Engineering 1879 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1879 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1879 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ADDRESS of the President of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, 18, 37
- Address of the President of the Institution of Naval Architects. 293
- Address of the President of the Iron and Steel Institute. Mr. Edward Williams, 400
- Ader Telephone, The, 387
- Africa, Central. Future Trade in, 310
- African Telegraphs, South, 312
- Agricultural Engines. 557
- Agricultural Machinery, Progress of, 533
- Agricultural Engines 557
- Automatic Lever Anchor, Savage's, 576
- Boiler and Engine, Cochran's, 572
- Centrifugal Pump, J. and H. Gwynne's, 573
- Drills, 534
- Engines
- Clayton And Shuttleworth’s Straw-Burning Portable, 670
- Clerk's Gas. 574
- Crossley Brothers 16-Horse Otto Silent Gas, 574
- Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining, 572
- Shanks and Sons' Horizontal, 671
- Firegrates for Unbroken and Chopped Straw, Garrett and Sons', 572
- Implements of Tillage, 534
- Machinery for making Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Co's, . 69
- Miscellaneous Implements, 584
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 570
- Progress of Agricultural Machinery, The, 583
- Reaping Machines, 588
- Royal Agricultural Society, The, 651
- Steam Cultivation, 547
- Steam Ploughing Machinery and Traction Engines, 575
- Steam Power. 543
- Steam Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's, 675
- Thrashing Machine Drum Guard, Marshall, Sons and Co's, 678
- Thrashing Machine, Garrett and Sons', 578
- Thrashing Machine, with Side Feed, Clayton and Shuttleworth’s, 576
- Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator, Nalder and Nalder's, 677
- Thrashing Machines, 536, 677
- Under-Gear for 8-110r4e Portable Engine, Marshall, SoNs, and Company's, 570
- Wood-Working Machinery, 669
- Albany and Rennselaer Iron and Steel Company's Works, U.S.A., The Porter-Allen Engine at the, 115
- Albert Hall, Electric Lighting at the, 400
- Albo-Carbon Light, The, 157
- Amalgamated Engineers, The Society of, 462
- Amalgamation, Pan, of Silver Ores, in Nevada and Colorado, 41, 128, 189, 369, 473, 491, 514
- American Institute of Mining Engineers (See Engineers, The American Institute of Mining)
- American Iron and Steel Works (See Iron and Steel Works, American)
- American Machine Tools ; English Industries and American Competition, 2
- American Testing Machine, Au, 267
- Ammunition ; The Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, 25
- Analysis of Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the, 127, 429
- Annapolis and Windsor Railway; Canadian Railways, 44
- Annlipolis to Yarmouth, Western Counties Railway ; Canadian Railways, 108
- Apparatus for Replacing Derailed Rolling Stock, at the Paris Exhibition, 44
- Arctic Meteorology, 475
- Armour-Plating Ships of War, 295
- Armour to Resist Shot and Shell, The Construction of, 69
- Armour for Ships, 300
- Articulating Telephones, 467, 488, 506
- Artificial Dye Products at the Paris Exhibition, 162
- Asquith's Slotting Machine, 257
- Austria, Mining Instruction in, 205
- Austrian Mineral Products, 35
- Automatic Brake, The Westinghouse, 85
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Halpin's Horizontal Engine with, 481
- Automatic Lever Anchor, Savage's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 676
- Aveling and Porter's Steam Road Roller at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Axles of Tank Engines, The Distribution of Load upon, 441
- Ayr Dock, The, 196, 242
- Bagnall's Tank Locomotive for the Wotton Tramway, 17
- Balance, An Induction Current, 457
- Balance, Induction, Professor Hughes's, 217
- Balfour and Company's Auxiliary Pumping Engine with Comet" Pumps for the Yacht Wanderer," 574
- Band Saws for Cutting Deals, Furness's, 235
- Bars, River, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 107, 474
- Basic Bricks for Furnace Linings. 427
- Batteries, Voltaic ; Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Beam Engine, Powell's Compound, at the Paris Exhibition, 51
- Bearing, Kitson's Loose Pulley, 243
- Belgian Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 156, 171, '210, 271
- Bell's Telephone, 498
- Bending Moments, 33
- Bevel Gear-Cutting Machine, Fetu and Dolitge's, at the Paris Exhibition, 195
- Bill Legislation, Private, 357
- Bill, The New Patent, 180, 237, 417, 484
- Bill, The Noxious Gases, 485
- Bills, Scotch Parliamentary, 12
- Blanzy Mines, The; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 98
- Board of Trade v. Shipowners, The, 325, 358, 439
- Boat, The Herreshoff Torpedo, 32, 94, 121
- Boats for Torpedo Warfare, Yarrow and Company's, 156
- Boiler, Boyer's High-Pressure Marine, 416
- Boiler, Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical Tubular, at the Paris Exhibition, '284
- Boiler-Drilling Machine, Tweedy's, 341
- Boiler and Engine. Cochran's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 57'2
- Boiler Explosion, The Coltness, 479
- Boiler Explosions ; Letter to the Members of the House of Commons, 278
- Boiler Explosions in 1878; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 174
- Boiler Explosions, Steam ; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 258
- Boiler Explosions, Steam ; Mr. Burt's Motion in the House of Commons, 397
- Boiler, The Herreshoff, 121
- Boiler Inspection, 523
- Boiler Legislation, 501
- Boiler Makers and Iron Shipbuilders, The, 501
- Boiler Plate Joints, Welded, 96
- Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Boilers, Steel and iron, 527, 581
- Boilers, Verderber's Locomotive, 113
- Boucher's Calculating Circle, 498
- Bourboule and Roy at Mineral Waters, The, 337
- Boyer's High-Pressure Marine Boiler, 416
- Brake Trials, Continuous Railway, 3S1
- Brake, The Westinghouse, 85
- Brakes, Continuous ; Experiments upon the Lyons Railway, 383
- Brakes, Continuous, Report of the Board of Trade on, 251
- Brakes, The Effect of, upon Railway Trains, 371
- Bridge over the Orange River at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- Bridge over the River Derwent at Derby, Handyside and Company's, 292
- Bridge, Sedley's Proposed High-Level, over the Thames, 416
- Bridges, Movable, 214
- Bridges, Steel, 392
- On River Control and Management, by J.
- Clarke Hawkshaw, 60, 80
- On Machine-Worked Punkahs, by the Hon. R. O. Parsons, 284
- British Association of Gas Managers, Meetings of the, 505, 520
- British Museum, The Electric Light in the, 197
- Bronze, Manganese, 523
- Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, Double-Acting Pumping Engine at the, 154
- Butler Mine lire Cut-off, The, 206
- Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Company's Machinery for Making, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 569
- Bye-Laws, New, of the Institution of Naval Architects, 275
- Caillard Brothers' Steam Crane at the Paris Exhibition, 123
- Calculating Circle, Boucher's, 498
- European and North American Railway, 228
- Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 270, 338, 388, 452
- New Brunswick and Canada Railway, 188
- Western Counties Railway. Annapolis to Yarmouth, 108
- Windsor and Annapolis Railway, 44
- Canal, The Proposed Panama ship, 518
- Cannon, The Revolving Hotchkiss, 3. 23, 63,
- Capital, Invested ; English Industries and American Competition, 317
- Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical Tubular Boiler at the Paris Exhibition, 284
- Carriage, First-Class, for the Western Railway of France, 341
- Carriageway Pavements, 404
- Central Africa, Future Trade in, 310
- Centralisation of Industry ; English Industries and American Competition, 170
- Centrifugal Pump, Gwynne's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 573
- Chemistry of Puddling, The, 509
- Chilian Navy, The, 483
- Chiswick Main Drainage Works, Hathorn and Davey's Pumping Engines at, 478
- Circuits, Telephone, Induction in ; Mr. Edison's Specification, 277
- Civil Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 287, 316, 431
- Clark and Standfleld's Hydraulic Grid, 203
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Portable Four-Horse Engine, 1853, 461
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Straw-Burning Portable Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Thrashing Machine with Side Feed, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 57S
- Clerac's Electric Vote Recorder, 112
- Clerk's Gas Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Cleveland Institution of Engineers ; Address of the President, 18, 37
- Cleveland, Notes from, 9, 30, 52. 77, 99, 121, 136, 165, 183, 196, 216, 236. 263, 28:3, 314, 324, 363, 376, 396, 416, 436, 460, 487, 498, 526, 579
- Cleveland Ores, Steel from, 377
- Clutch, Pfieiderer's Friction, 243
- Clyde Shipbuilding, in 1878, 26, 56
- Clyde, Steel Shipbuilding on the, 156
- Coal; Mineral Wealth of Russia, 169, 227
- Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 33, 98, 367
- Cochran's Boiler and Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- Collier and Company's Wheel Centre and Tyre-Boring Lathe, 362
- Collieries, The High Blantyre, Stevenson's Mine Ventilator at, 178
- Colliery Company, The Epinac (Saone-et-Loire) ; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 367
- Collins, Mr. W. W., 241
- Coltness Boiler Explosion, The, 479
- Committee of the House of Lords on Tramways, Report of the, 366
- Commutator, Lartigue's Mercury, 273 Companies, The London Gas, 327
- Company, The Native Guano, 54
- Compound Beam Engine, Powell's, at the Paris Exhibition, 51
- Compound Engine, Simpson and Company's Horizontal, 422
- Compound Engine, Willan's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Compound Engines, Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder, of the Yacht " Isa," 195
- Compound Horizontal Engine at the Pester Walzmahle, Buda-Pesth, 290
- Compound Reversing Rolling Mill Engines at the Hallside Steel Works, Glasgow, 274
- Compound Semi-Portable Engine, J. Fowler and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Conference, The International Telegraph, 485
- Congress, The Paris, 118
- Construction, Railway, 103
- Continuous Brakes; Experiments upon the Lyons Railway, 383
- Continuous Brakes, Report of the Board of Trade on, 251
- Continuous Railway Brake Trials, 381.
- Contribution to the History of the Screw Propeller, A, 13
- Control, River, 60, 80
- Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 463
- Conversazione, The Royal Society, 398, 440
- Conversazione of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, The, 524
- Cooper, Hewitt, and Company's Works; American Iron and Steel Works, 87, 149
- Cowper's Writing Telegraph, 180
- Crane, Caillard Brothers' Steam, at the Paris Exhibition, 123
- Crankshafts, Strains on, 349
- Cultivation, Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 547
- Cunliff, Mr. Richard S., 56
- Current Balance, An Induction, 457
- Currents, Regulating Electric, 164
- Cutting Deals, Furness's Band Saws for, 235
- Deadweight Safety Valve, Eave's, 466
- Deals, Furness's Band Saws for Cutting, 235
- Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for Replacing at the Paris Exhibition, 459
- Derwent, River, at Derby, Handyside and Company's Bridge over the, 292
- Determination of Manganese, The, 508
- Dimensions, Standard, for Machine Fitting, 407
- Dioptric Apparatus, Lighthouse, 362
- Disappearance of the Thermal Springs at Teplitz, Bohemia, 198, 240
- Disposal of Sewage at Stoke-upon-Trent, 262
- Distribution of Load upon the Axles of Tank Engines, The, 441
- Dock, The Ayr, 196, 242
- Dock Gates, 486
- Dock, The Nicolaieff Floating, 29
- Docks, Floating, 381
- Docks, London and St. Katherine; Victoria Dock Extension, 456
- Docks, The Toulon Graving ; Civil Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 287, 316, 376, 431
- Double-Acting Pumping Engine at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154
- Double-Check Pressure Gauge, Stewart's, 37
- Douglas and Grant's Three Cylinder Compound Engines of the Yacht " Isa," 195
- Drainage of Lake Fucino, The, 249
- Dredging Plant at the Toulon Graving Docks, Hersent and Langlois', 136, 376, 431
- Drilling Machine, Tweedy's Boiler, 341
- Drills (The Progress of Agricultural Machinery), 534
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Dublin Harbour, The Improvement of, 442
- Durable Spur Wheel, A, 122
- Dye Products, Artificial, at the Paris Exhibition, 162
- Eave's Deadweight Safety Valve, 466
- Economy of Railway Working, The, 124, 145, 204, 224
- Edison's Electric Light Apparatus, 159
- Edison's Electro-Chemical Telephone, 238
- Edison's Loud-Speaking Telephone, 442
- Edison's Specification ; Induction in Telephone Circuits, 277
- Electric Currents, Regulating, 164
- Electric v. Gas Illumination, 117
- Electric Illumination, The Rapieff System of, 55
- Electric Light, The, '241, 417
- Electric Light Apparatus, Edison's, 159
- Electric Light Apparatus, Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable, 364
- Electric Light in the British Museum, The, 197
- Electric Light, The ; M. Cernesson's Report, 104
- Electric Light, The, at the Kensington Museum, 502
- Electric Light, Mr. Preece on the. 81
- Electric Light, Professor Tyndall and the, 75
- Electric Light, Progress of the, 181
- Electric Light for Railways, Travelling, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 16
- Electric Light, The Wallace-Farmer, 308
- Electric Lighting, 403
- Electric Lighting at the Albert Hall, 400
- Electric Lighting; Report of Committee of the House of Commons, 519
- Electric Lighting at the Southampton Docks, 116
- Electric Vote Recorder, Clerac's, 112
- Electrical Induction, 212
- Electrical Induction, Sonometry by, 418
- Electricity, Lighting by, 513
- Electro-Chemical Telephone, Edison's, 238
- Elimination of Phosphorus, The, 424
- Employers' Liability for Injuries to Servants, 261
- Employers to Workmen, Liability of, 197
- Endurance of Steel Rails, The, 243
- Engelbert's Lubricator, 479
- Engine, Auxiliary Pumping, with "Comet" Pumps, for the Yacht " Wanderer," 574
- Engine and Boiler, Cochran's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- Engine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's 4-Horse, 1853, 461
- Engine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's Portable Straw-Burning, at Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn., 570
- Engine, Clerk's Gas, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Engine, Compound, Horizontal, at the Pester Wwzmilble, Buda-Pesth, 290
- Engine, Double-Acting Pumping, at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154
- Engine, J. Fowler and Company's Compound Semi-Portable, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Engine, Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- Engine, Halpin's Horizontal, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 481
- Engine, The Heslop, a Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, 101
- Engine, Otto's 16-Horse Silent Gas, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Engine, The Porter-Allen, 115
- Engine, Powell's Compound Beam, at the Paris Exhibition, 51
- Engine, The Quillac Winding, at the Paris Exhibition, 178
- Engine, Shanks and Sons' Horizontal, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 571.
- Engine, Simpson and Company's Horizontal Compound, 422
- Engine, Sulzer, Trial of a, 161
- Engine, Vosper's Four-Cylinder, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Engine, Walschaert"s Horizontal, at the Paris Exhibition, 29
- Engine, Willan's Compound, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Engineering, Civil, at the Paris Exhibition, 287, 316, 431
- Engineers, The Amalgamated Society of, 4G2
- On the Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Steel Rails, by C. B. Dudley, 143, 16G, 184
- On the Butler Mine Fire Cut-off, by Henry Drinker, 206
- On the Wearing Power of Steel Rails ; does it Increase with the Hardness of the Steel ? by Charles B. Dudley, 243
- On the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, by Alex. A. Holley, 267
- Conversazione, 4G3
- On the Best Methods of Railway Construction for the Development of New Countries, as Illustrated by the Railway Systems of South Australia, by R. C. Patterson, 103
- On the Sandhurst Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, by Joseph Brady, 148
- On the Construction of Heavy Ordnance, by J. A. Longridge, 157
- On the Geelong Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, by Edward Dobson, 167
- On Movable Bridges, by James Price, 214
- On the Electric Light Applied to Lighthouse Illumination, by J. N. Douglass, 262
- On Dioptric Apparatus in Lighthouses for the Electric Light, by James T. Chance, 362
- On Street Carriageway Pavements, by G. F. Deacon, 404
- On Wood as a Paving Material under Heavy Traffic, by O. H. Howarth, 405
- On the Improvement of the Bar of Dublin Harbour by Artificial Scour, by John P. Griffith, 442
- On Dock Gates, by A. P. Blandy, 486 Engineers, the Institution of Cleveland, Address of the President, 18, 37
- On the Construction of Armour to Resist Shot and Shell, by Captain C. O. Browne, R.A., 69
- On the Heslop Engine, a Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, by H. A. Fletcher, 101
- On the Economy of Railway Working, by It. Price Williams, 124, 145, 204, 224
- On the Effect of Brakes upon Railway Trains, by Captain Douglas Galton, 371
- On Recent Brake Experiments upon the Lyons Railway, by M. George Marie, 383
- On Electric Lighting, by Dr. John Hopkinson, 403
- On the Construction and Comparative Merits of the Safety Lamps generally in Use, by Alan C. Bagot, 423
- On Experiments Referring to the Use of Iron and Steel in High-Pressure Boilers, by David Greig and Max Eyth, 527, 581
- On Experimental Researches into Moans of Preventing Induction upon Lateral Wires, by Professor D. E. Hughes, 212
- Engines, Agricultural, 557
- Engines, Compound, Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder, of the Yacht Isa," 195
- Engines, Gas, 461
- Engines, Hathorn and Davey's Pumping, at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, 478
- Engines, Miller and Company's Compound Reversing Rolling Mill, 274
- Engines, Portable and Fixed, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Engines, Pumping, for Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Trial of the, 58, 78
- Engines, Steam Ploughing and Traction, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Engines, Tank, The Distribution of Load upon the Axles of, 441
- England and Scotland, Pollution of Rivers in, 138
- English Industries and American Competition (See Industries, English, and American Competition)
- Epinac Colliery Company (Saone-et-Loire), The ; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 3G7
- Equivalents, Mechanical ; Watt Anniversary Lecture,125
- Escher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Estimates, The Navy, 217
- European and North American Railway ; Canadian Railways, 228
- European Russia, The Mineral Wealth of, 90, 169, 227, 430
- Excavator, Reeves' Pneumatic, 312
- Bevel Gear - Cutting Machine, Fetu and Deliege's, 195
- Boiler, Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical Tubular, 284
- Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's, 437
- Civil Engineering:
- Toulon Graving Docks, The, 287, 316, 376, 431
- Coal Mining:
- Blanzy Mines, The, 98
- Epinac Colliery Company (Saone-et-Loire), The, 367
- Grand' Combo Mines, The, 33
- Crane, Caillard Brothers' Steam, 123
- Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for Replacing; Northern Railway of France, 959
- Dye Products, Artificial, 162
- Engine, Powell's Compound Beam, 51
- Engine, The Quillac Winding, 178
- Engine, Walschaerts' Horizontal, 29
- Hydraulic Machine Tools, 65
- Locomotives :
- Belgium, 156, 171, 210, 271
- France, 3S9 454, 517
- Italy, '22
- Switzerland,130
- United States, G7
- Metallurgy :
- Works at Pont-:VMousson, The, 208
- Physical Science :
- Lighthouse Illumination, 139, 209, 269
- Meteorological Instruments, 6, 97
- Theorell's Printing Meteorograph,
- Ploughs, Single and Four-Furrow, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 437
- Railway Rolling Stock :
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company, The, 45, 110
- Paris and Orleans Railway Company, The, 432
- Southern Railway of France, The, 229
- Western Railway of France, 341, 493
- Testing Lubricants, Machinery for, 234
- Therapeutic Machinery, Goransson's, 214
- Tramway Locomotive, Merryweather's, 256
- Explosion on Board H.M.S. " Thunderer," 31, 54, 138, 200, 220, 221, 244, 257, 261, 282
- Explosion on Board N.M.S. Thunderer,' The Report of the Committee, 221 244
- Explosion, The Coltness Boiler, 479
- Explosions, Boiler ; Letter to the Members of the House of Commons, 278
- Explosions, Boiler, in 1878 ; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 174
- Explosions, Steam Boiler; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 258
- Explosions, Steam Boiler ; Mr. Burt's Motion in the House of Commons, 397
- Fetu and Deliegels Bevel Gear-Cutting Machine, at the Paris Exhibition, 195
- Firebox Stays, Stephenson's Locomotive, 223
- Firegrate, Ten-Brink, Lecher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Firegrates for Unbroken and Chopped Straw, Garrett and Sons', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- First-Class Carriage for the Western Railway of France, 341
- Fixed and Portable Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Floating Dock, The Nicolaieff, 29
- Floating Docks, 331
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 14. 27, 61, 81, 105, 125, 141, 167, 200, 226, 247, 255, 278, 305, 336, 363, 406, 443, 472, 490, 511, 532, 555
- Foster, P. Le Neve, 178
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Vosper's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Four-Furrow and Single Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Fowler and Company's Compound Semi-Portable
- Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- French Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 339, 454, 517
- Friction Clutch, Pfleiderer's, 243
- Frost, Glazed, 260
- Froude, Mr. W., 462, 503, 525
- Fucino, Lake, The Drainage of, 249
- Fuel, The Utilisation of Sulphides as, 380
- Fuller's Spiral Rule, 257
- Furnace Linings, Basic Bricks for, 427
- Furness's Band Saws for Cutting Deals, 235
- Fuze, Percussion ; The Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, 25
- Gap Lathe, Watson's, with Travelling Crane, 154
- Garrett and Sons' Firegrates for Unbroken and Chopped Straw, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining Engine at the Royal Agricultural show, Kilburn, 572
- Garrett and Sons' Thrashing Machine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Gas Companies, The London, 327
- Gas Engine, Clerk's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Gas Engine. Otto's 16-Horse Silent, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Gas Engines, 461
- Gas Illumination v. Electric, 117
- Gas Managers, Meeting of the West of Scotland Association of, 511
- Gas Managers, Meetings of the British Association of, 505, 520
- Gas Supply, The Metropolitan, 260
- Gas Washers and Scrubbers, 464
- Gases Bill, The Noxious, 485
- Gaslighting, Improved, 142
- Gates, Dock, 486
- Gauge, Stewart's Double-Check Pressure, 37
- Gauge System, The ; English Industries and American Competition, 86
- Gear-Cutting Machine, Bevel, Fetu and Deliege's, at the Paris Exhibition, 195
- Gear, Nelson's Steam Steering, 255
- Gear, Trappen's Valve, 520
- Geelong, The Water Supply of, 167
- Geissler, Dr., 198
- Generator, Steam, The Herreshoff, 121
- Glass Fibres, Torsional Strain in, 19
- Glazed Frost, '260
- Goransson's Therapeutic Machinery at the Paris Exhibition, 214
- Government Patent Bill, The, 180, 237, 417, 484
- Gower Telephone, The, 387
- " Graham" Lecture, The, 106
- Grand' Combs Mines, The ; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 83
- Grand Trunk Railway of Canada; Canadian Railways, 270, 338, 388, 452
- Graving Docks, The Toulon ; Civil Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 136, '287, 316, 376, 431
- Greenwood and Batley's Milling Machine. 376
- Grid, Hydraulic, Clark and Standfield's, '203
- Grinding Lathes Tyre, at the Austrian State Railway Works, 352
- Grinding Maize, Ransomes, Sims, and head's Mill for, :324
- Grinding Processes, 187, 207
- Gwynne's Centrifugal Pump at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 573
- Guano Company, The Native, 54
- Guns, Naval, 3U1, 364
- Hallside Steel Works, Miller and Company's Compound Reversing Rolling Mill Engines at, 274
- Halpin's Horizontal Engine with Automatic Expansion Gear, 481
- Handyside and Company's Bridge over the River Derwent at Derby, 292
- Harbour, Dublin, The Improvement of, 442 Hartmann, Richard, 8
- Hathorn and Davey's Pumping Engines at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, 478
- Health, Sewage, and Water Supply, The National, 439
- Heavy Ordnance, 157
- H.M.S. " Iris," Steam Trials of, 329
- H.M.S. " Iris," Structural Arrangements and Proportions of, 302
- H.M.S. " Thunderer," Explosion on Board, 31, 54, 138, 200, 220,221, 244, 257,261, 282
- H.M.S. " Thunderer," The Explosion on Board ; Report of the Committee, 221, 244
- Herreshoff Boiler, The, 121
- Herreshoff Torpedo Boat, The, 32, 94, 121
- Hersent and Langlois' Dredging Plant at the Toulon Graving Docks, 136, 376, 431
- Heslop Engine. The, a. Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, 101
- High Blantyre Collieries, Stevenson's Mine Ventilator at the, 178
- High-Level Bridge, Sedley's Proposed, over the Thames, 416
- High-Pressure Marine Boiler, Boyer's, 416
- History of the Screw Propeller, A Contribution to the, 13
- Horizontal Compound Engine, Simpson and Company's, 422
- Horizontal Engine, Compound, at the Pester Walzmtihle, Buda-Pesth, 290
- Horizontal Engine, Halpin's, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 481
- Horizontal Engine, Shanks and Sons', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 571
- Horizontal Engine, Walschaerts', at the Paris Exhibition, 29
- Horograph, The, 241
- Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, The, 3, 23, 63
- Hughes's, Professor, Induction Balance, 217
- Hydraulic Grid, Clark and Standfield's, 203
- Hydraulic Machine Tools at the Paris Exhibition, 65
- Illumination, Gas v. Electric, 117
- Illumination, Lighthouse, 262
- Illumination, Lighthouse ; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 139, 209, 269
- Illumination, The Rapieff System of, 55
- Implements, Miscellaneous, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 534
- Implements of Tillage at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 534
- Improved Gaslighting, 142
- Improvement of Dublin Harbour, The, 442
- Improvements in Telephones, Recent, 387
- Incline, Railway, at Lyons, 291
- Induction Balance, Professor Hughes's, 217
- Induction Current Balance, An, 457
- Induction, Electrical, 212
- Induction, Electrical, Sonometry by, 418
- Induction on Telegraph Lines, 280
- Induction in Telephone Circuits ; Mr. Edison's Specification, 277
- Indus General Steam Navigation Company's Steamer Tezpore," The, 276
- Centralisation of Industry, 170
- Futile Experiment, 209
- Gauge System, The, 86
- Invested Capital, 317
- Machine Tools, American, 2
- Wood as a Material in America, 47
- Workshop Legislation, 208
- Injuries to Servants, Employers' Liability for, 361
- Inner Circle Completion Railway, The, 408
- Inspection of Boilers, The, 523
- Institute, The Iron and Steel (See Iron and Steel Institute, The)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Institution of Civil)
- Institution Conversazione, 1879, The, 463
- Institution of Engineers, The Cleveland ; Address of the President, 18, 37
- Institution Lectures, The Royal, 11
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Mechanical)
- Institution of Naval Architects, The (See Naval Architect,, The Institution of)
- Instruction, Mining, in Austria, 205
- Instruments, Meteorological ; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 97
- International Telegraph Conference, The, 48.5
- Invested Capital ; English Industries and American Competition, 317
- " Iris," H. M.S., Steam trials of, 329
- "Iris," H.M.S., Structural Arrangements and Proportions of, 302
- Iron and Mild Steel, 393
- Iron Mills, '1 he Union, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; American Iron and Steel Works, 21
- Iron, Northern, Comparative Prices of, 313
- Iron Prices and Ironworkers' wages, 248
- Iron Shipbuilders and Boiler-Makers, The, 501
- Iron Shipbuilding at West Hartlepool, 132
- Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the Analysis of, 127, 429
- Iron and Steel Boilers, 527, 581
IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, THE 398, 410, 444, 468
- Address of the President, Mr. Edward Williams, 400
- On the Use of Steel in the Construction of Bridges, by H. N. Maynard, 392
- On the Mechanical Properties of Iron and Mild Steel (Supplementary Paper), by Daniel Adamson, 393
- On the Use of Steel in Naval Construction, by Nathaniel Barnaby, 419
- On the Elimination of Phosphorus in the Bessemer Converter, by Sidney G. Thomas, 424
- On the Removal of Phosphorus and Sulphur during the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin Processes of Steel Manufacture, by George J. Snelus, 426
- On a Ready Means of Moulding Lime, and making Lime or Basic Bricks, and Linings for Furnaces, Converters, &c., by Edward Riley, 427
- On a New Volumetric Method of Determining Manganese in Manganiferous Iron Ores, Spiegeleisen, Steel, &c., by John Pattinson, 508
- On the Chemistry of Puddling, by H. Louis, 509
- Rolling Mills of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, 90
- Salisbury Iron and the Works of the Barnum
- Richardson Company, 451
- Union Iron Mills, Pittsburgh, Pa., The, 21
- Works of Messrs. Cooper, Hewitt, and Company, The, 87, 149
- Works of the Meier Iron Company, The, 315
- Iron Trade in 1878, The Northern, 34
- Iron Trade, The Scotch, Position and Prospects of, 123
- "Isa," Yacht, Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the, 19.5
- Italy ; Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 22
- Joints, Welded Boiler Plate, 96
- Joly, Jolly, and Delafoy's Viaduct over the River Rance, at the Paris Exhibition, 481, 499
- Kensington Museum, The Electric Light at, 502
- Kitson's Loose Pulley Bearing, 243
- Lake Fucino, The Drainage of, 249
- Lambrigot's Sixpenny Phonograph, 326
- Lamps, Safety, 423
- Lartigue's Mercury Commutator, 273
- Lathe, Watson's Gap, with Travelling Crane 154
- Lathe, Wheel Centre and Tyre Boring, Collier and Company's, 362
- Lathes, Tyre-Grinding, at the Au3trian State. Railway Works, 392
- Launch, The Herreshoff Torpedo, 32, 94, 121
- Lecture, The " Graham," 106
- Lectures, Royal Institution, 11
- Legal Load Line, The, 332
- Legislation, Boiler, 501
- Legislation, Private Bill, 357
- Legislation on our Rivers, 240
- Legislation, Workshop; English Industries and American Competition, 2u8
- Le Grand and Sutcliff's Tubular Piles, 223
- Letter to the Members of the House of Commons on Boiler Explosions, 278
- Lever Anchor, Savage's Automatic, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 576
- Liability of Employers to Workmen, 197
- Liability for Injuries to Servants, Employers', 361
- Light, The Albo-Carbon, 157
- Light Apparatus, Edison's Electric, 159
- Light Apparatus, Marshall., Sons, and Company's Portable Electric, 364
- Light, The Electric, 241, 417
- Light, The Electric, in the British Museum, 197
- Light, The Electric, M. Cernesson's Report, 104
- Light, The Electric, at the Kensington Museum, 502
- Light, The Electric, Mr. Preece on, 81
- Light, The Electric, and Professor Tyndall, 75
- Light, The Electric, Progress of, 181
- Light, Electric, The Wallace-Farmer, 308
- Light for Railways, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Travelling Electric, 16
- Light, The Westinghouse, for Railway Carriages, 264
- Lighthouse Dioptric Apparatus, 362
- Lighthouse Illumination, 262
- Lighthouse Illumination ; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 139, 209, '269
- Lighting Electric, 403
- Lighting, Electric, at the Albert Hall, 400
- Lighting, Electric; Report of Committee of the house of Commons, 519
- Lighting, Electric, at the Southampton Docks, 116
- Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Lighting System, Pintsch's, 311
- Lines, Telegraph, Induction on, 280
- Linings, Furnace, Basic Bricks for, 427
- List of Materials, Price, 20,42, 62, 84, 106, 126,148, 168, 186, 206, 226, 248, 268, 286, 314, 336, 366, 386, 406, 428, 450, 472, 490, 512, 532
- Lloyd's Surveyor's Report on Steel for Shipbuilding, 40
- Lloyd's Yacht Register, 354
- Load, The Distribution of, upon the Axles of Tank Engines, 441
- Load Line, The Legal, 3:32
- Locomotive, Bagnall's Tank, for the Wotton Tramway, 17
- Locomotive Boilers, Verderber's, 113
- Locomotive Firebox Stays, Stephenson's, 223
- Locomotive, Merryweather's Tramway, at the Paris Exhibition, 256
- Locomotives, American, at the Paris Exhibition, 67
- Locomotives, Belgian, at the Paris Exhibition, 156, 171, 210, 271
- Locomotives, French, at the Paris Exhibition, 389, 454,517
- Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 22, 67, 130, 156, 171, 210, 271, 389, 454, 517
- Locomotives, Swiss, at the Paris Exhibition, 130
- " London" Argand Governor Burner, Sugg's
- Lantern with, 142
- London Gas Companies, The, 327
- London Gas Supply, The, 260
- London and St. Katherine Docks; Victoria Dock Extension, 456
- Loose Pulley Bearing, Kitson's, 243
- Loud-Speaking Telephone, Edison's, 442
- Lubricants, Machinery for Testing, at the Paris Exhibition, 234
- Lubricator, Englebert's, 479
- Lyons, Railway Incline at, 291
- Lysedal Viaduct, The, 1
- Machine, An American Testing, 267
- Machine, Asquith's Slotting, 257
- Machine, Fetu and Deliege's Bevel Gear-Cutting. at the Paris Exhibition, 195
- Machine Fitting, Standard Sizes for, 407
- Machine, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Thrashing, for Hot Climates, 323
- Machine, Shaping, Sharp, Stewart, and Company's, 442
- Machine Tools, American ; English Industries and American Competition, 2
- Machine Tools, Hydraulic, at the Paris Exhibition, 65
- Machine, Tweedy's Boiler Drilling, 341
- Machine-Worked Punkahs, 284
- Machinery, Agricultural, Progress of, 533
- Machinery, Goransson's Therapeutic, at the Paris Exhibition, 214
- Machinery for Making Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 569
- Machinery, Steam Ploughing and Traction, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Machinery for Testing Lubricants at the Paris Exhibition, 234
- Machinery, Wood-Working, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 569
- Machines, Reaping, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 538
- Machines, Thrashing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 535, 577
- Magnetism, Terrestrial, A New Theory of, 221
- Magneto-Electric Machines; Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Manganese Bronze, 523
- Manganese, The Determination of, 508
- Manufacture, The Northern Plate, 14
- Manufacture of Sanitary Paints, The, 328
- Marine Boiler, Boyer's High-Pressure, 416
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable Electric Light Apparatus, 364
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Under-Gear for 8-Horse Portable Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Marten's Report on Boiler Explosions in 1878, 174
- Materials, Price List of, 20, 42, 62, 84, 106, 126, 148, 168, 186, 206, 226, 248, 268, 286, 314, 336, 366, 386, 406, 428, 450, 472, 490, 512, 532
- Mauser Revolver, The, 51
- Mechanical Equivalents ; Watt Anniversary Lecture, 125
- Mechanical Shipbuilding, On a System of, 341
- Meeting, Annual, of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 258
- Meeting of the West of Scotland Association of Gas Managers, 511
- Meetings of the British Association of Gas Managers, 505, 520
- Meier Iron Company. The Works of the ; American Iron and Steel Works, 315
- Mercury Commutator, Lartigue's, 273
- Merryweather's Tramway Locomotive at the Paris Exhibition, 256
- Metallurgy at the Paris Exhibition, 208
- Meteorological Instruments; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 97
- Meteorology, Arctic, 475
- Metropolitan Gas Companies, The, 327 Metropolitan Gas supply, The, 260
- Microphone Receivers, On Simple Forms of, 289 Mild Steel and Iron, 393
- Mill for Grinding Maize, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 324
- Miller and Company's Compound Reversing Rolling Mill Engines, 274
- Milling Machine, Greenwood and Batley's, 376
- Mills, Rolling, of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company ; American Iron and Steel Works, 90
- Mine Fire Out-off, The Butler, 206
- Mine Ventilator, Stevenson's, at the High Blantyre Collieries, 178
- Mineral Phosphates, 526
- Mineral Products in Austria, 35
- Mineral Waters, The Bourboulo and Royat, 337
- Mineral Wealth of European Russia, The, 90, 169, 217, 430
- Mines, The Blanzy ; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 98
- Mines, The Grand' Combe ; Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 33
- Mining, Coal, at Paris, 33, 98, 367
- Mining Engine, Garrett and Sons' Portable, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 572
- Mining Instruction in Austria, 205
- Moments, Bending, 33
- Movable Bridges, 214
- Multiple Wood-Boring Machine, Richards and Atkinson's, 506
- Museum, The British, The Electric Light in the,' 197
- Nalder and Nalder's Combined Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 577
- National Water Supply, Sewage, and Health, The, 439
- Native Guano Company, The, 54
- Address of the President, 293
- Bye-Laws, New, 275
- On Armour-Plating Ships of War, by Admiral Sir R. Spencer Robinson, 295
- On Armour for Ships, by N. Barnaby, 300
- On Naval Guns, by C. W. Merrifield) 301, 364
- On the Structural Arrangements and Proportions of H.M.S. "Iris," by W. H. White, 302
- On the True Nature of the Wave of Translation, and the Part it Plays in removing the Water out of the Way of a Ship with least Resistance, by J. Scott Russell, 304, 343
- On Sir W. Thomson's Navigational Sounding Machine, by P. M. Swan, 320
- On the Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Iris," by J. Wright, 329
- On the Legal Load Line, by N. E. Porter, 332
- On Twin-Ship Propulsion, by G. C. Mackrow, 334
- On a System of Mechanical Shipbuilding, by J. Humphrys, 341
- On Strains on Crankshafts, by J. T. Milton, 349
- On a Few Years' Experience of the Screw Propeller. its Lessons and Results, by Arthur J. Maginnis, 351
- On Lloyd's Yacht Register, by Dixon Kemp, 354
- On the Double Power Floating Dock and the Hydraulic Grid, by Latimer Clark, 381
- On the Minimum Area of Blade in a Screw Propeller necessary to form a Complete Column, by James H. Cotterill, 385
- On an Instrument for Measuring the Angle through which a Ship Rolls or Pitches at Sea, by R. Clarke, 405
- Naval Construction, The Use of Steel in, 419 Naval Guns, 301, 364
- Navigational Sounding Machine, Sir W. Thom-son's, 320
- Navy, The Chilian, 483
- Navy Estimates, The, 217
- Nelson's Steam Steering Gear, 255
- New Brunswick and Canada Railway; Canadian Railways, 188
- New Patent Bill, The, 180, 237, 417, 484
- Newton, Wilson, and Company's Horograph, 241
- Nicolaieff Floating Dock, The, 29
- North American and European Railway ; Canadian Railways, 228
- Northern Iron, Comparative Prices of, 313
- Northern Iron Trade in 1878, The, 34
- Northern Plate Manufacture, The, 14
- Northern Rail Manufacture, 57
- Notes from Cleveland, 9, 30, 52, 77, 99, 121, 136, 165, 183, 196, 216, 236, 263, 283, 314, 324, 363,376, 396, 416, 436, 460, 487, 498, 526, 579
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 14, 27, 61, 84, 105, 125, 141, 167, 200,226, 247, 255, 278, 305, 336, 363, 406, 443, 472, 490, 511, 532, 555
- Notes from the North, 10, 35, 49, 77, 94, 121, 136, 165, 183, 196, 216, 236, 263, 278, 313, 324, a3, 376, 396, 421, 443, 460, 482, 500, 519, 579
- Notes from Russia, 186, 247, 506
- Notes from the South-West, 10. 30, 52, 77, 94, 141, 165, 183, 196, 216, 258, 283, 294, 324, 343, 396, 416, 443, 456, 482, 500, 526, 579
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 10, 30, 49, 77, 99, 121,141, 165, 183, 196, 216, 236, 258, 275, 314, 321, 343, 376, 402, 421, 438, 466, 482, 500, 619, 580
- Noxious Gases Bill, The, 485
- Noxious Vapours, 32
- OBITUARY: (Moved to separate index))
- Orange River, Bridge over the, at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- Ordnance, Heavy, 157
- Ores, Cleveland, Steel from, 377
- Ores, Silver, Pan Amalgamation of, in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 189, 369, 473, 491, 514
- Oscillometer, The, 405
- Otto's 16-Morse Silent Gas Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Paints, Sanitary, The Manufacture of, :328
- Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 189, 369, 473, 491, 514
- Panama Ship Canal, The Proposed, 518
- Paris Congress, The, 118
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway Company's Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, The, 45, 110
- Paris and Orleans Railway Company's Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 432
- Parliamentary Bills, Scotch, 12
- Patent Bill, The New, 180, 237, 417, 484
- Pavements, Carriageway, 404
- Pavements, Wood, 405
- Percussion Fuze ; The Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, 25
- Pfleiderer's Friction Clutch, 243
- Phonograph, A Sixpenny, 326
- Phosphates, Mineral, 526
- Phosphorus, The Elimination of, 424
- Phosphorus and Sulphur, The Removal of, 426
- Photographic Reproduction, '200
- Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 97, 139, 209, 269
- Piles, Le Grand and Sutcliff's Tubular, 22:3
- Pintsch's Lighting System, 311
- Plate Manufacture, The Northern, 14
- Ploughing and Traction Engines, Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Single and Four-Furrow, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Pneumatic Excavator, Reeves', 312
- Pollution of Rivers in England and Scotland, 138
- Pont-ä-ltIonsson, The Works at ; Metallurgy at the Paris Exhibition, 208
- Poole System of Grinding, The ; Grinding Processes, 207
- Portable Electric Light Apparatus, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, 364
- Portable and Fixed Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Portable 4-Horse Engine, 18:53, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, 461
- Porter-Allen Engine, The, 115
- Position and Prospects of the Scotch Iron Trade, 123
- Powell's Compound Beam Engine at the Paris Exhibition, 51
- Power, Steam (The Progress of Agricultural Machinery), 543
- President of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, Address of the, 18, 37
- President of the Institution of Naval Architects, Address of the, 293
- President of the Iron and Steel Institute, Mr. Edward Williams, Address of the, 400
- Price List of Materials, 20, 42, 62, 81, 106, 126, 148, 168, 186, 206, 226, 248, 268, 286, 314, 336, 366, 385, 406, 428, 450, 472, 490, 512, 532
- Prices, Iron, and Ironworkers' Wages, 248
- Prices of Northern Iron, Comparative, 313
- Printing Meteorograph, Theorell's ; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 6
- Private Bill Legislation. 357
- Processes, Grinding, 187, 207
- Professor Hughes's Induction Balance, 217
- Professor Tyndall and the Electric Light, 75
- Progress of Agricultural Machinery, 533
- Progress of the Electric Light, The, 181
- Progress, Our Scientific, 73
- Projectile, A Winged, 235
- Propeller, The Screw, 351, 385
- Propulsion, Screw, 53, 259
- Propulsion, Screw; Experiments by Mr. Griffiths, 198
- Propulsion, Twin-Ship, 334
- Provincial Sanitation, 11, 74, 159, 303
- Puddling, The Chemistry of, 509
- Pulley Bearing, Kitson's Lose, 243
- Pump, Gwynne's Centrifugal, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 573
- Pumping Engine, Auxiliary, with " Comet"
- Pumps, for the Yacht " Wanderer," Balfour and Company's, 574
- Pumping Engine, Double-Acting, at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154
- Pumping Engines, Hathorn and Davey's, at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, 478
- Pumping Engines for Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Trial of the, 58, 78
- Punkahs, Machine-Worked, 284
- Quillac Winding Engine, The, at the Paris Exhibition, 178
- Rail Manufacture, Northern, 57
- Rails, Steel, The Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of, 143, 166, 134
- Rails, Steel, The Endurance of, 24:3
- Railway Brake Trials, Continuous, 331
- Railway Carriage Lighting ; Pintsch a System, 311
- Railway Carriages, The Westinghouse Light for, 264
- Railway Construction, 103
- Railway, The European and North American; Canadian Railways, 228
- Railway, The Grand Trunk of Canada ; Canadian Railways, 270, 338, 388, 452
- Railway Incline at Lyons, 291
- Railway, The Inner Circle Completion, 408
- Railway, The New Brunswick and Canada; Canadian Railways, 188
- Railway Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 45, 110, 229, 341, 432, 493
- Railway Trains, The Effect of Brakes upon, 371
- Railway, The Western Counties—Annapolis t.) Yarmouth ; Canadian Railways, 108
- Railway, The Windsor and Annapolis ; Canadian Railways, 44
- Railway Working, The Economy of, 124, 145, 204, 224
- Raising Sunken Vessels, 102
- Ransome's Machinery for Making Butter Kegs at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 569
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Mill for Grinding Maize, 324
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Single and Four-Furrow Ploughs at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Thrashing Machines for Hot Climates, 323
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Travelling Electric Light for Railways, 16
- Rapieff System of Electric Illumination, The, 55
- Reaping Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 538
- Receivers, Microphone, On Simple Forms of, 289
- Recent Improvements in Telephones, 387
- Reeves' Pneumatic Excavator, 312
- Regulating Electric Currents, 164
- Removal of Phosphorus and Sulphur, The, 426
- Replacing Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for, at the Paris Exhibition, 459
- Report of the Board of Trade on Continuous Brakes, 251
- Report of the Committee on the Explosion on Board H.M.S. " Thunderer," 221, 244
- Report of the Committee of the House of Commons on Electric Lighting, 519
- Report of the Committee of the House of Lords on Tramways, 366
- Report by Lloyd's Surveyor on Steel for Shipbuilding, 40
- Report of Mr. E. B. Marten on Boiler Explosions in 1878, 174
- Reproduction, Photographic, 200
- Revolver, The Mauser, 51
- Revolving Cannon, The Hotchkiss, 3, 23, 63
- Richards and Atkinson's Multiple Wood-Boring Machine, 506
- River Bars, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 107, 474
- River Clyde, Shipbuilding on the, in 1878, 26, 56
- River Clyde, Steel Shipbuilding on the, 156
- River Control. 60, 80
- River Dement, at Derby, Handyside and Company's Bridge over the, 292
- River, Orange, Bridge over the, at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- River Rance, Joly, Jolly, and Delafoy's Viaduct over the, at the Paris Exhibition, 481, 499
- River Tees, Shipbuilding on the, 497
- River Thames, Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 416
- Rivers in England and Scotland, Pollution of, 138
- Rivers. Legislation on our, 240
- Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Rolling Mill Engines, Miller and Company's Compound Reversing, 274
- Rolling Mills of the Now Jersey Steel and Iron Company; American Iron and Steel Works, 90
- Rolling Stock, Apparatus for Replacing Derailed, at the Paris Exhibition, 459
- Royal Agricultural Society, The, 551
- Royal Institution Lectures, 11
- Royat and Bourboule Mineral Waters, The, 337
- On the Torsional Strain which Remains in a Glass Fibre after Release from Twisting Stress, by J. Hopkinson, D. Sc., F.R.S., 19 On Certain Means of Measuring and Regulating Electric Currents, by C. William Siemens, 164
- On the Synthetic Examination of Vowel Sounds, by W. H. Preece and Augustus Stroh, 200
- On an Induction Current Balance, an 1 Experimental Researches made therewith, by Professor D. E. Hughes, 457
- Soiree, 393, 440
- Rule, Fuller's Spiral, 257
- Russia, European, The Mineral Wealth of, 90. 169, 227, 430
- Russia, Notes from. 186, 247, 506
- Safety Lamps, 423
- Safety Valve, Eave's Deadweight, 466
- Salisbury Iron and the Works of the Barnum Richardson Company ; American Iron and Steel Works, 451
- Sandhurst, Victoria, The Water Supply of, 148
- Sandringham Water Supply, The, 91
- Sanitary Paints, The Manufacture of, 328
- Sanitary Summary for 1878, 95
- Sanitation, Provincial, 11, 74, 159, 308
- Savage's Automatic Lever Anchor, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 576
- Saws, Furness's Band, for Cutting Deals, 235
- Science, Physical, at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 97, 139, 209, 269
- Scientific Progress, Our, 73
- Scotch Iron Trade, Position and Prospects of the, 123
- Scotch Parliamentary Bills, 12
- Scotland and England, Pollution of Rivers in, 138
- Scours, Tidal, The Removal of River Bars by Induced, 107, 474
- Screw Propeller, The, 351, 385
- Screw Propeller, A Contribution to the History of the, 13
- Screw Propulsion, 53, 259
- Screw Propulsion ; Experiments by Mr. Griffiths, 198
- Screws, Twin, 1:37, 179
- Scrubbers and Washers, Gas, 464
- Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the Thames, 416
- Servants, Employers' Liability for Injuries to, 361
- Sewage Disposal at Stoke-upon-Trent, 262
- Sewage, Health, and Water Supply, The National, 439
- Shanks and Sons' Horizontal Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 571
- Sharp, Stewart, and Company s Shaping Machine, 442
- Ship Canal, Panama, The Proposed, 518
- Shipbuilders, Iron, and Boiler-Makers, The, 501
- Shipbuilding in 1878, Clyde, 26, 56
- Shipbuilding, Iron, at West Hartlepool, 132
- Shipbuilding, Mechanical, On a System of, 841
- Shipbuilding on the River Tees, 497
- Shipowners v. the Board of Trade, 325, 358, 439
- Ships, Armour for, 300
- Ships of War. Armour Plating, 295
- Shot and Shell, The Construction of Armour to Resist, 69
- Show, The Royal Agricultural, at Kilburn (See Agricultural Show, The Royal, at Kilburn)
- Side Feed Thrashing Machine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Silver Ores, Pan Amalgamation of, in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 189, 369, 473, 491, 514
- Simple Forms of Microphone Receivers, On, 289
- Simpson and Company's Horizontal Compound Engine, 422
- Single and Four-Furrow Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Sixpenny Phonograph, A, 326
- Slotting Machine, Asquith's, 257
- Society of Amalgamated Engineers, The, 462
- Society, The Royal, (See Royal Society, The)
- Society, The Royal Agricultural, 551
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, Conversazione, 524
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Society of Telegraph)
- Soiree, The Royal Society, 398, 440
- Sonometry by Electrical Induction, 418
- Sopwith, Thomas, 75
- Sounding Machine, Sir W. Thomson's Navigational, 320
- Sounds, Vowel, The Examination of, 200
- South African Telegraphs, 312
- Southampton Docks, Electric Lighting at the, 116
- South-West, Notes from the, 10, 30, 52, 77, 94, 141, 165, 183, 196, 216, 258, 283, 294, 324, 343, 396, 416, 413, 4-56, 482, 500, 526, 579
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 10, 30, 49,17, 99, 121, 141, 165, 183, 196, 216, 236, 258, 275, 314, 321, 343, 376, 402, 421, 438, 466, 482, 500, 519, 580
- Southern Railway of France Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 229
- Speaking Telephones, 467, 488, 506
- Spectroscope, The Application of, to the Analysis of Iron and Steel, 127, 429
- Spiral Rule, Fuller's, '257
- Springs, Thermal, Disappearance of the, at Teplitz, Bohemia, 193, 240
- Spur Wheel, A Durable, 122
- Standard Sizes for Machine Fitting, 407
- Stannah's Stuffing-Box, 223
- Steam Boiler Explosions ; Annual Meeting of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 258
- Steam Boiler Explosions ; Mr. Burt's Motion in the House of Commons, 397
- Steam Crane, Caillard Brothers', at the Paris Exhibition, 123
- Steam Cultivation (The Progress of Agricultural Machinery), 547
- Steam Generator, The HerreshoiT, 121
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Steam Power (The Progress of Agricultural Machinery), 543
- Steam Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Iris," 329
- Steamer, The Indus General Steam Navigation Company's, " Tezpora," 276
- Steel Bridges, 392
- Steel from Cleveland Ores, 377
- Steel and Iron, The Application of the Spectroscope to the Analysis of, 1'27, 429
- Steel and Iron Boilers, 527, 581
- Steel Rails, The Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of, 143, 166, 184
- Steel Rails, The Endurance of, 243
- Steel Shipbuilding on the Clyde, 156
- Steel for Shipbuilding, Report by Lloyd's Surveyor on, 40
- Steel, the Use of, in Naval Construction, 419
- Steering Gear, Nelson's Steam, '255
- Stephenson's Locomotive Firebox Stays, 22:3
- Stevenson's Mine Ventilator at the High Blantyre Collieries, 178
- Stewart's Double-Check Pressure Gauge. 37
- Stoke-upon-Trent, Sewage Disposal at, 262
- Strain in Glass Fibres, Torsional, 19
- Strains on Crankshafts, 349
- Straw-Burning Portable Engine, Clayton and
- Shuttleworth's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Straw Elevator and Thrashing Machine, Nalder and Nalder's Combined, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 577
- Structural Arrangements and Proportions of H.M.S. " Iris," 302
- Stuffing-Box, Stannah's, 223
- Sugg's Lantern with " London" Argand Governor Burner, 142
- Sulphides as Fuel, The Utilisation of, 380
- Sulphur and Phosphorus, The Removal of, 426
- Sulzer Engine, Trial of a, 161
- Summary, Sanitary, for 1878, 95
- Sunken Vessels, Raising, 102
- Supplementary Water Works at Vienna, The New, 287
- Swedish Viaduct, The Lysedal, 1
- Switzerland ; Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 130
- Tank Engines, The Distribution of Load upon the Axles of, 441
- Tank Locomotive, Bagnall's, for the Wotton Tramway, 17
- Tees, River, Shipbuilding on the, 497
- Telegraph Conference, The International, 485
- Telegraph, Cowper's Writing, 180
- Telegraph Engineers, The Conversazione of the Society of, 521
- Telegraph Lines, Induction on, 280
- Telegraphs, South African, 312
- Telephone, The Ader, 387
- Telephone, Bell's, 498
- Telephone Circuits, Induction in; Mr. Edison's Specification, 277
- Telephone, Edison's Electro-Chemical, 238
- Telephone, Edison's Loud-Speaking, 442
- Telephone, The Gower, 387
- Telephones, Articulating, 467, 488, 506
- Telephones, Recent Improvements in, 387
- Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with, at the Paris Exhibition, 4:37
- Tendency of Travel, The, 313
- Terrestrial Magnetism, A new Theory of, 221
- Testing Machine, An American, '267
- Testing Lubricants, Machinery for, at the Paris Exhibition, '234
- "Tezpore," The Indus General Steam Navigation Company's Steamer, 276
- Thames, River, Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 416
- Theorell s Printing Meteorograph ; Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 6
- Therapeutic Machinery, Goransson's, at the Paris Exhibition, 214
- Thermal Springs, Disappearance of the, at
- Teplitz, Bohemia, 198, 240
- Thrashing Machine Drum Guard, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Thrashing Machine, Garrett and Sons', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Thrashing Machine for Hot Climates, Ransomes Sims, and Head's, 323
- Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator, Nalder
- and Nalder's Combined, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 577
- Thrashing Machine with Side Feed, Clayton and Shuttleworth's at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 578
- Thrashing Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 535, 577
- " Thunderer," H.M.S., The Explosion on Board, 31, 54, 138, 200, 220, 221, 244, 257, 261, 282
- Tidal Scour, The Removal of River Bars by Induced, 107, 474
- Tillage, Implements of (Progress of Agricultural Machinery), 534
- Tools, American Machine ; English Industries and American Competition, '2
- Tools, Hydraulic Machine, at the Paris Exhibition, 65
- Torpedo Boat, The Herreshoff, 32, 94, 121
- Torpedo Warfare, Yarrow and Company's Boats for, 156
- Torsional Strain in Glass Fibres, 19
- Toulon Graving Docks, The ; Civil Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 136, 287, 316, 376, 431
- Traction and Steam Ploughing Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 575
- Trade in Central Africa, Future, 310
- Trade in 1878, The Northern Iron, 34
- Trains, Railway, The Effect of Brakes upon, 371
- Tramway Locomotive, Merryweather's, at the Paris Exhibition, 256
- Tramway, Wotton, Bagnall's Tank Locomotive for the, 17
- Tramways, Report of the Committee of the House of Lords on, 366
- Translation, The Wave of, 304, 343
- Trappen's Valve Gear, 520
- Travel, The Tendency of, 313
- Travelling Crane, Watson's Gap Lathe with, 154
- Travelling Electric Light for Railways, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 16
- Trial of the Pumping Engines for Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, 58, 78
- Trial of a Sulzer Engine, 161
- Tubular Boiler, Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical, at the Paris Exhibition, 284
- Tubular Piles, Le Grand and Sutcliff's, 223
- Twin Screws, 137, 179
- Twin-Ship Propulsion, 331
- Tyndall, Professor, and the Electric Light, 75
- Tyre Boring and Wheel Centre Lathe, Collier and Company's, 362
- Tyre-Grinding Lathes at the Austrian State Railway Works, 392
- Tweedy's Boiler Drilling Machine, :;11
- Under-Gear for 8-Horse Portable Engine, Marshall, Sons, and Company's', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 570
- Union Iron Mills, Pittsburgh, Pa., The; American Iron and Steel Works, 21
- United States ; Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 67
- Universal Milling Machine, Greenwood and Batley's, 376
- Utilisation of Sulphides as Fuel, The, 383
- Valve, Eave's Deadweight Safety, 466
- Valve Gear, Trappen's, 520
- Vapours, Noxious, 32
- Ventilator, Stevenson's Mine, at the High Blantyre Collieries, 178
- Verderber's Locomotive Boilers, 113
- Vertical Tubular Boiler, Carnaire and Mout:31lier's, at the Paris Exhibition, 281
- Vessels, Raising Sunken, 102
- Viaduct, The Lysedal, 1
- Viaduct over the River Rance, Joly, Jolly, and Delafoy's, 481, 499
- Victoria Dock Extension ; London and St. Katherine Docks, 456
- Vienna Water Works, The New Supplementary, 287
- Voltaic Batteries; Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Vesper's Four-Cylinder Engine at the R9yal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 574
- Vote Recorder, Clerae's Electric, 112
- Vowel Sounds, The Examination of, 200
- Wages, Ironworkers', and Iron Prices, •t18
- Wallace-Farmer Electric Light. The, 3o8
- Walschaerts' Horizontal Engine at the Paris Exhibition, 29
- Warfare, Torpedo, Yarrow and Company's Boat for, 156
- Washers and Scrubbers, Gas, 464
- Water Supply of Geelong, The, 167
- Water Supply of Sandhurst, Victoria, The, 148
- Water Supply of Sandringham. The, 91
- Water Supply, Sewage, and Health, The National, 439
- Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Trial of the Pumping Engines for, 68, 78
- Water Works of Vienna, The New Supplementary, 287
- Waters, Mineral, The Bourboule and Royat, 337
- Watson's Gap Lathe with Travelling Crane, 154
- Watt Anniversary Lecture ; Mechanical Equivalents, 125
- Wave of Translation, The, 304, 343
- Wealth, Mineral, of European Russia, The, 90 169, 227, 430
- Welded Boiler Plate Joints, 96
- West Hartlepool, Iron Shipbuilding at, 132
- West of Scotland Association of Gas Managers, Meeting of the, 511
- Western Counties Railway. Annapolis to Yarmouth ; Canadian Railways, 108
- Western Railway of France, First-Class Carriage for the, 341
- Western Railway of France, The ; Railway Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 341, 493
- Westinghouse Brake, The, 85
- Westinghouse Light, The, for Railway Carriages, 264
- Wheel Centre and Tyre Boring Lathe, Collier and Company's 362
- Wheel, Spur, A Durable, 122
- Willan's Compound Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show Kilburn, 574
- Williams, Mr. Edward, President of the Iron and Steel Institute, Address of the, 400
- Williamson's Report on Steel for Shipbuilding, 40
- Winding Engine, The Quillac, at the Paris Exhibition, 178
- Windsor and Annapolis Railway ; Canadian Railways, 44
- Winged Projectile, A, 235
- Wood-Boring Machine, Richards and Atkinson's Multiple, 506 4. A. •
- Wood as a Material in America; English Industries and American Competition, 47
- Wood Pavements. 405
- Wood-Working Machinery at the Royal Agricultural Show, Kilburn, 569
- Woodcroft, Bennet, F.R.S., 140
- Workmen, Liability of Employers to, 197
- Works of the Barnum Richardson Company, The, and Salisbury Iron ; American Iron and Steel Works, 451
- Works of Messrs. Cooper, Hewitt, and Company. The; American Iron and Steel Works, 87, 149
- Works of the Meier Iron Company, The American Iron and Steel Works, 315
- Works at Pont-A-Mousson, The; Metallurgy at the Paris Exhibition, 208
- Workshop Legiation ; English Industries and American Competition, 208
- Wotton Tramway, Bagnall's Tank Locomotive for the, 17
- Writing Telegraph, Cowper's, 180
- Yacht " Isa," Douglas and Grant's, Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the, 195
- Yacht Register, Lloyd's, 354
- Yarmouth to Annapolis, Western Counties Railway ; Canadian Railways, 108
- Yarrow and Co's Botits for Torpedo Warfare, 156
See Also
Sources of Information