Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1897 Jan-Jun Volume
- Agricultural Engine3, 573
- Exeter and Royal Show, 209
- Royal Show, 288, 4S6
- Royal Society Motor Car Competition, 792
- Southampton Show of Bath Society, 645, 681
- Baronetcy to Mr. Alex. Wilson, of Cammell's, Sheffield, 747
- Mr. Wolfe Barry, C.B., as LL.D., 555
- Chairman P. R Railroad, 213
- Chief Engineer N.B. Railway (Mr. James Bell), 08
- City Engineer to Cape Town, 109
- Dowlais Works Manager (Mr. J. Thomas), 547
- Jubilee Honours to Engineers, 802
- Professor Hele Shaw, LLD., of St. Andrews, 12
- Secretary of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 755
Armour. See Naval
Artillery. See Guns
Boilers. Bee Engines and Boilers
- Bridge over Forth at Stirling, 746
- Bridge over the Leven at Alexandria, 406
- Bridgework, High-Class, 288
- Danube Bridge at Czernavoda, 407
- Glasgow Bridge, 24
- Highest Bridge in Germany, 780
- Lea Bridge, Great Eastern Railway, Smart Erection, 105
- Lincolnshire Bridge, 755
- Mississippi at New Orleans, 715
- Montreal Bridge over St. Lawrence, 513
- Ohio River Bridgc, 209
- St. Lawrence Bridge Contract, 747
- Swing Bridge at Chicago, 755
- Unit ed States Bridges for Japan, 852
- Victoria Bridge over St. Lawrence, 79
- Wire Bridge at Rouen, 547
- Corinth Canal, 654
- Japanese Canal, 817
- Nicaragua Canal, 58, 645
- Russian Canals, 530
- Severn Navigation, 611
- Suez Canal Report, 755, 827
- Barry, Henry, and Co., 747
- Blackwood and Gordon, 137
- British Aluminium Company, Limited, 137
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Limited, 577
- Crosbie, A., Li lied, 192
- George Cradook and Co., 485
- Daimler Motor Company, Limited, 041
- Drake and Gorham, 440
- Edison and Swan United Electric Light Company, Limited, 311, 486
- Edward Baker (Shipping List), 264
- Expanded Metal Company, 678
- Mark Fawcett and Co., 375
- T. C. Fawcett, Limited, 404
- Fielding and Platt, Limited, 60
- Thos. Firth and Sons, Limited, 209
- Garvin Machine Company, 641
- Hayward Tyler and Co., 677, 641
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Company, 375
- W. Tod and Co., 311
- D. and L. Tullis, 358
- T. and T. Vicars, 678
- R. Warner and Co., 358
- Webster and Bennett, 678
- Australian Coal, 356
- Belgian Briquettes, 800, 868
- Belgian Coal, 345, 852
- British Exports, 861
- Cardiff, 14, 49, 78, 109, 140, 174, 209, 243, 279, 13, 364, 374, 407, 441, 477, 613, 646, 577, 611, 81, 724, 747, 783, 819, 853
- Cardiff Shipments, 577
- Christiania Coal Contracts, 819
- Cleveland. See Middlesbrough.
- East Anglia, Coal in, 322, 780
- English Coal at Hamburg, 828
- Fife (Wemyss) Coal-Mining, 576, 644
- France, Coal in, 401, 697, 780, 783
- France and her Neighbours' Coal, 296
- German Coke, 140
- German Coke-Making, 724
- Germany, British Coal in, 375
- Glyn Neath Seam, 441
- Hull Shipments, 78, 354, 512, 644
- Machinery for Coal-Getting, 562
- Middlesbrough, 49, 78, 109, 208, 279, 354, 374, 07, 441, 477, 546, 577, 611, 645, 681, 747, 783, 18, 853
- Midlands, Coal-Mining, 11S, 327, 555
- Notts Coal, 628
- Prussian Mining, 861
- Railway Contracts, 279
- Rhymney Valley Coal, 243
- Rhymney Valley Seams, 747
- Russian Coal-Mining, 31
- Russian Collieries (Donetz), 792
- Scotch Pits, 723
- Sheffield, 14, 49, 78, 109, 139, 174, 208, 242, 279, 12, 354, 374, 408, 441, 476, 512, 546, 576, 610, 44, 680, 723, 747, 783, 853
- South Wales Shipments, 78, 354, 513, 645, 853
- Swansea Shipments, 547
- Swansea Valley Seams, 140
- Turkish Coal, 643
- United States Exports, 656
- Welsh Coal Contracts, 14, 441, 577, 681, 724, 19
- Welsh Coal Production, 441
- Welsh, New Seams, 376, 441
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Yorkshire Colliery for Sale, 476
- Yorkshire Statistics, 853
Collisions. See Railway,
Companies :
- Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co, 313
- Bristol and South Wales Railway Wagon Company, Limited, 175
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Company, Limited, 819
- John Brown and Co., 853
- Burmeister and Wain Shipbuilding Company, 07
- Bute Dry Dock Company, 611, 681
- Darlington Steel and Iron Company, 312
- Thomas Firth and Sons and Sterling Steel
- Company of Demmler, 139
- Great Western Colliery Company, Limited, 407
- Head, Wrightson, and Co., Limited, 818
- Lysaght's Works at Newport, 783
- Naval Construction and Armaments Company Purchase, 312
- Ruston, Proctor, and Co., 724
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co. 374
- Sheffield Companies, 77,139, 242
- Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company, 546
- Vickers Company, 243
Defence of Coasts. See Naval
Drainage. See sewage
Electric Tramways. See Electricity
Electricity :
- Cape Trade, 513
- Communication with Lighthouses, 313
- Cycle Factory, Electrically Driven, 513
- Driving of Machine Tools, 792
- Dynamo Construction Lectures, 105
- Electric Station Working, 23
- Electricity, Paris and Marseilles, 681
- Electrolytical Deposit of Carbon, 105
- Lamps, Adjusting Carbon of Arc, 450
- Lighting Brazil, 109
- Lighting Bristol, 140, 513, 724
- Lighting Briton Ferry, 354
- Lighting Cambuslang Streets, 853
- Lighting Cape Town, 866
- Lighting Cardiff, 279 407, 611, 853
- Lighting Carlisle, 171
- Lighting Cheltenham, 209
- Lighting Derby, 45, 485, 660
- Lighting Durban, 358
- Lighting Edinburgh, 242
- Lighting Hull, 611, 764
- Lighting Leicester, 861
- Lighting Lincoln, 646
- Lighting Port Elizabeth, 620
- Lighting Sheffield, 406, 476, 512, 610, 747
- Lighting Sheffield, v. Gas, 354
- Lighting Stirling, 79
- Lighting Tunbridge, 611
- Lighting, Wales, 547
- Power Transmission Cost, 866
- Telegraph, African Transcontinental, 407
- Telegraphic Race, England v. France, 242
- Telephone, American Bell, Company, 647
- Telephone, Longest Span of Wire, 209
- Telephone, Paris and Madrid, 518
- Telephones, Sweden, 313
- Utilisation of Multiphase Currents in Electric Driving, 15
- Water Power, California, 49
- Water Power, Canadian Niagara Company, 782
- Water Power, Finland, 345
- Water Power, Jourtland, Sweden, 407
- Water Power, Nile, 477
- Water Power, Rovos, Norway, 792
- Water Power, Sweden, 79, 345
Engineering. See Shipbuilding and Industries
Engines and Boilers :
- Agricultural Engine Exports, 861
- Belleville Boiler Royalty, 141
- Coal Consumption, Steam Engine, 645
- Consumption of Small Engines, 209
- Machinery Belt, Mammoth, 312
- Steam Engine and Boilers Bill, 243, 289. See GENERAL INDEX.
- Superheating, Lecture, 441
- Thom's Engine and Boilers, 852
- Traction Engines for Rhodesia, 140
Exhibitions :
- Buildings Exhibition, London, 313
- Colonial Exhibition in London, 577
- East London Industrial Exhibition, 356
- Glasgow, 1901, 440
- Hamburg Horticultural Exhibition, 122
- Leather Trades Exhibition, 677
- Meteorological, 209, 345, 376
- Motors and Machine Tools at Munich, 175
- Nashville Tramway Exhibition, 819
- New South Wales, 376
- Newcastle Sanitary, 645
- Niirnberg Exhibition, 313
- Omaha Exhibition, 611
- Scissors and other Samples, at Sheffield, 242
- Stockholm, 105, 313
- Stockholm Industrial and Art, 681
- Victorian Era Exhibition, 547, 681
Explosions. See Engines and Boilers
Explosives. See Guns Gas and Gas Engines
- Automatic Gas Station Governors, 608
- Barry Gas Works, 853
- Explosion Recorder, 862
- Gas Motors for Flour Mills, 60
- Glasgow Engines for Chinese Coin Stamping, 23
- Glasgow Gas Coal, 852
- Kirkcaldy Gas Works and the Corporation, 644
- Paris Gas, 473
- Power Transmission Cost, 866
Guns and Explosives :
- Birmingham Gun Trade, 611
- Cordite Case Decision, 313
- Explosion at Nobel's Works, 278
- Forts in the Transvaal, 382
- Maxim Guns, 456
- Norwegian Gun Factory, 288
- Range Finders, Electric, 450
- Swedish Cartridges, 79
- Testing Ground for Vickers Guns, 576
- Tests of New Explosive, 450
- Trial of Sheffield Projectiles, 312
- United States Ordnance, 783
Harbours, Piers, etc. :
- Aberdeen Graving Dock, 512
- Aberdeen Graving Dock Reconstruction, 354
- Antibes, Dredging, 313
- Barry Deep Lock, 645
- Barry Dock Works, 243
- Boston Harbour Finances, 171
- Bristol Docks, 681, 853
- Bristol Improvements, 547
- Bristol Traffic, 611
- Burntisland Harbour, 141
- Bute Dock, Smart Shipment, 513
- Bute Docks, 243, 611
- Clyde, 15. See Glasgow
- Clyde Trust and Question of Bunker Coal Dues, 312
- Copenhagen Free Harbour, 264
- Floating Dock, Largest, 209
- Glasgow Weir, 476
- Hallsands, Dredging at, 819
- Hastings Pier, 819
- Helensburgh Pier, 546, 723
- Hull Docks, 92, 818
- Iceland, Hydrographic Survey, 677
- Ilfracombe, 547, 819
- Inchkeith Island Foghorn, 406
- Kilpatrick, Proposed Docks at, 644
- King's Lynn Docks, 449
- Lighthouse Struck by Lightning, 644
- Llanelly Docks, 853
- Lynmouth Pier, 477
- Malmo Harbour Extension, 677
- Malmo, Sweden, 141.
- Mississippi, 607, 642, 724, 816
- Mumbles Pier and Hotel, 681, 819
- New Jersey Flats, Reclamation for Wharves, 15
- New South Wales Harbour, 453
- New York Harbour, 407
- Odessa, Enlargements, 354
- Pembroke Dock, 109
- Port Arthur, Louisiana, 24
- Port Jackson, Japan, 62, 677
- Port Talbot, 243
- Rivers in Australia, 209
- Sfax, Tunis, 616
- Swansea, 209, 513, 577, 819
- Swansea Jetty, 354 •
- Tees Dues, 174
- Valparaiso, 192
- Wear Traffic, 171
Hydraulics :
- Hydraulic Air Compressor, 862
- Pumping Plant for Brooklyn and Chicago, 375
Industries. See also Trade Societies, &c.
- Australasian, 375
- British Trade on the Pacific, 792
- Canada and United States Tariff, 477
- Canadian Trade, 577
- Cotton Spinners, 219, 387, 525, 656
- Cycle Industry, 546, 576, 673, 680
- Dundee Foundry, Sale of, 364
- Engineering Works at Renfrew, New, 723
- Foundry at Whiteinch, New, 723
- Glycerine, 862
- Greenock Engineering Contracts, 14
- Johnstone Engineering Trade, 14
- Llanelly Lead Works, 853
- Locomotive Building in Glasgow, 140
- Locomotive Exports, 419
- Russian Industries, 556
- Sheffield File Industry, Government and, 312
- Sheffield and German Trade, 441
- Sheffield and the New United States Tariff, 06, 441
- Sheffield Trade, 48, 78, 108, 208, 354, 374, 512
- Sheffield Trade Marks, Pirating, 783
- Trade Returns, 345, 477, 681, 792
- Trade in the West of Scotland, 23
- Tube Trade, American Competition, 680, 723
- United States Machinery for Russia, 799
- World's Commerce, 715
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
- Iron and Steel. See also Markets
- Belgian Iron Trade, 608
- Belgian Rails, 866
- Bertrand-Thiel Process, 139
- Birmingham, 26, 59, 89, 186, 219, 257, 289, 324, 55, 387, 421, 452, 488, 524, 558, 588, 622, 656, 94, 726, 757, 794, 830, 861
- Blast Furnaces, Belgian, 32, 60, 690, 723
- Blast Furnaces, United Kingdom, 49, 477
- Blast Furnaces, United States, 224, 456, 612, 16
- Briton Ferry Blast Furnaces, 174
- Cleveland, 15, 49, 78, 109, 140, 174, 208, 242, 79, 312, 354, 374, 406, 441, 477, 513, 546, 577, 10, 644, 680, 724, 747, 783, 818, 853
- Cleveland Pig-Iron Shipments, 610
- Dowlais and Cyfarthfa, 209
- Dowlais Works, 681
- Elba Iron Minerals, 678
- France, Rails in, 426, 477
- French Industries, 722
- French Iron Minerals, 780
- French Metallurgical Returns, 456
- French Steel Rails, 426, 477
- Glasgow. See Scotch
- Glasgow Iron Ore Imports, 48
- Imports and Exports, 15
- Indian Iron Ores, 577
- Iron Production, &c., in Scotland, 746
- Japanese Iron and Steel Works, 28
- Lancashire, 26, 59, 89, 186, 219, 257, 289, 324, 55, 387, 421, 452, 488, 524, 558, 588, 622, 656, 94, 726, 757, 793, 829, 861
- Lapland, Iron Ore from, 474
- Metal Prices, 117
- Middlesbrough. See Cleveland
- Motherwell Steel and Bridge Building Works, 4
- Muffle, Coal Gas Needed for, 862
- New South Wales Steel Rails, 375
- Pig Iron in Canada, 715
- Pig Iron in Germany, 32, 250, 611, 724, 783
- Pig Iron Production of the World, 654
- Rail Exports, British, 209, 836
- Rails for Pennsylvania, 117
- Rhymney Valley Works, 724
- Rolling Mill, Largest in the World, 218
- Scotch, 14, 48, 78, 108, 140, 174, 278, 312, 353, 74, 406, 440, 476, 512, 546, 576, 610, 644, 680, 23, 746, 782, 818, 852
- Scotch Iron Statistics, 48
- Sheffield, 15, 48, 78, 108, 174, 208, 242, 278, 312, 54, 374, 406, 441, 476, 512, 546, 576, 610, 644, 80, 723, 747, 783, 818, 852
- Steel Billets, Scotch, for the United States, 818
- Swansea Valley Works, 209
- Sweden Iron and Steel, 278
- Swedish Iron Consumption, 576
- Tees Shipments, 174, 747
- Tredegar Works, Reopening, 140
- United Kingdom Rails Abroad, 92, 345, 520, 62
- United States Metals (Southern), 290
- United States Rails, 458
- United States Rails for China, 641
- Wales, South, Shipments, 78, 354, 513, 645, 819
- Wolverhampton, 26, 59, 89, 186, 219, 257, 289, 24, 355, 387, 421, 452, 483, 524, 558, 588, 622, 56, 681, 726, 757, 795, 829
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Irrigation :
- Embanking Nile at Assouan, 109
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, &c.
- Light, Electric. Bee Electricity
- Machine Tools. See Mechanics
- Markets :
- Cleveland Iron, 15, 48, 78, 109, 140, 174, 208, 42, 279, 312, 354, 374, 406, 440, 476, 513, 546, 76, 610, 644, 680, 724, 747, 783, 818, 853
- Copper, Glasgow, 14, 48, 78, 108, 140, 174, 208, 42, 278, 312, 353, 374, 406, 440, 476, 512, 546, 76, .610, 644, 680, 723, 746, 782, 818, 852
- Glasgow Pig Iron, 14, 48, 78, 108, 140, 174, 208, 42, 278, 312, 353, 374, 406, 440, 476, 512, 546, 76, 610, 644, 680, 723, 746, 782, 818, 852
- Sulphate of Ammonia, 14, 78, 140, 312, 353, 74, 406, 476, 512, 546, 576, 680, 746, 782,
- Mechanics:
- Acetylene, 288, 513
- Aluminium, 477
- Aluminium Bronze, 79
- Aluminium Industry, Greenock, 818
- American v. British Machines, 345
- Bicycle Tubing Tests, 176
- Blue Prints, 645
- Browne and Sharpe Standard Bars, 681
- Cables, Life of Haulage, 105
- Carbon, Atomic Heat, 755
- Carbon Deposited Electrolytically, 105
- Cast-Iron Car Wheel Tests, 681
- Caustic Sodas, Action of Iron and Steel, 547
- Cement, A New, 174
- Cement Mortar, 175
- Chemical Balance, 450
- Chromium, 243
- Coefficient of Expansion of Glass with Heat, 79
- Copper Deposit on Aluminium by Electrolysis, 41
- Copper, Largest, 477
- Cotsworth Direct Calculators, 474
- Cycles, 573, 576
- Determining Contact of Screw with Block, 681
- Dividing Engine, 407
- Drilling Steel, 105
- Expanded Metal in Fireproof Floors, 79. See LETTERS
- Fireproof Floors, Tests of, 862
- Heat, Mechanical Equivalent of, 819
- Ice-Making Machine, 313
- Indicating Locomotive Power, 407
- Limes, Hydraulic, 577
- Liquefaction of Fluorine Gas, 755
- Locomotive Indicator Diagrams, 175
- Locomotive Jib Crane, Large, 407
- Malleable Castings, 819
- Manganese Ore in Russia, 543
- Manganese, West Indian, 780
- Michele Tests for Portland Cement, 49
- Microscopy of Iron and Steel, 288
- Milling Cutters, 79
- Nickel Iron Alloy, 792
- Nickel Steel for Boilers, 477
- Novel Iron Cutting, 611
- Paints, Preserving Quality, 755
- Phosphor-Bronze, 547
- Photo-Mechanical Reprints of Tracings, 645
- Pneumatic Postal Tube, 407
- Propeller Shaft, Steel. 345
- Railway Car Wheels, Truing Up, 513
- Razor and Scissors Machinery, 279
- Roller Friction, 15
- Rolling Mills, 279
- Shearing Value of Wire Nails in Pine Planks, 81
- Slide Rule for Weir Discharges, 375
- Steel and its Chemical Composition, 819
- Steel Rails, Deterioration by Fatigue in, 208
- Strength of Metal Raised by Freezing, 15
- Stresses on Different Metals, 105
- Teak Sleepers, 369
- Temperature of Visibility, Minimum, 345
- Tempering of Steel Heated to Cherry Red, 175
- Testing Hardness of Steel Balls, 375
- Testing Surveying Tapes, 792
- Vacuum in Tube, 375
- Viscose (Cellulose), 175
- Wind Pressure of Tornado, 375
- Metals. See Iron and Steer and Mechanics
- Mining :
- Accidents to Miners, 312
- Australasian Gold, 556
- Austrian, 49
- British Columbian Mining, 547
- Cripple Creek Output, 519
- Deepest Mine, 375
- Gold Imports, 252, 388, 697, 836
- Mexican Gold, 353
- New Zealand, 30, 577
- Silver Mining, North Caucasus, 543
- South African Gold, 28, 358, 654, 722, 800, 852
- Tasmanian Gold, 15
- West Australian Gold, 150
- Miscellaneous :
- Accidents in Germany, 141
- Arctic Balloon, 288
- Argentina Immigration, 277
- Argentine Population, 456
- Astronomical Society and Observatory, 450
- Australasian Population, 646, 716
- Commerce at Port Jackson, Japan, 62
- Cycles, 573
- Fire Resisting Properties of Timber, 645
- Galizia Petroleum Borings, 715
- German Emigration, 206
- German Population, 243
- Grain Elevators, Steel, 660
- Granite Importation to Aberdeen, 783
- Immigration to New York, 228
- Johannesburg Death Rate, 706
- Leeds Rateable Value, 530
- Leicester Finances, 414
- London County Council and Works, 681
- Metropolitan Railway, Sic., Map, 175
- Mexican Petroleum Springs, 715
- Monte Video Population, 375
- Municipal Bodies and Contractors, 486
- Naphtha Fuel, 679
- National Taxes and Trade, 862
- National Trade Mark, 15
- New South Wales Population, 62
- Nottingham Finances, 646
- Oil Field, Indiana, 486
- Patent Law, Finland, 690
- Petroleum in Java, 141
- Petroleum, Russian and United States, 473
- Petroleum Trade, 450
- Petroleum in Venezuela, 849
- Photographic Copying of Tracings, 28
- Rating of Machinery, 513, 830
- Refrigerating Sitting-Rooms, 49
- Roumanian Oil Wells, 15
- Russian Population, 789, 853
- Sheffield Burgh Improvements, 48
- Sheffield Manufacturers on Travel, 783
- Slide Rule for Investors, 175
- Sydney Population, 783
- Timber Supply of the British Empire, 407
- Torquay's Municipal Indebtedness, 747
- Trade and Industry, 176
- Trade Marks Prosecution in Egypt, 610
- Tucuman Cotton Mill, 122
- United States Immigration, 866
- United States Patents, 577
- United States Tariff Making, 312.
- Victoria Embankment to Lambeth, 577
- Victoria Population, 573
- Washhouse and Baths (Marylebone), 383
- West Australian Immigrants, 353
- Widening Fleet-Street, 407
- Wind, Force of, 188
- Motor Cars:
- Electric 'Bus in London, 79
- Exhibition at Munich, 175
- Motor Traffic Conditions, 652
- Road Traffic, Liverpool and Manchester, 209
- Royal Society Motor Car Competition, 792
- Tyres, Pneumatic, 283
- Naval :
- African Light Draught Boats, 573
- Argentine Navy, 109
- Armour-Plate Contract, 576
- Armour-Plate Rolling, 109
- Armour-Plate Rolling, The Queen and, 723, 47
- Armour-Plate Trials, 374, 406, 441, 610
- Austrian Navy, 226
- Austrian Torpedo-Boats (Yarrow), 755
- Barry Island Fort, 174
- Belleville Boiler Royalty, 141
- Brazilian Cruiser Building in France, 355
- Brazilian Navy, 607
- Carnegie Armour-Plates, 662
- Casemate Contract, 610
- Chilian Torpedo-Boat, 296
- Ohilian Torpedo-Boats (Yarrow), 117
- Chinese Cruisers Building in Germany, 203
- Chinese Navy, 320
- Continental Fleets, 715
- Devonport Dock Enlargement, 49, 477
- Devonport Dockyard Work, 174, 374, 407, 477, 83
- Devonport Dredging, 577
- Devonport Extensions, 681
- Docks at Devonport, 49, 477
- Dockyard Personnel Changes, 174
- Engine-Room Artificers, 355
- Engineer Students, 243
- Force of Wind, 121
- French Mano3uvres, 243
- French Navy, 571
- French Ship " Jaureguiberry," 279
- French Torpedo-Boats (Creusot Works), 493
- German Warships, 450
- H.M. Destroyer " Angler," 256
- H.M. Destroyer " Ariel " (Thornycroft), 358
- H.M. Destroyer "Chamois" (Palmer), 654
- H.M. Destroyer " Earnest" (Laird), 800
- H.M. Destroyer " Fame" (Thornycroft), 321
- H.M. Destroyer " Griffon " (Laird), 800 1.M. Destroyer " Gypsy " (Fairfield), 419
- H.M. Destroyer " Leopard," 456
- H.M. Destroyer "Panther" (Laird), 192
- H.M. Destroyer "Quail" (Laird), 88
- H.M. Destroyer " Seal " (Laird), 358
- H.M. Destroyer "Star (Palmers), 298, 522
- H.M. Destroyer " Thrasher " (Laird), 117
- H. M. Destroyer " Whiting" (Palmer), 654
- H.M. Destroyers " Earnest " and " Griffon " (Laird), 724
- H.M. Destroyers " Ferret" and " Lynx," 49
- H.M. Destroyers (Names, &c.), 105 "Arrogant," 853
- H.M.S. "Australia," 353
- H.M.S. " Bellona," 724
- H.M.S. "Blake," 494
- H.M.S. " Dido," 30
- H.M.S. "Doris," 513
- H.M.S. "Doris" Coal Consumption, 383
- H.M.S. "Eclipse," 522
- H.M.S. " Edgar," 383
- H.M.S. "Europa," 456
- H.M.S. "Isis" (London and Glasgow Company), 321
- H.M.S. "Magicienne," 209
- H.M.S. " Mars," 383, 419
- H.M.S. "Ocean," 279
- H.M.S. " Pelorus " Class (Third-Class Cruisers), 8
- H.M.S. "Phaeton," 721
- H.M.S. " Prince Albert," 78
- H.M.S. "Raleigh," 577, 611
- H.M.S. " Salamander," 681
- H.M.SS. " Algerine" and " Phenix," 140
- H.M.S3. " Furious" and " Arrogant," 645
- H.M.SS. "Juno" and " Doris," 724
- H.M.SS. " Jupiter " and "Mars," 175
- H.M. Torpedo-Boats, Obsolete, 313
- Holland Torpedo-Boat. 827
- Illuminating Stores, 747
- Japan-China War Cost, 313
- Japanese Battleship " Fuji," 456
- Japanese Destroyers (Yarrow), 715
- Keyham College, 547
- Keyham Engineering College Buildings, 407
- Keyham, Engines Built at, 313
- Keyham Extension Works, 313, 407, 724
- Keyham Students as Assistant Engineers, 747
- Krupp's Yard, 320
- Norwegian Battleship " Tordenskjold," 419
- Norwegian Ironclad (Elswick), 62
- Pembroke Docks, 547, 611, 819
- Portland Boom Defence, 14
- Portsmouth Dockyard Work, 345, 354, 853
- Portsmouth New Jetty, 374
- Royal Yachts, 140
- Russian Naval Work, 49
- Russian Stern-Wheelers (Yarrow), 645
- Russian Torpedo-Boats and Liquid Fuel, 547
- Scilly Island Fortifications, 615
- Scotch Fishery Cruiser, 755
- Sheerness Dockyard Work, 345
- Spanish Destroyer "Osado " (Clydebank), 419
- Spanish Destroyers (Clydebank), 79, 296
- Submarine Torpedo-Boat, 827
- Swedish Armament, 187
- Swedish Fortifications, 477
- Torpedo-Boat " Turbinia," 513
- United States Armour-Plate, 175
- United States Brooklyn Navy Yard, 383
- United States Coast Fortifications, 79
- United States Composite Gunboat" Annapolis," 8
- United States Navy Comparison, 49
- Yarrow Boiler for Austrian Cruiser, 681
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
- Physics. See Mechanics
- Piers. See Harbours
- Railways :
- Australian Railways, 32
- Australasian Railways, 547
- Austro-Hungarian Railways, 31
- Barry Railway, 103, 747, 819
- Bolivia and Argentine Railway, 520
- Brazil Railway Lease, 313
- Brazilian Railways, 279, 724, 827
- British Columbian Railways, 955
- Budleigh Salterton Railway, 547, 615
- Buenos Ayres to Mercedes, 715
- Buenos Ayres Railway Station, 615
- Bulgarian Railway, 450
- Canadian Pacific Railway, 490
- Canadian Railway Construction, 424
- Canadian Railways, 697, 752. See Crow's Nest
- Caucasus Railways, 547
- Central Argentine Railway, 724
- Chatham and Dover and the Northern Service, 547
- Chicago Elevated Railway, 28
- China Railways and Belgian Capitalists, 577, 55, 861
- Coal Bill of United Kingdom Lines, 279
- Congo Railway, 79
- Corridor Train, West Coast Route, New, 747
- Crow's Nest Railway, 513, 547, 755, 862
- Darjeeling and Siliguri, 15
- Devonshire Railways, 374
- Earl's Court and Mansion House (Estimate), 09
- Electric Traction, United States Railway, 810
- Finnish Railway Cheap Fares, 322
- French State Railways, 28
- Furness Railway Fares, 819
- German Railways, 681
- Glasgow and South-Western London Route, 18
- Grand Trunk Railway, 458, 819
- Great Central Railway, 403, 522
- Great Eastern Railway, 391, 449
- Great Eastern Railway Speed, 628
- Great Northern Parliamentary Schemes, 209
- Great Northern Railway at Nottingham, 243
- Great Western Railway, 279, 375, 853
- Great Western Railway at Llanelly, 441
- Great Western Sleeping Cars, 611
- Great Western Train Service, 747
- Hull and Barnsley, 171, 174
- Hull and South Yorkshire Extension, 610
- Indian Railway, 92, 862
- Jungfrau Railway, 175
- Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Railway, 322, 315, 747
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Fares, 861
- Light Railway, Basingstoke and Alton, 140
- Light Railway, East Lincolnshire, 141
- Light Railways, 529
- Light Railways, Cardiganshire, 681
- Light Railways, Devonshire, 547
- Light Railways, Essex, 79
- Light Railways in Fifeshire, 783
- Light Railways, Scotch, 512
- Locomotives, Dimensions of British, 79
- Locomotive, Experimental, at Purdue University, 755
- Locomotive Exports, 419, 522, 730, 789
- Locomotive, German, for Africa, 419
- Locomotive Indicator Diagrams, 175
- Locomotive " Invicta," for Charing Cross, Old, 150
- Locomotive, United States, Builders, 290
- Lc:emotive, United States, Performance, 849
- Locomotive Workers, 15
- Locomotives in Belgium, 456
- Locomotives in Egypt, 522
- London Deep-Tunnel Railways, 513, 755
- London and North-Western Irish Mail Service, 77
- London and North-Western and Second-Class Passengers, 404
- London and South-Western at Highbridge, 681
- Lowestoft and West Riding Railway, 140
- Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, 140, 313, 81
- Lynton Railway, 783
- Madras Railways, 866
- Malay Peninsula Railway, 862
- Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway, 403, 522
- Metropolitan Railways, 513, 755
- Metropolitan Tunnel Inquiry, 175
- Mexican Railway, 643
- Midland Dining Saloon, 15
- Midland Railway, 279, 530, 861
- Midland Railway Bill, 406
- Midland Railway Food Stores, 137
- Military Railways, 141
- Model Railway, 90
- Museum, 356, 376
- Museum Association, 794
- New South Wales Railway, 313, 819
- New York, Proposed Underground Railway, 45
- New York Railroads, 329
- New York Railways, 383
- North-Eastern Railway 1000-Mile Tickets, 209
- North-Eastern Railway, 294
- Norway Railway, 345
- Nottingham Central Station, 474
- Opening and Closing Railway Carriage Doors
- Automatically, 485
- Panama Railway, 594
- Paris Metropolitan Railway, 260
- Pembroke (North) and Fishguard Railway, 853
- Peruvian Railways, 473
- Plymouth and Exeter, 783
- Port Talbot Railway, 243
- Prussian State Railway, 279
- Pullman Cars, 556
- Railway Bounties in Columbia, 288
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, 279
- Rhymney Railway, 209, 721
- Russian Railways, 517, 619
- Russian Ticket System, 117
- Sand Tracks at Dresden, 715
- Scotch Light Railways, 512
- Scotland, New Railway for, 441
- Sheffield Railway Development, 174
- South African Railways, 322. 407, 747
- South Yorkshire Extension Railway, 77
- South Yorkshire Lines, 723
- South Yorkshire Railway Development, 174
- Southend Traffic, 573
- Southern States of America Railways. 31
- Spean Bridge and Fort Augustus Railway, 312
- Speeds on the Continent, 105
- Stock, Privately Owned, 862
- Swedish Railways, 175
- Taff Vale Railway, 724
- Taff Vale Railway and Cardiff, 14
- Torrington and Okehampton Railway, 477
- Transandine Railway, 424
- Transcaucasian Railway, 715
- Transiberian Railway, 288, 388
- Uganda Railway, 862
- United States Railway Foreclosure Sales, 715
- United States Railway Earnings, 586
- United States Rolling Stock, 724
- Upper Nidderdale Railway Extension, 646
- Vale of Glamorgan Railway, 724
- Victorian Railways, 783
- Watford and Edgware Railway, 645
- Waverley Station, Edinburgh, 79
- Welsh Through Route to Ireland, 473
- Wick and Thurso Railway, 546
- Yarmouth and Lowestoft Railway, 79
- Sewage:
- Aberdeen New Works, 14
- Ben Rhydding Sewerage, 322
- Beverley Drainage, 662
- Bradford Sewerage, 715
- Buenos Ayres Drainage, 327
- Cardiff Town Refuse Disposal, 313
- Clayton Works Inquiry, 209
- Exeter Septic Tank System, 681
- Knaresborough, Yorkshire, Sewerage Works, 26
- Nottingham Sewage, 628
- Nottingham Sewer Syphon, 474
- Pocklington Sewage, 715
- Problem, 450
- River Purification, 815
- Santos, San Paulo, Brazil, 340
- Skelton and Brotton Sewerage, 384
- Stockton Sewage, 542
- Shipbuilding and Shipping :
- American Liner St. Paul, 23
- Astilleros del Nervion Works, Liabilities, 15
- Austrian Lloyd's, 496, 819
- Belfast and Fleetwood Steamer, 313
- Bounties for Columbia, 288
- British Corporation for Registration of Shipping, 24:3, 852
- Canadian Mail Service, 652, 755, 819
- Clyde, 14, 174, 208, 242, 278, 312, 374, 406, 440, 76, 512, 546, 576, 610, 644, 680, 723, 747, 782, 18
- Clydebank Yard Extensions, 783
- Cunard Steamship Company, Report, 513
- Danube Navigation Company, 358
- Dover-Ostend Service, 620
- "Duchess of Devonshire," Barrow and Belfast Steamer, 192
- Fairfield Shipyard Fire, 680
- Fitting Propeller in Mid-Ocean, 243
- Fitting Propeller at Sea, 681
- French Bounties, 611
- French v. Clyde Ship Cost, 407
- French Steamer for Dieppe and Newhaven Service, 862
- German Merchant Navy, 414
- Hamburg and Calcutta Line Abandoned, 243
- Hamburg Steamer Returns, 513
- Ice-Breaking Steamer, 474
- International Shipping Law, 441
- Irish Mail Steamers, 213
- Japanese Launch, 494
- Natal and the Cape, 705
- North German Lloyd, 724, 783
- Norway Shipbuilding, 192
- Paddle Steamer " Empress Queen " (Isle of Man Service), 358
- Steam Yacht " Ivy " and Benin Punitive Expedition, 109
- Steamers' Speaking Tubes, 141
- Transatlantic Mail Times, 141
- Union Liner " Briton," 800
- Union Steamship Company, 681
- United States and Cuba, 693
- Valparaiso Shipping, 594
- Vickers and Barrow Works, 680, 853
- White Star Ship, New, 286
- Yachts, New Steam, 852
- Shipping. See Shipbuilding, 44o.
- Societies. see Technical, &c., or Trades, de.
- Strikes. See Trade Societies, &c.
- Technical Societies, &c.:
- Aeronautical Society, 453
- Association of Technical Institutions, 150
- Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers, 611
- British Astronomical Society and Observatory, 50
- Bristol Association of Engineers, 209
- Chesterfield and Midland Institution of Mining Engineers, 644
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, 515
- East of Scotland Engineering Society, 610
- Federated Institute of Mining Engineers, 615
- Foremen and Technical Schools, 622
- French Journal (Revue de Meeanique), 218
- Gloucester Engineering Society, 79
- Hull and District Institute of Engineers, 288
- Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers, 453
- Incorporated Gas Institute, 792
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Glasgow Students, 78, 140, 278, 406, 476, 014
- Institution of Civil Engineers, London Conference, 607
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Students' Dinner, 755
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 819
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders of Hong Kong, 414
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 14, 140, 278, 406, 576
- Institution of Junior Engineers, 23, 105, 141, 09, 288, 354, 673
- Institution of Marine Engineers, 375, 407
- Institution of Municipal Engineers, 288
- Iron and Steel Institute, Visit to Cardiff, 375
- King's College School, 611
- King's College Engineering Society, 288
- Lectures at Technical Colleges by Specialists, 77
- Leeds Association of Engineers, 681
- London Association of Foremen Engineers, 76, 18, 622, 611, 641
- Machinery Users' Association, 681
- Mason's College (Birmingham), Engineering Society, 450
- Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 747
- Mining Engineer, Education of, 576
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 242, 546
- Municipal Electrical Association, 819
- Naval Architects, International Congress, 651
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 547
- Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 476
- Prizes for Scientific Research, 49
- Royal Institution, 483
- Royal School of Mines, 141
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 440
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, 108, 242, 312, 351, 10, 783
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association, 645
- Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, 108
- Society of Arts, Cantor Lectures, 345
- Society of Civil Engineers of France, 105
- Society of Civil and Mechanical Engineers, 209
- Society of Engineers, 175, 513, 608, 815
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, 49, 477
- Stevens Institute of Technology, 58
- Technical Education, International Congress, 92
- University Engineering Society, 476
- Watt Lecture at Greenock (Mr. W. H. Preece), 08
- Wire and Cable Gauge per Yard, Coil, or Mile, 9
- Yorkshire College Engineering Society, 15, 09 407
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Trade. See Coal, Iron and Steel, Markets, Shipbuilding, !electricity, and Industries
- Trades Societies, Unions, Strikes, dec. :
- American and Canadian Engineers, 258
- Antwerp Shipwrights, 726
- Armstrong, Whitworth, and Profit Sharing, 73
- Austrian Trades Unions, 60
- Bakers' Union, 220
- Barry Dock Labourers, 219
- Bavarian Factory Laws, 15
- Belfast Engineers, 861
- Belfast Textile Workers' Dispute, 220
- Bilbao Miners, 656
- Blacksmiths, Associated, 152, 219, 290, 386, 22, 757
- Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders' Society, 52, 289, 420, 558, 694, 861
- Bolton Cotton Spinners, 186
- Boot and Shoe Makers' National Union, 220
- Boot and Shoe Operatives, 622
- Boot and Shoe Operatives' Trade, 324
- Building Trade Workers, 623, 656, 829
- Cardiff Shipping Labourers' Strike, 258
- Carnarvon Moulders' Strike, 588
- Carpenters and Joiners' Society, 89, 219, 387, 24, 656, 793
- Cleveland Blastfurnacemen and Hours, 374
- Cleveland Blastfurnacemen and Wages, 613, 24, 818, 861
- Cleveland Miners, 120
- Clyde and Belfast Workers, 59
- Compensation Bill. See Employers' Liability
- Conciliation Board, North of England, 324
- Cc-operative Congress, 830
- Cotton Spinners' Report, 120
- Cutlers' Strike, 588
- Cycle Workers' Strike, 152
- Demarcation of Work, 186, 794
- Diamond Jubilee, 525
- Dock Labourers' Society Report, 219
- Dockers' Congress, International, 861
- Dockyard Employes and Holidays, 525
- Doncaster Engineers' Wages,.374
- Dudley Carpenters and Joiners, 525
- Dunlop Tyre Company Dispute, 120, 186
- Edinburgh Engineers, 622
- Edmonton Brickmakers, 489
- Eight-Hours Day and London Small Arms Company, 757
- Eight-Hours Miners' Bill, 69
- Employers' Liability Act, 655, 691, 723, 724, 26, 758, 794, 861
- Engineers' Amalgamated Society, 120, 257, 290, 86, 558, 694, 756, 861
- Engineers' Demand for Increased Wage, 583
- Engineers and Eight-Hours Day, 794
- Engineers' Employers' Federation in Lancashire, 90
- Engineers' Federation, 621, 830
- Engineers' Strike, 290, 324, 355, 386, 420, 452, 87, 559, 588, 621, 694, 726, 758, 794
- Farriers' Strike, 656, 726, 758
- French Polishers' Legal Case, 186
- Friendly Societies, 830
- Gas Workers and Labourers' Union, 483
- Gas Workers' Strike, 559, 588
- German Reichstag and Unions, 726
- Government Employers' Liability Bill, 26
- Government Workers, 257, 258, 356
- Government Workers' Federation, 186
- Great Eastern Railway and Cab Strike, 525
- Great Eastern Railway and Truck Act, 186
- Great Northern Railway and their Men, 525, 58, 794, 861
- Great Western Railway and their Men, 525, 59
- Grimsby Engineers, 622
- Hamburg Dockers' Strike, 26, 59, 89, 120, 152, 86, 219, 257, 356, 453
- Independent Labour Party, 587
- Indian Strike, 59
- Intimidation Case in the House of Lords, 452, 30
- Ironfounders, Belfast, and Wages, 794
- Ironfounders' Society, 89, 257, 324, 386, 524, 56, 829
- Ironmoulders' Society, 120, 219, 386, 488, 622, 56
- Isle of Man Dispute, 220
- Jewish Tailors in London, 20.0
- Jewish Workers, 588
- Jubilee Stands and Workers, 758
- Kingston - on - Thames Guardians and Contractors, 26
- "Knights of Labour" in the United States, 588
- Laird's Strike, Birkenhead, 489
- Lamplighters' Strike, 356
- Law Case in the House of Lords, 452, 488
- Law Case as to Trade Unions, 325, 452
- Leicester Engineering Dispute, 757
- Locomotive Drivers and Eight-Hours Day, 120, 52
- London Cab Strike, 26, 59, 186
- London Chamber of Commerce Conciliation Board, 757
- London, Chatham, and Dover Men, 489
- London County Council and Tramways, 524
- London Eight-Hours Day, 621, 830
- London Labour Conciliation Board, 186
- London and North-Western Railway Draymen, 53
- London Omnibus Men, 26
- Lord's Decision as to Picketing, 793
- Luton Carpenters, Joiners, and Bricklayers, 89
- Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Employds, 715, 794
- May-Day Celebrations, 525, 587, 622
- Meal Hour Time Lock-Out, 453
- Middlesbrough Shipbuilders' Wages Settled, 77
- Midland Railway Workers, 488
- Miners, 14, 59, 89, 139, 152, 154, 258, 325, 453, 89, 656, 726, 794
- Miners' Eight - Hours Day Demonstration, 55
- Miners' Insurance Fund, 818
- Miners' International Congress, 726, 829
- Naval Engineers, 488
- Newport Ironfounders, 387
- North-East Coast Labourers, 257
- North-East Coast Marine Engineers' Conciliation Board, 421
- North-Eastern Railway Men, 186, 290, 325, 356, 87, 488, 524, 656, 726, 758
- North-Eastern Railway Shunters, 69
- Norwich Boot Workers' Difficulties, 356, 525
- Old Age Pensions, 794
- Oldham Textile Workers, 588
- Overtime in Factories, 588
- Overtime in London, 758
- Paris and Tom Mann, 720
- Parliament, 152, 219, 257, 356
- Penistone Steelworkers' Strike, 406
- Penrhyn, Lord, and Quarrymen, 20, 59, 89, 20, 185, 257, 290, 488, 525, 659, 623, 656, 726, 58
- Picketing Case, 120
- Piecework System in United States, 243
- Pit Boys' Strike, 680
- Plumbers' Registration Bill, 356
- Plumbers' Strike at Swansea, 90
- Postal Employes, 60, 524, 588
- Profit Sharing at Hartley's Jam Works, 26
- Railway Men Difficulties, 290, 861
- Railway Strike, 26, 90
- Railway Workers' Conference, 588
- Railway Workers' hours, 120, 152
- Sailors' and Dockers' Conference, 325
- Scotch Colliers, 387
- Scotch Ironworkers' Wages, 26
- Scotch Miners, 90
- Scotch Trade Unions, 120
- Scottish Trade Union Congress, 452
- Shipbuilders' Wages, 152, 186, 219
- Shipwrights' Society, Associated, 829
- Shipyard Dispute on North-East Coast, 453
- Silversmiths' Strike, 559
- Skilled Labour Report, 119, 289, 420, 557, 693, 60
- Socialist Glass Workers in France, 758
- South Wales Sliding Scale, 26
- Southampton Shipwrights, 622
- Spindle and Fly Making Dispute, 257
- Steam Engine Makers' Society, Annual Report, 25
- Steel Definition for Wages Purposes, 185
- Strike Statistics, 120, 289, 420, 558, 693, 860
- Sunderland Blacksmiths, 387
- Tailors at Leeds, Jewish, 356
- Tinplate Workers, 90
- Trade Outlook, 25, 59, 119, 289, 420, 451, 557, 93, 860
- Trade Union Extension, 587
- Trade Union Goods Label, 489
- Trade Union Statistics, 356
- Trade Union Statistics for Year, 25
- Trade Unions and the Government Departments, 151. See 143
- Trial Trip Allowance for Engineers, 120
- Truck Act, New, 257
- United States Flint Glass Workers, Restricted Output, 819
- Walker Yard Strike, 89
- Wear Engineers and Overtime, 59
- Weavers' Strike at Belfast, 325
- West Riding Miners' Permanent Relief Fund, 76
- Woolley Moor Miners' Dispute, 139
- Woolwich Arsenal Overtime, 26
- Workman Shareholders in Armstrong Whitworth Company, 473
- Workmen's Compensation for Accidents Bill, 55, 694, 723, 724, 726, 758, 794
- Yorkshire Miners' Association, 853
- Zurich Congress, 726
- Tramways :
- Aerial Tramway Litigation, 209
- Anglo-Argentine Tramways, 662
- Barrow Tramways, 608
- Brazilian Tramways, 476
- Cable Rope Wear in Melbourne, 141
- Cardiff Electric Tramways, 747
- Collision between Car and Van, 313
- Compressed Air Motor, 345
- Constantinople Tramways, 781
- Copenhagen Electric Traction, 175
- Cost of Different Systems, 313
- Edinburgh Cable Traction, 610
- Glasgow, 48, 476, 622, 818, 853
- Liverpool Municipalisation, 375
- London Workers' Pay, 356
- Montreal, 158
- Moscow, 57
- Nottingham Tramways, 79, 815
- Plymouth, 319
- Rails for Mechanical Traction, 313
- Rouen Electric Tramways, 79
- Sheffield Electric Traction, 175
- Sheffield Extension, 14
- Sheffield Municipal Management, 108, 354
- Swansea Tramways, 407
- Tunnelling:
- Blackwall Tunnel, 715
- Simplon Distances, 12
- Straits of Messina, 241
- Subway under Thames at Greenwich, 477
- Tower Subway and the Bridge, 15
- Warships. See Naval
- Water Works, dm:
- Allegheny Water Supply, 175
- Barnsley Works, 853
- Barry Works, 853
- Belper Supply, 414
- Birmingham Supply Works, 67
- Boston Reservoir, 716
- Boston Water Supply, 358
- Bristol Company, 407
- Briton Ferry Reservoir, 783
- Cardiff Supply, 611, 645, 819
- Craigmaddie Reservoir Cost, 353
- Divining, Water, 764
- East London Water Works, 755
- Edinburgh, Tulla Reservoir, 546, 576
- Edinburgh Water Works Engineer, 512
- Exeter Water Supply, 14
- Glasgow, Craigmaddie Reservoir, 79
- Glasgow Works, 680
- Greenock Finances, 818
- Haverhill Works, Suffolk, 645
- Leicester Water Supply, 109, 816
- Lerwick Water Supply Scheme, 79
- London New River Company, 243
- London Supply Commission, 654
- London, Welsh Water for, 783
- Melrose Supply, 546
- Merthyr Supply, 477
- Morpeth Asylum Supply, 450
- Newport Supply, 611, 681, 783
- Nottingham Water Supply, 608, 679,.723, 816
- Pneumatic Pumping at Haverhill, 645
- Port Elizabeth Supply, South Africa, 780
- Power Transmission, Cost, 866
- Sheffield New Scheme, 139
- Swansea New Reservoir, 819
- Troon Water Supply, 610
- Welsh Water for London, 783
See Also
Sources of Information