Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index: Letters to the Editor

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index
Letters to the Editor
- View the 1879 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ACCURACY of Indicators, The-Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 411
- Air Pumps-Duplex, 347
- Air Pumps-D. H, 403
- Air Pumps-D. H. M., 357
- Air Pumps-Vacuum, 411
- Arctic Expedition, New British-John P. Cheyne, R. Commander, R.N., 243
- Board of Trade and Shipbuilders, The-Nemo, 489
- Board of Trade and Shipbuilders, The-Shipping Interest, 415
- Board of Trade and Shipbuilding, The - Storm Cock, 415
- Board of Trade and Shipbuilding, The-W. H. R., 402
- Boats, Torpedo -G. M. B., 357
- Boiler Explosion, The Stoneclough - Thomas Baldwin, 146
- Boiler Explosion, The Stoneclough -Henry Hiller, Chief Engineer, 91
- Boiler Explosions-John Collins, F.C.S., 290
- Boiler Explosions-Evan Jones, 387
- Boiler Insurance and Inspection - Boiler Inspector, 470
- Boiler Insurance and Inspection - Boiler Inspector (No. 2), 471
- Boiler Insurance and Inspection-John Waugh, 470
- Brading Harbour Works-C. S., 90
- British Arctic Expedition, New-John P. Cheyne, R. Commander, R.N., 243
- British Association Science -Alex. E. Tucker, Fell. Inst. Chem., 176
- Cast Iron, Floating-W. J. Millar, C.E., 387
- Cement, Ransome's-V. de Michele, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., 271
- Clerk-Maxwell, Professor, The Late-Cantab, C.F.., 403
- Coal Supply, London-Wm. Joseph Thompson, 245
- Compressed Steel-F. Moro, 202
- Compressing Fluid Steel-Alfred Davis, 147
- Compressing Fluid Steel-J. Ellison, 115
- Compound Locomotives --G. Scott, 347
- Consolidation of Fluid Steel, The-Justice, 403
- Copper Smelting, Japanese, and Mr. Hollway's Process-E. F. M., 90
- Cost of Electric Lighting, Stanton Iron Works-The Engineer to the Company, 415
- Coal Wagons, Hoists for-T. B. Lightfoot, 22G
- Crank Axles, Locomotive-J. J . Birckel, 431
- Crank Axles, Locomotive-J. Patterson, Jun., 348
- Crankshafts and Bearings, Marine - Duplex, 411
- Crankshaft; The Forging of-W. L. E. McLean, 147
- Cunard Mail Steamer "Sahara," The New-J. Evelyn Williams, 387
- Curves, Speed-H. M. Ronnthwaite, 360
- Curves, Speed-C. E. Stroymeyer, 386
- Cuttings, The Slopes of-Sim Robertson, 470
- Diagrams, Indicator-Alex. Turnbull, 411
- Dynamo-Electric Machine, The Siemens--J. Hopkinson, 115
- Dynamo-Electric Machine, The Siemens -Francis R. Upton, 70
- Electric Lighting, Cost of, Stanton Iron Works-The Engineer to the Company, 415
- Electric Lighting-W. Schonheyder, 403
- Engert's Apparatus for the Improvement of Sound-A. C. Engert, 457
- Engine Design, Traction-W. M. F. R., 116
- Engineering Profession, The-M.I.O.E., 293
- Engines, The Economical Efficiency of-Chief Engineer, 39
- Engines, Gas-Louis Simon and Son, 146
- Engines, Gas-L. Sterne, 91
- Engines, Gas-Robert Wilson, 71
- Engines, Improved Portable - Wilson Hartnell, 471
- Engines, Improved Portable-, J. J. Tyrrell, 489
- Engines, The Perkins System of-J. Fortescue Flannery, 49
- Engines, The Perkins System of-J. F. Spencer, 147
- Engines, Traction, in India - R. E. Crompton, 176
- Engines, Wheels of Portable-A. F. Nagle, 471
- Explosions, Boiler-John Collins, F.C.S., 290
- Explosions, Boiler-Evan Jones, 387
- Feeding Locomotive Tenders-Kurting Brothers, 403
- Floating Cast Iron-W. J. Millar, C.E., 387
- Fluid Steel, Compressing-Alfred Davis, 147
- Fluid Steel, Compressing-J. Ellison, 115
- Fluid Steel, Compressing - F. Moro, 202
- Fluid Steel, The Consolidation of - Justice, 403
- Forging of Crankshafts, The-W. L. E. McLean, 147
- Forgings, Steel-W. H Carmont, 293, 348
- Gas Engines and Indicators-F. W. Crossley, 357
- Gas Engines and Indicators -W. Schanheyder, 387
- Gas Engines-Louis Simon and Son, 146
- Gas Engines-L. Sterne, 91
- Gas Engines-Robert Wilson, 71
- Giving Motion to Indicators-Arques, 387
- Giving Motion to Indicators-Charles T. Porter, 349
- Harbour Works, Brading-C. S., 90
- Hardening of Steel, The-Chemicus, 456
- Hardening of Steel-W. J. Ellis, 412
- Hardening of Steel-James Nasmyth, 387
- Hardening of Steel-Arthur Paget, 403
- Hardening of Steel-H. Reinhold, 412
- Hardening of Steel - Alex. G. Tucker, F.I.C., F.C.S., 457
- Hardening of Steel- Wm. Woodcock, 431
- Hoists for Coal Wagons- J. B. Lightfoot, 226
- Indicating Steam Engines- James Atkinson, 457
- Indicating Steam Engines-George Cawley, 431
- Indicating Steam Engines-A. F. Nagle, 471
- Indicating Steam Engines-J. H. H., 457
- Indicating Steam Engines-A Mechanical Engineer, 431
- Indicator Diagrams- Alex. Turnbull, 411
- Indicator Diagrams and the Planimeter-Samuel H. Wheeler, 90
- Indicator, A New Steam Engine-J. Richardson, 147, 202
- Indicators, The Accuracy of-Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 411
- Indicators and Gas Engines-F. W. Crossley, 357
- Indicators and Gas Engines-W. Schonheyder, 387
- Indicators, Giving Motion to-Arques, 387
- Indicators, Giving Motion to-Charles T. Porter, 349
- Indicators and Steam Engines-James Johnston, 403
- Indicators and Steam Engines-W. Potter, 403
- Indicators and Steam Engines—J. Richardson, 402
- Insurance, Boiler, and Inspection—Boiler Inspector, 470
- Insurance, Boiler, and Inspection—Boiler Inspector (No. 2), 471
- Insurance, Boiler, and Inspection—John Waugh, 470
- Iron and Steel Plates—John Collins, F. C. S , 292
- Japanese Copper Smelting, and Mr. Hollway's Process—E. F. M., 90
- Lighting, Electric—W. Schunheyder, 403
- Locomotive Crank Axles—J. J. Birckel, 431
- Locomotive Crank Axles—J. Patterson, Jun., 348
- Locomotive Tenders, Feeding—Kurting Brothers, 403
- Locomotives, Compound—G. Scott, 347
- London Coal Supply—Wm. Joseph Thompson, 245
- Machines, Rivetting —H. MacColl, 90
- Mains and Service Pipes, Waste of Water from—Turncock, 321
- Marine Crankshafts and Bearings—Duplex, 411
- Meat Transport by Rail—W. D'Alton Mann, 48
- Mines, Tides in—An Old Miner, 431
- Mississippi River Improvements, The—Chas. A. Hartley, 90
- Perkins System of Engines, The — J. Fortescue Flannery, 49
- Perkins System, The—J. F. Spencer, 147
- Planimeter, The, and Indicator Diagrams—Samuel H. Wheeler, 90
- " Polyphemus," The—John Griffiths, 226
- Portable Engines, Improved—Wilson Hartnell, 471
- Portable Engines, Improved—J. J. Tyrrell, 489
- Profession, The Engineering — M.I.C.E., 293
- Professor Clerk-Maxwell, The Late —.Cantab, C.E , 403
- Propeller, The Screw —R. C. Parsons, 415
- Propellers, Screw—Robt. H. Armit, Lieut. R.N., 146,291
- Propellers, Screw—H. D. Deane, 40, 292
- Propellers, Screw—N., 49
- Propellers, Screw—W. Schonheyder, 431
- Propellers, Screw—William Sisson, 71
- Pumps, Air—Duplex, 247
- Pumps, Air—D. H., 403
- Pumps, Air—D. H. M., 357
- Pumps, Air—Vacuum, 411
- Radial Axles, Tramcar with—T. Claxton Fidler, 226
- Rail Specifications—Henry Simon, 470
- Rails, Steel, The Straightening of—C. P. Sandberg, 292
- Ransome's Cement — V. de Michele, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., 271
- River Improvements, The Mississippi—Chas. A. Hartley, 90
- Rivetting Machines—H. MacColl, 90
- " Sahara," The New Cunard Mail Steamer — J. Evelyn Williams, 387
- Science, British Association—Alex. E. Tucker, Fell. Inst. Chem., 176
- Screw Propeller, The—R. C. Parsons, 415
- Screw Propellers—Robt. H. Armit, Lieut. R.N., 146,291
- Screw Propellers—N., 49
- Screw Propellers—H. D. Deane, 40, 292
- Screw Propellers—W. Schunheyder, 431
- Screw Propellers -- William Sisson, 71
- Shipbuilders and the Board of Trade-Nemo, 489
- Shipbuilders and the Board of Trade-Shipping Interest, 415
- Shipbuilding and the Board of Trade-Storm Cock, 415
- Shipbuilding and the Board of Trade -W. H. R., 402
- Siemens Dynamo-Electric Machine, The- J. Hopkinson, 115
- Siemens Dynamo-Electric Machine, The-Francis R. Upton, 70
- Slopes of Cuttings, The-Sim Robertson, 470
- Sound, Engert's Apparatus for the Improvement of-A. C. Engert, 457
- Specifications, Rail - Henry Simon, 470
- Spectroscope Scale-E. H. Pringle, 245
- Speed Curves-H. M. Rounthwaite, 360
- Speed Curves-C. E. Stroymeyer, 386
- Steam Engine Indicator, A New-J. Richardson 147, 202
- Steam Engines, Indicating-James Atkinson, 457
- Steam Engines, Indicating-Geo. Cawley, 431
- Steam Engines, Indicating-J. H. H., 457
- Steam Engines, Indicating-A Mechanical Engineer, 431
- Steam Engines, Indicating-A. F. Nagle, 471
- Steam Engines and Indicators-W. Potter, 403
- Steam Engines and Indicators-J. Richardson, 402
- Steam Engines and Indicators-James Johnston, 403
- Steam Trials of Vessels, The-Wm. Bury, 40
- Steam, Utilising Exhaust-W. Ericson, 226, 318
- Steel, Compressed- F. Moro 202
- Steel, Compressing Fluid-Alfred Davis, 147
- Steel, Compressing Fluid-J. Ellison, 115
- Steel, Fluid-Justice, 403
- Steel Forgings-W. H. Carmont, 293, 348
- Steel, The Hardening of-Chemicus, 456
- Steel, Hardening of -W. J. Ellis, 412
- Steel, Hardening of-James Nasmyth, 387
- Steel, Hardening of-Arthur Paget, 403
- Steel, Hardening of-II. Reinhold, 412
- Steel, Hardening of--Alex. G. Tucker, F.I.C., F.C.S., 457
- Steel, Hardening of - Wm. Woodcock, 431
- Steel and Ironplates-John Collins, F.C.S., 292
- Steel for Shipbuilding-C. William Siemens, 290
- Stoneclough Boiler Explosion, The-Thomas Baldwin, 146
- Stoneclough Boiler Explosion, The - Henry Hiller, Chief Engineer, 91
- Straightening of Steel Rails, The-C. P. Sandberg, 292
- Tides in Mines-An Old Miner, 431
- Torpedo Boats-G. M. B., 357
- Torpedo Screw Vessel, Yarrow and Company's, Note on Trial of-Robert Mansel, 410
- Traction Engine Design-W. M. F. R., 116
- Traction Engines in India-R. E. Crompton, 176
- Tramcar with Radial Axles-T. Claxton Fidler, 226
- Transport by Rail, Meat-W. D'Alton Mann, 48
- Trappen's Valve Gear-Douglas and Grant, 3G
- Utilising Exhaust Steam-W. Ericson, 226, 318
- Valve Gear, Trappen's-Douglas and Grant, 36
- Vessels, The Steam Trials of-Wm. Bury, 40
- Waste of Water from Mains and Service Pipes Turncock, 321
- Wheels of Portable Engines-A. F. Nagle, 471
- Yarrow and Company's Torpedo Screw Vessel, Note on Trial of-Robert Mansel, 410
See Also
Sources of Information