Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1876 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1876 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ABBOTTS Ripton Collision, The, 120
- Aberdare, Coal Raising at, 534
- Aberdare and Plymouth Works, Progress of, 43
- Aberdare Valley Colliers, Dispute with the, 19
- Abertillery Tin Works, End of a Strike at, 117
- Absorptions by the Great Western Railway Company, 71
- Accident Commission, The Railway, 462
- Accident at the Glass Houghton Colliery, 43
- Accident, Serious, at a Grinding Wheel, Sheffield, 339
- " Accidental Death," 485
- Accidents, Railway, in January, February, and March, 1876, 522
- Acts, The Factory, 252
- African Iron and Coa1,498
- Air Bags, Popoff's Experiments with, 486
- Albert Bridge, across the River St. Lawrence, Progress of the, 288
- Aldwarke Main Colliery, Extensions at the, 564
- Algerian Minerals, 378
- Algerian Railways, Progress of, 106
- Allen, A. Jun., Appointment of, to the Surveyorship of St. Luke's, Middlesex, 37
- Altona and Kiel Railway, A Contract for the, 390
- Amalgamation of the Sheffield and North Staffordshire Railways, 20
- Ambergate Junction of the Midland Railway, Platform Additions to the, 339
- Ambergate Patent Railway Wheel Company, Winding up of the, 29
- American Bessemer Steel Production, 188
- American Bridge, Another Great, 202
- American Car Building, Progress of, 288
- American Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, The, 44, 82, 90, 297, 305, 376
- American Civil Engineering, 43
- American Coal and Iron, 106, 408, 425
- American Coal Trade, Progress of the, 106, 297, 408
- American Coast Navigation, 508
- American Copper, Discovery of, 29
- American Dock Building, 496
- American Freight Cars, 43
- American Iron and Steel Imports, 521
- American Iron Trade, Progress of the, 59, 162, 471
- American Locomotives, The Number of, 59
- American Machinery for Siberia, 401
- American Navy Yards, The, 149
- American Ocean Steaming, 288
- American Patent Office, Receipts of the, 288
- American Patents, 376, 401
- American Petroleum, The Exports of, 137
- American Pig Iron, 137, 471
- American Portland Cement, 496
- American Public Buildings, 329
- American Railroad Progress, 70, 496
- American Rails, 496
- American Rivers and Harbours, 401
- American "Round House," An, 449
- American Steam Canal Boats, 401
- American Steam Navigation, 401
- American Steam " Navvy," The, 515
- American Steam Street Cars, 91
- American Steamboat Boilers, The Inspection of, 360
- American Telegraphy, Progress of. 43, 374,433
- Americans Reviewing their Navy, The, 266
- Amsterdam and Rotterdam Railway, Locomotives on the, 449
- Amsterdam Ship Canal, The, 202
- Anglo-French Submarine Tunnel, The, 222
- Annual Reunion of the Employees of the Glasgow Corporation Gas Trust, 117
- Anstruther Harbour, Recommencement of Works at, 419
- Anthracite Coal, American, 425
- Antipodean Telegraphy, Progress of, 425
- Apparatus, The Scientific, at South Kensington Museum, 61, 459
- Appeal the Freehold Coal and Iron Company, 43
- Area of Hobart Town, The Capital of Tasmania, 105
- Armour Plate, Rolling a Great, at the Cyclops Works, 211
- Armour Plates, Great, for the Italian Government, 510
- Artillery Trains, Traction Engines for, SO
- Arts, Royal Scottish Society of, Meetings of the, 79, 137, 251, 297, 343, 396. 471
- Arts, The Society of, 248, 371
- Ashton Vale Collieries, Reduction of Wages at, 443
- Asphalte Pavement, 67
- Auckland, New Zealand, Proposed Graving Dock at, 162
- Australia, South, Progress of, 313
- Australia, South, Surveys in, 401
- " Australia," Steamship, Arrival of the, at Sydney, 494
- Australian Steam Navigation Company, Progress) of the, 359
- Australian Steam Shipbuilding, Progress of, 551
- Australian Telegraphy, Progress of, 239, 449, 486
- Austrian Railways, Progress of, 182
- Austrian Steel Works, Progress of, 401
- Austro-Hungarian Railways, Progress of, 401
- Auxiliary Steamship, Launch of, at Glasgow, 80
- Avonmouth Docks, The, 179
- Avonside Engine Works Co, Dividend of the, 199
- Avonside Engine Works, Proposed Reduction of Wages at the, 42, 71, 99
- Baie Verte Canal, Report on the, 288
- Baird, James, Death of, 534
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Locomotives on the, 249
- Baltimore Land Ohio Railroad, The Permanent Way on the, 288
- Bank of France, Appointment of M. Gouin to the, 202
- Barbadoes, Gas at, 168
- Barnsley, The New Sewage Works at, 419
- Barrow Steel Company's New Collieries, The, 29
- Belfast Boiler Explosion, The; Errata, 210
- Belgian Carriages for Her Majesty, 264
- Belgian Coal Exports, 59, 162, 425, 54G
- Belgian Coal Imports, 43:3
- Belgian Coal Mining, Progress of, 400, 471
- Belgian Coal Trade, Progress of the, 59, 137, 162, 249, 425, 433, 496, 546
- Belgian Coke, The Export of, 288
- Belgian Enterprise in South Africa, 425
- Belgian Great Corliss Engine, The, 479
- Belgian Industrials in Russia, 401
- Belgian Iron Exports, 44, 162, 449
- Belgian Iron Trade, Progress of the, 44, 59, 162, 222, 330, 449, 496
- Belgian Locomotive Building, 157
- Belgian Locomotive Tenders, 59
- Belgian Rails, The Export of, 288, 388
- Belgian Rails in Holland, 239
- Belgian Steel, 71
- Belgium and Canada, 302
- Belgium, Coal in, 162
- Belgium, English Coal in, 71
- Belgium, Rails in, 498
- Belgium, Rolling Stock in, 45
- Belgium and South America, 396
- Belgium, Steam Boiler Inspection in, 222
- Bessemer Rails in France, 162
- Bessemer Rails in the United States, 297
- Bessemer Saloon Steamer, Sale of the, 443, 462
- Bessemer Steel, Large Production of, at Rotherham, 247
- Bessemer Steel Production, American, 188
- Bessemer Steel in Russia, 251
- Bessemer Steel Workers' Wages, Reduction of, at Wilson, Cammell, and Company's, Dronfield, 247
- Bessemer Steel Works, The Phoenix, Sheffield, 20
- Beyer, Charles, Death of, 492
- Bill, The New Patent, 158, 227, 285, 468, 485
- Bill, The Rivers Pollution, 508
- Bill, The Severn Bridge and Forest of Dean Central Railway, Progress of the, 297
- Black Diamond. A Large, for the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 425
- Blaenavon, Wages at, 29
- Blake Steam Fire Engine, Trials of the, 467
- Blast Furnacemens' Wages, Cleveland, Proposed Reduction of the, G7, 99, 109
- Blast Furnaces, Dynamite Operations at, 99
- Blast Furnaces, The Scotch, 79, 99, 136, 285, 347, 896, 443
- Blast Furnaces, The Thorncliffe Iron Works, 540
- Block Coal, Indiana, 207
- Blowing up of Hell Gate, New York, Preparations for, 446
- Board of Arbitration, The North of England and Strikes, 419
- Boiler Explosion in Philadelphia, 239
- Boiler Explosion, The Smethwick, 269
- Boiler Explosion, A Strange, 4
- Boilers, American Steamboat, The Inspection of, 360
- Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company's Rail Mills, Resumption of Work at, 19, 238
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, Appointment of Mr. O. Currey as Secretary to the, 288
- Boncath, Proposed Railway to, 71
- Bo'ness Harbour Works, Progress of the, 211
- Borough Survey of Oldham, 539
- Boston, United States, Coal at, 202, 450
- Bradford Corporation Water Works, The, 239
- Bradford Midland Railway Station, Proposed Extension of the, 486
- Bradford, Proposed Reduction in the Price of Gas at, 179
- Branch Railway, Proposed, from Inverness to the Caledonian Canal, 43
- Brendon Hills; Proposed Reduction of Miners' Wages at, 324
- Bridge, The Albert, across the River St. Lawrence, Progress of, 288
- Bridge, Another Great American, 202
- Bridge, Another Great, over the River St. Lawrence, 44
- Bridge, The Hammersmith Suspension, 285
- Bridge, Menai Suspension, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the, 117
- Bridge, New Railway, over the Clyde, 157, 401
- Bridge, The Poughkeepsie, Contracts for, 162, 255
- Bridge, Proposed, across the River Dee at Aberdeen, 351
- Bridge, The Tay, Progress of, 99, 199, 371, 396, 491, 558
- Bridges on the Madras Railway, 516
- Bridges on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Models of for the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 288
- Bridgewater Town Council, Meeting of the, 247
- Bridgewater Water Supply, The, 199, 324
- Bridging the River Danube, 471
- Bridging the River Murray, 4:31
- Bridging the River Schuylkill, Philadelphia, 105
- Brisbane, Queensland, The Water Supply of, 162
- Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Annual Meeting of the, 348
- Bristol Channel, Lighthouse Arrangements in the, 239
- Bristol and Exeter Railway, Progress of the, 28, 239, 247
- Bristol Joint Station, The, 71
- Bristol Tramways, Progress of the, 28, 90, 156, 324, 395, 443, 486
- Bristol Wagon Works Co, Half-yearly Report of the, 534
- Bristol Water Works Company, Annual Meeting of the, 284
- Britannia Iron Co, The, Middlesbrough, Progress of, 109
- Britannia Iron Works, Middlesbrough, Closing of the, 199, 211, 238, 247
- British Association Meeting, 1876, 136
- British Columbian Coal, 376
- British Columbian Telegraphy, Progress of, 320
- Brooklyn and New York, The Population of, 202
- Brown, Bayley, and Dixon, Annual Report of, 199
- Brown, John, and Company, Sheffield, Annual Report of, 510
- Brussels, Tramway Receipts of, 449
- Brynmawr Works, Proposed Stoppage of the, 79
- Buckland, Quarrying at 71
- Buildings, Exhibition, The Cost of, 106
- Buildings in Philadelphia, Increase of, 129
- Burntisland and Cowdenbeath Direct Mineral Railway, The, 251
- Burntisland Dock Works, Progress of the, 99, 211, 251, 399
- Burra Mine, South Australia, Progress of the, 255
- Busby Water Works, near Glasgow, 443
- Cable, An Australian Submarine, 239
- Cable, The New Zealand, 317, 375
- Caerphilly District, The, and the Sliding Scale, 199
- Cail and Company, Profits of, 71
- Callander and Oban Railway, Progress of the 515
- Cambrian Railways; Decision of the Railway Commissioners, 239
- Cammell, C., and Company, Annual Report of, 486
- Canada and Belgium, 302
- Canada Economising, 330
- Canada Southern Railway, Proposed Extension of to Sarnia, 288
- Canadian Canals, The Proposed Enlargement of, 242
- Canadian Lighthouses, 59
- Canadian Metallurgical Industry, 162
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Progress of the, 129, 239, 359
- Canadian Railway Station, New, at Hamilton, Ontario, 162
- Canadian Railways, Progress of, 247
- Canadian Ship Canal, A New, 471
- Canadian Telegraphy, Progress of, 44
- Canadian Timber; Annual Report of the Crown Lands Commissioner of Ontario, 51
- Canal, The Amsterdam Ship, 202
- Canal, Baie Verte, Report on the, 288
- Canal, Another Great, Proposed, 29
- Canal, Lachine, Tenders for Work on the, 329
- Canal and Railway Company, The Monmouthshire, Progress of, 157, 179
- Canal, The Suez, 117, 222, 263, 376, 401, 425, 496, 531
- Canal, The Welland, Tenders for, 182
- Canals, New York, Proposed Sale of, 222
- Candidates for the Secretaryship of the South Yorkshire Miners' Association, 43
- Canterbury Cathedral, Trials of Merryweather and Sons' Steam Fire Engine for the Protection of, 563
- Capital, English, in Tennessee, 471
- Capitol, An Expensive, 329
- Car Building, American, Progress of, 288
- Car Coupler, A Self-Acting, 264
- Cardiff Coal Exports, 179
- Cardiff. Dock Extension at, 395, 558
- Cardiff and New York, Proposed Passenger Steamships between, 28
- Cardiff, Shipping at, 42
- Cardiff, Trade at, 43, 117, 515
- Carmichael Statue in Dundee, Uncovering of the, 515
- Carntyne Iron Works, Glasgow, The, 347
- Carriage and Wagon Department, New, for the Midland Railway, at Derby, 563
- Carriages, Belgian, for Her Majesty, 264
- Cartridges in Turkey, The Manufacture of, 491
- Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, The, 44, 82, 90, '297, 305, 376
- Certified Colliery Managers' Association, Annual Meeting of the, 297
- Central Pacific Railroad, Progress of the, 137
- Chapeltown, near Sheffield, Water Supply for, 20, 118
- Chemical Manufactory, A, Destroyed by Fire near Pontefract, 67
- Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Engineers, Meetings of the, 297, 510
- Chicago and Alton Railroad, Rolling Stock on the, 401
- Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, Rolling Stock on the, 471
- China, The First Railway in, 455
- China, Locomotives in, 360
- Chubb, Mr. H., on the Metropolitan Gas Supply 328
- Civil Engineering, American, 43
- Civil Engineers, The Institution of, 24, 45, 129, 160, 178, 199, 274, 285,,34'2, 371, 438, 462, 492, 558, 563
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Annual Meeting of the, 539
- Clapp's Coal-Cutting Machinery, Trial of at Newport, 219
- Cleveland, Coal and Coke Trades, 19, 29, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 179, 211, 238, 285, 324, 340, 372, 390, 483, 539
- Cleveland Engineering, Progress of, 19, 47, 99, 109, 157, 211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 340, 390, 419, 483, 539
- Cleveland Finished Iron Trade, The, 19, 29, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179, 199, '211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 340, 372, 390, 419, 443, 462, 483, 510 539, 558
- Cleveland Institution of Engineers, Meetings of the, 67, 238, 247, 324
- Cleveland Iron Market, The, 19, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 247, '285, 324, 340, 872, 390, 419, 443, 462, 483, 510, 539, 558
- Cleveland Ironmasters' Association, Returns of the, 29, 109, 199, 285, 483
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners, The, 19, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179
- Cleveland Ironworkers' Wages Question, The, 19, 29, 47, 67, '285, 324, 443
- Cleveland Shipbuilding, 19, 47, 99, 109, 157, 211, 247, 285, 324, 340, 390, 419, 483, 539
- Cleveland Steel Rails, Experiments on, 483
- Cleveland Trade, Prospects of the, 19, 47
- Clifton Suspension Bridge Company, Meeting of the, 71
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, Progress of the, 179, 285
- Clyde Trust, Harbour Works Extension, The, 2381
- Clyde Trust, Meetings of the, 297, 483
- Clyde-built Ships, Remarkable Sailing of Two, 515
- Coal, American Anthracite, 42.5
- Coal in Belgium, 162
- Coal at Boston, United States, 202, 450
- Coal, British Columbian, 376
- Coal Combustion, Spontaneous, 425
- Coal Congress in France, A Proposed, 418
- Coal-Cutting Machine, The Gartsherrie, 179
- Coal Dirt, Utilisation of, 425
- Coal Exchange, The Proposed Glasgow, 117
- Coal Exports, Belgian, 59, 162, 425, 546
- Coal Exports from Hull in 1875, 43
- Coal Exports from Maryland, 156
- Coal Exports from South Wales, 43
- Coal, German, in the Saarbruck Basin, 351
- Coal Imports, Belgian, 433
- Coal, Indian; Inspection of the Warrora Collieries by Mr. Morris, 251
- Coal and Iron, African, 498
- Coal and Iron, American, 106, 408, 425
- Coal and Iron Exports from Cardiff, 29, 179
- Coal and Iron Exports, South Wales, 297
- Coal and Iron Trade of South Wales, The, 419
- Coal Lading, Economy in, '284
- Coal Market, The Boston, U.S.A., 450
- Coal, Maryland, Decrease in the Production of, 266
- Coal Mining, Belgian, Progress of, 400, 471
- Coal Mining, French, 471
- Coal Mining, Russian, 360
- Coal, New South Wales, The Total Production of, 297
- Coal, New Zealand, 496
- Coal, Northern Pacific Railroad, 449
- Coal, Nova Scotian, 428
- Coal on the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 449
- Coal, Pennsylvanian, 59, 71, 137, 160, 335, 425, 485
- Coal Pits, The Nantymoel, Progress of, 117
- Coal in Queensland, 388, 426
- Coal Raising at Aberdare, 534
- Coal in the Rhondda Valley, 156
- Coal in the Rhymney Valley, 156
- Coal at Sheffield, Reduction in the Price of, 98, 138, 179, 274
- Coal in Spain, 491, 555
- Coal Trade, The American, Progress of, 106, 297, 408
- Coal Trade, The Belgian, Progress of, 59, 137,162, 249, 425, 433, 496, 546
- Coal Trade, The French, Progress of, 239, 247, 479, 491
- Coal Trade, The German, Progress of, '297, 429
- Coal Trade, The Glasgow, Progress of, 43, 117
- Coal Trade at Newcastle, New South Wales, Progress of the, 461
- Coal Trade, The Pennsylvanian, Progress of, 485
- Coal Trade, Somersetshire, Dispute in the, 219, 239
- Coal Trade, The Welsh, Progress of, 28, 43, 71, 117, 179, 419, 462, 486, 558
- Coal Traffic on the Central of New Jersey Railroad, 425
- Coal Traffic by Railway to London from South Yorkshire, 138, 239, 324, 419, 540
- Coal on the Union Pacific Railroad, 378
- Coal in the United States, 71
- Coal, Virginian, 449
- Coal Wealth of Pennsylvania, 425
- Coal, Welsh, for Ireland, 239
- Coal in Western Kentucky, 461
- Coal Winning at Maerdy Colliery, 117, 157
- Coal Winning at Trimsaran, 137
- Coal, Wyoming, Quantity Produced in 1875, 348
- Coalfield, New, at Irvine, Scotland, 462
- Coalfield, New, at Wishaw, 251
- Coast Navigation, American,:508
- Coke, Belgian, The Export of, 288
- College, The Working Men's, 231
- Collieries, New, The Barrow Steel Company's, 29
- Collieries at Cwmavon, Progress of, 42
- Collieries, The Glymeath, Progress of, 137
- Collieries, New, in South Yorkshire, 239, 462
- Collieries, North Wales, Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 157
- Collieries, Powell Duffryn, Notices at the, 371
- Collieries, Rhondda Valley, Notices at the, 371
- Collieries, Risca, Dispute at the, 219
- Collieries, J. and G. Wells', near, Sheffield, Sale of, 149
- Colliers, Aberdare Valley, Dispute with the, 19
- Colliers, Earl Fitzwilliam's, Reductions in the Wages of, 462, 540
- Colliers' Strike at Llantwit, 43
- Colliers' Wages at Ruabon, 71
- Colliers' Wages, South Yorkshire, Proposed Reduction of the, 199, 211, 239, 247, 274, '297, 339, 462, 486, 510, 564
- Colliers' Wages in South Wales, 19, 239
- Colliery Company, The Great Western, Progress of, 71
- Colliery Company, The Stanhope Silkstone, Progress of, 29
- Colliery Enterprise in South Yorkshire, 43, 239
- Colliery Explosion, Another, near Sheffield, 564
- Colliery, The Great Western, New Shaft for, 534
- Colliery, New, near Sheffield, 462
- Colliery Operations in Ogmore Valley, 371
- Colliery, Rhondda Mountain, Dispute at the, 219
- Collision, The Abbotts !Upton, 120
- Commercial Treaties, Revision of, 180
- Company, The John Cockerill, Progress of, 82
- Company, Limited Liability, Contemplated, at Middlesbrough, 157
- Company, The South Wales Atlantic Steamship, 43
- Compensation Bill, Mr. Macdonald's, Petition in favour of, 370
- Completion of the Dam Flask Reservoir, Sheffield, 20
- Composite Vessels, 137
- Compound Cylinder Locomotives, Trial of, on a French Railway, 479
- Conductors, Lightning; Lecture by Dr. R. J. Mann, at South Kensington, 495
- Conference of the Miners' Union at Aberdare, 348
- Conference of Somersetshire Miners and Colliery Proprietors, 297
- Conference, A Telegraphic, in New South Wales, 374
- Conner, Benjamin, Death of, 117
- Constant Service Mains in London, 527
- Constantinople Metropolitan Railway, Progress of the, 202
- Constantinople, The Population of, 474
- Constantinople Tramways; Resignation of the Manager, 239
- Construction of Railways in Turkey, The, 106
- Contract, Large, for Water Pipes at Glasgow, 79
- Contracts for Glasgow, 99
- Contracts with Workmen in South Wales, Notices to Terminate, 516
- Co-operative Colliery, at Shirland, The Miners', Progress of, 29
- Copper, American, Discovery of, 29
- Copper, South Australian, 54G
- Copper, Spanish; Profits of the Huelva Copper Mines Company, 401
- Corliss Engine, The Great Belgian, 479
- Corliss Engine, A Large, at Kirkcaldy, 238
- Cornwall Minerals Railway, Progress of the, 462, 558
- Courvieres Mines, The Productions of, 528
- Crewe, The 2000th Locomotive finished at, 443
- Crookes, Mr., on the Radiation of Light, 99
- Crown, The, and Patentees, 171
- Cumberland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science, Annual Meeting of the, 371
- Curiosities of the Patent Office, 19
- Currey, C., Secretary to the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, 288
- Cwm Garw, Striking a Seam of Coal at, 179
- Cwmavon Collieries, Progress of, 42
- Cyfarthfa Works; Deputation to Mr. Crawshay 156, 179
- Dam Flask Reservoir, Sheffield, Completion of the, '20
- Danube, River, Bridging the, 471
- Darien Ship Canal Question, The, 137
- Davenport, Mr. S. T., Death of, 87
- Day and Son's Tender for the Sewers at Cardiff, 324
- " Death, Accidental," 485
- Death of James Baird, 534
- Death of Mr. Charles Beyer, 492
- Death of Mr. Benjamin Conner, 117
- Death of Mr. S. T. Davenport, 37
- Death of Mr. Dabs, Locomotive Builder, 348
- Death of Mr. John Kane, 238
- Death of Mr. John Key, Kirkcalday, 462
- Death of Mr. Henry R. Marsden, 71
- Death of Mr. James Stirling, O.E., 29
- Dee, River, at Aberdeen, Bridge Proposed across the, 351
- Defences at Port Jackson, New South Wales, The, 471
- Defences of South Australia, The, 359
- Delegate Meeting of the Ironworkers' Association, 324
- Depression in the Steamship Trade, Great, 508
- Depth of the Sea, The, 168
- Detroit, Michigan, The Population of, 288
- Devon and Somerset Railway, Progress of the, 179
- Devonport Dockyard, Steam Engine for Driving the Spinning Machines at, 239
- Devonport, Proposed New Docks at, 247
- Dewsbury Water Works Bill, The, 149
- Dinner, Annual, of the Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 563
- Dividend of the Avonside Engine Works Company, 199
- Dixon v. the London Small Arms Company, 171
- Dock Building, American, 496
- Dock Extension at Cardiff, 395, 558
- Dock, The New Graving, in the Tees, 179
- Dock, New, at the Port of Hull, 339
- Dock Works, The Burntisland, Progress of, 99, 211, 251, 399
- Docks, The Avonmouth, 179
- Docks Company, The Milford, Half-Yearly Meeting of the, 219
- Docks at Devonport, Proposed New, 247
- Docks at Lisbon, Contract for, 239
- Docks, The Plymouth (treat Western, Progress of, 99
- Docks, The New Swansea, 515
- Double-Shift System, The, at Merthyr Vale Colliery, 297
- Doubling the Erie Canal, 496
- Dowlais, Additional Water Supply for, 297
- Dowlais Iron Works, Progress of, 19, 2S Dowlais Meeting of Colliers at, 99
- Drainage Operations at Leith, Extensive, 462 Drainage at Paisley, 29
- Draining North Brisbane, 449
- Draughtsmen, Engineering and Shipbuilding, Glasgow, Meetings of the, 79, 117, 179, 187, 239, 285, 348, 396, 443
- Dredger for Port Adelaide, A, 431
- Dredger, A Steam, for Queensland, 43, 401
- Dronfield Gas Light and Coke Company, Annual Report of the, 486
- Dronfield Water Supply, The, 540
- Dabs, Mr., Death of, 348
- Dumbarton, New Shipbuilding Firm at, 443
- Dundee Graving Dock, Another Burst at the, 179
- Dundee Harbour Board, Meetings of the, 443, 483
- Dunedin, New Zealand, Imports and Exports at, 240
- Dunfermline Sewage Works, Progress of, 29
- Durham Miners, Another Reduction in the Wages) of the, 510
- Dyce Cay, C.E., Harbour Engineer for Aberdeen, Arrangements of, 19
- Dynamite, Experiments with, near Sheffield, 67
- Dynamite, Explosions of, 274, 297, 534
- Dynamite Operations at Blast Furnaces, 99
- Earl Fitzwilliam's Colliers,. Reduction in the Wages of, 462, 540
- Eastern Railway of France, Rolling Stock and Working Expenses on the, 471
- Ebbw Vale, Deputation from the Rail Straighteners at, '285
- Ebbw Vale Ironworkers, Reduction in the Wages of the, 43, 324
- Ebbw Vale, Progress of Trade at, 419
- Ebbw Vale Water Works, Progress of, 247
- Ecclesfield, A New Railway Station for, 339
- Economising in Canada, 330
- Economy in Coal Lading, 284
- Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' Society, Meetings of the, 79, 117, 157, 199, 297, 443
- Endowment of the Engineering Chair in the University of Glasgow, '251
- Egyptian Mail Route, A New, 44
- Electric Lights for Railways, 106
- Engine, A Largo Corliss, at Kirkcaldy, 238
- Engine Works, Avonside, Proposed Reduction of Wages at the, 42, 71, 99
- Engineering in Cleveland, Progress of, 19, 47, 99, 109, 157, 211, 238, '247, 285, 324, 310, 390, 419, 483, 539
- Engineering Company, Hydraulic, Progress of the, 211
- Engineering Projects in South Yorkshire, 199 Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, (Glasgow, Meeting of the, 79, 117, 179, 187, 239, 285, 348, 396, 443
- Engineering Students' Society, Glasgow University, Meeting of the, 157
- Engineering Trade at Kirkcaldy, Progress of the, 419
- Engineering Trades, Glasgow, Progress of the, 211
- Engineers, The Chesterfield and Derbyshire institute of, Meetings of the, 2J7, 510
- Engineers, Civil and Mechanical, Annual Meeting of the, 539
- Engineers, Cleveland Institution of, Meetings, 67, 238, 247, 324
- Engineers and Draughtsmen, The London Association of Foremen, 107, 156, 187. 226, 350, 388
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil, 24, 45, 129, 160, 178, 199, 274, 285, 342, 371, 438, 462, 492, 568, 563
- Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, Meetings of the Institution of,79, 117,157,199, 239, 348, 396
- Engineers, The South Wales, Visit of, to the, South Yorkshire Coalfields, 564
- Engines for India, Marine, from the Clyde, 157
- Engines, Traction, Important to Owners of, 297
- English Capital in Tennessee, 471
- English Coal in Belgium, 71
- English Steel in Belgium, 521
- Enlargement of Canadian Canals, The Proposed, 242
- Enterprise, Colliery, in South Yorkshire, 43, 239
- Enterprise in South Africa, Belgian, 425
- Erie Canal, Doubling the, 496
- Erie Railroad Company, Locomotives for the, 479
- Erimus Iron Works, Middlesbrough, The, 29
- Errata, 168, 179, 210, 462, 558
- Eupion Gas Company, The, 168
- Europe, The Extent of Railways in, 106
- Exeter Water Company, New Works of the, 534
- Exhibition Buildings, The Cost of, 106
- Exhibition, The Centennial International, Philadelphia, 44, 82, 90, 297, 305, 376
- Expedition for Exploring Sumatra, 4
- Expensive Capitol, An, zs29
- Experiments with Dynamite near Sheffield, 67
- Explosion, Boiler, A Strange, 4
- Explosion, Another Colliery, near Sheffield, 564
- Explosion of Dynamite, 274, '297, 534
- Explosion of a Locomotive in Scotland, 251
- Explosion, The Swaithe Main Colliery, 29, 43, 118, 138
- Export of English Rails to the United States, 44
- Exports of Coal from Hull in 1875, 43
- Exports of Coal and Iron from Cardiff, 29, 179
- Exports of Coal from South Wales, 43
- Extension of the Recife and Sao Francisco Railway, 306
- Extensions at Aldwarke Main Colliery, 564
- Eyam Lead Mining Company, Annual Report of the, 443
- Factory Acts, The, 252
- Fairfield Association, Meeting of the, 79
- Fall of a Railway Bridge near Sheffield, 211
- Fall of a New Wagon Shed at Cowlaire, 117
- Fast Sailing of Two Clyde-Built Ships, 515
- " Fell" Locomotives for New Zealand, 90
- Ferndale Colliery Company, Tylor's, Progress of, 117
- Fiji, A Telegraph Cable for, 283
- Finished Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 19, 29, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 340, 372, 390, 419, 443, 462, 4S3, 510, 539, 55S
- Finished Iron Trade, The Glasgow, Progress of, 443
- Fire Brigade, The Metropolitan, 227
- Fire, A Chemical Manufactory Destroyed by, near Pontefract, G7
- Fire Engine Factory, Merryweather's; A House with a History, 449 •
- Fire Engine, Steam, The Blake, Trials of, 467
- Fire Engine, Steam, for Oldham, 425
- Fire Engine. Steam, for Paisley, 29
- Fire at the Grand Trunk Railway, 59
- Fire, The Protection of Canterbury Cathedral from; Trials of Merryweather and Sons' Steam Fire Engine, 563
- Fire, The Protection of Dockyards from, 154
- Fire at a Sheffield Gas Works Depot, 118
- Fires and the City Water Supply, 529
- Fireboxes, Steel, on American Railways, 491
- First Railway in China, The, 455
- Fitting heavy Guns, 531
- Fitzwilliam, Earl, and his Colliers, 462, 540
- Flexible Steel Wire Hawser, 515
- Floating Dock, The Nicolaieff, Progress of, 507
- Floating Dock, A Turkish, 222
- Floating Harbour, The Port Talbot, Contract for, 486
- Floods in Otago, New Zealand, 71*
- Floods in the River Ouse, 364
- Foreign Mining, 283
- Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, The London Association of, 107 ,156, 187, 226, 350, 388
- Forest of Dean, Settlement of a Strife in the, 371, 534
- Forest of Dean, Trade in the, 19, 419
- Forest of Dean, Wages in the, 28, 42, 117, 374 44 .534
- Formation of Natural Crystals; Lecture by Professor Daubree, at South Kensington, 494
- Fortifications, Turkish, 202
- Foundations, House, 67
- Four-Masted Ship, A, 19
- France, Bessemer Rails in, 162
- France, The Production of Rails in, 239, 274, 425
- France, Puddlers in the North of, 401
- Frankfort, Steel in, 498
- Frankfort Tramways, Progress of, 479
- Fraserburgh Harbour Board, Meeting of the, 211
- Free Miners, the Rights of, 531
- Freehold Coal and Iron Company, The, and the Court of Appeal, 43
- Freight Cars, American, 43
- French Coal Congress, Proposed, 418
- French Coal Mining, 471
- French Coal Trade, Progress of the, 239, 247, 479, 491
- French Iron Trade, Progress of the, 107, 329, 449, 471, 485, 496
- French Railway Extensions, 471
- French Railway Traffic, 162
- French Steam Navigation, 449
- French Steel, Increased Production of, 325
- French Telescope, A Great, 449
- Frith, J., Secretary of the South Yorkshire Miners' Association, 149
- Fuel on the Madras Railway, The Cost of, 546
- Fuel Works, Patent, 179
- Gadlys Iron Works, Progress of, 99
- Gartsherrie Coal-Cutting Machine, The, 179
- Gas at Barbadoes, 168
- Gas at Bradford, Proposed Reduction in the Price of, 179
- Gas Companies' Prices, South Yorkshire, Reduction in, 239
- Gas Company, The Eupion, 168
- Gas Company, The Imperial, 186
- Gas Company, The Newport, Monmouthshire, Progress of, 156
- Gas in Leeds, Reduction in the Price of, 274, 339
- Gas Light and Coke Company, The Chartered, Report of, 286
- Gas in Melbourne, 401
- Gas in New Zealand, 455
- Gas in Paris, 137, 266, 329, 374, 449, 496
- Gas at Philadelphia, 202
- Gas Question, The, 43i Gas at Salisbury, Reduction in the Price of 486
- Gas Supply, The Leeds, 20
- Gas Supply, The Metropolitan, 328
- Gas and Water Works, Chesterfield, Annual Report of the, 211.
- Gas in the West Indies, 162
- Gas Works Depot, Sheffield, Fire at a, 118
- Gas Works, The Leeds, Extension of, 54,9
- Gas Works, The Rotherham Corporation, 510
- Gauge, Alteration of, on the Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, 251
- Gauge, The Narrow, and North Cornwall, 247
- Gauge, The Narrow, in the West of England, 117
- Genoa, Proposed improvement of the Port of, 25,
- Geological Society of Glasgow, Meeting of the, 137
- Geological Survey in Pennsylvania, Progress of, 62
- German Coal in the Saarbruck Basin, 351
- German Coal Trade, Progress of the, 297, 429
- German Iron Trade, Progress of the, 222
- German Ironclads, No Mote, 4
- German Navy, The, 449
- German Railways, Progress of, 162, 211
- German Torpedo Boat, Launch of a, 32'
- " Germanic," White Star Line Steamer, Rapid Passage of the, from New York, 467
- Germany, Steel Rails in, 496
- Glamorganshire Tin Works, Meeting of Delegates at Swansea, 219
- Glasgow Coal Exchange, The Proposed, 117
- Glasgow Coal Trade, Progress of the, 43, 117
- Glasgow Corporation Gas Trust Employ6s, Annual Reunion of the, 117
- Glasgow Engineering Trades, Progress of the, 211
- Glasgow Locomotive Works, Progress of, 79
- Glasgow Malleable Iron Trade, The, 29, 43, 99
- Glasgow Mining Trade, The, 19, 43
- Glasgow and Paisley Railway, Widening the, 157
- Glasgow Pig-Iron Market, The, 29, 43, 79, 99, 117, 136, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 251, 285, 297, 324, 347, 371, 396, 419, 443, 462, 483, 515, 534, 558
- Glasgow Pipe-Founding Trade, The, '29, 79
- Glasgow Water, Docks, and Harbour Improvements, Contracts for, 99
- Glass Houghton Colliery, Accident at the, 43
- Glynneath Collieries, Progress of, 137
- " G.M.B." Iron, 324
- Gold, New Zealand, Exports of, 394
- Good Voyage, A, to Melbourne, 263
- Gouin, M., Appointment of, to the Bank of France, 202
- Gower Iron and Tin-Plate Company, The, 19
- Grand Trunk Railway, Fire at the, 59
- Graving Dock, Proposed, at Auckland, New Zealand, 162
- Graving Dock, Dundee, Another Burst at the, 179
- Graving Dock in the Tees, The New, 179
- Great Britain," Steamship, Dimensions of the, 88
- "Great Eastern" Steamship, Repairing the, 219
- Great Northern Railway in Derbyshire, Extensions of the, 396
- Great Northern Railway, The, at Doncaster, 138
- Great Northern Telegraph Company, Progress of the, 202, 359, 470, 471
- Great Western Colliery Company, Progress of, 71
- Great Western Colliery, New Shaft for the, 534
- Great Western Dock Company, Plymouth, Progress of the, 219
- Great Western Railway Extension and Absorptions, '29, 71, 117
- Great Western Railway, The, and Portishead Docks, 247
- Great Western Railway, Special Fast Trains on the, 19
- Greenock Harbour Trust, Meeting of the, 19
- Grinding Wheel, Serious Accident at, 339
- Gun, A Big Krupp, for the Sultan of Turkey, 297
- Guns, Krupp, at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, J05
- Guns, Fitting Heavy, 534
- Guns, Krupp, for Turkey, 401
- Halliday and Pickard, Messrs., in South Wales and Monmouthshire, 43
- Hammersmith Suspension Bridge, 285
- Harbours, The Anstruther, Recommencement of Works at, 419
- Harbour Extension at Kirkwall, Progress of, 43
- Harbour Improvements, The Newhaven, Scotland, Progress of, 157, 324
- Harbour Improvements, Proposed, for Port Adelaide, Australia, 71
- Harbour, The Napier, New Zealand, Progress of, 140
- Harbour, New York, A Statue for, 449
- Harbour Works, The Bo'ness, Progress of, 211
- Harbour Works Extension, Glasgow; The Clyde Trust, 238
- Harbour and Railways in North Australia, 128
- Harbours and Rivers, American, 401
- Hawser, Flexible Steel Wire, 515
- Hell Gate, New York, Preparations for the Removal of, 446
- Hematite, Sinking for, 443
- H.M.S. " Serapis," The Performances of, 418
- H.M.S." Tourmaline," inspection of, 340, 890
- Hickson, R., Appointment of, as Engineer to the Marine Board of South Australia, :325
- Highland Railway Carriages, Improvements in the, 29
- Hobart Town, Tasmania, 105
- Hobson's Bay, Sea Lights in, 51
- Hoisting Engines, Williamson's, 455
- Holland, Belgian Rails in, 239
- Holyhead Harbour, Progress of, 137
- Hour, The, on Tunnelling, 182
- House Foundations, 67
- House with a History, A; Merryweather and Sons' Original Factory, 449
- Hall, The New Dock at the Port of, 339
- Humber's Treatise on the Water Supply of Cities and Towns, 435
- Hydrants for the Metropolis, 172
- Hydraulic Engineering Company, Progress of the, 211
- Illinois Railroads, Progress of, 402
- Imperial Gas Company, The, 186
- Imports and Exports at Dunedin, New Zealand, 240
- Improvements, Railway, near Doncaster, 297
- Improvements, Railway, in South Yorkshire, 419
- Improvements at Swansea, 419
- Indian Coal; Inspection of the Warrora Collieries by Mr. Morris, 251
- Indian Light Railways, A Conference at Allahabad, 329
- Indian Manufacturing Industry, 452
- Indian Postal Service, The, 549
- Indian Telegraphy, Progress of, 527
- Indiana Block Coal, 207
- Indicators, Revolution; Gold Medal to T. A. Hearson for his " Strophometer, 436
- Industrial Coal and Iron Company, Report of the, 211
- " Inflexible," Twin Turret Ship, Preparations for the Launch of the, 239
- Ingot of Pennsylvanian Steel for the American Centennial Exhibition, 332
- Inspection of Boilers in Philadelphia, 239
- Inspection of the Tay Bridge Works, 99
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The, 24, 45, 129, 160, 178, 199, 274, 285, 342, 371, 438, 462, 492, 558, 663
- Institution of Engineers, Cleveland, Meetings of the, 67, '238, 247, 324
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Meetings of the, 79, 117, 157, 199, 239, 848, 396
- Intercolonial Railway, Progress of the, 71
- Intimidation by Welsh Unionists, 486
- inventor of the Reaping Machine, Proposed Statue to the, 419
- Inverness toll the Caledonian Canal, Proposed Branch Railway from, 43
- Iquique, The Water Supply of, 198
- Ireland, Narrow Gauge Railways in, 455
- Iron and Coal Trade of South Wales, The, 419
- Iron Company, The Britannia, Middlesbrough, Progress of, 109
- Iron Company, New, The Tredegar, 348
- Iron Exports, Belgian, 44, 162, 449
- Iron, " G.M.B.," 324
- Iron Market, The Cleveland, 19, 47, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 247, 285, 324, 340, 372, 390, 419, 443, 462, 483, 510, 539, 558
- Iron Mines Tasmanian. Progress of, 374
- Iron, Pig, Sold by Auction at Middlesbrough, 137
- Iron Rails, Contracts for, at the Thy-le-Chateau Works, 388
- Iron Sand, Taranaki, 378
- Iron Sheets Thinner than Paper, 342
- Iron Shipbuilding Firm, New, at Montrose, 29
- Iron Shipbuilding at Queensland, 355
- Iron in Southern Russia, The Discovery of, 450
- Iron and Steel Imports American, 521
- Iron and Steel Institute, Annual Meeting of the, 247
- Iron and Steel Rails at Philadelphia, The Price of, 137
- Iron and Tin-Plate Company, The Gower, 19
- Iron Trade, American, Progress of the, 59, 162, 471
- Iron Trade, The Belgian, Progress of, 44, 59, 162, 222, 330, 449, 496
- Iron Trade, The French, Progress of, 107, 329, 449, 471, 485, 496
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Malleable, 29, 43, 99
- Iron Trade, The German, Progress of, 222
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Finished, Progress of, 443
- Iron in the 'United States, Rolled, 474
- Iron Works, The Britannia, Middlesbrough, Closing of, 199, 211, '238, 247
- Iron Works, The Carntyne, Glasgow, 347
- Iron Works, The Cyfarthfa; Deputation to Mr. Crawshay, 156, 179
- Iron Works, The Dowlais, Progress of, 19, 28
- Iron Works, The Gadlys, Progress of, 99
- Iron Works, The Milton, Elsecar, Improvements at, 247
- Ironclads, No more German, 4
- Ironmasters' Association, Cleveland, Returns of the, 29, 109, 199, 285, 483
- Ironstone Mines and Miners, The Cleveland, 19, 67, 99, 109, 137, 157, 179
- Ironworkers' Association, Delegate Meeting of the, 324
- Ironworkers' Delegates, Meeting of, at Merthyr, 71
- Ironworkers' Dispute at Stockton, The, 443
- Ironworkers' Strike at Rotherham, Termination of. 297
- Ironworkers' Wages Question, The Cleveland, 19, 29, 47, 67, 285, 324, 443
- Ironworkers' Wages, Sheffield, Proposed Reduction of the, 98, 274, 297, 372, 462
- Ironworkers at Sheffield, National Annual Conference of. 486
- Irwin, Scotland. New Coalfield at, 462
- Ismalia, Progress of, 288
- Italian Government, Great Armour Plates for the, 510
- Italian Railways, Progress of, 360
- Java Railways, Progress of the, 106
- Jenissei in Siberia and the North Sea, Discovery of a Navigable Route between, 44
- John Cockerill Company, Progress of the, 82
- Joint Station, The Bristol, 71
- Jura-Bernois Railway, Progress of the, 471
- Kane, John, Death of, 238
- Key, John, Death of, 462
- Khedive's Sugar Factories, The, 401
- Kingston, Canada, Proposed Public Park at, 44
- Kirkcaldy, Progress of the Engineering Trade at, 419
- Kirkwall Harbour Extension, Progress of, 43
- Krupp Guns at the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 305
- Krupp Guns for Turkey, 297, 401
- Labour in Wales, 71
- Lachine Canal, Tenders for Work on the, 329
- Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Alteration of Gauge on the, 251
- Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, Progress of the, 137
- Lakes, Soda, at Wyoming, 377
- Landore Steel Works, Dispute at, 19, 29, 219, 419, 462, 486
- Large Black Diamond, A, for the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 425
- Launch of an Auxiliary Steamship at Glasgow, KO
- Launch of the First Great Span of the Tay Bridge, 371
- Launch of a German Torpedo Boat, 329
- Launches, Yarrow and Company's Portable Steam, for Lake Nyassa, 419
- Lead Mining Company, The Magpie, Annual Meeting of, 419
- Lead Mining in North Derbyshire, 247
- Leeds, Castleford, and Pontefract Junction Railway Company, Half-yearly Meeting of the 179
- Leeds Gas Supply, The, 20
- Leeds Gas Works, Extension of the, 540
- Leeds New Railway Extension, The, 247
- Leeds, The Price of Gas in, 274, 339
- Leeds Water Works Extension, The, 564
- Leeds Water and Gas Works, Annual Accounts of the, 118
- Leeds Water Works Reservoirs, Progress of the, 510
- Leeds and Wetherby Railway, The, 339, 396
- Leith and Edinburgh Engineers' Society, Meetings of the, 79, 117, 157, 199, 297, 443
- Leith, Extensive Drainage Operations at, 462
- Light, Mr. Crookes, F.1t.S., on the Radiation of, 99
- Light Railways, Indian, A Conference on, at Allahabad, 329
- Light Railways in the West, 486
- Light Registering Apparatus; Lecture by Professor Roscoe at South Kensington, 497
- Lighthouse Arrangements in the Bristol Channel, 239
- Lighthouses, Canadian, 59
- Lightning Conductors; Lecture by Dr. R. J. Mann, at South Kensington, 495
- Lightning, Powder Mills Destroyed by, 274
- Lights, Electric, for Railways, EX Limited Liability Company, Contemplated, at Middlesbrough, 157
- Lisbon, A Contract for Docks at, 239
- Liverpool Landing Stage, Reopening of the, 302
- Llandaff Ironworkers, Strike of the, 285
- Llanfabon, The New Coal Pits at, 71
- Llantwit, Colliers' Strike at, 43
- Llynvi and Ogmore Railway, Progress of the, 284
- Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington, The, 459
- Locomotive Building, Belgian, 157
- Locomotive, Explosion of a, in Scotland, 251
- Locomotive, The Nursery of the, 340
- Locomotive, An Old, for the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 266
- Locomotive Performance on the Illinois Central Railroad, 425
- Locomotive Tenders, Belgian, 59
- Locomotive Works, Glasgow, Progress of, 79
- Locomotives, American, The Number of, 59
- Locomotives on the Amsterdam and Rotterdam Railway, 449
- Locomotives on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 249
- Locomotives in China, 360
- Locomotives, Compound, Trial of, on a French Railway, 479
- Locomotives for the Erie Railroad Company, 479
- Locomotives, Light Street, for New Orleans, 521
- Locomotives for New Zealand, 90, 137
- Locomotives on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 202
- Locomotives in Russia, 59
- Locomotives in Saxony, 324
- Locomotives on the Union Pacific Railroad, 425
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, 107, 166, 187, 226, 350, 388
- London and County Bank, Half-yearly Report of the, 09
- London, Huron, and Bruce Railway, Progress of the, 69, 277
- London and North-Western Railway, The, in Wales, 137
- London and North-Western Railway Works at Crewe, Public Luncheon arid Bazaar at, 443
- London and South-Western Railway, Extension of the, to Devonport 419
- London Street Watering, 198
- London Water Supply; Deputation to Mr. Cross, 252
- Long Words in Telegrams, The Charge for, 449
- Low Tide at Cardiff, 239
- Lydbrook, Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 615
- Lydney Tin-Plate Workers, The, 19, 534
- Macdonald's Compensation Bill, Petition in favour of, 370
- Machinery, American, for Siberia, 401
- Machinery for Turkey, 239
- Madras Railway, Bridges on the, 516
- Madras Railway, Cost of Fuel on the, 516
- Maerdy Colliery, Coal Winning at, 117, 157
- Mail Route, A New Egyptian, 44
- Mail Station, A Plymouth, '28
- Make and Disposal of Pig Iron, The; Cleveland Irommasters' Returns, 483
- Making the Best of Matters, 25
- Malaga, Tramways Proposed at, 252
- Malleable Iron Works, Glasgow, Reduction of Wages at the, 462
- Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, Progress of the, 43, '239
- Manufacturing Industry, Indian, 452
- Marine Board of South Australia, Appointment of Mr. R. Hickson as Engineer to the, 325
- Marine Engines for India from the Clyde, 157
- Marsden, Mr. Henry R., Death of, 71
- Maryland Coal Exports, 156
- Maryland Coal, Decrease in the Production of, 266
- Mechanical Stoking : Errata, 558
- Meeting, Annual, of the Bristol Water Works Company, 284
- Meeting, Annual, of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, 348
- Meeting, Annual, of the Certified Colliery Managers' Association, 297
- Meeting, Annual, of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 539
- Meeting, Annual, of the Cumberland Association for the Advancement of Literature and Science, 371
- Meeting, Annual, of the Iron and Steel Institute, 247
- Meeting, Annual, of the Magpie Lead Mining Company, 419
- Meeting, Annual, of the Mill Dam Lead Mining Company, North Derbyshire, '247
- Meeting, Annual, of the Native Guano Company (A B 0 Process), 455
- Meeting, Annual, of the Phosphor-Bronze Company, 157
- Meeting, Annual, of the Victoria Philosophical Institute, 467
- Meeting of the Bridgewater Town Council, 247
- Meeting of the British Association, 1876, 136
- Meeting of the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company, 71
- Meeting of Colliers at Dowlais, 99
- Meeting of the Fairfield Association, 79
- Meeting of the Fraserburgh Harbour Board, 211
- Meeting of the Geological Society of Glasgow, 137
- Meeting of the Glasgow University Engineering Students' Society, 157
- Meeting of the Greenock Harbour Trust, 19
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Leeds, Castleford, and Pontefract Junction Railway Company, 179
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Leeds Tramway Company, 138,179
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Milford Docks Company, 219
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, 179
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the North-Eastern Railway, Company, 149
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway Company, 179
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Swindon, Marlborough, and Andover Railway Company, 157
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Wakefield Water Works Company, 138
- Meeting of Ironworkers' Delegates at Merthyr, 71
- Meeting of Masters and Men of the South Wales Coal Trade as a Conciliation Board, 462
- Meeting of the Newport Alexandra Dock Company, 247
- Meeting of the Newport Harbour Commissioners, 117
- Meeting of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow to consider the Patent Bill, 285
- Meeting of the Port Pirie Wharf Company, 359
- Meeting, Quarterly, of the North of England Iron Trade, 29
- Meeting of the Rothsay Harbour Trust, 297
- Meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 239
- Meeting of Shipowners at Swansea, 19
- Meeting of the Society of Arts, 371
- Meeting, Special General, of the Sirhowy Railway Company, 462
- Meeting of the Swansea Harbour Trustees, 515
- Meeting of the Swindon and Highworth Light Railway Company, 42
- Meeting of the Tin-Plate Trade at Swansea. 247
- Meeting of the Tiverton and North Devon Railway Company, 117
- Meeting of the Wakefield Rolling Stock Company, 118
- Meeting of the \Vest Riding Geological and Polytechnical Society, 372
- Meetings of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Engineers, 297, 510
- Meetings of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, 67, 238, 247, 324
- Meetings of the Clyde Trust, 297, 483
- Meetings of the Dundee Harbour Board, 443, 483
- Meetings of the Edinburgh and Leith Engineers'
- Society, 79, 117, 157, 199, 297, 443
- Meetings of the Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, Glasgow, 79, 117, 179, 187, 239, 285, 348, 396, 443
- Meetings of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, 79, 117, 157, 199, 239, 348, 396
- Meetings of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 79, 137, 251, 297, 348, 396,471
- Meetings of the Sliding Scale Committee at Cardiff, 117, 247
- Melbourne, Gas in, 401
- Melbourne, The Water Supply of, 288
- Menai Suspension Bridge, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the, 117
- Merry, Mr., Retirement of, from the Iron Trade, 515
- Merryweather's Fire Engine Factory; A House with a History, 449
- Merryweather and Sons' Steam Fire Engine for Canterbury Cathedral, Trials of, 563
- Merthyr Vale Colliery, The Double-Shift System at, 297
- Metallurgical Industry, Canadian, 162 Metropolitan Fire Brigade, The, 227
- Metropolitan Gas Question, The, 435
- Metropolitan Gas Supply, The, 328
- Metropolitan Nuisances, 563
- Metropolitan Railway, The; Number of Passengers on Whit Monday, 515
- Metropolitan and South-Eastern Railways, Omnibuses between the, 37
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, and the Use of Hydrants, 172
- Middlesbrough, The New Railway Station at, 179
- Middlesbrough Steel Works, Progress, of, 199
- Midland Iron Company, Annual Report of the, 149
- Milford Haven, Proposed Fog-Signal House at, 137
- Milford Haven Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, The, 28
- Milford Haven, Visit of Mr. E. J. Reed to, 419
- Milton Iron Works, Elsecar, Improvements at the, 247
- Mine, The Burra, South Australia, Progress of, 255
- Mineral Oil Trade, The Scotch, Progress of, 534
- Mineral Railway, The Burntisland and Cowdenbeath Direct, 251
- Mineral Trophy, An Australian, 239
- Minerals, Algerian, 378
- Minerals, Pennsylvanian, at the American Centennial Exhibition, 330
- Minerals Railways, Cornwall, Colonel Yolland's Inspection of, 462, 558
- Miners' Association, The South Yorkshire, 67
- Miners' Co-operative Colliery at Shirland, Progress of the, 29
- Miners, Glasgow, Disputes with the, 43
- Miners, Durham, Another Reduction in the Wages of the, 510
- Miners' Union, Conference of the at Aberdare, 348
- Miners in Yorkshire and Derbyshire, Great Strike of the, '297, 324, 339, 372, 396, 419, 443
- Mines, The Courvieres, Productions of, 528
- Mines, The Wallaroo, South Australia, Progress of, 408
- Mining Casualties in Pennsylvania, 288
- Mining, Foreign, 283
- Mining, Tin, Progress of, 25, 360, 401, 426
- Mining Trade, The Glasgow, 19, 43
- Miramichi Valley Railway, Progress of the, 376
- Miscellaneous Matters of Interest in South Yorkshire, 149
- Mississippi, The River, Improvements on, 71, 329, 496
- Models of Bridges on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad for the Centennial Exhibition, 288
- Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Progress of the, 157, 179
- Montreal, Deaths in, 402
- Moorfoot Water Works, Tenders for the, 179
- Motherwell District, The Malleable Iron Trade in the, 99
- Motherwell Water Works, The, 19, 285
- Motors for Tramways, 266
- Mountains of New South Wales, The, 28S Mountains, The New Zealand, 329
- Moxahala Tunnel, The, on the Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway, 474
- Namur and Brussels Railway, Progress of the, 471
- Nantymoel Coal Pits, Progress of the, 117
- Napier Harbour, New Zealand, Progress of the, 140
- Narrow Gauge Line, A Tennessee, 25
- Narrow Gauge Railways in Ireland, 466
- Narrow Gauge, The, in the West of England, 117
- National Annual Conference of Ironworkers at Sheffield, 486
- Native Guano Company (A B C Process), Annual Meeting, of the, 455
- Natural Crystals, The Formation of; Lecture by Professor Daubree, at South Kensington, 494
- Navigable Streams, The Pollution of, 191
- Navy, The Americans Reviewing their, 266
- Navy, The German, 449
- Navy, The Turkish, 106, 401
- Navy, The United States, 25, 187, 222
- Navy Yards, The American, 149
- Navy Yards, Philadelphia, The Sale of the, 329
- " Navvy," The American Steam, 515
- Navvy, A Steam, in Scotland, 239
- Neath Tramways, Reduction of Tolls Paid by the, 179
- Now River Company, Sinking a New Well for the, 539
- Now South Wales Coal, The Total Production of, 297
- New South Wales, The Mountains of, 288
- New South Wales, Hallway Progress in, 71, 106
- Now York and Brooklyn, The Population of, 202
- New York Canals, Proposed Sale of the, 222
- New York and Cardiff, Proposed Passenger Steamships between, 28
- New York Central Railroad, Rolling Stock on the, 137
- New York and Erie Railroad, Progress of the, 288
- New York and Philadelphia Railroad, Opening of the, 471
- New Zealand Cable, The, 317, 875
- New Zealand Coa1,496
- New Zealand, Gas in, 455
- New Zealand Gold, Exports of, 894
- New Zealand, Locomotives for, 137
- New Zealand Mountains, The, 829
- New Zealand Patents, 401
- Now Zealand Railways, Progress of the, 419
- New Zealand Tunnel, A, 471
- Newcastle, New South Wales, The Coal Trade in, 461
- Newfoundland Railways, Progress of the, 521
- Newfoundland, a Survey of, 51
- Newhaven Harbour Improvements, Scottish, Progress of, 157, 324
- Newhaven and Seaford Sea Wall, Inspection of the, 486
- Newport Alexandra Dock Company, Meeting of the, 247
- Newport Harbour Commissioners, Meeting of, 117
- Newport, Monmouthshire, Gas Company, Progress of, 156
- Newport, Trade, at, 43, 895, 615, 534
- Newport Tramways, Progress of the, 71
- Nicolaieff Floating Dock, Progress of the, 507
- Normansell, The late Mr. John, Subscriptions for his Widow and Children, 29, 43
- Normanton, Proposed Sewerage, Water, and Drainage Works at, 443
- North Brisbane, Scheme for the Drainage of, 449
- North Cornwall and the Narrow Gauge, 247
- North-Eastern Railway Company, Half-yearly Meeting. of the, 149
- North of England Board of Arbitration, The, and Strikes, 419
- North Esk, Purification of the, 43
- North Wales Collieries, Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 157
- North Wales Quarrymen's Union, Second Annual Conference of, 443
- Northern Central Railway Company, Report of the, 262 ..
- Northern Pacific Railroad, Progress of the, 222, `239
- Northern Pacific Railroad Coal, 449
- Northern of Spain Railway, Progress of the, 288
- Notices for the Stoppage of Plymouth Works, 157, 199
- Notices to Terminate Contracts with Workmen in South Wales, 516
- Nova Scotian Coal, 428
- Nova Scotian Railways, Progress of the, 25, 106, 376, 449
- Nuisances, Metropolitan, 668
- Nursery of the Locomotive, The, 310
- "Oberon," H.M.S., Torpedo Experiments on, 528
- Observatory, Vienna, Large Telescope for the, 'Z66
- Ocean Steaming, American, 288
- Office, The Patent, 419
- Ogmore Valley, Colliery Operations in, 871
- Oil Trade, The Scotch Mineral, Progress of, 534
- Old Locomotive, An, for the American Centennial Exhibition, 268
- Oldham, Borough Survey of, 539
- Oldham, Steam Fire Engines for, 425
- Omnibuses between the Metropolitan and South-Eastern Railways, 37
- Omnibuses in Paris, 283
- Onliwyn, Strike of Colliers at, 239
- Ontario, Railway Progress in, 162
- Opening of the Leeds and Wetherby Railway, 896
- Opening of the New York and Philadelphia Railroad, 471
- Opening of the Pontardulais Tin Works, 371
- Opening of the Taff Bargoed Railway, 19, 28
- Operative Engineers, Edinburgh, Annual Soiree of the, 251
- Orleans Railway, Rolling Stock on the, 471
- Ossett Water Works, Progress of the, 354, 462
- Otago, New Zealand, Floods in, 71
- Ovenden Water Supply, The, 824
- Paisley, Drainage at, 29
- Paris, Gas in, 187, 266, 329, 874, 449, 496
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, Progress of the, 471, 449
- Paris, Omnibuses in, 283
- Parisian Tramways, Progress of the, 491
- Park, Proposed New, at Kingston, Canada, 44
- Parkgate Iron Works, Termination of the Strike Patent Bill, Meeting of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow to consider the, 285
- Patent Bill, The New, 158, 227, 285, 468, 485 Patent Fuel Works, 179
- Patent Law Reform. Petition for, 171
- Patent Office, The, 419
- Patent Office, The American, Receipts of, 288
- Patent Office, Curiosities of the, 19
- Patent Railway Wheel Company, Ambergate, Winding up of the, 29
- Patentees and the Crown, 171
- Patents, American, 876, 401
- Patents, New Zealand, 401
- Pavement, Asphalt°, 67
- Pembroke Dock, The Water Supply for, 419 Pembrokeshire, Wages in, 179
- Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway Company, Half-yearly Meeting of the, 179
- Pennsylvania Coal, 59, 71, 187, 160, 335, 425, 485
- Pennsylvania, Mining Casualties in, 288
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Progress of the, 401
- Pennsylvania, Rolling Stock in, 829
- Pennsylvania Steel for the American Centennial Exhibition, 882
- Pennsylvanian Geological Survey, Progress of, 62
- Pennsylvanian Minerals at the American Centennial Exhibition, 880
- Permanent Way on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, The, 288
- Permanent Way on the Madras Railway, Cost of the, 25
- Permanent Way on the Union Pacific Railroad, 449
- Persia, Proposed Railways in, 264
- Petroleum, American, The Exports of, 137
- Philadelphia Navy Yard, The Sale of the, 829
- Philadelphia, Progress of, 129, 202, 874, 401, 449
- Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, Locomotives on the, 202
- Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Progress of the, 471
- Phoenix Bessemer Steel Works, Sheffield, The, 20
- Phosphate Sewage Company, The, 187
- Phosphor-Bronze Company, Annual Meeting of the, 157
- Pickard and Halliday, Messrs., In South Wales and Monmouthshire, 43
- Piecework, 99
- Pier Extension, Swansea, Progress of, 486
- Pig Iron, American, 187 471
- Pig Iron, The Make and Disposal of; Cleveland Ironmasters' Returns, 483
- Pig Iron Market, The Glasgow, 29, 43, 79, 99, 117, 136, 157, 179, 199, 211, 238, 251, 285, 297, 824, 847, 371, 396, 419, 443, 462, 483, 515, 534, 558
- Pig Iron Sold by Auction at Middlesbrough, 137
- Piggford, Mr., Retirement of, from the Risca Collieries, 199
- Pilot Service, The, at Port Jackson, New South Wales, 48
- Pipe-Founding Trade, The Glasgow, 29, 79
- Platform Additions to the Ambergate Junction of the Midland Railway, 839
- Plymouth and Aberdare Works, Progress of the. 48
- Plymouth Great Western Docks, Progress of the, 99, 219
- Plymouth a Mail Station, 28
- Plymouth, New Railway Station at, 157
- Plymouth Steam. Shipping Trade, Progress of the, 137
- Plymouth Works, Notices for the Stoppage of the, 157, 199
- Pointsmen on the Caledonian Railway, Wages of, 239
- Pollution of Navigable Streams, The, 191
- Pollution of the River Thames, The, 346
- Pontardulais, Tin Works, Proposed, at, 117, 371
- Pontymister Tin Works, The, 631
- Pontypridd Water Works, Progress of the, 157
- Popoff's Air Bags, Experiments with, 486
- Population of Constantinople, The, 474
- Population of Detroit, Michigan, Increase in the, 288
- Population of Victoria, Australia, 135
- Port Adelaide, Australia, Proposed Improvement at, 71
- Port Adelaide, A Dredger for, 431
- Port Clarence, Proposed Steel Works at, 372
- Port of Genoa, Proposed Improvement of, 25
- Port Jackson, New South Wales, The Defences of, 471
- Port Pixie Wharf Company, Meeting of the, 359
- Port Talbot Floating Harbour, Contract for the, 48G
- Portable Steam Launches, Yarrow and Company's, for Lake Nyassa, 419
- Portishead Docks and the Great Western Railway, 247
- Portland Cement, American, 496
- Portugal, Railway Progress in, 109, 359
- Portuguese Railways, Progress of, 359, 492
- Postal Service, The Indian, 649
- Poughkeepsie Bridge over the River Hudson, Contracts for the, 162, 255
- Powder Mills Destroyed by Lightning, 274
- Powell Duffryn Collieries, Notices at the, 371
- Powell Gellagaer Coal Company, The, at Llanfabon, 71
- Preparing for the Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 297
- Preserved Timber, 162
- Price of Steam Coal, The, at Sheffield, 67
- Profits of Cail and Company, 71
- Propeller, Steamship, and Rudder Experiments, 516 •
- Protection of Dockyards from Fire, 154
- Public Buildings. American, 329
- Public Lands of the United States, The, 25, 45
- Public Works in Victoria, 106, 136, 461, 521
- Puddlers in the North of France, 401
- Puddling Machines, Rotary, at Middlesbrough, 87'2
- Pullman Sleeping Cars on the Continent, 71
- Purchase of the Wakefield Water Company, Proposed, 610
- Purification of the North Esk, 43
- Quarrying at Buckland, 71
- Quarterly Meeting of the North of England Iron Trade, 29
- Quebec Railways, Progress of, 62, 158 Queensland, Coal in, 388, 425
- Queensland, A Dredger for, 401 Queensland Iron Shipbuilding, 255
- Queensland Railways, Progress of the, 71, 350
- Queensland Steam Navigation, 829
- Radiation of Light, Mr. Crookes, F.R.S., on the, 99
- Rail Making, Stool, at Cleveland, 247
- Rail Mill, Steel, at Dowlais, New, 462
- Rail Mills, Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company's, Resumption of Works at 19, 238
- Rail Straighteners at Ebbw Vale, Deputation from the, 285
- Rail Straighteners at Rhymney, The, 247
- Rail Straighteners at Tredegar, Settlement of the Dispute with the, 284
- Railroad Building, American, Progress of, 496
- Railroad, Central, of New Jersey, Coal Traffic on the, 425
- Railroad, The Central Pacific, Progress of, 137
- Railroad, Chicago and Alton, Rolling Stock on the, 401
- Railroad, The Illinois Central, Locomotive Performances on, 425
- Railroad, The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Progress of, 137
- Railroad, The New York and Erie, Progress of, 288
- Railroad, The New York and Philadelphia, Opening of, 471
- Railroad, The Northern Pacific, Progress of, 222, 289
- Railroad, The Pennsylvania, Progress of, 401
- Railroad, The Philadelphia and Reading, Progress of, 471
- Railroad Progress, American, 70,496
- Railroad Progress in Ohio, 162
- Railroad, The Union Pacific, Progress of, 850, 378, 401, 425, 449
- Railroads in Illinois, Progress of, 402
- Rails, American, 496
- Rails, Belgian, The Export of, 288, 888
- Rails in Belgium, 498
- Rails, Bessemer, in the United States, 297
- Rails in France, The Production of, 239, 274, 425
- Rails, Iron, Contracts for, at the Thy-le-Chateau Works, 888
- Rails at Philadelphia, The Price of, 137
- Rails, Steel, on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, 496
- Rails, Steel, on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad, 449
- Rails, Steel, on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, 244
- Rails, Steel Headed, Experiments with, at Detroit, 449
- Rails, Steel, on the Northern Central Railroad, 521
- Rails, Steel, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 813
- Rails, Steel, in the United States, 401
- Railway Absorptions, Great Western, 117
- Railway Accident Commission, The, 462
- Railway Accidents in January, February, and March, 1876, 522
- Railway, The Altona and Kiel, A Contract for, 390
- Railway, Proposed, to Boncath, 71
- Railway Bridge, New, over the Clyde, 157, 401
- Railway Bridge near Sheffield, Fall of a, 211
- Railway, The Bristol and Exeter, Progress of, 28, 239, 247
- Railway, The Callander and Oban, Progress of, 515
- Railway, The Canada Southern, Proposed Extension of, to Sarnia, 288
- Railway, The Canadian Pacific, Progress of, 129, '239, 369
- Railway, The Cornwall Minerals, Progress of, 462, 558
- Railway Carriage Warming in France, 449
- Railway Carriages, Highland, Improvements in the, 29
- Railway in China, The First, 455
- Railway City Warehouses, Now, 479
- Railway Coal. Traffic to London from South • Yorkshire, 138, 239, 324, 419, 640
- Railway Company, The Tiverton and North Devon, Meeting of, 117
- Railway, Constantinople Metropolitan, Progress of the, 202
- Railway, The Devon and Somerset, Progress of, 179
- Railway Extensions, French, 471
- Railway Extensions, The Great Western, 29, 71, 117
- Railway Extensions, The Leeds New, 247
- Railway Extensions, Western, 462
- Railway, Glasgow and Paisley, Widening The, 157
- Railway, The Great Northern, Extensions of, in Derbyshire, 396
- Railway, The Great Northern, at Doncaster, 138
- Railway Improvements near Doncaster, 297
- Railway Improvements in South Yorkshire, 419
- Railway, The Intercolonial, Progress of, 71
- Railway, The Jura-Bernois, Progress of, 471
- Railway, The Leeds and Wetherby, Progress of, 839, 396
- Railways, The Llynvi and Ogmore, Progress of, 284
- Railway, The London, Huron, and Bruce, Progress of, 59, 277
- Railway, The London and North-Western, in Wales, 137
- Railway, London and South-Western, Extension of the, to Devonport, 419
- Railway, Madras, Cost of the Permanent Way on the, 25
- Railway, Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, Progress of the, 43, 239
- Railway, The Metropolitan; Number of Passengers on Whit Monday, 515
- Railway, The Miramichi Valley, Progress of, 375
- Railway, The Namur and Brussels, Progress of, 471
- Railway, A New Spanish, 59
- Railway, The Northern of Spain, Progress of, • 288
- Railway, A Nova Scotian, 26
- Railway, The Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean, Progress of, 471, 449
- Railway, Progress in Now South Wales, 71, 106
- Railway Progress in Ontario, 162
- Railway Rolling Stock, Improved, for the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, 239
- Railway, The Proposed Sydney and Ilwarra, 59
- Railway, The, Royal Portuguese, Progress of, 109, 359
- Railway, The St. Ives, Progress of, 19
- Railway, The Scindia State, Contract for, 248
- Railway, The South Devon, Progress of, 71
- Railway, Southern of France, Cost of Repairing the, 419
- Railway Station, The Bradford Midland, Proposed Extension of, 486
- Railway Station, A New Canadian, at Hamilton, Ontario, 162
- Railway, A New, for Ecclesfield, near Sheffield, 330
- Railway Station at Middlesbrough, The New, 179
- Railway Station, New, at Plymouth, 167
- Railway, The Taff Bargoed, Opening of, 19, 28
- Railway, Tasmanian Main Line, Progress of the, 106, 162
- Railway Traffic, French, 162
- Railway Wagon Company's Operations, South Yorkshire, 99
- Railway, The Waitara and Wanganui, New Zealand, Progress of, 129
- Railway to Whithorn, Contract for the, 483
- Railway, The Wye Valley, Progress of, 6
- Railways, Algerian, Progress of, 106
- Railways, Austrian, Progress of, 182
- Railways, Austro-Hungarian, Progress of, 401
- Railways, Cambrian; Decision of the Railway Commissioners, 239
- Railways, Canadian, Progress of, 247 •
- Railways in Europe, The Extent of, 106
- Railways, German, Progress of, 162, 241
- Railways and Harbours in North Australia, 128
- Railways in Ireland, Narrow Gauge, 455
- Railways, Italian, Progress of, 360
- Railways, Java, Progress of the, 106
- Railways, Light, in the West, 486
- Railways in Newfoundland, Progress of the, 521
- Railways, New Zealand, Progress of the, 419
- Railways in Nova Scotia, Progress of, 26, 106, 376, 449
- Railways in Persia, Proposed, 264
- Railways in Portugal, Progress of, 359, 492
- Railways in Quebec, Progress of, 62, 168
- Railways, Queensland, Progress of the, 71, 360
- Railways, Roumelian, Progress of, 308, 401
- Railways, Russian, Progress of the, 51, 90, 140, 470
- Railways, South Australian, Progress of the, 222
- Railways, South Italian, Progress of, 401
- Railways in the Transvaal Republic, 266
- Railways, Turkish, Progress of, 29, 106
- Railways, The Tunisian, Progress of, 468
- Railways, The Venezuelan, Progress of, 496
- Railways, Victorian, Progress of the, 162, 425, 436
- Railways in the West of England, 616
- Raising of the " Vanguard,' The, 510
- Ransome's Artificial Stone, 339
- Rapid Passage from New York by White Star Line Steamer "Germanic," 467
- Reaping Machine, Statue Proposed to the Inventor of the, 419
- Reaping Machines, South Australian, Trials of, 266
- Recife and Sao Francisco Railway, Extension of the, 306
- Reduction of Bessemer Steel Workers' Wages at Wilson, Cammell, and Company's, Dronfield, 247
- Reduction in Gas Companies' Prices, South Yorkshire, '239, 274, 339
- Reduction in the Price of Coal at Sheffield, 98, 138, 179, 274
- Reduction of Wages at the Ashton Vale Collieries, 443
- Reed, Mr. E. J., Visit of, to Milford Haven, 419
- Registering Apparatus, Light, Lecture by Professor Roscoe at South Kensington, 497
- Registration of Trade Marks, 226, 485
- Reopening of the Liverpool Landing Stage, 302
- Report, Annual, of Brown, Bailey, and Dixon, 199 Report, Annual, of John Brown and Company, Sheffield, 540
- Report, Annual, of Charles Carmel' and Company, 486
- Report, Annual, of the Chesterfield Gas and Water Works, 211
- Report, Annual, of the Dronfield Gas Light and Coke Company, 486
- Report, Annual, of the Eyam Lead Mining Company, 443
- Report, Annual, of the Midland Iron Company, 149
- Report, Annual, of the Parkgate Iron Company, 443
- Report, Annual, of the Rotherham, Masborough, and Holmes Coal Company, 149
- Report, Annual, of the Whittington and Sheep-bridge Colliery Company, '247
- Report of the Chartered Gas Light and Coke Company, 286
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Bristol Wagon Works Company, 534
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Engineer of the Tay Bridge, 199
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Leeds Tramway Company, 138
- Report, Half-yearly, of the London and County Bank, 99
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Severn Bridge Railway, 137
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Sharpness New Docks company, 371
- Report, Half-yearly, of the Sheffield United Gas Light Company, 324
- Report, Halt-yearly, of the Taff Vale Railway Company, 137
- Report of the Industrial Coal and Iron Company, 211
- Report of the Northern Central Railway Company, 262
- Report of the Sheffield Water Works Company, 297
- Reservoirs, The Leeds Water Works, Progress of, 610
- Resignation of Mr. B. Woodcroft, Clerk to the Commissioners of Patents, 187
- Retirement of Mr. Merry from the Iron Trade, 515
- Revision of Commercial Treaties, 180
- Revolution Indicators; Gold Medal to T. A. Hearson for his " Strophometer," 436
- Rhondda Mountain Colliery, Dispute at the, 219
- Rhondda Valley, Wage' in the, 19, 137, 157, 371
- Rhondda Valley, Coal in the, 156
- Rhymney, Trade at, 443
- Rhymney Valley, Coal in the, 156
- Rights of Free Miners, The, 534
- Risca, Collieries, Dispute at the, 210
- Risca Collieries; Retirement of Mr. Piggford, 199
- Rise in the Price of Tin, 443
- River Dee at Aberdeen, Bridge Proposed across the, 351
- River Mississippi, Improvements on the, 71, 329,, 496
- River Murray, Bridging the, 4.31
- River Nile, The Sources of the, 359
- River Ouse, Floods in the, 364
- River St. Lawrence, Another Great Bridge over the, 44
- River Seine, Steamers on the, 162
- River Tees, Tunnel Proposed under the, at Middlesbrough, 109
- River Thames Pollution, The, 346
- Rivers Pollution Bill, The, 508
- Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Bill, Petitions against the, 483
- Rolled Iron in the United States, 474
- Rolling a Great Armour Plate at the Cyclops Works, 211
- Rolling Stock in Belgium, 45
- Rolling Stock on the Chicago, 3urlington, and, Quincy Railroad, 471
- Rolling Stock Company, United States, Progress of the, 329
- Rolling Stock on the New York Central Railroad, 137
- Rolling Stock on the Orleans Railway, 471
- Rolling Stock in Pennsylvania, 329
- Rolling Stock and Working Expenses on the Eastern Railway of France, 471
- Rotary Puddling Machines at Middlesbrough, 372
- Rotherham Corporation Gas Works, The, 510
- Rotherham, Masborough, and Holmes Coal Company, Annual Report of the, 149
- Rothsay Harbour Trust, Meeting of the, 297
- Roumelian Railways, Progress of, 308, 401
- " Round House," An American, 449
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Meetings of the, 79, 137, 251, 297, 348, 396, 471
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, Meeting of, 230
- Ruabon, Colliers' Wages at, 71
- Russia, Bessemer Steel in, 251
- Russia, Number of Locomotives in, 59
- Russian Coal Mining, 360
- Russian Railways, Progress of the, 51, 90, 140, 470
- St. Gothard Tunnel, Progress of the, 7, 249, 521
- St. Ives Railway, Progress of, 19
- Sale of the West Central Wagon Works, 515
- Salisbury, Reduction in the Price of Gas at, 486
- Saloon Steamer, The " Bessemer," Sale of, 443, 462
- San Francisco, Progress of 376
- Saundersfoot Collieries, Reduction of Wages at the, 199
- Saxony, Locomotives in, 324
- Schuylkill River, Philadelphia, Bridging the, 105
- Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington, The Loan Collection of, 61, 459
- Scindia State Railway, Contract for the, 248
- Scotch Blast Furnaces, The, 79, 99, 136, 285, 347, 396, 443
- Scotch Roads and Bridges Bill, Petitions against the, 483
- Sea, The Depth of the, 168
- Sea Lights in Hobson's Bay, 51
- Sea Wall, The Newhaven and Seaford, Inspection of, 486
- Secretaryship of the South Yorkshire Miners' Association, Candidates for the, 43
- Self-/Wing Car Coupler, A, 264
- " Serapis, H.M.S., The Performances of, 418
- Service Mains in London, Constant, 527
- Severn Bridge and Forest of Dean Central Railway Bill, Progress of the, 297
- Severn Bridge Railway, Half-yearly Report of the, 137
- Sewage Company, The Phosphate, 187
- Sewage Works, Dunfermline, Progress of, 29
- Sewerage Improvements at
- Torquay, 29 Sewerage Works, The New, at Barnsley, 419
- Sewerage Works, The Torquay Main, Progress of, 29, 247
- Sewers at Cardiff, Day and Son's Tender for the, 324
- Sharpness New Docks Company, Half-yearly Report of the, 371
- Sheffield, New Colliery near, 462
- Sheffield and North Staffordshire Railways, Amalgamation of the, 20. .
- Sheffield Tramways, Progress of the, 179, 199, 510
- Sheffield United Gas Light Company, Half-yearly Report of the, 324
- Sheffield Water Works Company's &Tint, 297
- Ship Canal, A New Canadian, 471 ,
- Ship Canal, Another Great, Proposed, 29
- Ship Canal Question, The Darien, 137
- Ship, A Four-Masted, 19
- Shipbuilding in Cleveland, Progress of, 19, 47, 99, 109, 157, 211, 247, 285, 324, 340, 390, 419, 483, 539
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, The Milford Haven, 28
- Shipbuilding Firm, New, at Dumbarton, 443
- Shipbuilding Firm, Iron, at Montrose, New, 29
- Shipbuilding on the River Yarra, 126, Shipbuilding Trade, The Clyde, Progress of, 179, 285
- Shipping at Cardiff, 42
- Siberia, Discoveries by Swedish Professors in, 44
- Siemens Steel Works, The Landore, Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 419
- Sinking for Hematite, 443
- Sirhowy Railway Company, Special General Meeting of the, 462
- Sleeping Cars, Pullman's, on the Continent, 71
- Sliding Scale Award in the Caerphilly District, 199
- Sliding Scale Committee, Meeting of the, 117, 247
- Smethwick Boiler Explosion, The, 269
- Society of Arts, The, 248, 371
- Soda Lakes at Wyoming, 377
- Soiree, Annual, of the Edinburgh Operative Engineers, 251
- Somersetshire Coalflel4s, Wages in the, 219, 239, 297
- Sources of the River Nile, The, 359
- South America and Belgium, 396
- South Australia, The Defences of, 359
- South Australia, Progress of, 313
- South Australia, Steamers for, 425
- South Australian Copper, 546
- South Australian Railways, Progress of, 222
- South Australian Reaping Machines, Trials of, 266
- South Devon Railway, Progress of the, 71
- South Italian Railways, Progress of, 401
- South Wales Atlantic Steamship Company, The, 43
- South Wales Coal, 558
- South Wales Coal and Iron Exports, 297
- South Wales Coal Trade, Meeting of Masters and Men as a Conciliation Board, 462
- South Wales Trades, Progress of, 28
- South Wales, Wages in, 137
- South-West Coal Trade, Meeting of the Sliding Scale Committee, Cardiff, 117
- South Yorkshire Collieries, The New, Progress of, 239, 46'2
- South Yorkshire Miners' Association, The, 67, 149
- Southern of France Railway, Cost of Repairing the, 419
- Southern Russia, Iron Ore in, 450
- Spain, Coal in, 491, 555
- Spanish Copper; Profits of the Huelva Copper Mines Company, 401
- Spanish Railway, A New, 59
- Spanish Telegraphy, Progress of, 317
- Speed on German Railways, 240
- Spinning Machines at Devonport Dockyard, Steam Engine for Driving the, 239
- Spontaneous Coal Combustion, 425
- Stanhope Silkstone Colliery Company, Progress of, 29
- State of Trade in Scotland, 483
- Statue, The Carmichael, in Dundee, Uncovering of, 515
- Statue for New York Harbour, A, 449
- Steam Boiler Inspection in Belgium, 222
- Steam Canal Boats, American, 401
- Steam Coal, The Price of, at Sheffield, 67
- Steam Dredger, A, for Queensland, 43
- Steam Engines for Tramways, Experiments with, 443
- Steam Fire Engine, The Blake, Trials of, 467
- Steam Fire Engine for Oldham, 425. Steam Fire Engine for Paisley, 29
- Steam Navigation, American, 401
- Steam Navigation, The Australian, Progress of, 359
- Steam Navigation, French, 449
- Steam Navigation, Queensland, 329
- Steam Navy, A, in Scotland, 239
- Steam Shipbuilding, Australian, Progress of, 551
- Steamer, Shipping Trade at Plymouth, Progress of, 137
- Steam Street Cars, American, 91
- Steam Tram Engines, Trial of in Yorkshire, 418
- Steamer, New, for the Pilot Service at Port Jackson, New South Wales, 43
- Steamers on the River Seine, 162
- Steamers for South Australia, 425
- Steamship " Australia," Arrival of the at Sydney, 494
- Steamship, The " Great Britain," Dimensions of, 88
- Steamship, " Great Eastern," Repairing the, 219
- Steamship Rudder and Propeller Experiments, 515
- Steamship Trade, Great Depression in the, 508
- Steel, Belgian, 71
- Steel, Bessemer, Large Production of at Rotherham, 247
- Steel, English, in Belgium, 521
- Steel Fireboxes on American Railways, 491
- Steel in France, Increased Production of, 325, 498
- Steel Headed Rails, Experiments with at Detroit, 440
- Steel Rail Making at Cleveland, 247
- Steel Rail Mill, New, at Dowlais, 462
- Steel Rails on the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railroad, 449
- Steel Rails, Cleveland, Experiments on, 483
- Steel Rails on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, 244
- Steel Rails in Germany, 496
- Steel Rails on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, 496
- Steel Rails on the Northern Central Railroad, 521
- Steel Rails on the Pennsylvanian Railroad, 313
- Steel Rails in the United States, 106, 137, 162, 401
- Steel Works in Austria, Progress of, 401
- Steel Works, Landon:), Dispute at, 19, 29, 219, 462, 486
- Steel Works at Middlesbrough, Progress of, 199
- Steel Works, Proposed, at Port Clarence, 372
- Steel Works in the United States, Progress of, 496
- Stirling, Mr. James, C. E., Death of, 29
- Stockton, The Ironworkers' Dispute at, 443
- Stockton and Middlesbrough, The Water Supply of, 443
- Stoking, Mechanical: Errata, 558
- Stone, Ransome's Artificial, 339
- Sto1ppage, Proposed, of the Brynmawr Works, 79
- Street Locomotives, Light for New Orleans, 521
- Street Watering, London, 198
- Streets of Philadelphia, The, 374
- Strike at Abertillery Tin Works, End of, 117
- Strike of Colliers at Onilwyn, 239
- Strike in the Forest of Dean, Settlement of a, 371, 534
- Strike of Ironworkers at Rotherham, Termination of, 297
- Strike of the Llandaff Ironworkers, 285
- Strike of Miners, Great, in Yorkshire and Derbyshire, 297, 324, 339, 372, 396, 419, 443
- Strike at Parkgate Iron Works, Termination of the, 43
- Strike of Sheffield Ironworkers, Settlement of, 372
- Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, The, 492, 563
- Submarine Cable, An Australian, 239
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 140
- Submarine Telegraphy, Progress of, 87. 360
- Subscription for the Widow and Children of the late Mr. John Normansell, 29, 43
- Subterranean Telegraphy, Proposed, in Philadelphia, 325
- Suez Canal, The, 117, 222, 263, 37G, 401, 425, 49G, .531
- Sugar Factories, The Khedive's, 401
- Sumatra, Scientific Expedition for Exploring the Interior of, 4
- Survey of Newfoundland, A, 51
- Surveyorship of St. Luke's, Middlesex, Appointment of A. Allen, Jun., to the, 37
- Survey in South Australia, 4Q1
- Suspension Bridge, The Hammersmith, 285
- Swaithe Main Colliery Explosion, The, 29, 43, 118, 138
- Swansea Colliery Company, Winding-up of the, 117
- Swansea Harbour Trustees, Meeting of the, 515,
- Swansea, Improvements at, 419
- Swansea, Meeting of Shipowners at, 19
- Swansea New Docks, The, 515
- Swansea Pier Extension, Progress of, 486
- Swansea, Trade at, 43
- Swindon and Highworth Light Railway Company, Meeting of the, 42
- Swindon, Marlborough, and Andover Railway Company, Half-yearly Meeting of the, 157
- Sydney and Illawarra Railway, The Proposed, 59
- Syren Fog-Signal House, Proposed, at Milford, 137
- Taff Bargoed Railway, Opening of the, 19, 28
- Taff Vale Railway Company, Half-yearly Report of the, 137
- Taranaki Iron Sand, 378
- Tasmanian Iron Mines, Progress of, 374
- Tasmanian Main Line Railway, Progress of the, 106, 162
- Tay Bridge Works, Progress of the, 99, 199, 371, 396, 491, 558
- Telegrams, The Charge for Long Words in, 449
- Telegraph Cable, A, for Fiji, 288
- Telegraph Cable, The New Zealand, 375
- Telegraph Company, The Great Northern, Progress of, 202, 359, 470, 471
- Telegraph Enterprise, Submarine, 140
- Telegraph Repairs, Submarine, 360
- Telegraphic Conference in New South Wales, 374
- Telegraphs, Underground between Halle and Berlin, Proposed, 211
- Telegraphy, American, Progress of, 43, 374, 433
- Telegraphy, Antipodean, Progress of, 425
- Telegraphy, Australian, Progress of, 239, 449, 486
- Telegraphy, British Columbian, Progress of, 329
- Telegraphy, Canadian, Progress of, 44
- Telegraphy, Indian, Progress of, 527
- Telegraphy, Spanish, Progress of, 317
- Telegraphy, Submarine, Progress of, 87, 360
- Telegraphy, Subterranean, in Philadelphia, 325
- Telescope, A Great French, 449
- Tennessee Narrow Gauge Line, A, 25
- Texas, Water Works in, 353
- Thames Pollution, The, 346
- Thorncliffe Iron Works Blast Furnaces, The, 540
- Tide, Low, at Cardiff, 239
- Timber, Canadian; Annual Report of the Crown Lands Commissioner of Ontario, 51
- Timber, Preserved, 162
- Tin Mining, Tasmanian, Progress of, 25, 360, 401, 425
- Tin, Rise in the Price of, 443
- Tin Works, The Glamorganshire; Meeting of Delegates at Swansea, 219
- Tin Works, Proposed, at Pontardulais, 117, 371
- Tin Works, The Pontymister, 534
- Tin Works, New, at Ystalyfera, 156
- Tin-Plate Trade, Meeting of, at Swansea, 247
- Tin-Plate Trade, South Wales, Wages in the, 157
- Tin-Plate Workers, The Lydney, 19, 534
- Tin-Plate Works, The Upper Forest, 117
- Tiverton and North Devon Railway Company, Meeting of the, 117
- Tondu and Maesteg Iron Works, Wages at the, 247
- Torpedo Boat, German, Launch of a, 329
- Torpedo Experiments on H.M.S. " Oberon," 528
- Torquay, Sewerage Improvements at, 29, 247
- "Tourmaline," H.M.S., Inspection of, 340, 390
- Traction Engines for Artillery Trains, SO
- Traction Engines, Important to Owners of, 297
- Trade at Cardiff, 43,117, 515
- Trade, The Cleveland, Prospects of, 19, 47
- Trade at Ebbw Vale, Progress of, 419
- Trade in the Forest of Dean, 19, 419
- Trade Marks, Registration of, '226, 485
- Trade at Newport, 43, 395, 515, 534
- Trade at Rhymney, 443
- Trade, State of, in Scotland, 483
- Trade at Swansea, 43
- Trades of South Wales, Progress of, 28
- Tramway Company, The Leeds, Half-yearly Report and Meeting of the, 138, 179
- Tramways, The Bristol, Progress of, 28, 90, 156, 324, 395, 443, 486
- Tramways at Brussels, Progress of, 449
- Tramways Company, Sheffield, Half-yearly Dividend of the, 179, 199
- Tramway; Constantinople; Resignation of the Manager, 239
- Tramway; Experiments with Steam Engines for, 443
- Tramways at Frankfort, Progress of, 479
- Tramways at Malaga, Proposed, 252
- Tramway; Motors for, 266
- Tramways, Neath, Reduction of Tolls Paid by the, 179
- Tramways, The Newport, Progress of, 71
- Tramways, Parisian Progress of the, 491
- Tramways, The Sheffield, Progress of, 29, 179, 199, MO
- Transvaal Republic, Railways in the, 266
- Travelling on the Great Western Railway, 19
- Treaties, Commercial, Revision of, 180
- Tredegar Iron Company, The New, 348
- Tredegar, Settlement of the Dispute with the Rail Straighteners at, 284
- Trial of Clapp's Coal-Cutting Machinery at Newport, 219
- Trial of Steam Tram Engines in Yorkshire, 418
- Trimsaran, Coal Winning at, 137
- Trophy, An Australian Mineral, 239
- Truro Water Company, A Proposed, 99
- Tunisian Railways, Progress of the, 4G8
- Tunnel, The Anglo-French Submarine, 222
- Tunnel, The Moxahala, on the Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway, 474
- Tunnel, A New Zealand, 471
- Tunnel under the River Tees at Middlesbrough, The Proposed, 109
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, Progress of, 7, 249, 521,
- Tunnelling, The Hour on, 182
- Turkey, Machinery for, 239
- Turkey, The Manufacture of Cartridges in, 491
- Turkey and the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, 376
- Turkey, Wages in, 297
- Turkish Floating Dock, A, 222
- Turkish Fortifications, 202
- Turkish Navy, The, 106, 401
- Turkish Railways, Progress of, 29, 106
- Turnford, New Well at, for the New River Company, 539
- Twin Turret Ship. The " Inflexible," Preparations for the Launch of, 230
- Tylor's Ferndale Colliery Company, Progress of, 117
- " Uhlan," German Torpedo Boat, Launch of,329
- Underground Telegraph, Proposed, between Halle and Berlin, 211
- Union, North Wales Quarrymen's Second Annual Conference of, 443
- Union Pacific Railroad, Coal on the, 378
- Union Pacific Railroad, Progress of the, 350, 378, 401, 425, 419
- United States, Coal in the, 71
- United States, Export of English Rails to the, 44
- United States Navy, The, 25, 137, 222
- United States, Public Lands of the, 25, 45
- United States Rolling Stock Company, Progress of the, 329
- United States, Steel Rails in the, 106, 137, 162,401
- University of Glasgow, Endowment of the Engineering Chair in the, 251
- Upper Forest Tin-Plate Works, The, 117
- Utilisation of Coal Dirt, 425
- " Vanguard," The Raising of the, 510
- Venezuelan Railways, Progress of the, 496 Vessels, Composite, 137
- Victoria, Australia, Progress of, 106, 135, 461, 521
- Victoria Philosophical Institute, Annual Meeting of the, 467
- Victorian Railways, Progress of the, 162, 425, 436
- Vieille-Montagne Zinc Mines and Foundries Company, Profits of the, 49G
- Vienna Observatory, Largo Telescope for the, 266
- Virginian Coal, 449
- Visit of South Wales Engineers to the South Yorkshire Coalfield, 564
- Voyage, A Good, from Plymouth to Melbourne, 263
- Wages at the Avonside Engine Works, Proposed Reduction of, 42, 71, 99
- Wages at Blaenavon, 29
- Wages, Cleveland Blast Furnacemen's, Proposed Reduction of the, 67, 99, 109
- Wages of Colliers in South Yorkshire, Proposed Reduction of the, 199, 211, 239, 247, 274, 297, 339, 462, 486, .510, 564
- Wages, Ebbw Vale Ironworkers', Reduction of, 43, 324
- Wages in the Forest of Dean, 28, 42, 117, 371, 443, 534
- Wages of the Ironworkers at Sheffield, Proposed Reduction of, 98, 274, 297, 372, 462
- Wages at Lydbrook, Proposed Reduction of, 515
- Wages in Pembrokeshire, 179
- Wages of Pointsmen on the Caledonian Railway, 239
- Wages of the Rail Straighteners at Rhymney, 217
- Wages, Reduction of, at the Malleable Iron Works, Glasgow, 462
- Wages in the Rhondda Valley, 19, 137, 157, 371
- Wages at the Saundersfoot Collieries, Reduction of, 199
- Wages in the Somersetshire Coalfields, 219, 239, 297
- Wages in South Wales Collieries, 19, 239
- Wages in the Tin-Plate Trade, South Wales, 157
- Wages at the Tondu and Maesteg Iron Works, 247
- Wages in Turkey, 297
- Wagon and Carriage Department, New, for the Midland Railway, at Derby, 563
- Wagon, Railway Company's Operations, South Yorkshire, 99
- Wagon Shed at Cowlairs, Fall of a New, 117
- Waitara and Wanganui Railway, New Zealand, Progress of the, 129
- Wakefield Rolling Stock Company, Meeting of the, 118
- Wakefield Water Works Company, The, 510 Wales, Labour in, 71
- Wallaroo Mines, South Australia, Progress of the, 408
- Warehouses, City, New Railway, 479
- Warming Railway Carriages in France, 449
- Water Company, The Exeter, New Works of the, • 534
- Water Company, Proposed, at Truro, 99
- Water and Gas Works, Leeds, Annual Accounts of the, 118 •
- Water Pipes, Large Contract for, at Glasgow, 79
- Water Scheme, The Motherwell, Progress of, '285
- Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Works at Normanton, Proposed, 443
- Water Supply of Bridgewater, The, 199, 324
- Water Supply of Brisbane, Queensland, The, 162
- Water Supply for Chapeltown, Sheffield, 20, 118
- Water Supply for the City and Fires, 529
- Water Supply for Dowlais, Additional, 297
- Water Supply, The Dronfield, 540
- Water Supply, Mr. Humber's Work on, 435
- Water Supply of Iquique, The, 198
- Water Supply, The London; Deputation to Mr. Cross, 252
- Water Supply of Melbourne, The, 288
- Water Supply, The Metropolitan, and the Use of Hydrants, 172
- Water Supply, The Ovenden, 824
- Water Supply for Pembroke Dock, The, 419
- Water Supply of Philadelphia, The, 449
- Water Supply of Stockton and Middlesbrough, The, 443
- Water Works Bill, The Dewsbury, 149
- Water Works, The Bradford Corporation, 289
- Water Works, The Busby, near Glasgow, 443
- Water Works Contract, The Motherwell, 19, 285
- Water Works, The Ebbw Vale, Progress of, 217
- Water Works, Leeds, The Extension of, 564
- Water Works, The Moorfoot, Tenders for, 179
- Water Works, The Ossett, Progress of, 354, 462
- Water Works, The Pontypridd, Progress of, 157
- Water Works in Texas, 353
- Welland Canal, Tenders for the, 182
- Well, Sinking, a New, at Turnford, for the New River Company, 539
- Wells' Collieries, near Sheffield, Sale of the, 149
- Welsh Coal for Ireland, 239
- Welsh Coal Trade, Progress of the, 28, 43, 71, 117, 179, 419, 462, 486,558
- Welsh Unionists, Intimidation by, 486
- West Central Wagon Works, Sale of the41515
- West of England, Railways on the, 516 •
- West Indie, Gas in the, 162
- West Riding Geological and Polytechnical Society, Meeting of the, 372
- West Yorkshire Miners' Wages, The, 564
- Western Kentucky, Coal in, 461
- Western Railway Extensions, 462
- Whithorn, Contract for the Railway to, 483
- Whittington and Sheepbridge Colliery Company, Annual Report of the, 247
- Williamson's Hoisting Engines, 455
- Winding up of the Swansea Colliery Company, 117
- Wingate, Thomas, and Company, Engineers, &c., Glasgow, Change of into a Limited Liability Business, 534
- Wishaw, New Coalfield at, 261
- Woodcroft, B., Clerk to the Commissioners of Patents, Resignation of, 187
- Working Expenses and Rolling Stock on the Eastern Railway of France, 471
- Working Men's College, The. 231
- Works, Bolckow, Vaughan and Co.'s, 19, 238
- Works, Steel, in the United States, Progress of, 496
- Wye Valley Rail ay, Progress of the, 515
- Wyoming Coal, Quantity Produced in 1875, 348
- Yarra, River, Shipbuilding on the, 126
- Ystalyfera, Proposed New Tin Works at, 156
See Also
Sources of Information