Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index: Letters to the Editor

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1895 Jul-Dec Volume
Letters to the Editor
- ACCELERATION Diagram, Piston and Connecting Rod. John H. A. McIntyre, 55
- Admiralty Works Department. Assistant Suryeyor R.E.E., 677 ; An Accountant Clerk, 743. See also 194, 809
- Air, Liquid. W. Hampson, 743
- Air Pumps of United States Cruiser " Minneapolis." Blake and Knowles, Steam Pump Works, Limited, 744
- America Cup. J. J. O'Neill, 519 ; Frederic Strickland, 519
- American Express Locomotives. See Railway Race to Aberdef n
- Association of Water Works Engineers, Proposed. D. M. F. Gaskin, 644 ; William Watts, 712 ; Robertus, 742 ; H. W. Pearson, 742 ; Joseph Hall, 778
- Balancing Locomotives. Novoye Vremya, 23
- Belfast and Clyde Dispute. Adrian H Hope, 707
- Belleville Boiler Evaporative Tests. 0. Knaudt, 644
- Belting, Link. Gerald W. Crawford, 279 ; Reply, 431
- Bessemer Flame and the Hardening of Steel, Spectrum. John Parry, 585
- Blake's Pumps for United States Cruiser " Minneapolis." Blake and Knowles Steam Pump
- Works, Limited, 744 Boiler Efficiency. M. Westeraan Muserling, 551 ; A. L. Steavenson, 582 ; George Carruthers Thomson, 582 ; C. H. Wingfield, 613 ; W. H. Northcote, 613 ; A. Eliote Sterk, 613 ; G. W. Sutcliffe, 613 ; N. F. Elgstrom, 644 ; Bryan Donkin, 710
- Boiler Explosion, Redcar. Lavington E. Fletcher, 145
- Boiler Tube, Lewis Corrugated. A. Smith, 645 ; John W. Boyd, 645
- Boilers, Domestic. A Plumber, 81
- Boilers, Steam. John Swift, 279
- Boilers, Strength of. See 489, 672. J. C. Spence, 493, 678
- Boilers, Water-Tube, in the Navy. See Water- Tube Boilers
- Bows of Torpedo-Boats. W., 614
- Brakes on Freight Trains, Continuous. W. B. Thompson, 712
- Bridge Loads. T. M. Teed, 518
- Brighton and Rottingdean Railway. W. Sisson and Co., 613
- Bristol Electric Tramway. C. S. du Riche Preller, 390
- Capital and Labour. T., 55
- Capstan Bars, H.M.S. " Terrible." Baxter, Limited, 279
- Carbonic Acid Refrigerating Machines. T. B. Lightfoot, 712, 744: E. Hesketh, 773
- "Carinthia" and " Sylvania." John Joyce, 582 ; Sailor, 614
- Carriages, Motor. Frederick R. Simms, 550 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 613, 646
- Carriages, Steam-Driven Road. Fred Morton Eden, 517 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 613
- Circulation of Water in Water-Tube Boilers. See: Water-Tube Boilers
- Civil Engineers, Institution of. A Resident Engineer, 645 • M. Inst. C.E., 712
- Civil and Military Engineers. See Admiralty Works Department
- Civil and Military Work in India. Emeritus, 194
- Clyde and Belfast Dispute. Adrian H. Hope, 707
- Company Law Reform Engineer, 223 ; Alex. J. Wallis Tayler, 223
- Connecting and Piston Rod Acceleration Diagram. John H. A. McIntyre, 55
- Consumption, Steamship. H. B. Buckland, 650
- Continuous Brakes on Freight Trains. W. B. Thompson, 712
- Contracts for India-Rubber. Dr. L. Perroni, 192
- Coolgardie Goldfieldf, A. T. Fraser, 778
- Corliss Engine, Triple - Expansion. Andrew Alison, 519 ; Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, 519 ; Robert A. Bruce, 550
- Crane Efficiency. T. H., 192
- Cruiser " Viscaya," Spanish. Forced Draught, 115
- Crusher Gauge, Measurement of Pressures by the. W. Kellner and W. H. Deering, 56
- Cylinders, Sttength of. See 489, 672. J. C. Spence, 493, 678
- Domestic Boilers. A Plumber, 81
- Dover-Ostend Mail Service. Bernard Simpson, 586
- Draughtsmen. Crayon, 709
- Drawing Offices, Sweating in. Old Observer, 24
- Early Great Western Locomotives. See Great Western Locomotive's
- Electric Tramway, Bristol. C. S. du Riche Preller, 390
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, John Raworth, 773
- Engine, Newcomen, N. D. La Touche, 778
- Engine, Peache's High-Speed. J. 0. Peache, 550
- Engine, Triple-Expansion Corliss. Andrew Alison, 519 ; Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, 519 ; Robert A. Bruce, 550
- Engines of the " St. Lours." Jno. Thom, 24
- Engineering Cases in the Law Cburts. M. Powis Bale, 645
- Engineering Trades and Trade Unions. Prometheus, 684
- Engineers' Strike. Adrian H. Hope, 707
- Evaporative Tests of Belleville Boilers. 0. Knaudt, 644
- Experiments on Kites Sidney H. Hollands, 81 ; L. Hargrave, 81
- Fans, Noisy. C. H. Wingfield, 492
- Fast Railway Runs. H. Rolfe, 56. See Rzieway Rac5
- Fens Peat Industry. Moss Litter and Peat Industries, Limited, 279
- Flying. Sidney H. Hollands, 81 ; L. Hargrave, 81
- Freight Trains, Continuous Brakes on. W. B. Thompson, 712
- Girders, Stresses in. A.M.I.C.E., 223 ; J. G., 279
- Government Manufacturing Establishments, Military Heads for. An Interested Onlooker, 809. See also 194, 679, 743
- Great Western Locomotives, Early. G. A. Sekon, 145, 192 ; Clement E. Stretton, 223 ;
- G. W. R., 252 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 252, 278; H.
- Greenly, 278 ; Clement E. Stretton, 278, 309 ; H. Greenly, 309 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 310, 338 ; G. A. Sekon, 338 ; Clement E. Stretton, 338, 363 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 363 ; G. A. Sekon, 390 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 391, 431 ; Clement E. Stretton, 431 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 494 ; Clement E. Stretton, 494 ; G. A. Sekon, 614 ; Henry Rowe, 614 ; H. Greenly, 711 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 711 ; Clement E. Stretton, 711 ; Hexagon, 711; Clement E. Stretton, 744
- Hardening of Steel, Spectrum of the Bessemer Flame. John Parry, 585
- Harmonograph. Arthur C. F. Webb, 645 ; Charles E. Benham, 712
- Head of the Profession. Electrolyte, 461 ; X., 492 ; Insulite, 492 ; Silvanus P. Thompson, 519 ; Associate, 550 ; Anthracite, 550 ; R. S. Erskine, A. A. C. Swinton, 710 Heating Railway Carriages. A. G. R., 645
- H.M.S. Terrible." 0., 23 ; Argus, 222
- H.M.S. " Terrible," Capstan Bars. Baxter, Limited, 279
- H.M.SS. " Rocket," " Shark," and " Surly." Leslie S. Robinson, 676
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Handy." Sou t h- West by West, 492
- Hydraulic Propulsion. M. W. Ruthven, 468 ; J. I. Thornycroft and Co., 492, 551
- India Military and Civil Work. Emeritus, 194. See also 677, 743, 809
- India-Rubber, Contracts for. Dr. L Perroni, 192
- Indian Railway Policy. J. W. Parry, 777
- Indian Railway Property. Hamilton D. Cripps, 81
- Institution of Civil Engineers. A Resident Engineer, 645 • M. Inst. C.E., 712
- Institution of Electrical Engineers. John Raworth, 773
- Iron, Platinisation of. L., 81
- Kane-Pennington Motor. Sidney H. Hollanth, 646 ; W. E. Gibbons, 676 ; Roots and Venables, 709 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 709 ; Alfred R. Sennett, 710 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 740 ; Edward Butler, 773 ; Roots and Venables, 773 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 809 ; E. J. Pennington, 809
- Kinnaber, or the Great Railway Race of 1895. E B. D , 679. See Railway Race
- Kitchen Boilers. A Plumber, 81
- Kites, Experiments on. Sidney H. Hollands, 8l ; L. Hargrave, 81
- Labour and Capital T , 55
- Land Reclamation from the Sea. J. Anderson, 552
- Law Courts, Engineering Cases in the. M. Powis Bale, 645
- Lewis' Corrugated Tube. A. Smith, 645 ; John W. Boyd, 645
- Life-Saving Rocket Apparatus. S., 710
- Light Railways. Bolling and Lowe, 613
- Limited Liability. Engineer, 223 ; Alexander J. Wallis Tayler, 223
- Link Belting. Gerald W. Crawford, 279 ; Reply, 431
- Liquid Air. W. Hampson, 743
- Loads, Bridge. T. M. Teed, 518
- Locomotive Piston Rods. H. Rolfe, 20 ; X., 55 ; H. Rolfe, 114, 193, 431
- Locomotives, Balancing. Novoye Vreyina, 23
- Locomotives, Early. Great Western. See Great Western Locomotives
- London Water Supply. A. J. H. S., 310 ; A Constant Reader, 363 ; Hassard and Tyrrell, 550
- Mail Motor Carriages. Frederick R. Simms, 778
- Measurement of Pressures by the Crusher Gauge. W. Kellner and W. H. Deering, 56
- Metropolitan Water Supply. IIassard and Tyrrell, 550. See also 310, 363
- Midland Railway. Frederick J. Bolt, 431
- Military and Civil Engineers. See Admiral'y Works Department
- Military Heads for Government Manufacturing Establishments. An Interested Onlooker, 809. See 194, 677, 743
- Motor Carriage for Royal Mails. Frederick R. Simms, 778
- Motor Cars. Frederick R. Simms, 550 ; Sidney IL Hollands, 613, 646
- Motor, Kane Pennington. Sidney H. Hollands, 646 ; W. E. Gibbons, 676 ; Roots and Venables, 709; Sidney H. Hollands 710; Alfred R. Sennett, 710 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 740 ; Edward Butler, 773 ; Roots and Venables, 773 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 809 ; E. J. Pennington, 809
- Navy and Water-Tube Boilers. See Water Tube Boilers
- Newcomen Engine. N. D. La Touche, 778
- Noisy Fans. C. H. Wingfield, 492
- Ostend-Dover Mail Service. Bernard Simpson, 586
- Peache's High-Speed Engine. J. C. Peache, 550
- Piston and Connecting-Rod Acceleration Diagram. John H. A. McIntyre, 55
- Piston - Rods, Locomotive. H. Rolfe, 20 ; X., 55 ; H. Rolfe, 114, 193, 431
- Platinisation of Iron. L., 81
- Portland Cement. An American Engineer, 712
- Power Transmitted by Link Belting. Gerald W. Crawford, 279 ; Reply, 431
- Presidency of Electrical Institution. See Bead of the Profession
- Price, Walker, and Co.'s New Sawmills. Summers and Scott, 519
- Problem as to Greatest Engineering Work. B. S. C., 279
- Pumps of United States Cruiser " Minneapolis," Air. Blake and Knowles Steam Pump Works, Limited, 744
- Quick-Acting Westinghouse Brake. Clement E. Stretton, 430 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 461 ; Norman D. Macdonald, 491; Norman D. Macdonald, 644 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 645 ; Novoye Vremya, 743 ; W. B. Thompson, 712 ; Clement E. Stretton, 778 ; Novoye Vremya, 808
- Railway Axles Effects of Temperature on Strength of. Thomas Andrews, 22
- Railway, Brighton and Rottingdean. W. Sisson and Co., 613
- Railway Carriages, Heating. A. G. R., 645
- Railway, Midland. Frederick J. Bolt, 431
- Railway Policy, Indian. J. W. Parry, 777
- Railway Property, Indian. Hamilton D. Cripps, 81
- Railway Race to Aberdeen. E. B. D., 338 ; The
- Writer of the Article, 363 ; F. W. Webb, 676 ; E. B. D., 679. See 56
- Railway Runs, Fast. H. Rolfe, 56
- Railways, Light. Bolling and Lowe, 613
- Reclamation of Land from the Sea. J. Anderson, 552
- Redcar Boiler Explosion. Lavington E Fletcher, 145
- Refrigerating Machines, Carbonic Acid. T. B. Lightfoot, 712, 744 ; E. Hesketh, 773
- Rhone, Water Power Utilisation. Picard and Pictet, 492
- Rocket Apparatus, Life-Saving. S., 710
- Rottingdean and Brighton Railway. W. Sisson and Co., 613
- Royal Engineers. Some Engineer Officers and Others, 677 ; Pioneer, 743. See 194, 809
- "St. Louis," Engines of the. Jno. Thom, 24
- Sawmills, Price, Walker, and Co. Summers and
- Scott, 519
- Southampton Docks. J. and H. Gwynne, 224
- Spanish Cruiser " Viscaya." Forced Draught, 115
- Spectrum of the Bessemer Flame and the Hardening of Steel. John Parry, 585
- Steam Boiler Efficiency. M. Westerbaan Muserling, 551; A. L. Steavenson, 582 ; George Carruthers Thomson, 582 ; C. H. Wingfield, 613 ; W. H. Northcott, 613 ; A. Eliote Sterk, 613 ; G. W. Sutcliffe, 613 ; N. F. Elgstrom, 644 ; Bryan Donkin, 710
- Steam Boilers. John Swift, 279
- Steam-Driven Road Carriages. Fred Morton Eden, 517 ; Sidney H. Hollands, 613
- Steamship Performances. H. B. Buckland, 550
- Strength of Cylinders. See 489, 672. J. C. Spence, 493, 678
- Strength of Railway Axles, Effects of Temperature on. Thos. Andrews, 22
- Stresses in Girders. A.M.I.0 E., 223. J. G., 279
- Sweating in Drawing Offices. Old Observer, 24
- "Sylvania" and "Carinthia," The. John Joyce, 582 ; Sailor, 614
- Sympalmograph. Lewis Crow, 195
- Temperature Effects on Strength of Railway Axles. Thos. Andrews, 22
- " Terrible," H.M.S. 0., 23; Argus, 222
- Toronto Water Supply. Richard H. Dalton, 585
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Handy." South-West by West, 492
- Torpedo-Boats, Bows of. W., 614
- Trade Unions and the Engineering Trades. Prometheus, 584
- Tramway, Bristol Electric. C. S. du Riche Preller, 390
- Utilisation of Water Power on the Rhone. Picard and Pictet, 492
- Valve Gears, Accuracy of. Digna Sequamur 585
- Varnish Figures. Charles E Benham, 492
- Water Power Utilisation on the Rhone. Picard and Pictet, 492
- Water Supply, Metropolitan. A. J. H. S., 310 ; A Constant Reader, 363 ; Hassard and Tyrrell, 550
- Water Supply, Toronto. Richard H. Dalton, 585
- Water-Tube Boilers in the Navy. Argus, 308 ; James Howden, 308, 338 ; Walter H. Maudslay, 390 ; D. I. X.. 430, 465 ; James Howden, 465 ; F. E. Rainey, 466 ; Argus, 466 ; Patternmaker, 468. ; J. A. Normand, 491 ; R. D. Keay, 491 ; Argus, 517 ; Druitt Halpin, 518 ; Fair Play, 551 ; Cyclops, 551; J. A. Normand, 551 ; James Howden, 551; Fairman Rogers, 583 ; D. I. X., 583 ; Argus, 583 ; A. F. Yarrow, 584 ; Defender, 584 ; S., 612 ; J. A. Normand, 612 ; Consulting Engineer, 612. See Erratum, 633. F. D., 613 ; Hiram S. Maxim, 643 ; Wm. Doxford and Sons, Limited, 643 ; A. F. Yarrow, 644 ; J. J. C , 644 ; 0. Knaudt, 644 ; F. Kadalitsch, 674 ; Direction der Stettiner Maschinenbau Actien Gesellschaft " Vulcan," 674 ; John Johnston, 675 ; Argus, 676 ; A Disgusted Briton, 676 ; John I. Thornycroft, 676 ; Observer, 676 ; Carlton J. Lambert, 708 ; William Cross, 708 ; Argues, 708 ; J. A. Normand,709 ; Hiram S. Maxim, 709 ; J. J. C., 709 ; Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 740 ; Hiram S. Maxim, 742 ; T. H., 742 ; W. H. Watkinson, 773 ; Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 775 ; Carlton J. Lambert, 775 ; Argus, 775 ; A. F. Yarrow, 776; Edward J. M. Davies, 807 ; Argues, 807 ; Engineer Tverskoy, 808
- Water Works Engineers, Proposed Association. D. M. F. Gaskin, 644 ; William Watts, 712 ; Robertus, 742 ; H. W. Pearson, 742 ; Joseph Hall, 778
- Westinghouse Brake, Quick-Acting. Clement E. Stretton, 430 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 464; Norman D. Macdonald, 491 ; Norman D. Macdonald, 644 ; D. H. Littlejohn, 645 ; Novoye Vremya, 743 ; W. B. Thompson, 712 ; Clement E. Stretton, 778 ; Novoye Vremya, 808
- Yacht Design. J. J. O'Neill, 519 ; Frederic Strickland, 519
See Also
Sources of Information