Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1897 Jan-Jun Volume
- ACCELERATION Diagram for Oscillating Engine, 65
- Accelerity Diagram of the Steam Engine, 528
- Accident, Derailment at Rothbury, 836
- Accident, Double Collision near Dundalk, 121
- Accident at Melton Constable, 153
- Accidents on the North-Eastern Railway, Two, 15
- Accident at Rainford, 457
- Accidents to Steam Engines, 27, 28, 60, 61, 91
- Aeronautics, 32
- Air Compressor Chamber, Battleship " Fuji," 42, 343
- Air Compressor and Corliss Engine (Ingersoll-Sergeant Company), 133, 135
- Air Hoist for Loading Rock into Spoil Wagon, 70
- Air Pump, Double-Acting Displacement (King, Nailsworth), 587
- Air Pumps, S.S. " Kaiser-Wilhelm der Grosse" (Blake Company, New York), 35
- Aird, Mr. J., Great Bridge, Bayonet Catch Joint for Metal Tubing, 557
- " Alabama," United States Battleship, 402, 408
- Algebraic Spherical Catenaries, 229
- Allen, Son, and Co., W. H., Limited, Centrifugal Pumps for Docks, 548. Condenser, 331
- Allen, Son, and Co., W. H., Bedford, Compound
- Engine and Dynamos, 69, 70
- Alloys, Cooling Curves, 221, 222, 223
- Alloys, Eutectic Curves, 253, 255
- Alternator and Engine Combined (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., and Ferranti), 5, 6
- Alternator,Inductor, and Raworth's Engine (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Aluminium Bronze Seamless Tubing, 142
- America. See United States.
- Amsterdam and Rotterdam Theatres, Iron Curtains, 462
- Aqueduct, Canal, at Briare, Loiret, 77, 80
- Armstrong, Elswick, Japanese Battleship
- " Yashima," 171, 172, 173, 244, 277
- Artillery. See Guns.
- Asbestos Fire-Resisting Curtains, 392, 393, 462, 63
- Baling Press, Cotton (Rice, Leeds), 850
- Barsi Light Railway Bogie (Leeds Forge Company), 106, 107, 110
- Bates' Belt Conveyors, 365, 376
- Battery, Stevens, 417
- Battleships. See Warships.
- Bavarian Compound Locomotive (Krauss and Co., Munich), 678, 679, 682, 691, 692
- Bazin Roller Steamer, 76
- Bearings of Marine Engines, 29, 30
- Bearings, Roller, 725
- Behr's Monorail Railway, 784, 808, 809, 854
- Bellegarde Electric Power Transmission, 633, 34, 635, 701, 704, 705
- Belliss and Co., Limited, G. E., Engines of Destroyers " Swordfish" and " Spitfire," 73
- Belt Conveyor, Bates', 365, 376
- Bending Rolls (Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio), 36 Berlin Court Theatre Stage, 36, 38, 39
- Bernay's Water Meter, 721
- Bevel and Worm Gear Machinery, 404, 405, 438, 39
Bicycles. See Cycles.
- Bituminous Coal, Luhrig Process of Washing, 99
- Blake Company, New York, Air Pumps S.S. "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse,"35
- Blast-Furnace Charging Apparatus, 469, 470, 472, 78, 538
- Blast-Furnace Plant, Duquesne, 469, 470, 472, 78, 538
- Blast-Furnace Stoves, Kennedy-Cowper, 638
- Blow-off Cocks and Check Valves (Easton,. Anderson, and Goolden), 25
- Boat Chocks, Hamlyn's Collapsible, 373
- Bogies, Pressed Steel, Barsi Light Railway (Leeds Forge Company), 106, 107, 110
- Boiler Combination, Tubular and Water-Tube (Lyall's), 608, 609
- Boiler, Dry - Back, Induced Draught (Fraser, Miliwall), 474
- Boiler and Engine Stop Valve, 454
- Boiler Explosion at Dukinfield, 491
- Boiler Feed-Heater, Lundfivist's, 154, 155, 189, 90
- Boiler Gauges, Wallach's Safety, 119
- Boiler, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boilers
- Bolting and Drilling Railway Wheels, Ford's
- Machine (Craven, Manchester), 338
- Bolton Electric Engine and Alternator, 5, 6
- Boring Machine, Cylinder (Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio), 537
- Boring Machine, Double (Wilkinson, Keighley), 06
- Boring Machine, Snout (Buckton, Leeds), 427
- Borsig, Berlin, Ruhl's Apparatus for Burning Powdered Coal, 72
- Borsig, Berlin, Steam and Electrically Driven Ploughing Tackle, 812, 813, 814
- Bowling Swing Bridge, Dumbartonshire and
- Lanarkshire Railway, 733, 736, 737, 803
- Bradford Portable Power Drill and Reamer, 780
- Brandt's System of Traps for Stages, 36, 128
- Brass Alloys, Eutectic Curves, 253, 255
- Brass Cooling, Curves of, 221, 222, 223
- Breakdowns of Steam Engines, 27, 28, 60, 61, 91
- Briare Canal Aqueduct, Loiret, 77, 80
- Bridge Conveyor, 638
- Bridges on the Dumbartonshire and Lanarkshire Railway, 733, 736, 737, 803, 804, 805, 820, 839, 40, 842, 843
- Bridge, Moving, over the River Dee at Queensferry, 776, 781
- Bridge, New Rock Island (Mississippi), 437, 442, 10, 511, 523
- Bridge, Victoria, over the River Dee, Queensferry, 776, 781
- British Warships. See II.M. Ships
- Bronze-Aluminium Seamless Tubing,142
- Brown Conveyor, 299, 302, 303, 847
- Brown Spoil, &c., Conveyor, 299, 302, 303, 847
- Brush Company, Universal Engine and Inductor Alternator, 188, 157
- Brussels Exhibition, Behr's Monorail Railway, 84, 808, 809, 854
- Buckets for Conveyors, &c., 847
- Buckley and Taylor Wheel-Moulding Machine, 34, 335. See 769
- Buckton and Co., Joshua, Limited, DoubleCutting Planing Machine, 161
- Buckton and Co., J., Leeds, Snout Boring Machine, 427
- Buckton, Leeds, Plate Shearing Machine, 68
- Bucyrus Steam Excavator, 165
- Burning Powdered Coal, Ruhl's Apparatus (Borsig, Berlin), 72
Cable Haulage Machinery, 37, 50, 95, 96
- Cable Repairing, Submarine, 388
- Cables for Traction, 232
Cable Traction, Glasgow Subway :
- Cable Haulage Machinery, 37, 50, 95, 96
- Cables for Traction, 232
- Cars and Brake for Cable Traction, 306, 307
- Clutch, Walker-Weston, 168
- Electric Lighting Cable Subway, 307
- Engines, 1500 Horse-Power Cable Engines, 37, 0, 95, 96
- Gripper Car for Cable Traction, 306, 307
- Lighting Cable Subway, Electric, 307
- Oldbury Railway Carriage and Wagon Company's Cable Cars, 306, 307
- Pulleys, Cable Guiding, for Cable Traction, 231, 32, 233
- Pulleys, Driving, for Cable Traction, 167, 168
- Shafting for Cable Engine, &c., 168
- Sheaves for Cable Traction 231, 232, 233
- Tension Gear for Cable Traction, 167, 169
- Track Sheaves for Cable Traction, 231, 232, 33
- Upton Tension Gear for Cable Traction, 167, 69
- Walker-Weston Clutch, 168
- Weston-Walker Clutch, 168
- Caillet's Single-Rail Railway, 166, 176, 198, 199
- Calorimeter, Convection Scope and, 239, 240
- Cambria Iron Company, Johnstown, Pa., 200-Ft.
- Gantry Crane, 102, 103
- Canal Aqueduct at Briare, Loiret, 77, 80
- Canal, Chicago Drainage. See Chicago Drainage Canal
- Canal Mechanical Propulsion, 592, 593, 594, 627, 32
- Canals and Screw Propellers, Influence of Depth, 95
- Canals, Sections of Noted, 2
- Cantilever Conveyor, Double, 506, 507
- Capstan Lathe (Taylor and Hattersley, Brighouse), 642
- Car and Brake for Cable Traction, 306, 307
- Car, Peugeot Road Motor, 674
- Car, Steam Road (Lancashire Company), 816
- Carnegie Company's Duquesne Blast-Furnace
- Plant, 469, 470, 472, 478, 538
- Carriage, Motor. See Cars, Motor
- Carriages, Rolling Cradles for Light Railway, 367 68, 369
- Cast-Iron, Defects in, 58, 150
- Castings, Defects in, 150
- Catenaries, Algebraic, 229
- Caulking Tool, Rivet Head, 793
- Cellular Kites, 32
- Centrifugal Pumping Engines at Union Docks, Newport, 548
- Chamberlin Observatory, Denver, 702, 703, 708, 09
- Channelling Machine (Ingersoll-Sergeant), 133, 34, 135
- Channels, Flow in Open, 21
- Charging Apparatus for Blast-Furnaces, 469, 470, 72, 478, 538
- Charging Open-Hearth Furnaces by Machinery, 58, 659, 669
- Cheltenham and Gloucester Railway Medal, 321
Chicago Drainage Canal :
- Air Hoist for Loading Rock into Spoil Wagon, 70
- Bates' Belt Conveyors, 365, 376
- Belt Conveyor, Bates, 365, 376
- Bridge Conveyor, 638
- Brown Conveyor, 299, 302, 303, 847
- Buckets for Conveyors, &c., 847
- Bucyrus Steam Excavator, 165
- Canals, Sections of, Noted, 2
- Cantilever Conveyor, Double, 506, 507
- Channelling Machine (Ingersoll-Sergeant), 133, 34, 135
- Christie and Lowe's Spoil Wagons and System of Excavation, 207
- Conveyor, Bates' Belt, 365, 376
- Conveyor, Bridge, 638
- Conveyor, Brown, 299, 302, 303, 847
- Conveyors, Christie and Lowe's, 207, 210
- Conveyor, Double Cantilever, 506, 507'
- Conveyors, Hulett-M`Myler's Derricks and, 847
- Conveyor, Lidgerwood 272 273
- Conveyor, Shailer-Schniglau, 434, 435
- Conveyors, Smith and Eastman, and Trust, 64, 365
- Cuttings, Chicago, 43, 98, 184
- Derrick, Hulett-M`Myler Single-Boom, 670, 571
- Derricks and Conveyors, Hulett-M`Myler's, 847
- Dipper Dredging, 670
- Ditching Machine, King, 716
- Dredge, Vivian Hydraulic, 772
- Dredger, Jones-Lovell Land, 741, 748
- Dredger, William Sooy Smith, 740
- Dredging Dipper, 670
- Dump Cars, &c., for Spoil, 164
- Dynamite Blast, 236
- Eastman's Conveying Derricks, 361, 365
- Excavation, Diagram Showing, 636
- Excavation Tracks, Section A, Chicago Canal, 70
- Excavator, Bucyrus, 165
- Excavator, Marion, 716
- Excavator, Osgood's Steam, 237, 241
- Excavator, Victor, 671
- Grab Buckets, 847
- Hoisting Engine for Lidgerwood Conveyor, 72, 273
- Hulett-M`Myler Derricks and Conveyors, 847
- Hulett-M`Myler Single-Boom Derrick, 570, 571
- Hydraulic Dredge, Vivian, 772
- Incline and Tip for Spoil, 639
- Inclines for Removing Soil, 98, 164, 165, 207, 37, 840
- Ingersoll-Sergeant Channelling Machine, 133, 34, 135
- Jones-Lovell Land Dredger, 741, 748
- King Ditching Machine, 716
- Lake (United States) Basin Map, 97
- Land Dredger, Jones-Lovell, 741, 748
- Landslip, 846
- Lidgerwood Conveyor, 272, 273
- Map and Plan, Chicago Canal, 3, 4
- Marion Excavator, 716
- M`Myler-Hulett Derricks and Conveyors, 847
- Navvies. See Excavators
- Osgood's Steam Shovel, 237, 241
- Overhead Conveyor, Lidgerwood, 272, 273
- Page Incline and Tip, 639
- Progress Diagrams, Chicago Canal, 97
- Pumping Station, 846
- Railway Crossing Canal, Sante Fe, 846
- Removing Soil by Inclines, Chicago Canal, 98, 64, 165, 207, 237
- Sante Fe Railway Crossing Canal, 846
- Scraper, Vivian, 773
- Sections, Chicago Canal, 1
- Shailer-Schniglau Conveyor, 434, 435
- Smith and Eastman's Conveying Derricks, 64, 365
- Spoil Wagons, 164, 207, 237, 436
- Tipping Machinery, 638
- Truss Conveyors, 364
- Victor Excavator, 671
- Vivian Hydraulic Dredge, 772
- William Sooy Smith Dredger, 740
- Winch, for Brown Conveyor, 299, 302, 303
- Chocks, Hamlyn's Collapsible Boat, 373
- Christie and Lowe's Spoil Wagons and System of Excavation, 207
- Christie and Lowe's Tipping Spoil Wagons, 207, 10. See 236, 237
- Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers, 653
- Clark's Iron Curtain at Lyric Theatre, 393
- Clayton and Shuttleworth Oil Engines, 817
- Clutch, Walker-Weston, 168
- Clydebank Company, Engines and Water-Tube Boilers H.M.S. "Pelorus," 385. See also Thomson, Limited
- Coal Dust, Burning (Ruhl's Apparatus), Borsig, Berlin, 72
- Coal, Luhrig Process of Washing Bituminous, 99
- Coal Weighing and Recording Machines, Ingrey's, 71, 473
- Coil Clutch and Pulley Company, Limited, Slough, Rolling Mill Reversing Gear, 604, 635
- Collision, Railway. See Accidents
- Compound Engine. See Engines
- Compressor, Air, and Corliss Engine (IngersollSergeant Company), 133, 135
- Computer, Cox's, Strength of Gears, 104
- Concrete for Bridge, &c., Work, 733
- Condenser, Surface, for Electric Light Engines (Allen, Bedford), 331
- Condensing Plant, Separate, 769
- Conning Tower, Japanese Battleship, 342, 343
- Convection Scope and Calorimeter, 239, 240
- Conveyor, Bates' Belt, 865, 376
- Conveyor, Bridge, 638
- Conveyor, Brown Spoil, &c., 299, 302, 303, 847
- Conveyors, Christie and Lowe's, 207, 210
- Conveyor, Double Cantilever, 506, 607
- Conveyors, Hulett-McMyler's Derricks and, 817
- Conveyor, Lidgerwood, 272, 273
- Conveyor, Shailer-Schniglau, 434, 435
- Conveyors, Smith and Eastman, and Trust, 364, 65
- Conveyors, Spoil, 237, 272, 273, 299, 302, 303, 364, 66, 376, 434, 435, 436, 606, 607, 638, 847
- Cooling Curves of Metals, 221, 222, 223
- Corliss Valve Gear, Glasgow Subway Cable Engine, 95, 96
- Corliss Valves on Locomotives, 292, 293, 384
- Corliss Valve, Proell Cut-Off with, 601
- Cotton Baling Press (Rice, Leeds), 850
- Cotton Mill, Electrically Driven, at Bellegarde, 705
- Cox's Strength of Gear Computer, 104
- Cradle for Launching Ship, 310, 311, 314, 318
- Cradles, Rolling, for Light Railways, 367, 368, 389
- Craig and Donald, Johnstone, Punching and Side Cutting Machine, 339
- Crane, 200-Ft. Gantry (Cambria Iron Company, Johnstown, Pa.), 102, 103
- Crane, Titan, for Vera Cruz (Stothert and Pitt, Bath), 646
- Craven, Manchester, Ford's Machine for Drilling and Bolting Railway Wheels, 338
- Crewe Locomotive Shed, 276
- Crosshead Breakdowns, 28. See 60, 91
- Crucibles, Permeability of Steel Melting, 641
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Crushing Machinery, Ore (Johnson, Leeds), 372
- Curve of Strains on Metals, 468
- Curve Tracer or Monticolo Cyclesograph, 791
- Cut-Off, Proell, with Corliss Valve, 601
- Cutting and Punching Machine (Craig and Donald), 339
- Cuttings, Chicago, 43, 98, 134
- Cyclesograph, Monticolo, or Curve Tracer, 791
- Cylinder Heat Transmission, 31
- Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, 569
- Decauville Single-Rail Railway, 166, 176, 198,193
- Dee, Victoria Bridge over the River, Queensferry, 776, 781
- Defects in Castings, 150
- Defects in Iron Castings, 58, 150
- Degreasing Leather Machinery (Wright and Monk, Nottingham), 400, 401
- Derrick, Hulett-McMyler's Single Boom, 570, 571
- Derricks and Conveyors, Hulett-McMyler's, 847
- Destructor, Horsfall, 122
- Diagrams. See Indicator Diagrams
- Diagram, Acceleration, for Oscillating Engine, 65
- Diagram, Accelerity, of the Steam Engine, 528
- Diagram of Ammonia Manure, 698
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 24, 184, 322, 450, 620, 56
- Diagrams, Pneumatic Grain Elevator, 797
- Diagram of Ship Strain when Launching, 309
- Diagram of Steam Engine Performance, 623
- Diagrams, Steam Turbine, 446
- Dipper Dredging, 670
- Ditching Machine, King, 716
- Dobson's Trip Valve Gear ; Glasgow Subway Cable Engine, 95, 96
- Dock Pumping Engines, Centrifugal (W. H. Allen and Co , Limited), 548
- Dodman, Mr. Alfred, Markwick's Rice Mortar, 39
- Double-Acting Displacement Air Pump (King, Nailsworth), 587
- Drainage Canal, Chicago. See Chicago Drainage Canal
- Draught, Induced, Dry Back Boiler with (Fraser, Miliwall), 474
- Dredge, Vivian Hydraulic, 772
- Dredger, Jones-Lovell Land, 741, 748
- Dredger, William Sooy Smith, 740
- Dredging Dipper, 670
- Dredging. See also Chicago Canal
- Drill and Reamer, Bradford Portable Power, 780
- Drilling and Bolting Railway Wheels, Ford's Machine for (Craven, Manchester), 338
- Drilling Machine, Radial (Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio), 536
- Drying and Heating Apparatus, Robinson's, 46, 7
- Du Temple Water - Tube Boiler, H. M. S. "Spanker," 777
- Duckhami's Pneumatic Grain Elevator? 151
- Dumbartonshire and Lanarkshire Railway, 597, 66, 667, 733, 736, 737, 803, 804, 805, 820, 839, 40, 842, 843
- Dump Cars, &c., for Spoil, 164
- Dundalk, Double Collision near, 121
- Duquesne Furnace Plant, 469, 470, 472, 478, 538
- Dust Fuel, Burning, Ruhl's Apparatus for, 72
- Dynamite Blast, 236
- Dynamo Room, Japanese Battleship, 342
- Dynamo, Six-Pole 7-Kilowatt (Slikkerveer Company), 503, 514
- Dynamos and Compound Engines (Allen, Bedford), 69, 70
- Eastman's Conveying Derricks, 364, 365
- Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, Limited, Check Valves and Blow-off Cocks, 25
- Easton, Anderson, and Goolden's Stern-Wheel Steamers, 340, 346
- Electric Alternator and Engine (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., and Ferranti), 5, 6
- Electric Dynamo, Six-Pole (Slikkerveer Company, Holland), 503, 514
- Electric Influence Machine, Wimshurst, 675
- Electric Light Engines, Surface Condenser (Allen, Bedford), 331
- Electric Lighting Cable Subway, 307
- Electric Motor, Three-Phase, at Bellegarde, 704
- Electric Power Transmission, Bellegarde, 633, 34, 635, 701, 704, 705
- Electric Signalling without Wires, 831, 832
- Electric Turbo-Generator, Parsons, Test Curve, 51
- Electric Turntable Stage, 201, 202, 268, 269
- Electrical Inductor Alternator and Raworth's Engine (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Electrically Driven High-Speed Pumps (Merryweather), 621
- Electrically Driven Ploughing Tackle (Borsig, Berlin), 812, 813, 814
- Electrotechnische Industrie, Slikerveer, Six-Pole Dynamo, 503, 614
- Elevator, Duckham's Pneumatic Grain, 151
- Elliptic Functions, 229
- Engine Accelerity Diagram, 528
- Engine and Alternator, Combined (Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., Ferranti), 5, 6
- Engine, Bearings of Marine, 29, 30
- Engine and Boiler Stop Valve, 454
- Engine Breakdowns, 27, 28, 60, 61, 91
- Engine, Corliss, and Air Compressor (IngersollSergeant Company), 133, 135
- Engines and Dynamos, Compound (Allen, Bedford), 69, 70
- Engines, 1500 Horse-Power Cable, 37, 50, 95, 96
- Engines, Oil (Clayton and Shuttleworth), 817
- Engine, Oscillating, Acceleration Diagram for, 65
- Engines, Prevention of Vibration in Ships, 253, 59
- Engines, Quadruple Mill, and Water-Tube Boiler (Fleming and Ferguson), 12
- Engine, Raworth's, and Inductor Alternator (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Engine Shed at Crewe, 276
- Engines, Short-Stroke Steam, 157. See 188
- Engine, Sternwheel Steamer (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, Limited), 340, 316
- Engine Telegraph and Speed and Direction Indicator, Fiske's, 203
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Japanese Battleship Yashima" (Humphrys, Tennant), 277
- Engines, Triple-Expansion Paddle, " Paris " (Inglis, Glasgow), 566, 567
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, Spanish Destroyers (Clydebank Company), 13, 16
- Engines, and Water - Tube Boilers, H.M.S. " Pelorus " (Clydebank Company), 385
- Entropy, Temperature, Diagram, Steam Turbine, 46
- Equatorial, 20-In., at Chamberlin Observatory, 02, 709
- Essen, Municipal Theatre, Stage of, 130
- Eutectic Curves of Brass Alloys, 253, 255
- Evaporative Condensers, 759
- Ewing's Measuring Apparatus, 720
- Excavation Tracks, Section A, Chicago Canal, 770
- Excavator, Bucyrus Steam, 165
- Excavator, Marion, 716
- Excavator, Osgood's Steam, 237, 211
- Excavator, Victor, 671
- Exhibition Buildings, Paris, 8, 9
- Exhibition, Paris, 467
- Explosion. See Boiler Explosions
- Fatigue in Steel Rails, Microscopic Observations on, 499, 502, 841. See 850
- Feed Heater System, Lundkvist's, 154, 155, 189, 90
- Ferranti, Limited, Alternator and Engine Combined, 5, 6
- Fine Arts Buildings, Paris Exhibition, 467. See , 9
- Fire Appliances, 533
- Fire Engine Station, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, 533
- Fire-Resisting Curtains, 392, 393, 462, 463
- Fire at the Rue Jean Goujon, Paris, 643
- Fiske's Engine Telegraph and Speed and Direction Indicator, 203
- Flaws in Steel Rails, Microscopic Observations, 99, 502, 841
- Fleming and Ferguson, Quadruple Mill Engine and Water-Tube Boiler, 12
- Flow of Gas and Steam through Pipes, 361
- Flow in Open Channels, Uniform, 21
- Flying, 32
- Ford's Machine for Drilling and Bolting Railway Wheels (Craven, Manchester), 338
- Fracture of Parts of Steam Engines, 27, 28, 60, 1, 91
- Fractures in Steel Rails, 499, 502, 841. See 850
- " Francis Henderson " and " Leonard Spear," Pilot Boats, 47
- Fraser and Son, John, Dry-Back Boiler with Induced Draught, 474
- " Fuji," Japanese Battleship, 342, 343. See also "Yashinta,"
- Furnace Charging Machinery, 469, 470, 472, 478, 38, 658, 659, 669
- Furnace Collapse, Boiler Explosion, 491
- Furnace, Horsfall Refuse, 122
- Furnace Plant, Duquesne, 469, 470, 472, 478, 538
- Furnace, Weardale, 864, 865
- " Furor," Spanish Destroyer (Clydebank), 13, 16
- Gantry Crane, 200-Ft. (Cambria Iron Company, Johnstown, Pa ), 102, 103
- Garnier's Section for Tool Steel, 322
- Gas and Steam Flow through Pipes, 361
- Gauges, Wallach's Safety Boiler, 119
- Gear Computer, Strength of, Cox's, 104
- Gear (Worm and Bevel), Machinery, 401, 405, 438, 39
- Generation of Electric Energy for Tramways, 623
- Geometry of Stability, 559
- Glasgow Subway. See Cable Traction,
- Gloucester and Cheltenham Railway Medal, 321
- Grab Buckets, 817
- Grain Elevator, Duckham's Pneumatic, 151
- Gravitation Stamp Mills, 624, 625, b26, 655, 661, 62
- Grel Valve, 781
- Grinding Machine, Side (Luke and Spencer, Limited), 454
- Grinding dachinery, Ore (Johnson, Leeds), 372
- Gripper Car for Cable Traction, 30d, 307
- Guns Afloat, Stevens' Battery, 417
- Gun, Hotchkiss Automatic Machine, 541, 545
- Guns and Turrets of United States Monitor "Terror," Pneumatic Gear, 510, 541, 542
- * Hamlyn's Collapsible Boat Chocks, 373
- Harbour, Bowling, Concrete, 731
- Heat Transmission through Plates, 31
- Heating and Drying Apparatus, Robinson's, 43, 47
- Heating Plant, Steam, 370
- H.M. Cruiser " Niohe " (Barrow), 280, 309, 310, 11, 314, 318
- H.M. Cruiser " Pelorus," Engines and WaterTube Boiler (Clydebank Company), 385
- H.M. Cruiser "Terrible," Indicator Diagrams, 4, 85
- H.M. Destroyers " " and " Spitfire," Engines (Bellies), 73
- H.M. Gunboat "Spanker," Du Temple WaterTube Boiler, 777
- Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., Limited, Combined Engine and Alternator, 5, 6
- Himalayan Darjeeling Railway, 569
- Hofburg Theatre, Vienna, Iron Curtain, 463
- Hoisting Engine for Lidgerwood Conveyor, 272, 73
- Holden's System of Oil Fuel Locomotive, 744, 45
- Holt's Tramway Motor, 720
- Horseless Carriage. See Cars, Motors
- Horsfall Refuse Furnace, 122
- Hotchkiss Automatic Machine Gun, 544, 543
- Hulett-McMyler Derricks and Conveyers, 817
- Hulett-McMyler Single-Boom Derrick, 570, 571
- Humphrys, Tennant, and Co., Engines Japanese Battleship, 277
- Hydraulic Dredge, Vivian, 772
- Hydraulic Machinery for Bowling Swing Bridge, 33, 736, 737, 803
- Hydraulic Machinery at the Lyric Theatre, London, 466
- Hydraulic Power Supply, 728
- Hydraulic Ram Defects, 58, 150
- Incline and Tip for Spoil, 639
- Inclines for Removing Soil, 98, 164, 165, 207, 237, 46
- Indicator Diagrams of Electric Engine, 6
- Indicator Diagrams of H.M.S. "Terrible," 84, 85
- Indicator Diagrams, Locomotive with Corliss Valves, 292, 293. See 381
- Indicator Diagrams, Lundkvist's Feed Heater, 55, 189, 190
- Indicator Diagrams, Raworth's Engine, 157. See 83
- Induced Draught Dry - Back Boiler (Fraser, Millwall), 474
- Induction Telegraphy, 831, 832
- Influence Machine, Wimshurst, 675
- Ingersoll-Sergeant Company, Air Compressor Engine and Channelling Machine, 133, 134, 135
- Ingersoll-Sergeant Channelling Machine, 133, 34, 135
- Inglis, A. and J., Pointhouse, Triple-Expansion Paddle Engines, 566, 567
- Ingrey's Coal Weighing and Recording Machine, 71, 473
- Insulation, Railroad, 355
- Iron Fire-Resisting Curtains, 392, 393, 462, 463
- Japanese Battleship "Fuji," 342, 343. See Yashinza"
- Japanese Battleship, New (Thames Iron Works), 31
- Japanese Battleship " Yashima " (Armstrong), 71, 172, 173, 244, 277
- Johnson and Sons, William, Leeds, Ore Crushing, &c., Machinery, 372
- Joint for Metal Tubing, Bayonet Catch, 557
- Jones-Lovell Land Dredger, 741, 748
- " Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" Air Pumps (Blake Company, New York), 35
- Kapteyn, Professor, Apparatus for Measuring Stellar Photographs, 487
- Kennedy-Cowper Stoves, 538
- Key for Flywheels, 149
- Keys, Roller, for Pulleys, &c. (New Southgate Company), 45
- King and Co., H. J. H., Double-Acting Displacement Air Pump, 587
- King Ditching Machine, 716
- Kites, Cellular, 32
- Krauss and Co., Munich, Bavarian Compound Locomotive, 678, 679, 682, 691, 692
- Lake (U.S.) Basin Map, 97
- Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway, 597, 66, 667, 733, 736, 737, 803, 801, 805, 820, 839, 40, 842, 843
- Lancashire Steam Motor Carriage Company, Leyland, Steam Road Van, 816
- Land Dredger, Jones-Lovell, 741, 748
- Landslip, 846
- Lathe, Heavy Capstan (Taylor and Hattersley, Brighouse), 612
- Launch of H.M.S. " Niobe" (Barrow), 280, 309, 10, 311, 314, 318
- Leather Degreasing Machinery (Wright and Monk, Nottingham), 400, 401
- Leeds Forge Company, Barsi Light Railway Stock, 106, 107, 110
- Level Railway Crossing, 162
- Lidgerwood Spoil Conveyor, 236, 272, 273
- Lifeboat Chocks, Hamlyn's Collapsible, 373
- Light Railway Bogies, Barsi (Leeds Forge Company), 106, 107, 110
- Light Railways, Meynell's Trolley (Scriven, Leeds), 185
- Light Railways, Rolling Cradles for, 367, 368, 369
- Lighting Cable Subway, Electric, 307
- Lindsay's Clutch, 604, 605
- Locomotive, Compound (Bavaria), Krauss and Co., Munich, 678, 679, 682, 691, 692
- Locomotive, Compound, " Mastodon" (Schenectady), 606, 612
- Locomotive with Corliss Valves, 292, 293, 381
- Locomotive for Liquid Fuel, 744, 745
- Locomotive for Metropolitan Railway, 323
- Locomotive Piston Valves, 798
- Locomotive Shed at Crewe, 276
- Luhrig Process of Washing Bituminous Coal, 99
- Luke and Spencer, Limited, Manchester, Side Grinding Machine, 454
- Dimmer Contrast Polarimeter, 301
- Lundkvist's Feed Heater System, 151, 155, 189, 90
- Lyall's Combination Tubular and Water-Tube 3oiler, 608, 609
- Lyric Theatre, London, Hydraulic Machinery, 66
- McMyler-I-Iulett Derricks and Conveyors, 817
- Machine Gun, Hotchkiss Automatic, 544, 545
- Machine-Moulded Wheels, 65, 126, 195, 396, 307, 29, 430, 553, 631, 769
- Machinery for Degreasing Leather (Wright and
- Monk, Nottingham), 400, 401
- Magazine Rifle, United States, 138
- Map and Plan, Chicago Canal, 3, 4
- Marion Excavator, 716
- Markwick's Rice Mortar (Dodman, King's Lynn), 39
- "Mastodon" Compound Locomotive (Schenectady), 606, 612
- Maxim's Apparatus for Smokeless Powder, 451
- Measuring Apparatus, Ewing's, 720
- Measuring Stellar Photographs, Apparatus, 487
- Mechanical Propulsion in Canals, 592, 593, 591, 27, 832
- Medal, Cheltenham and Gloucester Railway, 321
- Melton Constable Collision, 153
- Merryweather's Electric Pump, 621
- Mersey Pilot Steamers (Murdoch and Murray, Port Glasgow), 47
- Metal Prices Diagram, 24, 184, 322, 450, 620, 756
- Metals, Strains on, 468
- Metallographers' Microscope Accessories, 851. See 499, 502, 841
- Meter, Bernay's Water, 721
- Metropolitan. See London
- Metropolitan Railway Locomotive, 323
- Meynell's Trolley for Light Railways (Striven, Leeds), 185
- Microscope Accessories for Metallographers, 831. See 499, 502, 841
- Microscopic Observations on the Deterioration by Fatigue in Steel Rails, 499, 502, 841. See 51
- Milling Machine, Test Piece (Riehle, Philadelphia), 265, 274
- Model Experiments as to Ship Stability, 475
- Monorail Railway, Behr's, 784, 808, 809, 854
- Monticolo Cyclesograph or Curve Tracer, 791
- Moorman Hose-Holder, 533
- Mordey's Inductor Alternator and Raworth's Engine (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Morison's High - Speed Gravitation Stamp Mill, 55, 661, 62. See 624, 625, 626
- Mortar, Markwick's Rice (Dodman, King's Lynn), 39
- Motor Car. See Cars, Motor
- Motor, Holt's Tramway, 720
- Motor, Peugeot Road, 674
- Motor, Three-Phase, at Bellegarde, 701
- Moulding Machines, Wheel, 396, 391
- Moulding (Wheel) Machine, Buckley and Taylor, 34, 335
- Moulded Wheels, Machine, 65, 126, 195, 396, 397, 29, 430, 563, 631, 769
- Munich Court Theatre, 201, 202, 268, 269
- Murdoch and Murray, Port Glasgow, Mersey Pilot Steamers, 47
- Mussy Viaduct, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 575, 578
- Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Limited, Barrow, H.M.S. " Niobe," 280, 309, 10, 311, 314, 318
- Navvies. See Excavators
- Navvy, Osgood's Steam, 237, 241
- Neeland Charging Apparatus for Blast-Furnaces, 69, 470, 472, 478. See 538
- New Southgate Company, Roller Keys, 45
- Newport Dry Docks, Centrifugal Pumps (W. H. Allen and Co., Limited), 548
- Nickel Steel, 589
- Niger Stern-Wheel Steamers (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, Limited), 340, 346
- Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, Ohio, Shipyard Tools, 536, 537
- "Niobe," H.M.S. (Naval Construction and Armaments Company, Barrow), 280, 309, 310, 11, 314, 318
- Normand Water-Tube Boiler, H.M.S. " Pelorus " (Clydebank Company), 385
- Nozzle for Oil Fuel in Locomotives, 744, 745
- Observatory, Chamberlin, Denver, 702, 703, 708, 09
- Oil. See also Petroleum,
- Oil Engines. See Engines
- Oil Fuel, Locomotive, 744, 745
- Oldbury Railway Carriage and Wagon Company's Cable Cars, 306, 307
- Open-Hearth Furnaces, Charging by Machinery, 58, 659, 669
- Ordnance. See Guns
- Ore Crushing, &c., Machinery (Johnson, Leeds), 72
- Osgood's Steam Shovels, 237, 241
- Overhead Conveyor, Lidgerwood, 272, 273
- Paddle Engines. See Engines
- Page Incline and Tip, 639
- Paris Exhibition, 467
- Paris Exhibition Buildings, 8, 9
- Paris Exhibition Subways, 230
- Paris Fire, 643
- Paris and Orleans Railway Locomotive with Corliss Valves, 292, 293. See 384
- "Paris," Paddle Steamer, Triple-Expansion Engines (Inglis, Glasgow), 566, 567, 574
- Parsons' Steam Turbine Torpedo Boat, 523, 757
- Parsons' Turbo-Generator, Test Curve, 251
- "Pelorus," Engines and Water-Tube Boiler, H.M.S. (Clydebank Company), 385
- Permanent Way, 218
- Permeability of Steel-Melting Crucible, 611
- Petroleum Engines. See Engines Peugeot Road Motor, 674
- Pfaff's Iron Curtain with Hydraulic Gear, 393
- Phosnix Bridge Company, Rock Island Bridge, 37, 442, 510, 511, 523
- Photographs, Apparatus for Measuring Stellar, 87
- Pilot Steamers, Mersey (Murdoch and Murray, Port Glasgow), 47
- Pipes, Flow of Steam and Gas through, 361
- Piston Valves, Locomotive, 798
- Planing Machine, Double Cutting (Buckton, Leeds), 161
- Plate Shearing Machine (Buckton), 68
- Ploughing Tackle, Steam and Electrically Driven (Borsig, Berlin), 812, 813, 814
- Pneumatic Gear for Turrets and Guns of U.S. Monitor " Terror," 540, 541, 542
- Pneumatic Grain Elevator Diagrams, 797
- Pneumatic Grain Elevator, Duckham's, 151
- Polarimeter, Lummer Contrast, 301
- Pompeiian Engineering, Stopcock Rivets, &c., 49
- * Pompeiian Water-Tube Boiler, 42
- Powder, Maxim's Apparatus for Smokeless, 451
- Powdered Coal, Ruhl's Apparatus for Burning (Borsig, Berlin), 72
- Power Transmission, Bellegarde, 633, 634, 635, 01, 704, 705
- Power Transmission by Water, 728
- Press, Cotton Baling (Rice, Leeds), 850
- Proell Cut-Off with Corliss Valve, 601
- Propeller, Tolch's Reversible, 781
- Propellers of Canal Boats, 295
- Pulleys, Cable Guiding, for Cable Traction, 231, 32, 233
- Pulleys, Driving, for Cable Traction, 167, 168
- Pulleys, Roller Keys for (New Southgate Company), 45
- Pulsometer Company, Grel Valve, 781
- Pump, Double-Acting Displacement Air (King, Nailsworth), 587
- Pumping; Engines, Centrifugal (W. H. Allen and Co., Limited), 518
- Pumping Station, 846
- Pumps, Air, S.S. " Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse (Blake Company, New York), 35
- Pumps, Electrically Driven (Merryweather), 621
- Punching and Side Cutting Machine (Craig and Donald), 339
- Quartz Mills, Gravitation, 624, 625, 626, 655, 661, 62
- Queen's Theatre, Manchester, Fire at, 392
- Queensferry, Victoria Bridge over the River Dee at, 776, 781
- Radiation of Heat through Plates, 31
- Rails, 218
- Railroad Insulation, 855
- Railway Accidents. See Accidents
- Railway, Behr's Monorail, 784, 808, 809, 854
- Railway Bogies, Barsi Light (Leeds Forge Company), 106, 107, 110
- Railway Bridges. See Bridles
- Railway Collisions. See Accident
- Railway Crossing, Canal, Santa Fe, 846
- Railway Crossing, Level, 162
- Railway, Darjeeling Himalayan, 569
- Railway, Dumbartonshire and Lanarkshire Railway, 597, 666, 667, 733, 736, 737, 803, 804, 805, 20, 839, 840, 842, 843
- Railway, Light. See Light Railways
- Railway Medal, Cheltenham and Gloucester, 321
- Railways, Meynell's Trolley for Light (Scriven, Leeds), 185
- Railways, Rolling Cradles for Light, 367, 368, 369
- Railway, Single-Rail, 166, 176, 198, 199
- Railway Wheels, Ford's Machine for Drilling and Bolting (Craven, Manchester), 338
- Rainford, Collision at, 457
- Ram, Hydraulic, Defects, 58, 150
- Rapson's Slide Applied to the Steering of Large Ships, 521
- Raworth's Engine Diagrams, 157. See 188
- Raworth's Engine and Inductor Alternator (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Reamer, Bradford Portable Power Drill and, 780
- Refrigerating Machine Performance, 349
- Refuse Furnace, Horsfall, 122
- Removing Soil by Inclines, Chicago Canal, 93, 64, 165, 207, 237
- Reversing Gear for Rolling Mill (Coil Clutch and Pulley Company, Limited, Slough), 604, 605
- Rice and Co., Leeds, Cotton Baling Press, 850
- Rice Mortar (Markwiok's, King's Lynn), 139
- Riehle, Philadelphia, Test Piece Milling Machine, 65, 274
- Rifle, United States Magazine, 138
- Rivet Head Caulking Tool, 793
- Rivets, Pompeiian, 149
- Road Motor, Peugeot, 674
- Road Van, Steam (Lancashire Company), 816
- Robinson's Heating and Drying Apparatus, 46, 47
- Rock Cutting. See Chicago Canal
- Rock Island Bridge, New (Mississippi), 437, 412, 10, 511, 523
- Roller Bearings, 725
- Roller Keys (New Southgate Company), 45
- Roller Steamer, Bazin, 76
- Rolling Cradles for Light Railways, 367, 368, 69
- Rolling Mill Reversing Gear (Coil Clutch and Pulley Company, Limited, Slough), 604, 605
- Rolling Stock, Barsi Light Railway (Leeds Forge Company), 106, 107, 110
- Ruhl's Apparatus for Burning Powdered Coal (Borsig, Berlin), 72
- Sachs, Mr. Edwin 0. See Theatre Stages
- Sandford Water-Tube Boiler, 557
- Santa Fe Railway Crossing Canal, 846
- Schenectady Company, New York, Compound "Mastodon " Locomotive, 606, 612
- Schiffbauerdam Theatre, Berlin, 131
- Schonheyder's Key, 149
- Scraper, Vivian, 773
- Screw Engines. See Engines
- Screw Propellers on Canal Boats, 295
- Screw Propeller, Tolch's Reversible, 781
- Screws, Pompeiian, 149
- Screwing Stock, Adjustable (Winn, Birmingham), 55
- Scriven and Co., Trolley for Light Railway, 185
- Sections, Chicago Canal, 1
- Separating Machinery, Ore (Johnson, Leeds), 372
- Shaft Breaks, 61, 91. See 27, 28, 60
- Shaft, Key for Flywheel, 149
- Shafting for Cable Engine, Sze., 168
- Shailer-Schniglau Spoil Conveyor, 434, 435, 436
- Shearing Machine, Plate (Buckton), 768
- Shearing and Punching Machine (Craig and Donald), 339
- Sheaves for Cable Traction, 231, 232, 283
- Ships, Prevention of Vibration in, 258, 259
- Ship Stability, Ascertaining, 475
- Ship Steering Gear, 621
- Side Grinding Machine (Luke and Spencer, Limited), 454
- Signalling without Wires, 831, 832
- Single-Rail Railway, 166, 176, 198, 199
- Smith and Eastman's Conveying Derricks, 364, 65
- Smith and Eastman Spoil Conveyors, 364, 365, 76
- * Smokeless Powder, Maxim's-Apparatus, 451
- Snout Boring Machine (Buckton, Leeds), 427
- South American Cable Repairing, 388
- Spanish Torpedo-Boat Destroyers " Furor " and "Terror ' (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 13, 6
- "Spanker," H.M.S., Du Temple Water-Tube Boilers, 777
- Speed and Direction Indicator, Fiske's Engine Telegraph and, 203
- Spherical Catenaries, Algebraic, 229
- "Spitfire," Engines of Destroyer (Bellies, Birmingham), 73
- Spoil Conveyors, 207, 210, 236, 237, 272, 273, 299, 02, 303, 364, 365, 376, 434, 435, 436, 506, 607, 38, 847
- Spoil Wagons, 164; 207, 210, 237, 436
- Spur Gearing Breakdowns, 27. See 60, 91
- Stability, Geometry of, 559
- Stability of Ships, Ascertaining, 475
- Stamp Mills, Gravitation, 624, 625, 626, 655, 601, 62
- Steam Engine Performance, 623
- Steam Excavator, Bucyrus, 165
- Steam and Gas Flow through Pipes, 361
- Steam Heating Plant, 370
- Steam Ploughing Tackle (Borsig, Berlin), 812, 13, 814
- Steam Road Van (Lancashire Company), 816
- Steam Shovel, Osgood's, 237, 241
- Steam Turbine, 446
- Steamer, Bazin Roller, 76
- Steamers, Mersey Pilot (Murdoch and Murray, Port Glasgow), 47
- Steamer, Niger Stern-Wheel (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, Limited), 340, 346
- Steamer, Paddle, " Paris," Triple-Expansion Engines (Inglis, Glasgow), 566, 667, 574
- Steel Furnaces, Charging by Machinery, 658, 659, 69
- Steel, Garnier's Section for Tool, 322
- Steel-Melting Crucibles, Permeability of, 641
- Steel, Nickel, 589
- Steel Rails, Microscopic Observations on the Deterioration by Fatigue, 499, 502, 841. See 850
- Steel Smelting Furnace, Weardale, 864, 865
- Steering Gear of Large Ships, 521
- Stellar Photographs, Apparatus for Measuring, 87
- Stern-Wheel Steamer, Niger (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden, Limited), 340, 340
- Stevens Battery, 417
- Stock, Adjustable Screwing (Winn, Birmingham), 355
- Stop Valve, Boiler and Engine, 454
- Stopcock, Pompeiian, 149
- Storz Hose Coupling, 533
- Stothert and Pitt, Bath, Titan Crane, 646
- Stoves, Kennedy-Cowper, 538
- Strains on Metals, 468
- Submarine Cable, Repairing, 388
- Submarine Telegraphy, 556
- Subways, Paris Exhibition, 230
- Sulphate of Ammonia as Manure (Diagram) 698
- Surface Condenser for Electric Light Engines (Allen, Bedford), 331
- Swing Bridge, Dumbarton and Lanark Railway, 33, 736, 737, 803
- Swing Bridge, New Rock Island (Mississippi), 37, 442, 510, 511, 523
- "Swordfish," Engines of Destroyer (Bellies, Birmingham), 73
- Taylor and Hattersley, Capstan Lathe, 642
- Telegraph, Fiske's Engine, and Speed and Direction Indicator, 203
- Telegraphing without Wires, 831, 832
- Telegraphy, Submarine, 556
- Telescope, 20-In. Equatorial, at Chamberlin Observatory, Denver, 702, 709
- Temperature-Entropy Diagram, Steam Turbine, 46
- Temp 777le Water-Tube Boiler, H.M.S. " Spanker,"
- Templer and Ranoe, Boiler and Engine Stop Valve, 454
- Tension Gear for Cable Traction, 167, 169
- "Terror," Spanish Destroyer (Clydebank), 13, 16
- "Terror," United States Monitor, Pneumatic Gear for Turrets and Guns, 540, 541, 542
- Test Curve, Parsons' Turbo-Generator, 261
- Thames Iron Works, New Japanese Battleship, 31
- Thames Iron Works and Shipbuilding Company, Japanese Battleship " Fuji," 342, 343
- Theatre Stages. Modern :
- Amsterdam and Rotterdam Theatres, Iron Curtains, 462
- Asbestos Fire-Resisting Curtains, 392, 393, 463, 63
- Berlin Court Theatre Stage, 36, 38, 39
- Brandt's System of Traps for Stages, 36, 128
- Clark's Iron Curtain at Lyric Theatre, 393
- Electric Turntable Stage, 201, 202, 268, 269
- Essen Municipal Theatre, Stage of, 130
- Fire Appliances, 633
- Fire Engine Station, Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, 533
- Fire-Resisting Curtains, 392, 393, 462, 463
- Hofburg Theatre, Vienna, Iron Curtain, 463
- Hydraulic Machinery at the Lyric Theatre, London, 466
- Iron Fire-Resisting Curtains, 311, 393, 462, 463
- Lyric Theatre, London, Hydraulic Machinery, 66
- Moorman Hose-Holder, 633
- Munich Court Theatre, 201, 202, 268, 269
- Pfaff's Iron Curtain with Hydraulic Gear, 398
- Queen's Theatre, Manchester, Fire at, 392
- Schiffbauerdam Theatre, Berlin, 131
- Storz Hose Coupling, 633
- Traps for Stages, 36
- Turntable Stage, Munich Theatre, 201, 202, 68, 269
- Wiesbaden New Court Theatre, 127, 128
- Thermoscope, 521
- Thomson, Limited, Clydebank, Spanish Destroyers, 13, 16. See also Clydebank Company
- Tipping Machinery, 638
- Tipping Wagons, 207, 210, 236, 237
- Titan Crane for Vera Cruz (Stothert and Pitt, Bath), 646
- Tolch's Reversible Propeller, 781
- Tool Steel, Garnier's Section, 322
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships
- Torpedo-Boats. See Warships.
- Torpedo-Boat with Steam Turbine, 523, 767
- Track Sheaves for Cable Traction, 231, 232, 233
- Traction. See Electric Traction
- Traction, Cable. See Cable Traction
- Tramways. See also Electric Traction
- Tramway Electric Energy, 623
- Tramway Motor, Holt's, 720
- Transmission of Heat through Plates, 31
- Transmission of Power. See Power Transmission
- Traps for Stages, 36
- Tricycles. See Cycle.
- Triple-Expansion. See Engine
- Trolley for Light Railways, Meynell's (Striven, Leeds), 185
- Truss Conveyors, 364
- Tube Joint, Bayonet Catch, 557
- Tubing, Aluminium Bronze Seamless, 142
- Tunnelling, Dumbarton and Lanark Railway, 97, 666, 667
- Turbine, Steam, 446
- "Turbinia," Torpedo-Boat with Steam Turbine, 23, 767
- Turbo-Generator, Parsons', Test Curve, 251
- Turntable Stage, Munich Theatre, 201, 202, 268, 69
- Turrets and Guns of United States Monitor "Terror," Pneumatic Gear, 540, 541, 642
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Underground Work, Dumbarton and Lanark Railway, 597, 666, 667, 840, 843
- Underpinning, Dumbarton and Lanark Railway, 97, 600, 666, 667, 843
- United States Battleship " Alabama," 402, 408
- United States Lakes, 97
- United States Metallic Packing Company, Limited, Bradford, Portable Power Drill and Reamer, 780
- United States Monitor " Terror," Pneumatic Gear for Turret, 540, 541, 542
- United States New Magazine Rifle, 138
- Universal Engine and Inductor Alternator (Brush Company), 157, 188
- Upton Tension Gear for Cable Traction, 167, 69
- Urquhart, Lindsay, and Co.'s Wheel-Moulding Machine, 397
- Valves, Check, and Blow-off Cocks (Easton, Anderson, and Goolden), 25
- Valve Gear, Corliss, Glasgow Subway Cable Engine, 95, 96
- Valve, Grel, 781
- Valves, Locomotive Piston, 798
- Valve, Stop, Boiler and Engine, 454
- Van, Steam Road (Lancashire Company), 816
- Viaduct, Mussy, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 675, 578
- Viaduct, New Rock Island (Mississippi), 437, 442, 10, 511, 623
- Viaducts on Dumbarton and Lanarkshire Railway, 733, 736, 737, 803, 804, 805, 820, 839, 840, 42, 843
- Vibration in Ships, Prevention of, 258, 259
- Victor Excavator, 671
- Victoria Bridge over the River Dee, Queensferry, 76, 781.
- Vivian Hydraulic Dredge, 772
- Wagons, Rolling Cradles for Light Railway, 567, 68, 369
- Wagons, Tipping, 207, 210, 236, 237
- Walker-Weston Clutch, 168
- Wallach's Safety Boiler Gauges, 119
- Warships :
- H.M. Cruiser " Niobe " (Barrow), 280, 309, 310, 11, 314, 318
- H.M. Cruiser " Pelorus," Engines and WaterTube Boiler (Clydebank Company), 385
- H.M. Cruiser " Terrible," Indicator Diagrams, 4, 85
- H.M. Destroyers " Swordfish " and " Spitfire," Engines (Belliss), 73
- H.M. Gunboat " Spanker," Du Temple WaterTube Boiler, 777
- Japanese Battleship "Fuji," 342, 343. See also
- Japanese Battleship, New (Thames Iron Works), 31
- Japanese Battleship " Yashima" (Armstrong), 71, 172, 173, 244, 277
- Spanish Torpedo-Boat Destroyers " Furor " and " Terror" (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 13, 16
- Stevens' Battery, 417
- Torpedo-Boat with Parsons' Steam Turbine, 23, 757
- United States Battleship " Alabama," 402, 08
- United States Monitor " Terror," Pneumatic Gear for Turret, 540, 541, 542
- Washing Bituminous Coal, Luhrig Process, 99
- Water Meter, Bernay's, 721
- Water Power Transmission, 728
- Water Power and Electric Transmission, 633, 34, 635, 701, 704, 705
- Water-Tube Boiler Circulation, 653
- Water-Tube Boiler, Du Temple, H.M.S. "Spanker," 777
- Water-Tube Boiler, and Engines H.M.S. "Pelorus " (Clydebank Company), 385
- Water - Tube Boiler (Fleming and Ferguson), 2
- Water-Tube Boiler, Pompeiian, 42
- Water-Tube Boiler, Sandford, 557
- Water-Tube and Tubular Boiler (Lyall's), 608, 09
- Weardale Furnace, 864, 865
- Webster's Steam Heating, 370
- Weighing and Recording Machine, Ingrey's Coal, 71, 473
- Wellman Electric Open-Hearth Charging Machine, 658, 659. See 669
- Wellman-Leaver Engineering Company, 200-Ft. Gantry Crane, 101, 103
- Weston-Walker Clutch, 168
- Wheels, Ford's Machine for Drilling and Bolting Railway (Craven, Manchester), 338
- Wheel-Moulding Machine, Buckley and Taylor, 34, 335, 769
- Wheel-Moulding Machines, 396, 397
- Wheels, Machine-Moulded, 65, 126, 195, 396, 397, 29, 430, 563, 631, 769
- 'Whittaker's Wheel-Moulding Machine, 396
- Wiesbaden New Court Theatre, 127, 128
- Wilkinson and Sons, G., Double Boring Machine, 06
- Wimshurst Influence Machine, 675
- Winch, Brown Conveyor, 299, 302, 303
- Winn and Co., Screwing Stock, 355
- Wire, Strains on, 466
- Worm and Bevel Gear Machinery, 404, 405, 438, 39
- Wright and Monk, Nottingham, Machinery for Degreasing Leather, 400, 401
- "Yashima " Japanese Battleship (Armstrong), 71, 172, 173, 244, 277
- Yates and Thom, Blackburn. See Cable Traction
See Also
Sources of Information