Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index: Letters to the Editor

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index
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Letters to the Editor
- ABBOTTS Ripton Collisions—John Barber, 136, 156
- Architects v. Engineers—An Architect, 555
- " Art of Measuring, The"—G., 544
- Axle Bearings—W. W. Paterson, 156
- Bearings, Axle—W. W. Paterson, 156
- " Bessemer," The Saloon Steamer — Townley Fullman, 483
- Bill, The Patent—Henry S. Copeland, C.E., 531
- Bill, The Patent—Francis M. Cotton, 507
- Boiler Explosions—Robert Wilson, 847
- Boiler Flues,-The Strength Cawthorne Unwin, 482
- Boiler Flues, The Strength of—Robert Wilson, 555
- Boilers of H.M.S. "Serapis," The—S. G., 251
- Boilers, Rowan and Horton's Patent—Fred. Jno. Rowan, 231
- Boilers, The Strength of Steam—Robert Wilson, 410, 458
- Boilers, Water-Tube—Charles Cochrane, 295
- Boilers, Water-Tube—John Hartley, 414
- Boilers, Water-Tube—Midland, 342
- Boilers, Water-Tube—R. S., 227, 389
- Boilers, Water-Tube—A User of the Root Steam Boiler, 890
- Bourdon's Gauges—Edward Bourdon, 210
- Brake Power, Insufficient—Henry Handyside, 87
- Brake, Sanders' Continuous —R. D. Sanders, 241
- Brakes, Continuous, and Collisions—A Solicitor, 387
- Breakwater Steamer," Carmichael's—W. T. Carmichael, 506
- Broadwell v. Krupp—L. W. Broadwell, 230
- Brown's Four-Cylinder Engine—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 177, 210
- Brown's Four-Cylinder Engine—J. Mackenzie, 187
- Brown's Four-Cylinder Engine — A. Muston, 210
- Bruce's Rolling Bridge—G. Barclay Bruce, Jun., 231, 316
- Bruce's Rolling Bridge—Edward Falkland Lucy, 295
- Burner Testing, Gas—Gas Examiner, 24
- Burning Sawdust—B. Hall, Engineer, 531
- Carmichael's " Breakwater Steamer"—W. T. Carmichael, 506
- Carter's Disintegrator—Carter Brothers, 187
- Carter's Disintegrator — Edward Wilson, 178, 231
- Cast Iron, The Strength and Fracture of—George Barker, 411, 541
- Cast iron, On The Strength and Fracture of—W. B. O., 388
- Cast Iron, On the Strength and Fracture of — W. B. Coventry, 482
- Casson-Dormoy Puddling Furnace, The—George Clough and Co. 316
- Chain-Making Machines—A. M. C., 47
- Channel Tunnel, The— G. Fitzroy Cole, 506, 545
- "Cheap Railways," (Longridge's Locomotive)—L. Hajnis, 437
- "Cheap Hallways" (Longridge's Locomotive)—J. A. Longridge, 268, 811, 387, 437, 459
- Civil Engineers in India, The Prospects of—Spes, 545
- Civil Engineers in India, The Prospects of—A Victimised Parent, 296, 362, 473
- Collisions, Abbotts Ripton — John Barber, 136, 106
- Collisions and Continuous Brakes—A Solicitor, 387
- Compound Diagram Curves—J. Wilkinson, 481
- Compound Locomotives —Jas. Empson and Company, 54.5
- Compound Locomotives — A. Mallet, 555
- Concentration of Sulphuric Acid, The — L. Kessler, 210
- Concentration of Sulphuric Acid, The—John S. Sellon 178
- " Concrete in Marine Works"— A. C. Hurtzig, 342
- Condensation, Surface—B. G. Nichol, 18
- Contracts, The Vena—Robert D. Napier, 342
- Contracted Vein, The—Rayleigh, 296
- Cooper's Hill and the Public Works Department in India—Civil Engineer, 250
- Corliss Engines—A Constant Reader, G. S., 366, 436
- Corliss Engine, The—Another " Constant Reader," 1'., 414, 459
- Cotton, Silicate—R. Ranson, 19
- Cotton, Silicate, or Slag Wool—B. E., 67
- Cylinder Covers, Steam-Jacketted—W. F., 363
- Cutting Machine, Keyway William Steele Tomkins, 107
- Detent for Indicators, The —E. Darke, 18
- Diagram Curves, Compound—J. Wilkinson, 481 Diagrams? Slide Valve—J. Wilkinson, 388
- Disc Engines, and the Kinematics of Z-Crank Engines —James AIM, 269
- Disc Engines—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 251, 816, 341
- Disc Z-Crank, and Oblique-Crank Engines—Examiner, 231, 269, 341
- Discharge of Fluids from Nozzles, The—W. H. Shaw, 390
- Disintegrator, Carter's—Carter Brothers, 187
- Disintegrator, Carter's—Edward Wilson, 178, 231
- Domes, Steam—David Croll, Jun., 295, 366
- Domes, Steam—Robert Johnson, 317
- Domes, Steam—W. A. M. Piepers, 414
- Domes, Steam—Alexander Smith, 317
- Double-Screw Tug-Boats—Clutha, 316
- Double-Screw Tug-Boats—M. E., 316, 388
- Double-Screw Tug-Boats—James Howden, 296, 366
- Double-Screw Tug-Boats—Telford Field, 296
- Drainage of Dordrecht—Adam Scott, 250
- Drills, Rock—Hamilton W. Pendred, 317
- Engine, The Cornea — Another " Constant Reader," P., 414 459
- Engineering Education in Japan—Robert H. Smith, 544
- Engineers v. Architects— An Architect, 555
- Engineers, Royal Naval—X., 342
- Engineers, On the Training of—M. E., 364
- Engines, Corliss—A Constant Reader, G. S., 836, 436
- Engines, Disc—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 251, 316, 341 •
- Engines, Disc, and the Kinematics of 7,-Crank, Engines—James Aird, 269
- Engines, Disc, Z-Crank, and Oblique-Crank—Examiner, 231, 269, 841
- Engines, Single and Double-Acting—D. K. West, 483
- Evaporative Surface Condensers —J. J., 24
- "Expansion Gear, Unison"—F. W. Crohn, 5311
- Expansion Gear, Variable—W. Schonheyder, 363
- Explosions, Boiler—Robert Wilson, 347
- Farms, Sewage—Alfred S. Jones, 24
- Filtration of reed Water—Australian, 21
- Flow of Fluids through Nozzles, The — W. Donaldson, 316
- Flywheels— Michael Longridge, M.A., Assoc. Inst. C.E., 541
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Brown's—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 177, '210
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Brown's— J. Mackenzie, 187
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Brown's—A. Muston, 210
- Four-Cylinder Engine, West's—D. K. West, 178
- Gas Burner Testing—Gas Examiner, 24
- Gas, The Illuminating Power of—Gas Examiner, 230, 251
- Gauges, Bourdon's—Edward Bourdon, 210
- "Head's Patent Prime Mover"—Erimus, 297, 346, 363
- "Head's Patent Prime Mover"—Jeremiah Head, 347
- "Head's Patent Prime Mover"—C. G. M., 316
- "Head's Patent Prime Mover"—E. C. R., 347, 390, 411
- H.M.S. "Serapis," The Boilers of—S. G., 251
- History of the Steam Boiler, The—Chas. H. Haswell, 87
- Horizontal Engines, Piston Rods for—Jeremiah Head, 178
- Horizontal Engines, Piston Rods for—W. Schonheyder, 187
- Illuminating Power of Gas, The—Gas Examiner, 230, 261
- Indicators, The Detent for— E. Darke, 18
- Ingersoll Rock Drill, The - Le Gros and Company, 296
- Insufficient Brake Power—Henry Handyside, 87
- Iquique, The Water Supply of —George Bush, '231, 294
- Iquique The Water Supply of —J. Cleminson,268, 296
- Iquique, The Water Supply of—G. Fitzroy Cole, 250, 324
- Iquique, The Water Supply of—Martin Whitehouse, 268
- Ironclad Navy, The--E. 3. Reed, 268
- Japan, Engineering Education in—Robert Smith, 544
- Japanese Timber—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 146
- Joints, Rail—Joseph Potts, Jun., 317
- Joints, Rivetted—W. S. Hall, 438
- Journal, The Patent—C. O. Paget, 483
- Keyway Cutting Machine—William Steel Tomkins, 107
- Krupp v. Broadwell—L. W. Broadwell, 230
- Krupp's Silicate Cotton—Cresswell and Co., '24
- Light Railways—J. A. Longridge, 505
- Light, " Weighing" a Beam of—C. G., 210
- Light, " Weighing" a Beam of—H. C. P., 178
- Light, " Weighing" a Beam of—R. Sheward, 187
- Locomotives, Compound — Jas. Empson and Company, 545
- Locomotives, Compound—A.. Mallet, 555
- Longridge's Locomotive, "Cheap Railways"— J. A. Longridge, 268, 317, 387, 437, 459
- Longridge's Locomotive—L. Hajnis, 437
- Machines, Chain-Making, A. M. C., 47
- " Marine Works, Concrete in"— A. C. Hurtzig, 342
- Measuring, The Art of—G., 544
- Mineral Wool or Silicate Cotton—E. Shepard, 156
- Motion, The Origin of—G. R. B., '251, 473
- Motion, The Origin of—H. L., '269
- Motion, The Origin of—W. Pitt, 362
- Motion, The Origin of—Thomas Inwood Pollard, 362,386, 416, 507, 542
- Motion, The Origin of—W. H. Shaw, 055
- Motion, The Origin of—Richard Sheward, 544
- Motion, The Origin of—P. W. A., 555
- Motion, The Origin of—The Writer of the Articles, 385, 472, 542
- Navy, The Ironclad—E. J. Reed, 268
- Nozzles, The Discharge of Fluids from—W. H. Shaw, 390
- Nozzles, The Flow of Fluids through — W. Donaldson, 316
- Origin of Motion, The—P. W. A., 555
- Origin of Motion, The —G. R. B., '201, 473
- Origin of Motion, The—H. L., 269
- Origin of Motion, The—W. Pitt, 362
- Origin of Motion, The—Thomas Inwood Pollard, 362, 386, 446, 007, 542
- Origin of Motion, The—W. H. Shaw, 650
- Origin of Motion, 'rho—Richard Sheward, 544
- Origin of Motion, The—The Writer of the Articles, 385, 472, 542
- Patent Bill, The—Henry S. Copeland, C.E., 531
- Patent Bill, The—Francis M. Cotton, 507
- Patent Journal, The—C. O. Paget, 483
- Piecework—A Royal Engineer, 87
- Piston Rods for Horizontal Engines—Jeremiah Head, 178
- Piston Rods for Horizontal Engines—W. Schonheyder, 187
- Plimpton's Roller Skates—Joseph J. Butcher, 178
- "Prime Mover, Head's Patent"—Erimus, 297, 346,363
- "Prime Mover, Head's Patent"—Jeremiah Head, 347
- "Prime Mover, Head's Patent"—C. G. M., 316
- "Prime Mover, Head's Patent"—E. E. R., 347, 390, 411
- Prospects of Civil Engineers in India—Spes, 545
- Prospects of Civil Engineers in India, The—A Victimised Parent, '296, 862, 473
- Public Works Department in India and Cooper's Hill—Civil Engineer, 250
- Puddling Furnace, The Casson-Dormoy—George Clough and Co., 316
- Rail Joints—Joseph Potts, Jan., 317
- " Railways, Cheap" (Longridge's Locomotive)—J. A. Longridge, 268, 317, 487, 437, 459
- Railways, Light—J. A. Longridge, 505
- Rivetted Joints—W. S. Hall, 438
- Rock Drills, The Ingersoll—Le Gros and Company, '296
- Rock Drills—Hamilton W. Pendred, 317
- Rolling Bridge, Bruce's—U. Barclay Bruce, J un., 2:31, 316
- Rolling Bridge, Bruce's—Edward Falkland Lucy, 295
- Rolling Mill Engine, The Three-Cylinder— Peter Brotherhood, 410
- Rolling Mill Engine, The Three-Cylinder —W. T. C. 411
- Rolling Mill Engine, The Three-Cylinder- E. B. Ellington, 888, 459
- Rolling Mill Engine, The Three-Cylinder —Jeremiah Head, 363, 438 `q1
- Rowan and Horton's Patent Boilers—Fred. Jno. Rowan, 231
- Royal Naval Engineers—X., 342
- Saloon Steamer, The "Bessemer" — Townley Fullam, 483
- Sanders' Continuous Brake—R. D. Sanders, 211
- Sawdust Burning—B. Hall, Engineer, 531
- Screw Tug Boats—Edward Hayes, 269
- Sewage Farms—Alfred S. Jones, 24
- Silicate Cotton—R. Ranson, 19
- Silicate Cotton, Krupp's—Cresswell and Co., 24
- Silicate Cotton or Mineral Wool—E. Shepard, 156
- Single and Double-Acting Engines—D. K. West, 483
- Skates, Plimpton's Roller—Joseph J. Butcher, 178
- Slug Wool—Charles Wood, 47
- Slag Wool or Silicate Cotton— B. E., 67
- Slide Valve Diagrams—Arques, 411
- Slide Valve Diagrams— J. Wilkinson, 388
- Steam Boiler, The History of the—Chas. II. Haswell, 87
- Steam Domes—David Croll, Jun., 295, 366
- Steam Domes—Robert Johnson, 317
- Steam Domes—W. A. N. 'lepers, 414
- Steam Domes—Alexander Smith, 317
- Steam-Jacketted Cylinder Covers—W. F., 363
- Steel for Shipbuilding—W. B. (1., 366
- Steel for Shipbuilding—G. S. P., 414
- Steel, What is ?—Joseph Whitworth, 107
- Strength of Boiler F ales, The—W. Cawthorne Unwin, 482
- Strength of Boiler Flues, The—Robert Wilson, (5,55
- Strength and Fracture of Cast Iron, The—George Barker, 411, 541
- Strength and Fracture of Cast Iron, On the—. W. B. C., 388
- Strength and Fracture of Cast Iron, On The —W. B. Coventry, 482
- Strength of Steam Boilers, The—Robert Wilson, 410, 458
- Sulphuric Acid, The Concentration of—L. Kessler, 210
- Sulphuric Acid, The Concentration of—John S. Sellon, 178
- Surface Condensation—B. G. Nichol, 18
- Surface Condensers, Evaporative—J. J., 24
- Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill Engine, The—Peter Brotherhood, 410
- Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill Engine, The—W.T.C., 411
- Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill Engine — E. B. Ellington, 388, 459
- Three-Cylinder Rolling Mill Engine, The—Jeremiah Head, 863, 438
- Timber, Japanese—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 116
- Training or Engineers, On the—M. E., 364
- Tug-Boats, Double-Screw—Clutha, 316
- Tug-Boats, Double-Screw—M. E., 316, 388
- Tug-Boats, Double-Screw—Telford Field, 296
- Tug Boats, Screw—Edward Hays, 269
- Tug-Boats, Double-Screw—James Bowden, 296, 366
- Tunnel, The Channel—G. Fitzroy Cole, 506, 545
- " Unison Expansion Gear"—F. W. Crohn, 531
- "Valve Diagrams, Slide"—Arques, 411
- Variable Expansion Gear—W. Schonheyder, 363
- Vein, The Contracted—Rayleigh, 296
- Vena Contracts, The—Robert D. Napier, 342
- Water, Feed, Filtration of—Australian, 24
- Water Supply of Iquique, The—George Bush, 231, 294
- Water Supply of Iquique, The —J. Cleminson, 268, 294
- Water Supply of Iquique, The—G. Fitzroy Cole, 250, 324
- Water Supply of Iquique, The—Martin Whitehouse, 268
- Water-Tube Boilers—Charles Cochrane, 295
- Water-Tube Boilers--John Hartley, 914 Water-Tube Boilers — Midland, 342
- Water-Tube Boilers—R. S., 227, 389
- Water-Tube Boilers—A User of the Root Steam Boiler, 390
- "Weighing" a Beam of Light—C. G., 210
- "Weighing" a Beam of Light-11. O. P., 178
- "Weighing" a Beam of Light—R. Sheward, 187
- West's Four-Cylinder Engine—D. K. West, 178
- What is Steel ?—Joseph Whitworth, 107
- Wool, Slag—Charles Wood, 47
See Also
Sources of Information