Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1897 Jan-Jun Volume
Patent Record
Agricultural Appliances:
- 29, 867
- Cultivators. J. Carpenter and L. F. Allen, 29
- Distributor. T. C. Sargeant, 867
Electrical Apparatus :
- 97, 359, 3, 63, 93, 123, 159, 193, 225, 261, 99, 867 89, 425, 497, 595, 629, 663,
- Arc Lamps. J. Brockie, 425
- Arc Lamps. W. J. Davy, 663
- Arc Lamps. Puritan Electric Company, 699
- Armatures. P. R. Jackson and Co., Limited, and J. S. Lewis, 159
- Batteries. H. W. Headland, 261
- Batteries, Secondary. H. W. Headland, 297
- Cab Lighting. Headland's Patent Electric Storage Battery Company, Limited, and H. W. Headland, 297
- Closed Conduit for Railways. E. W. Rice, Jun., 497
- Conduits for Railways, &c. W. Cope, 93
- Contact Maker, Gravity. R. Pearson, 297
- Door Bolt. S. F. Page, 63
- Dynamos. S. Z. de Ferranti, 123
- Dynamos. H. T. Harrison, 867
- Dynamos. P. R. Jackson and Co., Limited, and J. S. Lewes, 33
- Dynamos. Siemens Brothers and Co. and E. F. H. H. Lauckert, 497
- Dynamos. C. P. Steinmetz, 193
- Electrically Coating Wire and Apparatus. W. S. Rawson, 595
- Electrolytical Apparatus. R. Heathfleld and W. S. Rawson, 225, 359
- Furnace. F. H. Haviland, A. Holloway, J. B. Collier, and W. H. Murch, 389
- Furnaces. J. Joyce and J. A. Deuther, 699
- Furnaces. S. Regnoli, F. Lori, R. Pignotti, M. Pandaleoni, and M. Besso, 359
- Incandescence Lamps for Advertising. T. Papyrian, 629
- Lamps, Arc. J. I. and J. E. Thornycroft, 261
- Meter. Baron Kelvin, 33
- Meters. Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and J. Nebel, 93
- Motors. A. Greenwood, 359
- Switch, Duplex. F. W. Busch, 297
- Switch Fuses. C. J. Hall and H. J. Fuller, 25
- Switches. \V. R. and J. J. Rawlings, 297
- Trolleys for Overhead Traction. N. C. Bassett, 3
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, dm. :
- 3, 93, 193, 297, 329, 359, 389, 459, 497, 561, 29, 663, 699, 731, 765, 837, 867
- Acetylene Gas Manufacture. H. Colberg, 93
- Acetylene Gas Producing Plant. T. Holliday, 97
- Acetylene Motor. II. Maxim, 359
- Burners for Incandescent Lighting. F. G. Bartlett, 297
- Combustible Gas-Making Furnace. A. Kitson, 561
- Combustible Gas Manufacture. L. Denayrouze, 63
- Electric Vaporiser for Oil Engines. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 459
- Explosion Engine. W. Hornsby, R. Edwards, D. Roberts, and Y. Young, 629
- Explosion Motors. Count A. de Dion and G. Bouton, 629
- Explosion Motors. S. Rolfe and F. Hornby, 99
- Gas, &c., Engines. F. W. Lanchester, 731
- Gas Engines. H. Lane, 329
- Gas and Oil Motors. F. W. Lanchester, 389
- Gas, Petroleum, &o., Motors. A. E. le Brun, 37
- Governing Valve Gear of Hydrocarbon Motors. R. Conrad, 765
- Igniting Charge. W. D. and S. Priestman and H. Richardson, 663
- Incandescent Lamps. J. Moeller, 193
- Internal Combustion Engine. W. H. Crow, 459
- Internal Combustion Engine. J. Roots, 329
- Meters, Prepayment Gas. T. A. Greene, 359
- Oil Engines. D. Clerk, 731
- Valves and Gear. G. McGhee, 867
- Vaporiser for Oil Motor, Self-Heating. P. Swiderski and J. A. Schwicker, 193
- Guns and Explosives :
- 3, 93, 261, 329, 389, 425, 459, 531, 561, 629, 01, 837
- Adapting Rifles for Use as Machine Guns. R. Prado and C. Nichols, 425
- Automatic Guns. H. S. Maxim and L. Silverman, 561
- Disappearing Gun Mount. Bethlehem Iron Company, 93
- Guns, Double-Barrelled. II. F. Phillips, 531
- Machine Guns. W. E. Simpson, 329
- Pneumatic Guns. D. M. Melford, 459
- Preventing Recoil of Guns. K. Rohr, 389
- Projectiles. 1). M. DIelford, 389
- Rammer for Heavy Guns. J. Vavasseur, 261
- Range-Finding Sights. A. G. Hadoock and R. T. Brankston, 33
- Safety Mechanism. J Robertson and W. Adams, 629
- Sight, Automatic Laying. H. F. Gaynor, 261
- Supplying Ammunition to Heavy Guns. J. Vavasseur, 837
- Supplying Projectiles to Turret Guns (Apparatus). J. Vavasseur, 801
- Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- 3, 123, 261, 661, 629, 765, 801
- Apparatus for Raising, Lowering, and Transporting Loads. J. and J. R. Temperley, 765
- Conveyor Chains. H. Hack and H. Giles, 63
- Hand Levers for Lumbermen. J. M. and G. L. Ellis, 629
- Haulage Clip. J. W. Smallman, 123
- Rope Clips. M. Eichler? 561
- Safety Apparatus for Hoists. J. Botterill, 261
- Safety Appliance for hoists. A. IL Lloyd and C. Hopkinson, 123
- Self-Detaching Hooks for Winding. S. Humble, 29
- Steam Shovel and Grab. J. Campbell, 801
- Machine and other Tools, Shafting, die.: 3, 93, 123, 159, 193, 225, 261, 329, 389, 425, 59, 497, 595, 629, 663, 765, 801, 837, 867
- Antifriction Bearings. A. Y. Small, 765
- Barrel-Making Machine. A. G. W. Bern, 193
- Bearing Points for Rotary Spindles on Shafts. W. Pangratz, 123
- Bearings and Glands for Shafts. D. Cook, 595
- Bearings for Shafts of Gearing. P. R. Jackson and Co., Limited, and J. S. Lewis, 93
- Bending Metallic Tubes. S. Wilkes and T. Caswell, 389
- Bending and Straightening Plates and Bars. A. C. Patrick, 837
- Boring and Planing Curved Surfaces, Screw Cutting and Rifling and Milling Metals. C. R. Torns, 801
- Coiling and Soldering Metallic Tape on Copper, &c., Pipes (Apparatus). R. D. Smillie and J. R. Bird, 425
- Draw Benches. G. Platt, 389
- Dressing or Truing-Up Grindstones, Apparatus. W. Bright, 63
- Drilling and Riveting Tube Flanges and Flue Plates of Galloway Boilers. Galloway, Limited, and J. H. Beckwith, 497
- Forging and Sharpening Rock Drills. F. G. Myers, 225
- Forging, Swaging, and Hammering Metal Machine. F. G. Myers, 225
- Governors. J. Mallinson and W. P. Gibbs, 159
- Helically Fluting or Corrugating Tubes. T. Rees, 425
- Hydraulic Riveting of Tubes. A. and J. Stewart and Clydesdale, Limited, and J. Wotherspoon, 63
- Machine for Screwing Studs. J. Robertson, 65
- Machine for Severing Metal Bars of Various Sections. F. Shirtliff, 169
- Making Cores for Sand Moulding, Singer Manufacturing Company. H. McFarlane, D. Cramb, and A. Lawrie, 801
- Manufacture of Seamless Metallic Tubes. W. and A. Pilkington, C. T. Bishop, and A. Brownsword, 159
- Nail Extractors. M. Bernstein, 629
- Packing for Hydraulic Rams, &c. C. Eastwood, 59
- Plate Bending Apparatus. J. Fielding 63
- Plummer Blocks for Bearings of Shafts, &c. A. Freitag, 801
- Presses for Drawing, &c., Sheet Metal Hollow Ware. D. Smith, 595
- Punching and Shearing Machine. M. H. Cameron, 603
- Releasing Tubes from Mandril after Rolling. W. and A. Pilkington, 459
- Rolling Furnace Flues. W. F. Suddaly and Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 663
- Rolling Tubes (Apparatus). M. Mannesmann, 25
- Shaft Bearings. J. Bradbury, 425
- Sharpening Machine for Rock Drills. F. G. Myers, 261
- Spanners, Adjustable. R. Stocker, 867
- Spanners, Adjustable. J. Thompson, C. Everard, and J. Harrison, 837
- Split Pin or Cotter. J. Barker, 329
- Steam Hammer Valve. T. Pattinson and T. Slater, 663
- Toothed and Friction Gearing. S. Z. de Ferranti, 425
- Tube Manufacturing Apparatus. H. S. and H. Maxim, 94
- Tubular Joints. C. T. Crowden, 225
- Twisting Wire. G. Giussani, S. S. Crisp, and H. Grice, 93
- Valves for Percussive Drills and Pumps. A. W. and Z. W. Daw, 595
- Wheel Builder. J. H. Player, 329
- Milling and Separating Machinery :
- 93, 225, 629, 801, 837
- Ball Mill. R. Steinbach, 225
- Cement Mill Roller Bearings. C. J. Williams and J. Hollick, 193
- Cleaning Wheat, &o. (Machine). H. Simon, 801
- Rotary Sifters. A. Haenichen, 629
- Separating and Collecting Dust from Air or Gas. C. E. Mumford and W. W. Willis, 837
- Mining, Metallurgy, and Metal Workings :
- 3, 123, 159, 193, 261, 329, 389, 426, 459, 497, 31, 561, 695, 629, 699, 766, 837
- Amalgamating Apparatus. J. E. Preston, 99
- Axle-Boxes, Manufacture of. A. J. Charlton, 23
- Blast-Furnaces and Charging. T. Lewis, 595
- Calcium Carbide Producing Plant. F. H. Haviland, A. Holloway, J. B. Collier, and W. H. Murch, 497
- Coal-Breaking Machines. P. Alrig, 630
- Coal Screening. F. Berkley, 193
- Crushing or Amalgamating Mills. H. Banfield, 37
- Feeding Ore to Crushing MaChines. Sandycroft Foundry and Engine Works Company, Limited, and R. 0. Ahlers, 561
- Forgings, Production of. F. Radcliffe, 561
- Furnace for Cast Steel and Homogeneous Iron. J. Gjers, 63
- Furnace for Heating Tyres. W. Mottram, 389
- Furnaces. G. Platt, 159
- Furnaces for Glass Manufacture. F. Radcliffe, 28
- Gold Extraction and Amalgamtition, E. L. Oppermanni 631
- Jigging Machine for Washing Coal, &o. C. Simon, 329
- Obtaining Alkaline Salts from Blast-Furnace Gases, &c. G. Craig, 497
- Pouring Steel Ingots, Method of. Chatillon and Commentry Company, 459
- Regenerative Gas Furnaces. F. Siemens, 765
- Roasting, Calcining, &c., Apparatus. F. Brandenburg, 194
- Roller Bearing for Cement Mills. C. J. Williams and J. Hollick, 193
- Rotary Sifters. A. Haenichen, 620
- Separating Volatile Metals from their Alloy (Apparatus). M. A. J. Roux, 428
- Shaft and Blast Furnaces. E. Burghers, 630
- Smelting Auriferous Antimony Ores. C. C. Longridge and G. T. Holloway, 201
- Tunnelling Shield. H. H. Dalrymple-Hay, 159
- Miscellaneous :
- 4, 61, 91, 124, 194. 226, 262, 330, 360, 390, 426, 60, 532, 596, 700, 732, 766, 868
- Acetic Acid, Purifyir g Crude (Process). A. Schmidt, 360
- Air Escape and Relief Valve for Water Conduits. T. C. Olney, 732
- Apparatus for Estimating Carbonic Acid in Gases. G. Craig, 64
- Ball or Float Cocks. J. Jones, 191
- Barrel Making, Steel and Iron. J. M. Storrar and W. Crawford, 732
- Bottle Manufacturing. W. Dunham, 360
- Buffer and Springs made with India-Rubber. A. G. Spencer, 596
- Cameras, Photographic. E. H. P. Humphreys, 30
- Carbonic Acid Gas, Manufacturing. B. T. L. Thomson, 360
- Centrifugal Machines. J. Laidlaw and J. W. Macfarlane, 532
- Colour Stamping Press, Relief. R. F. Sproule, 1
- Cooling Water, &c., Apparatus. D. Halpin, J. B. Alliott, and L. Sterne, 766
- Feed Rollers of Fur Blowing Machinery. R. Robinson, 94
- Fencing, Metallic. A. Mauser, 194
- Filters. H. L. Doulton, 700
- Fire Escapes and Ladders. H. Merryweather, 66
- Gold Extraction by Chemicals. J. J. Deeble, 62
- Horseshoes. A. Pearsall, 34
- Humidifying Air, Means for. D. Hall and .T. H. Kay, 390
- Hydraulic Presses for Seed Oils. J. P. Wallis, 4
- Impeller, Fluid Column. E. Arnold, 868
- Kiln, Continuous Firing. J. Higson, 426
- Lamp Extinguisher. J. Tourtel and the Tourtel Gas and General Engineering Company, Limited, and J. Davidson, 34
- Lamps for Burning Light Liquid Hydro-Oarbons. J. H. Iredale, 61
- Metallic Boxes. R. Hudson, 460
- Nozzles for Distributing Liquids, Revolving. E. E. Dulier, 64
- Paper Feed Rolls. A. Schwarz, 262
- Photograph Taking and Exhibiting in Series. J. Ternie and A. de Maroussem, 225
- Photographs, Taking and Exhibiting Continuous Series. W. Friese-Greene, 460
- Purifying Water. H. L. Doulton and R. Meldrum, 34
- Recording Variations in Revolutions of Shafts. J. S. Raworth, 596
- Refrigerating. D. W. Walker, 194
- Smoke, Apparatus for Clearing. E. E. Dulier, 00
- Sorting Machines. C. G. Poulson, 194
- Sugar Drying, Centrifugal Machine for. W. P. Abell, 124
- Superphosphates, Drying. Verein Chemischer Fabriken, 124
- Type-Setting Machine. S. H. and P. E. Hodgkin, 700
- Valves, Sluice. J. Barr, 91
- Washing and Leaching Granular Substances. R. Moodie, 766
- Pumps :
- 59, 194, 498, 531, 561, 765, 838, 867
- Accumulators. W. Wilkinson, H. Alexander, and G. P. Wallis, 838
- Dredging Machinery. F. Lobnitz, 194
- Gaseous Fluid Compressors. A. J. Adamson, 67
- Pump Valve Cage. J. S. Wyndham, 561
- Pumping and Dredging. J. Gwynne and E. W. Sargeant, 160
- Pumps. F. Edwards, 838
- Pumps. J. Jacobsen and K. Timon, 765
- Pumps. A. and W. Purvis, 631
- Pumps. J. Taylor, 159
- Pumps, Steam Vacuum. G. H. Fish, 838
- Valves. J. Corbett and V. J. Bain, 498
- Railways and Train ways :
- 3, 160, 194, 262, 297, 359, 426, 459, 498, 531, 61, 595, 663, 699, 731, 838
- Axle-Boxes. F. A. Surth, 595
- Bogies for Cars. T. A. Timmis, 699
- Bogie Frame. G. R. Joughins, 838
- Brake Apparatus. H. Parker, 561
- Buffers. A. Spencer, 731
- Buffers. J. Thomas, 297
- Chair Keys. S. Ballard, 194
- Chairs, Permanent Way. F. G. Ho kirk, 595
- Chairs and Sleepers. W. Campbell, 297
- Coal Wagons. F. L. Lane and Leeds Forge
- Company, Limited, 160
- Draw Gear for Vehicles. A. Spencer, 663
- Electric Contact made by Passing Train. E. Tyer, 498
- Elevated Railways with Suspended Cars. E. Langens Erben, 664
- Light Railways Conveying Vehicles. E. R. Calthrop and J. C. Taite, 359
- Locking Railway Barriers, Device. L. Cohn, 93
- Locomotive to Run on Various Gauges. W. G. Bagnall and E. E. Baguley, 33
- Rolling Stock Undergear. P. Ellis, 426
- Securing Railway Keys. M. Abbott, 731
- Spikes for Securing Rails. R. W. Beidleman, 59
- Switches, Apparatus for Operating. E. von 'Laken and M. Waldeok, 631
- Tramway Rails, Compound. W. Towler, 262
- Wagons. J. Angus, 160
- Ships and Nautical Appliances:
- 23, 226, 262, 498, 631, 630, 664, 699, 731, 802, 38
- Anchors. J. and A. Evans, 664
- Anchors. H. A. House and R. R. Symon, 838
- Beams or Sections for Ships. H. Laing and W. Hoek, 630
- Boat Construction. H. A. House and R. R. Symon, 802
- Boat Gear. R. Anderson and W. Prentice, 731
- Boat Lowering and Disconnecting Gear. F. S. Pett, 802
- Cargo Ship Construction. H. Laing and W. Hoek, 262
- Chain Coupling for Mooring Chains. O. Klatte, 123
- Folding Boats. C. M. Douglas, 226
- Hopper Dredgers and Barges. F. Lobnitz, 262
- Method of Increasing and Decreasing Draught. J. F. Crease, 531
- Motor Power for Boats, &c. J. M. MacDonald, 699
- Navigable Battle Forts. J. F. Crease, 664
- Torpedo-Boats, &c. J. Donaldson, 498
- Water-Tight Doors. J. Donald and W. Johnstone, 802
- Steam Engines, Boilers, Evaporators,
- 3, 64, 94, 123, 159, 262, 298, 329, 359, 889, , 26, 460, 498, 531, 596, 664, 700, 731, 765, 802, 67
- Apparatus for Actuating Corliss, &c., Valve Gear. C. Scott and H. Hodgson, 766
- Boiler. R. H. Radford, 64
- Boiler. N. Soliani, 664
- Boiler Furnace Door. L. Rushworth and A. Fletcher, 359
- Boiler, Multitubular. J. Scott, 94
- Boiler, Vertical. J. R. Robson, 867
- Boilers. See also Water-Tube Boiler
- Boilers. W. J. Jobling, 298
- Boilers. C. Pataky, 531
- Condenser. G. Love, 426
- Condensers, Evaporative. H. J. Fraser, 329
- Carliss Valve Gear. J. S., T. A., and E. R. Walker, 700
- Feed Check Valves for Boilers. F. Wilkinson, 60
- Feed Heating by Utilising Heat of Gases. A. G. Glasgow, 124
- Feed Supply, Controlling. A. G. Mumford and A. Anthony, 802
- Furnaces. John Brown and Co. and J. Nodder, 664
- Furnaces. J. H. Rosenthal, 802
- Gauge Glass Protector. A. Spencer, 262
- Governing Engines. D. Johnston and W. McAdam, 731
- Governors. J. Mallinson and W. P. Gibb, 159
- Governors. W. Sisson, 460
- Injector, Self-Regulating. L. Ahrbecker, 731
- Magneto-Electric Governor. R. P. Wilson, 765
- Mechanical Stokers, Construction of. J. Proctor, 700
- Metallic Packing. G. Cooper, 360
- Motive Fluid Engines. R. C. J. Dicken, 700
- Packing, Manufacture and Application. H. C. Platts and T. Lowther, 532
- Piston Packing. J. Airey, 160
- Piston Packing (Metallic). W. Harbinger, 426
- Piston-Rod Lubricators. E. Reilly, 64
- Separating Water from Steam. J. A. Morris and W. T. Hatch, 123
- Shut-Off Valves. Galloways, Limited, and J. H. Beckwith, 700
- Steam Carriage. G. Rose, 390
- Steam Engines. W. Barber, 33
- Steam Engines. R. D. Knight, 596
- Steam Traps. A. E. and J. P. Jackson, 330
- Steam Traps. G. G. Pinking and W. Hopkins, 98
- Stop Valve Manufacture. D. B. Morison, 336
- Superheater. G. Sinclair, 664
- Superheater, Steam. J. von Grubinski, 124
- Surface Condenser. J. Rhodes, 390
- Tri-Compound Steam Engines. M. IL P. R. Sankey, 460
- Valve Gear. J. Kay, 868
- Valves for Water, Steam, Gas, &o. W. R. Sykes, 33
- Vibration, Lessening. M. H. Smith, 868
- Water Gauge. J. Hopkinson and J. Lowis, 732
- Water Gauge Glasses. J. E. L. Ogden, 732
- Water-Tube Boiler. J. R. da Costa, 330
- Water-Tube Boiler. F. G. Hampson,124
- Water-Tube Boiler. 3. B. Loquet and J. B. Ketelair, 868
- Water-Tube Boiler. P. E. Rainey and Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company, Limited, 60
- Water-Tube Boiler. T. Scott, 531
- Water-Tube Boiler. 0. F. Vollhard, 532
- Water-Tube Boilers. W. R. Cummins, 91
- Water-Tube Boilers. J. 0. Hudson, 389
- Water-Tube Boilers. D. Purves, 596
- Water-Tube Boilers. J. W. Reed, 498
- Water-Tube Boilers. J. Weir, 498
- Water-Tube Boilers. A. F. Yarrow, 596, 604
- Textile Machinery :
- 3, 226, 300, 300, 420, 562, 630, 732, 838
- Cotton Gins. K. K. and D. P. Mehta, 390
- Cropping Machine. A. Sykes and W. E. Yates, 30
- Flax, Wet Spinning Frames for. J. V. Eves, 26
- Jacquards of Looms. T. Allen, 33
- Looms for Weaving. J. Buckler, 562
- Lubricating Spindles. 0. Brigg, 732
- Reeds for Looms. T. Albinson, 838
- Shedding Motions of Looms. J. Taylor, 220
- Shuttle Guards for Looms. C. Kirchbot, 630
- Stopping and Starting Carriages for SelfActing Mules. M. Fluri, 662
- Treating Flax before Spinning, Machine for. J. V. Eves, 680
- Warp Sizing and Dressing Machine. J. Caquelin, 300
- Vehicles :
- 4, 64, 94, 124, 226, 298, 360, 390, 459, 498, 32, 562, 629, 699, 732, 766, 802
- Automatic Attachment for Balancing TwoWheeled Vehicles. T. A. Simpson, 766
- Axles and Axle-Boxes. R. J. L. Hildyard, 360
- Ball Bearings. H. A. Stephens, 298
- Ball Bearings for Axles T. C. Fawcett and T. C. Fawcett, Limited, 460
- Bicycle Transmitting Power. E. Capitaine, 24
- Bicycles Electrically Propelled. C. P. F. Clerc and A. G. Pingault, 64
- Bicycles Propelled by Oil Engines. A. George, 32
- Brakes for Bicycles. H. S. Rexworthy and W. King, 64
- Controlling and Steering Mechanism. A. Paget, 766
- Cycle Saddle. H. Leber, 226
- Driving and Brake Mechanism. C. Schmidt, 4
- Driving Gear. H. P. Holt, 532
- Driving Gear for Bicycles. H. P. Holt, 34
- Driving Wheels and Axle Bearings. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 498
- Electric Propulsion of Vehicles. A. G. New and A. J. Mayne, 360
- Explosion Motor. Count A. de Dion and G. Bouton, 629
- Horseless Carriages. E. Gascoine and C. D. Courtois, 562
- Locomotive Carriages. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 562
- Mechanism for Motor Car. F. W. Lanchester, 30
- Motor Carriages. E. Roger, 34
- Motor Cars. F. Grosz, 460
- Motor Cars. J. H. Hamilton and A. Rollason, 98
- Motor Cars. H. Lane, 298
- Motor Cycles. H. J. Lawson, 360
- Motor Power. J. M. MacDonald, 699
- Motor Vehicles. H. T. Lawson, 390
- Multiple Speed and Balance Gear. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 390
- Oil Motor, &c. G. Rose, 390
- Pneumatic Tyres. J. L. Trench, 732
- Propulsion of Vehicles. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 632
- Road Carriage Engine. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey, 94
- Road, &c., Vehicle. T. Briggs, 298
- Road Vehicles. B. G. King, 562
- Starting Device. E. J. Pennington, 459
- Steam Motor Carriages. H. P. Holt, 228
- Steering Device or Underframe. J. Geisenhof, 32
- Wheels for Motors. J. Davidson, 802
- Abbott, M. Securing Railway Keys, 731
- Abell, W. P. Centrifugal Machine for Drying Sugars, &c., 124
- Adams, W., and Robertson, J. Safety Mechanism for Guns, 629
- Adamson, A. J. Gaseous Fluid Compressors, 67
- Ahlers, R. D., and another. Apparatus for Feeding Ore to Crushing Machines, 561
- Ahrbecker, L. Self-Regulating Injector, 731
- Airey, J. Piston, &c., Packing, 160
- Albinson, T. Reeds for Looms, 838
- Alexander, H., and others. Hydraulic Accumulators, 838
- Allen, L. F., and Carpenter, J. Cultivators, 329
- Allen, T. Jacquards for Looms, 33
- Aliiott, J. B., and others. Apparatus for Cooling Water, 766
- Alrig, P. Coal-Breaking Machines, 630
- Anderson, R., and Prentice, W. Boat Gear, 731
- Angus, J. Railway Wagons, 160
- Anthony, A., and Mumford, A. G. Controlling Feed Supply to Boilers, 802
- Arnold, E. Fluid Column Impeller, 868
- Bagnall, W. G., and Baguley, E. E. Locomotives of Various Gauges, 33
- Ba9wuley, E. • E and Bagnall, W. G. LocomoWes of Various Gauges, 33
- Bain, V. J., and Corbett, J. Valves for Pumps, 98
- Ballard, S. Railway Chair Keys, 194
- Banfleld, H. Crushing or Amalgamating Mills, 37
- Barber, W. Steam Engines, 33
- Barker, J. Split Pin or Cotter, 329
- Barr, J. Sluice Valves, 94
- Bartlett, F. G. Burners for Incandescent Gas Lighting, 207
- Bassett, N. C. Trolleys for Electric Overhead Traction, 63
- Beckwith, J. II., and Galloways, Limited. Drilling and Riveting Tube Flanges and Flue Plates of Galloway Boilers, 497
- Beckwith, J. H., and Galloways, Limited. Shutoff Valves, 700
- Beidleman, R. W. Spikes for Securing Rails, 59
- Berkley, F. Screening Coal, 193
- Bern 193 A. G. W. Machinery for Making Barrels,
- Bernstein, M. Nail Extractors, 629
- Besso, M., and others. Electric Furnace, 359
- Bethlehem Iron Company. Mountings for Disappearing Gun, 93
- Bird, J. R., and Smillie, R. D. Apparatus for Coiling and Soldering Metallic Tape on Copper, &c., Pipes, 425
- Bishop, C. T., and others. Manufacturing Seamless Metallic Tubes, 159
- Botterill, J. Safety Apparatus for Hoists, 261
- Bouton, G., and another. Explosion Motors, 029
- Bradbury, J. Shaft Bearings, 425
- Brandenburg, F. Apparatus for Roasting, Calcining, &c., 194
- Brankston, R. T., and Hadcock, A. G. Gun Range Sights, 33
- Brig, 0. Lubricating Spindles, Textile Machine, 32
- Briggs, T. Road, &c., Vehicles, 298
- Bright, W. Dressing or Truing up Grindstones, 3
- Brockie, J. Electric Arc Lamps, 425
- Brown and Co., J., and Nodder, J. Boiler Flues, 64
- Brownsword, A. and others. Manufacturing Seamless Metallic Tubes, 159
- Brun, A. E. le. Gas, &c., Motors, 837
- Buckley, J. Looms for Weaving, 562
- Burgers, E. Shaft and Blast Furnaces, 630
- Busch, F. W. Duplex Electric Switch, 297
- Calthrop, E. R., and Taite, J. C. Conveying Vehicles on Light Railways, 359
- Cameron, M. H. Punching and Shearing Machine, 663
- Campbell, J. Steam Shovels and Grabs, 801
- Campbell, W. Railway Chairs and Sleepers, 297
- Capitaine, E. Transmitting Power (Tricycles), 24
- Caquelin, J. Warp Sizing and Dressing Machines, 360
- Carpenter, J., and Allen, L. F. Cultivators, 329
- Caswell, J., and another. Tool for Bending Tubes, 389
- Charlton, A. J. Axle-Box Manufacture, 123
- Chatillon et Commentry Company. Method of Pouring Steel Ingots, 459
- Clem, C. F. P., and Pingault, A. G. Electric Bicycle, 64
- Clerk, D. Oil Engine, 731
- Clubbe, E. J., and another. Combined Multiple Speed and Balance Gear for Motor Carriages 90
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Driving Wheel and Axle Bearings for Motor Car, 498
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Electric Vaporiser for Oil Engines, 459
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Engines for Road Cars, 94
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Locomotive Carriages, 562
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Propulsion of Vehicles, 532
- Cohn, L. Device for Locking Railway and other Barriers, 498
- Colberg, H. Acetylene Gas Producer, 93
- Collier, J. B., and others. Electric Furnace, 389
- Collier, J. B., and others. Producing Calcium Carbide, 497
- Conrad, R. Governing Valve Gear of Hydrocarbon Motors, 765
- Cook, 1). Bearings and Glands for Rotating Shafts, 595
- Cooper, G. Metallic Packing, 360
- Cope, W. Conduits for Electric Railways, 93
- Corbett, J., and Bain, V. J. Valves for Pumps, 98
- Costa,J. R. da. Tubulous Boiler,330
- Courtois, C. D., and Gascoine, E. Horseless Carriages, 562
- Craig, G. Apparatus for Estimating Products of Combustion, 64
- Craig, G. Obtaining Alkaline Salts from Blast: Furnace Gases, 497
- Ciramb, D., and others. Apparatus for Making Cores for Sand Moulding, 801
- Crawford, W., and Storrar, J. M. Steel and Iron Barrel Making, 732
- Crease, J. F. Increasing and Reducing Ships' Draught, 531
- Crease, J. F. Navigable Battle Forts, 664
- Crisp, S. S., and others. Twisting Wire, 93
- Crow, W. H. Internal Combustion Engines, 459
- Crowden, C. T. Tubular Joints, 225
- Cummins, W. R. Water-Tube Boilers, 94
- Dalrymple-Hay, H. H. Tunnelling and Tunnelling Apparatus, 159
- Davidson, J., and another. Lamp Extinguisher, 4
- Davidson, J. Wheels for Motor Cars, 802
- Davy, W. J. Electric Arc Lamps, 663
- Daw, A. W. and Z. W. Valves for Percussive Rock Drills and Pumps, 595
- Deeble, J. J. Gold Extraction, 262
- Denayrouze, L. Manufacture of Combustible Gas, 63
- Deuther, J. A., and Joyce, J. Electric Furnaces, 699
- Dioken, R. C. J. and G. Motive Fluid Engines, 00
- Dion, Count A. de, and Bouton, G. Explosion Motors, 629
- Donald, J., and Johnstone, W. Water-Tight
- Doors, 802
- Donaldson, J. Torpedo-Boats, &c., 498
- Douglas, 0. M. Folding Boats, 226
- Doulton, II. L. Filters, 700
- Doulton, H. L., and Meldrum, R. Purifying Water, 34
- Dulier, E. E. Apparatus for Clearing Smoke, 00
- Duller, E. E. Revolving Nozzles for Distributing Liquids, 64
- Dunham, W. Manufacture of Bottles, 300
- Eastwood, C. Packing Hydraulic Rams, &c , 159
- Edwards, F. Pumps, 838
- Edwards, R., and others. Explosion Engines, 29
- Eichler, M. Rope Clips, 561.
- Ellis, J. M. and G. L. Hand Levers for Lumbermen, 629
- Ellis, P. Undergear of Rolling Stock, 426
- Erben, E. Langen'a Elevated Railways with Suspended Cars, 664
- Evans, J. and A. Ships' Anchors, 664
- Everard, C., and others. Adjustable Spanners, 37
- Eves, J. V. Machinery for Treating Flax before Spinning, 030
- Eves, J. V. Wet Spinning Frames for Flax, 426
- Fawcett, T. C., Limited. Ball Bearings, 460
- Ferranti, S. Z. de. Dynamos, 123
- Ferranti, S. Z. de. Toothed and Friction Gearing, 425
- Fielding, J. Plate Bending Apparatus, 63
- Fish, G. H. Steam Vacuum Pumps, 838
- Fletcher, A., and Rushworth, L. Boiler Furnace Door, 359
- M. Stopping and Starting Carriages and Self-Acting Mules, 562
- Fraser, IL J. Evaporative Condensers, &o., 29
- Freitag, A. Plummer Blocks, &c., for Bearings of Shafts and Journals, 801
- Friese-Greene, W. Taking and Exhibiting Continuous Series of Photographs, 460
- Fuller, H. J., and Hall, C. J. Switch Fuse for Electric Circuits, 225
- Galloways, Limited, and J. H. Beckwith. Shutoff Valves, 700
- Galloways, Limited, and another. Drilling and Riveting Tube Flanges and Flue Plates of Galloway Boilers, 497
- Gascoine, E., and Courtois, C. D. Horseless Carriages, 562
- Gaynor, H. F. Automatic Laying Sight for Ordnance, 261
- Geisenhof, J. Steering Motor Cars, 532
- George, A. Bicycles Propelled by Oil Engines, 32
- Gibb, W. P., and Mallinson, J. Engine Governors, 169
- Giles, H., and Hack, H. Conveyor Chains, 63
- Giussani, G., and others. Twisting Wire, 93
- Gjers, J. Furnaces for Cast Steel and Iron, 63
- Glasgow, A. G. Utilising Heat of Gases for Heating Feed Water, 124
- Greene, T. A. Prepayment Gas Meters, 359
- Greenwood, A. Electric Motors, 359
- Grice, H., and others. Twisting Wire, 93
- Grosz, F. Motor Cars, 460
- Grubinski, J. von. Steam Superheater, 124
- Gwynne, J., and Sergeant, E. W. Pumping and Dredging, 160
- Hack, H., and Giles, H. Conveyor Chains, 63
- Hadcock, A. G , and Brankston, R. T. Gun Range Sights, 33
- Haenichen, A. Rotary Sifters, 629
- Haken, E. von, and Waldeck, M. Operating Railway Switches, 531
- Hall, C. J., and Fuller, H. J. Switch Fuse for Electric Circuits, 225
- Hall, D., and Kay, J. H. Means for Humidifying Air, 390
- Halpin, D., and others. Apparatus for Cooling Water, 766
- Hamilton, J. H., and Rollason, A. Self-Propelled Vehicles, 298
- Hampson, F. G. Water-Tube Boilers, 124
- Harbinger, W. Metallic Packing, 426
- Harrison, J., and others. Adjustable Spanners, 37
- Harrison, H. T. Adjustable Spanners, 867
- Hatch, W. T., and Morris, J. A. Separating Water from Steam, 123
- Haviland, F. H., and others. Electric Furnace, 89
- Haviland, F. H., and others. Producing Calcium Carbide, 497
- Headland, H. W. Batteries, 261
- Headland, H. W. Secondary Batteries, 297
- Headland's Patent Electric Storage Battery Company, Limited, and Headland, H. W. Cab Electric Lighting Apparatus, 297
- Heathfield, R., and Rawson, W. S. Electrolytical Apparatus, 225, 339
- Higson, J. Continuous Firing Kilns, 426
- Hildyard, R. J. L. Axles and Axle-Boxes, 360
- Hodgkin, S. H. and P. E. Type-Setting Machine, 00
- Hodgson, 11., and Scott, C. Apparatus for Corliss, &c., Valve Gear, 766
- Hoek, W., and Laing, H. Beams or Sections for Ships, 630
- Hoek, W., and Laing, H. Construction of Cargo Steamers, 262
- Holliek, J., and Williams, C. J. Roller Bearing for Cement Mill, 193
- Holliday, T. Apparatus for Making Acetylene Gas, 497
- Holloway, A., and others. Electric Furnace, 389
- Holloway, A., and others. Producing Calcium Carbide, 497
- Holloway, G. T., and Longridge, C. C. Smelting Auriferous Antimony Ores, 261
- Holt, H. P. Driving Gear for Bicycles, 34
- Holt, H. P. Driving Gear for Motor Cars, 532
- Holt, H. P. Steam Motor Carriages, 226
- Hopkins, W., and another. Steam Traps, 298
- Hopkinson. C., and Lloyd, A. H. Safety Appliance for Hoist, 123
- Hopkinson, J., and Lowis, J. Water Gauge, 732
- Hopkirk, F. G. Railway Permanent Way Cars, 95
- Hornby, F., and Rolfe, S. Explosion Motors, 699
- Hornsby, W., and others. Explosion Engines, 29
- House, H. A., and Symon, R. R. Construction of Boats, 802 ; Anchors, 838
- Hudson, J. C. Water-Tube Boilers, 389
- Hudson, R. Metallic Boxes, &c., 460
- Humble, S. Self-Detaching Hooks for Winding Purposes, 629
- Humphreys, E. H. P. Photographic Camera, 30
- Iredale, J. H. Lamps for Burning Light Liquid Hydrocarbons, 64
- Jackson, A. E. and J. P. Steam Traps, 330
- Jackson and Co., Limited, P. R., and Lewis, J. S. Armatures, 159
- Jackson and Co., P. R., and Lewis, J. S. Dynamos, 33
- Jackson and Co., Limited, P. R., and others. Bearings for Worm Gearing, 93
- Jacobsen, J., and Timon, K. Pumps, 765
- Jobling, W. J. Boilers, 298
- Johnston, W., and Donald, J. Water-Tight Doors, 802
- Johnstone, D., and McAdam, W. Governing Marine Engines, 731
- Jones, J. Ball or Float Cook, 194
- Joughins, G. R. Bogie Frame for Railway Stock, 38
- Joyce, J., and Deuther, J. A. Electric Furnaces, 29
- Kay, J. Valve Gear for Steam Engine, 868
- Kay, J. H., and Hall, D. Means for Humidifying Air, 390
- Kelvin, Baron. Electric Meter, 83
- Ketelair, J. B., and another. Water-Tube Boiler, 68
- King, B. G. Road Vehicles, 562
- King, W., and Rexworthy, H. S. Brakes for Bicycles, 04
- Kirchhof, C. Shuttle Guards for Looms, 630
- Kitson, A. Combustible Gas-Making Furnace, 61
- Klatte, 0. Chain Coupling for Mooring Chains, 23
- Knight, R. D. Steam Engines, 596
- Laidlaw, J. and Macfarlane, J. W. Centrifugal Machines, 532
- Laing, H., and Hoek, W. Beams or Sections for Ships, 630
- Laing, H., and Hoek, W. Construction of Cargo Steamers, 262
- Lanchester, F. W. Gas, &c., Engines, 731
- Lanchester, F. W. Gas and Oil Motors, 389
- Lanchester, F. W. Mechanism for Power Propelled Vehicles, 630
- Lane, F. L., and Leeds Forge Company, Limited. Coal Railway Wagons, 160
- Lane, H. Gas Engines, 329
- Lane, H. Mechanically Propelled Road Vehicles, 98
- Lauckert, E. F. H. H., and another. Dynamos, 97
- Lawrie, A., and others. Apparatus for Making Cores for Sand Moulding, 801
- Lawson, H. J. Motor Cycles, 360
- Lawson, H. J. Motor Vehicles, 390
- Leber, H. Cycle Saddle, 226
- Leeds Forge Company, Limited, and another. Coal Railway Wagons, 160
- Leeds Forge Company, Limited, and Suddaly, W. F. Rolling Furnace Flues, 663
- Lewis, J. S., and Jackson and Co., Limited, P. R. Armatures, 159
- Lewis, J. S., and other. Bearings for Worm Gearing, 93
- Lewis, J. S., and Jackson and Co., P. R. Dynamos, 33
- Lewis, T. Blast-Furnaces and Charging same, 95
- Lloyd, A. H., and Hopkinson, C. Safety Appliance for Hoist, 123
- Lobnitz, F. Dredgers and Barges, 262
- Lobnitz, F. Dredging Machinery, 194
- Longridge, C. C., and Holloway, G. T. Smelting Auriferous Antimony Ores, 261
- Loquet, J. B., and another. Water-Tube Boiler, 68
- Lori, F., and others. Electric Furnace, 359
- Love, G. Condenser, 426
- Lowis, J., and Hopkinson, J. Water Gauge, 32
- Lowther, T., and Platts, H. C. Manufacture and Application of Packing for Making FluidTight Joints, 632
- McAdam, W., and Johnston, D. Governing
- Marine Engines, 731
- MacDonald, J. M. Motor Power Apparatus for Vehicles and Boats, 699
- Macfarlane, J. W., and Laidlaw, J. Centrifugal Machines, 532
- McFarlane, H., and others. Apparatus for
- Making Cores for Sand Moulding, 801
- McGhee, G. Valves and Valve Gear for Gas, &o., Engines, 807
- Mallinson, J., and Gibb, W. P. Engine Governors, 159
- Mannesmann, M. Rolling Tube Apparatus, 425
- Maroussem, A. de, and Terme J. Taking and Exhibiting Photographs in Series, 226
- Mauser, A. Metallic Fencing, 194
- Maxim, H. Acetylene Motor, 359
- Maxim, H. S. and H. Tube Manufacture, 94
- Maxim, H. S., and Silverman, L. Automatic Guns, 561
- Mayne, A. J., and New, A. G. Electric Propulsion of Vehicles, 360
- Mefford, D. M. Pneumatic Guns, 459
- Mefford, D. M. Projectiles for Guns. 389
- Mehta, K. K. and D. P. Cotton Gins, 390
- Meldrum, R., and Doulton, R. L. Purifying Water, 34
- Merryweather6 , J. C. Fire Escapes and Ladders, 6
- Mirrlees, Watson, and Yaryan Company, Limited, and another. Water-Tube Boilers, 160
- Moeller, J. Incandescent Gas Lamps, 193
- Moodie,R. Apparatus for Washing or Leaching ranular Substances, 766
- Morison, D. B. Stop Valve Manufacture, 330
- Morris, J. A., and Hatch, W. T. Separating Water from Steam, 123
- Mottram, W. Furnace for Heating Tyres, 389
- Mumford, C. E., and others. Machine for Collecting Dust in Air, &c., 837
- Mumford, A. G., and Anthony, A. Controlling Supply of Feed to Boilers, 802
- Murch, W. H., and others. Electric Furnace, 89
- Murch, W. H., and others. Producing Calcium Carbide, 497
- Myers, F. G. Forging, Swaging, or Hammering Metal (Machine), 225
- Myers, F. G. Machine for Sharpening Rock Drills, 261
- Myers, F. G. Machines for Forging and Sharpening Rock Drills, 225
- Nebel, J., and another. Electricity Meters, 93
- New, A. G., and Mayne, A. J. Electric Propulsion of Vehicles, 360
- Nichols, C., and Prado, R. Apparatus for Adapting Rifles for Use as a Machine Gun, 425
- Ogden, J. E. L. Water-Gauge Glasses, 732
- Olney, G. T. C. Automatic Air Valves for Water Conduits, 732
- Oppermann, E. L. Gold Extraction, 631
- Page, S. F. Electrical Door Bolts, 63
- Paget, A. Controlling Mechanism for Cars, &c., 66
- Pandaleoni, M., and others. Electric Furnace, 59
- Pangratz, W. Bearing Points of Spindles on Shafts, 123
- Paprian, T. Incandescence Electric Lamp, 629
- Parker, H. Railway Wagon Brake Apparatus, 61
- Pataky, C. Steam Generators, 531
- Patrick, A. C. Plate Bending and Straightening Machine, 837
- Pattinson, T., and Slater, T. Valves for Steam Hammers, 663
- Pearsall, A. Horseshoes, 34
- Pearson, R. Gravity Electric Contact Maker, 97
- Pennington, E. J. Starting Device for Motors, 59
- Pett, F. S. Boat Lowering and Disconnecting Gear, 802
- Phillips, H. F. Double-Barrelled Gun, 531
- Picking, G. G., and Hopkins, W. Steam Traps, 98
- Pignotti, R., and others: Electric Furnace, 359
- Pilkington, W. and A., and others. Manufacture of Seamless Metallic Tubes, 159
- Pilkington, W. and A. Releasing Tubes from Mandril after Rolling, 459
- Pingault, A. G., and Clerc, C. P. F. Electric Bicycle, 64
- Platt, G. Draw Benches, 389
- Platt, G. Metallurgical Furnaces, 159
- Platts, H. C., and Lowther, T. Manufacture and Application of Packing for Making Fluid-Tight Joints, 632
- Player, J. H. Wheel Builder, 329
- Poulson, C. G. Sorting Machines, 194
- Prado, R., and Nichols, C. Apparatus for Adapting Rifles for Use as Machine Gun, 25
- Prentice, W., and Anderson, R. Boat Gear, 731
- Preston, J. E. Amalgamating Apparatus, 699
- Priestman, W. D. and S., and Richardson, H. Ignition in Hydrocarburetted Air Engine, 663
- Proctor, J. Constructing Mechanical Stokers, 00
- Puritan Electric Company. Arc Lamps, 699
- Purves, D. Water-Tube Boilers, 596
- Purvis, A. and W. Pumps, 531
- Radcliffe, F. Furnaces for Glass Manufacture, 26
- Radcliffe, F. Production of Forgings, 561
- Radford, R. H. Steam Generators, 64
- Rainey, F. E., and another. Water-Tube Boilers, 60
- Rawlings, W. R. and J. J. Electric Switches, 97
- Raworth, J. S. Apparatus for Recording Variations in the Angular Velocity of Rotating Bodies, 596
- Rawson, W. S. Electrically Coating Wire and Apparatus, 595
- Rawson, W. S., and Heathfleld, R. Electrolytical Apparatus, 225, 359
- Reed, J. W. Steam Generators, 498
- Rees, T. Helically Fluting or Corrugating Tubes, 425
- Regnoli, S., and others. Electric Furnace, 359
- Reilly, E. Piston-Rod Lubricators, 64
- Rexworthy, H. S., and King, W. Brakes for Bicycles, 64
- Rhodes, J. Surface Condensers, 390
- Rice, Jun., E. W. Closed Conduit Electric Railways, 497
- Richardson, H., and Priestman, W. D. and S. Ignition in Hydrocarburetted Air Engine, 663
- Roberts, D., and others. Explosion Engines, 29
- Robertson, J., and Adams, W. Safety Mechanism for Guns, 629
- Robertson, J. Machine for Screwing Studs, 765
- Robinson, R. Feed Rollers of Fur Blowing, &c., Machines, 94
- Robson, J. R. Vertical, &c., Boilers, 867
- Roger, E. Motor Carriage, 34
- Rohr, K. Preventing Recoil of Guns, 389
- Rolfe, S. Explosion Motor, 699
- Rollason, A., and Hamilton, J. H. Self-Propelled Vehicles, 298
- Roots, J. Internal Combustion Engines, 329
- Rose, G. Oil Motor Cars, 390
- Rosenthal, J. H. Boiler Furnaces, 802
- Roux, M. A. J. Apparatus for Separating Volatile Metals from their Alloys, 426
- Rushworth, L., and Fletcher, A. Boiler Furnace Door, 859
- Sandycroft Foundry and Engine Works Company, Limited, and another. Apparatus for Feeding Ore to Crushing Machines, 561
- Sankey, M. H. P. R. Tri-Compound Engines, 60
- Sargeant, E. W., and Gwynne, J. Pumping and Dredging, 160
- Sargeant, T. C. Distributor for Agricultural Purposes, 867
- Schmidt, A. Process for Purifying Crude Acetic Acid, 360
- Schmidt, C. Driving and Brake Mechanism for Carriages, 34
- Schwarz, A. Paper Feed Rolls, 262
- Schwicker, J. A., and Swiderski, P. Self-Heating Vaporiser for Oil Motor, 193
- Scott, C., and Hodgson, H. Apparatus for Corliss, &c., Valve Gear, 766
- Scott, J. Multitubular Boiler, 94
- Scott, T. Steam Boilers, 531
- Shirtliff, F. Machine for Severing Metal Bars of Various Sections, 159
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and another. Dynamos, 497
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, and J. Nebel. Electricity Meters, 93
- Siemens, F. Regenerative Gas Furnaces, 765
- Silverman, L., and Maxim, H. S. Automatic Guns, 561
- Simon C. Jigging Machine for Washing Coal, &c., 329
- Simon, H. Cleaning Wheat, &c., 801
- Simpson, T. A. Automatic Attachment for Balancing Two-Wheeled Vehicles, 766
- Simpson, W. E. Machine Guns, 329
- Sinclair, G. Steam Superheater, 664
- Singer Manufacturing Company and others. Making Cores for Sand Moulding, 801
- Sisson, W. Engine Governors, 460
- Mater, T., and Pattinson, T. Valves for Steam Hammers, 663
- Small, A. Y. Antifriction Bearings, 765
- Smallman, J. W. Haulage Clip, 123
- Smillie, R. D. and Bird, J. R. Apparatus for Coiling andSoldering Metallic Tape on Copper, &c., Pipes, 425
- Smith, D. Presses for Drawing, &c., Sheet Metal Hollow Ware, 595
- Smith, M. H. Lessening Vibration of Engines, 68
- Soliani, N. Marine Boilers, 664
- Southey, A. W., and another. Combined Multiple Speed and Balance Gear for Motor Carriages, 390
- Southey. A. W., and another. Driving Wheel and Axle Bearings for Motor Car, 498
- Southey, A. W., and Clubbe, E. J. Electric Vaporiser for Oil Engines, 459
- Southey, A. W., and Clubbe, E. J. Engines for Road Cars, 94
- Southey, A. W., and Clubbe, E. J. Locomotive Carriages, 662
- Southey, A. W., and Clubbe, E. J. Propulsion of Vehicles, 532
- Spencer, A. Buffers for Railway Vehicles, 731
- Spencer, A. Draw Gear for Railway Cars, 663
- Spencer, A. Shield for Protecting Water Gauges, 62
- Spencer, A. G. Buffers, &c., of India-Rubber, 596
- Sproule, R. F. Relief Colour Stamping Press, 4
- Steinbach, R. Ball Mill, 225
- Steinmetz, C. P. Dynamos, 193
- Stephens, H. A. Ball Bearings, 298
- Sterne, L., and others. Apparatus for Cooling Water, 766
- Stewart and Clydesdale, Limited. A. and J., and another. Hydraulic Riveting Tubes, 63
- Stocker, R. Adjustable Spanners, 867
- Storrar, J. M., and Crawford, W. Steel and Iron Barrel Making, 732
- Suddaly, W. F., and Leeds Forge Company, Limited. Rolling Furnace Flues, 663
- Surth, F. A. Axle-Boxes, 595
- Swiderski, P., and Schwicker, J. A. Self-Heating Vaporiser for Oil Motor, 193
- Sykes, A., and Yates, W. E. Cropping Machine for Textile Fabrics, 630
- Sykes, W. R. Water or Gas Tap, 33
- Symon, R. R., and House, H. A. Construction of Boats, 802. Anchors, 838
- Taite, J. C., and Calthrop, E. R. Conveying Vehicles on Light Railways, 359
- Taylor, J. Pumps, 159
- Taylor, J. Shedding Motions of Looms for Weaving, 226
- Temperley, J. and J. R. Apparatus for Raising, Lowering, and Transporting Loads, 765
- Terme, J., and de Maroussem, A. Taking and Exhibiting Photographs in Series, 226
- Thomas, J. Buffers for Railway Vehicles, Hoists, &c., 297
- Th837ompson, J., and others. Adjustable Spanners,
- Thomson, B. T. L. Manufacturing Carbonic) Acid Gas, 360
- Tho261ycroft, J. I. and J. E. Electric Arc Lamps rn
- Timmis, T. A. Bogies for Railway Cars, 699
- Timon, K., and Jacobsen, J. Pumps, 765
- Torns, C. R. Machine for Boring and Planing Curved Surfaces, Screw Cutting, and Rifling and Milling Metals, 801
- Tourtel, J., and the Tourtel Gas and General Engineering Company, Limited, and another. Lamp Extinguisher, 34
- Towler, W. Compound Tramway Rails, 262
- Trench, J. T. Pneumatic Tyres, 732
- Tyer, E. Making Electrical Contact by Train Passing, 498
- Vavasseur, J. Apparatus for Supplying Projectiles to Turret Guns, 801. Supplying Ammunition to Heavy Guns, 837
- Vavasseur, J. Rammer for Heavy Guns, 261
- Verein Chemischer Fabriken. Apparatus for
- Drying Superphosphates; 124
- Vollhard, 0. F. Steam Generators, 532
- Waldeck, H., and Haken, E. von. Operating Railway Switches, 531
- Walker, D. B. Refrigerating, 194
- Walker, J. S., T. A., and E. R. Corliss Valve Gear, 700
- Wallis, G. P., and others. Hydraulic Accumulators, 838
- Wallis, J. P. Hydraulic Presses for Seed Oils, 94
- Weir, J. Tubulous Boilers, 498
- Wilkes, S., and another. Tool for Bending Tubes, 389
- Wilkinson, F. Feed Check Valves for Boilers, 60
- Wilkinson, W., and others. Hydraulic Accumulators, 838
- Williams, C. J., and Hollick, J. Roller Bearing for Cement Mill, 193
- Willis, W. W., and another. Machine for Collecting Dust in Air, &c., 837
- Wilson, R. P. Magneto-Electric Governor, 765
- Wotherspoon, J., and another. Hydraulic Riveting Tubes, 63
- Wyndham, J. S. Pump Valve Cage, 561
- Yarrow, A. F. Water-Tube Boilers, 596, 664
- Yates, W. E., and Sykes, A. Cropping Machine for Textile Fabrics, 630
- Young, Y., and others. Explosion Engines, 629
See Also
Sources of Information