Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1895 Jul-Dec Volume
Patent Record
Agricultural Appliances : 407, 441
- Implements. J. E. Ransome, 441
- Ploughs. J. Shores, 407
Electrical Apparatus :
- 29, 65, 99, 133, 201, 229, 317, 345, 379, 407, 441, 497, 527, 559, 589, 623, 651, 685, 717, 751, 785, 819
- Accumulator Plates. A. Duffek and B. Holub, 65
- Accumulators. P. Ribbe, 559
- Arc Lamps. J. Brockie, 497
- Arc Lamps. T. S. Foster, 623
- Arc Lamps. J. E. A. Gwynne and R. Kennedy, 589
- Arc Lamps. D. Higham, 527
- Arc Lamps. H. C. L. Holden, 133
- Arc Lamps. M. Immler, 497
- Arc Lamps. H. Lyon, 317
- Batteries. J. von der Poppenburg, 201
- Batteries, Secondary Voltaic. L. Epstein, 751
- Bells, Alarm. J. T. Brierley, 785
- Cables. S. Z. de Ferranti, 441, 717
- Cables. S. P. Thompson, 133
- Cup and Ball Joints for Connecting Fittings. R. W. Braham, 65
- Controlling Electric Illumination. Siemens and Halske, 559
- Controlling Electric Trains. Siemens and Halske, 99
- Current Collectors for Overhead Conductors. Siemens and Halske, 345
- Distributing Power. F. H. Royce and E. A.
- Claremont, 557, 589
- Dynamo, Automatic Regulator. A. Doney, 717
- Dynamo Cylinders, Trueing up. W. P. Adams and R E. B. Crompton, 819
- Electrical Apparatus—continued.
- Dynamo, Two-Pole Single-Limb, and Motor with Vertical Magnets with Poles Downwards. T. Parker, Limited, 623
- Dynamos. A. B. Blackburn and W. Buchanan, 785
- Electrical Connections for Marine Purposes. C. S. Snell, 99
- Electric Meters. C. T. Barley, 559
- Electrolysis of Alkali Salts with Quicksilver as Cathode. H. C. F. Stormer, 407
- Electrolysis of Metallic Salts. C. Kellner, 407, 819
- Electrolytic Apparatus. E. Gautier, 99
- Electrolytic Cells. E. Solvay, 441
- Equalising Electromotive Force of Dynamos.
- M. Moskowitz, L.D. and A. S. Adler, and T. W. Myers, 229
- Fans. J. H. Pickup and J. H. Hindle, 751
- Gas Production by Electricity. J. H. Dunn, 717
- Governing the Voltage of Dynamos and Speed of Engines. J. Graham and H. Chapman, 379
- Heating and Lighting Railway Vehicles. M. Moskowitz, L.D. and A. S. Adler, and T. W. Myers, 229
- Heating and Welding. C. F. Parkinson and W. Gatwood, 345
- Insulating Conductors. G. G. M. Hardingham, 99
- Metal Fusion Apparatus. B. H. Thwaite and H. Allen, 751
- Motors. W. Routledge, 229
- Ploughs. F. Brutschke and H. Schimpif, 201
- Railway Systems. J. M. Faulkner, 133
- Regulating Mechanism of Arc Lamps. A. G. New and A. J. Mayne, 497
- Road Carriage, Electric. F. King, 651
- Separating and Alloying Metals. F. Hornig and W. Borchers, 623
- Springs for Conductors. Siemens and Halske, 65
- Storage Batteries. C. S. W. Brown, 685
- Storage Batteries. F. King, 441
- Switch. S 0. Cowper-Coles and J. B. Elliott, 497
- Switches. W. H. Dingle and J. M. Urquhart, 685
- Telegraph Pole Brackets. Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and G. W. Perry, 717
- Telephone System. A. Marr, 685
- Telephones. E. C. Parker, 589
- Thermo-Electric Generators. H. B. Cox, 819
- Ti amwa3s, Working. C. Anderson, 29
- Trolley and Accumulator Systems Combined. T. Nees, 133
- Welding and Soldering. H. Zerener, 785
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c.:
- 66, 99, 1.67, 201, 257, 317, 345, 379, 441, 4979
- 589, 651, 685, 717, 819
- Apparatus for Making Coal Gas. J. H. R.
- Dinsmore, 317
- Burner Cap for Incandescent Burner. A.
- Gareis, 66
- Carburetting Coal Gas. W. E. Price, 497
- Coke Ovens. A. D. Shrewsbury, 345
- Enriching Gas. W. Kemp, 379
- Gas Retort Drawing Machine, J. West, 99
- Gasholder Guide Carriages. S. Cutler, 379
- Generating and Carburetting Water Gas. W.
- A. Fourness, 345
- Holders. F. Livesey and W. T. Sugg, 717
- Hydro-Carbon Engines. W. D. and S. Priest-
- man, 201
- Lamp Chimney Device. F. F. W. L. Muller, 685
- Lamps, Incandescent. F. W. H. Hempel and
- M. Gumpel, 685
- Lamps, Incandescent Gas. L. Denayrouze, 051
- Meters. F. Moore, 689
- Motors, Gas or Oil. H. A. Humphrey, 819
- Oil Engines. P. P. Bedson and J. C. Hamilton, 379
- Oil Engines. G. Pollock and M. Whyte, 497
- Oil Engines. J. E. Weyman, 441
- Retort Mouthpieces and Self-Sealing Lids. J.
- L. and T. J. L. Mitton, 441
- Retorts. J. Henderson, 237
- Valves. T. Thorp and T. G. Marsh, 167
- Washing and Scrubbing Apparatus. C. C.
- Walker, 257
Guns and Explosives :
- 133, 317, 345, 527, 623, 651, 819
- Automatic and Machine Guns. II. S. Maxim
- and L. Silverman, 345
- Breech Plugs. D. Vickers, 133
- Breechloading Bolt Gun for Deflecting Fumes
- from Breech. P. Mauser, 623
- Breechloading Small-Arms. H. W. Holland
- and T. Woodward, 317
- Carriages. J. B. G. A. Canet, 819
- Guns, Automatic. H. S. Maxim, 651
- Projectiles. H. Borchardt, 527
- Smokeless Explosives. IL S. Maxim, 346
Hydraulic Machinery : 29, 589
- Motor. Sir William Arrol and W. Foulis, 29
- Motors. E. F. Piers, 589
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- 100, 317, 498, 527, 717
- Overhead or Suspension Railways. G. Henkel
- and G. Schuld, 100
- Pulley Blocks and Tackle, Alldays and Onions
- Pneumatic Engineering Company, Limited.
- F. Lightbourne and C. Gibson, 717
- Safety Apparatus. S. G. Bennett, 317
- Sheave Blocks. S. J. Randall and P. A. Allen, 527
- Transferring Coal, &c. B. C. T. E. Boyesen, 498
Machine and other Tools, Shafting, dice.
- 65, 201, 267, 317, 346, 379, 407, 441, 469, 527,
- 559, 589, 623, 651, 685, 717, 751, 785
- Apparatus for Cutting Key Seats. L. and H. I. Lake, 590
- Bearings. W. A. Tries, 65
- Bearings, Roller Thrust. W. J. Fanning, 751
- Bearings and Journals, Preventing Overheat-
- ing. G. A. Mower, 751
- Boring, Grooving, and Internal Sorew-Thread
- Cutting Apparatus for Lathes. J. A. and
- T. A. Crawford, 379
- Chuck, Two-Jaw. A. P. Bauer, 785
- Circular Saw Bench. T. N. Robinson, 318
- Combination Tool. H. Searle, 589
- Cutting off Heads of Rivets. W. J. Peokett, 469
- Cutting Metal Bars (Machine). D. M. Bull, 346
- Dogs or Tongs for Lifting Hot Blooms, &c.
- T. Williamson, 686
- Drilling .Holes in Cartridge Cases. Deutsche
- Metallpatronenfabrik, 785
- Fixing Screw Studs. W. Fox, 559
- Forging or Setting Raw Metal. J. B. West, 785
- Friction Clutches. W. Shore and G. E Coupe, 469
- Galvanising Sheets, Preparing. Davies Brothers
- and Co., Limited, E. A. Davies, and S. T.
- Thomas, 685
- Hammers, Mechanical. C. Gruber, 65
- Lubricating. C. H. Berry and J. Snowdon, Jun., 317
- Lubrication of Pulleys. W. H. Cranstone, 527
- Making Hexagon Nuts. H. and F. Bennett, 65
- Mortising and Routing Machines. A. Slater, 201
- Multiple Drilling Machine. G. W. Hawksley, 257
- Nail Manufacture. A. H. Williams, 527
- Punching and Stamping Machines. W. Rourke, 651
- Riveting Machines. J. Leveque, 257
- Sand Moulding Machines. A. Murray and W.
- Fairweather, 257
- Scarfing Plates, Machine. H. and H. 0. Smith, 379
- Seamless Steel Tube Making Machines. R.
- Wootton, 407
- Seamless Tube Making. R. F. Hall, 442
- Sliding Centreing Tool. J. Jacks, 527
- Spanners. G. W. McIntyre and R. F. Bradford, 441
- Stocks and Dies for Sorew Cutting. W. Ward and J. H. Coles, 441
- Tube-Making Machine. C. Faulkner, P. H.,
- W. E., and W. H. Lloyd, 717
- Vice, Parallel. H. Schwarz, 379
- Wire Drawing. C. Berkenhoff, 346
- Wrenches. J. K. Starley, 346
- Wrenches or Keys. G. Jacqiiemet and A.
- Duguet, 623
Milling and Separating Machinery :
- 285,. 469, 718, 786
- Middlings Purifiers. T. F. Hind and R. Lund, 285
- Sifting Apparatus. J. Henrici, 718
- Wheat Drying Machines. J. Higginbottom, 469
- Wheat Drying Machines, Hot-Air. J. Higgin-bottom, 786_
Mining, Metallurgy. and Metal Work. log
- 29, 65, 167, 201, 229, 407, 469, 498, 527, 718, 751
- Armour-Plate, Hardening and Making Tough.
- Fried. Krupp, 168
- Armour-Plate Manufacture. J. E. Rogerson, 167
- Axes and Hatchets, Manufacture. W. Smith, 469
- Axle-Box Manufacture. S. Fox, 718
- Carburetting Surface of Armour Plates. F. Stubbs, 498
- Chill Mould with Contractible Core for Tubular Castings. H. and E. Jindrich, 167
- Copper Production by Electrolysis. La Societe l'Electrolyse, 751
- Flanged Tubes, Manufacture of. H. Howard, 9
- Galvanising Wire. K. Berkenhoff, 527
- Laying Dust in Mines. A. Ross, 29
- Manufacture of Steel Wire Winding Ropes and
- Machinery therefor. W. B. Brown, 229
- Metallic Balls, Manufacture. E. Bates, 229
- Mining Machines. J. Boland, G. W. Fritz,
- H. 14. Davis, and J. J. M'Closkey, 407
- Reducing Metals Containing Oxygen. F. Krupp, 65
- Reducing and Smelting Ore. E. E. Lungwitz, 230
- Stamp Batteries. A. G. Saunders, 407
- Treatment of Molten Iron or Steel. G. Love, 469
- .Utilising Waste Heat of Open-Hearth Furnaces.
- C. J. Bagley, L. Roberts, and Moor Steel and
- Iron Company, 469
- Washing, Separating, and Concentrating Ores, &c. C. and W. and G. K. Craig, 201
Miscellaneous :
- 66, 100, 134, 168, 202, 230, 258, 286, 408, 442, 470, 498, 528, 560, 590, 624, 652, 686, 718, 752, 820
- Bicarbonate of Soda, Manufacture. Solvay and Co., 66
- Bleaching Powder and other Hypochlorites. Solvay, 66
- Bottles. J. Maggi, 168
- Brake Shoes. J. H. Parkinson, 258
- Brick Pressing Machine. J. and B. Craven, 202
- Buffer or Springs, India-Rubber. A. G. and A. Spencer, 470
- Burner Cap for Incandescent Gas Burners. A. Gareis, 66
- Caustic Alkalies, Separation. Solvay and Co. 66
- Centrifugal Machines. J. Laidlaw and J. W.
- Macfarlane, 258
- Cocks. J. Dewrance, 286
- Condensing Towers. E. J. Barbier, 168
- Conveying Bands .and Belts. J. R. Barnwell
- and N. Greening and Sons, Limited, 718
- Doffer Mechanism for Ironing Machines. E. W.
- Buell and S. Moe, 690
- Dredgers and Barges. J., V., and L. J. Smit, 230
- Feeding Pulverulent Materials, Apparatus. J. Mohs, 442
- Filters. J. M. Davidson, 624
- Fixing Screws to Stones or Walls. J. Boed-
- dinghaus, 718
- Garbage - Cremating Furnace - Grate Bars.
- American Garbage Cremator Company, 202
- Glass Plates, Manufacture. T. Lefevre and L. Michau, 168
- Glass, Production of Corrugated Sheet. W. L.
- Pilkington, 230
- Heat, Transferring, or Refrigerating. F. W.
- Crossley and J. Atkinson, 470
- Ice Grips for Boots, &o. 0. Hass, 820
- Joints and Connections for Metallic Tube
- Structures. G. E. Church and G. W. Ettenger, 718
- Lever Lifting Jack. W. J. Vincent, 66
- Lift Doors. J. H. Wright, 560
- Lock Nut. A A. Surplice and W. Faram, 652
- Looms, Wire Healds for. M. A. Frioker, 100
- Malt Kilns. A. Kinder, 498
- Matches, Making. M. Bals, a Noel, and G. Ger-rersdorfer, 442
- Mills for Grinding and Mixing Colours, &c. E. Bush, 286
- Paints for Iron, &c. H. B. Kolker and H. Naplitali, 66
- Pipe Coupling. R. Wigan, 470
- Printing Machines. C. Pollard and G. Brayshaw, 408
- Rock Dredging. A. Brown, 652
- Refuse-Consuming Furnace. T. W. Baker, 66
- Separating Wool, Grease, and Alkali from
- Used Liquors of Wool Washing, &o. R. B. Gow, 498
- Shale, &c., Retorts, Kilns, and Gas Producers.
- J. Bryson, J. Jones, and W. Fraser, 134
- Sheep Shears. R. P. Landrum, 560
- Sugar Cane, Extracting Juice. A. G. Berry, 168
- Taps and Valves. H. B. Merton, 286
- Throttling to Deaden Noise by Exhaust in
- Motors. F. L. Serment, 66
- Treatment of Liquid by Gases. J J., T. F., and J. W. Meldrum, 686
- Tube Joints or Couplings. John Brotherton,
- LimiteJ, and E. Love, 752
- Valve Seats and Plugs D. A Schroppel, 528
- Valves, Spindles of Sluice. A. F. Woolhouse, 628
- Valves. J. A. and S. Fletcher, 752
- Water Tap and Safety Valve. J. Abbott, 686
- Wood Wool Making Machine. J. M. Webster, 408
- 29, 100, 379, 498, 623
- Double-Acting or Suction Pumps. P. Breyer,100
- Engine and Air Compressor. J. D. Wardale, 623
- Hydraulic Pumps for Mines. A. B. Brown, 498
- Hydraulic Rams or Water-Raisers. P. Decoeur
- and W. H Bailey and Co., Limited, 379
- Pumping and Compressing System. L. T. Seymour, 623
- Pumps for Gases and Liquids II. Ostermann, 624
- Valves for Compressed Air and Gases. J. S.,
- T. A., and E. R. Walker, 29
Railways and Tramways:
- 29, 65, 100, 134, 167, 202, 285, 318, 380, 403,
- 442, 528, 559, 651, 686, 752, 819
- Qir Axle Lubricator. S. A. Flower, 408
- Chairs, Improvements. C. Chenu, 65
- Clips for Broken Rails, Temporary. H. Holtz, 167
- Coupling, Automatic Car. H. Kling, 65
- Coupling, Car. T. D. Swift, 285
- Electrical Contact by Passage of Train. E. Tyer, 29
- Fog Signalling. W. B. Wilmer, 559
- Joints. F. Wrightson, 65
- Locomotive Attachments. W. J. Holman, 819
- Locomotive, Compound. C. Sondermann, 408
- Locomotive Engines. E. F. Piers, 100
- Locomotive Engines. H. Degener and R. Deissler, 380
- Locomotives. E F. Piers, 100
- Lubricating Axle-Boxes. J. B. Wright and
- F. H. Hitchcock, 442
- Points, Switches, and Crossings. H. Williams, 651
- Rack and Adhesion Locomotive. R. Peacock, 686
- Rail Joints. A. B. Ibbotson, 380
- Rail Joints. R H. Pierce, 202
- Railways and Sleepers. A. Henry, 528
- Safety Apparatus for Diamond Crossings. R.
- Crichton, 752
- Securing Rail Chairs to Metal Sleepers. J. J.
- Hayman, H. W. Pearson, and H. K. Cripps, 686
- Securing Rails to Metallic Sleepers. J. Whitestone, 134
- Signalling. Automatic Electric Railway Signal Company, Limited, E. Blakey and J. P
- O'Donnell, 30
- Signalling. J. Johns, 318
- Sleepers. E. W. Stoney, 528
- Stopping and Starting Tramcars, Apparatus.
- A. D. Hopkins, 285
- Tramway Points. G. H. Winsor, 528
- Skips and Nautical Appliances:
- 30, 65, 167, 346, 590, 651, 686, 718, 752, 786
- Anchors. D. R. Downie, 686
- Cleaning Ships' Bottoms. G. S. Scorer, 762 .
- Conveying, Storing, &c , Petroleum. T. G. B.
- de Ferrari, 340
- Governing Marine Engines. A. Wilson and W.
- Morrison, 30
- Hulls. M. Golinsky, 590
- Propelling Apparatus. T. Armstrong, 718
- Propelling Ships. H. C. Vogt, 786
- Screw Propeller Channels. J. T. Rueff, 65
- Screw Propellers. A. Vogelsang, 718
- Screw Propellers. Hon. C. A. Parsons, 651
- Steering Apparatus. A. A. Gould, 167
Steam Engines, Boilers Evaporators,
- 30, 65, 100, 134, 167, 202, 230, 257, 285, 318, 346, 380, 408, 442, 469, 528, 559, 590, 624, 652, 752, 786, 820
- Boiler Circulator and Feed Heaters. T. S Mossman, 652
- Boiler Combustion Improvement. W. Esplen, 65
- Boiler Furnaces. R. H. Dames, 820
- Boiler Furnaces. Galloways, Limited, and H. Foster, 786
- Boiler Furnaces. J. W. Robertson, 752
- Boiler Furnaces. Taylor's Smokeless Boiler Syndicate, Limited, and J. Donaldson, 820
- Boiler Stays. R. T. Preston and J. Holden, 167
- Boiler Tube-Plates. A. M. Brown, T. McKenzie, and J. Welsh, 442
- Boiler, Vertical. P. Loos, 820
- Boiler, Water-Tube. J. McGregor and J. L. Jackson, 652
- Boilers. J. Blake, 30
- Boilers. C. S. Galloway, 65
- Boilers. J. 0. Gilbert, 528
- Boilers. A. Stirling, 30
- Boilers and Flues. W. and W. G. Smith, 66
- Boilers, Hot Water. J. Keith, 442
- Boilers, Steam. G. Johnston, 652
- Boilers and Water Heaters. C. Christmas, 202
- Boilers, Water-Tube. R. Baird, 257
- Boilers, Water-Tube. L. M. G. Delaunay-Belleville; 100
- Boilers, Water-Tube. J. P. Hall, 285
- Boilers, Water-Tube. R. W. Mewes, 258
- Boilers, Water-Tube. J. I. Thornycroft, 469
- Boilers, Water-Tube. W. Tijou, 167
- Corliss Valve Gear. Galloways, Limited, and J. H. Beckwith, 820
- Corliss Valves. J. H. Hargreaves and J. G. Hudson, 590
- Cut-Off Valves. T. and R. Lees, 408
- Cut-Off Valves. M. E. Teague, 820
- Engines. H. Cambridge, 624
- Evaporator. H. B. and. J. S. Watson, 285
- Filter for Boiler Feed. J. Williamson and R. Risk, 318
- Firebox. J. L. Waldapfel, 66
- Fuel Economisers, Pipes for. F. W. Green, 786
- Governing Marine Engines. A. Wilson and W, Morison, 30
- Governors. A. S. F. Robinson, 560
- Governors. Eisenwerke Gaggenau Actien-gessellschaft, 786
- Heating, Evaporating, or Condensing Apparatus. D. B. Morison, 134
- Mechanical Stokers. J. Hodgkinson, 286
- Metallic Packing. D. Thomas, 652
- Oil Fuel in Boilers, Burning J. J. Kermode, 30
- Pistons. T. and S. Davies, 346
- Pistons. G. Finney, 380
- Reversing Gear. K. Lausmann, 230
- Rotary Engines. B. Vilmos, 624
- Separating Grease. W. J. Baker, 559
- Shields for Water Gauges. R. T. Preston, 590
- Steam Engines. J. R. Bird, 752
- Steam Engines. A. Burgess, 286
- Steam Engines. E. Hopkinson, 590
- Steam, &c., Engines. J. Pearson, 380
- Steam awl other Fluid Pressure Engines. J. H. Dales, 380
- Stuffing-Boxes. D. B. Morison, 752
- Tubes, Feed-Water Heater. Sir E. Green, 528
- Valve Gear Improvements. G. Honegger, 65
- Valves, Stop. A. Turnbull, 285
- Water Gauge. C. Schwietzke, 624
Textile Machinery :
- 66, 134, 202, 258, 286, 318, 380, 408, 470, 560, 624, 786
- Bobbins used in Machines for Preparing Cotton, &c. J. A. Sutcliffe and G. Paley, 408
- Carding Engines. J. Schmitz, 134
- Decorticating and Scutching Flax, &c. G. E. Subra, 318
- Drawing-off Rollers. J. Cooke and A. Stephenson. 318
- Hopper Feeding Apparatus for Cotton, &c. J. Lobley, 470
- Jacquard Apparatus. W. and H. A. Fielding, 560
- Loom Shedding and Take-up Mechanism. E. B. Redmayne and R. Pickles, 258
- Loom Shuttles. J. Riley, 624
- Needle Segment for Combing, &c., Machines. G. Fromm and J. Roll, 66
- Preparing Machines for Fibrous Material S. Thompson, 66
- Rollers of Frames for Spinning Flax. J. V. Eaves and M. M. Greeves, 66
- Roving, Spinning, and Twisting Fibrous Materials. J. and R. S. Dawson, 202
- Rubbing and Condensing Apparatus. J. H. Robertshaw and W. H. J. and L. Hartley, 286
- Scutchrtion Machine. J. Foulkes, J. E. Park, and 0. N. Peake, 380
- Shuttle Guard for Looms. G. Alzati, 134
- Sliver Cans. J. A. Sutcliffe and G. Paley, 380
- Textile Fabrics, Manufacture of. J. S. Lenton and R. B. Caldicott, 258
- Warp Beam Tension Apparatus. J. Taylor, 786
- Washing Fabrics. H. Sohiedges, 134
- Washing Machines. J. F. Fanchamps-Nicolai, 560
- Wet Spinning and Doubling Frames. H. M. Gird wood, 470
- Refuse Collecting. W. Stollery, 30
- ABBOTT, J. Safety Valve and Water Tap, 686
- Adams, W. P., and Crompton, R. E. B. Trueing up Dynamo Cylinders, 819
- Adler, L. D. and A. S. and others. Electric Lighting and Heating Railway Cars, 229. Equalising E.M.F. of Dynamos, 229
- Al1days and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company, Limited, and others. Pulley Blocks and Tackle, 717
- Allen, H., and Thwaite, B. H. Electro-Fusion of Metals, 751.
- Allen, P. A., and Randall, S. J. Sheave Blocks, 627
- Alliott, J. B., and Cowper-Coles, S. 0. Electric Switches, 497
- Alzati, G. Shuttle Guard for Looms, 134
- American Garbage Cremator Company. Grate Bars for Carbage Cremating Furnace, 202
- Anderson, C. Apparatus for Electric Tramways, 29
- Armstrong, T. Propeller for Ships, 718
- Arrol, Sir W., and Foulis, W. Hydraulic Motor, 29
- Atkinson, J., and Crossley, F. W. Transferring Heat, or Refrigerating, 470
- Automatic Railway Signal Company, Limited, and others. Signalling on Railways, 30
- Bagley, C. .J., and others. Utilising Waste Heat of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 469
- Bailey, W. H. and Co., Limited, and Decoeur, P. Hydraulic Rams for Water Raisers, 379
- Baird, R. Steam Generators, 257
- Baker, T. W. Refuse Consuming Furnaces, 66
- Baker, W. J. Separating Grease &sin Exhaust Steam, 559
- Bals, M., and others. Making Matches, 442
- Barbier, E. J. Condensing Towers, 168
- Barley, C. J. Electric Meters, 559
- Barnwell, J. R., and Greening, N., and Sons, Limited. Conveying Bands and Belts, 718
- Bates, E. Manufacture of Metallic Balls, 229
- Bauer, A. P. Two-Jaw Chuck, 785
- Beckwith, J. H., and Galloways, Limited. Corliss Valve Gear, 820
- Bedson, P. P., and Jiamilton, J. C. Oil Engines, 379
- Belleville, L M. G. Delaunay-. Water-Tube
- Boilers, 100
- Bennett, H. and F. Machine for Making Hexagon Nuts, 65
- Bennett, S G. Safety Appliance for Elevators, &c., 317
- Berkenhoff, C. Wire Drawing, 346
- Berkenhoff, K. Galvanising Wire, 527
- Berry, C H , and Snowdon, J., Jun. Lubricating Machinery, 317
- Berry, H. G. Extracting Juice from Canes, &c., 168
- Bird, J. R. Steam Engines, 752
- Blackburn, A. B., and Buchanan, W. Dynamos, 785
- Blake, J. Steam Generators, &c., 30
- Blakey, E., and others. Railway Signalling, 30
- Boeddinghaus, J. Fixing Screws to Stones or Walls, 718
- Boland, J., and others. Mininc, Machines, 407
- Borchardt, H. Projectiles, 52f.
- Borchers, W., and Hornig, F. Separation and Alloys of Metals, 623
- Boyesen, B. C. T. E. Transferring Coal, &c , 498
- Bradford, R. F., and McIntyre, G. W. Spanner, 441
- Braham, R. W. Cup.-and-Ball Joint for Electric Connection, 65
- Brayshaw, G., and Pollard, C. Printing Machines, 408
- Breyer, F. Double-Acting Suction or Force Pump, 100
- Brierley, J. T. Electric Bells or Alarms, 785
- Brockie, J. Electric Arc Lamps, 497
- Brotherton, Limited, John, and Love, E. Tube Joints or Couplings, 752
- Brown, A. Rock Dredging, 652
- Brown, A. B. Hydraulic Pumps for Mines, 498
- Brown, A. M., and others. Boiler Tube-Plate, 442
- Brown, C. S. W. Storage Batteries, 685
- Brown, W. B. Manufacture of Steel Wire Winding Ropes and Machinery therefor, 229
- Brutschke, F., and another. Electric Plough, 201
- Bryson, J., and others. Shale, &c., Retorts and Gas Producers, 134
- Buchanan, W., and Blackburn, A. B. Dynamos, 785
- Buell, E W , and Moe, S. Doffer Mechanism for Ironing Machines, 590
- Bull, D. M. Machine for Cutting Metal Bars, 346
- Burgess, A. Steam Engines, 286
- Bush, E. Mills for Grinding and Mixing Colours, 286
- Caldicott, R. B., and Lenton, J. S. Textile Fabric Manufacture, 258
- Cambridge, H. Steam Engines, 624
- Canet, J. B. G. A. Gun Carriages, 819
- Chapman, H., and Graham, J. Electric Governor for Dynamos and Engines, 379
- Chenu, C. Improvements in Railway Chairs, 65
- Christmas, C. Boilers and Water Heaters, 202
- Church, G. E , and Ettenger, G. W. Joints and
- Connections for Tube Structures, 718
- Claremont, E. A., and Royce, F. H. Electric Power Distribution, 527, 589
- Coles, J. H., and Ward, W. Stocks and Dies for Screw Cutting, 441
- Cooke, J., and Stephenson, A. Drawing - off Rollers, 318
- Coupe469, G. E., and Shore, W. Friction Clutches,
- Cowper-Coles, S. 0., and Alliott, J. B. Electric Switches, 497
- Cox, H. B. Thermo-Electro Generators, 819
- Craig, C. and W., and G. K. Washing and Separating Ores, &c , 201
- Cranstone, W. H. Lubrication of Pulleys, &c., 527
- Craven, J. and B. Machines for Pressing Bricks, 202
- Crawford, J. A., and T. A. Boring, Grooving, and Internal Screw-Cutting Apparatus for Lathes, 379
- Crichton, R. Safety Apparatus for Diamond Railway Crossings, 752
- Cripps, H. K., and others. Securing Rail Chairs to Metal Sleepers, 686
- Crompton, R. E. B., and Adams, W. P. Trueing, up Dynamo Cylinders, 819
- Crossley, F. W., and Atkinson, J. Transferring Heat, or Refrigerating, 470
- Cutler, S. Gasholder Guide Carriage, 370
- Dales, J. H. Steam, &c., Engines, 380
- Dames, R. H. Boiler Furnaces, 820
- Davidson, J. M. Filters, 624
- Davies Brothers and Co., and others. Preparing Metal Sheets for Galvanising, 685
- Davies, A., and others. Preparing Metal Sheets for Galvanising, 685
- Davies, T. and S. Pistons, 346
- Dawson, J. and R. S. Roving, Spinning, and Twisting Fibrous Materials, 202
- Decoeur, P., and Bailey, W. H., and Co., Limited. Hydraulic Rams or Water Raisers, 379
- Degener, H., and Deissler, R. Locomotive Engines, 380
- Deissler, R., and Degener, H. Locomotive Engines, 380
- Delaunay-Belleville, L. M. G. Water - Tube Boilers, 100
- Denayrouze, L. Incandescent Gas Lamps, 651
- Dewrance, J. Improvements in Cocks, 286
- Dingle, W. H., and Urquhart, J. M. Electric Switches, 685
- Dinsmore, J. H. R. Coal Gas Manufacture, 317
- Donaldson, J., and Taylor's Smokeless Boiler Syndicat, Limited. Boiler Furnaces, 820
- Doney, A. Automatic Regulator for Dynamos, 717
- Doris, H. F., and others. Mining Machines, 407
- Downie, D. R. Anchors, 686
- Duffek, A., and Holub, B. Electric Accumulator Plates, Construction, 65
- Duguet, A., and Jaquemet, G. Keys or Wrenches, 623
- Dunn, J. H. Production of Gas by Electricity, 717
- Eisenwerke Gaggenau Actiengessellschaft. Engine Governor, 786
- Electrolyse, La Socidt6. Copper Production by Electrolysis, 751
- Epstein, L. Secondary Voltaic Batteries, 751
- Esplen, W. Improving Boiler Combustion, 65
- Ettenger, G. W., and Church, G. E. Joits and Connections for Tube Structures, 718
- Eves, J. V., and Greeves, M. M. Improved Rollers of Frames for Spinning Flax, 66
- Fairweather, W., and another. Sand Moulding Machines, 257
- Fanchamps-Nicolai, P. Cloth Washing Machines, 560
- Fanning, W. J. Roller Thrust Bearings, 751
- Faram, W., and Surplice, A. A. Lock Nut, 652
- Faulkner, C., and others. Tube Making Machine, 717
- Faulkner, J. M. Electric Railway, 133
- Ferranti, S. Z. de. Electric Cables, 441, 717
- Ferrari, T. G. B. de. Conveying and Storing Petroleum, 346 and H. A. Jacquard Apparatus, 560
- Fielding, W., Finney, G. Pistons, 380
- Fletcher, J. A. and S. Valves, 752
- Flower, S. A. Car Axle Lubricator, 408
- Foster, H., and Galloways, Limited. Boiler Furnaces, 786
- Foster, T. S. ,Electric Arc Lamps, 623
- Foulis, W., and Sir W. Arrol. Hydraulic Motor, 29
- Foulkes, J., Park, J. E., and Peake, G. N. Scutohing Machine, 380
- Fourness, W. A. Generating and Carburetting Water Gas, 345
- Fox, S. Axle-Boxes, Manufacture, 718
- Fox, W. Tools for Fixing or Extracting Screw Studs, &o., 559
- Fraser, W. and others. Shale, &c., Retorts and Gas Producers, 134
- Fricker, M. A. Wire Healds for Looms, 100
- Fritz, G. W , and others. Mining Machines, 407
- Fromm, G , and Roll, J. Needle Segment for Combing Machines, 66
- Galloway, C. S. Boiler Improvements, 65
- Galloways, Limited, and J. H. Beckwith. Corliss Valve Gear, 820
- Galloways, Limited, and H. Foster. Boiler Furnaces, 786
- Gareis, A. Burner Cap for Incandescent Gas Burner, 66
- Gatwood, W., and Parkinson, C. F. Electric Heating and Welding, 345
- Gautier, E. Electrolytic Apparatus, 99
- Gerrersdorfer, G., and others. Making Matches, 442
- Gibson, C., and others. Pulley Blocky and Tackle, 717
- Gilbert, J. 0. Marine Boilers, 528
- Girdwood, If. M. Wet Spinning and Doubling Frames, 470
- Goliaisky, M. Improvements in Ships' Hulls, 590
- Gould, A. A. Steering Apparatus, 167
- Gow, R. B. Separating Wool, Grease, and Alkali from Used Liquors of Wool Washing, &de., 498
- Graham, J., and Chapman, H. Electric Governor for Dynamos and Engines, 379
- Green, Sir E. Feed-Water Heater Tubes, 528
- Green, F. W. Pipes for Fuel Economisers, &c., 786
- Greening and Sons, N., Limited, and Barnwell, J. R. Conveying Bands and Belts, 718
- Greeves, M. M., and Eves,‘ J. V. Improved Rollers of Frames for Spinning Flax, 66
- Gruber, C. Mechanical Hammers, 65
- Gumpel, M., and Hempel, F. W. H. Incandescent Gas Lamps, 685
- Gwynne, J. E. A., and Kennedy, R. Arc Electric Lamps, 689
- Hall, J. P. Water-Tube Boilers, 285
- Hall, R. F. Manufacture of Seamless Tubes 442
- Hamilton, J. C., and Bedson, P. P. Oil Engines, 379
- Hardingham, G. G. M. Insulating Electric Conductors, 99
- Hargreaves, J. H., and Hudson, J. G. Corliss Valves, 590
- Hartley, W. H. J. and L., and others. Wool Rubbing and Condensing Apparatus, 286
- Hass, 0. Ice Grips for Boots, &c., 820
- Hawksley, 0. W. Multiple Drilling Machines, 257
- Hayman, J. J., and others. Securing Rail Chairs to Metal Sleepers, 686
- Hempel, F. W. H., and Gumpel, M. Incandescent Gas Lamps, 685
- Henderson, J. Gas Retorts, 257
- Henkel, G., and Schuld, G. Overhead or Suspension Railways, 100
- Henrici, J. Sifting Apparatus, 718
- Henry, A. Railroads and Sleepers, 528
- Higginbottom, J. Wheat Drying Machines, 469, 786
- Higham, D. Electric Aro Lamps, 527
- Hind, T. F., and Lund, R. Middlings Purifiers, 285
- Hindle, J. H., and Pickup, J. H. Electric Fans, 751
- Hitchcock, F. H., and Wright. J. B. Lubricating Axle-Boxes, 442
- Hodgkinson, J. Mechanical Stokers, 286
- Holden, H. C. L. Electric Arc Lamps, 133
- Holden, J., and Preston, R. T. Boiler Stays, 167
- Holland, H. W., and Woodward, T. Breech-loading Small Arms, 317
- Holman, W. J. Attachments to Locomotive Engines, 819
- Holtz, H. Temporary Clips for Broken Rails, 167
- Holub, B., and Duffek, A. Electric Accumulator Plates, Construction, 65
- Honegger, G. Valve Gear, 65
- Hopkins, A. D. Stopping and Starting Tramcars, 285
- Hopkinson, E. Steam Engines, 590
- Hornig, F. and Borchers, W. Separation and Alloys of Metals, 623
- Howard, H. Manufacture of Flanged Tubes, 29
- Hudson, J. G., and Hargreaves, J. H. Corliss Valves, 590
- Humphrey, H. A. Gas or Oil Motor Engines, 819
- Ibbotson, A. B. Rail Joints, 380
- Immler, M. Electric Arc Lamps, 497
- Jacks, J. Sliding Centreing Tool, 527
- Jackson, J. L., and McGregor, J. Water-Tube Boilers, 652
- Jacquemet, G., and Duguet, A. Keys or Wrenches, 623
- Jindrich, H. and E. Vertical Chill Mould and Contractible Core for Tubular Castings, 167
- Johns, J. Railway Signalling, 318
- Johnston, G. Boilers, 652
- Jones, J., and others. Shale, &c., Retorts and Gas Producers, 134
- Keith, J. Hot Water Boilers, 442
- Kellner, C. Electrolysis of Metallic Salts, 407, 819
- Kemp, W. Enriching Gas, 379
- Kennedy, R. and Gwynne, J. E A. Arc Electric Lamps, 589
- Kermode, J. J. Burning Liquid Fuel in Boilers, &c., 30
- Kinder, A. Malt Kilns, 498
- King, F. Electric Road Carriages, 651
- King, F. Secondary Storage Batteries, 441
- Kling, H. Automatic Railway Car Ooupling, 65
- Kolker, H. and B., and Naphtali, H. Paints for Iron, &c , 66
- Krupp, F. Reducing Metals containing. Oxygen, 65
- Krupp, Fried. Hardening Steel, 168
- Laidlaw, J., and Macfarlane, J. W. Centrifugal Machines, 258
- Lake, L. and H. I. Portable Cutter for Key Seats in Shafts, 590
- Landrum, R P. Sheep Shears, 560
- Lausmann, K. Reversing Gears for Steam Motors, 230
- Lees, T. and R. Cut off Valves for Steam Engines, 408
- Lefevre, T., and Michau, L. Glass Plate Manufacture, 168
- Lenton, J. S., and Caldicott, R. B. Textile Fabric Manufacture, 258
- Leveque, J. Riveting Machines, 257
- Lightbourne, F., and others. Pulley Blocks and Tackle, 717
- Livesey, F., and Sugg, W. T. Gasholders, 717
- Lloyd, F. IL,W. E., and W. H. Tube-Making Machine, 77
- Lobley, J. Hopper Feeding Apparatus for Cotton, &c., 470
- Loos, P. Vertical Boilers, 826
- Love, E., and another. Tube Joints or Couplings, 752
- Love, G. Molten Iron and Steel Treatment, 469
- Lund, R., and Hind, T. F. Middlings Purifiers, 285
- Lungwitz, E. E. 'Reducing or Smelting Ores, 230
- Lyon, H. Electric Arc Lamps, 317
- McCloskey, J. J., and others. Mining Machines, 407
- Macfarlane, J. W., and Laidlaw, J. Centrifugal Machines, 258
- McGregor, J., and Jackson, J. L. Water-Tube Boilers, 652
- McIntyre, G. W., and Bradford, R. F. Spanner, 441
- McKenzie, T., and others. Boiler Tube-Plate, 442
- Maggi, J. Bottles, 168
- Marr, A. Telephone System, 685
- Marsh, T. 0., and Thorp, T. Valves, 167
- Wiser, P. Breechloading Bolt Guns for Deflecting Gases of Explosion from Breech End, 623
- Maxim, H. S. Automatic Guns, 651
- Maxim, H. S., and Silverman, L. Automatic and Machine Guns, 345
- Maxim, S. Smokeless Explosives, 346
- Mayne, A. J., and New, A. G. Regulating Arc Lamps, 497
- Meldrum, J. J., T. F., and J. W, Treatment of Liquids by Gases, 686
- Merton, H. B. Improvements in Taps and Valves, 286
- Metallpatronenfabrik Deutsche. Drilling Firing Holes in Cartridge Cases, 785
- Mewes, R. W. Steam Generators, 258
- Michau, L., and Lefevre, T. Glass Plate Manufacture, 168
- Mitton, J. L. and T. J. L. Retort Mouthpieces and Lids, 441
- Moe, S., and Buell, E W. Doffer Mechanism for Ironing Machines, 590
- Mohs, J. Feeding Pulverulent Material, 442
- Moor Steel and Iron Company, and others. Utilising Waste Heat of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 469
- Moore, P. Gas Meters, 589
- Morison, D. B. Heating, Evaporating, Condensing, 134
- Morison, D. B. Screw Propeller Shafts, 651
- Morison, D. B. Stuffing-Boxes, 752
- Morrison, W., and Wilson, A. Governing Marine Engines, 30
- Moskowitz, M., and others, Electric Lighting and Heating Railway Cars, 229 ; Equalising Electric Force of Dynamos, 229
- Mossman, T. S. Boiler Circulators and Feed Heaters, 652
- Mower, G. A. Preventing Overheating of Journals and Bearings, 751
- Muller, F. F. W. L. Lamp Chimney Device, 685
- Murray, A., and another. Sand Moulding Machine, 257
- Myers, T. W., and others. Electric Lighting and Heating Railway Cars, 229 ; Equalising Electric Force of Dynamos, 229
- Naphtali, H., and Kolker, H. and B. Paints for Iron, &c , 66
- Nees, T. Trolley and Accumulator for Cars, 133
- New, A. G., and Mayne, A. J. Regulating Arc Lamps, 497
- Noel, C., and others. Making Matches, 442
- O'Donnell, J. P., and others. Railway Signalling, 30
- Ostermann, H. Pumps for Gases and Liquids, 624
- Paley, G., and Sutcliffe, J. A. Bobbins used in Machines for Preparing Cotton, 408
- Paley, G., and Sutcliffe, J. A. Sliver Cans, 380
- Park, J. E., and others. Scutching Machine, 380
- Parker, E. C. Telephones, 589
- Parker, T., Limited. Two-Pole Single-Limb Dynamo and Motors with Vertical Magnets, 623
- Parkinson, C. F., and Gatwood, W. Electric Heating and Welding, 345
- Parkinson, J. H. Improvement in Brake Shoes, 258
- Parsons, Hon. C. A. Screw Propellers, 651
- Peacock, R. Combined Rack and Adhesion Locomotives, 686
- Peake, G. N., and others. Scutching Machine, 380
- Pearson, H. W., and others. Securing Rail Chairs to Metal Sleepers, 686
- Pearson, J. Steam, &c., Engines, 380
- Peckett, W. J. Apparatus for Cutting off the Heads of Rivets, 469
- Perry, G W., and Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited. Brackets for Telegraph Poles, 717
- Pickles, R , and Redmayne, E. B. Loom Shedding and Taking-up Mechanism, 268
- Pickup, J. H., and Hindle, J. H. Electric Fans, 751
- Pierce, R. H. Rail Joints, 202
- Piers, E. F. Hydraulic Motors, 589
- Piers, E. F. Locomotives, 100 ; Locomotive Engines, 100
- Pilkington, W. L. Corrugated Sheet Glass Production, 230
- Pollard, C., and Brayshaw, G. Printing Machines, 408
- Pollock, G., and Whyte, M. Oil Engines, 497
- Poppenburg, J. von der. Electric Batteries, 201
- Preston, R. T. Shields for Steam Water Gauges, 590
- Preston, R T., and Holden, J. Boiler Stays, 167
- Price, W. E. Carburetting Coal Gas, 497
- Priestman, W. D. and S. Hydrocarbon Engines, 201
- Randall, S. J., and Allen, P. A. Sheave Blocks, 527
- Ransome, J. E. Farm Implements, 441
- Redmayne, E. B., and Pickles, R. Loom Shedding and Taking-up Mechanism, 258
- Ribbe, P. Plate for Electric Batteries, 559
- Riley, J. Loom Shuttles for Weaving, 621
- Risk, R., and Williamson, J. Filtering Boiler Feed, 318
- Roberts, L., and others. Utilising Waste Heat of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 469
- Robertshaw, J. H., and others. Wool Rubbing and Condensing Apparatus, 286
- Robertson, J. W. Boiler Furnaces, 762
- Robinson, A. S. F. Engine Governors, 560
- Robinson, T. N. Circular Saw Benches, 318
- Rogerson, J. E. Manufacture of Armour Plates, 167
- Roll, J., and Fromm, G. Needle Segment for Combing Machines, 66
- Ross, A. Laying Dust in Coal Mines, 29
- Rourke, W. Punching and Stamping Machines, 651
- Routledge, W. Electric Motors, 229
- Royce, F. H., and Claremont, E. A. Electric Power Distribution, 627, 589
- Ruoff, J. T. Screw Propeller Channels, 65
- Saunders, A. G. Stamp Batteries, 407
- Schiedges, H. Washing Textile Fabrics, 134
- Schimpff, H., and another. Electric Plough, 201
- Schmitz, J. Carding Engines, 134
- Schroppel, D. A. Seats and Plugs of Valves, 528
- Schuld, G., and Henkel, G. Overhead or Suspension Railways, 100
- Schwarz, H. Parallel Vice, 379
- Seliwietzke, G. Water Gauges, 624
- Scorer, G. S. Cleaning Ships' Bottoms, 752
- Searle, H. Combination Tool, 589
- Serment, F. L. Throttling to Deaden Noise of Exhaust in Motors, 60
- Seymour, L. T. Pumping and Compressing Systems, 623
- Shore, W., and Coupe, G. E. Friction Clutches, 469
- Shores, J. Ploughs, 407
- Shrewsbury, A. D. Coke Ovt ns, 345
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and Perry, G. W. Brackets for Telegraph Poles, 717
- Siemens and Halbke. Controlling Apparatus for Electric Trains, 99
- Siemens and Halske. Controlling Electric Illumination, 559
- Siemens and Halske. Current Collectors for Overhead Electrical Conductors, 345
- Siemens and Halske. Springs for Electrical Conductors, 65
- Silverman, L., and Maxim, H. S. Automatic and Machine Guns, 345
- Slater, A. Mortising and Routing Machines, 201
- Smit, J. V. and L. J. Dredgers and Barges, 230
- Smith, H. and H. and 0. Scarfing Metal Plates, 379
- Smith, W. Axes and Hatchets, 469
- Smith, W. and W. G. Boilers and Flues, 06
- Snell, C. S. Electrical Connection for Marine Purposes, 99
- Snowdon, J , Jun., and Berry, C. H. Lubricating Machinery, 317
- Solvay and Co. Manufacture of Bicarbonate of
- Soda, 66 ; Bleaching Powder and Hypochlorites, 60 ; Separation of Caustic Alkalies, 66
- Solvay, E. Electrolytic Cells, 441
- Sondermann, C. Compound Locomotives, 408
- Spencer, A. G. and A. India-Rubber Buffer or Springs, 470
- Starleyi J. K. Wrenches, 346
- Stephenson, A., and .Cooke, J. Drawing-off Rollers, 318
- Stirling, A. Boilers, 30
- Stollery, W. Vehicle for Collecting Refuse, 30
- Stoney, E. W. Railway Sleepers, 528
- Stormer, H. C. F. Electrolysis of Alkali Salts with Quicksilver as Cathode, 407
- Stubbs, F. Carburetting Surface of Armour Plates, 498
- Subra, G. E. Decorticating and Scutching Flax, &c., 318
- Sugg, W. T., and Livesey, F. Gasholders, 717
- Surplice, A. A., and Faram, W. Lock Nut, 652
- Sutcliffe, J. A , and Paley, 0. Bobbins used in Machines for Preparing Cotton, 408
- Sutcliffe, J. A., and. Paley, G. Sliver Cans, 380
- Swift, T. D. Couplings for Railway Stock, 285
- Taylor, J . Warp Beam Tension Apparatus, 786
- Taylor's Smokeless Boiler Syndicate, Limited, and Donaldson, J. Boiler Furnaces, 820
- Teague, M. E. Cut-Off Valve, 820
- Thomas, D. Metallic Packing for Rods and Plungers, 652
- Thomas, S. T., and others. Preparing Metal Sheets for Galvanising, 685
- Thompson, S. Preparing Machines for Fibrous Material, 66
- Thompson, S. P. Electric Cables, 133
- Thornycroft, J. I. Water-Tube Boilers, 469
- Thorp, T., and Marsh, T. G. Valves, 167
- Thwaite, B. H., and Allen, H. Electro-Fusion of Metals, 751
- Tijou, W. Water-Tube Boilers, 167
- Tries, W. A. Bearings, 65
- Turnbull, A. Stop Valves, 285
- Tyer, E. Making Electrical Contact by Passage of Train, 29
- Urquhart, J. M., and Dingle, W. II. Electric Switches, 685
- Vickers, D. Breech Plugs for Guns, 133
- Vilmos, B Rotary Engines, 624
- Vincent, W. J. Lever Lifting Jack, 66
- Vogelsang, A. Screw Propellers, 718
- Vogt, H. C. Propelling, &c., Vessels, 780
- Waldapfel, J. L. Improved Firebar, 66
- Walker, C. C. Washing and Scrubbing Gas, 257
- Walker, J. S., T. A., and E. R. Valve for Air and Gas Engines, 29
- Ward, W., and Coles, J. H. Stocks and Dies for Screw-Cutting, 441
- Wardale, J. D. Pumping Engines and Air Compressors, 623
- Watson, H. B. and J. S. Evaporating Apparatus, 285
- Webster, J. M. Machinery for Manufacture of Wood Wool, 408
- Welsh, J , and others. Boiler Tubeplate, 442
- West, J. Machinery for Drawing Retorts, 99
- West, J. B. Forging or Setting Wrought Iron, 785
- Weyman, J. E. Oil Engines, 441
- Whitestone, J. Securing Rails to Metallic Sleepers, 134
- Whyte, M., and Pollock, G. Oil Engines, 497
- Wigan, R. Pipe Coupling? 470
- Williams, A. H. Nailmaking, 527
- Williams, II. Railway Points or Switches and Crossings, 651
- Williamson, J., and Risk R. Filtering Boiler Feed, 31
- Williamson, T. Dogs or Tongs for Lifting Hot Blooms, 086
- Wilmer, W. B. Fog Signals, 659
- Wilson, A., and Morrison, W. Governing Marine Engines, 30
- Winsor, G. H. Tramway Points, 528
- Woodward, T., and Holland, H. W. Breechloading Small Arms, 317
- Woolhouse, A. F. Spindles of Sluice Valves, 528
- Wootton, R. Seamless Steel Tube Making Machines, 407
- Wright, J. B., and Hitchcock, F. H. Lubricating Axle-Boxes, 442
- Wright, J. H. Automatically Opening and Closing Lift Doors, 560
- Wrighton, F. Rail Joints, 05
- Zerener, H. Electric Soldering and Welding, 785
See Also
Sources of Information