Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1879 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1879 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ABERDARE and Plymouth Company, Meeting of the, 387
- Aberdeen Harbour Bills Contest, The, 147
- Aberdeen Harbour Engineer, The, 379, 452
- Aberdeen Harbour Works, Progress of the, 434
- Accidents, Railway, in France, 242
- Activity in the Iron Trade at Sheffield, Increased, 30
- Adelaide Port Dock, Contract for the, 256
- Adelaide, South Australia, The Drainage of, 122 312
- African Engineering, 480
- African Stone, South, 150
- Agricultural Implement Makers and the Highland Society, 110
- Agricultural Implements in Russia, The Manufacture of, 255
- Agricultural Machinery, Russian, 498
- Air Brake Company's Works, The Westinghouse, 471
- Aire and Calder Navigation, New Works on the, 176
- Alterations at Rotherham, 30
- Alterations in Trade at Sheffield, 176,197
- America and Europe, New Lino of Steamships between, 406
- American Blast Furnaces, 461
- American Bridge Building, 41, 121, 312, 462
- American Car Building, 122
- American Car Coupler, A New, 424
- American Clock, An Amusing, 256
- American Coal for Europe, 62
- American Crucibles, Large Orders for, 383
- American Light Locomotives, 498
- American Lighthouse, An, 388
- American Locomotive Building, GI, 160, 312, 442
- American Machinery in England, 155
- American Mechanical Industry, 423, 442
- American Metallurgy, Encouraging, 406, 461
- American Steam Navigation, 369, 370
- American Steam Shipbuilding, Progress of, 20, 406
- American Steamers, Inspection of, 370
- American Tools in Europe, 62
- American Torpedo Experiments, 462
- American Wind Mills, 218
- Anchors, Large, for a Cunard Liner, 479
- Anderson's College, Applied Mechanics in, 4S.5
- Anthracite Coal, American, 189
- Anthracite Coal, Swiss, 424
- Antipodean Telegraphy, 256
- Appalachian Coalfield, The, 405
- Arbitration at the Birley Vale Colliery, 48G
- Arbitration at Middlesbrough, The Extension of, 423
- Armour Plates, Steel v. Shells, 122
- Arms for Turkey, American Small, 140, 276
- Art Wood Carving, The National School of, 227
- Artesian Well Boring in San Francisco, 256
- Artesian Wells at Altoona, 98
- Artesian Wells, Proposed, for Australia, 42
- Artisans' Reports on the Paris International Exhibition, The, 23G
- Askern Sewerage, The, 479
- Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers; Ballot for President, 148
- Association, The Social Science, 177
- Asylum, The Hull Borough, 479, 486
- Austria and Germany, The New Commercial Treaty between, 461
- Austrian Iron Trade, The, 330
- Austrian Railways, Progress of the, 312
- Australian Metallurgy, 120
- Australian Railways, Progress of the,41, 122, 276, 388
- Avonside Engine Company, The, 79, 434
- Axles, Car, mid Wheels, 468
- Axles, Locomotive, Breakage of, 91
- Axles, Standard Car and Tender, 41
- Bar at the Mouth of the Nervion, The, 350
- Barker, IL and S., and Company, Annual Report of, 110
- " Basic" Bricks, The Manufacture of, 236
- Bell, Mr. F., Death of, 424
- Ben Nevis, The Proposed Meteorological Station on, 71
- Bdral, M., Member of the New French Council of State, 140
- Bessemer Pig, Sale of, 365
- Bessemer Steel Blooms, 370
- Bessemer Steel in the United States, 19, 286
- Bicycle, The, and its Capabilities, 489
- Birley Vale Colliery, Arbitration at the, 486
- Blaenavon Iron Works, Progress of the, 99
- Blaine, Trade at, 423
- Blaina Works, The, 365
- Blast Furnacemen of the North of England, The, 323
- Blast Furnaces, American, 461
- Blast Furnaces at Portland Iron Works, The, 311
- Blast Furnaces of the Rhymney Iron Co, The, 339, 452
- Blast Furnaces, The Scotch, 235
- Blast Furnaces at Tondu, 246
- Board of Trade and the Forth Bridge, The, 139, 479
- Board of Works, The Metropolitan, Financial Condition of, 67
- Boat, Torpedo, for Austria, Trial of a, 3G
- Boats, Torpedo, Government Contract for, 177
- Boiler Construction, Large Plates for, 228
- Boiler Explosion, Marine, off Yarmouth, 15
- Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, Meeting of the, 132
- Boilers, Locomotive, Iron and Steel, 160
- Boilers, A New Process of Constructing, 99
- Bolckow, Vaughan, and Company, Progress of, 177
- Bold South Australian Railway, A, 330
- Bolts and Nuts, The Weight of, 207
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, Locomotive Repairs on the, 41
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, The Permanent Way on the, 41
- Boring for Coal in China, 282
- Boring for Water at Retford, 139
- Bosnian Minerals, 406
- Boston, U.S., The Water Supply of, 98
- Bradford, New Reservoir at, 2:36
- Branch Railway in Fifeshire, Opening of a New, 423
- Branch Railway, Opening of a New, at York, 479
- Brazilian Railways, Progress of the, 256
- Breakwater, The Port Victor, 98
- Bridge, An Australian Railway, 422
- Bridge Building, American, 41, 121, 312, 462
- Bridge Building, South African, 373, 442
- Bridge over the Clyde, The Caledonian Railway, Opening of, 15
- Bridge, the East River, Progress of, 109
- Bridge, The Forth, 139, 198, 285, 290, 474
- Bridge, The Forth, and the Board of Trade, 139 479
- Bridge, A Large Russian, 350
- Bridge, New, over the River Yarra, 406
- Bridge, Proposed Railway, above Alloa Ferry, 398
- Bridge, Railway, The Severn, Progress of, 15, 79, 99, 110, 139
- Bridge, A South American, 395
- Bridge Works, The Torry, Aberdeen, Progress of, 434
- Bridges, One of General Wade's, 57
- Bridging the River Garonne, 388
- Brisbane, The Water Supply of, 147
- Bristol, Gas at, 339
- Bristol Port and Channel Dock Company, Half yearly Meeting of the, 285
- Bristol, The Trade of, 398
- Bristol Tramways, The, 398
- Bristol Wagon Works Company, Report of the, 479
- British Association, The ; List of Officers, 132
- British Museum, The Government Grant for the, 378
- Briton Ferry Iron Works, Progress of the, 365
- Bronze, Nickel, Exhibits of, at Paris, 486
- Broussa Marshes, Proposed Draining of the, 480
- Brown's Tramway Engine, 431
- Building Locomotives in New Jersey, 62
- Burntisland, Dock Extension at, 339
- Burntisland Dock and the North British Railway Company, 57
- Bury Local Government Board Inquiry, The, 135
- Cable across the Caspian Sea, A, 159
- Cable, Telegraph, to Delagoa Bay, 321
- Caledonian Railway Bridge over the Clyde, Opening of the, 15
- Cammell, C., and Company, Dividend of, 246
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Progress of the, 369, 462, 480
- Canadian Railways, Progress of the, 122, 217, 286, 369, 424, 462, 480
- Canal, The Harlem River, Progress of, 188
- Canal, A New German, 360
- Canal, The Paiama Ship, 68
- Canal, Proposed New Jersey Ship, '20
- Canal, Proposed Tidal, at Bawtry. 155
- Canal. The St. Petersburgh Ship, 441
- Canal Scheme, The New Lesseps, 276
- Canal, The Suez, 370, 442
- Canals, French, The Extension of, 370
- Canalisation of the Tagus, Proposed, 398
- Cape Mail Steamer, Launch of another, 398
- Car Axles and Wheels, 468
- Car-Building in the United States, 122
- Car Coupler, A New, 424
- Cardiff, A. New Steamer for, 489
- Cardiff, Trade at, 31, 50,99, 110, [55, 177, 202, 235, 246, 266, 311, 328, 339, 365, 480
- Cardiff Tramways, Progress of the, 3G
- Cars, Freight, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 235
- Cast-Iron Forts, German, 62
- Centennial, A Result of the, 62
- Central Asian Railway, Russian Survey for a, 335, 406
- Certificate Association, Projected Enginemen's, 243
- Chair of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, The, 30, 79
- Charges against a Union, Singular, 360
- Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Mining Engineers, Meetings of the, 52, 311
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad, The Rolling Stock on the, 312
- Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad, Rails on the, 121
- Chicago Water Works, Progress of the, 20
- Chromograph, The, 155
- Cincinnati Exhibition, The. 406
- Circular Railway, The South (Glasgow Suburban Proposed, 379
- Cities of the World, Population of the Great, 424
- City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 3:34
- Civil Engineers, Meeting of the Institution of, 434
- Clevedon Branch of the Great Western Railway, The Narrow Gauge on the, 266
- Cleveland, The Distress in, 434
- Cleveland Enginemen, Advance of Wages wanted by, 423
- Cleveland Finished Iron Trade, The, 15, 30, 99, 110, 140, 155, 177, '208, 272, 294, 299, 328, 347, 360, 379, 398, 423, 452, 479, 493
- Cleveland Iron Founders, The, 15
- Cleveland Iron Market, The, 15, 30, 49, 79, 110, 140 155, 177, 189, 208, 236, 246, 272, 299, 328, 347, 360, 379, 398, 423, 434, 452, 479, 498
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners, Increase of Wages wanted by the, 299, 347, 379
- Cleveland Ironworkers, The Wages of, 177, 189, 208, 246, 328, 360, 398, 452, 479,498
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron Trade, The, 246, 434
- Cleveland Miners, The, 272
- Cleveland Shipbuilding and Engineering, 15, 79, 99, 110, 140, 155, 189, 208, 236, 272, '294, '299, 328, 379, 398, 431, 452, 498
- Cleveland Steel Making, Progress of, 189, 347, 360, 452, 479
- Cleveland Trade, The Prospects of, 155, 236
- Clock, An Amusing American, 256
- Clyde Iron Works, Proposed Reduction of Wages in, 57
- Clyde Shipbuilding, Celerity in, 71, 379
- Clyde Shipbuilding Trade, The, 139, 198, 246, 271, 379, 434
- Clyde Trust Salaries and the State of Trade, 198
- Coal, American, Anthracite, 189
- Coal Cars for the Pennsylvania Railroad, 450
- Coal in China, 282
- Coal and Coke Trades, The Cleveland, 30, 110, 140, 155, 189, 208, 236, 246, 379, 393, 434, 452, 498
- Coal at Constantinople, 468
- Coal Contract for the Royal Ma,1 Steam Packet Company, :339
- Coal Deposits, M. FrOny on the Formation of, 121
- Coal for Europe, American, 62
- Coal Exports, German, 338
- Coal in France, 350, 406
- Coal and Iron Shipments, South Wales, 79, 235, 328, 398, 480
- Coal Mines, The Heraclea, 218 •
- Coal Mining, German, 281
- Coal Mining in Pembrokeshire, 423
- Coal, New South Wales, 41,458
- Coal, New Zealand, 271
- Coal in the Pas-de-Calais, 208
- Coal, Pennsylvanian, 281, 489
- Cool, Queensland, 348
- Coal, Swiss Anthracite, 424
- Coal, The Tonnage of, from Yorkshire to London, 479
- Coal Trade, The Decline in the, 79
- Coal Trade, The Glasgow, 139
- Coal Trade, The Scotch, 139, 177 •
- Coal Trade, The South Wales, 30, 50, 452
- Coal Trade of South Yorkshire, The, 30, 246, 458
- Coal Trade, The Welsh, 339, 431
- Coal, Welsh Steam, 452
- Coal Winning at Caerphilly, 177
- Coalfield, The Appalachian, 405
- Cochin and Travancore Railway, Progress of the, 36
- Coedcae Colliery, New Seam of Steam Coal at the, 155
- Coke Trade, The Rhymney Valley, 489
- College, The Bristol University, 294
- College, The Yorkshire, 286
- Colliers as Obstructionists, 271
- Colliers and the Sliding Scale, 452, 479
- Colliers' Strike at New Rhos Drift, 311
- Colliers' Wages in South Wales, 434
- Colliery Owners, The South Yorkshire, and the New Railway, 339
- Colliery Property in Wales, The Sale of, 99
- Colliery, West Hunwick, The Proposed Sale of, 15
- Commercial Port, St. Petersburg a, 41, 98
- Company, A Great German, 350
- Company, Limited Liability, R. Hornsby and Sons, 420
- Competition in th3 Rail Trade, The Result of, 52
- Comprehensive Water Schema, A. 323
- Congress for 1879, The Sanitary, 148
- Constructing Boilers, A New Process of, 99
- Contract for the Adelaide Port Dock, 256
- Contract for Locomotive Engines at Glasgow, Large, 246
- Contract for Marine Engines at Greenock, 15
- Contract for Shipbuilding in Scotland, Important, 246
- Contracts for the Forth Bridge, 285, 290
- Contracts for Steamers to Ply on the Mississippi, 319
- Cornwall Mining Institute, The, 360
- Cost of the Electric Light, The, 365
- Costa Rica, New Railway in, 350
- Couche, M. Charles, Death of, 140
- Courtesies, Shipowners', 489
- Cramp, Mr. William, Death of, 92
- Crawley, Mr. George B., Death of, 434
- Crawshay, Mr. H., Death of, 423
- Crucibles, American, Large Orders for, 388
- Crumlin Bridge Works, Progress of the, 452
- Cyfarthfa Iron Works, Reopening of the, 339, 398, 423, 452, 480
- Cyfarthfa, A New Mill at, 489
- Cyprus, The Harbours at, 41
- Cyprus, The Telegraph in, '235
- Czar's Great Yacht, The, 398
- Danish Railways, Progress of the, 140
- Dantzic, Enlarging the Port of, 431
- Danube, River, The Navigation of the, 370
- Davy Brothers and Company, Annual Meeting of, 30
- Death of Mr. F. Bell, 424
- Death of M. Charles Couche, 140
- Death of Mr. William Cramp, 92
- Death of Mr. George B. Crawley, 434
- Death of Mr. H. Crawshay, 423
- Death of M. Favre, '256
- Death of Mr. George Minto, 99
- Death of Mr. James R. Napier, 479
- Death of Mr. Alexander White's w, M.P., 39
- Death of General Winton, 360
- Death of Mr. H. Wrigg, 122
- Decline in the Coal Trade, The, 79
- Defence of Port Phillip, The, 350
- Defences, The South Australian, 41
- Defences of Victoria, The Proposed, 98
- Delaware, Steam Shipbuilding on the, 155
- Delegates of the International Telegraph Conference, Visit of the, 98
- Denby Dale Viaduct, Completion of the, 246
- Depositing Dock, The Nicolaieff, 290
- Depression and its Influence at Sheffield, 110
- Deputation from the Severn Commissioners to the Board of Trade, 452
- Dercos Lake Water Works, The, 383
- Desert of Sahara, Turning the, into a Lake, 155
- Development of South and West Yorkshire, The, 236
- Diaries for 1880, Letts and Sons', 486
- Difficulties of the Iron Trade. The, 246
- Dismissal of North British Railway Workmen, 2S5
- Distress in Cleveland, The, 434
- Dividend of C. Cammell and Company, 216
- Dividend of the St. Etienne Steel Works Company ; French Steel Making, 462
- Dividend of the Wheatman and Smith Tool Company, 360
- Diversion of the River Hull, Proposed, 339
- Dock, Burntisland, and the North British Railway Company, 57
- Dock Company, The Milford, Meeting of, 139
- Dock Extension at Burntisland, 339
- Dock, Graving, Improvements in the Thames, 365
- Dock, The James Watt, Greenock, Progress of, 339
- Dock, New, at Grimsby, Opening of the, 79
- Dock, The Portishead, Opening of, 30
- Dock Works, The Garvel, Greenock, Progress of, 328
- Dock Works at Grangemouth, The New, Progress of, 339
- Dock Works at Leith, The New, 177, 311
- Docks, The Swansea, Progress of, 30, 50, 235
- Doncaster, Proposed Improvements at, 30
- Doncaster Water Supply, The, 486
- Dowlais, Wages at, 480
- Drainage of Adelaide, South Australia, The, 122, 312
- Drainage and Sewage at Newfoundland, The, 337
- Droitwich New Water Works, Opening of the, 16
- Droufield, Water Improvements at, 99
- Duffield, Sanitary improvements at, 30
- Duration of Tramways, The, 139
- Dynamite and Snags, 122
- Dynamite in South Australia, 67
- Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Progress of, 458
- East London Water Company, The, 235
- East River Bridge, Progress of the, 109
- Ebbw Vale, Trade at, 423
- Eddystone Lighthouse, The New, 155
- Edinburgh, The Tramways in, 360
- Education, Technical ; Examination Programme for 1880, 215
- Egyptian Navy, Progress of the, 82
- Electric Light, The, 71
- Electric Light, The, at Constantinople, 36
- Electric Light, The Cost of the, 365
- Electricity, The St. Enoch Station Lighted by, 235
- Elevated Railroads in Philadelphia, 462
- Elevator, Grain, for the Pennsylvania Railroad, New, 281
- Employers to their Workmen, Liabilities of, 478
- Engine Company, The Avonside, 79, 434
- Engine, Westphal's Compound, 131
- Engineering, African, 480
- Engineering and Iron Trades, South Yorkshire, The, 215, 236, 339, 360, 379, 398, 458, 486
- Engineering, Mining; Lecture by Mr. Arnold Lupton, 311
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, Cleveland, 15, 79, 93, 110,140, 155, 189, 208, 2:36, 272, 294, 299, 328, 379, 398, 434, 452, 498
- Engineering Society, Liverpool, Meeting of the 360
- Engineering Work on the London and North-Western Railway, 486
- Engineers, Annual Meeting of the Society of, 452
- Engineers, Meeting of the Midland Institute of Mining, 246
- Engineers, Naval, the Position of, 397
- Engineers, The Prospects of, 271
- Engineers in Sheffield, The Wages of, 30
- Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, Meetings of the Institution of, 339, 489
- Engineers, The Society of ; Presentation to Mr. P. F. Nursey, 471
- Enginemen's Certificate Association, Projected 213
- Enginemen, Cleveland, Advance of Wages wanted by the, 423
- Engines, American Steam, 217
- English and French Shipbuilding, 441
- English Ironworkers for Scotland, 452
- English Rails in the United States, 388
- Errata : The Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer,' 498
- Exhibition, The Cincinnati, 406
- Eston Steel Works, Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 155, 189
- Examinations, Technological, 156
- Excitement in the South Yorkshire Iron Trade, 290
- Exhibition Building, Proposed Permanent, at St. Louis, 471
- Exhibition, An Industrial, at Sandhurst, Victoria, 41
- Exhibition, The Victorian, 122
- Exodus of Workmen from Sheffield, 139
- Explosion, Marine Boiler, off Yarmouth, 15
- Exports of Iron from Cardiff, 266, 365
- Exports of Iron from Glasgow to the United States, 285
- Exports of Machinery from Scotland, 71, 214
- Extensions on the Great Western Railway, 177
- Extensions in Pembrokeshire, Railway, 197
- Extensions, Railway, in Cardiganshire, 285
- Failures in Middlesbrough, 30, 236
- Fast Passage of the " Orient" Steamer, 479
- Fastest Passage on Record from the Cape, 215, 423
- Favre, M., Death of, 256
- Ferry, The Strome, Proposed Improvement of, 423
- Fifeshire, Opening of a New Branch Railway in, 423
- Filey Harbour, The Proposed, 379
- Finished Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 1.5, 30, 99, 110, 140, 155, 177, '208, 272, 294, 299, 328, 317, 360, 379, 398, 423, 452, 479, 498
- Fire Brigade Station, Proposed Movable, 471
- Fire, Protection of Royal Palaces from, 148
- Fire Protection of the Suburbs, 243
- Firth College, The Opening of, 339
- Fiume, The Works at the Port of, 462
- Fleur-de-Lis, Trade Prospects at, 339
- Floods in the Metropolis, 82
- Flow of Steam through Orifices, The, 434
- Foreign Iron Ore in the United States, 406, 424
- Forest of Dean, Trade at, 99, 202, 235, 333, 365, 423, 434, 452
- Forest of Dean, Wages in the, 398, 480
- Forge and Rolling Mills Company, Sheffield, Annual Report of the, 17G
- Formation of Coal Deposits, M. FrGmy on the, 121
- Forth Bridge, The, 139, 198, 285, 290, 479
- Forth at Longcarse, Proposed Railway Bridge across the, 398
- Forts, Cast-Iron Gorman, 62
- France, Coal in, 350, 406
- France, Rails in, 442
- France, Scotch Steamers for, 365
- Fraserburgh Harbour Works, Progress of the, 452
- Free Trade v. Reciprocity, 246
- Freight Cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 235
- French Canak3, The Extension of, 370
- French Council of State, New, M. Baal, Member of the, 140
- French and English Shipbuilding, 441
- French Navy, Progress of the, 20
- French Railways, Progress of the, 461
- French Steel Making; Dividend of the St. Etienne Steel Works Company, 462
- Fuel on the Great Western Railway of Canada, 461
- Furnaces, Blast, at Tondu, 246
- Furnaces, Relighting of, in Furness and Cumberland, 299
- Furnaces, The West Hartlepool, Proposed Sale of, 347
- Garvel Dock Works, Greenock, Progress of the, 328
- Gas at Bristol, 339
- Gas Companies, Metropolitan, 331
- Gas Engineers, Meeting of the Manchester Institute of, 197
- Gas Light and Coke Company, Meeting of the, 150
- Gas at Madrid, 41
- Gas .in South Australia, 411
- Gas in Sydney, 330
- Gas Well, An American, 480
- Geelong Harbour, Proposed Improvement of the 1.55
- General Wade's Bridges, One of, 57
- General Winton, Death of, 360
- Georgia, Iron Making in. 155
- German Canal, A New, 360
- German Coal Exports, 338
- German Coil Mining, 281
- Gorman Company, A Groat, 350
- German Iron Trade, The, 311
- German Navy, Progress of the, 92
- German State Lines, Rails on the, 462
- Germany and Austria, The New Commercial Treaty between, 461
- Glasgow Coal Trade, The, 139
- Glasgow Pig Iron Market, The, 15, 30, 57, 71, 98, 110, 139, 147,;,177, 197, 214, 235, 246, 271, 285, 311, 328, 339, 360, 379, 398, 423, 433, 452, 479;489
- Goole and Orowle Railway, Progress of the, 311
- Goole, Railway Improvements at, 271
- Government Grant for the British Museum, The, 378
- Grain Elevator, New, for the Pennsylvania Railroad, 281
- Grangemouth, Progress of the New Dock Works at, 339
- Graving Dock Improvements in the Thames, 365
- Great Northern Telegraph Company, The, 137, 388
- Great Western Iron Company, Winding-up of the, 50
- Great Western Railway of Canada, Progress of the., 888, 961
- Great Western Railway, Extensions on the, 177
- Greece, The Population of, 497
- Greek Ironclad, A New, 468
- Guisbro', Steel-making at, 82
- Guns, Measuring the Recoil of, 62
- Hallside Steel Works, The Proposed Reduction of Wages at, 271
- Hammers, American Steam, 20, 442
- Harbour for Adelaide, An Outer, 276
- Harbour Bills Contest, The Aberdeen 147
- Harbour Engineer, The Aberdeen, 379, 452
- Harbour, The Geelong, Proposed Improvement of, 155
- Harbour Improvements, The Scarborough, 458
- Harbour, The Melbourne, 276, 312
- Harbour, The Penarth, 266
- Harbour, The Proposed Filey, 379
- Harbour, The Warrnambool, Report on, 110
- Harbour Works, The Aberdeen, Progress of, 434
- Harbour Works, The Fraserburg, Progress of, 452
- Harbour Works, The Pagham, 10
- Harbour Works, The Port Seton, Progress of, 147
- Harbour Works, The Quebec, Progress of, 357
- Harbours at Cyprus, The, 41
- Harlem River Canal, Progress of the, 188
- Heating and Steam Power Company, The New York, 109
- Heavy Trades of Sheffield, Orders for the, 311, 360
- Heraclea Coal Mines, The, 218
- Herrmann's Malt Kiln Floors, 285
- Highland Society's Show at Perth, The, 98, 110
- Hollway's Metallurgical Progress, 10, 177
- Hopkins, Gilkes, and Company, The Affairs of, 99, 423, 452
- Hudson River Tunnel, Progress of the, 442
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, The Proposed, 110, 215, 290
- Hull Borough Asylum, The, 479,480
- Hull, The New Water Supply at, 79
- Hull Rival Railway Schemes, The, 379
- Hydepark Locomotive works ; A Correction, 147
- Ilkestone and Bulwell Railway, Opening of the, 139
- Implement Makers, Agricultural, and the Highland Society, 110
- Important Railway Appointment, 271
- Improvement in the Iron Trade of South Yorkshire, 398
- Improvement in the Trade of Sheffield, 176, 197
- Improvements at Pontefract, 290
- Improvements, Proposed, at Doncaster, 30
- Improvements at Swansea, 139
- Industry, A New, on Tees-side, 49
- Inspection of American Steamers, 370
- Inspection of the Severn Tunnel Works, 311
- Institute, The City and Guilds of London, 334
- Institution of Mechanical Engineer?, Visit of the, to Glasgow, 30
- International Telegraph Conference, Visit of the Delegates of the, 98
- Iron and Coal Shipments, South Wales, 79, 235, 328, 398, 480
- Iron Company, The Great Western, Winding-up of, 50
- Iron Deposits, The Rosedale, 290
- Iron and Engineering Trades, South Yorkshire, The, 215, 236, 339, 360, 879, 898, 458, 486
- Iron Exports from Cardiff, 266, 865
- Iron Exports from Glasgow to the United States, 285
- Iron Founders, The Cleveland, 15
- Iron Making in Georgia, 155
- Iron Market, The Cleveland, 15, 30, 49, 79, 99, 110, 140, 155, 177, 189, 208, 236, 246, 272, 299, 328, 847, 360, 379, 398,423, 434, 452, 479,498
- Iron Market in South Yorkshire, The, 271
- Iron Ore in the United States, 406, 424
- Iron, Pig, The World's Production of, 10
- Iron Pipes for New South Wales, 312
- Iron from Queensland Ore, 121
- Iron, Rolled, in the United States, 20
- Iron Shipments from Cardiff, 246, 285, 311, 339
- Iron Steamer, A Successful, 415
- Iron and Steel in France, 62
- Iron Trade, The Austrian, 330
- Iron Trade, The Cleveland Manufactured, 246, 434
- Iron Trade, The Difficulties of the, 246
- Iron Trade, The German, 311
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Malleable, 71, 198, 423
- Iron Trade. The Glasgow Manufactured, 214, 328, 860, 433, 489
- Iron Trade at Sheffield, Increased Activity in the, 30
- Iron Trade, South Yorkshire, Excitement in the, 290
- Iron Works, The Blaenavon, Progress of, 99
- Iron Works, The Briton Ferry, Progress of, 365
- Iron Works, The Cyfarthfa, Reopening of, 339, 898, 423, 452, 480
- Iron Works, The Parkend, 423
- Iron Works, The Reading. U.S., 159
- Iron Works, The Rosedale and Ferryhill, 452
- Ironclad, A New Greek, 468
- Ironmasters' Association Returns, The Cleveland, 294
- Ironstone Miners, Cleveland, Increased Wages wanted by the, 229, 347, 379
- Ironstone, Spanish, for Cyfarthfa, 398
- Ironstone, Spanish, The Production of, 41, 388, 406, 462, 479
- Ironworkers, English, for Scotland, 452
- Isthmus of Tehantepec, New Railway across the, 369
- Italy, Railway Diatdriel in, 406
- Italy, Rolling Stock in, 339
- Jackson, Gill, and Company, The Affairs of, 49, 79
- James Watt Dock, Greenock, Progress of the, 339
- Jennings, Mr. James, The Affairs of, 79
- Jersey Ship Canal, Proposed New, 20
- Jetties, South Australian, 20
- Kelvin Valley Railway, Inspection of the, 57
- Landore-Siemens' Steel Works, The, 285
- Large American Plough, A, 116
- Large Anchors for a Cunard Liner, 479
- Launch of another Cape Mail Steamer, 398
- Launch of the Largest Steel Vessel in the World, 285
- Launch, A Steam, for Peru, 451
- Launches in September on the Clyde, 271
- Lead Buying, The Profits of, 339
- Lead Mines at Wanlockhead, The, 57
- Lead Ores, Derbyshire, The Working of, 110
- Lecture on the Capabilities of the Bicycle, 489
- Leeds Water Works, The, 271
- Leith Dock Commission, Meeting of the, 235
- Leith Dock Works, The New, 177, 311
- Lesseps Canal Scheme, The New, 276
- Letts and Sons' Diaries for 1880, 486
- Liabilities of Employers to their Workmen, 478
- Lifting a Railway Station, 110
- Light, The Electric, 71
- Light, The Electric, at Constantinople, 36
- Light, The Electric, The Cost of, 365
- Lighthouse, An American, 388
- Lighthouse Department. The Queensland, 442
- Lighthouse, The New Eddystone, 155
- Lighting and Marking the Queensland Coast, 498
- Lights Commissioners, The Northern, 110
- Limited Liability Company, R. Hornsby and Son's, 420
- List of Officers of the British Association, 132
- Liverpool Corporation, New Sewage Steamer for the, 479
- Llantrisant Tin Trade, Progress of the, 365
- Lloyd, Messrs., and Company, Middlesbrough, The Affairs of, 15, 30
- Local Government Board Inquiry, The Bury, 135
- Locomotive Axles, Breakage of, 91
- Locomotive Boilers, Iron and Steel, 160
- Locomotive Building, American, 61, 160, 312, 442
- Locomotive Building in New Jersey, 62
- Locomotive Engines, Large Contract for, at Glasgow, 246
- Locomotive Repairs on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway, 41
- Locomotive Works, The Hydepark ; A Correction, 147
- Locomotives, Light American, 498
- Locomotives, Naphtha-worked, 281
- Locomotives on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 281
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, Meetings of the, 188, 243, 338, 357
- London and North-Western Railway, Engineering Work on the, 486
- London Water Question, The, 366
- London Water Supply, The, 99, 140, 228
- Long Hour System and Working Men in South Yorkshire, The, 16
- Lumber in Michigan, 20
- Machen Tin-Plate Works, Restarting of, 365
- Machinery, American, in England, 155
- Machinery, Exports of, from Scotland, 71, 214
- Machinery, New, and the Rail Trade, 360
- Madrid, Gas at, 41
- Madrid, Saragossa, and Alicante Railway, Permanent Way on the, 41
- Magnae's Navisphere, 41
- Malleable Iron Trade, The Glasgow, 71, 198, 428
- Malt Kiln Floors, Herrmann's, '285
- Manchester Tidal Navigation, The, 338
- Manufacture of Agricultural Implements in Russia, The, 255
- Manufacture of "Basic" Bricks, The, 236
- Manufactured Iron Trade, The Cleveland, 246, 434
- Manufactured Iron Trade, The Glasgow, 214, 328, 360, 433, 489
- Manufacturing Sheep Shears, New Method of,. 360
- Marine Board Officers, New, at Port Adelaide, 803
- Marine Boiler Explosion ,pff Yarmouth, 15
- Marine Engines, Contract for, at Greenock, 16
- Marshes, The Broussa, Proposed Draining of, 480
- Marshfield Works, Llanelly, Purchase of the, 339
- Mathematics, The Professorship of, in the University of Glasgow, 360
- Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh, The Chair of, 30, 79
- Meat Transport by Rail, 62
- Mechanical Engineers, Visit of the Institution of, to Glasgow, 30
- Mechanical Industry, American, 423, 442
- Mechanical Industry in Queensland, 276
- Mechanics, Applied, in Anderson's College, 489
- Medal, Silver, Awarded to the Pulsometer, 202
- Meeting of the Aberdare and Plymouth Company, 387
- Meeting, Annual, of Davy Brothers and Company, 80
- Meeting, Annual, of the Society of Engineers, 452
- Meeting of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 132
- Meeting of the Engineering Society, Liverpool, 860
- Meeting of the Gas Light and Coke Company, 150
- Meeting, Half-yearly, of the Bristol Port and Channel Dock Company, 285
- Meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 434
- Meeting of the Leith Dock Commission, 235
- Meeting of the Manchester Institute of Gas Engineers, 197
- Meeting of the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 246
- Meeting of the Milford Dock Company, 189
- Meeting of the Port Adelaide Dock Company, 217
- Meeting, Quarterly, of the North of England Iron Trade, 294
- Meeting of the Scarborough and Whitby Railway Company, 215, 311
- Meeting of the Severn Bridge Railway Company, 110
- Meetings of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Mining Engineers, 52, 311
- Meetings of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland, 339, 489
- Meetings of the London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, 188, 243, 338, 357
- Meetings of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 423, 952, 479
- Melbourne Harbour, The, 276, 312
- Melbourne and Oakleigh Railway, Progress of the, 121
- Melbourne, Proposed Improvement of the Port of, 20
- Members, New, of the Yorkshire and Derbyshire Institute of Civil Engineers, 79
- Merthyr, Trade at, 177, 434
- Metallurgical Process, Hollway's, 10, 177
- Metallurgy, Australian, 120
- Metallurgy, Encouraging American. 406, 461
- Metallurgy, Russian, and Russian Railways, F2
- Meteorological Station, The Proposed, on Ben Nevis, 71
- Metropolis, Floods in the, 82
- Metropolitan Board of Works, Financial Condition of the, 67
- Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Steam Fire Engines for the, 408
- Metropolitan Gas Companies, 334
- Mexican Railways, Progress of the, 360
- Michigan, Lumber in, 20
- Middlesbrough, The Extension of Arbitration at, 423
- Middlesbrough, Failures in, 30, 236
- Mill, A New, at Cyfarthfa, 989
- Mineral Rates on the North-Eastern Railway, The, 30, 398, 423, 479
- Minerals, Bosnian, 406
- Miners, The Cleveland, 272
- Miners' Union, A New, 79, 246
- Mines, The Lead, at Wanlockhead, 57
- Mines, Tides in, 423
- Mining, Coal, in Pembrokeshire, 423
- Mining Company, The Scottish Australian, 461
- Mining, Engineering; Lecture by Mr. Arnold Lupton, 311
- Mining Institute, The Cornwall, 360
- Mining at Watchet, Recommencement of, 398
- Minto, Mr. George, Death of, 99
- Mississippi, Contracts for Steamers to Ply on the, 349
- Monmouthshire, Railway Accommodation in, 197
- Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, Progress of the, 177
- Moreton Bay, Survey of, 462
- Moriais Tin-Plate Works, Purchase of the, 898
- Movable Fire Brigade Station, Proposed, 471
- Naphtha-worked Locomotives, 281
- Napier, Mr. James It., Death 01, 979
- Narrow Gauge, The, on the Clevedon Branch of the Great Western Railway, 266
- National School of Art Wood Engraving, The, 227
- Naval Engineers, The Position of, 397
- Navigation, Australian Steam, 266
- Navigation of the River Danube, The, 41, 370
- Navigation, Steam, in Eastern Europe, 20
- Navisphere, The, 41
- Navy, The Egyptian, Progress of, 82
- Navy, The French, Progress of. 20
- Navy, The German, Progress of, 92
- Navy, The Russian, Progress of, 41, 424
- Navy, The Russian Volunteer, 920
- Navy, The Turkish, Progress of, 180, 424
- Navy Yard, Proposed, at Sevastopol, 311
- Nervion, The Bar at the Mouth of the, 350
- New Place Colliery, Sale of, 30
- New South Wales Coal, 41, 458
- New South Wales Railways, Progress of the, 100, 215, 423, 442
- New York, Piers at, 442
- New Zealand Coal, 271
- New Zealand Railways, Progress of the, 115, 299, 370
- Newfoundland, The Drainage and Sewerage of, 337
- Newport, Trade at 99, 110, 202, 246, 266, 285, 328, 387, 452
- Nickel Bronze, Exhibits of, at Paris, 486
- Nicolaieff Depositing Dock, The, 290
- North British Railway, he Proposed Reduction of Wages on the, 236, 285
- North-Eastern Railway Company, Reduction in Railway Rates by the, 30, 398, 423, 479
- North of England Blast Furnacemen, The, 328
- North of England Iron Trade, Quarterly Meeting of the, 294
- Northern of France Railway, Rolling Stock on the, 41
- Northern Lights Commissioners, The, 110
- Nova Scotian Railways, Progress of the, 350
- Oakleigh and Melbourne Railway, Progress of the, 121
- Oban Railway Works, Progress of the, 839
- Obstructionists, Colliers as, 271
- Ocean Tonnage at Montreal, 468
- October, Clyde Shipbuilding for, 379
- Opening of Firth College, The, 339
- Opening of the Ilkestone and Bulwell Railway, 139
- Opening of a New Branch Railway in Fifeshire, 423
- Opening of a New Branch Railway at York, 479
- Opening of the New Lock at Grimsby, 79
- Opening of the Port Adelaide Tramway, 218
- Opening of the Railway from Shirley to Clayton West, 215
- Opening of the Southwold New Railway, 245
- Optical Telegraphy in France, 462
- Ore, Spanish, for Cyfarthfa, 387
- Ores, Derbyshire Lead, The Working of, 110
- Orient Steam Navigation Company's Arrangements, The, 424
- "Orient," Steamer, Experimental Cruise of the, 214
- "Orient" Steamer, Remarkable Passage of the, 479
- Outer Harbour for Adelaide, An, 276
- Pacific and Orient Steam Navigation Companies, Arrangements between the, 424
- Pagham Harbour Works, The, 10
- Panama Ship Canal, The, 68
- Paris International Exhibition, The Artisans' Reports on the, 236
- Parkend Iron Works, The, 423
- Parkhead Forge, Manufacture of Steel at, 177
- Pas-de-Calais, Coal in the, 208
- Passenger Steamers, New, for the Clyde, 285
- Patents, Return issued by Order of the House of Commons, 91
- Pavement, Wood, at Sheffield, 30
- Paving by Steam, 281
- Petroleum, Russian, 98
- Penarth Harbour, The, 266
- Penarth, Shipment of Coals from, 423
- Pennsylvania, Railroad, Coal Cars for the, 450
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Locomotives on the, 281
- Pennsylvania, Steel Making in, 462
- Pennsylvanian Coal, 281, 480
- Pentyrch Works, Progress of the, 452
- Permanent Way on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, The, 41
- Permanent Way on the Madrid, Saragossa, and Alicante Railway, 41
- Piers at New York, 442
- Pig, Bessemer, Sale of, 365
- Pig Iron Market, The Glasgow, 15, 30, 57, 71, 98, 110, 139,147, 177, 197, 214, 235,246, 271, 285, 311, 328, 339, 360, 379, 398, 423, 433, 452, 479, 489
- Pig Iron, Public Sale of, 328
- Pig Iron The World's Production of, 10
- Pipes, Iron, for New South W ales, 312
- Plates, Common, The New Systems of Rolling, 398
- Plates, Large, for Boiler Construction, 228
- Plates, Steel, Large Orders for, 379
- Plough, A Large American, 116
- Pontefract Improvements, 290
- Population of the Great Cities of the World, 424
- Population of Greece, The, 497
- Population of the World, The, 462
- Port Adelaide Dock Company, Meeting of the, 217
- Port Adelaide, New Marine Board Offices at, 303
- Port Adelaide, Shipping Accommodation at, 350
- Port Adelaide Tramway, Opening of the, 21S
- Port of Dantzic, Enlarging the, 431
- Port of Fiume, The Works at the, 462
- Port Melbourne, Proposed Improvement of the, 20
- Port Phillip, The Defence of, 360
- Port Seton Harbour Works, Progress of the, 147
- Port Victor Breakwater, The, 98
- Portishead Dock, Opening of the, 30
- Portland Iron Works, The Blast Furnaces at, 311
- Position of Naval Engineers, The, 397
- " Pretoria," Steamer, Fabt Passage by the, f torn the Cape, 215, 423
- Prices of American Rolling Stock, 62
- Profits of Lead Buying. '1 he, 339
- Programme of the Society of Arts for the 126th Session, 365
- Prospects of Engineers, The, 271
- Protection of the Suburbs from Fire, The, 243
- Public Works in France, 376
- Public Works in Queensland, 480
- Pulsometer, A Silver Medal awarded to the, 202
- Purday Safety Lamp, The, 328
- Quebec Harbour Works, Progress of the, 357
- Queensland Coal, 348
- Queensland Coast, Marking and Lighting the, 498
- Queensland Lighthouse Department, The, 442
- Queensland, Mechanical Industry in, 276
- Queensland Ore, Iron from, 121
- Queensland, Public Works in, 480
- Queensland Railways, Progress of the, 107, 424,
- Queensland Timber, 468
- Queen-street Tunnel of the North British Railway, Slip in the, 177
- " Raffle," Proposed, of a Colliery in Derbyshire, 155
- Rail Making, Steel, in Pennsylvania, 424
- Rail Shipments from Cardiff, 197
- Rail Trade, The, and New Machinery, 360
- Rail Trade, The Result of Competition in the, 52
- Rail Trade, The Welsh, 430
- Railroads, Elevated, in Philadelphia, 462
- Railroads in Operation in the United States, 235
- Rails on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific
- Railroad, 121
- Rails, English, in the United States, 383
- Rails in France, 442
- Rails on the German State Lines, 462
- Rails, The Production of the United States, 20
- Rails on the San Paulo Railway, 388
- Rails, Steel, for Canada, 155
- Rails, Steel, on the Michigan Central Railroad 218
- Rails, Steel, on the Northern of Spain Railway, 41
- Rails, Steel, for South Australia, 246
- Rails, Steel, A Test of, 312
- Rails, Steel, on the Troy and Boston Railroad,• 480
- Rant, Steel, in the United States, 98
- Rails, Steel, The Wear of, 98
- Railway Accidents in France, 212
- Railway Accommodation in Monmouthshire, 197
- Railway Appointment, Important, 271
- Railway, A Bold South Australian, 330
- Railway Bridge, An Australian, 422
- Railway Bridge, Propose', above, Alloa Ferry, 338
- Railway, The Canadian Pacific, Progress of, 369, 462, 480
- Railway and Canal Company, The Monmouthshire, Progress of, 177
- Railway, The Central Asian, Progress of. 406
- Railway, The Cochin and Travancore, Progress of, 86
- Railway Companies, Scotch, and their Servants. 198
- Railway Extension in Cardiganshire, 285
- Railway Extensions in Pembrokeshire, 197
- Railway, The Goole and Crowle, Progress of, 311
- Railway, The Great Western of Canada, Progress of, 388,461
- Railway Improvements at Goole, 271
- Railway, The Kelvin Valley, Inspection of, 57
- Railway MattIriel in Italy. 406
- Railway, New, in Costa Rica, 350
- Railway, New, across the Isthmus of Tehantepec, 369
- Railway, A New Welsh, 99
- Railway, The Proposed Hull and Barnsley, 110, 215, 290
- Railway, Proposed New Line of, for the West of Glasgow and Dumbartonshire, 177,215
- Railway, The S in Paulo, Progress of, 388
- Railway from Shipley to Clayton West, Opening of the, 215
- Railway Station, Lifting a, 110
- Railway, The Swinton and Knottingley, Opening of the, 16
- Railway, The Vesuvius, Completion of. 462
- Railway between Vienna and Venice, Completion of a, 462
- Railway Works, The Oban, Progress of, 339
- Railways, The Austrian, Progress of, 312
- Railways, The Australian, Progress of, 41, 122, 27G, 388
- Railways, The Brazilian, Progress of, 256
- Railways, The Canadian, Progress of, 122, 217, 286, 369, 424, 462, 480
- Railways, The Danish, Progress of, 140
- Railways, The French, Progress of, 461
- Railways, The Mexican, Progress of, 360
- Railways, The New South Wales, Progress of, 100, '215, 423, 442
- Railways, New, in Yorkshire, 453
- Railways, The New Zealand, Progress of, 115, 299, 370
- Railways, The Nova Scotian, Progress of, 350
- Railways, The Queensland, Progress of, 107, 424, 442
- Railways, The Ronmelian. Progress of, 62, 218
- Railways, The Servlan, '276
- Railways. The South African. Progress of, 41,87, 218, 223, 330, 388, 406, 424, 427, 498
- Railways and Telegraphs at the Antipodes, 41
- Railways, The Victorian, Progress of, 41, 76, 218, 254, 462
- Rapid Steaming, 147
- Reading Iron Works. U.S.. The, 159
- Reciprocity v. Free Trade, 246
- Recoil of Guns, Measuring the, 62
- Reconstruction in Cleveland, 479,493
- Reconstruction, Proposed, of Hopkins, Gilkes, and Company, 99, 423, 452
- Reduction in Railway Rates by the North-Eastern Railway Company, 30, 393, 423, 479
- Refrigerator Cars, The Tiffany, 122
- Relighting of Furnaces in Furness and Cumberland, 299
- Reopening of the Marshfield Works, Llanelly, 339
- Report, Annual, of H. and S. Barker an i Company, 110
- Report. Annual, of the Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills Company, 176
- Report of the Bristol Wagon 14Vorks Company, 479
- Report of the Tredegar Iron and Coal Company,. 50
- Reproducing Manuscripts, Apparatus for ; the Chronograph, 155
- Reservoir, New, at Bradford, 234
- Restarting Works in South Wales, 387
- Result of the Centennial, A, 62
- Raiford. Water Works for, 30;0
- Return Issued by order of the House of Commons on Patents, 91
- Returns of the Cleveland Ironmasters' Association, 294
- Revival of Trade in South Yorkshire, The, 271
- Revolvers for Turkey, American, 140, 276
- Rhymney Iron Company's Blast Furnaces, The, 339, 452
- Rhymney Valley C Ace Trade, The. 439
- Rhymney Valley, Trade in the, 423, 481, 489
- Rival Railway Schemes to Hull, The, 379
- River Danube, The Navigation of, 41, 370
- River Garonne, Bridging the, 388
- River Hall, Proposed Diversion of the, 339
- River Seine, Proposed Deepening of the, 4S5
- River Steamers, American, 350
- River Steamers for Brisbane, 312
- River Taff, New Works for the Marquis of Bute on the, 431
- Rolled Iron in the United States, 20
- Rolling Common Plates, The New Systems of, 393
- Rolling Stock, American, Prices of, 62
- Rolling Stock on the Chicago and North-Western
- Railroad, The, 312
- Rolling Stock in Italy, 339
- Rolling Stock on the Northern of France Railway, 41
- Rolling Stock in the United States, 461
- Rosedale and Ferryhill Iron Works, The, 452
- Rosedale Iron Deposits, The, 290
- Rotherham, Extensive Alterations at, 31
- Roumelian Railways, Progress of the, 62, 218
- Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, Coal Contract for the, 339
- Royal Palaces, The Protection of, from Fire, 143
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Meetings of the, 423, 4.52, 479
- Russian Agricultural Machinery, 498
- Russian Bridge, A Large, 3.50
- Russian Navy, Progress of the, 41, 421
- Russian Petroleum, 98
- Russian Railways and Russian Metallurgy, 62
- Russian Shell, A New, 155
- Russian Survey for a Railway in Central Asia, 335, 406
- Safety Lamp, The Purday, 328
- Sahara, Turning the Desert of, into a Lake, 15.5
- St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 235
- St. John's, Newfoundland, The Drainage and Sewerage of, 337
- St. Louis, Proposed Permanent Exhibition Building at, 471
- St. Petersburg a Seaport, 41, 98
- St. Petersburg Ship Canal, The, 441
- Sale of Colliery Property in Wales, The, 30, 99
- Sale of Pig Iron, Public, 328
- Salonica, Topographical Survey of, 462
- San Paulo Railway, Progress of the 388
- Sandhurst, Victoria, an Industrial Exhibition 41
- Sanitary Congress for 1879, The, 148
- Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, Association of ; Ballot for President, 148
- Sanitary Improvements at Duffield, 30
- Scarborough Harbour Improvements, 458
- Scarborough Water Supply, The, 1.55
- Scarborough and Whitby Railway Company, Meeting of the, 215, 311
- Science and its Relation to our Great Industries., 486
- Scotch Blast Furnaces, The, 233
- Scotch Coal Trade, The, 139, 177
- Scotch Railway Companies and their Servants, 198
- Scottish Australian Mining Company, The, 461
- Sea, Caspian, A Cable across the, 159
- Seine, The River, Proposed Deepening of, 485
- Servian Railways, Progress of the, 276
- Sevastopol, Proposed Navy Yard at, 311
- Severn Bridge, Testing the, 285
- Severn Commissioners, Deputation from the, to the Board of Trade, 452
- Severn Railway Bridge, Progress of the, 15, 79, 99, 110, 139
- Severn Tunnel, Progress of the, 311, 328,339. 489
- Sewage Steamer, New, for the Liverpool Corporation, 479
- Sewage, West Kent Main. Tender for, 403
- Sewerage, The Askern, 479
- Sheep Shears, New Method of Manufacturing, 360
- Sheffield and the Forth Bridge Contracts, 290
- Shell. A New Russian, 155
- Shipbuilding, American Steam, 406
- Shipbuilding, Clyde, Celerity in, 71, 379
- Shipbuilding Contract in Scotland, Important, 246
- Shipbuilding on the Delaware, Steam, 155
- Shipbuilding and Engineering, Cleveland, 15, 79, 99, 110, 140, 155, 189, 208, 236, 272,294, 299, 328, 379, 398, 434, 452
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Earle's, Progress of, 458
- Shipbuilding, English and French, 441
- Shipbuilding Trade, The Clyde, 139, 198, 246, 271, 379, 434
- Shipment of Coals from Penrith, 423
- Shipments of Iron from Cardiff, 246, 285, 311, 339
- Shipments of Rails from Cardiff, 197
- Shipowners' Courtesies, 489
- Shipping Accommodation at Port Adelaide, 350
- Show at Perth, The Highland Society's, 98, 110
- Sirhowy Works, Progress of the, 79
- Sliding Scale in South Yorkshire, The, 479
- Sliding Scale in Wales, The. 452
- Slip tin the Queen-street Tunnel of the North British Railway, 177
- Small Arms, American, for Turkey, 140, 276
- Snags and Dynamite, 122
- Social Science Association, The, 177
- Society of Arts Programme for the 126th Session, 365
- Society of Engineers; Presentation to Mr. P. F. Nursey, 471
- South African Bridge Building, 373, 442
- South African Railways, Progress of the, 41, 87. 218, 223, 330, 388, 406, 424, 427, 498
- South African Telegraphy, 330
- South American Bridge, A, 395
- South Australia, Dynamite in, 67
- South Australia, Gas in, 441
- South Australian Defences, The, 41
- South Australian Jetties, The Construction of, 20
- South Australian Railways, Progress of the, 122, 276
- South Australian Telegraphy, 888
- South Glasgow Suburban Circular Railway, The Proposed, 379
- South Wales Coal Trade, The, 30. 50, 452
- South Wales Tin-Plate Trade, The, 110, 139, 155, 177, 197, 235, 246, 235
- South Wales, Trade in, 110
- South Yorkshire Coal Trade, The, 30, 246, 458
- South Yorkshire Colliery Owners and the New Railway, 339
- South Yorkshire, Depression and it Influence. in, 110
- South Yorkshire Iron Market, The, 271
- South Yorkshire and the Revival of Trade, 271, 333
- Southwold New Railway, Opening of the, 245
- Spanish Ironstone for Cyfarthfa, 398
- Spanish Ironstone, The Production of, 41, 383, 398, 406, 462, 479
- Spanish Ore for Cyfarthfa, 337
- Speculation, A Singular, in Derbyshire, 1.55
- Standard Car an i Tender Axles, 41
- State of Trade and Clyde Trust Salaries, 198
- Station Lighted by Electricity, The St. Enoch, 235
- Steam Coal, New Seam of, at the Coedcae Colliery, 155
- Steam Engine Trials, Tramway, 393
- Steam Engines, American, 217
- Steam Fire Engines for the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 403
- Steam Hammers, American, 20, 442
- Steam Launch for Peru, A, 451
- Steam Navigation, American, 369,370
- Steam Navigation, Australian, 256
- Steam Navigation in Eastern Europe, 20
- Steam through Orifices, The Flow of, 431
- Steam Paving Machine, 281
- Steam Power and Heating Company, The New York, 109
- Steam Shipbuilding, American, Progress of, 20, 406
- Steamer, A New, for Cardiff, 489
- Steamer " Orient," Experimental Cruise of the, 214
- Steamers, American River, 350
- Steamers, New Passenger, for the Clyde, 235
- Steamers, River, for Brisbane, 312
- Steamers, Scotch, for France, 363
- Steaming, Rapid 147
- Steamship "Pretoria," Fast Passage of the, 215, 423
- Steamships, New Lino of, between America and Europe, 406
- Steel Armour Plates v. Shells, 122
- Steel, Bessemer, in the United States, 19, 286
- Steel Blooms, Bessemer, 370
- Steel and Iron in France, 62
- Steel and Iron Works, The Treforest, Progress of, 452
- Steel Making in Cleveland, Progress of, 189, 317, 360 452, 479
- Steel Making at Guisbro', 82
- Steel Making in Pennsylvania, 462
- Steel at Parkhead Forge, Manufacture of, 177
- Steel Production, Bessemer, in the United States, 19, 286
- Steel Rail Making in Pennsylvania, 424
- Steel Rails for Canada, 155
- Steel Rails on the Michigan Central Railroad. 218
- Steel Rails on the Northern of Spain Railway, 41
- Steel Rails, Sheffield, Increased Orders for, 311
- Steel Rails for South Australia, 246
- Steel Rails, A Test of, 312
- Steel Rails on the Troy and Boston Railroad, 480
- Steel Rails in the United States, 93
- Steel Rails, The Wear of, 98
- Steel Rails, Welsh, on the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, 98
- Steel for Shipbuilding, Large Orders for, 379
- Steel Vessel, Launch of the Largest in the World, 28,5
- Steel Works, The Law:lore-Siemens', 285
- Steel, The World's Production of, 122
- Steel Yacht, A New, in Scotland, 489
- Stone, South African, 150
- Store Vessel, New, for Government, 235
- Strike of Colliers at New Rhos Drift, 311
- Strome Ferry, Proposed Improvement of, 423
- Swansea Docks, Progress of the, 3',), 50, 235
- Swansea, Improvements at, 139
- Swinton and Knottingley Railway, Opening of the, 16
- Swiss Anthracite Coal, 424
- Sydney, Gas in, 330
- Sydney, Tramways at, 41
- Submarine Telegraphic Progress, 350
- Successful Iron Steamer, A, 415
- Suez Canal, The, 370, 442
- Survey of Moreton Bay, 462
- Swansea, Trade at, 50, 79, 99, 155, 202, 266, 311, 328, 423, 434, 479
- Taff, River, Now Works for the Marquis of Bute on the, 434
- Taff Vale Railway, Wages on the, 110, 155
- Tagus, Proposed Canalisation of the, 398
- Technical Education, Examination Programme, for 1880, 245
- Technological Examinations, 156
- Tees-side, A New Industry on, 49
- Telegraph Cable to Delagoa Bay, 321
- Telegraph Company, The Great Northern, 137, 388
- Telegraph Company, The Western Union, 462
- Telegraph in Cyprus, The, 235
- Telegraphic Progress, Submarine, 350
- Telegraphs and Railways at the Antipodes, 41
- Telegraphy, Antipodean, 266
- Telegraphy, Optical, in France, 462
- Telegraphy, South African, 830
- Telegraphy, South Australian. 383
- Tenders, Forth Bridge, 133, 198
- Testing the Severn Bridge, 285
- Tidal Canal, Proposed, at Bawtry, 155
- Tidal Navigation. The Manchester, 333
- Tides in Mines, 423
- Tiffany Refrigerator Cars, The, 122
- Timber, Queensland, 468
- Tin-Plate Trade in South Wales, The, 110, 139, 155, 177, 197, 235, 246, 285
- Tin-Plate Works, Nlachen, Restarting of. 313
- Tin-Plate Works, The Morlais, Purchase of, 398
- Tin Trade, The Llantrisant Progress of, 365
- Tondu and Maestag, Wages at, 489
- Tonnage of coal from Yorkshire t London, 479
- Tonnage at Montreal, Ocean, 468
- Tonnage, A World's, 4.50
- Tools, American, in Europe. 62
- Topographical Survey of Salonica. 462
- Torpedo Boat for Austria. Trial of a, 36
- Torpedo Boats, Government Contract for, 177
- Torpedo Boats, Yarrow's, 335
- Torpedo Experiments, American, 462
- Torry Bridges Works, Aberdeen, Progress of the, 434
- Trade at Blaine, 423
- Trade at Bristol, The. 399
- Trade at Cardiff. 30, 50. 99. 110, 155, 177, 202, 235, 246, 266, 311, 328, 339, 365, 48 )
- Trade at Cleveland, The Prospects of, 155, 233
- Trade at Ebbw Vale, 423
- Trade at the Forest of Dean, 99, 202, 235, 339, 335, 423, 431, 452
- Trade at Merthyr, 177, 434
- Trade at Newport, 99, 110, 202, 246, 266, 235, 328, 387, 452
- Trade Prospects at Fleur-de-Lis, 839, 871
- Trade in the Rhymney Valley, 423, 480, 489
- Trade of Sheffield, Improvement in the, 176, 197
- Trade in South Wales, 110
- Trade in South Yorkshire, 339
- Trade at Swansea, 50, 79, 99, 155, 202, 266, 311, 328, 423, 434, 479
- Tramway Engine, Brown's, 431
- Tramway, The Port Adelaide, Opening of, 218
- Tramway Steam Engine Trials, 3118
- Tramways, The Bristol, 398
- Tramways, The Cardiff, Progress of, 36
- Tramways, The Duration of, 139
- Tramways in Edinburgh. The, 360
- Tramways at Sydney, 41
- Transport of Meat by Rail, 62
- Tre0degar Iron and Coal Company, Report of the, 5
- Treforest Steel and Iron Works, Progress of the, 452
- Tunnel, The Hudson River, Progress of, 442
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 235
- Tunnel, The Severn, Progress of, 311, 3 28, 339, 489
- Turkey, American Revolvers for, 140, 276
- Turkish Navy, Progress of the, 180, 424
- Union, A New Miners', 79, 246
- Union, Singular Charge against a, 360
- United States, Iron Ore in the, 406, 424
- United States, The Production of Rails in, 20
- United States, Railroads in Operation in the, 235
- United States, Rolling Stock in the, 461
- University College, Bristol, The, 291
- University of Glasgow, The Professorship of Mathematics in the, 360
- Vessels, New Store, for Government, 235
- Vesuvius Railway, Completion of the, 462
- Viaduct, The Denby Dale, Completion of, 246
- Victoria, The Proposed Defences of, 98
- Victorian Exhibition, The, 122
- Victorian Railways, Progress of the, 41, 76, 218, 254, 462
- Violins and Venice, Completion of a Railway between, 462
- Volunteer Navy, The Russian, 420
- Wages of the Cleveland Ironworkers, 177, 189, 208, 246, 328, 360, 398, 452, 479,498
- Wages in the Clyde Iron Works, Proposed Reduction of, 57
- Wages at Dowlais, 480
- Wages of Engineers in Sheffield, 30
- Wages in the Forest of Dean. 398, 480
- Wages on the North British Railway, The Proposed Redaction of, 236, 285
- Wages, Proposed Reduction of, at Eston Steel Works, 155, 189
- Wages, The Proposed Reduction of, at Hallside Steel Works, 271
- Wages in South Wales, 434
- Wages on the Taff Vale Railway. 110, 155
- Wages at Tondu and Maestig, 489
- " Wanderer," The Yacht, 415
- Warrnambool Harbour, Report on the, 110
- Watchet, Recommencement of Mining at, 398
- Water Company, The East London, 235
- Water Improvements at Drontleld, 99
- Water Question, The London, 366
- Water at Retford, Baring for, 139
- Water Scheme, A Comprehensive, 328
- Water Supply at Boston, U.S., The, 98
- Water Supply at Brisbane, The, 147
- Water Supply, The Doncaster, 486
- Water Supply at Hall, The New, 79
- Water Supply, The London, 99, 140, 223
- Water Supply, The Scarborough, 155
- Water Works, The Chicago, Progress of, 23
- Water Works, The Demos Lake, 333
- Water Works, The Lfvds, 271 D
- Water Works, The New roltwilh, Opening of, 16
- Water Works for Retford, 360
- Waterless Australia, Propose' Artesian Wells for, 42
- Weight of Bolts and Nuts, The, 207
- Well, An American Gas, 440
- Well Boring, Artesian, in San Francisco, 256
- Wells, Artesian, at Altoona, 98
- Wells, Proposed Artesian, for Australia, 42
- Welsh Coal Trade, The, 339, 434
- Welsh Rail Trade, The, 480
- Welsh Steam Coal. 452
- Welsh Railway, A New, 99
- Welsh Steel Rails on the Atlantic and Great
- Western Railroad, 98
- West of Glasgow and Dumbartonshire, Proposed New Line of Railway for the, 177, 215
- West Hartlepool Furnaces, The Proposed Sale of, 847
- West Hunwick Colliery, The Proposed Sale of, 15
- West Kent Main Sewage, Tender for, 403
- West and South Yorkshire, The Development of, 236
- Western Australian Railways, Progress of the, 41
- Western Union Telegraph Company, Progress of the, 462
- Westinghouse Air Brake Company's Works, The, 471
- Westphal's Compound Engine, 131
- Wheatman and Smith Tool Company, Dividend of the, 360
- Wheels, Car, and Axles, 468
- Whitelaw, Mr. Alexander, M.P., Death of, 80
- Wind Mills, American, 218
- Winning Coal at Caerphilly, 177
- Wood Pavement at Sheffield, 30
- Working Expenses on the San Paulo Railway, 388
- Working Men and the Long Hour System in South Yorkshire, 16
- Workmen, Exodus of, from Sheffield, 139
- Works, The Blaina, 365
- Works, The Cyfarthfa, 330, 398, 423, 452, 480
- Works, The Crumlin Bridge, Progress of, 452
- Works in the Forest of Dean, 365
- Works, in France, Public, 376
- Works, New, on the Aire and Calder Navigation, 176
- Works, The Pentyrch, Progress of, 452
- Works, The Sirhowy, Progress of, 79
- Works in South Wales, Restarting of, 387
- World, The Population of the, 462
- World's Production of Steel, The, 122
- World's Tonnage, A, 450
- Wrigg, Mr. H., Death of, 122
- Yacht, The Czar's Great, 398
- Yacht, A New Steel, in Scotland, 489
- Yacht " Wanderer," The, 415
- Yacht " Wanderer," The Engines of the : Errata, 498
- Yarra, River, New Bridge over the, 406
- Yarrow's Torpedo Boats, 335
- Ynysfach Works, Progress of the, 480
- Yorkshire College, The, 286
- Yorkshire and Derbyshire Institute of Civil Engineers, New Members of the, 79
- Yorkshire Railways, New, 458
See Also
Sources of Information