birkenbine's, 98
- Blast Furnace Gases, 262, 275, 306
- Blast Furnace Slag, Glass from, 491
- Blast Furnaces, Inclined Plane and Gallery for, at the Meier Iron Works, at Bessemer, Ill., U.S.A., 462, 486
- Block Signals, Automatic, 428
- Blower, The Cyclops, for Forges, 8
- Board of Trade, The, and Marino Engine Builders, 561
- Board of Trade Report, The, on the Abbotts Ripton Accident, 280
- Board of Trade Summary of Railway Accidents in 1875, The, 313
- Boat, The Thames Steam Ferry, 171
- Boat, Tug, Howden's Double-Screw, 253
- Boats, Tug, Trip-Hook for, 295
- Boiler, Davies' Steam, 175
- Boiler Explosions, The, on Board the Steamship " Propontis," 217
- Boiler Explosions; Communication from the Manchester Steam Users' Association to all Members of Parliament, 288
- Boiler Explosions in 1875; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 201, 221
- Boiler Explosions; Statement of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 162
- Boiler Flues, The Strength of, 511
- Boiler Houses at the Philadelphia Centennial International Exhibition, 324, 331
- Boiler, The Howard, 14
- Boiler, The Lancashire, 370, 397
- Boiler Tube Stoppers, Ley and Shearer's, 26
- Boilers, American Locomotive; Report to the "Master Mechanics' Convention," Philadelphia, 517, 530
- Boilers and Engines of the Russian Circular Ironclad " Novgorod," 275
- Boilers and Engines for U.S. Steam Launch and Cutters at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 436, 509
- Boilers, The, of H.M.S. " Serapis," 215
- Boilers, Internally v. Externally Fired, 5, 21, 56, 84, 175
- Boilers, Steel, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, Galloway's, 455
- Boilers, Steel, The Engineer on, 15
- Boilers, The Strength of, 392, 415, 441, 611, Boilers, Water-Tube, 318, 319
- Boomer and Boschert Press, The, 564
- Boring Curved Nozzles, 376
- Boring, Turning, and Keyway Grooving Machine, Atock's Combined Duplex, 312
- Box Freight Car for the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 444
- Box, Paper, Machinery for Making, 238
- Brake, Barker's Hydraulic, 187
- Breach of Contract : Legal Intelligence, 159
- Breakages in the Direct Cable, The, 196, 535
- Bremerhaven Explosion, The, 134
- Brickmaking Machine, Durand and Marais', 262
- Bridge, The Chenab, 161
- Bridge, The East River, New York, 139
- Bridge Improvements, Stepney Railway, 370,8 420
- Bridge, The Lansdowne Valley, 90
- Bridge, London; Special Meeting of the Court of Common Council, 113
- Bridge, The New Portage, 382
- Bridge, Railway, Oxley Creek, Brisbane, 658
- Bridge over the River Douro, 108, 149
- Bridge, The Proposed Royal Albert, across the River St. Lawrence, 249
- Bridge over the Thames, Proposed Rolling, Bruce's. 188
- Bridge, Wrought-Iron Arched, at Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A., 529
- Bridges, Suspension, and Arched Ribs, with their Auxiliarie4, 63, 183
- Bristol Mining School, The, 564
- British Association of Gas Managers, The (See Gas Managers, The British Association of)
- British Catalogue, The; Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 475
- British bon Trade Association, The, 163, 174
- British Ironclad Navy, The Strength of, 193, 258
- Broadwell Ordnance Company's 16-Pounder Jacketted Field Gun, 17
- Bronze, Manganese, 152
- Brotherhood's Centrifugal Pump and Three-Cylinder Engines, 534
- Brown and Carver's Paper-Cutting Machine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 527
- Brown's Four-Cylinder Engine, 126
- Bruce's Proposed Rolling Bridge over the Thames, 188
- Brunner's Steam Tramcar (Fairlie's System) for Narrow Gauge Tramways, 252
- Brussels International Exhibition, 1876, The, 561
- Bucket-Plunger Pump, Wright's, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 420
- Building and Tools of the Japanese at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 348
- Butler's Emery Wheel, 26
- Cable, The Direct, Breakages in the, 19G
- Cables, The Atlantic, 535
- Cables and Land Lines, Telegraphic, 75, 135
- Cables, Submarine, and International Law, 233
- Cables, Submarine, and Malice, 151, 535
- Cables, Telegraph, The Repairs of, 135
- Canal Lift, Hydraulic, at Anderton, 227 ,
- Capacity of Rolling Stock, The, 425 f!
- Capital and Labour; Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 46
- Car, Box Freight, for the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 444
- Car Wheel Boring Machine. By William B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 605
- Carbon Deposits in Blast Furnaces, 262, 275, 305
- Carlingford Lough and Greenore, 140
- Carlisle and Settle Railway, Opening of the, 439
- Carmichael, James, Dundee, Statue of, 538
- Carriages, Double-Bogie, for the Midland Railway, 532
- Carter's Patent Disintegrator, 129
- Cask-Making Machinery, Richards'. By A. Ran-some and Company, 95
- Casson-Dormoy Puddling Furnace, The, 265
- Caspian and the Black Sea, H. C. Spalding on the, 350
- Casting Siemens-Martin Steel, 293
- Cast-Iron Railway Wheels, 512
- Cast Iron, The Strength and Fracture of, 373
- Catalogue, The British; The Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 475
- Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia (See Exhibition, The Centennial)
- Centrifugal Pump and Brotherhood's Three Cylinder Engines. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 534
- Channel Tunnel, The, and its Effects on the English and Continental Railway Systems, 489
- " Cheap Railways," Longridge's Locomotive, 216, 282, 345
- Chenab Bridge, The, 161
- Chernoff, M, on the Structure of Steel, 559
- Cheshire Lines Committee, The, 301
- Chiming and Crozing Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 547
- Circuit Closers; Notes on Torpedoes, 96, 153, 224, 404
- Circular by the British Commission to the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 33
- Circular Ironclads, 112, 284, 299, 307
- City and Metropolitan Gas Question, The, 55, 258
- Civil Engineers, The Institution of (See Institution of Civil Engineers)
- 35, 64, 102, 167, 210, 249, 303, 356
- Auxiliary Washing House, 356
- Coarse Jigging House, 167
- Coarse Rolls, 104
- Coarse Separation House, 65
- Conveyance of the Ores, 36
- Corliss Engines of the New Dressing Works, 366
- Crushing and Sorting of the Ore, 64
- Dressing Coarser Produce from Coarse Separation, 103
- Fine Jigging House, 210
- Fine Separation, 102
- Middle and Fine Rolls. 167
- New Dressing Works, 85
- Stamp House ("Pocharbeit"), 803
- Cleveland, Notes from, 19, 29; 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 840, 372, 890, 419, 448, 462, 483, 510, 510, 558
- Clyde Shipbuilding in 1875, 18
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, The; Prospects for 1876, 51
- Coal and Materials on Railways, 227
- Coarse Rolling; Clausthal Works, 104
- Coarse Separation; Clausthal Works, 65
- Corks, Dewrance's, Asbestos-Packed, 68
- " Colima," Steamship, Repairing the Crankshaft of the, 492
- Collier and Company's Shearing Machine and Engine, 479
- Collisions, The Abbotts Ripton, 73, 111, 280
- Combined Thrashing and Finishing Machine, Nalder and Nalder's, 207
- Commission, The Railway; Legal Intelligence, 186
- Committee, The Cheshire Lines, 301
- Companies, Joint Stock, in Prussia, 991
- Compass, Johnson's Beam, 139
- Compound Corliss Engine, 187
- Compound Engines, 305
- Compound Horizontal Engine with Ashworth's Variable Expansion Gear, 315
- Compound and Non-Compound Engines; Report of Trials with American Revenue Steamers, 121
- Compound Steam Engine, An Experimental. By B. Donkin and Company, London, 203
- Compound Steam Launch Engines. Designed by N. Selfe, Sydney, 129
- Compressing or Rolling Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 502
- Concentration of Sulphuric Acid, The, 145
- Concrete Tanks, Further Experience with, 510, 514
- Condenser, Davey's Separate, and Air Pump, 37
- Condensers and Purifiers at the Beckton Gas Works, 538
- Conferences, Scientific, at South Kensington, 395
- Conner, Benjamin, 135
- Construction, Principles, and Uses of the Aneroid, The, 223, 490
- Contract, Breach of : Legal Intelligence, 159
- Contractor's Plant, 424, 448
- Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 490
- Corliss Beam Engine (1400 HP. Nominal) at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By George H. Corliss and Company, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., 413
- Corliss Engine, Compound, 187
- Corliss Engine, Horizontal Compound (1000 Ind. HP.) for Bombay. By Douglas and Grant, Kirkcaldy, 414
- Corn,* Engines of the New Dressing Works; The Clausthal Works, 356
- Corvette, Screw, H.M., "Rover," Engines of the, 191, 211, 228
- Cost of Railway Collisions, The, 470
- Cramp and Sons' Single-Cylinder Marine-Screw Engine, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 479
- Crane and Hydraulic Rivetter, Portable, at Crewe Works, Tweddell's, 116
- Crankshaft of the Steamship "Colima," Repairing the, 492
- Cranston's Rock Drill, 87
- Crewe Demonstration, The, 458
- "Crocodile," Indian Troopship, Work done by the,463
- Crohn's Unison Expansion Gear, 516
- Crookes' Radiometer; " Weighing" a Beam of ."4,ight, 133, 281
- Cross-Cutting Stave Blocks; Machinery for Making Barrels, 453
- Crossley's Boomer and Boschert Press, 564
- Crushing and Sorting of the Ore; Clausthal Works, 64
- Cunningham's Hydraulic Experiments at Roorkee, 10
- Curved Nozzle Boring, 376 ,
- Cutters and Launch, Steam, U.S., Boilers and Engines for, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 43e009
- Cutting Machine, Keyway, 88
- Cyclops Blower for Forges, The; 8
- Cylinder Saw for Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 502
- Dangerous Tanks, 535
- Dantzig, Sewage Utilisation at, 301, 526
- Danube Works, The New, at Vienna, 225
- Davey, Paxman, and Company's Semi-Portable Winding Engine, 149
- Davey's Separate Condenser and Air Pump, 37
- Myles' Steam Boiler, 175
- Daywork or Piecework in Gas Works, 513
- Depth of the Sea, Dr. Siemens' Instrument for Measuring the; A Bathometer, 259
- " Devastation," The, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, 560
- Dewrance and Company's Asbestos-Packed Cocks, 68
- Dhu Heartach Lighthouse, The, 376
- Diamonds and their Technical Uses, 377
- Dinner, Annual, of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 253
- Direct Cable, The Breakages in the, 196
- Disintegrator, Carter Brothers',129
- Dock Extension, The Victoria, Domes, Steam, Ashworth's, 433
- Donkin's Experimental Compound Steam Engine, 203
- Dordrecht, Pumping Machinery at. By Gwynne, and Company, 198
- Dortmund District, The Production of Iron and Steel in, 227
- Double-Bogie Carriages for the Midland Railway, 532
- Double-Screw Tug-Boat, Bowden's, 253
- Douro, Bridge over the River, 108, 149
- Draining of Lake Fucino, The, 17, 33
- Dredging Plant, Pneumatic, at the Millwall Docks, 136
- Dressing of the Coarser Produce from the Coarse Separation; The Clausthal Works, 103
- Dressing Works, New; The Clausthal Works, 35
- Drill, Cranston's Rock, 87
- Drilling Machine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Ferris and Miles, Philadelphia, 437
- Drilling Machines, Fixed and Radial. By W. B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 551
- Dubied's Method of Turning Piston Rings, 107
- Dubois and Francois' Air Compressor, 249
- Dubois and Francois' Rock-Boring Machinery at the St. Gothard Tunnel, 45
- Dabs, Henry, 366
- Duckham's Dredger at the Millwall Docks, 136
- Dudley, Workmen's Dwellings in, 269
- Durand and Marais' Brickmaking Machine, 262
- Dutch and Patents, The, 495
- Duties of the Judges at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 479
- Dwarf Mortar Mill. By W. M. Ward and Company, Tipton, 79
- Dwellings Act, The Artisans', 4C7
- Dynamite, Frozen, Report of Experiments with, 531
- East River Bridge, New York, The, 139
- East and West Junction Railway Company, The, v. The Northampton and Banbury Junction Railway Company; Legal Intelligence, 186
- Babbage's Economy of Manufactures, 309
- Machine Effect compared with Handwork, 355
- Manufacturing, 309
- Standards for Determining Machine Effect, 310
- "Economy of Manufactures," Babbage's, 3G9
- Education, Engineering in Japan, 152
- Educational Collections; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 550
- Efficiency of Screws, The Relative Propelling, 81, 119, 181
- Eighteen-Seventy-Four, Accidents on Prussian Railways in, 285
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, Clyde Shipbuilding in, 18
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, The Gas Question in, 55, 258
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, The Importation of Timber in, 37
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, The Scotch Iron Trade in, 37
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, Steam Boiler Explosions in; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 201, 221
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, Water Supply in, 31
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six, Legislation in, 151
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six, Prospects of the Clyde Shipbuilding Trade for, 51
- Eighteen-Seventy Six, Soiree of the Royal society, 3
- Eighty-One Ton Gun, Experiments the, 11t, 636
- Ekman, Gustaf, 420
- Electric Machine, The Gramme Magneto, 147
- Electrical Circuit, Proposed Now Arrangement to Avoid the Accidental Closing of. Notes on Torpedoes
- Electrical Torpedoes; Notes on Torpedoes 23
- Electricity and Magnetism; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 418, 434, 477
- Electro-Contact Torpedoes; Notes on Torpedoes, 24
- Electro-Mechanical Torpedoes; Notes on Tone-does, 24 •
- Emery Wheel, Butler's
- Engine and Boilers for U.S. Steam Launch and Cutters, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 486, 509
- Engine, Brown's Four-Cylinger,126
- Engine Builders, Marine, and the Board of Trade, 561 r.
- Engine, Compound Corliss, 187
- Engine, Compound, An Experimental-Steam. By B. Donkin and Company, London, 208
- Engine, Corliss Beam (1400 HP. Nominal) at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelph19 By George H. Cornea and Company, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., 918
- Engine, Four-Coupled Tank, for the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway. Designed by W. Stroudley, 27, 48, 68
- Engine Guide of Motion Bars, Marking Out, 330k Engine, Horizontal Compound Corliss (1000 In‘. HP.) for Bombay. By Douglas and Grant, Kirkcaldy, 414
- Engine, Ho4zontal, with Variable Expansion Gear. By the General Engine and Boiler Company, London, 859
- Engine, Main, and Boiler Houses, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 324, 331
- Engine, Marine, Single-Cylinder, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the William Cramp and Sons' Engine Building Company, Philadelphia, 479
- Engine, Pumping, at the Hull Water Works By Bells, Lightfoot, and Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 433,461
- Engine, Semi-Portable Winding. By Davey, Taxman, and Company, Colchester, 149
- Engine and Shearing Machine. By W. Collier'
- and Company, Manchester, 479
- Engine, Steam Fire, The "Gould," at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By B. S. Nichols and Company, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., 433
- Engine, Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill, at the Cyclops Iron Works, Openshaw, 341
- Engineer, The, on Steel Boilers, 15
- Engineering Education in Japan, 152
- Engineering Science and Art, The Inadequate Union of. Address of Mr. Holley, President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 241, '265
- Engineering Students, 95
- Addresses of the President, A. L. Holley, 61,70, 91, '241, 265
- What is Steel ? by A. L. Holley, 108
- Inadequate Union of Science and Art, The, by A. L. Holley, 241, 265
- On Furnace Hearths, by Geo. Asmus, 496
- On the New Portage Bridge, by George S. Morison, 882
- On the Wear of Rails as Affected by their Quality, by Ashbel Welch, 519, 569
- Engineers' Association, Agricultural, Memorandum from the, 105
- On Prime Movers, by Jeremiah Head, 269
- Address of the President, 25, 46
- On the Ventilation and Working of Railway Tunnels, by Gabriel James Morrison, 47
- On the Holyhead New Harbour, by Harrison Hayter, 105
- On Carlingford Lough and Greenore, by James Barton, 140
- On Estimating the Illuminating Power of Coal Gas, by William Sugg, 161
- On Evaporation and Percolation, by Charles Greaves, 191
- On the Floods in England and Wales during 1875, and on Water Economy, by George James Symons, 221
- On the Hydraulic Canal Lift at Anderton, on the River Weaver, by Sidengham Duer, 227
- Annual Dinner, 253
- On Sewage Interception Systems, or Dry-Sewage Processes, by Gilbert R. Redgrave 263
- Students' Meeting, 323
- On the Dhu Heartach Lighthouse, by David Alan Stevenson, 376 .
- On the Changes in the Tidal Portion of the River Mersey and its Estuary, by James N. Schoolbred, 377
- On Fasciae Work at the Outfalls of the Fen Rivers, and Reclamation a the Foreshore, by W. H. Wheeler, 395
- On the Construction of Railway Wagons, with Special Reference to Economy in Dead Weight, by W. R. Brown, 422
- On Railway Rolling Stock Capacity, in Relation to the Dead Weight of Vehicles, by W. A. Adams, 425
- On the Probable Errors of Levelling, with Rules for the Treatment of Accumulated Errors, by Wilfrid Airy, 181
- On the Permanent Way of Railways, by It. Price Williams, 470
- Conversazione, 490
- On the Lancashire Boiler, its Construction, Equipment, and Setting, by Lavington E. Fletcher, 370, 397
- On the Ogi Paper Mills, Japan, by William Anderson, 399, 422
- On the Yield of Wells Sunk in the Chalk in the Central Portion of the London Basin, by Edward Easton, 400
- L and Petition to the Members of the House of Commons on the Patents for Inventions Bill, 472
- Engineers and Foreign Orders, 487
- Engineers in the Navy, 343
- On the Action of Water and Frictional Resistance or Loss of Energy when Flowing at Various Velocities through a Nozzle with a Converging Entrance and Diverging Outlet, by James Brownlee, 169, 190
- On the Strength and Fracture of Cast Iron, by W. J. Millar, 373
- On Contractor's Plant, by Alexander Clark, 424, 448
- Engineers, The Training of, 843
- Engines and Boilers of the Russian Circular Ironclad "Novgorod," 275
- Engines, Brotherhood's Three-Cylinder, and Centrifugal Pump. By Brotherhood and Hardingham, London, 534
- Engines, Compound, 305
- Engines, Compound and Non-Compound; Report of Trials with American Revenue Steamers, 121
- Engines, Corliss, of the New Dressing Works; The Clausthal Works, 856
- Engines of H.M. Screw Corvette " Rover," 191, 211, 228
- Engines for Steam Launch and Cutters, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 436, 509
- Engines, Steam Launch, Compound. Designed by N. Selfe, Sydney, 129
- Erith, The Strike at; Piecework, 53, 75
- Errors of Levelling, The, 181
- Estimates, The Navy, 214
- " Euphrates," Indian Troopship, Work done by the, 165
- Evaporation and Percolation, 191
- Exhibition, 1876, The Brussels international, 561
- 33, 50,174, 324, 331, 342, 350, 369, 379, 406, 430, 439, 475, 479, 497, 499, 510, 558
- Agricultural Implements, 499, 524
- Boiler Houses and Main Engine, 324, 831
- Boilers, Galloway and Sons', 455
- British Catalogue, 475
- Bucket-Plunger Pump, Wright's, 420
- Circular of the British Commission, 33
- Corliss Beam Engine (1400 HP, Nominal), 413
- Drilling Machine, Ferris and Miles', 437
- Engines and Boilers for Steam Launch and Cutters, 436, 509
- Fertilisers, 547
- Goods Locomotives, 485, 486, 539, 540
- "Gould" Steam Fire Engine, 483
- Government Buildings, 50, 499
- Gunpowder Pile-Driver, Shaw's, 408
- Hotel, The Trans-Continental, 227*
- Japanese Tools, 348
- Judges, List of, 350, 4
- Machine Tools, 427, 454, 523
- Machinery Hall, 174
- Measuring Machine, Sweet's, 396
- Paper-Cutting Machine, Brown and Carver's, 627
- Passenger Locomotive, 485
- Screw-Cutting Lathe, Ferris Miles', 372
- Single-Cylinder Screw Engine, Cramp and Sons', 479
- Exhausting Apparatus, Self-Regulating, 515
- 893, 395
- Applied Mechanics, 550
- Art of Measuring; Address of17),t C. W. Siemens, 493
- Berlin Kinematic Models, 465
- Educational Collection, The, 550
- Historic Machines, 405
- Magnetism and Electricity, 418, 434, 477
- Meteorological Section, 435
- Physics (Heat), 625
- Physics (Molecular Physics), 466
- Expansion Gear, Ashworth's Variable, Horizontal Compound Engine with, 313
- Expansion Gear, Crohn's Unison, 616
- Experimental Steam Engine, Donkin's, 203
- Experiments at Roorkee, Hydraulic, by Captain A. Cunningham, 10
- Experiments with Torpedoes on H.M.S. Oberon," 616
- Explosion, The Belfast Boiler: Report of Mr. MacColl to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 189
- Explosion, Blackburn Boiler, Mr. Fletcher's Report on the, 6
- Explosion, The Bremerhaven, 134
- Explosions on Board the s.s. " Propontis," The, 217
- Explosions, Boiler; Communication from the Manchester Steam Users' Association to all Members of Parliament, 288
- Explosions, Boiler; Statement of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 162
- Explosions of the Howard Boiler, 14
- Extension of the Victoria Docks, 637
- Externally v. Internally Fired Boilers, 5, 21, 56, 84, 175
- Facing, Tapping, Nut-Boring, and Nut-Slotting Machines, Hartnell's, 365
- Factory Acts, The,233
- Fairbairn, Sir William, on the Strength of Boilers, 39'2, 415, 441, 511
- Farms, Sewage, 94
- Fascine Works on Fen Rivers, 395
- Feeder and Grate, Frisbie's, as Applied to a Roots Boiler, 246
- Feed-Water Heater, Northcott's, 169
- Feelers, Bearing. By S. Alley, Glasgow, 98
- Ferrara Marshes, Northern 'Italy, Pumping Machinery at. By John and Henry Gwynne, Hammersmith, 9
- Ferris and Miles's Drilling Machine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia; 437
- Ferris and Miles's Screw-Cutting Lathe at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 372
- Ferro-Manganese, The Uses of, 253
- Ferroux Rock Drill, The, 272
- Ferry Steam Boat, The Thames, 171
- Fertilisers at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 547
- Fine Jigging House, The; Clausthal Works, 210
- Fine Separation; Clausthal Works, 102
- Fire Engine, Steam, The "Gould," at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By B. S. Nichols and Company, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., 438
- Fireboxes, The Best Material for, 517
- First Lord of the Admiralty, The, and the " Devastation," 560
- First Steamer to Cross the Atlantic, The, 376
- Fixed and Radial Drilling Machines. By W. B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 651
- Flat Staves, Sawing; Machinery for Making Barrels, 453
- Fletcher's Report to the Manchester Steam Users' Association on the Blackburn Boiler Explosion, 6
- Floating Depositing Dock, The Nicolaieff, 312
- Floods and Economy of Water, 221
- Flow of Fluids through Nozzles, The, 169, 190, 287
- Flues, Boilers, The Strength of, 511
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 25, 59, 71, 106, 137, 162, 202, 222, 239, 266, 288, 297, 329, 401, 426, 449, 471, 496, 521
- Foreign Orders and Engineers, 487
- Forges, The Cyclops Blower for, S Foster, Rastrick, and Company's Locomotive, Built in 1829, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 564
- Foundations at Pola Harbour, Morell's Submarine, Apparatus for, 127
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Brown's, 126
- Francois and Dubois' Air Compressor, 249
- Freight Car, Box for the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 444
- Frisbie's Feeder and Grate, as applied to a Roots Boiler, 246
- Froude, Mr., at the Institution of Naval Architects; Marine Propulsion, 463
- Frozen Dynamite, Report of Experiments with, 531
- Fucino, Lake, The Draining of, 17, 33
- Furnace, Blast, Charging Apparatus, Weimer's, 98
- Furnace Hearths, 496
- Furness's Wood-Tenoning Machine, 61
- Gallery and Inclined Plane for Blast Furnaces, at the Meier Iron Works, at Bessemer, Ili., U.S.A. Designed by C. A. Smith, 462, 486
- Galloway Boilers at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 456
- Galvanising Iron W ire, Zinc Bath for, Thum's, 481
- Gas, The Illuminating Power of, 161
- On Further Experience with Concrete Tanks, by George Livesey, 510, 614
- On Piecework or Daywork as applied to the Reduction of the Labouring Force in Gas Works, by '1'. Travers, 513
- On Washers and Scrubbers, by C. Hunt, 514
- On Heating and Setting Retorts, by W. Richards, 514, 565
- On the Qualities of Iron and Steel, by W. Mattieu Williams, 514
- On the Reduction of Sunday Labour in Gas Works, by Corbett Woodall, 514
- On Sulphur in Gas, by G. Livesey, 515
- On Pipes and Pipe Joints, Service Mains, by W. J. Warner, 515
- On Self-Regulating Exhausting Apparatus, by F. W. Fison, 515
- On the Valuation of Ammoniacal Liquor, by W. D. Child, 615
- General Business, 515
- Beckton Gas Works, Visit to the, 638
- Gas Question, The, in 1875, 55, 258
- Gas, Sulphur in, 515
- Gases, Blast Furnace, 262, 275, 305
- Gasholders and Workshops at the Beckton Gas Works, 538
- Gauge, The Narrow, in India, 391
- Gear, Crohn's Unison Expansion, 516
- Gems, Presidential, 198
- Geometrical Lines of Construction, A New System of Perspective Dispensing with, 335, 421, 469, 530
- German Mining and Iron Industries, 136
- " Germanic," Steamship, Abstract of the Log of the, 171
- Glaciarium, The, 226, 384
- Glasgow and the Sewage Question, 300
- Glass from Blast Furnace Slag, 491
- Goods Locomotive for the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, 639, 540
- Goods and Passenger Locomotives at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, 485, 486
- Gothard Tunnel, The St., 358
- "Gould" Steam Fire Engine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By B. D. Nichols and Company, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., 433
- Government Buildings at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 60, 499
- Gradients on Railways, Overcoming Steep, 329 Gramme Magneto-Electric Machine, The, 147
- Grate and Feeder, Frisbie's, as applied to a Roots Boiler, 246
- Greenore and Carlingford Lough. 140
- Grinder, Universal Tool By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow, 397
- Grinding Machine, Twist Drill. By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow, 24
- Gun, The 81-Ton, Experiments with the, 195, 536
- Gun, Jacketted Field, 16-Pounder. By the Broad-well Ordnance Company, Carlsruhe, 17
- Gunpowder Pile-Driver, Shaw's, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the American Dredger Company, Philadelphia, 408
- Guns of H.M.S. " Temeraire," 416
- Gwynne and Company's Pumping Machinery at Dordrecht, 198
- Gwynne's, J. and H., Pumping Machinery at the Ferrara Marshes, Northern Italy, 9
- Handwork, Machine Effect Compared with, 355
- Harbours of Refuge. Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 25
- Hartnell's Nut-Boring, Nut-Slotting, Tapping, and Facing Machines, 365
- Hawkshaw, Sir John, and the Sewage of Glasgow, 800
- Head's Patent Prime Mover, 269
- Health and Sewage of Towns, The, 432
- Hearths, Furnace, 496
- Heater, Northcott's Feed-Water, 169
- Heating and Setting Retorts, The Theory of, 514, 565
- H.M.S. " Inflexible," 352
- H.M.S. " Oberon," Experiments with Torpedoes on, 516
- H.M. Screw Corvette "Rover," Engines of, 191, 211, 228
- H.M.S. "Serapis," The Boilers of, 215
- H.M.S. "Temeraire," 416
- Herefordshire, West, Railway Progress in, 277
- Historic Machines; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 465
- Hoist, Self-Landing and Self-Delivering. By John Barker and Sons, Oldham, 389
- Holland, The Abolition of Patents in, 488, 495
- Holley, Mr. A. L., President QI the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Addresses of, 61, 70; 91, 241, 265
- Holyhead New Harbour, 105
- Hook, Trip, for Tug-Boats, 295
- Horizontal Compound Corliss Engine (1000 Ind. HP.) for Bombay. By Douglas and Grant, Kirkcaldy, 414
- Horizontal Compound Engine with Ashworth's Variable Expansion Gear, 315
- Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By the General Engine and Boiler Company, London, 359
- Hotel, The Trans-Continental, at Philadelphia, 227
- Hotels at Philadelphia, 234
- Houses Act, The Artisans', 467
- Houses, Workmen's, in Dudley, 259
- Howard Boiler, The, 14
- Howden and Company's Double-Screw Tug Boat, 253
- Hughes's Lubricator, 492
- Hull Water Works, Pumping Engines at. By Bells, Lightfoot, and Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 433, 461
- Hyde Junction, Messrs. D. Adamson and Company's Works at, 291
- Hydraulic Brake, Barker's, 187
- Hydraulic Canal Lift at Anderton, 227
- Hydraulic Experiments at Roorkee, by Captain A. Cunningham, 10
- Hydraulic Rivetter and Crane, Portable, at Crewe Works, Tweddell's, 116
- Hydraulic Rivetter, Tweddell's. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 493
- Ice, The Manufacture of; The Glaciarium, 226, 384
- Illuminating Power of Gas, The, 161
- Imperial Standards of Length for the Free Use of the Public, 487
- Implements, Agricultural, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 499, 624
- Importation of Timber in 1875, The, 37
- Improved Circuit-Closers, Mathieson's; Notes on Torpedoes, 224 410,
- Inclined Plane and Gallery for Blast Furnaces at the Meier Iron Wogs, at Bessemer, 111., U.S.A. Designed by C. A. Smith, 462, 486
- India, The Narrow Gauge ina0191
- Indian Troopships, Our, 163
- Indian Railways, The Construction of, 464
- " Inflexible," 352
- Institute, The Iron and Steel (See Iron and Steel Institute)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Institution of Civil)
- Institution of Cleveland Engineers (See Engineers The Cleveland institution of
- Institution of Engineers and shipbuilders, Scotland (See Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland)
- Institution of Marine Engineers; Presidential Gems, 198
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers. Institution of Mecnanic,a1)
- Institution of Naval Architects (See Naval Architects)
- Internally v. Externally Fired Boilers, 5, 21, 56, 84, 175
- International Law and Submarine Cables, 233
- International Exhibition, 1876, The Brussels, 661
- Inventions, the Policy of Protection for: The Dutch and Patents, 495
- Inventors, Notes for the Guidance of (See Patents)
- Iron Industries and German Mining, 136
- Iron Ure in Norway, '276
- Iron Ores, The Reduction of, 31
- Iron and Steel, American Tests of, 375
- Iron and Steel in the Dortmund District, The Production. of, 227
- On the Uses of Ferro-Manganese, by M. F. Gautier, of Paris, 253.
- On the Casson-Dormoy Puddling Furnace, by E. Fisher Smith, 265
- On Cal bun and Other Deposits from the Gases of Islas' Furnaces in Cleveland, by John Pattison, 262, 275, 305
- On the Ferroux Rock Drill, by H. W. Pendred, 272
- Notes on Iron Ore Deposits at Naeverhangen, near Bodoe, Norway, by Thorsten Nordenfelt, 276
- On Improved Casting Arrangements for the Siemens-Martin Process, by Michael Scott, 293
- On Overcoming Steep Gradients on Railways, by Henry Handyside, 329
- Iron and Steel Manufacture, Some Pressing Needs of our. Address of Mr. Holley, President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 61, 70, 91
- Iron and Steel, The Qualities of, 614
- Iron and Steel for Shipbuilding, 322
- Iron and Steel, Works of the United States, The, 222
- Iron Trade Association, The British, 153, 174
- Iron Trade, The Scotch, in 1873, 37
- Iron Trade Employers' Association, Supplement to Annual Report; The Piece-Work Question, 307
- Ironclad Navy, The, 258
- Ironclad " Devastation," The, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, b6u
- Ironclad, H.M.S. Temeraire," 416
- Ironclad, Russian Circular, The - "Novgorod," Boilers and Engines of, 275
- Ironclads Circular, 112, 281, 299, 807
- Ironclads and Torpedoes, 321
- Jacketted Field Gun, 16-pounder. By the Broadwell Ordnance Company, Carlsruhe, 17
- Japan, Engineering Education in, 152
- Japanese, The, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 348
- Jigging House, The Coarse; Clausthal Works, 167
- Jigging House, The Vine, Clausthal Works, 210
- Johnson's Beam Compass, 139
- Joint Stock Companies in Prussia, 491
- Jointing and Bevelling Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 503
- Joints, Rivetted, 415
- Journal, The Trade Marks, 368
- Judges at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 360, 479
- " Jumna," Indian Troopship, Work done by the, 164
- Keyway Cutting Machine, 88
- Key way Grooving, Combined Duplex Boring, and Turning Machine, Atock's, 312
- Kenyon's Low Water Alarm, 168 1iineruatic Models, The Berlin; The Exhibition of scientific Apparatus, 465
- Koch and Muller's Universal Lathe, 129
- Labour in Gas Works, Sunday, 514
- Lake Fucino, The Draining or, 17, 33
- Lancashire Boiler, The, 310, 397
- Land Lines and Cables, Telegraphic, 75, 135
- Lansdowne Valley Bridge, The; Designed by J. M. Wilson and H. Pettit, 90
- Lanthorn for Vessels, Signal. By F. W. Wymer, Greenock, 89
- Lathe, Screw-Cutting, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Ferris and Miles, Philadelphia, 372
- Lathe for Turning Piston Rods for Horizontal Engines, Schonheyder's, 148
- Lathe, Universal, Koch and Muller's, 129
- Lathes, Slide, Group of Self-Acting. By Shaw Hossack, and Company, Openshaw, Manchester, 406
- Launch and Cutters, Steam, U.S., Boilers and Engines for, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 436, 609
- Launch, Steam, Compound Engines for. Designed by N. Selfe, Sydney, 129
- Launch of the Torpedo Ship " Zieten," 211
- Law, International, and submarine Cables, 233
- Legal Intelligence, 159, 180
- Legge's Proposed Royal Albert Bridge across the Liver St. Lawrence, 249
- Legislation in 1876, 151
- Legislation in 1875 for the Supply of Water, 31
- Legislation, Shipping, 54, 76, 9J 113, 131, 207, 344
- Leith and Edinburgh Engineers' Society (see Engineers' Society. The Edinburgh and Leith)
- Length, Imperial Standards of, for the Free Use of the Public, 487
- Letter and Petition to the Members of the House of Commons on the Patents for Inventions ) ill, 472
- Levelling, The Errors of, 181
- Ley and Shearer’s Boiler Tube Stoppers, 26
- Light, The Action of, on Selenium, li.;1
- Light and Putrefaction, 74
- Light, Weighing' a Beam of, 133, 281
- Lighthouse, The Dhu Hear Litchi 376
- Lightning in Wales, 551
- Lime for Northern Metallurgy, 507
- Linear Arch or Suspension Chain; Arched Ribs and Suspension Bridges, 183
- Lines Committee, The Cheshire, 301
- Lining or Marking out Work, 119, 139, 330, 521 List of Judges at the Centennial international Exhibition, Philadelphia, 350
- List of Materials, Price, 20, 38, 60, 80, 100, 118, 138, 158, 180, 200, 220, 240, 264, 286, 306, 325, 364, 878, 402, 426, 450, 474, 498, 522, 646, 570
- Livermore's Proposed Circuit-Closer; Notes on Torpedoes, 404
- Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington, The, 393, 395, 418, 434, 465, 477, 525, 650
- Locomotive Boilers, American; Report to the "Master Mechanics' Convention," Philadelphia, 517, 580
- Locomotive, Completion of the 2000th, at the Crewe Works, 458
- Locomotive, Four-coupled Tank, for the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 27, 48, 68
- Locomotive, Goods (" Consolidation" Type), for the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, 539, 540
- Locomotive, The "Lion." Built by Rastrick and Company, Stourbridge, in 1829, at the Centennial international Exhibition, Philadelphia, 564
- Locomotive Performances on the Philadelphia Railroad, 539
- Locomotives, Passenger and Goods, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, 485, 486
- Log of the Steamship "Germanic," Abstract of the, 171
- London Bridge; Special Meeting of the Court of Common Council, 113
- London Chalk, Wells in the, 400
- London Water Supply, The, 173
- Longridge's Locomotive, 216, 282, 345
- Loss of Steam Vessels at Sea; Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 46
- Low-Water Alarm, Kenyon's, 168
- Lubricator, Hughes's, 492
- Machine, Atock's Combined Duplex Boring, Turning, and Keyway Grooving, 312
- Machine, Band Sawing, for Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 454
- Machine, Brickmaking, Durand and Marais', 262
- Machine, Car Wheel Boring. By William B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 605
- Machine, Combined Thrashing and Finishing By Nalder, and Nalder, Wantage, 207
- Machine, Disintegrating, Carter's Patent, 129
- Machine, Drilling, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Ferris and Miles, Philadelphia, 437
- Machine Effect compared with Handwork, 355 Machine, Keyway Cutting, 88
- Machine, Measuring. Designed by J. E. Sweet, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 396
- Machine, Paper-Cutting, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Brown and Carver, Philadelphia, 527
- Machine, Shearing, and Engine. By W. Collier and Company, Manchester, 479
- Machine, Tapping and Screwing. By the Pratt and Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 248
- Machine Tools at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 427, 454, 523
- Machine, Twist Drill Grinding. By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow, 24
- Machine, Wood Tenoning. By W. Furness and Sons, Liverpool, 61
- Machinery, Agricultural; Memorandum from the Agricultural Engineers' Association, 105
- Machinery, Richards' Cask-Making. By A. Ransome and Company, 95
- Machinery Hall at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 174
- Machinery for Making Barrels (See Barrels) Machinery, Paper Box Making, 23S
- Machinery, Pumping, at Dordrecht. By Gwynne and Company, 198
- Machinery, Pumping, at the Ferrara Marshes. By John and Henry Gwynne, 9
- Machinery, Rock-Boring, Dubois and Francois', at the St. Gothard Tunnel, 45
- Machines, Drilling. Fixed and Radial. By W. B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 551
- Machines, The Economic and Mechanical Effect or (See Economic and Mechanical Effect of Machines)
- Machines, Hartnell's Nut-Boring, Nut-Slotting, Tapping, and Facing, 365
- Machines, Historic; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 465
- Machines, Pooley's Weighing, 493
- Magnetism and Electricity; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 418, 484, 477
- Magneto-Electric Machine, The Gramme, 147 Mains, Service, 516
- Malabar," Indian Troopship, Work done by the, 164
- Malice and Submarine Cables, 151, 535
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Annual Meeting of the, 234
- Manchester Steam Users' Association on Boiler Explosions, 162
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Resolution submitted by the, to all Members of Parliament, 288
- Manganese Bronze, 152
- Manganese Steel, The Manufacture of, 254
- Marine Engine Builders and the Board of Trade, 561
- Marine Engine, Single-Cylinder, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the William Cramp and Sons' Engine Building Company, Philadelphia, 479
- Marine Propulsion, 463
- Marking Out or Lining Work, 119, 139, 330, 521
- Marks, Trade, The Registration of, 14, 217, 261, b37
- Marten's Report of Steam Boiler Explosions in 1875, 201, 221
- Material and Coal on Railways, 227
- Materials, Price List of, 20, 38, 60, 80, 100, 118, 138, :68,180, 200, 220, 240, 264, 286, 306, 325, 854, 378, 402, 426 450, 474, 498, 522, 546, 570
- Mathieson's Circuit-Closers; Notes on Torpedoes, 153, 224
- Measuring, The Art of; Opening Address of Dr. C. W. Siemens at the Mechanical Section of the Conferences, South Kensington, 493
- Measuring Machine. Designed by J. E. Sweets gat the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 396
- Mechanical Torpedoes; Notes on Torpedoes, 24
- Mechanics, Applied; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 65u Mechanical Stoking, 514
- Meeting, Annual, of the British Association of Gas Managers, 513
- Meeting, Annual, of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 234
- Meeting, Students', at the Institution of Civil Engineers, 323
- Merchant Shipping Bill, The, 154, 178, 213, 279, 367, 394
- Mersey, the River, 877
- Metallurgy, Northern, Lime for, 507
- Meteorological Section; The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 435
- Metropolitan Board of Works and the Water Supply, 173
- Metropolitan and City Gas Question, The, 55, 258
- Midland Railway, Double-Bogie Carriages for the, 532
- Mill Engine, Three-Cylinder Rolling, at the Cyclops Iron Works Openshaw, 341
- Mills, Rope Transmission in. By Pearce Brothers, Dundee, 79
- Millwall Docks, Pneumatic Dredging Plant Wee, 136
- Mine, The Ontario, Utah, Steam Pump at the. By William J. Silver, Salt Lake City, 268
- Mines, Submarine Experiments to Ascertain the Explosive Effects of, at Portsmouth; Notes on Torpedoes, 185
- Mining Experiments, Submarine, on the Medway; Notes on Torpedoes, 18.5
- Mining School, The Bristol, 564
- Mining and Iron Industries, German, 136
- Mississippi, River, the Mouth of the, 140
- Modern and Ancient Water Works, 403, 457, 500
- Morell's Apparatus for Laying Submarine Foundations at Pola Harbour, 127
- Mortar Mill. By W. M. Ward and Company, Tipton, 79
- Motion Bars or Engine Guide, Marking Out, 330
- Motion, The Origin of, 1, 39, 83, 141, 206, 243, 280, 382, 451
- Mover, Head's Patent Prime, 269
- Muller and Koch's Universal Lathe, 129
- Museum and Patent Office, The, 464, 511
- Nalders' Combined Thrashing and Finishing Machine, 207
- Napier, Robert, 551
- Narrow Gauge, The, in India, 301
- Narrow Gauge Tramways. Steam Tramcar for (Fairlie's System). Designed by A. Brunner, Berne, Switzerland, 252
- On Circular Ironclads, by E. E. Goulaeff, 284, 307
- On the Compound Surface Condensing Engines of the Paddle Steamer " Hirondelle," by M. J. A. Normand, 305
- On the Nicolaieff Floating Depositing Dock, by Latimer Clark, 312
- On Water-Tube Boilers, by J. F. Flannery, 318, 349
- On Pumping and Ventilating Arrangements on Shipboard, by Thomas Morley, 327
- Navy, The American, 13
- Navy, Engineers in the, 343
- Navy Estimates, The 214
- Navy, The Strength of the, 193, 258
- New Harbour, Holyhead, 105
- New York Herald, The, on the Philadelphia Exhibition, 497
- New York to San Francisco; From Atlantic to Pacific, 560
- Nicolaieff Floating Depositing Dock, The, 312
- Nile, the Barrage of the River, 40, 101, 143, 218, 245, 338, 379
- Non-Compound and Compound Engines; Report of Trials with American Revenue Steamers, 121
- Northcott's Feed-Water Heater, 169
- Notes from Cleveland, 19, 29, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179 199, 211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 340, 372, 390, 419, 443, 462, 483, 510, 539, 558
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 25, 59, 71, 106, 137, 162, 202, 222, 239, 266, 288, 297, 329, 401, 425, 449, 471, 496, 521
- Notes for the Guidance of Inventors (See Patents)
- Notes from the North, 19, 29, 43, 79, 99, 117, 136, 157, 179, 199, 211, 23e, 251, 285, 297, 324, 347, 371, 396, 419, 443, 462, 483, 515, 534, 558
- Notes from the South-West, 19, 25, 42, 71, 99, 117, 137, 156, 179, 199, 219, 239, 247, 284, 297, 324, 348, 371, 395, 419, 443, 462, 486, 515, 534, 558
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 20, 29, 43, 67, 98, 118, 138, 149, 179, 199, 211, 239, 247, 274, 297, 324, 339, 372, 396, 419, 443, 462, 486, 510, 540, 664
- Notes on Torpedoes, 15, 22, 96, 153, 184, 224, 404, 475, 549 (See Torpedoes)
- Northern Metallurgy, Lime for, 507
- Novel Locomotive, A, 216, 282, 345
- "Novgorod," Russian Circular ironclad, Boilers and Engines of the, 275
- Nozzles, Boring Curved, 376
- Nozzles, The Flow of Fluids through, 169, 190, 281
- Nut-Boring, Nut-Slotting, Tapping, and Facing Machines, Hartnell's, 365
- OBITUARY : (Moved to separate index)
- "Oberon," H.M.S., Torpedo Experiments on, 616
- Ocean Steam Navigation; Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 46
- Office, The Patent, 464, 511
- Office, Patent, Publications of the, 116
- Office, The Patent, Resignation of Mr. Woodcroft, 283
- Official Summary of Railway Accidents for 1876, 313
- Ogi Paper Mill, Japan, The 399, 422
- Opening of the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, The, 431
- Opening of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 467
- Opening of the Settle and Carlisle Railway, 439
- Orders, Foreign, and Engineers, 487
- Ore, Crushing and Sorting of; The Clausthal Works, 64
- Ore-Dressing Works, The Clausthal (See Clausthal Ore-Dressing Works)
- Ore, Iron, in Norway, 276
- Origin of Motion, The, 1, 39, 83, 141, 206, 243, 280, 332, 451
- Ores, Iron, The Reduction of, 31
- Ores, Conveyance of the; The Clausthal Works, 36
- Oxley Creek Railway Bridge, Brisbane. By Robinson and I'Anson, Darlington, 558
- Pacific, From Atlantic to, 560
- Pacific Guano Company, Massachusetts, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 547
- Paper Box Making Machinery, 238
- Paper-Cutting Machine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Brown and Carver, Philadelphia, 527
- Paper Mill, The Ogi, Japan, 399, 422
- Parson's Manganese Bronze, 152
- Passenger and Goods Locomotives at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, 485, 486
- Patent Bill, The, 193, 215, 258, 265, 393, 417, 441, 472
- Patent Office, The, 464, 511
- Patent Office Publications, The, 116
- Patent Office, The, Resignation of Mr. Woodcroft, 283
- Patents in Americas, 145
- Patents in Holland. the Abolition of, 488, 495
- No. VII., VIII. Austria and Hungary, 66, 165
- No. IX. Baden, 503
- Pearces' Rope Transmission in Mills, 79
- Percolation and Evaporation, 191
- Permanent Way, 470
- Perspective, A New System of, Dispensing with Geometrical Lines of Construction, 335, 421, 469, 530
- Petition and Letter to the Members of the House of Commons on the Patents for Inventions Bill, 472
- Philadelphia Exhibition, The (See Exhibition, The Centennial, International, Philadelphia)
- Philadelphia, Hotels at, 227, 234
- Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Opening of the, 467
- Philadelphia, Voyage to, 369
- On some Erroneous Notions usually Held about the Vena Contracts, with Special Reference to the Prevalent Idea that it is to a Great Extent Caused by the Convergence of the Steam towards the Orifice, by Robert D. Napier, 287
- Physics (Heat); The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 525
- Physics (Molecular Physics); The Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus, 466
- Piecework or Day work in Gas Works, 513 Piecework Question, The; Supplement to Annual Report of the iron Trades Employers' Association, 307
- Piecework , Strike at Erith, 53, 75
- Pile-Driver, Shaw's Gunpowder, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the American Dredger Company, Philadelphia, 408
- Piston Rings, Dubied's Method of Turning, 107
- Piston Rods for Horizontal Engines, Schonheyder's Lathe for Turning, 148
- Plant, Contractor's, 424, 41t$
- Plimpton's Roller skates, 155
- Pneumatic Dredging Plant at the Millwall Docks, 136
- Pola Harbour, Apparatus for Laying Submarine Foundations at. Designed by H. Morell, Berne, 127
- Pooley's Weighing Machines, 493
- Portable Hydraulic Rivetter and Crane at Crewe Works, Tweddell's, 116
- Portage Bridge, The New, 382
- President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Mr. George Robert Stephenson, Address of the, 25, 46
- Presidential Gems, 198
- Press, The Boomer and Boschert, 564
- Price List of Materials, 20, 38, 60, 80, 100, 118, 138, 158, 180, 200, 220, 240, 264, 286, 306, 825, 354, 378, 402, 426, 450, 474, 498, 522, 546, 570
- Prime Mover, Head's Patent, 269
- Principles, Construction, and Uses of the Aneroid, The, 223, 490
- Propeller, Screw, Thornycroft's, 88
- Propelling Efficiency of Screws, The Relative, 81, 119, 181
- " Propontis," Steamship, The Explosions on Board the, 217
- Propulsion, Marine, 4G3
- Prospects of the Clyde Shipbuilding Trade for 1876, 51
- Prussia, Joint Stock Companies in, 491
- Prussian Railways in 187+, Accidents on, 285 Publications, 1 he Patent Office, 116
- Puddling Furnace, The Casson-Dormoy, 255 Pump, Air-Compressing, Wyllie's, 517
- Pump, Bucket-Plunger, N% right's, at the Centennial International, Philadelphia, 420
- Pump, Centrifugal, and Brothel hood's Three-Cylinder Engines, 534
- Pump, Steam, at the Ontario Mine, Utah. By \V. J. Silver, Salt Lake City, 268
- Pumping Engines at Hull Water Works. By Bells, Lightfoot, and Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 433, 461
- Pumping Machinery at Dordrecht. By Gwynne and Company, Essex-street Works, strand, 198
- Pumping Machine, y at the Ferrara Marshes, Northern Italy. By John and Henry Gwynne, Hammersmith, 9
- Pumping and Ventilating Arrangements on Shipboard, 327
- Putrefaction and Light, 74
- Radial and Fixed Drilling Machines. By W. E. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 551
- Radiometer, The, 133, 281
- Railroad, The New York Central and Hudson River, Box Freight Car for, 444
- Railroad Relic, A, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 564
- Railroads, American, 2
- Rails, The Wear of, as Affected by their Quality, 519, 569
- Railway Accidents, Board of Trade Summary of, for 1575, 313
- Railway Bridge Improvements, Stepney, 370, 420
- Railway Bridge, Oxley Creek, Brisbane. By Robinson and I'Anson, Darlington, 558
- Railway Carriages, Two-Story, for Swiss Branch Railways. By the Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Friburg, Switzerland, 104
- Railway Collisions, The Abbotts Ripton, 73, 111, 280
- Railway Collisions, The Cost of, 470
- Railway Commission, the; Legal Intelligence, 186
- Railway Committee, The Cheshire Lines, 301
- Railway Progress in West Herefordshire, 277
- Railway, The Settle and Carlisle, Opening of, 439
- Railway Systems, English and Continental;
- Effects of the Channel Tunnel on the, 489
- Railway Traffic, American, Automatic Brock Signals for, 428
- Railway Tunnels, the Ventilation of, 47
- Railway Wagons, 422
- Railway Wheels, Ainscow's Tyre Fastener for, 376
- Railway Wheels, Cast-Iron, in the United States, 512
- " Railways, Cheap; Longridge's Locomotive, 216, 282, 345
- Railways, Coal and Materials on, 227
- Railways in India, The Narrow Gauge, 391
- Railways, Indian, The Construction of, 464
- Railways, Prussian, in 1874, Accidents on, 285
- Ransome, A., and Company's Cask-Making Machinery, 95
- Reading and Philadelphia Railroad, Opening of the, 467
- Redman, J. B., on Thames Tides, 292
- Reduction of Iron Ores, The, 81
- Reed's, Mr. E. J., Lecture on Circular Ironclads, 112
- Refrigeration, Artificial; The Glaciarium, 226, 384
- Registration of Trade Marks, The, 14, 217, 261, 537
- Relative Propelling Efficiency of Screws, The, 81, 119, 181
- Repairing the Crankshaft of the Steamship " Colima," 492
- Repairing Telegraph Cables, 135
- Report, Annual, to the Iron Trades Employers' Association, Supplement to the; The Piecework Question, 307
- Report, Annual, of the United States Commissioner of Patents, 145
- Report of the Board of Trade on the Abbotts Ripton Accident, 280
- Report of Colonel Cox on the Thames Valley Sewage, 822
- Report of Experiments with Frozen Dynamite, 531
- Report of the Factory and Workshops Act Commission; The Factory Acts, 233
- Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher to the Manchester Steam Users' Association on the Blackburn Boiler Explosion, 6
- Report of Messrs. Loring and Emery on Trials with American Revenue steamers; Compound and Non-Compound Engines, 121
- Report of Mr. MacColl to the Manchester Steam Users' Association on the Belfast Boiler Explosion, 189
- Report of Mr. E. B. Marten on Steam Boiler Explosions in 1875, 201, 221
- Report to the "Master Mechanics' Convention," Philadelphia, on Locomotive Boilers, 517, 530
- Report of Mr. Robeson on the American Navy, 13
- Retort Houses, The, Beckton Gas Works, 538
- Retorts, Theory of Setting, 514,565
- Revolving Shutters, Woodburne's, 248
- Rings, Piston, Dubied's Method of Turning, 107
- River Danube Works, The New, at Vienna, 225
- River Douro, Bridge over the, 108, 149
- River Mersey, The, 377
- River Mississippi, The Mouth of the, 140
- River Nile, The Barrage of the, 40, 101, 143, 218, '45, 338, 379
- Rivers, Fen, Fascine Works on, 395
- Rivetted Joints, 415
- Rivetter, Tweddell’s Hydraulic, 493
- Robinson and I'Anson's Oxley Creek Railway Bridge, 558
- Rock-Boring Machinery, Dubois and Francois', at the St. Gothard Tunnel, 45
- Rock Drill, Cranston's, 87
- Rock Drill, The Ferroux, 272
- Rods, Piston, for Horizontal Engines, Schonheyder's Lathe for Turning, 148
- Roller Skates, Plimpton's, 155
- Rolling Bridge over the Thames, Proposed. Designed by U. Barclay Bruce, Westminster, 188 Rolling or Compressing Staves; Machinery for Making Barrels, 502
- Rolling Mill Engine, Three Cylinder, at the Cyclops iron Works, Openshaw, 341
- Rolling Stock, The Capacity of, 425
- Rolls, Middle and Fine; Clausthal Works, 167
- Roof of Main Exhibition Building, Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 510, 558
- Roorkee, Hydraulic Experiments at, by Captain A. Cunningham, 10
- Roots Boiler, Frisbie's Feeder and Grate as Applied to a, 246
- Rope Transmission in Mills. By Pearce Brothers, Dundee, 79
- "Rover," H.M. Screw Corvette, Engines of, 191, 211, 228
- Royal Albert Bridge, The Proposed, across the River St. Lawrence, 249
- Royal Navy, Engineers in the, 343
- Royal Society, Soirée of the, 1876, 300
- Russian Circular Ironclad " Novgorod," Boilers and Engines of the, 275
- San Francisco, From New York to; From Atlantic to Pacific, 560
- St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 358
- St. Gothard Tunnel, Dubois and Francois' Rock-Boring Machinery at, 45
- St. George's Hospital Water Tank, Bursting of the; Dangerous Tanks, 535
- Sanitary Legislation in 1876, 151
- Saw for Staves, Cylinder; Machinery for Making Barrels, 502
- Sawing Flat Staves; Machinery fur Making Barrels, 453
- Sawing Stave Blocks; Machinery for Making Barrels, 452
- Schonheyder's Lathe for Turning Piston Rods for Horizontal Engines, 148
- School, The Bristol Mining, 564
- Scientific Apparatus, The Exhibition of, 393, 395, 418, 434, 4045, 477, 525, 550
- Scientific Conferences at South Kensington, 395 Scotch iron Trade, The, in 1875, 37
- Screw Corvette "Rover," H.M., Engines of the, 191, 211, 228
- Screw-Cutting Lathe at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By Ferris and Miles, Philadelphia, 372
- Screw Propeller, Thornycroft's, 88
- Screwing and Tapping Machine. By the Pratt and Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 248
- Screws, The Relative Propelling Efficiency of, 81, 119, 181
- Scrubbers and Washers, 514
- Selig and Company's shaped Diamond Points; Diamonds and their Technical Uses, 377
- Selenium, The Action of Light on, 161
- Self-Landing and Self-Delivering Hoist. By John Barker and Sons, Oldham, 389
- Self-Regulating Exhausting Apparatus, 615
- Semi-Portable Winding Engine. By Davey, Paxman, and Company, Colchester, 149
- Separate Condenser, Davey's, and Air Pump, Separation of Goods and Mineral from Passenger Traffic on Railways; Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2b
- Separation House, The Coarse; The Clausthal Works, 65
- Service Mains, 515
- Serapis," H.M.S., The Boilers of, 215
- " Serapis," Indian Troopship, Work done by the, 165
- Settle and Carlisle Railway, Opening of the, 439 Sewage Farm, 94
- Sewage and Health of Towns, The, 432
- Sewage Question, The, and Glasgow, 300
- Sewage Scheme, 1 he Thames Valley, 322 Sewage, The Treatment of, 263
- Sewage Utilisation at Dantzig, 301, 526
- Shaw's Gunpowder Pile-Driver at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By the American Dredger Company, Philadelphia, 408
- Shaw, Hossack, and Company's Group of Self-Acting Slide Lathes, 406
- Sheaf-Binder, Wood's, 68
- Shearing Machine and Engine. By W. Collier and Company, Manchester, 479
- Ship, Torpedo, The " Zieten," Launch of, 211
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde in 1875, 16
- Shipbuilding, iron and. Steel for, 312
- Shipbuilding Trade, 'I he Clyde; Prospects for 1876, 51
- Shipping Bill, The Merchant, 154, 173, 213, 279, 367, 334
- Shipping Legislation, 54, 76, 93, 113, 131, 257, 344
- Ships, Armoured and Unarmoured; The Navy Estimates, 214
- Shutters, Woodburne's Revolving. By Salmon, Barnes, and Company, Ulverston, 248
- Siemens' Instrument for Measuring the Depth of the Sea; A Bathometer, 259
- Siemens-Martin Steel Casting, 293
- Signal Lanthorns for Vessels. By F. W. Wymer, Greenock, 813
- Signals, Automatic Block, for American Railway Traffic, 428
- Silver's Steam Pump at the Ontario Mine, Utah, 268
- Single-Cylinder Marine Screw Engine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By William Cramp and sons, 479
- Sixteen-Pounder Jacketted Field Gun. By the Broadwell Ordnance Company, Carlsruhe, 17
- Skates, Plimpton's Roller, 155
- slag, Blast Furnace, Glass from, 491
- Slide Lathes, Group of Self-Acting. By Shaw. Hossack, and Company, Openshaw, Manchester, 406
- Slide Valve, Weatherhogg's Balanced, 168
- Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse, Experiments by the, on Internally v. Externally Fired Boilers, 5, 21, 56, 84, 175
- Soft Steel, Manufacture of, 253
- Soiree of the Royal Society, 1876, 300
- Some Pressing Needs of our Iron and Steel Manufactures. Address of Mr. Holley, President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 61, 70, 91
- South-West, Notes from the, 19, 28, 42, 71, 99, 117, 137, 156, 179, 199, 219, 239, 247, 284, 297, 324, 348, 371, 395, 419, 443, 462, 486, 515, 534, 558 South Yorkshire, Notes from, 20, '29, 43,.67, 98, 118, 138, 149, 179, 199, 211, 239, 247, 27$, 297, 324, 339, 372, 396, 419, 443, 462, 486, 510, 540, 564
- Spalding, H. C., on the Black Sea and the Caspian,;;50
- Stamp House ("Pocharbeit"); The Clausthal Works, 303
- Standards of Length, Imperial, for the Free Use of the Public, 487
- Standards for determining Machine Effect, 310
- Statue of James Carmichael at Dundee, 538
- Stave Blocks, Cross-cutting; Machinery for Making Barrels, 453
- Steam Boiler, Davies', 175
- Steam Boiler Explosions in 1875; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 201, 221
- Steam Boilers, The Strength of, .392, 415, 441, 511
- Steam Domes. By John Ashworth, Bolton, 433
- Steam Engine, Compound, An Experimental. By B. Dunkin and Company, London, 203
- Steam Ferry Boat, The Thames, 171
- Steam Fire Engine, the " at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By B. S. Nichols and Company, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A., 433
- Steam Launch Compound Engines. Designed by N. Selfe, Sydney, 129
- Steam Launches, Engines and Boilers, for, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. Designed at the Washington Navy Yard, U.S.A., 4b6, 509
- Steam Pump at the Ontario Mine, Utah. By William J. Silver, Salt Lake City, 268
- Steam Tramcar (Fairlie's System) for Narrow Gauge Tramways. Designed by A. Brunner, Berne, Switzerland, 2D2
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, Annual Meeting of the, 234
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, on Boiler Explosions, 162
- Steamer, The First to Cross the Atlantic, 376
- Steamship " Colima," Repairing the Crankshaft of the, 492
- Steamship "Germanic," Abstract of the Log of the, 171
- Steamship " Propontis," The Explosions on Board the, 217
- Steel Boilers at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia. By W. and J. Galloway and Sons, Manchester, 455
- Steel Boilers, 116 Engineer on, 16
- Steel and Iron, American Tests of, 375
- Steel and Iron in the Dortmund District, The Production of, 227
- Steel and Iron institute (See Iron and Steel Institute)
- Steel and Iron for Shipbuilding, 322
- Steel and Iron, the Qualities of, 514
- Steel and Iron Works of the United States, The 222
- Steel Production, American Bessemer, 422
- Steel, The Structure of, 559
- Steel, Use of Inferior Materials in the Manufacture of, 254
- Steel, What is ? 108
- Steep Gradients on Railways, On Overcoming, Stephenson, Mr. George Robert, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Address of, 25, 46
- Stepney Railway Bridge Improvements, 370, 420
- Stoking, Mechanical, 514
- Strength of Boilers, The, 892, 415, 441, 511 Strength and Fracture of Cast Iron, The, 373
- Strength of the Navy, The, 193, '258
- Strike at Erith, The Piecework, 53, 75
- Stroudley's Tank Locomotive for the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 27, 48, $8
- Structure of Steel, The, 559
- Students, Engineering, 95
- Students' Meetings at the Institution of Civil Engineers, 323
- Submarine Cables and International Law, 233
- Submarine Cables and Malice, 151, 535
- Submarine Foundations at Pola Harbour, Apparatus for Laying. By B. Morel!, Berne, 127
- Submarine Mines, Experiments to Ascertain the Explosive Effect of, at Portsmouth; Notes on Torpedoes, 185
- Submarine Mining Experiments on the Medway; Notes on Torpedoes, 185
- Sulphuric Acid, The Concentration of, 145 Sulphur in Gas, 515
- Summary of the Patent Bill, 265
- Sunday Labour in Gas Works, 514
- Suspension Bridges and Arched Ribs, with their Auxiliaries, 63, 183
- Sweet's Measuring Machine at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 396
- Swiss Branch Railways, Two-Story Carriages for. By the Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Fribourg, Switzerland, 104
- System of Perspective, A New, Dispensing with Geometrical Lines of Construction, 335, 421, 469, 530
- Tank Locomotive for the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 27, 48, 68
- Tanks, Concrete, Further Experience with, 510, 514
- Tanks, Dangerous, 536
- Tapping, Nut-Boring, Nut-Slotting, and Facing Machines, Hartnell’s, 365
- Tapping and Screwing Machine. By the Pratt and Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut, '48
- Technical Uses of Diamonds, 377
- Telegraph Cables, The Repair of, 136
- Telegraphs, 75, 135
- Telescopic Observing and Firing Arc; Notes on Torpedoes, 549
- "Temeraire" H.M., 416
- Tenoning Machine, Wood, By W. Furness and Sons, Liverpool, 61
- Tests of Iron and Steel, American, 375
- Thames, River, Proposed Rolling Bridge over the. Designed by G. Barclay Bruce, Westminster, 188
- Thames Steam Ferry Boat, The, 171
- Thames Tides, 292
- Thames Valley Sewage Scheme, The, 322
- Theory of Retort Setting, The, 514, 565
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Twist Drill Grinding Machine, 24
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Universal Tool Grinder, 397
- Thornycroft's Screw Propeller, 88
- Thrashing and Finishing Machine, Combined, Nalder and Nalder's, 201
- Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill Engine at the Cyclops Iron W6r143, Openshaw, 341
- Thum's Zinc' Bath for Galvanising Iron Wire 481
- Tides, Thames, 292
- Timber, The Importation of in 1875, 37
- Tool Grinder, Universal. By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow, 397
- Tools and Building of the Japanese at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 348
- Tools, Machine, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 427, 454, 523
- Torpedo Experiments on H.M.S. " Oberon," 516
- Torpedo Ship, " Zieten," Launch of the, 211
- Torpedoes and Ironclads, 321
- 15, 22, 96, 153, 184, 224, 404, 475, 549
- Accidental Closing of Electrical Circuit, Proposed Arrangement to Avoid the, 475
- Circuit-Closers, 96, 153, 224, 404
- Electrical Torpedoes, 23
- Electra-Contact Torpedoes, 24
- Electro-Mechanical Torpedoes, 24 1.4!vermore's Proposed Circuit-Closer, 404
- Mathieson's Circuit-Closer, 153, 224
- Mechanical Torpedoes, 24
- Submarine Mining Experiments on the Medway, 185
- Submarine Mining Experiments at Portsmouth, 185
- Telescopic Observing and Firing Arc, 549
- Towns, The Health and Sewage of, 432
- Trade Marks Journal, The, 368
- Trade Marks, The Registration of, 14, 217, 261, 537
- Training of Engineers, The, 343
- Tramcar, Steam (Fairlie's System), for Narrow Gauge Tramways. Designed by A. Brunner, Berne, Switzerland, 252
- Trans-Continental Hotel, The, at Philadelphia, 227
- Transmission in Mills, Hope. By Pearce Brothers, Dundee, 79
- Treatment of Sewage, The, 263
- Trial of the 81-Ton Gun, 195, 566
- Trip-Hook for Tug-Boats, 295
- Troopships, Our Indian, 163
- Trussing or Erecting Barrels; Machinery for Making Barrels, 547
- Tube Stoppers, Boiler. By Ley and Shearer, Liverpool, 26
- Tug-Boat, Howden's Double-Screw, 253
- Tug-Boats, Trip-Hook for, 295
- Tunnel, The Channel, and its Effects on the English and Continental Railway Systems, 489
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 45, 358
- Turning Piston Rings, Dunied's Method of, 107
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Rivetter. By Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, 493
- Tweddell's Portable Hydraulic Rivetter and Crane at Crewe Works, 116
- Twist Drill Grinding Machine. By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow, 24
- Two-Story Railway Carriages for Swiss Branch Railways. By the Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Fribourg, Switzerland, 104
- Tyndall, Professor, on Putrefaction and Light, 74
- Tyre Fastener, Ainscow's, 376
- Unison Expansion Gear, Crohn's, 516
- United States Commissioners of Patents, Annual Report of the, 145
- United states Direct Cable, The Breakages in the, 196, 535
- United States, Iron and Steel Works of the, 222
- United States Navy, The, 13
- United States Railroads, 2
- United States Revenue Steamers, Report of Trials with; Compound and Non-Compound Engines, 121
- Universal Lathe, Koch and Muller's, 129
- Universal Tool Grinder. By Thomson, Sterne, and Company, Glasgow. 397
- Uses of Ferro-Manganese, The, 253
- Utilisation of Sewage at Dantzig, The, 301, 526
- Valuation of Ammoniacal Liquor, The, 515
- Valve, Weatherhogg's Balanced Slide, 168
- Variable Expansion Gear, Horizontal Engine with. By the General Engine and Boiler Company, Loudon, 359
- Ventilating and Pumping Arrangements on Shipboard, 327
- Ventilation of Railway Tunnels, The, 47
- Victoria Dock Extension, The, 537
- Vienna, The New Danube Works at, 225
- Voyage to Philadelphia, 369
- Wagons, Railway, 422
- Wales, Lightning in, 551
- Ward's Dwarf Mortar Mill, 79
- Washers and Scrubbers, 514
- Washing House, The Auxiliary; The Clausthal Works, 356
- Water Works, Ancient and Modern, 403, 457, 500
- Water, Floods and Economy of, 221
- Water Heater, Northcott's Feed, 169
- Water through Nozzles, The Flow of, 169, 190
- Water Supply in 1875, 31
- Water Supply, The London, 173
- Water-Tube Boilers, 318, 349
- Water Works, Hull, Pumping Engine at the. By Bells, Lightfoot, and Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 433, 461
- Way, Permanent, 470
- Wear of Rails as affected .by their Quality, 519, 569
- Weatherhogg's Balanced Slide Valve. 168
- "Weighing" a Beam of Light, 133, 281.
- Weighing Machines, Pooley's, 493
- Weimer's Blast Furnace Charging Apparatus, 98
- Wells in the London Chalk, 400
- West Herefordshire, Railway Progress in, 277
- What is Steel ? 108
- Wheel, Butler's Emery, 2G
- Wheel, Car, Boring Machine. By William B. Bement and Sons, Philadelphia, 505
- Wheels, Cast-Iron Railway, in the United States, 512
- Wheels, Railway, Ainscow's Tyre Fastener for, 376
- Winding Engine, Semi-Portable. By Davey, Paxman and Company, Colchester, 149
- Wood's Sheaf Binder, 68
- Wood Tenoning Machine. By W. Furness and Sons, Liverpool, 61
- Woodburne's Revolving Shutters. By Salmon, Barnes, and Company, Ulverstone, 248
- Woodcroft's, Mr. Bennet, Retirement from the Patent Office, 283
- Work, Lining or Marking Out, 119, 139, 330, 521 Workmen's Dwellings in Dudley, 259
- Works of Messrs. D. Adamson and Company, Hyde Junction, 291
- Works, Crewe, Completion of the 2000th Locomotive at, 458
- Works, The New Danube, at Vienna, 225
- Wright's Bucket-Plunger Pump, at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 420
- Wrought-Iron Arched Bridge at Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. By the Iron City Bridge, Works, Pittsburgh, 529
- Wyllie's Air-Compressing Pump, 517
- Wymer's Signal Lanthorns for Vessels, 89
- " Zieten," Torpedo Ship, Launch of the, 211
- Zinc Bath for Galvanising Iron Wire, Thum's, 481
See Also
Sources of Information