Engineering 1896 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1896 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1896 Jul-Dec Volume
- AARAU Hydro-Electric Plant, 303
- Abatement of Smoke, 178, 252. See LETTERS
- Abt Rack, Snowdon Mountain Railway, 345
- Accident to Boilers of H.M.S. "Blake," 464. See LETTERS, Explosion.
- Accident to Quick-Firing Gun Cartridge, 503
Accidents, Railway: 808
- Collision at Coventry, 814
- Collision at Dunstable, 440
- Collision at March, Fatal, 718
- Collision at Preston Junction, 378
- Collisions at St. Enoch's, Glasgow, 352
- Derailment, Fatal, at Knock, 634
- Derailment at King's Cross, 495
- Derailment, Fatal, at Preston, 608. See LETTERS
- Loose Shunting at Stamford, 752
- Mysterious Derailment (Adlington Junction), 41
- Roof Destruction, 527
- St. Enoch Station Hand Signalling, 718
- Terminal Stations, Running into! 570
- Traction Engine and Level Crossing, 382
- Trains with Reversed Engines, 527
- Accidents in 1895, Railway, 808
- Accumulator, Butter (Wahlin), 47
- Accumulators for Jura Simplon Railway Cars, 72
- Acetylene, Calcium Carbide and, 680
- Acetylene) Explosive Properties, 531
- Acetylene, Limiting Explosive Proportions of, 10
- Admittance and Impedance, Electric, 28
- Aerial Cableway, Table Mountain, 305
- Aeronautics, 652
- Africa, In New South, 424
- Agricultural Implements, 740
- Agriculture and River Pollution, 136. See 86, 11
- Air Extractor, Beedham's, 683
- Air, Detecting Carbon Monoxide in, 611
- Air Power in Workshops, 777
- Air Pressure, Tunnelling under, 561, 573
- Air Pump, Edwards', 221. See LETTERS
- Air Pump, Edwards', 276, 309, 348, 377, 407, 470, 93
- Akroyd Cellular Pneumatic Tyre, 90
- "Alabama," United States Battleship, 762
- Aladdin's Lamp, 376
- Algebraical Gyrostat Curves, 92
- Alkali Manufacture, 787, 819
- Allen, The Late William D., 562
- Alloys, Liquation of Gold, 663
- Alloys and their Resistance to Wear, 652
- Alternate Current for Power Transmission, 95, 28
- Alternating Current, Admittance and Impedance, 28
- Alternator and Steam Turbine (Parsons), 6%25
- Alton Brdge over Mississippi, St. Louis, 457, 524
- Altos Hornos Iron Works, Spain, 364
- Alumina Factory at Larne, 170, 291
- America. See United States
- "Amphitrite," H.M.S., 468
- Analysis, Quantitative, Electrolytic Methods of, 1
- Andrews, Mr. Thomas, on Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel, 35, 68, 118
- Anglo-American Telegraph Company, 183
- Annuals and Directories, 777
- Anychoteric Solutions, Behaviour of Litmus in, 11
- Apprentices, Training of French, 8i
- Arc Lamp, 184
- Argentine Armoured Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Yarrow), 122, 424
- Argentine Cruiser " Garibaldi" (Ansaldo, 5
- Argon in an Austrian Well, 612
- "ArFonaut," H.M.S., 468
- "Ariadne," H.M.S., 468
- Armour and Heavy Ordnance, 452, 477
- Armoured Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Yarrow), 22, 424
- Army, Japanese, 402
- Artificial Potstone, 183
- Artillery. See Guns
- Artillery, Armour and Heavy, 452, 477
- Ashton Keynes Bridges, 171
- Assay Balance, Auxiliary, 721
- Astronomical Clocks, 743
- Astronomy. See 549
- Atlantic Liners, North German Lloyd (Schichau), 35
- Atlantic Mail Steamers, 418, 425. See LErrsas
- Atlantic Records, 23
- Atlantic Ship Route Lights, 504, 535, 624, 654
- Atmospheric Pressure and Wind Effects on Tides, 17
- August Weather, 314
- Australia, Fremantle Harbour, 416, 482
- Australian Progress, West (Aladdin's Lamp), 76
- Australasian Telegraphy, 53
- Autocars. See Cars, Motor
- Automatic Guns, Origin of, 776
- Bacteria and their Importance in Nature, 539, 27
- Bacterial Purification of Water, 663
- Bacteriology, 391
- Balance, Auxiliary Assay, 721
- Balance Pressure Valve, 452, 568
- Baling Press, Hay and Straw (Howard, Bedford) 3
- Ball Bearings for Gearings, 77
- Bank Protection, Mississippi River, 89
- Barges for Canals, 728
- Barr and Stroud Fortress Range-Finder, 701
- Barrow-in-Furness, Li Hung Chang's Visit, 250
- Barrow-in-Furness Shipbuilding Works. See Naval Construction Company's Works
- Barrow-in-Furness and Sir James Ramsden, 534
- Barry, C.B., Mr. J. Wolfe, on Examination of Engineers, 588
- Barsi Light Railway, 560, 612
- Batteries, Storage, for Tramways, 485, 544
- Battleship and Torpedo Defence, 565
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beare, Professor J. Hfidson, on Locomotive Steam Jacketing, 589, 715
- Bearings, Ball, for Gearings, 77
- Becquerel, Cathode, X Rays and Hyperphosphorescence, 491
- Beedham's Air Extractor, 683
- Belfast Electric Lighting, 151, 166, 351, 381, 439. See LErrER, 218
- Belfast Gas Works, 170, 293
- Belfast Harbour, 171
- Belgian Shipbuilding Company, 733
- Belgium, Coal and Iron in, 437
- Bellasis, Mr. E. S., on Uniform Flow in Open Channels, 518, 632. See Erratum, vol. lxiii., page 21
- Belleville Boilers in H.M.S. " Powerful," 403, 33, 499, 532, 553, 691
- Belleville Boilers of the " Ohio," 610. See LETTERS
- Belleville Boilers,Russian Volunteer Steamer "Kherson," 665 668, 730, 800
- Ben Nevis Meteorological Observations, 652
- Benham' Mr. Charles E., on Iridescent Glass, 466
- Bergen Railway, Norway, 89
- Berlin Tramway Conduit, 200
- Berlin Exhibition, Engines at (Borsig, Berlin), 76, 424, 468, 663
- Berlin and Her Railways, 445, 797
- Berne Hydro-Electric Plant, 273
- Bessemer Process, History, 222, 749
- Bessemer Steel. See 562
- Bicycle Propulsion, Work Expended, 65
- Bicycles. See Cycles
- "Birkenhead," Wreck of the, 276
- Birstall Boiler Explosion, 743
- Biscay Iron Ore Industries, 334. See also 364, 65
- Blackpool Conduit System, Holroyd Smith's, 137
- "Blake," Explosion in, 464. See LETTERS
- Blast in Cupolas, Action of, 156
- Blast Valve, Lewis' Water-Cooled, 364, 505
- Bleach, Manufacture of, 591, 787, 807, 819
- Blochairn Boiler Explosion, 437
- Blount, Mr. B., Manufacture of Alkali, 787, 819
- Blowers in Foundries, 297
- Blue Prints, Copying, 184, 276
- Bogies for Transporting Normal Gauge Wagons on Light Railways, 537
- Boileau's Traverse Tables, 713
- Boiler Accident on H.M.S. " Blake," 464. See LErrEas, Explosions, &c.
- Boiler, Belleville. See Belleville Boiler
- Boiler Efficiency, Steam, 40
- Boiler Evaporative Power, 425
- Boiler Explosion at Birstall, 743
- Boiler Explosion at Blochairn, 437
- Boiler Explosion and Ship Sinking, 57, 77, 109, 44, 184, 218, 308, 376
- Boiler Explosions Act, Working of the, 708, 773, 84, 813
- Boiler Firebox, An Overheated, 877
- Boiler Forced Draught Apparatus, 702
- Boiler Inspection, Compulsory, 773, 784. See LETTERS, 813
- Boiler Manhole Covers, Removal under Pressure, 18, 252, 309
- Boiler, Munro, 754
- Boiler, Safety Valve, Domestic, 185
- Boiler, Tests of Triple-Expansion Engine and 0
- Boiler Tubes, 745, 780
- Boiler Tubes and Retarders, 140
- Boiler, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boiler
- Boilers, Belleville, in H.M.S. "Powerful," 403, 33, 499, 632, 653, 691
- Boilers, Belleville, of the " Ohio," 640. See LETTERS
- Boilers, Belleville, Russian T.-S.S. " Kherson," 65, 668, 780
- Boilers at Glasgow Subway, 631
- Boilers, Munro's Tubular, 625. See LErrEas
- Boilers, Steam, Commercial Efficiency, 93
- Boilers, Steam Yacht " Speedy " (Ramage and Ferguson, Leith), 241
- Boilers, Strength of Marine, 746
- Boilers, Strength of Short, 77, 109
- Boilers, Unusual Corrosion in, 157, 166
- Bolide Oil Motor Tricycle, 576
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, 810
- Books Received, 89, 121, 183, 424, 446, 603, 720, 62, 797
- Boring Machines, Duplex (Britannia Company, Colchester), 91
- Boring Machines (Niles Tool Works, Ohio), 639
- Bourne End Bridge, 336
- Bouton and De Dion Road Motor (Steam and Oil) 01, 233
- Brakes, Continuous, and Railway Accidents, 44, 252, 377
- Brazilian Revenue Twin-Screw Steamer (Yarrow), 26
- Breakdowns of Stationary Engines, 606. See NEXT VOLUME
- Breakwater Construction in Earthquake Countries, 201. See 1, 73, 161, 385
- Breakwater, Fremantle, Western Australia, 15, 482
- Breech Mechanism for Field Guns, Canet's, 668, 96, 726, 760, 801
- "Bremen," North German Lloyd Liner(Schichau), 35
- Brewers' Exhibition, 593
- Brewing in United States, 181
- Bridge Construction in Earthquake Countries, 1, 3, 161, 200, 385
- Bridge, Fixed Girder, at Great Ducie-Street, Manchester, 545, 651, 741. See LETTERS, Bridge, (Cc., 593, 624, 681
- Bridge under the Fosseway at Thames head, 29
- Bridge, Kistna, East Coast Railway, India, 7, 01
- Bridge over Mississippi at Alton, St. Louis, 457, 24
- Bridge Pins, 55
- Bridge Practice, 624, 651, 681, 713, 741. See LETTERS
- Bridge, Rue Tolbiac, Paris, 206, 267
- Bridge, Tower, 418, 621
- Bridges, Cantilever, 250
- Bridges, Large Span Railway, 744
- Bridges-Lee Surveying Camera (Hicks, London), 55
- Bridges, Suspension, 196, 234, 652. See Erratum, 86
- Bridges over the Thames. See Thames Bridges
- Brighton and Rottingdean Sea Railway, 711
- Bristol Corporation and Tramways, 739
- Bristol Electric Tramway, 553
British Association: 48, 391. See LETTERS, 503
- President's Address (Sir Joseph Lister), 391
- Mechanical Section, 395, 417, 420, 452
- President's Address (Sir Douglas Fox), 395, 473
- Physical and Engineering Features of the River Mersey and the Port of Liverpool, by Mr. G. F. Lyster, 395
- The Cause of Fracture of Railway Rails, by Mr. W. W. Beaumont, 395
- Report of Committee on the Effect of Wind and Atmospheric Pressure on the-Tides, 417
- Tower Bridge (Lantern Illustrations), by Mr. J. W. Barry, 418
- Liverpool Water Works, by Mr. J. Parry, 418
- The Present Position of the North Atlantic
- Mail Service, by Mr. A. J. Maginnis, 418
- Safety of Ships, by Dr. F. Elgar, 420. See LETTER, 470
- Report of Committee on Small Screw Gauges, 20, 509
- Test of Glow Lamps, by Mr. W. H. Preece, 420
- The Liverpool Overhead Railway and the Southern Extension of It, by Mr. S. B. Cottrell, 422
- Notes on Electric Cranes, by Mr. E. W. Anderson, 422
- Experiments on the Hysteresis of Iron in Revolving Magnetic Fields, by Professor Fleming, Mr. R. Beattie, and Mr. R. O. Clinker, 52
- Street Lighting by Incandescent Electric Lamps, by Mr. W. G. Walker, 452
- Armour and Heavy Ordnance : Recent Developments and Standards, by Captain Jaques (New York), 477
- A New Spherical Balanced Valve for all Pressures, by Mr. J. Casey, 452, 568
- Engineering Laboratory Apparatus, by Professor Hele-Shaw, 452
- Development of the Art of Printing in Colours, by Mr. T. Conti, 455
- Expanded Metal, by Mr. Golding,455, 605
- Wreck Raising, by Mr. J. Bell, 456
- Horseless Road Locomotion, by Mr. A. R. Sennett, 456
- Vote of Thanks to the President, 450
- Mathematical and Physical Section, 487, 519, 48
- President's Address, Theory of Cathode and Röntgen Rays, by Prof. J. J. Thomson, 487
- Electrical Conduction through Gases Exposed to Röntgen Rays, by Professor J. J. Thomson and Mr. E. Rutherford, 4'90
- Lenard and Cathode Rays, by Prof. P. Lenard, 90
- Cathode, X, and Becquerel Rays ; Hyperphosphorescence, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 91
- Sensitised Paper and X Rays, by Mr. H. H. F. Haysman, 491
- Röntgen Rays and Glass and Porcelain, by Professor A. W. Rucker and Mr. W. Watson, 91
- Duration of X Radiation at each Spark, by Mr. F. T. Trouton, 491
- Photo-Electric Sensitisation of Salts by Cathode Rays, by Professors Elster and Goldstein, 519
- Change of Absorption accompanying Fluorescence, by Mr. J. Burke, 519
- Complete Apparatus for Studying the Properties of Electric Waves, by Prof. J. Chunder Bose, 519
- Detecting Electro-Magnetic Waves, by Mr. E. Rutherford, 522
- Electric Currents through Rarefied Air, by Lord Kelvin, Mr. J. T. Bottomley, and Mr. Magnus McLean, 522
- Communication of Electricity from Steam and Air, by Lord Kelvin, Mr. Magnus Maclean, and Mr. A. Galt, 522
- Molebular Dynamics of Gases, Vapours, Water, Ice, Quartz, &a., by Lord Kelvin, 522
- Division of an Alternating Current in Parallel Circuits, by Prof. F. Bedell, 522
- Electric Disturbance in Submarine Cables, by Mr. W. H. Preece, 522, 593. See LETTERS
- Reostene, a New Resistance Material, by Dr. J. A. Harker and Mr. A. Davidson, 523
- One-Volt Standard Cell with Small Temperature Coefficient, by Mr. W. Hibbert, 523
- A Direct Reading Wheatstone Bridge, by Mr. A. P. Trotter, 523
- Measuring Magnetic Permeability, by Mr. W. M. Mordey, 548
- Measurement of Electrical Resistance, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, 518
- Report on Electrolysis and Electrical Standards, 548
- Report on a Thermal Unit, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, 548. See LErrzos, S. A. Sworn, 623
- Total Heat of Water, by Mr. W. N. Shaw, 549
- Researches in Absolute Mercurial Thermometry, by Mr. S. A. Sworn, 549
- Homogeneous Structure of Crystals, by Mr. W. Barlow, 549
- Evolution of Stellar Systems, by Dr. Isaac Roberts, 549
- Periodic Orbits, by Prof. G. H. Darwin, 549
- Effect of Refraction on the Diurnal Star Movements, by Prof. A. A. Rambaut, 549
- Measuring the Velocity of Rotation of Planet: by Spectroscropy, by Prof. J. E. Keeler, 549
- Report on Solar Radiation, 651
- Report on Magnetic Stanards, by Professor A. W. Rucker, 551
- Report on Seismological Observations, by Prof. J. Milne, 551
- Report on Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis, by Dr. A. Buchan, 552
- Report on Meteorological Photography by Mr. A. W. Clayden, 552
- Great Circle Sailing, by Mr. IL M. Taylor, 552
- Sailing Flight of Birds, by Dr. G. II. Bryan, 52
- Some Difficulties connected with the Kinetic Theory of Gases, by Dr. G. H. Bryan, 552
- Preliminary Note on the Exploration of the Upper Air by means of Kites, by Mr. Lawrence Rotch, 552
- Report on Establishment of a National Research Laboratory, by Sir Douglas Galton652 cr twiteiel con ""
- PresidentS Address, History of the Manufactu 591ry of -Chlorine, by Dr. Ludwig Mond, Manufacture of Chlorine by means of Nitric Acid, by Dr. F. Hunter, 592
- Nitrates, their Occurrence and Manufacture, by Mr. W. Newton, 592
- Photographs of the Flash in Explosions of Mixed Gases, by Prof. H. Dixon, 592
- Limiting Explosive Proportions of Acetylene, by Prof. F. Clowes, 610
- Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Air, by e Prof. F. Clowes, 611
- Estimation of Carbon Monoxide in Air, by Dr. J. Haldane, 611
- Absorption of Oxygen by Pyrogallol, by Prof. F. Clowes, 611
- The Behaviour of Litmus in Anychoteric Solutions, by Mr. T. Bradshaw, 611
- Carbohydrates of Barley Straw, by Mr. C. F. Cross, 611
- Excrescent Rosins, by Prof. Bomberger, 611
- Report on Proximate Constituents of Coal, by Prof. P. P. Belson, 611
- Report on the Bibliography of Spectroscopy, by Dr. D. H. Nagel, 611
- Report on Action of Light on Dyed Colours, c by Prof. J. Hummel, 6 a
- Report on Electrolytic Methods of Quantitatative Analysis, by Prof. Emerson Reynolds, Dr. P. Bailey, Dr. C. A. Kohn, Mr. B. Davies, and Mr. G. K. Barnes, 611
- New Form of Aspirator, by Dr. C. A. Kohn and Dr. T. L. Bailey, 611
- Modified Form of Schrotter's Apparatus, 1) Dr. C. A. Kohn' 611
- Helium, by Prof. W. Ramsay, 611
- Argon in an Austrian Well, by Prof. Bomberger, 612
- Low Temperature Research, by Prof. J. Dewar, 12
- Röntgen Rays, Metals, and their Salts, by Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. IV. II. Hibbert ), 612
- Velocity of Reaction before Equilibrium takes Place, by Dr. Wildermann, 612
- Diminution of Chemical Action due to Limitation of Space, by Prof. 0. Liebreich, 636
- Chemical Education in England and Germany, by Sir H. Roscoe, 636
- Report on the Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools, by Dr. J. H. Gladstone, 36
- Teaching of Science in Girls' Schools, by Miss E. Walters, 636
- British Association of Water Works Engineers, 10, 116
- British v. Foreign Shipping (Manning), 19
- British Guiana Goldfields' 152
- British Railway Finance, 497. See also 520
- British Warships. See II. M.S.
- Broken Hill Consols Mines, 189
- Brookes' Valve Reseating Tool, 287
- Brussels Tramway Conduit, 200
- Brussels Exhibition,149, 214, 374, 533
- Bucknill, Lieut.-Colonel J. T., on Explosions and their Radii of Danger, 261, 291, 360, 443, 515
- Buckton Testing Machine at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 262, 327, 390, 449
- Buda-Pest Conduit Tramway System, Siemens, 37
- Building, Warship, in 1896, 758
- Buildings in Earthquake Countries, 1, 73, 161, 00, 385, 481
- Bulkhead Doors, 23, 57
- Bulkheads, Steamers', 420. See LETTER, 470
- Burners, Incandescent Gas, 300, 357, 467
- Butter Accumulator (Wahlin), 47
- Cable Companies and Repairs, 183
- Cable Traction, Glasgow Subway:
- Boilers, 631
- Power Station, 610, 631, 697
- Roof of Boiler House, 631
- Roof of Power Station, 697
- Tank, Water, 631
- Tunnelling under Compressed Air, 573
- Cables, Electrical Disturbances in Submarine, 22
- Cableway, Table Mountain, 305
- Caissons for Liverpool Docks, 305
- Calcium Carbide and Acetylene, 680
- Caledonian Locomotives, Fastest Train in the World, 710. See LErrsits, Railwayq Service to Scotland Caledonian Tank Locomotives, 410
- Callendar and Griffiths' Electric Resistance Measurer, 548, 595
- Calorimeter, A New Form of, 65
- Camera, Bridges-Lee Surveying (Hicks), 155
- Cameron, Mr. Donald, on Sewage Treatment at Exeter, 257
- Canal Boats, 728
- Canalisation of Upper Loire, 405
- Canet's Breech Mechanism and Field Guns, 668, 96, 726, 766, 801
- Canet's Duplex Mounting for Quick-Firing Guns, 13
- " Canopus " Class Battleships, New British, 152
- Cantilever Bridge, Rue Tolbiac, Paris, 206, 267
- Cantilever Bridges, 250
- Cape Town, Wire Ropeway, 305
- Capitaine Oil Engine (Tolch and Co.), 643
- " Capitan Orella," Chilian Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Laird), 492
- Car, Motor (Bolide and Co.), 576
- Car, Electro-Locomotive Motor (Baldwin), 219
- Car, Motor, Thornycroft's Steam Road, 47. See 11
- Car, Motor, Race in France, 576
- Car, Motor, Run to Brighton, 653
- Oar, Motor, De Dion and Boutin Steam, 201, 33
- Cars, Motor, 47, 201, 233, 308, 303, 348, 405, 453, 59, 576, 620, 621, 653, 681, 713, 744, 779
- Cars, Motor, and Company Promotion, 648, 633, 78, 680. See LETTERS
- Cars, Motor, Legislation, 250, 279
- Carbohydrates of Barley Straw, 611
- Carbon in Metals, 364
- Carbon Monoxide in Air, Detecting, 611
- Cardiff Exhibition : 76, 238, 282
- Machinery Section, 282
- Maritime Section, 238. See LErrza, 276
- Carriage, Motor. See Car, Motor
- Carriages, Dutch Railway, 492
- Carriages, Wide Railway, 57
- Cartridge, Giin, Accident to Quick-Firing, 563
- Casey, Mr. James, on Balanced Pressure Valve, 52, 568
- Cast Iron, Strength of, 40
- Casting Cylinders, &c., 99, 297. See LErricits
- Castings, Defects in Iron, 818
- Castle Eaton Bridge, 44
- Castle Liner " Dunvegan Castle " (Fairfield Company), 253. See LETTER, 276
- Cathode Ray Spectrum, 563
- Cathode Rays, Influence of Cold on, 250
- Cathode Rays, Photo-Electric Sensitisation of Salts by, 519
- Cathode and Röntgen Rays, Theory of, 487
- Cathode, X, and Becquerel Rays, and Hyperphosphorescence, 491
- Cell, 1-Volt Standard, with Small Temperature Coefficient, 522
- Cellulose Filters, 315
- Cellulose for United States Warship Protection, 29
- Cement, Heat Resisting Properties, 437
- Cement, Pure Portland, 650
- Cement to Resist Paraffin, 425, 682
- Central Railway. See Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway
- Centrifugal Governors, 603, 769
- Centrifugal Pump and Electric Motor (Scott and Mountain), 553
- Cessnock Dock at Glasgow, 469
- Chains, Temperature Adjustment for Surveying, 287
- Channels, Flow of Water in Open, 518, 632. See Erratum, vol. lxiii., page 21.
- Charts and Great Circle Sailing Routes, 552
- Chaux de Fonds Hydro-Electric Installation) 72
- Chemical Action, Diminution Due to Limitations in Space, 636
- Chemical Education in England and Germany, 36
- Chemical, Electric Industries, 807
- Chemical Manufacture of Alkali and Bleach. 91, 592, 7871 819
- Chemical Section. See British Associgtion,
- Chicago Electrical Congress, 88
- Child, Mr. Henry J., on Timbers in the Straits Settlements, 290
- Chilian Nitrate of Soda Deposits, 543, 633, 667. See LETTER, 624
- Chilian Torpedo • Boat Destroyer " Capitem Orella" (Laird), 492
- Chilian War and Nitrate of Soda Deposits, 624
- Chimney of Glasgow Cable Power Station, 610
- China, Industrial Prospects in, 617
- China Steel Rails, 250
- China, Trade Affairs in, 213, 531, 562
- Chlorine Manufacture, 591, 787, 819
- Chlorine Manufacture by Nitric Acid, 592
- Chronograph, A New, 315
- Chronograph Watches (S. Smith and Sons, London), 25. See Limnos
- Chronographs, 57
- Civil Engineers, Institution of: 1. Medals, &c., 585
- Presidential Address, by Mr. J. Wolfe Barry, C.B., 588
- The Tower Bridge : Superstructure, by Mr. G. E. W. Cruttwell, 621
- The Machinery of the Tower Bridge, by Mr. G. G. Homfray, 622
- The Bacterial Purification of Water, by Dr. Percy Frankland, 669
- Screening and Tipping Coal, by Mr. James Rigg, 743
- The Surface Plant at Kirkby Colliery, by Mr. Thomas Gillott, 743
- Civil v. Royal Engineers. See 57, 251, 348, 375, 25
- Classification of Warships, 30
- Climacteric, Mechanic's, 245, 276. See LETTERS
- Clocks, Astronomical, 743
- Clontarf Electric Railway, 581
- Closed Conduits for Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Coal in India, 281
- Coal, Moisture in, 40
- Coal in New South Wales, 503
- Coal, Proximate Constituents of, 611
- Coal Screening and Tipping, 743
- Coal-Shipping Machinery, Cleveland, Ohio, 241
- Coal and Iron in Belgium, 437
- Cockerill Company, John,733
- Coffee Growing in Peru, 26
- Cold Effects on Conductance of Metals and
- Cathode Rays, 250
- College, French Naval, 649
- Colliery Explosions, 21
- Colliery Surface Plant, 743
- Collisions, Railway. See Accidents
- Colonial Trade and Foreign Competition, 246
- Colour Printing, 455
- Colquhoun William, on a Water-Cooled Hot Blast Valve, 505. See 364
- Combe, Mr. Abram, on Rope Driving, 167, 426
- Commercial Efficiency of Steam Boilers, 93
- Commercial and Industrial Progress in Japan, 313
- Compensation in Rivers, Continuous v. Intermittent, 17, 86, 134, 211
- Compound Engine. See Engines
- Compressed Air and Gas Traction, 474
- Compulsory Boiler Inspection, 773, 784
- Condenser, Self-Cooling, 186
- Conductance of Metals and Cathode Rays, Influence of Cold, 250
- Conduction through Gases exposed to Röntgen Rays, Electrical, 490
- Conductivity, Measuring Electrolytic, 598
- Conductivity of Sheet Copper, Thermal, 564, 624
- Conduit Wiring in the United States, 183
- Conduit Tramway System, Open, 137, 197
- Conduits for Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Congo Railway, 592
- Congress, Chicago Electrical, 88
- Congress, Trades Union, 371
- Construction in Earthquake Countries, 1, 73, 61, 200, 385. See 481
- Continuous Current Generator for Three-Wire System, 249
- Continuous v. Intermittent Compensation in Rivers, 17, 86, 134, 211
- Contractors and London County Council, 692, 47, 676
- Contracts, Government, with Foreigners, 55
- Control of West Riding Rivers, 211. See 86, 134
- Co624pper, Thermal Conductivity of Sheet, 564. See Copying Blue Prints, 184, 276
- Cordite in India, 681
- Cornwall? Granite in, 276. See 368
- Corporation Tramway Results, Glasgow, 23
- Correction of the River Weser, 284
- Corrosion of Gauge Glasses, 504
- Corrosion in Marine Machinery, 157, 166
- Cost of Ships and Wage Ratio, 163
- Cost of Systems of Traction, 474
- County Council and the Contractor, 592, 647,
- Crane, Locomotive Steam (Marshall, Fleming, and Jack, Motherwell), 273
- Crane, 2-Ton Locomotive Steam (Bedford Company), 108
- Crane, 10-Ton Locomotive Steam (Southgate Company), 337
- Crane, 65-Ton Steam Goliath (Southgate Corn parry), 642
- Cranes, Electric, 422
- Cricklade Bridge, 105
- Cricklade Plank Bridge, 105
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Crushing Mills for Ginger, 309
- Crystals, Homogeneous Structure of, 549
- Cupolas, Action of Blast in, 156
- Cupolas, The Design of, 682
- Cupolas in Foundries, 297
- Cursor for Slide Rules, Radial (Lanchester), 172
- Curves, Algebraical Gyrostat, 92
- Curves and the Preston Accident, 535
- Cut-off Regulating Hood for Pelton Water-Wheel, 19
- Cutting Machine, Hydraulic Guillotine (Hooker's), 2
- Cycle, Bolide Oil Motor, 676
- Cycle Gear, Protean, 714
- Cycle-Making' Machinery, 704, 732, 781
- Cycle Show, Stanley, 679. See LETTERS, Protean Gear
- Cycle Tube Works (Coventry), 712
- Cycle Tyre, Akroyd Cellular Pneumatic, 90
- Cycle Tyre, Pneumatic, 217, 679
- Cycles, De Dion and Bouton Motor, 201, 233
- Cylinder Jacketing of Locomotives, 589, 715
- Cylinders and Heat Transmission, 590, 788
- Cylinders, Strength of Pump, 65
- Cylinders, Strength of Thin, 77, 109
- Dam Construction, 276
- Damper Regulator, Locke, 185
- Dangerous Trades, 213
- Danube, Regularisation of the, 435
- Decimal and Metric Systems, 77, 83, 109, 252, 08, 503, 564. See LETTERS
- Deep Mines, 777
- Defects in Cast-Iron Castings, 818
- Deflections and Spring Tables, 140
- Demarcation of Work, 115, 217
- Depreciation of Tramways, 356, 416
- Design for Gas or Oil Engine, 218
- Destructor, Refuse, at Leyton, 671
- "Diadem," H.M. Cruiser (Fairfield Company), 38
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 24, 184, 318, 438, 594, 14, 814
- Diagrams, Indicator, 276, 309, 347
- Diagrams, Temperature Entropy, 225
- Diamond, Preparation of the, 217
- "Diana," H.M. Cruiser, Engines (Fairfield Company), 552
- Diaries, 777
- Dion and Bouton Road Motor (Steam and Oil), 01, 233
- Disinfector, Lee's Automatic, 625
- Displacement and Speed in Yachts, 375, 407
- Dispute in Engineering Trade re Non-Union Labour, 285, 345
- Distribution, High-Tension Continuous Current, 49. See LETTER, 308
- Disturbances due to Strong Electric Currents in Telephones, 215
- Dock Caissons, Liverpool, 305
- Dock, Cessnock, at Glasgow, 469
- Dock, Floating, 364
- Docks, Belfast, 171
- Docks, Kidderpore, 308
- Domestic Boiler Safety Valve, 185
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, on Heat Transmission through Metal Cylinders, 590, 788
- Donkin, Mr. Bryan, on Locomotive Steam Jacketing, 589, 715
- Doors, Bulkhead, 23, 57
- Drawing Office Table, Laughlin-Hough, 185
- Dredger, Electrically Driven Ladder, 457
- Dredger, Hydraulic, for Mississippi River (Maryland Steel Company), 79
- Dredging, Grab, 102
- Dredging Rock, &c., at the Danube, 435
- Dredgings in Glasgow Harbour, 620
- Dresden Electric Tramway Conduit, 199
- Drilling Machine, Harrison's Slot, 59
- Drilling Machine, Vertical (Barnes, Rochford, III.), 172
- Drilling Machines (Niles Tool Works, Ohio), 639
- Drilling Rock for Excavation at the Danube, 435
- Drills, Electric, for Naval Work, 307
- Driving, Rope, 167, 426
- "Drummond Castle," The, 57, 77, 109, 144, 184, 18, 308, 376
- "Dunvegan Castle," Castle Liner (Fairfield Company), 253. See LETTER, 276
- Duodecimal and Metric Systems, 77, 109, 252, 08, 503, 564
- Duodecimal System, 83. See LETTERS
- Duration of Röntgen Rays, 491
- Dutch Navy Programme, 742
- Dutch Railway Carriages, 492
- Dynamics, Molecular, of Gases, Water, Vapours, &c., 522
- Dynamo, Continuous-Current, for Three-Wire System, 249
- Dynamite Explosions and their Radii of Danger, 61, 291, 360,. 448, 515
- Dynamo with Turbine for Alkali Works (Parsons), 93
- Dynamos, Electric Railway (Westinghouse), 306
- Dynamometer, Hydraulic, 140
- Earth Currents and Effect on Telephones, 215
- Earth Tremors, 551
- Earthquake Countries, Construction in, 1, 73 61, 200, 385. See 481
- East Coast Railway, India, Kistna Bridge, 7, 101.
- East Coast Rolling Stock, 20. See LETTERS, Railway Carriages
- East End Water Famine, London, 2E0, 345
- Eastern Telegraph Company, 183
- Eaton Hall Light Railway, 642. See Erratum, 73
- Eaton Weir and Footbridge, 41
- Edison and Röntgen Rays (New York Show), 69
- Edison's Phonograph, 446
- Education, Chemical, in England and Germany, 36
- Education in Japan, Technical, 84 I,
- Education, Science, 636
- Education, Technical, 341, 587. See LETTERS, 05, 470, 623, 682, 745, 813
- Education of the Working Man, 775
- Education, Yorkshire College, Leeds, 252, 327, 90, 449
- Edwards' Air Pump, 221. See LETTERs, 276, 309, 48, 377, 407, 470, 593
- Efficiency, Commercial, of Steam Boilers, 93
- Efficiency, Maintenance, and Depreciation of Electric Tramways, 356, 416
- Egypt, Winter Climate in, 778
- Eickenradt, Herr F., on Electricity on Board Ships, 60
- Eight-Acre Copse Bridge, 171
- Eisey Bridge, 105
- Elasticity of Timber, 311
- Electric Alternating Current Admittance and Impedance, 28
- Electric Alternating Current for Power Transmission, 95, 128
- Electric Alternating Currents Divided in Parallel Circuits, 522
- Electric Alternator and Steam Turbine (Parsons), 25
- Electric Body having Negative Resistance, Properties of an, 28
- Electric Cranes, 422
- Electric Currents through Rarefied Air, 522
- Electric Currents and Telephone Disturbances, 15, 657, 685
- Electric Currents, Wattless, 248
- Electric Elevator, Sprague's, 69
- Electric Generator with Steam Turbine for Alkali Works (Parsons), 493
- Electric Glow Lamps, Tests of, 421
- Electric Helm Indicator and Steering Telegraph, Fiske's, 702
- Electric High-Tension Continuous Current Distribution, 249. See LETTER, 308
- Electric Lighting in Belfast, 151, 166, 351, 381, 39. See LETTER, 218
- Electric Lighting and Tramway, Bristol, 553, 739
- Electric Locomotive Motor Car (Baldwin), 219
- Electric Measuring Magnetic Permeability, 548
- Electric Motor and Centrifugal Pump (Scott and Mountain), 553
- Electric Overhead Lines, Protection from Lightning, 250
- Electric Railway, Brighton and Rottingdean, 71Z
- Electric Railway, Clontarf, 581
- Electric Railway Generators (Westinghouse), 306
- Electric Railway, Liverpool Overhead, 422
- Electric Safety Fuses for Telegraph and Telephone Wires, 437
- Electric Three-Wire System, Continuous Current Generator, 249
- Electric Traction. See also Electricians at Geneva Batteries, Storage, for Tramways, 485, 544
- Berlin Conduit, 200
- Blackpool Conduit System, Holroyd Smith, 37
- Brussels Conduit, 200
- Budapest Conduit System. Siemens, 137
- Conduit System, Open, 137, 197
- Depreciation of Tramways, 356, 416
- Dresden Conduit, 199
- Efficiency, Maintenance, and Depreciation, 356, 16
- General Electric Company's Conduit in LenoxAvenue, New York, 197
- Love's Conduit at Washington, 137
- Maintenance of Tramways, 356, 416
- Metropolitan Company's Conduit Road, Washington, 197
- New York Conduit (General Electric Company's), 197
- Open Conduit System, 137, 197
- Siemens' Conduit at Budapest, 137
- Smith's Conduit System at Blackpool, 137
- Station Fittings, 11
- Storage Batteries as Applied to Traction Purposes, 485, 544
- Surface Contact System, 264
- Washington Conduit, Love's, 137
- Washington,Conduit Road, (Metropolitan Company) 197
- Wiring, 11
- Electric Traction and Light Station, Hamburg, 4, 76, 108
- Electric Tramcar Truck, 379
- Electric Tramway, Bristol, 553, 739
- Electric Tramways. See also Electric Traction and Electricians at Geneva
- Electric Two-Way Tumbler Switch, 251
- Electric Waves Observing Apparatus, 519. See LETTER, 593
- Electric Wheatstone Bridge, A Direct Reading, 23
- Electric Wiring, Underground, in the United States, 183
- Electrical Cell, 1-Volt, with Small Temperature Coefficient, 523
- Electrical Conduction through Gases Exposed to Röntgen Rays, 490
- Electrical Congress, Chicago, 88
- Electrical Developments in Japan, 149
- Electrical Disturbances in Submarine Cables, 522
- Electrical Engineers. Institution of: 73 The Telephone Trunk Line System in Great Britain, by Mr. J. Gavey, 657, 685
- Electrical Railway, Liverpool Overhead, 811
- Electrical Resistance, Lorenz Measurer, 409
- Electrical Resistance, Measuring, 548, 595
- Electrical Show, New York, 69
- Electrical Standards, 548
- Electrical Undertakings, Manual of, 777
- Electrical Wave Absorption along Wires by Terminal Bridge, 657
- Electrically Driven Fan, 594
- Electrically Driven Feed Pumps (E. Scott and Mountain), 524
- Electrically Driven Ladder Dredger, 457
- Electrically Driven Tools for Naval Work, 307
- Electrically Driven Tools, Power Required for, 02
- Electrically Driven Ventilating Fan (Smit, Holland), 458. See 'Arms
- Electricians at Geneva, The Interna. Clonal Congress ot: 79
- Disturbances Produced by Strong Currents in Telephone Lines, by Dr. Wietlisbach, 215
- Photometric Units, by Professor Hospitalier, 16
- Magnetic Units, by Professor Hospitalier, 216
- Wattless Currents in Power Distribution by Means of Alternating Currents, by Mr. Andre Blondel, 248
- High Tension Continuous Current Distribution, by Mr. Rene Thury. See LETTER, 308
- Continuous Current Generator for Three-Wire System, by Mr. A. Rothert, 249
- Long Distance Power Transmission, by Mr. Charles S. Bradley, 249
- Protection of Overhead Lines against Lightning, by Mr. R. Chavannes, 250
- The Influence of Cold upon the Conductance of Metals, and on Cathode Rays, by Professor Raoul Pictet, 250
- Electricians at Geneva, The International Congress of-continued.
- Festivities and Excursions, 250
- Technical Excursions, 269
- Lausanne Tramway and Power Station, 269
- Zurichberg Electric Tram, 271
- Montreux Water-Power Station and the Vevey Tramway, 272
- Fribourg Hydro-Electric Installation, 272
- Accumulators for Jura-Simplon Railway Cars, 72
- Hydro-Electric Installation at Val de Travers, La Chaux de Fonda and be Lock, 272
- Light and Power Station for Neuchatel at Cress, 272
- Hydro-Electric Plant at Aarau, 303
- Hydro-Electric Plant at Berne, 272
- Hydro-Electric Plant at Thorenherg and Rathausen, 304
- Hydro-Electric Plant at Wynau, 272
- Hydro-Electric Plant of Zurich, 301
- Oerlikon Works, 304
- Electricity Works on the Sihl, 305
- Electricity on Board Warships, 60, 702
- Electricity Communicated from Steam to Air, 22
- Electricity on Ships, 60, 702
- Electricity, Street Lighting, 452
- Electricity Works in Germany, 121
- Electricity Works on the Sihl, 305
- Electro-Chemical Industries, 807
- Electro-Magnetic Waves, Detecting, 522. See LETTER, 593
- Electrolysis, 807
- Electrolysis and Electrical Standards, 548
- Electrolytic Conductivity, Measuring, 598
- Electrolytic Galvanising at Barrow, 269
- Electrolytical Manufacture of Alkali and Bleach, 87, 819
- Electrolytic Methods of Quantitative Analysis, 11
- Elevator, Electric (Sprague), 69
- Elgar, Dr. F., on Classification of Warships, 30
- Ending-up Machine, Combined Saw and (J. Hill and Son), 457
- Engine, Compound, at Berlin Exhibition (Borsig, Berlin), 176, 424
- Engine, Compound Horizontal (A. Borsig, Berlin), 553
- Engine, Gas, Four-Cycle (Borsig, Berlin); 458
- Engine, Gas, Tests, Belfast Electric Lighting, 51, 166, 351, 381, 439
- Engine on the Highway. See Cars, Motor
- Engine on the Highway, 250, 279, 559, 620, 621
- Engine, Oil, Capitaine (Tolch and Co.), 643
- Engine, Oil, 3 Horse-Power Portable (Fielding and Platt), 173
- Engine, Pumping, Duplex (Bever and Dorling), 55
- Engine, Pumping, Triple-Expansion (Nordberg Company, Milwaukee), 766, 815
- Engine Revolution Indicator (Little's), 722
- Engine, Triple-Expansion, Tests, 40
- Engine, Universal High-Speed (Brush Company), 37
- Engine, Willard's Launch Oil, 655
- Engines, Compound v. Triple-Expansion, 469
- Engines, Gas, Attached to the Soil, 810
- Engines, H. M. Torpedo-Beat Destroyers (Palmers' Company), 142
- Engines of H.M.S. " Powerful " (Naval Construction Company), 403. See 433, 499, 532, 53, 691
- Engines of II.M.SS. " Diana " and " Venus' (Fairfield Company), 552
- Engines, Oil and Gas, 740
- Engines, Oil. See also Motors
- Engines,Russian Volunteer Steamer " Kherson (Hawtorn, Leslie, and Co.), 665, 668, 730, 800
- Engines, Stationary, Breakdowns of, 606
- Engines, Stationary Steam, 713
- Engines of the S.S. " Ohio," 681
- Engines, Steam Yacht " Speedy " (Ramage and Ferguson, Leith), 241
- Engines of Torpedo-Boat Destroyers (Earle), 524
- Engines, Oil Traction (Hornsby), 506
- Engines, Traction and Portable, 740
- Engines, Unusual Corrosion in Marine, 157, 166
- Engineering in China, 213
- Engineering Department of Yorkshire College, Leeds, 262, 327, 390, 449
- Engineering in Hokkaido, Japan, 588
- Engineering Laboratory Appliances, 452
- Engineering Laboratory for Glasgow, 563
- Engineering Laboratory at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 262, 327, 390, 449
- Engineering, Marine, in 1E96, 811
- Engineering Practice and Science, 687
- Engineering 5neering Schemes in Parliament, 676, 709, 2
- Engineering Work Plant. See Naval Construetwit Company's Works
- Engineers' Dispute, 285, 345
- Engineers, Examination for, 588
- Engineer's Qualifications, Marine, 675. Erratum, 22
- Engineers, Royal v. Civil, 57, 251. See 348, 375, 88
- English, Lieutenant-Colonel, on Heat Transmission through Metal Cylinders, 590, 788
- English Trade Diminishing ? Is, 503, 564. See also Migration qf Trade
- "Entre Rios," Argentine Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 424
- Entropy Diagrams, Temperature, 225
- Equilibrium, Velocity of Reaction before, 612
- Evaporative Power of Marine Boilers, 425
- Evaporative Trials of Belleville Boilers of H.M.S. "Powerful," 403, 433, 499, 532, 553, 691
- Ewen Bridge, 172
- Examination for Engineers, 588
- Examinations, Irish County Surveyorships, 376
- Excrescent Rosins, 611
- Exeter, Sewage Treatment at, 256, 406
- Exhauster, Pressure Balance Gas (Gwynne), 287
- Exhibition, Brewers', 593
- Exhibition, Brussels, 149, 214, 374, 533
- Exhibition, Cardiff, 238, 282
- Exhibition, Fire Brigade Tournament and, 21
- Exhibition, New York Electrical, 69
- Exhibition, Paris, 51, 148, 530
- Exhibition in Paris, Theatrical, 89
- Exhibition, Rouen, 372
- Exhibition, Stockholm, 778
- Exhibitors, Art, &c., Subsidised, 51
- Expanded Metal, 455, 605
- Experience, Records of, 431
- Experiments, Rain, 533
- Experiments with Torpedo - Boat Destroyer Models, 164
- Explosion. See Boiler Explosions
- Explosion, Boiler, on H.M.S. " Blake," 464. See LETTERS
- Explosion on H.M.S. " Blake," 593, 623
- Explosion of a Kier at a Paper Mill, 640
- Explosion of a Logwood Still, 785
- Explosions, Colliery, 21
- Explosions, Flash of, Photographs of, 592
- Explosions and their Radii of Danger, 261, 299, 60, 418, 515
- Explosive Properties of Acetylene, 534
- Explosive Proportions of Acetylene? 610
- Explosives and Submarine Excavation (Danube), 35
- Factory, Alumina, at Larne, 170, 291
- Fan, Electrically Driven, 594
- Fan, Electrically Driven Ventilating (Smit, Holland), 458. See LETTERS
- Fans in Foundries, 297
- Fastest Train in the World, 710, 745, 780. See LETTERS, Railway Service to Scotland
- Feed Distribution for Yarrow Boilers, 153, 218. See LETTEas
- Feed Pumps with Electric Motor (E. Scott and Mountain), 524
- Ferro-Manganese, Manufacture of, 470
- Ferryboats, Screw, 797
- Field Gun, Canet quick-Firing, 668, 696, 726, 766, 01
- Filters, Cellulose, 315
- Filtration, Mechanical, 342
- Fire Brigade Tournament and Exhibition, 21
- Fire on Shipboard, Prevention of, 470, 504, 535, 93
- Fireboats, 729
- Firebox, An Overheated Boiler, 377
- Firemaster for London, 533
- Fishing and River Pollution, 136. See 86, 211
- Fitters and Turners, Strike at Hull, 469
- Fixed Girder Bridge at Great Dude-street, Manchester, 645, 651, 741. See LETrzas, Bridge, tec.
- Fixed Nitrogen in Steel, 335, 380
- Flanging Machine, 204
- Flaws in Steel, Microscopic Internal, 35, 63, 118
- Flax Machinery, 151, 320
- Flax Works in Belfast. See 151, 320'
- Fiske's Helm Indicator and Telegraph, 702
- Fletcher Rysimeter, 504
- Fleuss' Tyre for Cycles, 679
- Flight of Birds, Sailing, 552
- Flow, Uniform, in Open Channels, 518, 632. Sec
- Erratum, vol. lxiii., page 21
- Fluorescence, Change of Absorption Accompanying, 519
- Flying Machines, 552
- Flywheels, Steel, 190
- Fog, 643
- Forced Draught Apparatus, Gosling's, 702
- Foreign v. British Shipping (Manning), 19
- Foreign Competition and Colonial Trade, 246
- Foreign Competition, 503, 564. See also Migration of Trade
- Foreign Shipping Subsidies, 619
- Foreign Works and the Working Man's Education, 775
- Foreigners and Government Contracts, 55
- Forgings, Hollow Steel, 40
- Fortress Range Finder (Barr and Stroud), 701
- Foundations, Deep and Difficult, 742
- Foundations, Kistna Bridge, 101 See 7
- Foundry Cupolas, Blast in, 156
- Foundry Practice, Modern, 99, 297, 347, 377, 07. See Cupolas. See LETTERS
- Fracture of Railway Rails, 395
- Fractures in Steel due to Internal Flaws, 35, 68, 18
- Framed Structures, Theory of Modern, 22
- Freezing Method of Sinking Foundations, 742
- Fremantle Harbour, West Australia, 415, 482
- French Cruiser " Jaureg-uiberry," Explosion, 23
- French Cruiser " Jaureguiberry" (Forges et Chantiers Company, Havre), 26. See LErrkks
- French Marine Reorganisation, 312
- French Motor Car Race, 676
- French Naval College, 649
- French Naval Manoeuvres, 330, 386, 501. See LETTERS, 406
- French Railway Apprentices, Training, 85
- French Ships in the Manoeuvres, 330, 386, 501. See LETTERS
- "Friant," Niclausse Boilers of the, 23
- Fribourg Hydro-Electric Installation, 272
- Friction Tests, Engineering Laboratory, Leeds, 49. See 262, 327, 390
- Fuel, Oil, 680
- Fuel, Oil, for Warships, 285
- Furnaces for Roasting Ore, 335, 475
- Fuses, Safety, for Telegraph and Telephone Wires, 437
- Galvanising Electrolytically, 269
- Garbage Destructor at Leyton (Beaman and Deas), 671
- "Garibaldi," Argentine Cruiser (Ansaldo, Italy), 5
- Gas Engine, Four-Cycle (Borsig? Berlin), 458
- Gas Engine Tests, Belfast Electric Light, 151, 166, 51, 381, 439
- Gas Engines attached to the Soil, 810
- Gas Exhauster, Pressure Balance (Gwynn&, 287
- Gas Lighting by Incandescence, 300, 357, 467, 24. See ',grunts
- Gas, Mixed, Explosions, Photographs of Flash, 92
- Gas or Oil Engine, Design for, 218
- Gas Retort Beds, Tunnelled, 90
- Gas Retort Mouthpiece, Tysoe and Mitchell's, 25
- Gas Traction, 474
- Gas Work Locomotives, Glasgow (Drummond), 49
- Gas Work Schemes in Parliament, 725
- Gas Works, Belfast 170, 293
- Gases Exposed to Röntgen Rays. Electrical Conduction through, 490
- Gauge Glasses, Corrosion of, 504
- Gauge Glasses on H.M.S. " Blake," 464. See LETTERS, Explosions, &c.
- Gauge-Making, 121
- Gauge, Screw, 420, 509
- Gavey, Mr. J., on Telephone Trunk System, 657, 85
- Gellivara-Ofoten Railway, 285
- General Electric Company's Conduit in LenoxAvenue, New York, 197
- Geneva, Electricians' Congress at. See International Congress
- Geology, Hydro-, and Hygiene, 223, 257
- German Chemical Education, 636
- German Electricity Works, 121
- German Railway Association, 117
- German Shipping Subsidies, 619
- Gilchrist, Mr. J., on Fixed Girder Bridge at
- Great Ducie-Street, Manchester, 545. See 651 LETTERS, Bridge, &c.
- Ginger. See Crushing Mills
- Girder Bride at Great Ducie-Street, Manchester, Fixed, 545, 651, 741. See LErrEas, Bridge, &c.
- Girders, Kistna Bridge, 101. See 7
- Girders, Lattice, Strains, 57
- Girders, Stiffening, Suspension Bridges, 196, 234. See Erratum, 286
- Glasgow Central Railway, Underground Station*, 43, 355. See 410
- Glasgow Corporation Tramway Results, 23
- Glasgow Docks, 469
- Glasgow Gas Works Locomotives (Drummond, Govan), 349
- Glasgow Harbour Dredgings, 620
- Glasgow Subway, 573, 610, 631. See also Cable Traction, 573
- Glasgow University Engineering Laboratory, 63
- Glass, Iridescent, 466
- Glass and Porcelain and Röntgen Rays, 491
- Glasses, Corrosion of Gauge, 504
- Glow Lamps, Tests of, 421
- Gold Alloys, Liquation of, 563
- Goldfields of British Guiana, 162
- Golding's Expanded Metal, 455, 605
- Goliath Crane, 65-Ton Steam (Southgate Company), 642
- Goodman's Hatchet Planimeter, 255, 377. See Prytz Planimeters and Planimeter
- Gosling's Forced Draught Apparatus, 702
- Government Contracts with Foreigners, 55
- Governor, Triple-Expansion Pumping Engine (Nordberg Company, Milwaukee), 766, 815
- Governors, Centrifugal, 603
- Governors, Shaft (Robinson and Auden), 458
- Grab Dredging, 102
- Granger's Jet Nozzle, 722
- Granite in Cornwall, 276, 368
- Great Circle Sailing Routes on Charts, 552
- Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 810
- Great Western Locomotive " Leopard," 368, 07
- Greathead, The Late Mr. J. IL, 561
- Grinding,Milling and Screwing Machines, 21
- Guiana oldfielSs, British, 152
- Guillotine Cutting Machine, Hyd raulic (Hooker's), 2
- Gun, Canet Quick-Firing Field, 668, 696, 726, 66, 801
- Gun, Canet's Duplex Mounting for Quick-Firing, 13
- Gun Cartridge, Accident to Quick-Firing, 563
- Gun Mounting for H.M.S. " Cmsar " (Whitworth), 67
- Guns, Canet's Breech Mechanism for Field, 668 96, 726, 766, 801
- Guns, Heavy, and Armour, 452, 477
- Guns, Origin of Maxim, 776
- Gwynne's, Strike at, 535
- Gyrostat Curves, Algebraical, 92
- Hackling Machinery, Flax, 151, 320
- Hamburg Combined Light and Power Electric Station, 44, 76, 108
- Hamburg, Port and Shipping of, 28
- Hannington Bridge, 41
- Hanssen, Mr. A., on Commercial Efficiency of Steam Boilers. 93
- Harbord, F. W., and Twynam, T., on Fixed Nitrogen in Steel, 380 See 335
- Harbour, Belfast, 171
- Harbour Improvements in Western Australia, 15, 482
- Harbours in South Africa, 597
- Hard Steel, 681, 713, 745, 779, 813
- Harrison's Slot-Drilling Machine, 59
- Hatchet Planimeter, Goodman's, 255, 377. See LETTERS
- Hatchet Planimeters, 308, 425. See also Prytz Planimeters
- Hawthorn, Les:ie, and Co., Russian Volunteer Steamer " Kherson," 665, 668, 730, 800
- Hay and Straw Baling Press (Howard, Bedford), 3
- Haze, 643
- Hazell's Annual, 777
- Health and River Pollution, 136. See 86, 211
- Heat Resisting Properties of Portland Cement, 37
- Heat Transmission through Metal Cylinders, 590, 88
- Heat of Water, Total, 649
- Helium, 611
- Helm Indicator and Telegraph, Fiske's, 702
- Hibbard, Mr. II. D., on Sand on Pig Iron, 411. See 364
- High-Tension Continuous Current Distribution 49. See Lgrrga, 300
- Hub for Cycle, Machinery, 704, 731, 781
- H M. Destroyer " Swordfish " (Armstrong), 122
- H.M. Second-Class Cruisers, 759
- H.M. Battleships (" Canopus " Class), 152
- H.M.S. "Blake," Boiler Accident in, 464. See LETTERS
- H.M.S. "!Make," Explosion on, 593, 623
- H.M.S. "Cicsar," Whitworth Gun Mounting, 767
- H.M.S. " Diadem " (Fairfield Company), 538
- H.M.S. " Powerful," Trials of, 469, 535
- H.M.S. " Powerful " (Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Limited), 40',4, 433, 499, 32, 553, 691. See LErnsas
- H.M.S. " Venus" (Fairfield Company), 287
- H. M . SS. " Ariadne," " Amphitrite, " " Argonaut," " Spartiate " Class (New Cruisers), 468
- H.M. Ships Built in 1896, 758
- H.M SS. " Furious," " Gladiator," " Vindictive," and "Arrogant " (Cruisers with Rams), 708 I.M.SS. " Venus" and "Diana "-(Engines), Fairfield Company, 552
- H.M. Torpedo Boat Destroyer Model Experiments (Barrow), 165
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Swordfish " and the Yarrow Boiler, 122
- H.M Torpedo-Boat Destroyers" Janus," "Lightning," and " Porcupine" (Palmers), 108, 142
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers " Salmon " and "Snapper " (Earle), 524
- hoisting Machinery, 314
- Hokkaido, Engineering in, 5:8
- hollow Steel Forgings, 40
- Hooker's Hydraulic Guillotine Cutting Machine. 2
- Horner, Mr. John, on Flax Machinery, 151, 320
- "Horse Power," 624
- Hose Pipes, Tests of, 504
- Homeless Carriages. See Cars, Motor
- Hot Bloom Guillotine Shears (Grant, Ritchie, and Co , Kilmarnock), 123
- House, Remarkable, in Japan, 481
- Hudson River Tunnel, 309, 347
- Hull Fitters and Turners' Strike, 469
- Hyperphosphorescence, Cathode, X, and Becquerel Rays, 491
- Hydraulic Calculations, Rule for, 6R5, 681 See LwrrEa and Erratum, 669
- Hydraulic Dredger for Mississippi River (Maryland Steel Company), 79
- Hydraulic Dynamometer, 140
- Hydraulic Gear for Working Railway Signals, 355
- Hydraulic Riveter, 424
- Hydraulic Self-Clamp Guillotine Cutting Machine,Hooker's, 62
- Hydrauic Sheerlegs, 124-Ton, 800
- Hydraulic Tests at orkshire College, Leeds, 390. See 262, 327, 390, 44Q
- Hydraulic Wheel Bossing and Forging Press, 200-Ton (Fielding and Platt), 273
- Hydro-Electric Installations. See Electricians at Geneva
- Hydro-Geology and Hygiene, 223, 257
- Hygiene and Hydro-Geology, 223, 257
- Hysteresis, 452
- Incandescent Gas Lighting, 300, 357, 467, 624. See LErrEas
- India, Coal in, 281
- India, Irrigation in, 84
- Indian Railway Property, 810
- Indian Railways and Trade, 403
- Indicator Diagrams, 276, 309, 347
- Indicator Diagrams, Effect of Pipe Connections on, 65
- Induction, Telegraphy by, 593
- Industrial and Commercial Progress in Japan, 313
- Industrial Notes, 26, 59, 91, 124, 155, 187, 219, 54, 288, 319, 349, 379, 410, 440, 471, 506, 537, 67, 596, 625, 655, 683, 719, 748, 782, 817
- Industrial Prospects in China, 617
- Industrial Undertakings and Japan Diet, 89
- Industries in Japan, 498
- Inflammable Paints, 213
- Influence of Cold on Conductance of Metals and on Cathode Rays, 250
- Inglesham Bridge, 41
- Inspection of Boilers, Compulsory. See LETTER, 13
- Intermittent v. Continuous Compensation in Rivers, 17, 86, 134, 211
- Internal Flaws in Steel, Microscopic, 35, 68, 118
- International Congress of Electricians at Geneva, 08. See Electricians at Geneva
- Iridescent Glass, 466
- Irish County Surveyorship Examinations, 375. See Royal v. Civil Engineers
- Iron and Coal in Belgium, 437
- Iron and Steel Institute : 1, 111, 339
- Bilbao Meeting, 333
- The New President (Mr. E. Pritchard Morgan), 34
- Spanish Iron Industry, by Don Pablo de Alzola, 34
- Iron Ore Industries of Biscay and Santander, by Mr. W. Gill, 335
- The Walrand-Legenisel Process, by Mr. George F. Snelus, 335, 442
- The Roasting of Iron Ores with the View to their Magnetic Concentration, by Professor H. Wedding, 335, 475
- The Manganese Ore Deposits of Northern Spain, by Mr. Jeremiah Head, 336
- A Note on the Presence of Fixed Nitrogen in Steel, by Messrs. Harbord and Twynam, 335, 80
- Sand on Pig Iron, by Mr. II. D. Hibbard, 364, 11
- The Missing Carbon, by Mr. T. W. Hogg, 364
- A Water-Cooled Blast Valve, by Mr. Colquhoun 64, 605
- Estimation of Sulphur in Iron Ores, by Messrs. R. W. and A. Atkinson, 365
- Concluding Proceedings, 365
- Excursions, tt.c :
- Altos Hornos Iron Works (Visit), 364
- Conversazione by the Alcalde, 364
- Viscaya Iron and Steel Works, 365
- Orconera Mines, 365
- Other Excursions, 364, 365
- Iron Industry in Spain, 334. See also 364, 365
- Iron Ore, Roasting, 335, 475
- Iron,Sand on Pig, 364, 411
- Iron, Strength of Cast, 40
- Iron, Structural, at High Temperatures, Tests, 374
- Iron, Tests of Pig, 125
- Irrigation in India, 84
- Jacketing Cylinders, Locomotive, 589, 715
- "Janus," I-1.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Palmers), 108, 142
- Japan, Commercial and Industrial Progress, 313
- Japan, Construction in Earthquake Countries, , 73, 161, 200, 385. See 481
- Japan, Electrical Developments in, 149
- Japan Engineering Development, 588
- Japan, Pipe Inspection, 56, 281
- Japan, Recent Trade of, 707
- Japan Sea Waves, The Great, 177. See LETTER, 18
- Japan, Technical Education in, 84
- Japan, Telephones in, 405
- Japan Trade, 807
- Japanese Army and 'Navy, 402
- Japanese Diet and Industrial Undertakings, 89
- Japanese Industrial Aims, 498
- Japanese Railways, 342, 372
- Japanese Shipping, 289, 463
- Japanese Steamship Company, New, 121
- Jaques, Captain W. H., on Armour and Heavy Ordnance, 477
- Jaureguiberry, Explosion on the Cruiser, 23
- "Jaureguiberry," French Cruiser (Forges et Chantiers Company, Havre), 26
- Jet Nozzle, Granger's, 722
- Johannesburg, 345
- Johnson and Phillips Arc Lamp, 184
- Jones's Water-Tube Boiler, 555, 594
- July Weather, 180
- June Weather, 53
- Jura-Simplon Railway Car Accumulators, 272
- "Kaiser Friedrich," North German Lloyd Liner (Schichau), 735
- Kauri Timber, 180
- Kentish Ragstone and Portland Cement, 650
- " Kherson," Russian Volunteer Fleet T.-S.S. (Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co.), 665, 668, 730, 800
- Kidderpore Docks, 308
- Kier Explosion at a Paper Mill, 640
- Kilbourn's Refrigerating Machine, 471
- Kirkby Colliery Plant, 743
- Kistna Bridge, East Coast Railway, India, 7, 101
- Kitchen Boiler Safety Valve, 185
- Kites for Aerial Exploration, 552
- Koch and Pasteur's Work in Physics, 394
- Laboratory Appliances, Engineering, 452
- Laboratory for Glasgow University, Engineering, 63
- Laboratory, National Physical, 552
- Laboratory, Yorkshire College, Leeds, 262, 327, 90, 449
- Lamp Black, Packing, 714
- Lathps, Tests of Electric Glow, 421
- Lanchester Radial Cursor for Slide Rules, 172
- Larne Alumina Factory, 170, 291
- Lathe, 24-Ft. Horizontal (Schiess, Dusseldorf Oberbilk), 683. See Erratum, 706
- Lathe, 42-In. Surface and Boring (Shepherd, Hill, and Co.), 396
- Lathe, Treble-Geared (Shepherd, Hill, and Co., Leeds), 253
- Lattice Girders, Strains, 57
- Laughlin-Hough Drawing Office Table, 185
- Launch Engine, Willard's, 655
- Launches and Trial Trips, 15, 56, 90, 122, 158, 88, 224, 292, 309, 351, 378, 408, 440, 478, 507, 36, 570, 594, 597, 628, 654, 669, 746, 780, 805
- Lausanne Tramway and Power Station, 269
- Law as to Hired Engines, 820
- Lechlade Bride, 41
- Leeds, Yorkshire College Laboratory, 262, 327, 90, 449
- Leeds Water Supply, 539
- Lee's Automatic Disinfector, 625
- Lenard and Routgen Rays, 490
- Leonardo da Vinci 's Hygrometer. See Weighing Machine
- " Leopard," Great Western Railway Old Locomotive, 368. See LETTERS
- Letters to the Editor, 23, 56, 77, 109, 144, 184 18, 261, 274, 308, 345, 405, 425, 4Q9, 503, 535 64, 593, 622, 653, 681, 713, 744, 779
- Lewis' Water-Cooled Blast Valve, 364, 505
- Leyton Refuse Destructor (Beaman and Deas), 71
- Li Hung Chang's Visit to Barrow-in-Furness, 250
- Lifting Machinery, 314
- Light and Power Station, Hamburg Electric, 44, • 6, 108
- Light Railway, Barsi, 560, 612
- Light Railway at Eaton Hall, 642. See Erratum, 73
- Light Railway Locomotive (Drummond, Govan), 49
- Light Railway Locomotive (Kitson, Leeds), 612
- Light Railways, Transport of Normal Gauge Wagons on Narrow Gauge Lines, 537
- Lighting in Belfast, Electric, 151, 166, 351, 381, 39. See LETTER, 218
- Lighting, Gas, by Incandescence, 300, 357, 467. See LErrERs
- Lighting Streets by Electricity) 452
- "Lightning," H.61. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Palmers), 108, 142
- Lightning, Protection of Overhead Lines, 250
- Liquation of Gold Alloys, 663
- Literature, 21, 88, 120, 181, 284, 314, 424, 445, 03, 636, 75d, 797
- Litmus Behaviour in Anychoteric Solutions, 611
- Little's Revolution Indicator for Engines, 722
- Liverpool Dock Caissons, 305
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, 422, 473, 811
- Liverpool, The Port of, 395
- Liverpool, Progress of, 473
- Liverpool-Strict Station Signalling Arrangements, 697
- Liverpool Water Works, 418
- Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 19, 437
- Lloyd's Shipping, Wreck, &c., Returns, 281
- Locke Damper Regulator, 185
- Locking Block Signals, Nicholson's Apparatus,
- Lode Hydro-Electric Installation, 272
- Locomotive Coal in India, 281
- Locomotive, Electric, Car (Baldwin), 219
- Locomotive, Fastest, in the World, 710. See
- LETTERS, Railway Service to Scotland
- Locomotive in Factories; Dangers, 213
- Locomotive for 2-Ft. Gauge Railway (Drummond, Govan), 349
- Locomotive for Glasgow Central Railway, 410
- Locomotive, Goods, for New South Wales Railway (Beyer, Peacock, and Co.), 680
- Locomotive on Highways Act, 1896, 279, 559, 620, 21. See 250. See also Cars, Motor
- Locomotive " Leopard," Great Western Railway, Old, 368, 407. See LwrrEas
- Locomotive, Light Railway (Kitson, Leeds), 612
- Locomotive, North-Eastern Express, 23, 57
- Locomotive, Oil (Hornsby), 506
- Locomotive, Oil-Burning, for Liverpool Docks, 251
- Locomotive Steam Crane, 2-Ton (Bedford Company), 108. See also Cranes
- Locomotive Steam Jacketing, 589, 715
- Loire, Canalisation of, 405
- London Bridges. See Thames Bridges
- London, Chatham, and Dover Service, 23
- London County Council Works Committee, 592, 47, 676
- London Directory, 777
- London, East-End Water Famine, 280, 345
- London Fire Brigade Command, 533
- London and Norwich New Railway, 315
- London Tramways, 741
- London Water Famine, East, 280, 345
- Machine Tools for Cycle Making, 732, 781
- London Water Supply, 619. See 280, 345
- Long-Distance Power Transmission, 249
- Lorenz Measurer of Electrical Resistance, 409
- Luggage, Railway Passengers', 55
- Love's Conduit at Washington, 137
- Maclaren, Mr., on Practice with Science, 687
- MacColl, Mr. Hector, on Unusual Corrosion in
- Marine Machinery, 157, 166
- Machine Guns, Origin of, 776
- Machine Tools for Cycle Making, 732, 781
- Machine Tools, Electrically Driven, for Naval Work, 307
- Machine Tools, Grinding, Milling, and Screwing, 1
- Machine Tools. See .Naval Construction Company's Works. See also Lathe, Drill, &c.
- Machine Tools, United States, 774
- Machinery Attached to the Soil, 810
- Machinery v. Manual Labour, 147
- Machinery of the Russian Volunteer Steamer " Kherson " (Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co.), 668, 85, 730, 800
- Madras Railway, 810
- Magnetic Permeability, Measuring, 648
- Magnetic Standards, 551
- Magnetic Units, 216, 248
- Magnetisation of Iron Ores, 475. See 335
- Maintenance of Tramways, 356, 416
- Making Gauges, 121
- Manchester, Fixed Girder Bridge at Great DucieStreet, 545, 651, 741. See LETTERS, Bridges, &c.
- Manganese Ore Deposits of Spain, 335
- Manganese, World's Supply of, 502
- Manhole Covers under Steam Pressure, Removal of, 118. See LETTERS, 252, 309
- Manning, British v. Foreign Shipping, 19
- Manwuvres, French Naval, 330, 38d, 501. See LETTERS
- Manor House Bridge, Ashton Keynes, 171
- Manufacture of Power, 147
- Marine Engineers' Qualifications, 675. Erratum, 22
- Marine Machinery, Unusual Corrosion in, 157, 166
- "Massachusetts," Tests of Turret for U.S. Battleship, 762
- Maxim Guns, Origin of, 776
- Maxim and Hard Steel, 681, 713, 745, 779, 813
- McCowen, Mr. Victor A. H., on Electric Lighting in Belfast, 151, 166, 351, 381, 439. See LETTER. 18
- Measurement, Spectroscope, of Velocity of Planets, 549
- Measuring Electrical Resistance, 548, 595
- Measuring Electrical Resistance, Lorenz, 409
- Measuring Electrolytic Conductivity, 598
- Measuring Magnetic Permeability, 548
- Mechanical Engineers, American Society of: 7
- St. Louis City, 37
- Strength of Cast Iron, by W. J. Keep, 40
- The Efficiency of a Steam Boiler ; What is It ? by W. Kent, 40
- Tests of a Four-Cylinder Triple-Expansion Engine and Boilers, by A. H. Eldridge, 40
- Determining Moisture in Coal, by Mr. R. S. Hale, 40
- Hollow Steel Forgings, by H. F. J. Porter, 40
- A Study of the Proper Method of Determining the Strength of Pump Cylinders, by Charles W. Kettell, 65
- The Effect upon the Diagrams of Long Pipe Connections for Steam Engine Indicators, by Professor W. F. M. Goss, 65
- A New Form of Calorimeter, by Professor R. C. Carpenter, 65
- An Hydraulic Dynamometer, by Mr. James D. Hoffman, 140
- Spring Tables, by Mr. G. R Henderson, 140
- Retarders in Boiler Tubes, by Mr. J. M. Whitham, 140
- Mechanical Stokers, by Mr. Whitham, 140
- The Western River Steamboat, by Mr. W. H. Bryan, 140
- St. Louis Water Works, Visit to, 186
- A Self-Cooling Condenser, by Mr. Louis B. Alberger, 186
- Superheated Steam, by Professor R. II. Thurston, 222
- History of the Bessemer Process, by Sir Henry Bessemer 222, 749
- Steel Flywheels, by Thomas E. Murray, 190
- Mechanical Engineers in Belfast, 218
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of :
- Belfast Meeting, 150
- Flax Scutching and Flax Hackling Machinery, by Mr. John Horner, 151, 320
- Electric Lighting in Belfast, by Mr. Victor A. H. McCowen, 151, 166, 351, - 381, 439. See LETTER, 218
- Works Open to Members, 152
- Unusual Corrosion of Marine Machinery, by Mr. Hector MacColl, 157, 166
- Notes on the Introduction and Development of Rope Driving, by Mr. Abram Combe, 167, 2
- Description of the Alumina Factory at Lame Harbour, by Mr. James Sutherland, 170, 291
- Description of the Belfast Gas Works, by Mr. James Stelfox, 170, 293
- Votes of Thanks, 170
- Excursions and Visits, 170, 171
- Belfast Harbour Works, 171
- London Meeting :
- Report of the Research Committee on the Value of the Steam Jacket, by Professor T. Hudson Beare and Mr. Bryan Donkin, 589, 15
- The Transmission of Heat from Surface Condensation through Metal Cylinders, by Lieut.-Col. English and Mr. Bryan Donkin, 90, 783
- Breakdowns of Stationary Engines, by Mr. Michael Longridge, 589, 606
- Mechanical Filtration, 342
- Mechanical Stokers, 140
- Mechanic's Climacteric, 245, 276. See LETTERS
- Memorial, Submarine Telegraph, 620
- Mercurial Thermometry, Researches in Absolute, 49
- Mersey, The River, 395
- Metal-Chemical Industries, 807
- Metal, Expanded, 455,605
- Metal Price Diagram, 24, 184, 318, 438, 591, 714, 14
- Metals and their Salts, Röntgen Rays, 612
- Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis, 552
- Meteorological Society, Royal :
- International Conference Report, 643
- Haze, Fog, and Visibility, by Hon. F. A. Rollo Russell, 643
- Winter Climate of Egypt, by Dr. Leigh Canney, 78
- Attempt to Determine the Velocity Equivalents of Wind Forces Estimated by Beaufort's Scale, by Mr. R. H. Curtis, 778
- Meter, Water, Venturi, 207
- Metre-Gauge Railways, 682
- Metric and Duodecimal System, 77, 83. See LETTERS, 109, 252, 503, 564
- Metropolitan. See London
- Metropolitan Company's Conduit Road, Washington, 197
- Meyer, Herr F. A., on Port and Shipping of Hamburg, 28
- Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel, 35, 68, 118
- Midland and South-Western Junction Viaduct, 08
- Migration of Trade, 374. See LETTERS, 401, 425, 69, 503
- Milling, Grinding, and Screwing Machines, 21
- Milling Machine (Brown and Sharpe Company, Providence, R.I.), 567
- Milling Machines (Niles Tool Works, Ohio), 669
- Milne, Mr. J., on Construction in Earthquake Countries, 1, 73, 161, 200. See 385, 481
- Mineral Wealth of New South Wales, 503
- Mines, Broken Hill Consols, 189
- Mining at Great Depths, 777
- Mining in New South Wales, 503
- Mining in Sweden, 653
- Miscellanea, 24, 49, 81, 113, 145, 175, 209, 243, 86, 318, 339, 369, 399, 429, 461, 495, 527, 557, 85, 615, 645, 673, 705, 737, 771, 814
- Mississippi Bridge at Alton, St. Louis, 457, 524
- Mississippi River Bank Protection, 89
- Mississippi River Hydraulic Dredger (Maryland Steel Company), 79
- Mississippi Steamers, 140
- Mitchell and Tysoe's Retort Mouthpiece, 225
- Model Experiments, 164
- Modern Foundry Practice, 99, 297. See LETTERS
- Moisture in Coal, 40
- Molecular Dynamics of Gases, Water, Vapours, &c., 522
- Mond, Dr. Ludwig, on Chlorine, 591
- Montreux Water Power Station, 272
- Morris, Mr. J. T., on Power Transmission by Alternating Currents, 95, 128
- Mossend Steel Works, Hot Bloom Guillotine Shears (Grant, Ritchie, and Co., Kilmarnock), 23
- Motor Carriages. See Car, Motor
- Motor Carriages and Company Promotion, 648, 53, 678, 680. See LErrERs
- Motor Car. See Car, Motor
- Motor Car Legislation, 250, 279
- Motor for Driving Centrifugal Pump (Scott and Mountain), 553
- Moulding, Modern Foundry Practice, 99, 297
- Mountain Guns, Canet Quick-Firing, 668, 696, 26, 766. Sde 801
- Mountain Railway, Snowdon, 345
- Mounting, Gun, for H.M.S. " Omar," 767
- Mounting for Quick-Firing Gun, Canet's, 613
- Mouthpiece for Retort(Tysoe and Mitchell's), 225
- Munro's Tubular Boiler, 625. See LETTERS
- Murray, Mr. Thomas E.,•on Steel Flywheels, 190
- Museum, A National Railway, 535, 564, 618, 682, 13, 745
- Musical Tubes, 787
- National Physical Laboratory, 552
- Naval Architects, Institution 01:
- The Maritime Position and the Principal Features of the Port of Hamburg, by Herr Frain Andreas Meyer, 28
- The Classification and Relative Power of Warships, by Dr. Francis Elgar, 30
- On Signs of Weakness in Tank Steamers, by Herr Otto Sehlick, 32
- Uses of Electricity on Board Ships, by Herr F. Einkenradt, 60
- Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
- American Society of :
- New York Meeting, 728
- Test of an Experimental Turret of the United States Battleship " Massachusetts," by Commodore W. T. Sampson, 728, 763
- Steel Canal Boats, by Mr. Lewis Nixon, 728
- Naval Practice in Ships' Rivets and Riveting, by Mr. J. H. Linnard, 728
- American Fireboats, by Mr. H. de B. Parsons, 29
- American Corn Pith Cellulose, by Mr. II. W. S. Cramp, 729
- The New Battleships, by Chief Constructor Philip Hichborn, 762
- Tests with an Experimental Turret for the United States Battleship " Massachusetts," by Commodore W. T. Sampson, 728, 763
- Speed Trials of a Screw Propelled Ferryboat, by Mr. F. L. du Bosque, 797 25-Ton Hydraulic Sheerlegs, by Mr. Frank B. King, 800
- A Method of Calculating the Stability of Ships, Adapted to the Use of Standard Curves of Stability, by Naval Architect Hugo Hammar, 00
- Stability of a Ship in Damaged Condition, by James Swan, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 800
- Damaged Condition as Affecting the Stability and Fighting Efficiency of Battleships, by Assistant Naval Constructor T. F. Ruhm, of the United States Navy, 800
- Screw Propellers, by Professor George L. McDermott, 800
- Naval College, Frenph, 649
- Naval Construction Company's Works at Barrow :
- Boiler Works, 362
- Docks, 364
- Electrolytic Process, 269
- Engine Fitters' Shop in the Yard, 269
- Engine Works, 301, 361
- Flanging Machine, Hydraulic, 201
- Floating Dock, 364
- Foundry, 302
- Galvanising, 269
- Model Experiments, 165
- Planers, Plate, 204
- Plate Machine Shed, 204
- Production, &c., 1871-96, 163
- Punching Machines, 204
- Rolls, Plate, 204 Shipbuilding Yard, 164
- Naval Guns, Canet, 801. See also 668, 696, 726, 66
- Naval Manoeuvres, French, 330, 386, 406, 501. See LETTERS
- Naval Pocket-Book, 446
- Navigation and River Pollution, 136. See S6, 211
- Navigation of the Upper Loire, 405
- Navy, Japanese, 402
- Navy Programme, Dutch, 742
- Negative Resistance, Properties of a Body having a, 28
- Neigh Bridge, 172
- Neuchatel, Light and Power Station, at Crises, 73
- New Brighton Great Wheel, 711
- New South Wales and Foreign Competition, 246
- New South Wales Mineral Wealth, 503
- New South Wales Railway Goods Locomotive (Beyer, Peacock and Co.), 580
- New South Wales Railways, 432
- New York Conduit (General Electric Company's), 97
- New York Electrical Show, 69
- New Zealand Timber, 180
- Nicholson's Locking Apparatus for Block Signals, 67
- Niclausse Boilers of the " Friant," 23
- Nippon Yusen Kwaisha, 289
- Nitrate of Soda Deposits, Chilian, 543, 633, 667. See LETTER, 624
- Nitrates, 592
- Nitric Acid for Chlorine Manufacture, 592
- Nitrogen in Steel, Fixed, 335, 380
- North-Eastern Express Locomotives, 23, 57
- North German Lloyd Steamers (Schichau), 735
- Norway, Bergen Railway, 89
- Norwich and London New Railway, 315
- Notes from Cleveland and the Northern Counties, 13, 45, 79, 112, 153, 173, 208, 242, 277, 316, 39, 368, 399, 42:t, 459, 494, 526, 555, 584, 615, 44, 672, 705, 736, 770, 804
- Notes of Experience, 431
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 175, 317
- Notes from the North, 14, 48, 80, 112, 154, 174, 08, 242, 276, 317, 338, 368, 396, 428, 460, 494, 26, 556, 584, 614, 644, 672, 704, 736, 770, 804
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 13, 48, 80, 112, 153, 73, 208, 242, 277, 316, 338, 369, 398, 427, 459, 94, 526, 556, 582, 614, 643, 672, 704, 736, 770, 03
- Notes from the South-West, 14, 48, 81, 113, 154, 74, 208, 243, 277, 316, 339, 369, 398, 428, 461, 95, 527, 557, 585, 615, 645, 673, 714, 736, 770, 04
- Notes from the United States, 13, 56, 77, 122, 44, 184, 217, 251, 316, 345, 375, 396, 427, 459, 03, 526, 555, 582, 614, 643, 671, 711, 735, 778
- November Weather, 742
- Nulton, Ass. Engineer Louis M., on Temperature Entropy Diagrams, 225. See LETTER, 76
- Nozzle, Granger's Jet, 722
- Oaklade Bridge, 171
- Obituary : (Moved to separate index)
- Occupation Bridge, Somerford Keynes, 171
- Occupation Bridge, Thames Head Pumping Station, 229
- October Weather, 652
- Oerlikon Works, 304
- "Ohio," Engines of the S.S., 681
- "Ohio's" Belleville Boilers, 640. See lama
- Oil. See also Petroleum
- Oil-Burning Locomotive for Liverpool Docks, 251
- Oil Engines. See Engines and Motors
- Oil Fuel, 680
- Oil Fuel in German Ships, 284
- Oil Fuel for Warships, 285
- Oil and Gas Engine, Design for, 218
- Oil Motor Cycles, De Dion and Bouton, 201, 233
- Oil Motor Tricycle, Bolide, 576
- Oil, Non-Mineral, 109
- Oil Supply, World's, 560
- Oil Tank Steamers, Weakness, 32
- Old Age, Mechanics', 245. See LErnos
- Old Man's Bridge, 41
- Open Conduit Tramway System, 137, 197
- Open Conduits for Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Orbits, Periodic, 549
- Orconera Mines, 365
- Ordnance. See Guns
- Ore, Roasting Iron, 335, 475
- Ore Treatment, Silver, 1S9
- Ores, Spanish Iron, 335. See also 364, 365
- Ores, Sulphur in Iron, 365
- Origin of Wire Gauge, 624
- Overhead Railway, Liverpool, 422, 473, 811
- Oxygen Absorbed by Pyrogallol, 611
- Pacific Cable, 53
- Packing Lamp Black, 714
- Paddle Engines. See Engines
- Paints, Inflammable, 213
- Paper-Cutting Guillotine, Hydraulic, 62
- Paper Mill, Kier Explosion, 640
- Paraffin, Cement to Resist, 425, 682
- Paris Exhibition, 1900, 51, 148, 530
- Paris Express Service, 23
- Paris and Lyons Railway Company and Passengers' luggage, 55
- Paris, Rue Tolbiac Bridge, 206, 267
- Paris Theatrical Exhibition, 89
- Parker's Bridge, near Kemble, 229
- Parliamentary Schemes, 676, 709, 725
- Passengers' Luggage, Railway, 55
- Pasteur and Koch's Work in Physics, 394
- Patent Case, A Provincial, 217
- Patent Record, 33, 63, 97, 131, 159, 191, 227,-259, 95, 323, 353, 383, 413, 443, 419, 511, 541, 571, 99, 629, 659, 689, 723, 753, 791, 821
- Pelton Water-Wheel and Power, 145, 319
- Pender Memorial, 620
- Permanent Way, 218, 274, 535, 564, 565, 622
- Peru Coffee Growing, 246
- Petroleum Engines. See En3ines and Motors
- Petroleum and its Products, 636, 759
- Petroleum as a Steam Generator, 680
- Phonograph, 446
- Photo-Electric Sensitisation of Salts by Cathode Rays, 519
- Photographic Shutter, Efficiency, 718
- Photographic Surveying, Camera for, 155
- Photographs of Flash of Explosions, 592
- Photography, Meteorological, 552
- Photometric Units, 216, 248
- Physical Laboratory, National, 552
- Physical Society :
- Admittance and Impedance, by Mr. F. Bedell, 8
- The Properties of a Body having a Negative
- Resistance, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 28
- Rules and Subscriptions, 598
- Satisfactory Method of Measuring Electrolytic Conductivity by Means of Continuous Currents, by Professor W. Stroud and Mr. J. B. Henderson, 598
- Some Experiments with Rontg,en's Radiation, by Professor Threlfall and Mr. Pollock, 656
- Absorption of Electrical Waves along Wires by a Terminal Bridge, by Mr. Bryan and Dr. Barton, 657
- Diagrams of the Efficiency of the Photographic Shutter, by Captain Abney, 718
- Applications of Physics and Mathematics to Seismology, by Dr. C. Chree, 786
- Musical Tubes, by Mr. R. T. Rudd, 786
- Piftin Rotary Pump (Morris and Bastert), 784
- Pig Iron, Sand on, 364, 411
- Pig Iron, Tests of, 125
- Pins, Bridge, 55
- Pipe Connections to Indicators, 65
- Pipe Inspection in Japan, 56, 281
- Pipe Scandal in Japan, Water, 281
- Planets, 549
- Planimeter, Goodman's Hatchet, 255. See LErrERs
- Planimeter, Hatchet, 308, 425. See also Prytz Planimeter
- Planimeter, Improved Stang, 205
- Planimeters, 347, 377, 425
- Planing Machine, 204
- Planing Machine, Vertical and Horizontal (Shanks, Johnstone), 336
- Plank Bridge near Somerford Mill, 171
- Pneumatic Power in Workshops, 777
- Pneumatic Pressure, Tunnelling under, 561, 573
- Pneumatic Tyre, 217, 679
- Pneumatic Tyre, Akroyd Cellular, 90
- Poison from Trades, 213
- Pollution of the River Trent, 653
- Pollution, Rivers, West Riding, 86, 134, 211
- Porcelain and Glass and Röntgen Rays, 491
- "Porcupine," H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Palmers), 108, 142
- Port Directory, 777
- Port of Hamburg, 28
- Port of Liverpool, 395
- Portable Oil Engines, 3-Horse-Power (Fielding and Platt), 173
- Portland Cement, Heat Resisting Properties, 37
- Portland Cement, Pure, 650
- Potstone, Artificial, 183
- Power and Light Electric Station, Hamburg, 41, 6, 108
- Power, Manufacture of, 147
- Power for Electrically Driven Tools, 502
- Power Station, Glasgow Subway, 610, 681, 97
- Power Stations in Switzerland. See Electrician4 at Geneva
- Power Transmission by Alternating Currents, 95, 28
- Power Transmission, Long Distant*, 249
- "Powerful," H.M. Cruiser (Naval Construction Company), 403, 433, 469, 499, 532, 535, 553, 691. See LzTrzas
- Pownall, Mr. C. A. W., on Construction in Earthquake Countries, 385. See also 1, 73, 61, 200, 481
- "Practical Engineer " Pocket-Book, 777
- Practice with Science, 687
- Pr 13 ess, Hay and Straw Baling (Howard, Bedford),
- Press, 1200-Ton Hydraulic Wheel Bossing and Forging (Fielding and Platt), 273
- Pressure Balance Gas Exhauster (Gwynne), 287
- Preston Accident, Curves and the, 535
- Preston, Fatal Derailment at, 508. See 'Arms
- Prevention of Fire on Shipboard, 470, 504, 635, 93
- Printing, Colour, 455
- Profession of Engineering, 588
- Propelling Bicycle, Work Expended in, 55
- Properties of a Body having a Negative Resistance, 28
- Protean Gear for Cycles, 714
- Protection, Mississippi River Bank, 89
- Prytz Planimeter, 347. See also Good man's Hatchet Planimeter and Planimeter
- Pump, Centrifugal, and Electric Motor (Scott and Mountain), 553
- Pump Cylinders, Strength of, 65
- Pump, Edwards' Air, 221, 276, 309, 348, 377, 407, 70, 593
- Pump, Pit tin Rotary (Morris and Basted), 784
- Pumps, Feed, Electrically Driven (E. Scott and Mountain), 524
- Pumping Engine, Duplex (Bever and Dorling), 555
- Pumping Engine, Triple-Expansion (Nordberg Company, Milwaukee), 766, 815
- Pumping Plant, St. Louis Water Works, 186
- Punching Machine, 204
- Purification of Water, Bacterial, 669
- Pyrogallol, Absorption of Oxygen by, 611
- Quick-Acting Brake, Westinghouse. See Brakes, Continnow
- Quick-Firing Field Guns, Canet, 668, 696, 726, 66, 801
- Quick-Firing Gun, Canet's Duplex Mounting, 618
- Quick-Firing Gun Cartridge, Accident to, 563
- Race to the South, 23
- Radcot Bridge, 41
- Radial Cursor for Slide Rules (Lanchester), 172
- Radiation, Solar, 551
- Ragman's Lane Bridge, 108
- Rail Joints with Large Bearing Surfaces, 622
- Rails, Fracture of Steel, 395
- Rails (Permanent Way), 218, 274, 535, 564, 565, 622
- Railway Accidents. See Accidents
- Railway Accidents and Continuous Brakes, 144, 52, 377
- Railway Accidents in 1895, 808
- Railway Association, German, 117
- Railway, Barsi Light, 560, 612
- Railway, Bergen, Norway, 89
- Railway, Berlin and its, 797
- Railway Bridges. See Bridges
- Railway, Brighton and Rottingdean Electric, 711
- Railway Carriages, Dutch 492
- Railway Carriages, Wide, 57
- Railway, Congo, 592
- Railway Construction in United Kingdom, 215 13, 676, 709, 725
- Railway Diary, 777
- Railway, Electric, Clontarf, 581
- Railway Finance, British, 497. See also 529
- Railway, Gellivara-Ofoten, 285
- Railway, Glasgow Central, Underground Stations, 343, 355. See 410
- Railway, Light, at Eaton Hall, 642. See Erratum, 73
- Railway, Liverpool Overhead, 422, 473, 811
- Railway, Long Distance, Runs, 57
- Railway Locomotive, Light (Kitson, Leeds), 612
- Railway Museum, A National, 535, 564, 618, 682, 13, 745
- Railway Passengers' Luggage, 55
- Railway Property, India, 810
- Railway Rolling Stock, East Coast, 20. See Letters, Railway Carriages
- Railway Schemes in Parliament, 676, 709, 725
- Railway Service to Scotland, 710, 745, 780
- Railway Signal Locking Apparatus, Nicholson's, 67
- Railway Signalling at Liverpool-Street, 697
- Railway Signals Worked by Hydraulic Gear, 355
- Railway Trailable Facing Point Lock and Detector (Saxby and Farmer), 424
- Railway Trains and Speeds, 23, 52, 710, 745
- Railways. See also Electric Traction
- Railways, Berlin, 445
- Railways, Indian, 403
- Railways, Japanese, 373
- Raliways, Metre-Gauge, 682
- Railways, New South Wales, 432
- Railways, Scotch, 408
- Railways in South Africa, 597
- Railways near Tokio, 342
- Railways, Transport of Normal-Gauge Wagons on Narrow Gauge, 537
- Railways, U.S., 529
- Rain Experiments, 533
- Rams in Action (British Cruisers), 708
- Ramsden, Sir James, 534
- Rance, C. E. de, on Hydro-Geology and Hygiene, 23, 257
- Range-Finder, Barr and Stroud, Fortress, 701
- Rathausen Hydro-Electrio Plant, 304
- Ratio of Labour to Total Cost, of Ships, 163
- Raworth High-Speed Engine (Brush Company), 37
- Ray, Cathode, Spectrum, 563
- Rays, ROntgen, &c., 487, 490, 491
- Records of Experience, 431
- Reed's Water-Tube Boiler, 108, 143
- Refrigerating Machine, Kilbourn's, 471
- Refraction on the Diurnal Star Movement, Effect of, 549
- Refuse Destructor at Leyton (Beaman and Deas), 71
- Regularisation of the Danube, 435
- Removal of Manhole Covers under Steam Pressure, 118. See LETTER, 252
- Reorganisation of the French Marine, 312
- Reostene, a New Resistance Metal, 523
- Reservoir Construction in Earthquake Countries, 01. See 1, 73, 161, 385
- Resistance of Alloys to Wear, 652
- Resistance-Box, Self-Testing, 695
- Retarders in Boiler Tubes, 140
- Retort Beds, Tunnelled, 90
- Retort Mouthpiece, Tysoe and Mitchell's, 225
- Revenue Steamer for Brazil (Yarrow), 626
- Revolution Indicator for Engines (Little's), 722
- River Bank Protection, Mississippi, 89
- River Pollution, West Riding, 86, 34, 211
- River St. Lawrence, Discharge of the, 711
- River Steamboats for United States Rivers, 140
- River Weser, Correction of the, 284
- Rivers, Compensation in, 17, 86, 134, 211
- Riveter, Hydraulic, 424
- Riveting, Ships',729
- Riveting Warships, 728
- Road Bridge and Great Western Railway Viaduct, 29
- Road Carriage, Thornycroft's Steam, 47. See 111
- Road Motor Carriages. See Cars, Motor Roasting Iron Ore, 335, 475
- Robinson's Shaft Governor, 458
- Rock Excavation at the Danube, 435
- Roechling, Mr. H. Alfred, on Bacteria and their
- Importance in Nature, 539, 627
- Rolling Stock, East Coast, 20. See LivrrEks,
- Railway Carriages
- Rolls, Plate, 204
- Röntgen and Cathode Rays, Theory of, 487
- Röntgen and Lenard Rays, 490, 491
- Röntgen Rays, Edison and (New York Show), 69
- Röntgen Rays, Electrical Conduction through Gases Exposed to, 490
- Röntgen Rays, Metals and their Salts, 612
- Röntgen Rays and Porcelain and Glass, 491
- Röntgen Rays and Sensitised Papers, 491
- Riintgen's Radiation, 656
- Roof of Boiler House, Glasgow Cable Station, 631
- Roof of Power-House, Glasgow Subway, 697
- Rope Driving, 167, 426
- Rosins, Excrescent, 611
- Rotary Pump, Pif tin (Morris and Bastert), 784
- Rottingdean and Brighton Sea Railway, 711
- Rouen Exhibition, 372
- Royal v. Civil Engineers. See 57, 251, 348, 375, 25
- Royal Engineer Civil Staff, Examination, 348. See Royal v. Civil Engineers .
- Rue Tolhiac Bridge, Paris, 206, 267
- Russian Volunteer Fleet, 665, 668, 730, 800
- Russian Volunteer Steamer " Kherson," 665, 668, 30, 800
- Rysimeter, The Fletcher, 504
- Sachs, Mr. Edwin 0. See Theatre Stages
- Safety Fuses for Telegraph and Telephone Wires, 37
- Safety in Ships, 420. See LETTER, 470
- Safety Valve for Domestic Boilers, 185
- Sailing Routes on Charts, 552
- St. John's Bridge, Lechlade, 41
- St. Lawrence, Discharge of the, 711
- St. Louis City, 39
- St. Louis, Tornado at, 10
- St. Louis Water Works, 186
- "Salmon," Engines of Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Earle), 524
- Salvage of Wrecks, 456
- Sand on Pig Iron, 364, 411
- Sand Pump Dredger for Mississippi (Maryland Steel Company), 79
- Santander Iron Ore Industries, 334. See also 64, 365
- "Santa Fe," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 22
- Sawing and Ending-up Machine, Combined Flush Side Cold (J. Hill and Son), 467
- Scandal in Japan, Water Pipe, 281
- Schlick, Herr Otto, on Weakness in Oil Tank Steamers, 32
- Science Teaching, 636
- Scotch Railway Train, Speeds, 710, 745, 780
- Scotch Railways, 408, 676
- Scott, Mr. Ernest Kilburn, on Improved Stang Planimeter, 205
- Screening Coal, 743
- Screw Engines. See Engines
- Screw Ferryboats, 797
- Screw Gauges, 420, 509
- Screwing, Grinding, and Milling Machines, 21
- Scutching Machinery, Flax, 151, 320
- Sea Walls in Earthquake Countries, 2)1. See , 73, 161, 386
- Sea Waves in Japan, The Great, 177. See LETTER, 218
- Seismological Observations, 551
- Seismology, Application of Mathematics and Physics to. 786
- Sensitised Paper and X Rays, 491
- Sensitisation of Salts by Cathode Rays, PhotoElectric, 519
- September Weather, 467
- Septic Tank, Mr. Donald Cameron and the, 406
- Sewage Schemes in Parliament, 725
- Sewage Septic Tank, 406
- Sewage Treatment at Exeter, 256, 406
- Shaft Governors (Robinson and Auden), 458
- Shafts, Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel, 35, 8, 118
- Shanks, Johnstone, Vertical and Horizontal Planing Machine, 336
- Shearing Machine (Schulz and Goebel, Vienna), 73
- Shears, Hot Bloom Guillotine, at Mossend Works (Grant, Ritchie, and Co., Kilmarnock), 123
- Sheerlegs, 125-Ton, 800
- Ship Route Lights, Atlantic, 604, 635, 624
- Shipboard, Prevention of Fire on, 470, 504, 636, 93 ,
- Shipbuilding. See Naval Construction at Barrow
- Shipbuilding, Migration of, 374. See also 401
- Shipbuilding Returns, Lloyd's, 19
- Shipbuilding and Shipping- Boom, 592
- Shipbuilding Trade (Lloyd's Returns), 437
- Ship Building in 1896, War-, 758, 811
- Shipping, British and Foreign (Manning), 19
- Shipping Coal, Machinery, Cleveland, Ohio, 241
- Shipping Directory, 777
- Shipping Competition in the East and West, 463
- Shipping of Hamburg, 28
- Shipping, Japanese, 121, 289
- Shipping Losses, 281
- Shipping Subsidies, Foreign, 619
- Shipping, United States, 120
- Ships, Electricity on, 60, 702
- Ship's Helm Indicator and Telegraph, Fiske's, 02
- Ships' Riveting, 728
- Ships, Safety in, 420. See LETTER, 470
- Shipwreck Raising, 456
- Shipyard Tools. See Naval Construction Company's Works
- Shutter, Efficiency of Photographic, 718
- Siemens Conduit at Budapest, 137
- Signal, Trailable Facing Point Look and Detector (Saxby and Farmer), 421
- Signals, Locking Apparatus (Nicholson's), 367
- Signals Worked by Hydraulic Gear, 355
- Signalling Arrangements at Liverpool - Street Station, 697
- Sihl, Electricity Works on the, 305
- Silver Mines, Broken Hill, 189
- Slide Rule, 348
- Slide Rules, Radial Cursor (Lanchester), 172
- Slide Rules for Special Calculations, 655, 681
- Slot-Drilling Machine, Harrison's, 59
- Smith, Mr. George, on Broken Hill Consols Mines, 89
- Smithfield Club Show, 740
- Smith's Conduit System at Blackpool, 137
- Smoke Abatement, 178, 252. See LETTERS
- "Snapper," Engines of Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Earle), 524
- Snelus, Mr. George J., on Walrand -Legenisel Process, 442. See 335
- Snowdon Mountain Tramroad, 345
- Society of Arts: Mining at Great Depths, by Mr. Bennett H. Brough, 777
- Solar Radiation, 551
- Solid-Drawn Boiler Tubes, 745, 780
- South Africa, 424
- South Africa, Notes from, 597
- South-Eastern Railway Accident, 820
- Southgate Company, 10-Ton Locomotive Steam Crane, 337
- Spanish Iron Industry, 334. See also 364, 365
- Spanish Iron Ore, 335. See also 364, 365
- Spanish Manganese Ore Deposits, 335
- "Spartiate," H.M.S., 468
- Spectroscopic Measurement of the Velocity of Planets, 549
- Speed Control in Modern Steamers, 377
- Speed and Displacement in Racing Yachts, 375, 07
- Speeds of Railway Trains, 23, 52, 710, 745
- "Speedy," Steam Yacht (Ramage and Ferguson, Leith), 241
- Sprague's Electric Elevator, 69
- Spring Tables, 140
- Spring, Mr. F. J. E., on Kistna Bridge, East Coast Railway, 7, 101
- Stang Planimeter, Improved, 205, 347, 377, 425
- Stanley Cycle Show, 679. See LErrzfts, Protean Gear
- Stars, Movements of, 549
- Station Fittings, Electric, 11
- Station Signalling Arrangements, Liverpool Street, 697
- Stationary Steam Engines, 713
- Stations, Underground, Glasgow Central Railway, 33, 355. See 410
- Statistics of Warship Building in 1896, 758
- Steam Boiler Efficiency, 40
- Steam Boiler Legislation, 773, 784. See LETTER, 13
- Steam Crane, 2-Ton Locomotive (Bedford Company), 108
- Steam Motor Carriages, De Dion and Bouton, 01, 233
- Steam Road Carriage, Thornycroft's, 47. See 11
- Steam Stop Valve, Quick-Acting, 471
- Steam, Superheated, 222
- Steam Turbine Alternator (Parsons), 625
- Steam Yacht "Speedy " (Ramage and Ferguson, Leith), 241
- Steamboats for Western Rivers in United States, 40
- Steamer " Dunvegan Castle " (Fairfield Company), 253. 'See LETTER, 276
- Steamer Engines, Unusual Corrosion in, 157, 166
- Steamer " Kherson," Russian Volunteer Fleet (Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co.), 665, 668, 730, 800
- Steamer " Trunkby" (Ropner), 706
- Steamer, Twin-Screw Revenue, for Brazil (Yarrow), 526
- Steamers, Atlantic Mail, 418, 425. See LETTERS
- Steamers, Electricity on, 60, 702
- Steamers, Ferryboats, 797
- Steamers, North German Lloyd (Schichau), 735
- Steamers, Safety in, 420. See LETTER, 470
- Steamers, Speed Control in Modern, 377
- Steamers, Weakness in Oil Tank, 32
- Steamship Company, New Japanese, 121
- Steel, Bessemer Process, History, 222, 749
- Steel Flywheels, 190
- Steel Forgings, Hollow, 40
- Steel Guillotine Shears at Mossend Works (Grant, Ritchie, and Co., Kilmarnock), 123
- Steel, Hard, 681, 713, 745, 779, 812
- Steel, Microscopic Internal Flaws in, 36, 68, 118
- Steel, Nitrogen in, 335, 280
- Steel Rails, Fracture of, 395
- Steelmaking, Bessemer Process, 222, 749
- Steelmaking by Walrand-Legenisel Process, 335, 42
- Steering Telegraph, Fiske's Helm Indicator and,
- Stelfox, Mr. James, on Belfast Gas Works, 170, 93
- Stellar Systems, Evolution of, 549
- Stern-Wheel Steamers in United States Rivers, 40
- Stiffening Girders, Suspension Bridges, 196, 234. See .ErratuM, 286
- Still, Logwood, Explosion of a, 785
- Stockholm Exhibition, 778
- Stokers, Mechanical, 140
- Stone, Artificial, 183
- Storage Batteries as Applied to Traction Purposes, 485, 544
- Stoves in Foundries, 297
- Straits Settlements, Timbers in the, 290
- Straw, Carbohydrates of Barley, 611
- Straw and Hay Baling Press (Howard, Bedford) 3
- Stream Flow in Open Channels, 618, 632
- Street Lighting by Electricity, 452
- Strength of Cast Iron, 40
- Strength of Marine Boilers, 746
- Strength of Thin Cylinders, 77, 109
- Strength of Timber, 311
- Stress on Timber, 311
- Stresses, Structures and, 631
- Stresses, Suspension Bridges, 196, 234. See Erratum, 286
- Strike of Fitters and Turners at Hull, 469
- Strike at Gwynne's Works, 535
- Strike against Non-Union Men, 285, 345
- Stroh, A., on Gauges for Verifying Screws, 509
- Stroud and Barr Fortress Range-Finder, 701
- Structural Iron at High Temperature, Tests, 374
- Structures and Stresses, 681
- Structures, Theory of Modern Frame, 22
- Submarine Cables, Electrical Disturbances in, 22
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 183
- Submarine Telegraph Memorial, 620
- Subsidised Exhibitors, 51
- Subsidies, Foreign Shipping, 619
- Subway, Glasgow, 573, 610, 631. See also cable Traction, 573
- Sulphur in Iron Ores, 365
- Summer Train Services, 52, 710, 745
- Sun Prints. See Blue Prints
- Superheated Steam, 222
- Supply of Manganese, 502
- Supply, Water,116
- Surface Contact System for Tramways, 264
- Surveying Camera, Bridges-Lee (Hicks, London), 55
- Surveying Chains, Temperature Adjustment, 287
- Suspension Bridges, 196, 234, 652. See Erratum, 86
- Suspension Bridges, Large-Span Railway, 744
- Sutherland, Mr. James, on Larne Alumina Factory, 170, 291
- Swiss Electric Works. See Electricians at Geneva
- Switch, Two-Way Tumbler, 251
- Sweden, Mining in, 653
- "Swordfish," H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer (Armstrong), 122
- Table, Laughlin-Hough Drawing Office, 185
- Table Mountain Wire Ropeway, 305
- Tank Steamers, Weakness in, 32
- Tank, Water, Glasgow Cable Station, 631
- Technical College. See also Laboratory
- Technical Education, 341, 405, 470, 587, 623, 682, 45, 813
- Technical Education in Japan, 84
- Technical Laboratory, Yorkshire College, 262, 27, 390, 449
- Telegraph, Submarine, Memorial, 620
- Telegraph Wire Safety Fuse, 437
- Telegraphy, Australasian, 53
- Telegraphy without Wires, 593
- Telephone Disturbances due to Strong Electric Currents, 215
- Telephone Trunk Lines in Great Britain, 657, 85
- Telephone Wire Safety Fuse, 437
- Telephones in Japan,405
- Temperature Adjustment for Surveying Chains,
- Temperature Entropy Diagrams, 225
- Temperature Research, Low, 612
- Test of Turret for U.S. Battleship "Massachusetts," 762
- Testing Machine, Buokton, at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 262, 327 390, 449
- Tests of Hose Pipes, 504
- Tests of Pig Iron, 125
- Tests of Structural Iron at High Temperatures. 74
- Tests of Turbo-Alternator (Parsons), 625
Thames Bridges :
- Ashton Keynes Bridges, 171
- Bourne End Bridge, 336
- Bridge under the Fosseway at Thames Head, 29
- Castle Eaton Bridge, 44
- Cricklade Bridge, 105
- Cricklade Plank Bridge, 105
- Eaton Weir and Footbridge, 41
- Eight-Acre Copse Bridge, 171
- Eisey Bridge, 105
- Ewen Bridge, 172
- Hannington Bridge, 41
- Inglesham Bridge, 41
- Lechlade Bridge, 41
- Manor House Bridge,Ashton Keynes, 171
- Midland and South-Western Junction Viaduct, 08
- Neigh Bridge, 172
- Oaklade Bridge, 171
- Occupation Bridge, Somerford Keynes, 171
- Occupation Bridge, Thames Head Pumping Station, 229
- Old Man's Bridge, 41
- Parker's Bridge, near Kemble, 229
- Plank Bridge near Somerford Mill, 171
- Radeot Bridge, 41
- Ragman's Lane Bridge, 108
- Road Bridge and Great Western Railway Viaduct, 229
- St. John's Bridge, Lechlade, 41
- Water Eaton Bridge, 105
- Waterhay Bridge, 108
- Wilts and Berks Canal Aqueducts, 105
Theatre Stages, Modern :
- Amsterdam Theatre, 325
- "Asphaleia" Stages, 387, 513, 601, 604
- Brown's Hydraulic Mechanism for Edinburgh Theatre, 793
- Budapest " Asplialeia" Stage, 601, 604
- Chidago Auditorium, " Asphaleia " Stage, 601
- D'Oyly Carte's English Opera House, 3, 4, 5, 6
- English Opera House, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Evian Theatre, 193
- Halle Stage (Germany), 513
- Hofburg " Theatre, Vienna, 661, 755, 793
- Hydraulic Mechanism (Brown), 793
- Iron Stages, 325, 387, 613, 601, 604
- Iron and Wood Stages, Sinai!, 133, 193, 230
- Monte Carlo Theatre, 196
- Palace of Varieties, London, '3, 4, 5, 6 'lanat's French Type, 193
- Rheims Theatre, 66
- Salzburg Theatres 133
- Schwerin Theatre, 230
- Tilsit Theatre, 133
- Vienna, " Ilof burg " Theatre, 661, 755, 793
- Theatrical Exhibition in Paris, 89
- Thermal Conductivity of Sheet Copper, 564, 624
- Thermal Units, 548, 623. See LETTERS
- Thermometry, Researches in Absolute Mercurial, 49
- Thermophone, Wiborgh's, 316
- Thorenberg Hydro-Electric Plant, 304
- Thornycroft's steam Road Carriage, 47. See 111
- Tides, Wind and Atmospheric Pressure, Effects on, 417
- Timber, New Zealand, 180
- Timber Structures, 311
- Timbers in the Straits Settlements, 290
- Tipping Coal, 743
- Tipping Coal, Machinery, Cleveland, Ohio, 241
- "Titan " Mississippi River Towboat, 140
- Tokio Railways, 342
- Tolbiac, Rue, Bridge, Paris, 206, 267
- Tools Driven by Pneumatic Power, 777
- Tools, Electrically Driven, 502
- Tools, Machine, for Cycle Making, 704, 733, 781
- Tools, United States Machine, 774
- Top pinning, Algebraical Gyrostat Curves, 92
- Tornado at St. Louis, 10
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships
- Torpedo-Boats. See Warships
- Torpedo Defence of Battleships, 565
- Tower Bridge, 418, 621
- Traction. See Electric Traction
- Traction, Cable. See Cable Traction, 573, 610
- Traction, Cost of Various Systems, 474
- Traction Engines, 506, 740
- Traction Engines and Locomotives, Oil (Hornsby), 06
- Trade in China, 531, 562, 617
- Trade in India, 403
- Trade of Japan, Recent, 707, 807
- Trade, Migration of, 374, 401, 425, 469, 503
- Trade Unions and Demarcation of Work, 115, 17
- Trades, Dangerous, 213
- Trades Union Congress, 371
- Trailable Facing Point Lock and Detector (Saxby and Farmer), 424
- Train Resistance, 682
- Train Services, Summer, 52, 700, 745
- Train in the World, Fastest, 710. See LETTERS, Railway Service to Scotland
- Train Speeds, 23, 710, 745, 780
- Training of Apprentices (French), 85
- Tramcar Truck, Electric, 379
- Tramway, Bristol Electric, 553, 739
- Tramway, Clontarf Electric, 581
- Tramway Results, Glasgow Corporation, 23
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 725
- Tramways. See Electric Traction
- Tramways, Berlin, 445
- Tramways, Hamburg, Electric, 44, 76, 108
- Tramways, London, 741
- Tramways in Switzerland. See Electricians at Geneva
- Transatlantic Steaming, 23
- Transmission, 788
- Transmission of Heat through Metal Cylinders, 90, 788
- Transmission of Power by Alternate Currents, 95, 28
- Transmission of Power, Long Distance, 249
- Transport of Normal Gauge Wagons on Narrow Gauge Lines, 537
- Traverse Tables, Boileau's, 713
- Treatment of Sewage at Exeter, 266
- Trent, Pollution of the River, 653
- Trials of 'H.M.S. " Powerful," 403, 433, 469, 499, 32, 535, 5531.691. See LErrERs
- Trials of Triple-Expansion Pumping Engines, 816
- Tricycles. See Cycles
- Triple-Expansion. See Engine
- Truck for Electric Tramcar, 379
- Trunk Line System in Great Britain, Telephone, 57, 685
- "Trunkby," Steamer (Ropner), 706
- Tube Works, Cycle (Coventry), 712
- Tubes, Boiler, 745, 780
- Tubes, Boiler, and Retarders, 140
- Tubes, Musical, 787
- Tug Steamers in the United States Rivers, 140
- Tumbler Switch, Two-Way, 251
- Tunnel, Hudson River, 309, 347
- Tunnelled Retort Beds, 90
- Tunnelling by Pneumatic Shield, 561, 573
- Turbo-Alternator Tests (Parsons), 625
- Turbo-Electric Generators for Alkali Works (Parsons), 493
- Turners and Fitters' Strike at Hull, 469
- Turning Lathes (Niles Tool Works, Ohio), 639
- Turret for United States Battleship, Tests of, 63
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Twynam, T., and Harbord, F. W., on Fixed Nitrogen in Steel, 380 See 335
- Tyre, Akroyd Cellular Pneumatic, 90
- Tyre, Pneumatic, 217
- Tyres for Cycles, 679
- Tysoe and Mitchell's Retort Mouthpiece, 225
- Underground Cables in the United States, 183
- Underground Station, Glasgow Central Railway, 43, 355. See 410
- Uniform Flow in Open Channels, 518, 632. See Erratum, vol. lxiii., page 21
- United Kingdom Railway Construction, 216, 313
- United Service Institution. Royal : Automatic Firearms, by Mr. Hiram S. Maxim, 76
- United States Battleship " Massachusetts," Test of Turret, 763
- United States Battleships, " Alabama" Class, 62
- United States, Brewing in the, 181
- United States Ferryboats, 797
- United States Fireboats, 729
- United States Machine Tools, 774
- United States Railways, 529
- United States Shipping, 120
- United States Underground Cables, 183
- Units, Photometric and Magnetic, 216, 248
- Units, Thermal, 548, 623
- Universal High-Speed Engine (Brush Co.), 337
- Unwholesome Trades, 213
- Val de Travers Hydro-Electric Installation, 272
- Valve Gear, Triple-Expansion Pumping Engine (Nordberg Company, Milwaukee), 766, 815
- Valve, Lewis' Water-Cooled Blast, 364, 505
- Valve, Quick-Acting Stop, 471
- Valve Reseating Tool, Brookes', 287
- Valve, Spherical Balanced, 452, 568
- Valves, Safety, for Domestic Boilers, 185
- Velocity of Planets, Spectroscopic Measurement, 49
- Ventilating Fan, Electrically Driven (Smit, Holland), 458. See LErrns, Fans, &c.
- Ventilation, Beedham's Air Extractor, 683
- Venturi Water Meter, 207
- "Venus," H.M. Cruiser (Fairfield Co), 287, 522
- Verandah at Boiler House, Glasgow Cable Station, 631
- Verein Deutscher Eisenbahn - Verwaltungen, 17
- Vevey Electric Tramway 272
- Vienna Water Supply, 54
- Viscaya Iron and Steel Works, 365
- Wage Relation to Cost of Ships, 163
- Wagon Transport on Narrow-Gauge Lines, Standard Gauge, 537
- Waldo, Dr. Leonard, on New York Electrical Show, 69
- Walrand-Legenisel Process, 335, 442
- Warship Design, 276
Warships :
- Argentine Armoured Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 122
- Argentine Cruiser "Garibaldi" (Ansaldo, Italy), 45
- Argentine Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Entre Rios " (Yarrow), 424
- Building in 1896, 758
- Cellulose for United States Warship Protection, 729
- Chilian Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Capitan Orella " (Laird), 492
- Classification of Warships, 30
- Electricity on Board Warships, 60
- French Cruiser " Jaureguiberry " (Forges et
- Chantiers Company, Havre), 26. See LETTERS
- French Ships in the Manoeuvres, 330, 386, 501. See LETTERS
- Greek Ships, (Janet Naval Guns for, 801
- H.M. Battleships (" Canopus" Class), 152
- H.M. Destroyer " Swordfish " (Armstrong), 122
- H.M. New Second-Class Cruisers, 759
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, Model Experiments (Barrow), 165
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Swordfish" and the Yarrow Boiler, 122
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyers " Janus," "Lightning," and " Porcupine " (Palmers), 08, 142
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyers " Salmon " and " Snapper " (Earle), 524
- H.M.S. " Blake," Boiler Accident in, 464. See LETTERS
- H.M.S. " Caesar," Whitworth Gun Mount'ng, 67
- H.M.S. " Diadem" (Fairfield Company), 538
- H.M.S. " Powerful ' (Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Limited), 403, 433, 99, 532, 553, 691. See LErrEits
- H.M.S. "Venus" (Fairfield Company), 287
- H.M.SS. Built in 1896, 758
- H.M.SS. " Venus " and " Diana " (Engines), Fairfield Company, 552
- H.M.SS. " Ariadne," " Amphitrite," " Argonaut," " Spartiate " Class (New Cruisers), 68
- H.M.SS. " Furious," " Gladiator," " Vindictive," and " Arrogant' (Cruisers with Rams), 08
- Naval Pocket-Book, 446
- Oil Fuel in German Ships, 284
- Rains in Action (British Cruisers), 703
- Riveting Warships, 728
- Russian Volunteer Steamer " Kherson," 665, 68, 730, 800
- Turret for United States Battleship, Tests of,, 63
- United States Battleship, " Alabama " Class, 62
- Washington Tramway Conduit, Love's, 137
- Washington Conduit Road (Metropolitan Company), 197
- Waste of Shipping (Lloyd's Returns), 281
- Watches and Chronographs, 57
- Watches, Chronograph (S. Smith and Sons, London), 25. See LETTERS
- Wattless Currents, 248
- Water, Bacterial Purification of, 669
- Water-Cooled Blast Valve, 364, 505
- Water Eaton Bridge, 105
- Water Famine, East End, 280, 345
- Water Flow in Open Channels, 518, 632
- Water, Heat of, 549
- Water Meter, Venturi, 207
- Water Pipe Scandal in Japan, 281
- Water Power, 145
- Water Power. See Electricians at Geneva
- Water Supply, 116
- Water Supply and Hygiene, 223, 257
- Water Supply, Leeds, 539
- Water Supply, London, 619
- Water Supply of Vienna, 54
- Water Towers in Earthquake Countries, 201 See 1, 73, 161, 385
- Water-Tube Boiler Explosions, 23
- Water-Tube Boiler Feed Apparatus, Yarrow's, 18
- Water-Tube Boiler, Jones's, 555, 594
- Water-Tube Boiler, Reed's, 108, 143
- Water-Tube Boilers, Belleville, 640, 668
- Water-Tube Boilers (Belleville) in H.M.S." Powerful," 403. See 433, 499, 532, 553, 691
- Water - Tube Boilers, Belleville, in S.S. "Kherson," 800
- Water-Tube Boilers, Belleville, of the "Ohio," 40. See LETTERS
- Water-Tube Boilers and Demarcation of Work, 15, 217
- Water-Tube Boilers and Feed Distribution (Yarrow), 153. See Limnos
- Water-Tube Boiler (Yarrow's) and Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 122
- Water-Wheel with Cut-off Regulating Hood, 319
- Water Works Engineers, British Association of, 10, 116
- Water Works, Liverpool, 418
- Water Works, St. Louis, 186
- Waterhay Bridge, 108
- Watkin, Col., on Shadow Photographs of Screws, 09
- Waves in Japan, The Great Sea, 177. See LETTER 18
- Weakness in Tank Steamers, 32
- Weather, 53, 180, 314, 467, 652, 742
- Webb's Oil-Burning Locomotive for Liverpool Docks, 251
- Wedding, Professor H., on Roasting Iron Ores, 475. See 335
- Weighing Apparatus, A Novel Form, 218, 348, 377
- Well Sinking, Kistna Bridge, 101. See 7
- Weser, Correction of the River, 284
- West Australian Progress (Aladdin's Lamp), 376
- West, Mr. Thomas D., on Action of Blast in Cupolas, 156
- West, Mr. Thomas D., on Tests of Pig Iron, 125
- West Riding Rivers Pollution, 86, 134, 211
- Western Australia Harbour Improvements, 415, 82
- Westinghouse Electric Motor for Car, 219
- Westinghouse Quick-Acting Brakes. See Brakes, Continuous
- Westinghouse Railway Generators, 306
- Wheatstone Bridge, A Direct-Reading, 523
- Wheel, Another Great, 711
- Wheel Bossing and Forging Press, Hydraulic 200-Ton (Fielding and Platt), 273
- Wheel, Water-Power, 145, 319
- Wheels, Steel Fly-, 190
- Whitworth Gun Mounting for H.M.S. "Caesar,' 67
- Wiborgh's Thermophone, 315
- Willard's Launch Engine, 655
- "William Stone," United States Sternwheel Tow Steamer, 140
- Wilts and Berks Canal Aqueducts, 105
- Wind and Atmospheric Pressure, Effects on Tides, 417
- Wind Velocities and Beaufort's Scale, 778
- Winter Climate in Egypt, 778
- Wire Gauges, The Origin of, 624
- Wiring for Electric Tramways, 11
- Wiring, Underground, in United States, 183
- Wooden Structures, 311
- Work, Demarcation of, 115, 217
- Work Expended in Bicycle Propulsion, 55
Works :
- Altos Hornos Iron Works, Spain, 364
- Alumina Factory at Larne, 170, 291
- Belfast Gas Works, 170, 293
- Cycle Tube Works (Coventry), 712
- Electricity Works in Germany, 121
- Flax Works in Belfast, See 151, 320
- Naval Construction Company's Works at
- Barrow, 163, 204, 269, 301, 361
- Oerlikon Works, 304
- Orconera Mines, 365
- Viscaya Iron and Steel Works, 365
- Works Committee of the London County Council, 592, 647, 676
- Wreck of the " Birkenhead," 276
- Wreck Raising, 456
- Wynau Hydro-Electric Plant, 273
- X Rays. See Rontgen Rays
- Yacht Speeds and Displacements, 375, 407
- Yacht " Speedy," Steam (Ramage and Ferguson, Leith), 241
- Yarrow Boiler and Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 22
- Yarrow's Feed Distribution for Water - Tube Boilers, 153, 218. See LwrrERs
- Yarrow's Removal from England, 374. See also 01
- Year-Books, 777
- Yorkshire College Laboratory, Leeds, 262, 327, 90, 449
- Yorkshire College, Leeds, Engineering Department, 262,327, 390, 449
- Yorkshire RA,ers Pollution, 86, 134, 211
- Zero, The Absolute, 620
- Zinc, Electrolytic Deposition of, 269
- Zurich Hydro-Electric Plant, 304
- Zurichberg Electric Tram, 269
See Also
Sources of Information