Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1898 Jul-Dec Volume
General Index
- A TRAVERS I’Angieterre, Industrielle et Commercial. Par Edouard Deiss, 66
- Aachen Electricity Works (Schuckert), 844
- Acceleration Indicator, 22. See LETTERS
- Accident, Wellingborough, 359, 400, 581, 757, 792
- Accidents to Engines, 364
Accidents, Railway:
- Accident (Derailment) at Wellingborough, 359. See Letters
- Accidents (Recent) at Maryhill, Edinburgh, and Larne, 357
- Buffer-Stop Collision at Craigendoran Pier, 440
- Collision, Double, at Ashford, 93
- Collision, Fatal Buffer, at Inniskeen, 729
- Collision at Scotsgap Station, 79
- Collision at Sheffield, 121
- Collision, Side, at Glasgow, 532
- Collision, Slight, at Greystones, 551
- Collision, Slight, at Manningtree, 551
- Derailment and Collision at Appleford, 440
- . Derailment on Forth Bridge, 523
- Derailment, Slight, at Tinahely Station, 248
- Derailment on the Taff Vale Railway, 47
- Grantham Collision, 440
- Leyland, Fatal Collision at, 369
- Locomotive Breakage at Acton Station, 440
- Rear Collision at Carstairs, 440
- Salisbury, Signalman’s Blunder, 585
- Station, Barrow causes Train Wreck, Wellingborough, 359. See Letters
- Statistics of Accidents, 244
- Wellingborough Accident, 359. See LETTERS
- Wembley Park, Fatal Derailment, 297
- Accumulators. See Schuckert^ also 515
- Acetylene. See also Calcium CarbUe
- Acetylene (Calcium Carbide), 592
- Acetylene, Calcium Carbide Industry, 753
- Acetylene and Carbon Dioxide, Mixtures, 518
- Acetylene Gas, 123
- Acetylene for Gas Engines, 754 .
- Acetylene Gas Generators, 88, 123
- Acetylene Industry, 83
- Acids, Fatty, Cooling Curves of, 549
- Acoustics and Articulation of Consonants, 520
- Action of Metalloids on Cast Iron, 319, 372, 402
- Adeney, W. E., on Sewage Sludges, 277 Aeronautics, 489
- African Coal, 493
- African Lakes, Navigation on, 212
- Agricultural Chemistry, 334
- Agricultural Implements, 751
- Agricultural Society’s Motor Vehicle Trials, Royal, 461. See LETTERS
- Air, Compressed, Plant at Paris (Schneider), 378
- Air, Compressed, Tunnelling under, 530, 632
- Air Compression, Hydraulic, 416
- Air Drill, Boyer’s, 387
- Air Gap Reluctance, Electric Generators, 129
- Air Waves Formed by Flying Projectiles, Photographs of, 191
- Airs, Factitious, 353
- Akerman, Mr. R., on Swedish Iron Industry, 303, 309, 339
- Albuminous Substances, Chemistry of, 333
- Albuminous Substances, Syntheses, 333
- “ Alexander Barminsky” Dredger (Holland), 324
- Alkali, Electrolytic Production of, 115
- Alkaline Chlorates and Sulphates of Heavy Metals, 550
- Allen, Mr. A. H., on Electric Canal Haulage, 416, 728
- Alloys, Aluminium, 228
- Alloys of Brass and Bismuth, 775
- Alloys, Constitution of, 461
- Alloys, Heat of Combination of Metals in, 480
- Alloys, Microscopic Structure of Gold and other, 411, 541, 733, 753
- Alloys, New Steel, 515
- Alloys, Physical and Electrical Properties of, 869
- Alma Tube Works, Walsall (J. Russell and Co., Limited), 825
- Alternating Current Dynamos (Schneider), 106 1
- Altona Electric Works (Schuckert ,742 i
- Aluminium /Vlloys, 228 '
- Aluminium Annealing Furnace, 289
- Aluminium in India, 335
- Aluminium Industry, 21
- Aluminium Manufacture, with a Description of the Rolling Mills and Foundry at Milton, Staffs., 147, 154, 289 |
- Aluminium as a Reducing Agent, 22
- Amalgamated Societ}^ of Engineers, 867 America. See United States
- American Liners as Merchant Cruisers, 621
- Ammonia and Gun-Cottons, Action of, 550 Amoy and Formosa Trade, 529
- An Ampere Balance, by Professor W. E. Ayrton and Professor J. Viriamu Jones, 515, 872
- Analysis, Electrolytic Methods of Quantitative, 550
- Ancient Dry Dock on Thames, 432
- Ancient Millwrights, 862
- Anderson, The Late Sir William, K.C.B., 787
- Andrews, Mr. Thomas, on Microscopic Structure of Gold and Gold Alloys, 411, 541, 733. See IJETTERS
- Anemometers, Exposure of, 647
- Angles of Cranks, H.M.S “Terrible’s ” Trials, 428
- Anglo-French Trade, 592
- Annealing Furnace, Aluminium, 289
- Annealing of Soft Steel, Brittleness Produced by, 319, 404
- Annuaire pour Fan 1899 public par le Bureau des longitudes, 864
- Annuals, 863
- Anorganic Substancos, 331
- Arbitration, Industrial, 573
- Arc, Drop of Potential at the Carbon of the, 515
- Arc Lamp Circuits and Suspenders, Schuckert, 847
- /Vrchbutt, Mr. L., on Water Softening and Purifying, 149, 166, 186, 230. See LETTERS
- Archbutt-Deeley Process of Water Softening and Purification, 149, 165, 18», 230. See LETTERS
- Argentiferous Lead, Treatment of, 182
- Argentine Cruiser “General San Martin” (Orlando, Leghorn), 74
- Argon, Neon, and Xenon, 547
- “Arkansas,” New United States Class of Monitor, 817
- Armature Core Reluctance, Electric Generators, 129
- Armature Interference, Electric Generators, 350
- Armour, Cost of, 214
- Armour-Plate, Development of, 530
- Armour-Plate Tests, United States, 825
- Army and Navy, Students, 551
- Arnold, Professor, on Micro-Chemistry of Cementation, 319
- Articulation and Acoustics of Consonants, 520
- Artillery. See Guns
- Ashford Boiler Explosion 437
- Aspiration Thermometer, 791
- Assaying Mercury, 735
- Atlantic Liners as Merchant Cruisers, 624
- Atlantic Load-Line, 722
- Atlantic Records in 1898, 865
- Auriferous Lodes, 735
- Austria and Hungary, Engineers in, 21, 54
- Austrian Torpedo-Boats (Yarrow), 394
- Austro-Hungarian Floating Exhibition, 305
- Automatic Cut-Out and Junction Box (Schuckert), 773
- Automatic Gas Meters and Cookers, 868
- Ayrton, Professor W. E., and Professor J. Viriamu Jones, on Ampere Balance, 515, 872 ,
- Babcock and Wilcox Boiler, 213
- Bacteria on Photographic Plates, 547
- Bacterio-Chemical Study of Sewage, 277
- Bacteriologic^d Purification of Sewage, 85, 118, 3a2, 497, 550, 749
- Baden-Vienna Electricity Works (Schuckert), 845 I
- Bailey, Sir William H., on Dynamometer for Wave Measurement, 216
- Balance, Ampere, 515, 872
- Balancing Engines of H.M.S. ‘‘Terrible,” 428
- Balancing Hinge for Railway Wagons, 615, 793
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Electric Power, 464
- Baling and Ginning, Cotton, 197. See Erratum^ 33'5
- Ball-Bearing Fad, 55, 87, 183
- Ball-Bearing Hardening Furnace, 229
- Balloon Ascents, 480
- Bar-Cutting Machine, Hydraulic (Cameron, Salford), 245
- Barbette Carriage for Unite! States
- Breechloading Gun, 294
- Barges for United States Navy, 812
- Barmen Electric Works (Schuckert), 742
- Barnes’ Heating Furnace, 793
- Barry Docks, 352
- Barry, Sir J. Wolfe, Presidential Address, “ G” Section, British Association, 352, 373, 407
- Bass’s Brewery, 169
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beams, Efficiency of Built Wooden, 221
- Bearings, Thompson’s Self-Aligning, 499 Belgian Railways, 758
- Bell-Elliott Tangent Reading Tacheometer, 743
- Belting, Power Absorbed by, 560, 566. See 381 Ben Nevis and Meteorology, 478
- Bending Tests of Locomotive Staybolts, 227
- Beneficent Inventor, The, 557
- Beni 3 r Gas Engine and Producer, 386
- Berlin Fire Tests of Materials, 130, 251, 347, 510
- Bethlehem Iron Works, 824
- Bethlehem Iron Works Krupp Armour, 825
- Bevel Gear, Elliptical, 121, 626
- Bicycle Efficiency, 246, 279, 357. See LETTERS
- Bicycle Tubes, Tests of, 260
- Bicycles. See also Cycles
- Bilge Keel and Roiling Experiments, United States ship “ Oregon,” 812
- Binary Electrolyte, Hall Effect in a, 29
- Birch J. Grant, on Some Notes on United States Manufactures, 774, 805
- Birmingham and Bristol Canal Scheme, 413
- Birmingham Water Supply, 480
- Bismuth in Brass, Influence of, 775
- “ Black Diamond ” Express, Lehigh Valley Railroad, 379
- Blackburn Mission to China, 49
- Blanvell, Mr. W. H., on Solvay Coke Oven, 703
- Blast-Furnace Gas for Motive Power, 562
- Blast-Furnace Hoisting and Conveying Plant, Brown’s, 42
- Blast-Furnace Tuyeres, 670
- Blasting a Smoke Strick, 658
- Blower and Engine, Combined (Alldays and Onions), 520
- Board of Trade Return on Wages, 267
- Boats, Standard, United States Navy, 812
- Boiler Explosion at Ashford, 437
- Boiler Explosion at Bradford, 62
- Boiler Explosion at Norwich, 761
- Boiler Explosion at Reading, 272
- Boiler Explosion at Wakefield, 505
- Boiler, Fatal Explosion of a Tramway Engine, 217
- Boiler Furnaces, Setting Back Bulges, 93
- Boiler Heating Surface, 135
- Boiler Setting, Horizontal, 134
- Boiler Shops, Schneider's, 163 Boiler, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boiler Boilers, the Care of Steam, 84
- Boilers, the Effect of Drought on, 496, 531
- Boilers, Gunboat, of the Washington Mills Company (United States), 533
- Boilers, the Purchase of Second-Hand, 759
- Boilers, Tar Burners for, 550
- Boilers, Three v. Four-Furnace, 399, 433, 497
- Boilers, Wood Fuel for, 400
- Bolsover and Cresswell’s Collieiyj 170
- Books Received, 35, 67, 242, 283, 481, 543, 605, 775, 864
- Books, the Best 100 Engineering, 625
- Borcea Bridge (Schneider), 513. See LETTERS, 723
- Bourgogne Collision Law Case, 624
- Bourgogne, Collision at Sea, 81. See LETTERS, CoUisionSf <^c.
- Boyer’s Pneumatic Drill, 3S7
- Bradford Boiler Explosion, 62
- Bradford Tramcar Accident, 532
- Brass Alloys and Bismuth, 775
- Brass Finishers’ Lathe (Britannia Company,
- Colchester), 185
- Breakdowns, Engine, 364
- Breaking Strain of Cast Iron, 497
- Breakwater, Buffalo, 701
- Brewers’ Exhibition, 590
- Brewery, Bass’s, 169
- Bridge, An Old Floating, 280
- Bridge over the Borcea, 513, 723
- Bridge-Building (Schneider), 417, 444, 476, 512, 513, 575, 609, 693
- Bridge Design, Common Errors in Iron, 293, 465
- Bridge Design, Economy in, 621. See LETTER, 868
- Bridge, Foot, over River Guadalquiver, 290
- Bridge over the Harlem River, 743
- Bridge, Niagara Arch, 778
- Bridge, Swing, Machinery (United States), 370
- Bridges and Coal Subsidences, 755
- Bridges, Combination, 315
- Bridges, Floating (Schneider), 693
- Bridges, Military (Schneider), 609, 693
- Bridges (Schneider), 417, 444, 476, 512, 513, 575, 609, 693
- Bright, Mr. Charles, on the Pacific Cable, 536
- Bright, Mr. Charles, on Submarine Cable Grapnels, 571, 603
- Bristol, Ancient Weights and Measures, 520
- Bristol and Birmingham Canal Scheme, 413
- Bristol Carriage Works, Electric Power Plant, 381, 631
- Bristol Electric Lighting, 412
British Association : 330, 352, 381, 412, 448, 477, 515, 546, 572, 611 Presidential Address (Sir W. Crookes), 330
- Mechanical Science {Q Section}.
- President’s Address, by Sir J. Wolfe Barry, 352 373 407
- New Works at Barry Docks, by Mr. R. C. H. Davison, 352
- Conditions necessary for the Successful Treatment of Sewage by Bacteria, by Mr. W. J. Dibdin, 352
- Description of an Old Newcomen Engine at Long Ashton, near Bristol, by W. H. Pearson, 353
- Factitious Airs, by Sir Frederick Bramwell, 353
- Some of the Mechanical and Economic Features of the Goal Question, by Mr. T. Forster Brown, 353
- The Hydraulic System of Jointing of Tubes on Tubular Bodies, by Mr. C. Johnson, 356
- Description of an Instrument for Measuring Small Torsional Strains, by Mr. E. G. Coker, 356, 503
- Electric Power in Workshops, by Mr. A. Siemens, 381, 500
- The Application of the Electric Motor to Small Industrial Purposes and its Effects on Trade and on the Community generally, by Mr. A. H. Gibbings, 381
- Electric Power and its Application on the Three-Phase System to Bristol Wagon gtnd Carriage Works, by 3Ir. W. Geipel, 381, 631
- Notes on the Electric Lighting System at Bristol, with special reference tp Auxiliary' Plant, by Mr. H. Faraday Proctor, 412
- Electric Traction b.y Surface Contacts, by Professor Silvanus Thompson and Mr. Miles Walker, 412
- Scheme for the Improvement of the Waterway between the Bristol Channel and the Birmingham District, by Mr. E. D. Marten, 413
- Notes on the Welsh Method of Shipping Coal, by Professor J. Ryan, 414
- A New Instrument for Drawing Envelopes, and its Application to the Teeth of Wheels and for other Purposes, by Professor II. S. Hele-Shaw, 416
- Hydraulic Power Transmission by Compressed Air, by Mr. W. G. Walker, 416
- Electric Canal Haulage, by Mr. A. H. Allen, 416,72s
- Combined Electric Lighting and Power Plant for Docks and Harbours, by Mr. J. G. Aldridge, 417
- On the Pacific Cable, by Mr. 0. Bright, 417, 536
- Physical ani Chemical Sections,
- Professor W. E. Ayrton’s F.R.S., Presidential Ad Iress, 149
- Address by .the Chairman of the International Magnetic .Conference, Professor A. AV. Rucker, Sec. R.S., 450
- On the Relative Advantages of Long and Short Magnets, by Professor Mascart, 450
- On the Construction of Magnets of Constant Intensity under Changes of Temperature, by Mr. J. R. Ashworth, 450
- On the Establishment of Temporary Magnetic Observatories in Certain Localities, especially in Tropical Countries, by Professor von Bezold and General Rykatschew, 450 '
- Secular Variations of Magnetic Elements, by i Dr. A. Schmidt, 451
- Report of the Committee on Comparing and i Reducing Magnetic Observations, 452 1
- Simultaneous Magnetic Observations, by Pro- I fesor Eschenhagen, 452
- Calculating Monthly Means, by Professors Eschenhagen and Moureaux, 452
- On Magnetic Observations in the Azores, by Albert, Prince of Monaco, 452
- On Magnetic Observations in Cape Colony, by Dr. Beattie and Mr. Morrison, 452
- Diurnal Movements of a Magnet, bj' Mr. J. B. Capello, 452
- An Account of the Late Professor John Couch Adams’s Determination of the Gaussian Magnetic Constants, bj^ Professor W. GryIJs ; Adams, 452
- On a Simple Method of Obtaining the Expression of the Magnetic Potential of the Earth in a Series of Spherical Harmonics, by Professor Arthur Schuster, 452
- On Magnetic Observations at Funafuti, by Captain Creak, 452
- On the Relations between the Variations in the Earth Currents, the Electric Currents from the Atmosphere, and the Magnetic Perturbations, by Professor Selim Lemstrbm, 452
- On the Interpretation of Earth Current Observations, by Professor Arthur Schuster, 452 ,
- Some Remarks on the Construction of Magnetic Observatories, by Dr. Snellen, 452
- On the Influence of Altitudes above the Sea on the Elements of Terrestrial Magnetism, by Drs. Van Rijckevorsel, Von Bemmelen,. and Liznar, 452
- Isomagnetic Lines near the Aetna, bj^ Professor L. Palazzo, 452
- Report of the Committee on Seismological Jn- vestigatioiij by Professor Milne, F.R.S., 477
- Joint Discussion on the Magnetic and Electrolytic Actions of Electric Railways, by Professors Schott, A. W. Rucker, Eschenhagen, Von Bezold, Mr. W. II. Preece, Mr. D. L. Palazzo, and Mr. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., 477
- Report of the Committee on Ben Nevis Observatory, 478
- Analogies between the Yearly Ranges of some Meteorological and Magnetic Phenomena, by Dr. Van Rijckevorsel, 478
- Report of the Committee on Meteorological Photography, by Mr. A. Clay den, 479
- Interim Report on the Montreal Meteorological Observatory, 479
- A Quantitative Bolometric Sunshine Recorder, by Professor H. Callendar, F.R.S., 479
- Progress of the Exploration of the Air with lutes at Blue Hill Observatory, Mass., U.S.A., b5' Dr. A. L. Rotch, 480
- The Classification of Polydiurnal Weather Types io Relation to the Daily Forecasts in Western Europe, by Mr. Douglas Archibald, 480
- The Rainfall of the South-AVestern Counties of England, by Mr. John Hopkinson, 480
- Balloon Ascent, by Rev. J. M Bacon, 480
- Some Experiments on the Effects of Pressure on the Thermal Conductivity of Rocks, by Dr. C. H. Lees, 480
- On the Thermal Conductivity of AVater, b.A’’ Mr. S. R. Milner and Professor A. P. Chattock, 480
- Heat of Combination of Metals in the Formation of Alloys, by Dr. A. Galt, 480
- On Dalton’s Law, bj’ Mr. W. N. Shaw, F.R.S., 480
- On the Conservation of Energy in the Human Body, by Messrs. E. B. Rosa and W. O. Atwater, 480
- Dissipation of Energy in the Dielectric of a Condenser, by Mr. E. B. Rosa and Mr. A. W. Smith, 515
- Comparison between Charging a Secondary Cell at Constant Potential and at Constant Current, More Especially as regards Efficiency, by Mr A. A. Cahen and Mr. J. M. Donaldson, 515
- On a Magnifying or Bellowing Telephone, by Professor Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., 515
- On the Measurement of Small Differences in Resistance, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.S., 515
- A Platinum Voltmeter, by Professor H. L. Callendar, F.R.S., 515
- Interim Report of the Committee on Electrolysis, 515
- Dilute Solutions, by Mr. E. H. Griffiths, F.R.S., 516
- Conductivity of Dilute Solutions, by Mr. W. C. D. Whetham, 515
- On the Velocity of the Electricity in-the Electric Wind, by Professor A. P. Chattock, 515 Report of the Committee on Electric Standards, 515
- The Temperature-Coefficients of the Resist ances used in the 1897 Determination of the Ohm, by Mr. M. Solomon, 515
- An Ampere Balance, by Professor Ayrton and Principal Viriamu Jones, 515, 872
- On Standard High Resistances, by Mr. J. B. Fawcett, 615
- The Drop of Potential at the Carbons of the
- Electric Arc, by Mrs. Ayrton, 515 Preliminary Report on the Electric Conductivity and Magnetic Permeability of a Series of New Alloys of Iron, by Professor W. F. Barrett, Mr. W. Brown, and Mr. R. A. Hadfield, 515
- Experiments on the Influence of Electricity on Plants, by Mr. S. Lemstrom, 518
- The Action of Electricitj" on Plants, by Dr. E. H. Cook, 518
- The Brush Discharge, by Dr. E. II. Cook, 518
- Some Experiments on the Luminosity of Sugar produced by Rubbing, by Mr. J. Burke, 518
- On the Electromagnetic Theorj^ of Reflection on the Surface of Crystals, by Dr. C. E. Curry, 518
- On Righi’s Discovery of the Zeeman Effect by by Absorption, by Professor S. P. Thompson, F. R.S., 518
- Graphic Representations of the Two Simplest j Cases of a Single Wave, (a) Condensational- I Rarefactional, (5) Distortional, by Lord Kelvin, F.R.S., 518
- Dynamical Theoryof Refraction and Anomalous
- Dispersion, by Lord Kelvin, F.R.S., 518 Continuity of Undulatorj' Theory for Sound,
- Elastic-Solid Light and Electric Waves, by Lord Kelvin, F.R.S., 518
- On Radiation from a Source of Light in Magnetic Field, bv Professor T. Preston, F.R.S., 518
- The Carbon-Consuming Cell of Jacques, by Mr. S. Skinner, 518
- Lenses, not of Glass, by Mr. J. W. Gifford, 518
- Pneumatic Analogue of the Potentiometer, by Mr. W. N. Shaw, F.R S., 618
- Electrob tic Corrosion of Water and Gas Pipes, b}’ Professor Fleming, 477
- Stream-Line Motion with Viscous Fluids in Two Dimensions and in Three Dimensions (with Experimental Illustrations), by Professor H. S. Hele-Shaw, 519
- Mathematical Proof of the Identity of the Stream Lines obtained by Means of a Viscous Film with those of a Perfect Fluid moving in Two Dimensions, by Sir G. G. Stokes, F.R.S., 519
- New Method of Describing Cycloidal and other Curves, by Professor H. S. Hele Shaw, 519
- The Dynamical Explanation of Certain Observed Phenomena of Meteoric Streams, by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 519
- Survey of that Part of the Scale upon which Nature Works, about which Man has some Information by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., 519
- Joint Discussion with Section B on the Results of the Recent Solar Eclipse Expeditions, by Professor II. H. Turner, Sir W. Lockyer, Captain E. H. Hills, R.E., 519
- Ancient Weights and Measures of Bristol, by Mr. W. R. Barker, 520
- Total Immersion Hydrometers, by Mr. A. W. Warrington, 520
- On the Articulation and Acoustics of the Spirate Fricative Consonants, by Dr. R. J. Lloyd, 520
- Professor F. R. Japp’s, F.R.S., Presidential Address, Stereochemistry and Vitalism, 546
- The Companions of Argon, Neon, and Xenon, by Professor W. Ramsaj' and Dr. Morris W. Travers, 547
- The New Gases and the Periodic Law, by Professor Emerson Reynolds, 547
- Thermal Properties of Gases and Liquids, by Professor Sydney Young, 547
- Action exerted by Certain Metals and Organic Substances on a Photographic Plate, by Dr. W. J. Russell, 547
- The Action of Bacteria on Photographic Plates, by Professor P. F. Frankland, 547
- Absorption of the Rontgen Rays by Chemical Compounds, by Dr. J. H. Gladstone and Mr. Hibbert, 547
- Undeveloped Photographic Images, by Mr. C. II. Bothamley, 547
- Acetylene and Carbon Dioxide Mixtures, by Professor J. Emerson Reynolds, 548
- The Cooling Curves of Fatty Acids, by Mr.
- A. P. Laurie and Mr. E. H. Strange, 549
- On a 10-Candle Lamp to be used as a Standard of Light, by Mr. A. G. Vernon Harcourt, 549
- On a Convenient Form of Drying Tube, by Mr. A. G. Vernon Harcourt, 549
- Report of the Committee on the Electrolytic Methods of Quantitative Analysis, 550
- A New Form of Stand for Electrolytic Analysis, by Dr. Hugii Marshall, 550
- Report of the Committee on the Continuation of the Bibliography of Spectroscopy, 550
- Report of the Committee on the Action of Light upon Dyed Colours, 650
- On the More Exa?t Determination of the Densities of Crystals, by the Earl of Berkeley, 550
- The Equivalent Replacement of Metals, by Professor F. Clowes, 550
- Note on the Alkaline Chlorates and Sulphates of Heavy Metals, by Professor W. R. Hodgkinson and Mr. A. H. Coote, 550
- Recent Advances in the Tanning Industry, by Dr. J. G. Parker, 550
- A New Class of Colouring Matters ; Amidated Aromatic Amidines, by Professor E. Noelting, 550
- Standards of Purity for Sewage Effluents, by Dr. S. Rideal, 550
- Action of Ammonia on Gun-cotton, by Professor W. R. Hodgkinson and Captain Owen, 550
- Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools, 550
- Juvenile Research, by H. E. Armstrong, 550 Economic Science ancZ Statistics.
- Old Lights and New in Economic Study, by Dr. James Bonar,-572
- A Plea for the Study of Economic History, by Rev. Wm. Cunningham, D.D., 573
- A Defence of Poor Law St^hools, by Mr. W. Chance, 673 •
- Poor Law Administration, by Mr. Douglass Dent, 673
- Industrial Conciliation, by Mr. L. L. Price, 573
- Some Economic Aspects of the Imperial Idea, by iliss E. R. Faraday, 575
- Banking in Canada, b}' Mr. B. E. Walker, 675 The Question of the Ratio, by Mr. F. J. Faraday, 575
- Municipalities as Traders, by Mr. Geo. Pearson, <511
- Ought Municipal Entei-prises to Yield a Profit in Aid of Rates? by Mr. E. Cannan, Gll
- Rectification of Municipal Frontiers, by Mr. W. M. Acworth, 612
- Economic and Social Influences of Electric Traction, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 612 Shipping Rings and the Manchester Cotton
- Trade, by Mr. J. R. Galloway, 612, 619
- The Effect of Sugar Bounties, by Mr. G. E. Davies, 612
- Comparison of the Wages in France, United States, and the United Kingdom, by Mr. A. L. Bowley, 612
- Saving and Spending, by Professor A, W. Flux, 613
- Partnership of Capital and Labour as a Solution of the Conflict between them, by Mr. H. Vivian, 613
- Expenditure of Working Women in the Middle Classes, by Miss C. E. Collet, 613
- The Wakefield Land System and the Development from it in the Colonies, by Mr. W. P. Reeves, 613
- British Cuisers, New, 17, 145,830, 862
- British Interests in China, 432, 718
- British Navy Estimates, 17, 145
- British Navy Progress, 17, 145, 830, 862
- British Railway Returns, 526
- British Trading Methods, 529, 581. See LETTERS
- British Warships. See also H.M.S.
- British Warships Built in 1898, 831, 862
- Brittleness Produce! in Soft Steel by Annealing, 319,. 404
- Broken Hill Mining Dangers, 270
- Broken Hill Sulphide Ore, Treatment, 22
- Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machines, 42
- Brown’s Steam Carriage, 294
- Brush Discharge, 518
- Brush Electrical Works, 169
- Buckton Testing Machine at Cardiff College, 7
- Budapest Electricity Works (Schuckert), 844
- Buffalo Libraries, Halls, andc., 734
- Buffalo Town and Harbour and Breakwater, U.S.A., 701, 734
- Buffer Equalising Arrangement, London and North-Western Railway, 472
- Building of the French Society of Civil Engineers, IGl
- Building Materials, Fire-Resisting, 130, 251, 347, 510, 786
- Building, Tall, in New York, 39, 139,"200, 290, 786
- Buildings, Fireproof, 786
- Buildings of University of Columbia, New York, 849
- Buildings, Ventilation of, 778
- Bulk, Electric Energy in, 459
- Bulkheads, Testing, *821
- Bullet, Magazine Rifle, 335
- Bullets, Photographs of Air Waves Formed by Flying, 191
- Burrator Dam, Plymouth Water Works/394, 452
- Bursting of Flywheels, 357, 400, 433
- Buyers’ Guide to Technical Books on the Mechanical Arts, 659 j
- By-Product Ovens, Coking in, 27 I
- Cable Companies, Submarine, 123, 201, 563
- Cable V. Electric Traction, 655
- Cable Grapnels, Submarine, 571, 603
- Cable, Pacific, 536
- Cable, Telephone, in Walenlake, Switzerland, 397. See LETTERS
- Cables, All-British Telegraph, 417, 436, 536
- Cadmium and GreenokiC in Greece, 396
- Caisson Disease, 530
- Caisson and Gates, Glasgow Graving Dock, 287
- Calcium. See also Acetylene
- Calcium Carbide, 592
- Calcium Carbide Industry, 83, 753. See E8
- Calcium, Nitride of, 562
- Calcium, Pure, 397
- Calcium, Sulphite Residue as Mordant, 396
- Calculation for Magnetic Circuit of Dynamo, Electric Generators, 210
- Calendars, 86J
- “ Calorie,” The, 643, 724
- Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanack. By William Calvert, M E., 864
- Camberwell Tornado, 647
- “ Campbell” Portable Oil Engine, 292
- Canadian Timber, 179
- Canal, Birmingham and Bristol, 413
- Canal Haulage, 416, 728
- Canal Locks, Electric Working of (Schuokert) 840
- Canals, 420
- Capital for Industries, 525
- Capital and Labour Partnership and Strikes, 613
- Capstan and Turntable Gear, Electric (French), 454, 579. See LETTER, 626
- Capstans, Electric, 626
- Car, Brown’s Steam Motor, 294
- Car Frame Tenoning Machine, Double, 141
- Car, Motor, Traffic Control, 646, 679
- Cars, Motor, Liverpool Trials, 723 , ?
- Cars, Motor, Trials of Royal Agricultural Society, 461. See LETTERS
- Cars, Motor, Wheels for, 55
- Cars, United States Tramway, 172
- Carbon Consuming Cells, Jacques, 518
- Carbon Contents of Piston-Rods as Affecting their Indurance under Fatigue, 227
- Carbon Dioxide, A Mixture of Acetylene and, 548
- Carbon Oxides, Methane, Determination of, 396
- Carbons of the Arc, Drop of Potential at the, 515
- Cardiff University College, Buckton Ttsting Machine, 7
- Carpenter, Professor R. C., on Efficiency of Bicycles, 246, 279. See LETTERS
- Carriage, Brown’s Steam, 294
- Carriage Motor. See Cars^ Motor
- Carriage, United States Breachloading Gun Barbette, 294
- Carriage and Wagon Works, Midland, 167
- Cast Iron, Action of Metalloids on, 319, 372, 402
- Cast Iron, Breaking Strains of, 497
- Cast Iron Cylinders, Experiments on, 228
- Cast Iron, Specific Gravity Tests on, 29
- Cast-Welded Joint, “ Falk,” 150
- Casting, Making a Large Standardising, 218
- Cementation, Micro-Chemistry of, 319
- Central Electric Station at Christiania, 773
- Central Electric Stations. See Schuckert's
- Central Electric Stations, 35, 67
- Central Electric Stations, Large, 459
- Central Station, Development of, 125,187
- Centrifugal Pumping Plant (Gwynne and Co.), 10
- Chalon-sur-Sadne Shipyard (Schneider), 417, 444, 692
- Channel Bridge, (Schneider), 609
- Channel Steamer “ Duke of Cornwall” (Vickers), 150, 779
- “ Chanzy,” French Cruiser, Engines of, 356
- Chapman-Hunter Pitchometer, 793
- “ Charles Martel,” French Battleship, Engines (Schneider), 551,645
- Cliciiiical Congress: 333, 396
- Agricultural Chemistry, 334
- Calcium Sulphite Residue as Mordant, 336
- Chemical Industry of Anorganic Substances, 334
- Chemical Industry of Organic Compounds, 39J
- Cnemistry of Graphic Lidustries: Photography, 396
- Determination of Methane and Carbon Oxides, £96
- Dietetical Medicine and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 334
- Electro-Chemistry, 396
- Electrolytic Alkali Industry, 397
- Electrolytic Determination of Zinc in Ores, 397
- Electrolyfe Sugar Refining, 397
- Fermentation without Yeast Cells, by E. Buchners, 333
- Fermentation and Wine, 334
- Flash Point of Petroleum, and its Safety, 334
- General Analytical Chemistry and Instruments, 334
- Greek Lignites, 396
- Greenokit and Cadmium in Greece, 396
- Illuminating and Water Gas, 396
- Indigo, 396
- Limekilns, Chemistry of, 334
- Metallurgy, Mining and Explosives, 396
- Obnoxious Gases, and Waters of Metallurgical Works, 396
- Preparation of Pure Calcium, 397
- Sugar Industry, 334
- Syntheses of Albuminous Substances, bj’ Leo Lilienfeld, 333
- Tanner©’ Lye, 396
- Use of Explosives in Mines, 393
- Chemical - Electro Department at Schu kert’s Works, 480. See 857
- Chemical Industry of Anorganic Substances, ?34 Chemical Industry of Organic Compounds, 396 Chemistry at the British Association, 449, 546 Chemistry, Electro, 115, 396, 550, 774, 805 Chemistry of Graphic Industries : Photography, 396
- “ Chesapeake,” United States Training Ship, 820 Chimney, Blasting a Factory, 658
- China, Blackburn Mission to, 49 China, British Interests in, 718 China, Business Methods, 432 China, Coal in, 53, 180 China, Competition in, 84 China, Cotton Spinning Profits, 19 China, Cycles in, 364 China, Pekin Syndicate, 147 China Railways, 269, 560
- China, United States Commercial Commission to, 212
- Chlorates, Alkaline, and Sulphates of Hea\'y Metals, 550
- Chlorination Gold Milling in Colorado, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Christiania Electric Station (Schuckert), 773 Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, Underpinning, 138
- Circular Saw Safety Guard, 262
Civil Engineers, American Society of: 379, 418, 448, 481. See Erratum^ 594
- Lehigh Valley Railway, 379. Sea Erratum Detroit, 418
- Lake Steamers, 419
- President’s Address, by Mr. Fteley, 420
- Experiments on the Flow of Water in Iron and Wooden Pipes, by Charles D. Marx, Charles
- B. Wing, andL. M. Hoskins, 446
- Excursions, 447
- Determination of the Safe Working Stress for Railway Bridges of Iron aod Steel, by E. Herbert Stone, 447
- Marine Woodborers, by Charles H. Snow, 447
- Dredges and Dredging on the Mississippi River, by J. A. Ockerson, 448
- The Reservoir System of the Great Lakes of the St. Lawrence Basin, by Capt. H. M. Chittenden, 448
- Excursions:
- Michigan Stove Company’s Works, 481
- St. Clair Tunnel, 484
- Three-hinged Masonry Arches, by Mr. Molitor, 484
Civil Engineers, Institution of: ,
- Prize List, 520
- Presidential Address by Mr. W. H. Preece, C. B., 588
- The Extraction of Nickel from its Ores, by the Mond Process, by Prof. Roberts-Austen, 615
- Electrical Transmission of Power in Mining, by Mr. W. B. Esson, 659
- The Effects of Subsidence due to Coal Workings upon Bridges and other Structures, by Mr. S. R. Kay, 755
- The Ventilation of Tunnels and Buildings, by Mr. Francis Fox, 778
- Civil Engineers, French Society, New Buildings, 161
- Clark, the late Mr Latimer, 589
- Clay, Fusibility of, 735
- Cleaning Locomotives, 646
- Clench’s Engine Works, Chesterfield, 613, 677 Clothing Steam Pipes, 226
- Clutch, Heywood and Bridge’s Friction, 661
- Clutch, Herschmaiin’s Hydraulic, 57
- Clutch, Hydraulic, 544
- Coal in the East, 180 Coal and Iron in Fiance, 729
- Coal-Mining in China, 53, 180
- Coal, Removing Sulphur from, 734
- Coal Shipping, Welsh Method, 414
- Coal, South African, 493
- Coal Strike, 114
- Coal Subsidences and Bridges, andc., 755
- Coal Supplies, Duration of, 353
- Coke Ovens, 703
- Coker, Mr. E. G., on Instruments for Pleasuring Small Tortional Strains, 356, 503
- Coking in By-Product Ovens, 27, 703
- Colliery Warnings, 183
- Collisions, Railway. See Accidents
- Collisions at Sea, 81. See LETTERS, 465 Cologne Harbour, New, 150
- Colorado, Gold Milling in, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Columbia, University of, 849
- Columns, Tests of (Fire Protection), 347
- Combination Bridges, 315
- Commercial Development, of Egypt, 620
- Commercial Intelligence Department, French, 271
- Commercial Intelligence Department, Proposed, 208
- Common Errors in Iron Bridge Design, 293, 465
- Commutator Heating (Electric Generators), 38
- Company Act Abuses, 653
- Compensation Act, Application to Government Dockyards, 464
- Compensation Act, Workmen’s, 19, 464, 492, 503, 686, 727, 751
- Competition, United States Iron and Steel, 622
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Compressed Air Plant (Schneider), 378
- Compressed Air Tunnelling in Melbourne, 632
- Compressed Air, Working under, 530
- Companies, Foreign, Domicile in England, 624
- Conciliation, Industrial, 573
- Condenser, Dissipation of Energy on the Dielectric of a, 515
- Condensing Plant at Altona, (Schuckert), 742
- Conductivity of Rocks and Water, Thermal, 480
- Congo Railway, 658
- Conservation of Energy in the Human Body, 480
- Consonants, Articulation of, 520
- Constant Potential, Continuous Current Dynamo (Electric Generators), 349
- Consuls and Foreign Trade, 114
- Contractors and the London County Council, 146
- Control of Self-Propelling Traffic, 646, 679
- Converters, Rotatory, 661,695, 719
- Conveying and Hoisting Machines, Brown, 42
- Cookers, Gas, Automatic Metersand, 868
- Cooling Tower for Water at Altona (Schuckert), 742
- Copper, Electro-Deposition of, 528. See LETTERS, 581, 626
- Copper Industry, Electrolytic, 861
- Corners in Shipping Rates, 612, 619
- Cornish Express Run, 331. See Errata, 369
- Corrosion Some Remarkable Cases of, 323. See LETTERS, 357
- Cost of EleCztric Traction, 655
- Cost of Power, 59
- Cotton Ginning and Baling, 197. See AVratum, 336
- Cotton Manufacturing in Mexico, 82
- Cotton Spinning in Japan, Difficulties, 240
- Cotton Spinning Profits in Japan and China, 19
- Cottrell, H. E. P., on Purification of Drinking Water, 253, 494, 608, 671, 767, 833
- County Council and Contractors, London, 146
- Coupling. Sec Cintch
- Coverings of Steam Pipes, 226
- Cowper-Coles, Mr. Sherard, on Removal of Mill
- Scale and M^netic Oxide by Electricity, 872
- Cox Type-Setting Machine, 644
- Crane (Hoisting and Conveying Plant), 42
- Cranes (Schuckert), 545
- Crank-Angles, H.M.S. “ Terrible ” Trials, 428
- Cream Separator, Fram, 486. See Erratum, 536
- Creusot. See Schneider's Works
- Criticism of the Navy, 86
- Crosthwaite, Mr. Ponsonby Moore, on Graphic Methods Applied to Hydraulic Calculations, 65
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Crystals, Detection of the Density, 550
- Cupola Practice, Modern, 671, 702
- Curves New Method of Describing Cycloidal, andc., 519 k
- Cutter, Sutton’s Milling, 467 I
- Cutters for United States Navy, 812
- Cut-Out and Junction Box (Schuckert), 773
- Cut-Out for Resistance of High Self-Induction (Schuckert), 846
- Cycle. See also Bicycle Cycle-Making Machinery, 674, 690, 706
- Cycle Shows, 674, 690, 706
- Cycle Trade in the Far East, 364
- Cycle Works, Humber, 170
- Cycloidal and other Curves, New Method of Describing, 519
- Cylinder Drain Valve, Automatic, 627
- Cylinder, Joy’s, Assistant, 779
- Cylinders, Experiments on Cast-Iron, 228
- Cylinders, Vibrations in, 800
- Dairy, Fram Cream Separator, 486, 526
- Dalton’s Law, 480
- Damaged Battleships, Stability of, 822
- Dams, Plymouth Reservoir, 394, 452 Dangers, Mining, 270
- Danube Improvement Works, 787
- Darby, John H., on Cokingin By-Product Ovens, 27. See 703 ’
- Davison, Mr. R. C. H., on Barry Docks, 352
- Deep Tunnel Railway, Waterloo and City, 51. 78
- Defences of Hong Kong, 62
- Delano Company’s Chlorination Gold Mill. 103 See also 3, 221, 868
- Western Railroad,
- Depreciation, 113. See LETTERS, 151
- Designs of the New Vessels for the United States Navy, 817
- Destruction of the United States Battleship “ Maine,” 23, 54, 86,110, 151, 213, 242 Destructor, Horsfall, 200
- Destructors, Refuse, 342
- Determination of Methane and Carbon Oxides, 396
- Determination of the Safe Working Stress for Railway Bridges of Iron and Steeb 447 Detroit, 418
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 56, 184, 336, 466, 594, 724, 866
- Diagrams and Models, 198
- W^>din, Mr. W. J., on Treatment of Sewage, 352
- Dietetical, Medicinal, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 334
- Diffraction Fringes as Applied to Micrometric Observations, 727
- Dinghies for the United States Navy, 812 Directories. See LITERATURE
- Disposal of Sewage, 277 Dissipation of Energy on the Dielectric of a Condenser, 51.5
- Dock, Graving, at Glasgow, Caisson and Gates, 287
- Dock Pumping Plant (Gwynne and Co.), 10 Dock Schemes in Parliament, 742. See 683 Dock, Thames Old Dry, 432 Docks, Barrv, 352 5ockrpla.thf71’ (SohneMerX 693
- ^464^^^^^^ Workmen’s Compensation Act, ^"°i“^ers’ Annual and Almanac for loyy, 532
- Doors, Hyde’s Hinge for Wagon, 793 Doors, Spring Hinge for Wagon, 615 Drain Valve, Automatic Cylinder 627 Drake’s Propeller, 595
- Draughtsmen, The Betterment of, 792 Dredger for French Government 711 I
- Dredger, Sand Pump, for Ru8sia‘(Holland), 324
- Dredger and Dredging on the Mississippi Rivei- for French Government, 711 Drill, Boyer’s Air, 387
- Drilling Rock, 776
- Drought on Steam Boilers, Effects of, 496, 531
- Drum Switch Lever and Point Indicator, 172
- Drury Lane Elecrical Stage Machinery, 834 i
- Dry Dock. See Graving Dock Drying Tube, Convenient Form of, 549 Duffield Narrow-Gauge Railway, 169 i
- P,j;J^®2iCo’*nwair* Channel Steamer (Vickers), 150, 7/9 ' I
- Dusseldorf Electric Works (Schuckert), 742
- Dutch Cruiser “ Friesland,” Engines of the I (Fijenoord Company), 11
- “ Dwarf,” H.M. Gunboat, 563 i
- Dynamical Explanation of Meteor Streams Phenomena, 519 i
- DiSon,^T “nd Anomalous '
- Dynamo, 180 Indicated Horse-Power, 203 '
- Dynamo, (Schuckert), 846, 847 ' Company, Milwaukee), 485 i 778 ’ (Anderston Foundry Company),
- Dynamometer for Wave Measurement, 216
- Early Marine Engines (Schneider), 195
- Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls, 256 484 641
- Earthwork, Prismoidal Formulai, 283 ’ *
- Eason’s Diaries, 863
- East London Water Supply, 299
- Eclipse, Solar, Results of, 519
- Economics at the British Association, 572
- Economiser, Schmidt’s, 838
- Economy in Power Installations, 69
- Economy Test of Unique Form of Feed Pump, Education, Engineering, 659, 604
- Education, French Naval, 689 Fffppf ^on. Science, in Elementary Schools, 550 X b v^Vas^i°„g‘734
- Effects of Subsidence Due to Coal Workings upon 1’.?other Structures, 755 P
- Bicycles, 246,279. See LBTTBR, 357 Eif^lft-Hom’ DayriHrses*’™'"^ "?‘iXo^S 221.'^ steP^’® Electric. See also Schuckert Electric Arc, Drop of Potential, 515 V Traction, 655 1
- Electric Canal Hauhige, 416, 728
- Electric Capstan and Turntable Gear, Irenclb 454, 579. See LETTER, 626
- Electric Car Accident, Bradford, 532
- Electric Cell, Jacques’ Carbon-Cwisuming. 518
- Electric Central Stations. See Central Jilectnc
- Electric Construction Department (Schneider), 35,67,106 rn.>
- Electric Contact Resistance of ^^etals, o92
- Electric Converters, Rotatory, 661, 6J5, 719
- Electric Cranes (Schuckert), 645
- Electric Dynamo, 180 Horse-Power, 203
- Electric Dynamo, Steam (Allis Company, Milwaukee), 485
- Electric Energy in Bulk, 459
Electric Generators: 6, 38,129, 210, 258, 349, 463, 591, 643,803
- Air Gap Reluctance, 129
- Armature Core Reluctance, 129
- Armature Interference, 350
- Calculation for Magnetic Circuit of Dynamo, 210
- Commutator Heating, 38
- Constant Potential, Continuous Current D,5 • names, 349, 8l3
- Foucault Currents, 6
- Friction Loss, 38
- Gap Reluctance, 129
- Heating Commutator, 38
- Hysteresis Losses in Cores, 6
- Inductance, Determination of the, 643
- Inductance, Experimental Tests of, 591
- Inductance, Practical Definition, 591
- Influence of Armature Reaction in Extreme Cases, 463
- Leakage Coefficient, 129
- Magnetic Circuit Design, 38
- Magnetic Circuit of Dynamo, Calculation for, 210
- Magnetic Circuit of Induction Motors, 258
- Magnetic Circuit of Transformers, 258
- Modern Constant Potential Commutating Dynamos, 803
- Multiple Circuit Windings, 463
- Multiple Windings, 463 Proportioning of Dynamos, 351
- Reluctance of Core Projections, andc., 129
- Shunt-Wound Dynamo, Spool Winding for, 210
- Transformers, Magnetic Circuit, 258
- Two-Circuit Coil-Windings, 464
- Voltage per Commutator Segment as Related to Inductance, 464, 591
- Electric Generators (Schuckert), 476, 772
- Electric Installation on Walenlake, Switzerland, , 180. See LETTER
- Electric Installations for Lighting and Power on . the Midland Railway, with ISotes on Power Absorbed by Shafting and Belting, 560, 566
- Electric Launch for Russian Government, 75
- Electric Lifts (Schuckert), 543
- Electric Light and Power, 560, 566
- Electric Lighting, Bristol, 412
- Electric Lighting, Municipal, Profits, 611
- Electric Lighting Schemes in Parliament, 738 ’
- Electric Lighting Station (Schneider), 35, 67 •
- Electric Motors Coupled so as to Work at Different Speeds, 29
- Electric Motors (Schuckert), 543
- Electric Power at British Association, 381, 412, 500, 631
- Electric Power for Mining, 659
- Electric Power Transmission, Etsch, 117
- Electric Power Transmission, Long-Distance, 722
- Electric Power Transmission at ^lechaniesville, N.Y., 562
- Electric Power Transmission in Shops, 381, 464, 500, 560, 566, 631
- Electric Railway, Waterloo and City, 51, 78
- Electric Resistance of Steel Rails, 215
- Electric Secondary Cells, Charging, 515
- Electric Standards, Committee on, 515
- Electric Station, Development of Central, 125,187
- Electric Station at Barmen, Dusseldorf, 742
- Electric Station at Christiania, 773
- Electric Traction, 34, 240, 655. See LETTER, 273
- Electric Traction, Blondel and Paul Dubois’, 273
- Electric Traction, Economicand Social Effect of, 612
- Electric Traction Plant (Schuckert), 605. See also Electric Generators
- Electric Traction by Surface Contact, 275, 412
- Electric Tramway at Evian-les-Bains, 314
- Electric Tramway System, Kingsland’s, 275 Electric Tramways, Lausanne, 769
- Electric Velocity in the Electric Wind, 515
- Electric Water Power in the Scottish Highlands, 722
- Electric Working on the Ymuiden Locks (Schuckert), 840
- Electrical Ampere Balance, 872
- Electrically Driven Machine Tools, 560, 566. See also Electric Poiver
- Electrical Engineer, 827
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of:
- Rotatory Converters, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 661, 695, 719
- Electrical Industry Finance, 525
- Electrical Influence Machine, 597
- Electrical Oscillations, Propagation of, 658
- Electrical and Physical Properties of Various Metals and Alloys, 869
- Electrical Stage Machinery at Drury Lane, 834
- Electrical Transmission of Power in Mining, 659
- Electrical Works, Brush, U.S.A., 169
- Electricity on Plants, Influence and Action, 518
- Electricit5^ and the Wheat Supply, 330
- Electricity Works at Barmen, DUsseldorf, Altona (Schuckert), 742
- Electricity Works at Christiania, (Schuckert), 773
- Electricity Works in Continental Cities (Schuckert), 844, 845,848
- Electricity Works, Hamburg (Schuckert), 840
- Electro-Chemical Department (Schuckert), 840. See 857
- Electro-Chemistry, 396
- Electro-Chemistry Annual, 774. See 805
- Electro Deposition of Copper, 528. See LETTERS, 626
- Electrolysis, 515
- Electrolysis of Gold Chloride, 240
- Electrolyte, Hall Effect in a Binary, 29
- Electrolytic Analysis, Stand for, 550
- Electrolytic Copper Industry, 861
- Electrolytic Corrosion of Mains, 477
- Electrolytic Determination of Zinc in Ores, 397
- Electrolytic Methods of Quantitative Analysis, 550
- Electrolytic Production of Soda and Bleach (Hargreaves-Bird), 115
- Electrolytic Sugar Refining, 397
- Elektricitats-Actieogesellschaft. See Schuckert and Co.
- Elements, New, 240, 547
- Elementary Schools, Teaching Science in, 550
- Ellington’s Fire Hydrant, 152
- Ellin’s Soldering Iron, 262
- Elliott, Professor, on liaboratory Testing Machines, 7
- Elliptical Bevel Gear, 121, 626
- Embankments, Plymouth Reservoir, 394, 452
- Empire and Engineering, 491. See also 685
- Employers’ Federation, 724
- Encyclopsedia Britannica, 111
- Energy Dissipation on the Dielectric of a Condenser, 515
- Engine. See also Locomotive
- Engine, an Old Newcomen, 353
- Engine and Blower Combined (Alldays and Onions), 520
- Engine Construction, Marine (Schneider), 163, 195, 257
- Engine Design and Coal Supply, 353
- Engine Failures, 364
- Engine, Gas, Longsdon, 401
- Engine, Gas (Producer), Bonier, 386
- Engine and Generator (Allis), 485
- Engine Governor, Marine, 271
- Engine, Joy’s Assistant Cylinder, 779
- Engine Materials, Testing, 576, 628, 647
- Engine, Oil, Portable (Tangyes), 485
- Engine, Schmidt Compound Tandem, 797. 838
- Engine Tests, Conducting, 116
- Engine, Vertical, Compound, and Dynamo, 778. See jfc’rrafnw, 833
- Engine Works, Lincoln, Chesterfield, 613, 677 Engines and Boilers of the Washington Mills Company (United States), 533
- Engines, Compound, Piston-Rods for, 227
- Engines of the Dutch Cruiser “ Friesland ” (Fijenoord Company), 11
- Engines, Early French Warship (Schneider), 195
- Engines, Factory (Schneider), 378
- Engines of the French Battleship “ Charles Martel ” (Schneider), 551, 645
- Engines, Gas, Acetylene for, 754 Engines, Horizontal, of the French Cruiser
- “ Chanzy ” (Schneider), 356
- Engines, Pumping, and Motive Power (Merryweather), 42
- Engines, Rolling Mill, ande. (Schneider), 314
- Engines, Torpedo-Boat (Schneider), 257
- Engines, Traction, on Highways, 330
- Engines, Triple-Expansion of Channel Steamer “ Duke of Cornwall,” 779. See 150
- Engineers, Amalgamated Society of, 867
- Engineers in Austria and Hungary, 24, 54
- Engineers, Electrical, 827
- Engineers’ Eight-Hours’ Day, 117, 368
- Engineers, Naval, 717. See LETTERS, 791
- Engineers, Naval, and the Efficiency of the Navy 465 ’
- Engineers, Royal. See Royal Engineers
- Engineering Books, The Best, 625
- Engineering Education, 559, 604
- Engineering, Empire and, 491. See also 685
- Engineering, Marine, in 1898, 851
- Engineering Schemes in Parliament, 686 720 737, 754
- Equations (71), with nVariables, Graphical Solution of, 867
- Erosion of Steel Guns, 320, 486
- Escapement for Watches, Revolving, 467, 489. See LETTER, 723
- Etsch Electric Power Transmission, 117
- Etudes sur la Marine de Guerre, 542
- Euphrates Valley Route to India, 532
- “ Europa,” Steam Trials of (Clydebank), 20
- Exhibition, Agricultural, 751
- Exhibition, Austro-Hungarian Floating, 305
- Exhibition, Brewers, 590
- Exhibition Buildings (Schneider), 639
- Exhibition, Paris, 1900, 182, 431, 828
- Exhibition, Westralian, 656
- Experience with Express Locomotive Engines 576,597, 663. See LETTERS ’
- Experiments on Cast-Iron Cylinders, 228
- Experiments on the Exposure of Anemometers at different Elevations, 647
- Experiments on the Flow of Water in Iron and
- Wooden Pipes, 446
- Explosion, see also Boiler Explosions Explosion, Blast-Furnace, 670
- Explosion, Fatal, at Glasgow, 400
- Explosion of a Tramway Engine Boiler, 217 Explosives in Mines, 3y6
- Express Locomotives, 756. See also 576, 597, 663
- Extraction of Nickel from its Ores, by the Mond Process, 815
- F.R.S.N.A., 626
- Factitious Airs, 353
- Factory Buildings (Schneider), 539
- Failures, Engine, 364
- “ Falk” Cast-Welded Joint, 150
- Fatty Acids, Cooling Curves of, 549
- Feed Pumps, 813
- Fermentation and Wine, 334
- Fermentation without Yeast Cells, by E. Buchners, 333
- Financing Industries, 525
- Fire Hydrant, Ellington’s, 152
Five Protection: 130, 251, 347, 510, 637
- Berlin Tests of Materials, 130, 251, 347, 510
- Building Materials, Fire-Resisting, 130, 251, 347, 510
- Columns, Tests of, 347
- Fire Prevention, 130, 251, 347
- London Survey, 637
- New York Tests, 510
- Survey, 637
- Tests of Building Materials, 130, 251, 347, 610
- Fireproof Buildings, 785
- Flanging and Setting of Horizontal Fire Tube Boiler, 134
- Flash Point of Petroleum, and its Safety, 242, OOx
- Fleetwood and Belfast Steamer, “ Duke of Cornwall,” 150, 779
- Floating Bridge, An Old, 280
- Floating Docks and Bridges (Schneider), 693
- Floating Exhibition, Austro-Hungarian, 305
- Flow of Water in Steel and Wooden Pipes, 446
- Fluorescent Eyepiece, 397
- Fluxes, Magnetic, in Meters, ande., 597, 658
- Flywheels, Bursting of, 357, 400, 433
- Flying Bullets, Air Waves formed by (Photographs), 191
- Footbridge over River Guadalquiver, 290
- Foreign Companies’ Domicile in England, 624
- Foreign Markets and British Manufactures, 529. See LETTER, 581. See also China and Japan
- Foreign Statistics, 363
- Formosa Trade, 529
- Foucault Currents, Electric Generators, 6
- Fowler, the late Sir John, 688
- Fowler’s “Mechanical Engineer” Pocket-Book for 1899, 864
- Fram Cream Separator, 486. See Erratum, 526
- France, Mercantile Marine, 75, 495
- France, United States, and United Kintrdom Wages, 612
- French Battleship, the “Charles Martel” (Schneider), 551, 64-^
- French Commercial Intelligence Department,
- French Cruiser “Chanzy,”’ Engines of the, 356
- French Ideas of Britain, 66
- French Locomotives (Schneider), 281
- French Naval Manoeuvres, 462, 614
- French Naval Training College, 589
- French Phosphorus Matches, The New, 623
- French Society of Civil Engineers, New Buildings, andc., 161
- French Steam Navigation, 75, 495
- French Torpedo-Boat Building (Schneider), 418, 444
- French Torpedo-Boat Engines, 257
- French Toi*pedo-Boats, 692
- French Trade, Anglo, 592
- French Tramway Traction, 34, 273
- French Warships and Manoeuvres, 462, 514
- French Warship Marine Engines, 195, 257, 356, 651, 645
- French Warship “ Ville de Paris,” Old, 158
- French Warships, Study of, 642
- Fribourg Viaduct (Schneider), 477
- Friction Clutch, Heywood and Bridges, 661
- Friction Loss, Electric Generators, 38
- “ Friesland,” Engines of the Dutch Cruiser (Fijenoord Company), 11
- Fuel, Wood, for Boilers, 400
- Furnace, Aluminium Annealing, 289
- Furnace, Barnes’ Heating, 793
- Furnace Explosion, Blast, 670
- Furnaces, Setting Back Bulges in, 93
- Fusibility of Clays, 735
- Galvanising Plant (Schneider), 445
- Gape Reluctance, Electric Generators, 129
- Gas, Acetylene. See Acetylene
- Gas, Blast-Furnace, for Motive Power, 562
- Gas Engine and Producer, Benier, 386
- Gas Engines. See Engines
- Gas Engines, Acetylene for, 754
- Gas Generators, Acetylene. See Acetylene
- Gas, Illuminating and Water, 396
- Gas Meters and Cookers, Automatic, 868
- Gas Power, Cost of, 59
- Gas from Sewage Sludge, Illuminating, 151,183
- Gas and Water, Obnoxious, from Metal Works, 396
- Gas Works, Schemes in Parliament, 739
- Gases, New, at the British Association, 547
- Gases, New, and the Periodic Law, 547
- Gases, Thermal Properties of, 547 'Gasifier, Mason’s Refuse, 870
- Gates, Glasgow Graving Dock, 287
- Gates, Penarth Docks,.71
- Geipel, Mr. W., on Electric Power Plant, 631. See 381
- Gellivare Iron Ore Mines, Sweden, 300, 322, 365, 430, 443
- General Analytical Chemistry and Instruments, 334
- “General San Martin,” Argentine Cruiser (Orlando, Leghorn), 74
- Generators, Acetylene Gas. See Acetylene
- Genesis of Certain Auriferous Lodes, 735 German Banks and Electrical Undertakings, 525 German Colonial Expansion, 393
- German Electric Stations, 742
- German Locomotives (Vulcan Company), £83, 680. See 626
- German Patent Office, New Rules, 759
- German Population, 357
- Ginning and Baling, Cotton, 197. See Erratum, 336
- Gjers, The Late Mr. John, 496
- Glasgow Corporation Tramways, 52
- Glasgow, Fatal Explosion at, 400^
- Glasgow. Graving Dock, Caisson and Gates, 287
- Glasgow and South-Western and Midland Route, 754
- Glasgow Water Pipes Contract, 431
- Gloucester Diary and Directors’ Calendar for 1899, The, 863
- Gold Chloride, Electrolysis, 240
- Gold, Microscopic Structure of, 411, 541, 733. See LETTERS, 766
- Gold Milling in Colorado, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Gold in Transvaal, 270
- Governor for Marine Engine, 271
- Granger’s Variable Steam Nozzle, 121
- Graphic Diagrams and Glyptic Models, 198
- Graphic Method Applied to Hydraulic Calculations, 65
- Graphic Records of the Screening of Crushed Material, 735
- Graphical Solution of n Equations with n Variables, 867
- Grapnels, Submarine Cable, 571, 603
- Dock at Glasgow, Caisson and Gates, 287
- Graving Dock, Old Thames, 432
- Gray, The Late Sir William, 368
- Great Britain at the Paris Exhibition, 182. See also Paris Exhibition
- Great Central Railway, 150
- Great Western Locomotive Run, 331. See Erratdf 369
- Greece, Greenokit, Cadmium, and Lignites, 396
- Greenokit and Cadmium in Greece, 396
- Gregory Hexagonal Automatic Milling Machine, 76
- Guides and Railway Time-Tables, 79
- Gunboat, Boilers of the Washington Mills Company (United States), 533
- Gun Carriage, United States Barbette, 294
- Gun-Cotton, Action of Ammonia and, 550
- Gun Factory, Maxim, Erith, 552
- Guns, Erosion of Steel, 320, 486
- “ Europa,” Steam Trials (Clydebank), 20
- “Formidable,” 660
- “Hyacinth” (London and Glasgow Company), 580
- Irresistible ” 791
- H.M.S. “ Niobe,” Steam Trials of (Vickers), 53
- H.M.S. “Powerful’s” Performance in Chinese QAQ
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” Steam Trials, 428
- H.M.SS. “Dwarf” and “Thistle’’(Gunboats), 563
- Heat of Combination of Metals in Forming Alloys, 480
- Heating Commutator, Electric Generators, 38
- Heating Furnace, Barnes’, 793
- Heating Surface of a Steam Boiler, 135
- Herbert’s Machine-Tool Works, Coventry, 843
- Herschmann’s Hydraulic Clutch, 57
- Heywood and Bridge’s Friction Clutch, 661
- High Buildings in New York, 39, 139, 200, 290, 510, 78
- Highlands Water Power Scheme, 722
- Hinge, Balancing, for Railway Wagons, 615
- Hinge for Wagon Doors, Hyde’s, 793
- Hobart, Mr. H. M., on Electric Generators. See Electric Generators
- Hobart, Mr. H. M., and Mr. H. F. Parshall, on Properties of Metals and Alloys, 869
- Hofors Iron Works, Sweden, 443
- Hoisting and Conveying Machines, Brown, 42
- Hoists, Electric, 560, 566
- Hong Kong, Defences of, 52
- Hong Kong, Development of, 624
- Hopkinson, The Late Dr. John, 301, 324, 631,651, 783
- Horner, Mr. Joseph, on Cycle Shows, 674, 706
- Horner, Mr. Joseph, on Machine - Moulded Wheels, 33, 223, 313, 377, 509
- Horseless Carriage. See Car, Motors
- Horsfall Refuse Destructor, 200
- Hospital Ship “ Solace,” United States, 228
- Hours of Labour, Wages and, 267
- Humber Cycle Works, 170
- Hurricane in West Indies, 866
- “ Hyacinth,” H.M. Second-Class Cruiser, 580
- iljde’s Hinge for Wagon Doors, 793
- Hydrant, Ellington’s Fire, 152 Hydraulic Bar-Cutting Machine (Cameron, Salford), 245
- Hydraulic Calculations, Graphic Methods Applied to, 65
- Hydraulic Clutch, Herschmann’s, 57
- Hydraulic Clutch (Schuckert), 544
- Hydraulic Compression of Air, 416
- Hydraulic Jointing of Tubes, 356
- Hydro-Electric Power for Mining, 659
- Hydrometers, Total Immersion, 52
- Hyslop’s Bacteriological Treatment of Sewage, 85, 118
- Hysteresis Losses in Cores (Electric Generators), 6
- “ Ikadsuchi,” Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 854
- Illuminating and Water Gas, 396
- Independent Labour Party, Policy of the, 792
- India, Aluminium in, 335
- India, Euphrates Valley Route to, 532
- Indian Rack Railway, 358
- Indian Railways, 58
- India-Rubber Plantations, 269
- Indicator, A New Acceleration, 55
- Indicator, Acceleration, 22. See LETTER.S
- Indigo, 396
- Inductance, Determination of the (Electric Generators), 643
- Inductance, Experimental Tests of (Electric Generators), 591
- Inductance, Practical Definition (Electric Generators), 591
- Industrial Conciliation, 573
- Industrial Finance, 525
- Industrial Notes, 26, 57, 92, 121, 152, 185, 215, 245, 276, 307, 338, 371, 401, 435, 468, 499, 536, 565, 596, 627, 659, 694, 725, 760, 794, 836, 870
- Industrial Position in New Zealand, 111 Influence of Armature Reaction in Extreme Cases (Electric Generators), 463
- Influence of Bismuth in Brass, and its Relation to Fire-Cracks, 776
- Influence Machine, 597
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 495
- Insull, Mr. Samuel, on Development of the Central Station, 125,187
- International Navigation Congress, 149, 209
- Inventors, Beneficent, 557
- Iron Buildings (Schneider), 639
- Iron, Cast. See Cast Iron
- Iron and Coal in France, 729
- Iron Industry of South Russia, 182
- Iron Industry, Sweden, 303, 309, 339
- Iron Ore Deposits of Kiirunavaara and Luossavaara, 310
- Iron Ore Mining, Swedish, 304, 340, 438 469, 502
- Iron Ore of Northern Sweden, 300, 322, 365, 430. See 443
- Iron Ore Prospecting, Magnetic Instruments, 469
Iron and Steel Institute: 303, 319
- On Coking in By-Product Ovens, by Mr. John H. Darby, 27
- Sweden Meeting, 303
- Jerkontoret, 303
- Outlines of the Development of the Swedish Industry, by Mr. R. Akerman, 303, 309, 339
- Prominent and Characteristic Features of the Swedish Iron Ore Mining, bj’ Professor G. Nordenstrbm, 304, 438, 469, 502
- The Danger of Using too Hard Steel Rails, by Mr. C. P. Sandberg, 304, 308
- Dinner of the Swedish Ironmasters, 305 Brittleness Produced in Soft Steel by Annealing, b}^ Mr. J. E. Stead, 319, 404
- The Micro-Chemistry of Cementation, by Professor Arnold, 319
- The Action of Metalloids on Cast Iron, by Mr. Guy R. Johnson, 319, 372, 402
- Erosion of Steel Guns, by Professor Roberts-Austen, 320, 486
- Reception by the King of Sweden, 321
- On the Iron Ore Deposits of Kiirunavaara and Luossavaara, by Hjalmar Lundbohm, 340
- (.)n the Solution Theory of Iron and Steel, by Baron Hanns Jiiptner von Jornstorff> 763
- Iron and Steel, Solution Theory of, 763
- Iron and Steel, United States, 622
- Iron, Swedish, List of, 248
- Iron Works, Hofors, Sweden, 443
- “Irresistible,” H.M.S , 791
- Jacques’ Carbon-Consuming Cell, 518
- Jahrbuch des Elektrocheniie Berichte Uber die
- Fortschritte des Jahres 1897. Edited by W. Nernst and W. Borchers, 774
- Japan Battleship, A New (Vickers), 863
- Japan Coal, 180
- Japan, Competition in, 84
- Japan Cotton Spinning, Difficulties, 240
- Japan Cotton Spinning Profits, 19
- Japan, Cycles in, 364
- Japan, Foreigners in, 658
- Japan, Industry of Hiogo and Osaka, 828
- Japan, Locomotives in, 397
- Japan Mail Shipping Company, 117
- Japan Navigation, 300
- Japan Railways, 179
- Japan, Schenectady Locomotives for, 323
- Japan, Shipbuilding at, 306
- Japan Social Progress, 271
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers in, 531
- Japan Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 755, 854
- Japan, United States Competition in, 562
- Japan, Yokohama Trade, 656
- Japanese Battleship “ Shikishima,” 593. See 626
- Japanese-Built Mail Steamer, 754
- Japanese Institute of Naval Architects, 429
- Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 755, 854
- Jernkontoret (Sweden), 303
- Johnson, Mr. Guy R., on Action of Metalloids on Cast Iron, 372, 401. See 319
- Jointing, Hydraulic, 356
- Jones, Professor J. Viriamu and Professor Ayrton, on Ampere Balance, 515, 872
- Jornstorff, Baron, on the Solution Theory of Iron and Steel, 763
- Joy’s Assistant Cylinder, 779
- Junction Box (Schuckert), 773
- Keels, Bilge, and Rolling Experiments, U.S.S. “ Oregon,” 812
- Kiirunavaara Iron Ore Deposits, Sweden, 340
- Kingsland’s Electric Tramway System, 275
- Kites at the Blue Hill Observatory, 480 Korea, Affairs in, 70
- Korea, Cycles in, 364
- Krupp Process, Armour-Plate Tests, 825
- “ La Bourgogne” Collision, Law Case, 624
- “La Bourgogne” Collision at Sea, 81. See LETTERS, Collisions^ tCc.
- Laboratory, Proposed National Physical, 460
- Laboratory Testing Machine at Cardiff College, 7 Labour Dispute Statistics, 621
- Labour Party, Policy of the Independent, 792
- Lagging Steam Pipes, 226
- Lake Steamers, United States, 419
- Lakes, Reservoir System of United States, 448
- Lamp Circuits and Suspenders (Schuckert), 847
- Lamplough’s Steam Trap, 627
- Lancashire, Plateways in, 207
- Langdon, Mr. W. E., on Electric Power in Machine Shops, 560, 566
- Lathe, Front Slide Brass Finishers (Britannia Company, Colchester), 185.
- Lathes, andc., for Cycle Making, 674, 690, 706
- Launch of H.I.J.M.S. “Shikishima,” 593. See 626
- Launch, Vril Electric, for Russia, 75 Launches and Trial Trips, 30, 62, 94, 188, 218, 213, 278, 306, 344, 369, 408, 506, 538, 564, 600, 634, 666, 730, 759, 885
- Launches for United States Navy, 812
- Lausanne Electric Tramways, 769
- Lead, Treatment of Argentiferous, 182
- Leakage Coefficient, Electric Generators, 129
- Lean’s Royal Navy List, 538. See LETTER, F.R.S.N.A., 626
- Leather Trade, Recent Advances in the, 550
- Lehigh Valley Railway, 379. See Erratum^ 379
- Leicester Water Works, 169
- Lenses, not of Glass, 518
- Letters to the Editor, 23, 54, 85, 108, 151, 183, 213, 242, 273, 292, 335, 357, 398, 433, 465, 496, 531, 551, 580, 625, 646, 678, 723, 756, 791, 867
- Libau Dock Pumping Plant (Gwynne and Co.), 10
- Library at University of Columbia, N.Y., 849
- Licenses (Compulsory) to Work Patents, 212 Light and Power, Electric, 560, 566
- Light Railway Schemes in Parliament, 720, 737
- Light Railways, 2-Ft., 148, 166, 164. See LETTERS .
- Light, Standard, 10 Candle-Power Lamp as, 549
- Lighting (Electric), Bristol, 412
- Lignite, Greek, 396
- Limekilns, Chemistry of, 334
- Limited Liability Companies Act, 653
- Lincoln Engine Works, Chesterfield, 613, 677
- Lindon Fin-Boat, 24
- Liquid Mixtures, Properties of, 727
- Liquids, Thermal Properties of, 547
- Literature, 34, 66, 240, 283, 480, 542, 604, 774, 863
- Liverpool and London Train Service, 50. See LETTERS
- Liverpool and Manchester Plateway, 207
- Liverpool Trials of Motor Vehicles, 723
- Lloyd’s Ship Losses, 117,178, 367, 657
- Lloy d’s Shipbuilding Returns, 53, 464
- Lloyd’s Shipwreck Returns, 117, 178, 367, 657
- Load-Line, Atlantic, 722
- Local Authorities and Profits of Electric Lighting, andc.. Schemes, 611
- Lock Gates, Penarth Docks, 71
- Lock Gates. See also 287
- Locomotive Department (Schneider), 258, 284
- Locomotive, German Compound (Vulcan Companj'), 583, 680. See 626
- Locomotive, Great Western Run, 331. See Errata, 369
- Locomotive Materials, Testing, 576, 628, 647
- Locomotive Practice, North-Eastern, 576, 597, 663. See LETTERS, 756
- Locomotive Recent Tests, 723
- Locomotive Speeds, 379
- Locomotive Spring Testing Machine (Avery), 520
- Locomotive Stay Bolts, Testing, 227
- Locomotive Trials, 576, 597, 663
- Locomotive, Wisconsin Central Lines Heavy, 420
- Locomotive Works, Midland Railway, 97
- Locomotives, Cleaning, 646
- Locomoti\'es, Express, 576, 597, 663, 756
- Locomotives, French (Schneider), 284
- Locomotives on Highway Act, 330
- Locomotives in Japan, 397
- Locomotives in Japan, Schenectady, 323
- Locomotives, Prussian Passenger and Goods, 583, 680. See 626
- London County Council and Contractors, 146
- London Directory, 864
- London Domicile of Foreign Companies, 624
- London and Liverpool Train Service, 50, 87. See LETTERS
- London Railways, 198
- London Street Traffic, 654
- London Survey, for Fire Protection, 637
- London Water Supply, 587
- London Water Supply, East, 299
- Long-Distance Transmission of Electric Power, 722. See also Electric Power
- Longitudinal Vibrations in Solid and Hollow Cylinders, 800
- Longsdon Gas Engine, 401
- Luela-Afoten Railway, 240
- Luossavaara Iron Ores Mines, Sweden, 300, 322, 365, 430, 443. See 340
- Lorries, Self-Locking Railway Station, 757, 792
- Luminosity of Sugar Produced by Rubbing, 518
- Lundbohm, Hjalmar, on Swedish Iron Ore Deposits, 340. See 304
- Machine-Moulded Wheels, 33, 223, 313, 377, 509
- Machine-Tool Works, Herbert’s, Coventry, 843
- Machine-Tools for Locomotive Construction, 97
- Machinery Depreciation, 113. See LETTERS
- Machinery for Making Cycles, andc., 674, 690, 706
- Machinery, Tube-Making, 825
- Machinery, United States, 774, 805
- Maconchy, G. C., on Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls, 256, 484, 641
- Madras Rack Railway, 368
- Magazine Rifle Bullet, 335
- Magnetic Circuit Design, Electric Generators, 83
- Magnetic Circuit of Dynamo, Calculation for, Electric Generators, 210
- Magnetic Circuit of Induction Motors, Electric Generators, 250
- Magnetic Circuit of Transformers, Electric Generators, 258
- Magnetic Conference, 477
- Magnetic Fluxes in Meters, andc., 597, 658
- Magnetic Instruments for Prospecting for Iron Ore, 469
- Magnetic and Meteorological Phenomena, 478, 479
- Magnetic Observations at the British Association, 450, 451, 452
- Magnetic Oxide and Mill Scale, Removal by Electricity, 872
- Magnetism at the British Association, 450, 451, 452
- Magneto-Optic Phenomenon, C97
- “Maine,” Destruction of the United States Battleship, 23, 54, 86, 110,151, 213, 242
- Maine,” New United States Class of Battleship 817
- Management of Men, 527
- Management of Ordnance Factories, 859
- Manual of Electrical Undertakings. By Emile Garcke, 528
- Map of British and French Possessions, 617
- Marcille’s Military Bridge (Schneider), 609 Marine Construction Department (Schneider), 137,163,195, 257
- Marine Engine Governor, 271
- Marine Engines of French Warships (Schneider), 195, 257, 356, 551, 645
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 495
- Marine Wood Borers, 447
- Maritime War, Essays on, 542
- Marks Act Case at Rotherham, 437
- Mason’s Refuse Gasifier, 870
- Matches, The New French Phosphorus, 624 Maxim Gun Factory, Erith, 552
- Measures and Weights of Bristol, Ancient, 520 Measuring Machine, Micrometer, 595 Measuring Small Torsional Strains, 356, 503
Mechanical Engineers, American Society of: 116, 134, 170, 197, 226, 260
- Niagara Falls Meeting, 116
- Niagara Falls Water Power, 116
- Engine Tests, Conducting (Discussion), 116
- The Flanging and Setting of Horizontal Fire- Tube Boiler, by Mr. O. Worlson, 134 ,
- What is the Heating Surface of a Steam Boiler ? by Mr. C. W. Baker, 135
- Reception, 135
- Patents, by Mr. James W. See, 170
- The Relations between the Purchaser, the Engineer, and the Manufacturer, by Mr. William H. Bryan, 171
- A Century of Cotton Ginning and Baling, by Mr. George A. Lowry, 197. See Erratum^ 336
- Graphic Diagrams and Glyptic Models, by
- Professor R. H. Thurston, 198
- Protection of Steam-Heated Surfaces, by Mr. Charles L. Norton, 226
- Excursions, 227
- Bending Tests of Locomotive Stay Bolts, by Mr. F. J. Cole, 227
- Notes on the Carbon Contents of Piston-Rods as Affecting their Insurance under Fatigue, by Mr. Jos. E. Johnson, 227
- Experiments on Cast-Iron Cylinders, by Mr. C. H. Benjamin, 228
- The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aluminium Alloys, by Professor R. C. Carpenter, 228
- Method of Manufacture and Tests of a New Seamless Tube, by Mr. R. C. Carpenter arid P. J. Fickenger, 260. See LETTER, 293
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of: 147, 164, 560, 576
- Aluminium Manufacture with a Description of the Rolling Mills and Foundry at Milton, Staffs, by Mr. E. Ristori, 147, 154, 289
- Narrow-Gauge Railways (2 Ft. and under), by Mr. Leslie S. Robertson, 148, 156, 164. See LETTERS
- Water Softening and Purification by the Archbutt-Deeley Process, by Mr. Leonard Archbutt, 149, 166, 186, 230. See LETTERS
- Excursions and Visits to Works, andc. ; 167
- Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, 167
- Bass’s Brewery, 169
- Duffield Narrow-Gauge Railway, 169
- British Electrical Works, 169
- Leicester Water Works, 169 Milton and Stoke, 170
- Minton’s China and Earthenware Works, 170
- Humber Cycle Works, 170
- President’s Reception, 170
- Bolsover and Cresswell’s Colliery, 170
- Election of President (Sir W. H. White), 560
- Electric Installations for Lighting and Power on the Midland Railway, with Notes on Power Absorbed by Shafting and Belting, by Mr. W. E. Langdon, 560, 566
- Results of Recent Practical Experience with Express Locomotive Engines, by Mr. Walter M. Smith, .576, 597, 663. See LETTERS
- Mechanical Testing of Materials at the Locomotive Works of the Midland Railway, Derby, by Mr. W. Gadsby Peet, 577, 628, 647
- Vote of Thanks to the Institution of Civil Engineers, 579
- Mechanical Motion, A New, 121, 626
- Mechanical Testing of Materials at the Locomotive Works of the Midland Railway at Derby, 577, 628, 647
- Mechanical Traction, 34, 240 Merchandise Marks Act Case, 437 Merchant Cruisers, American Liners as, 624 Mercury, Assaying, 735
- Merryweather Pumping and Motive Power Engine, 42
- Messageries Maritimes, 75
- Metal Price Diagram, 56, 184, 336, 416, 594, 724,- 866
- Metalloids on Cast-Iron, Action of, 319, 372, 402 Metallurgy, Mining and Explosives, 396 Metals and Alloys, Physical and Electrical Properties of, 869
- Metals, Equivalent Replacement of, 550
- Metals and Organic Substances, Photographic Action of, 547
- Metals Resistance, Electric Contact, 592
- Meteor Streams Phenomena, Dynamical Explanation of, 519
- Meteorological and Magnetic Phenomena, 478, 479
- Meteorological Photography, 479
Meteorological Society, Royal: 647, 866
- Camberwell Tornado, by Mr. W. Marriott, 647
- Experiments on the Exposure of Anemometers at Different Elevations, Committee Report, 647
- Observations by Hand ^Vnemonieters, by Captain D. Wilson-Barker, 647
- West Indian Hurricane, Sej^tember, 1898, by Captain A. Carpenter, R.N., 866
- Winter Temperature and Barometrical Height in North-West Europe, b^^ Mr. W. H. Dines, 866
- Meteorology at the British Association, 478, 479, 480
- Meter, Volt, Muller’s Synchronising (Schuckert), 846
- Meters and Cookers, Automatic Gas, 868
- Meters, Magnetic Fluxes in, 597, 658 Methane and Carbon Oxides, Determination, 396
- Method of Manufacture and Tests of a New
- Seamless Tube, 260. See LETTER, 293
- Metropolitan. Sec London Mexico, Cotton Manufacturing, 82
- Michigan Stove Conq>any’s Works, 481
- Micro-Chemistry of Cementation, 319
- Micrometer Measuring Machine, 595
- Micrometric Observations, Diffraction Fringes as Applied to, 727
- Microscopic Structure of Gold and Gold Alloys, 411, 541, 733. See LETTERS, 756
- Midland Canals, 413
- Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, 167
- Midland Railway Electric Light and Power, 560, 566
- Midland Railway Locomotive Works, 97
- Midland Route to Glasgow, 754
- Military Bridges (Schneider), 609, 693
- Military Floating Bridges (Schneider), 693
- Milling Cutters, Sutton’s, 467
- Milling, Gold, in Colorado, 3,103, 221. See 863
- Milling Machine, Gregory Hexagonal, 76
- Milling Machine, Large Slab Duplex (Shepherd, Hill, and Co.), 453
- Milling Machine (Nile Works, Hamilton, Ohio), 172
- Mill Scale and Magnetic Oxide, Removal by Electricity, 872
- Millwrights in the Middle Ages, 882
- Milton Aluminium Factory, Staffs., 147, 154, 289
- Milton and Stoke Works, 170
- Mining Dangers, New South Wales, 270
- Mining, Electric Power for, 659
<ining Engineers, American Institute ol: 669, 734, 775
- Detroit Meeting, 669 Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, 669
- Tuyeres in the Blast-Furnace, by Mr. C. F. Fackenthal, 670
- Modern Cupola Practice, by Mr. B. S. Summers, 671, 702
- Buffalo and its Harbour, 701 The Relation between the Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Steel, by Mr. W. R. Webster, 702
- The Semel Solvay Bye-Product Coke-Oven Plant at Ensley, Ala., by Mr. W. H. Blanvell, 703
- The Effect of Sizing on the Removal of Sulphur from Coal by Washing, by Mr. 0. C. Upham, 734
- Excursions : Buffalo Libraries, Halls, ando., 734
- Railroad Bridges, 735 Niagara, Falls and Bridges, 778
- The Genesis of Certain Auriferous Lodes, by Mr. Don, 735
- A Modification of Bischof’s Method for Determining the Fusibility of Clays, by Mr. H. O. Hoffman, 735
- Graphic Records of the Screening of Crushed Material, by Courtenaj' de Kalb, 735
- A New Assay for Mercury, by Mr. Richard E. Chism, 735
- The Influence of Bismuth in Brass, and its Relation to Fire-Cracks, by Mr. E. S. Sperry, 775
- Other Papers, 776 Rock Drilling, 776
- Mining Explosives, 396 Mining Swedish Iron Ore, 304, 340, 438, 469, 592 Minton’s China and Earthenware Works, 170
- Miscellanea, 15, 56, 79, 120, 143, 184, 205, " 274, 297, 327, 361, 391, 434, 457, 489, 523, 585, 617, 651, 683, 715, 747, 783, 833, 857
- Missions, Commercial, 49, 212
- Mississippi, Dredging on the, 448
- Modern Constant Potential Commutating names, Electric Generators, 803
- Modern Cupola Practice, 671, 702
- Modification, A, of Bischof’s Method for Determining the Fusibility of Clays, 735
- “ Mohegan ” Disaster, 723
- Mond Process of Extracting Nickel, 615 Montreal Observatory, 479
- Morand Bridge over Rhdne at Lyons (Schneider), 575
- Mordant, Calcium Sulphite Residue as, 396
- Motive Power and Pumping Engines (Merryweather), 42
- Motive Power, Wind as a, 85 Motor Pump (Schuckert), 846
- Motor Vehicles. See Cars, Motor Motors, Electric, 381, 412, 631
- Motors, Electric, Coupled to Run at Different Speeds, 29
- Motors (Schuckert), 543
- Motor Vehicles, Liverpool Trials, 723
- Moulded Wheels, Machine, 33, 223, 313, 377, 509
- Muirhead, The late Mr. James (Cart Forge, Glasgow), 594
- Mulhouse Industrial Society Prize Programme, 20
- Muller’s Synchronising Voltmeter (Schuckert), 846
- Multiple Circuit Windings, Electric Generators 463
- Munich Electricity Works (Schuckert), 845
- Municipal Engineering at University College, 495
- Municipal Frontiers, 612
- Municipal v. Private Enterprise, 612
- Municipal Profits from Schemes, 611
- Municipalities and Trading, 611
- Munro and Jamieson’s Pocket-Book for Electrical Engineers, 183
- Museum, Railway Exhibits, 18
- Nagasaki, Shipbuilding at, 306
- Narrow-Gauge Railway, Duffield, 169
- Narrow-Gauge Railway and Rigid Wheelbase, 532
- Narrow-Gauge Railways (2 Ft. and Under), 148, 156, 164. See LETTERS, 214, 274
- Natal Government Railways, 23
- National Cycle Show, 706. See also 674, 690
- National Physical Laboratory, Proposed, 460
- Nature, Scale upon which it Works, 519
Naval Architects and Marine Eugiueersy Aiiierieaii Society of:
- New York Meeting, 812
- Presidential Address (Mr. Clement A. Gris- com), 812
- Standard Navy Boats, by ^Ir. Arthur B. Cassidy, 812
- Bilge Keels and Rolling Experiments, United States ship “Oregon,” by Assistant Naval Constructor Lawrence Spear, U.S. Navy, 812
- Econoiu)' Test of Unique Form of Feed Pump, by F. Meriam Wheeler, 813 '
- The Steam Yacht as a Naval Auxiliary, by Mr. W. P. Stephens, 814
- Naval Arclihccts, American—continued.
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, by Mr. G. W. Dickie, 816
- Designs of the New Vessels for the United States Navy, by Chief-Constructor Philip Ilichborn, 817
- Testing Watertight Bulkheads, bj' Mr. H. G. Smith, 821
- Stability of a Damaged Battleship, by Professor C. H. Peabody, 822
- Topical Questions, 823
- Tests of Strength of Longitudinal Bulkheads Separating Two Engine-Rooms, by Mr. J. J. Woodward, 821
- -A Visit to Bethlehem Iron Works, 824
- Report of 6}Jn. Krupp Process Armour-Plate, 825
- Excursions, 824
- Naval Architects, Japanese Institute of, 429
- Naval Expenditure and Trade, 785
- Naval Engineers, 717. See LETTERS, 791
- Naval Engineers and the Efficiency of the Navy, 465
- Naval Machinery, 111
- Naval Manoeuvres, French, 462, 514
- Naval Pensions, 17
- Naval Training College, French, 589
- Navigation on African Lakes, 212
- Navigation Congress, 149, 209
- Navigation in Japan, 390
- Navy. See also Warships
- Navy and Army Students, 551
- Navy Criticism, 86
- Navy Estimates, 17, 145
- Navy Programme, 159, 830
- Navy, Progress of British, 830, 862
- Navy, Reserves for the, 177
- Neon and Xenon, Companions of Argon, 547
- Neuhaldensleben Electricity Works (Schuckert), 845
- New South Wales, Mining Dangers, 270
- New York, Cable and Electric Traction, 655
- New York Fire Tests, 510
- New York, Tall Buildings, 39, 139, 200, 290, 510, 786
- New York, University of Columbia, 849
- New Zealand, Industrial Position, 111
- New Zealand Railways, 365 Newcomen Engine, An Old, 353
- Niagara Falls, Water Power, 116, 778
- Niagara Power and Bridges, 778
- Nickel Extraction by Mond Process, 615
- Nickel-Steel Tests, 861
- Nilgiri Rack Railway, 358
- “ Niobe,” Trials of H.M.S. (Vickers), 53
- Nitride of Calcium, 562
- Non-Conductivity Coverings for Steam Boilers, 226
- Non-Inflammable Wood, 182
- Nordenstrom, Professor G., on Swedish Iron Ore Mining, 304, 438, 469, 502
- North-East Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 527
- North-Eastern Railway Locomotive Performances, 576, 597, 663. See LETTERS, Locomotiocs, <0c.
- Northern Railway of France, Electric Capstans, 455, 579. See LETTERS, 626
- Northern Sweden, Iron Ore of, 309, 322, 365, 430. See 443
- “ Northland,” United States Lake S.S., 419 Norwich, Boiler Explosion at, 761
- Notes from Cleveland and the Northern Counties, 14, 47, 78j 118, 141, 175, 204, 235, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 425, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 651, 679, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 175
- Notes from the North, 13, 46, 78, 118, 142, 174, 204, 234, 264, 296, 326, 360, 390, 424, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 714, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Notes from the South-West, 14, 47, 79,119, 142, 175, 204, 235, 265, 296, 327, 361, 391, 425, 457, 489, 523, 555, 585, 616, 651, 682, 714, 746, 782, 833, 856
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 14, 47, 78, 119, 141, 174, 204, 234, 265, 295, 326, 360, 390, 424, 456, 488, 522, 554, 584, 616, 650, 682, 715, 746, 782, 832, 856
- Notes from the United States, 54, 75, 107, 120, 174, 203, 244, 264, 326, 360, 389, 433, 455, 583, 646, 678, 722, 831
- Nozzle, Granger’s Variable Steam, 121
- Nuremberg Electricity Works (Schuckert), 846
- Obituary : (Moved to separate index)* Obnoxious Gas and Water from Metal Works, 396
- Observations by Hand Anemometers, 647
- Observatory, Kites at the Blue Hill, 480
- Observatory Roof, 725
- Ocean Records in 1898, 865
- Oil. See also Petroleum
- Oil Engines. See Engines
- Okes and Stubbs Expansion Steam Trap, 435
- Olympia, Proscenium at, 337
- Optic Phenomenon, Magneto-, 597
- Ordnance. See Guns and also Carriages
- Ordnance Factories, Management,859
- Ore, Iron, in Sweden, 300,322, 365, 403. Sec 443
- Ore Treatment at Broken Hill, Sulphide, 22
- Organic Chemistry at the British Association 546. See 334 ’
- Ofctewell, Mr. A. D., on Combination Bridges, 315
- Ovens, Coke, 703
- Ovens, Coking in By-Product, 27
- Oxide, Magnetic, and Mill Scale, Removal by Electricity, 872
- Oxides, Deteriniation of Methane and Carbon, 396
- Paddle Engines. See Engines
- Pacific Cable, 539
- Paris Exhibition, 1900, 431, 828
- Paris Exhibition, Great Britain at the, 182
- Paris Station, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 1, 2
- Park-Row Building, New York, 39, 139, 200, 290. See 830
- Parliamentary Schemes for Railways, andc„ 686, 720, 737, 754
- Parshall, Mr. H. F., on Electric Generators. See Electric Generators
- Parshall, H. F., and Hobart, H. M., on Properties of Metals and Alloys, 869
- Partnership of Capital and Labour, and Strikes. 613
- Patent Laws and the Trading Community, 789 Patent Office Rules, German, 759
- Patent Record, 31, 63, 95, 127, 159, 189, 219, 249, 281, 311, 345, 375, 409, 441, 473, 507, 539, 569 601, 635, 667, 699, 731, 765, 801, 841, 873
- Patent Specification Drawings, 214
- Patents, 170
- Patents, Compulsory Licenses to Work, 212
- Patents, United States, 427
- Peet, Mr. W. Gadsby, on Testing Engine Materials, 576, 628, 647
- Pekin Syndicate, 147
- Pelton Wheel, Large, 723
- Penarth Docks, 71
- Pensions, Naval, 17
- Pensions, andc., for Schuckert’s Works, 847 Pentane, Thermal Properties of Normal, 800 Petroleum Engines. See Engines
- Petroleum, The Flash Point of, 242, 334
- Pfund’s Military Bridge (Schneider), 600 Phillipine Islands, 209
- Photo-Chemical Action of Tuqjentine, 791
- Photographic Action of Metals and Organic Substances, 647
- Photographic Images, Undeveloped, 547
- Photographic Plates, Bacteria on, 547
- Photographs of Air Waves Formed by Flviir*-
- Projectiles, 191 ®
- Photography, Chemistry of, 396
- Photography at the British Association, 547
- Photography, Meteorological, 479
- Phosphorus Matches, The New French, 624
- Physical and Electrical Properties of Various Metals and Alloys, 869
- Physical Laboratory, Proposed National, 460
- Physical Section of the British Association, 449
Physical Socirty : 29, 597, 658, 727, 800
- Electric Motors Coupled so as to Work at Different Speeds, by Professor Cams-Wilson,
- Theory of the Hall Effect on a Binary Electrolyte, by Dr. Donnan, 29
- An Influence Machine, by Mr. W. R. Pidgeon, 597
- A Magneto-Optic Phenomenon, by Dr S P Thompson, 597
- The Magnetic Fluxes in Meters and other Electrical Instruments, by Mr. Albert Camnbell, 597, 658
- Propagation of Damped Electrical Oscillation along Parallel Wires/ by Professor W Morton, 658
- Properties of Liquid Mixtures, by Mr R Lehfeldt, 727
- Certain Diffraction Fringes as Applied Micrometric Observations, by Mr. L N Flton, 727
- Longitudinal Vibrations in Solid and Hollow Cylinders, by Dr. C. Chree, 800
- Thermal Properties of Normal Pentane, by Mr J. Rose-Innes and Dr. Sidney Young, 800
- Physics of Smells, 449
- Pickling Metals, Electrical Process, 872
- Pier Schemes in Parliament, 742
- Pipe-Threading Machinery, United States. 263
- Pipes, Electrolytic Corrosion of, 477
- Pipes, Flow of Water in Steel and Wooden 446
- Pipes, Lagging of, 226
- Pipes, United States, in Glasgow, 431
- Pipes, Water Hammering in, 55. See Erratxun, Piston Rings, H.M.S. “Terrible,” 428
- Piston-Rods for Compound En^-ines 227
- Pitchometer, Chapman-Huntei” 793’
- Planing Machine, Wood, 11 ’
- Plants, Effect of Electricitj' on, 518
- Plateways in Lancashire, 207
- Ploughing Machinery, Steam, 751
- Plymouth Water Works, 394, 452
- Pneumatic Monito"“T:ri^5’>.
- Polonium, New Element, 240
- Weather Types, Classification, 480
- Polyph^e Tramway at Evian-les-Bains, 314
- Population, German, 357
- Population Statistics, 363
- Post Office London Directory for 1899, The, 864
- Potentiometer, Pneumatic Analogue of the, ’'Mr^s'’e°38r’ and Belting, 560,
- Power from Blast-Furnace Gas 562
- Power, Etsch Electric Transmission, 117
- Power Installations, Economy in 69
- Power and Light, Electric, 560, 566
- Power Plant, Electric, 381, 631
- Company
- Mechanicsville, Power Transmission in Shops, Electric, 464. 660,
- Power Transmission, Water, 722
- “ Practical Engineer” Pocket Book and Diary for 1899, The, 864
- Preece, Mr. W. H., on Telegraphs and Telephones, 588
- Preller, Dr., on Lausanne Electric Tramways, 769
- Preller, Dr., on Navigation on African Lakes, 212
- Preller, Dr., on Swiss Electric Installation, 180. See LETTER
- Preparation of Pure Calcium, 397
- Pressures on Retaining Walls, Earth, 256, 484, 641
- Prismoidal Formula) and Earthwork. By Thomas U. Taylor, C.E., 283
- Prize Programme of the Industrial Society of Mulhouse, 20
- Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education,
- Process of Gold Milling, Colorado, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Producer, Benier Gas, 386
- Projectiles, Air Waves Formed by Flying (Photographs), 191
- Projectors, Electrical, 703
- Propagation of Damped Electrical Oscillations along Parallel Wires, 658
- Propeller, Drake’s, 595
- Properties of Liquid Mixtures, 727
- Proportioning of Dvnamos (Electric Generators), 351
- Propulsion, Wave, 24
- Proscenium at Olympia, 337
- Prospecting for Iron Ore, Magnetic Instruments, 469
- Protection of Steam-Heated Surfaces, 226
- Prussian State Railway Locomotive, 583, 626, 630
- Prvissian Locomotives (Vulcan Company, Stettin), 583, 626, 680
- Pump, Direct-Acting (Lee, Howl, and Co.), 262. See 327
- Pump Motor (Schuckert), 846
- Pumps, Feed, 813
- Pumping and Motive Power Engines (Merryweather), 42
- Pumping Plant, Centrifugal (Gwynne and Co.), 10
- Purchase of Second-Hand Boilers, 750
- Purification of Drinking Water, 253, 494, 608,671, 767. See Erratum, 833
- Purification of Sewage by Bacteria, 352 See 85, 118, 550, 749
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Quartz Machinery in Colorado, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Rack Railway, Nilgiri, 358
- Radiation and Arc Light Telegraphy, 335
- Rail Joint, Falk Cast-Welded, 150
- Railroad Bridges, 735
- Railroad, Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western, 669
- Rails, Electric Resistance of Steel, 215
- Rails, Hard Steel, 304, 308
- Railway Accidents. See Accidents
- Railway Bridges. See Bridges
- Railway Buffer Equalising Arrangement, London and North-Western Railway, 472
- Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Midland, 167
- Railway, Congo, 558
- Railway Construction, 66, 420
- Railway Construction. By William Hemingway Mills, 66
- Railway, Deep-Tunnel, Undeiifinning St. Mary Woolnoth, 138
- Railway Diary and Officials’ Directory for 1899, The, 864
- Railway, Duffield, Narrow-Gauge, 169
- Railway, Electric Capstan and Turntable Gear (French), 454, 579. See LETTER, 626
- Railway Exhibits at South Kensington Museum, 18
- Railway Express, /V Fast United States, £12
- Railway, Glasgow to Douglas, Proposed New, 754
- Railway, Great Central, 150
- Railway, Lehigh Valley, 379
- Railway, Lulea-Afoten, 240
- Railway, Narrow-Gauge, and Rigid Wheelbase, 532
- Railway, Nilgiri Rack, 358
- Railway Officials’ Universal Directory, 188
- Railway Route to India, 532
- Railway Schemes for Parliament, 686, 720, 737, 754
- Railway Speeds, 237. See Erratum. Sec LETTERS, Summer Trains
- Railway Speeds, London to Liverpool, 50. See LETTERS
- Railway Station, Paris, 1, 2
- Railway Station in Paris (Schneider), 639
- Railway Switch Lever and Point Indicators, Stoney,172
- Railway, Uganda, 754
- Railway Unpunctuality, 24,87, 110, 111, 183, 242, 273, 292, 336
- Railway Wagons, Balancing Hinge for, 615, 793
- Railway, Waterloo and City, 51, 78
- Railways, Belgian, 758
- Railways, British, 526
- Railways in China, 269
- Railways, Chinese, 560
- Railways, Indian, 58
- Railways, Japan, 179
- Railways, London, 198
- Railways, Narrow-Gauge, 148, 156, 164. See LETTERS, 214, 274
- Railways, Natal Government, 23
- Railways, New Zealand, 365
- Railways, Spanish, Property, 107
- Railways in Texas, 85
- Rainfall of the South-East of England, 480
- Reading Boiler Explosion, 272.
- Records, Ocean, in 1898, 865
- Refraction and Anomalous Dispersion, Dynamical Theory of, 518
- Refuse Destructors, 342
- Refuse Destructor, Horsfall, 200
- Refuse Gasifier, Mason’s, 870
- Relation between Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Steel, 702
- Relations between the Purchaser, the Engineer, $uid the Manufacturer, 171
- “aStowXlg”’ andc. (Electric by Replacement of Metals, Equivalent, 550 Research, Juvenile, 550
- Reserves for the Navj’, 177
- Reservoir Darns, Plymouth, 394, 452
- Reservoir System of United States Lakes, 448
- Resistance of Metals, Electric Contact, 592
- Resistance of Steel Rails, Electric, 215
- R^Uining- Walls, Earth Pressures on, 256, 484,
- (Schneider), 575
- Rifle Bullet, Magazine, 335
- Rio MiUleco Viaduct, Chili (Schneider), 511
- Riston, Mr. E., on the Manufacture of Aluminium, 147, 154, 289
- River Improvement Works, Danube, 787
- Road-Making- Stones, Testing, 431
- Professor, on Erosion of Tubes, 486. See 320
- Robertson, Mr. Leslie, on Narrow-Gauge ways, 148, 156, 164. See LETTfiKs
- Robins, Mr. A. G., on Cornish Express, 331. Errata, 369 i t •
- Rock Drilling, 776
- Rock Is^nd Swing Bridge Machinery, 37(j
- Rocks, Thermal Conductivity of, 480
- Gold Milling in Colorado, 3, 103, 221. See 868
- Rolling; Experiments, United States Ship Keels and, 812 ‘
- Rollmg-Alill Engines (Schneider), 314
- pounds Absorption ’by Chemical Com- Roof, Observatory, 725
- Roof of Railway Station, Paris, 1, 2
- Engine Works, Chesterfield, 613, (57^ Roofs of Large Buildings (Schneider), 639 Rotatory Converters, 661, 695, 719
- Society’s Motor Vehicles, irials, 461. See LETTERS ’ 86, 108,109,151, 214 ^31,’551;58O:625:
- Rubber Plantations, 269
- Construction, Wiinshurst’s, 790 795 ’ ’825®”
- Russia, South, Iron Industry of, 182
- Russian Government, Vril, Electric Launch, 75
- Safety Guard, Circular Saw, 262
- Sn fnfv V n See LETTERS, CoZZisio,w, d.'c.
- Safety Valve and Gate Valve, 467
- ^^danV^iV^’ Hoisting and Conveying
- Sand Pumping Dredger for Russia (Holland), 324 Rails, 304,
- Saving and Spending-, 613
- Saw Bench with Radial Arm Feed 87
- Saw with Radial Feed Arm, 11
- ^^sonie/sSS^ Automatic Cross-Cut (Ran-
- Saw Safety Guard, Circular, 262
- Saw, Self-Feeding- Band Ripping, 712
- Sawing, Stone, Machinery, 11
- Schenectady Locomotives for Japan, 323
- Schmidts Superheater, 839. See 799
Schneider and Co.’s Works, Creiisoi :
- .378, 417, 444, 4<6, 511, 1,75, 609. 639, 692
- A r, Compressed, Plant at Paris, 378
- Alternating Current Dynamos, 106 Boiler Shops, 163
- Eorcea Bridge, 513. See LETTERS, 723
- BriS
- Bridges, Floating, 693
- Bridge, Military, 609, 693
- ChaLTerBddg'" 60?’’’^^’’
- Co^TOe"^Iir'hbn?"37V"“’"^
- Docks and Bridges, Floating, 693
- Dynamos, 35, 67, 306
- Early Marine Engines, 195
- Ekgtric Construction Department, 35, 67,
- Electric Lighting Station, 35, 67, 106 "25^35^^615°"’ ^’’5-
- Engines, Early French Warship, 195
- Engines, Factory, 378
- Battleship “Charles Martel,” ^"^Ch°akzy/°31“*"’ l^rencU Cruiser
- Engines, ItollingMili, andc., 314 Engines, Torpedo-Boat, 257
- Exhibition Buildings, 639 factory Buildings, 639
- Bloating Docks and Bridges, 693 lu-ench Battleship “ Charles Martel,” 541, 645 r rench Locomotives, 284
- Fribourg Viaduct, 477 Galvanising Plant, 445 Iron Buildings, 639
- Locomotive Department, 258, 284
- Locomotives, French, 284
- Marcilles Military Bridge, 609
- Hijitary Bridges, 609, 693
- Military Floating Bridges, 693
- Lyons, 575 1 fund s Military Bridge, 609
- Railway Station in Paris, 639 5^^?® at Lyons, 575
- Rio Malleco Viaduct, Chili, 511 Rolling Mill Engines, 314 Roofs of Large Buildings, 639 bhipbuilding, 417, 444, 476, 692 stationary Engines, 314 Structural Buildings, 639
- Torpedo-Boat Building, 418, 692. See 444
- Torpedo-Boat Engines, 257
- Torpedo-Boats, French, 692 Transformers, 106
- Tugboats, andc., 692
- Viaducts, 476, 524, 575
- Superheated Steam, 779, 838
Schuckert and Co:- 475, 543, 605, 703, 742, 773, 844
- Aachen Electricity Works, 844
- Accumulators, Switches for, 742, 840
- Altona Electric Works, 742
- Arc Lamp Circuits and Suspenders, 847
- Automatic Cut-Out and Junction Box, 773
- Baden-Vienna Electricity Works, 845
- Barmen Electric Works, 742
- Budapest Electricity Works, 844
- Canal Locks, Electric Working of, 840
- Clutch, Hydraulic, 544
- Condensing Plant at Altona, 742
- Cooling Tower for Waterat Altona, 742 Cranes, 545
- Cut-Out and Junction Box, 773
- Cut-Out for Resistance of High Self-Induction, 846
- Dusseldorf Electric Works, 742
- Dynamos, 846, 847
- Electric Cranes, 545
- Electric Generators, 476, 772
- Electric Lifts, 543
- Electric Motors, 543
- Electric Traction Plant, 605
- Electric Working on the Ymuiden Locks, 840
- Electricity Works at Barmen, Dusseldorf Altona, 742
- Electricity Works at Christiania, 773
- Elecricity Works in Continental Cities, 844, 845, 848
- Electricity Works, Hamburg, 840
- Electro-Chemical Departments, 840. See 857
- Hamburg Electricity Works, 840
- Historical and Administrative, 475
- Junction Box, 773
- Lamp Circuits and Suspenders, 847
- Meter, Volt, Muller’s Synchronising, 846
- Motor Pump, 846
- Motors, 543
- Muller’s Synchronising Voltmeter, 846
- Munich Electricity Works, 845
- Neuhaldensleben Electricity Works 845
- Nuremberg Electricity Works, 845
- Pensions, andc., for Schuckert’s Works 847
- Projectors, Electrical, 703
- Pump Motor, 846
- Searchlights, Electrical, 703
- Sigmaringden Electricity Works, 845
- Social Features of Schuckert’s Works 847
- Stations, Central, Electricity, 844, 845 848
- Traction Plant, Electric. 605 ’
- Voltmeter, Muller’s, Synchronising, 846
- Ymuiden Locks, Electric Working on the 840 Zwickau Electricity Works, 845
- Science and Art Department, Scandal, 238
- Science in Elementary Schools, 550
- Screening Crushed Materials, 735
- Screw Engines. See Engines
- Screw Machine, Spencer Automatic, 421
- Screw Making, andc.. Machines for Cycles, 674 690 /06
- Screwing Machinery, United States Pipe, 263
- Sea, Accidents at, 81
- Seamless Tubes, 293
- Seamless Tubes, Tests of, 260
- Searchlights, Electrical (Schuckert), 703
- Secondary Cells, Charging, 515, 742 Seismological Investigations, 477
- Self-Propelling Traffic, Control of, 646, 679. See also Motor
- Seniel Solvay, By-Product, Coke-Oven Plant at Ensley, 2kla., 703
- Separat(^, Fram Cream, 486. See Erratum. 536
- Setting Horizontal Boilers, 134
- Sewage, Bacterial Treatment, 749
- Sewage, Bacteriological Purification of, 352 497 S
- Sewage Effluents, Standards of Purity for 550
- Sewage Purification by Bacteria, 352, 497 ’
- Sewage Sludge, Illuminating Gas from, 151. 183
- Sewage Sludges, 277
- Sewage Treatment, 85, 118
- Shaping, (fee.. Machines for Cycles, 676, 690, 706
- Shearing, Hydraulic Bar, Machine, 244 **593^^^866 626 ^^^^^^*^'^ Japanese Battleship, “ Shikishima,” Anchors, 626
- Ship, Collisions at Sea, 465
- Shjp Construction, Wimhurst’s Rules for 790 <95 ’ ’
- Ship Hospital, “ Solace,” United States, 228
- Ship Losses, 117, 178, 3G7, 657
- Ship, Rolling- Experiments, Bilge Keels and, 812
- Sh^p^ Training, “ Chesapeake,” United States, Shipbuikling in 1898, 851
- Shiplmilding Boom, 53, 464
- Shipbuilding at Nagasaki, 306
- Shipbuilding Returns, Lloyd’s, 53, 464
- Shipbuilding (Schneider), 417, 444, 476, 692
- Shipbuilding, United States, 860
- Shipping Coal, Welsh Method, 414
- Shipping Company, Japan Mail, 117
- Shipping of France, 75, 495
- Shipping, Future of, 493
- Shipping and Harbours, 374, 407
- Shipping Rings, 612, 619
- Shipping Statistics, 363, 785
- Shipping, Supply and Waste, 178
- Shipping, Tonnage and Value, 785. See 363
- Shipwreck Returns. 117, 178, 367, 657
- SWpyard, Hoisting and Conveying Plant, Brown,
- Short Brothers, Eight-Hours’ Day, 368
- Shunt-Wound Dynamo, Spool Winding for, 210
- Siemens, Mr. A., on Electric Power, 381
- Sigmaringden Electricity Works (Schuckert),
- Silver, Sulphide Ores, 22
- Robert, 623. See Erratum, 650. See LETTKR, <23
- Smith, Mr. Walter M., on Locomotive Engineering, 576, 597, 663. See LETTERS, ^^csis tC’c.
- Smithfield Club Show, 751
- Smokestack, Blasting, 658
- Social Features of Schuckert’s Works (Schuc- kert), 847
- Society of Arts:
- London Street Traffic, by Sir J. Wolfe Barry K.C.B., 654
- Long-Distance Transmission of Electric Power, by Professor George Forbes, 722
- Society of Mechanical Engineers in Japan, 531
- Soda and Bleach, Electrolytic Production (Hargreaves-Bird), 115
- Softening Water, 55,159, 166, 186, 230, 357, 399. See LETTERS. See Erratum, 425
- Solar Eclipse, Results, 519
- Soldering Iron, Ellin’s, 262
- Solution, Theory of Iron and Steel, 763
- Soudan Campaign, Novelties in, 335
- South Kensington Cataloguing, 238, 293
- South Kensington Railway Exhibits, 18
- South Kensington Scandal, 238, 293
- Spanish Railways, 107
- Specific Gravity Tests of Cast Iron, 29
- Specifications for Architects, Surveyors, Builders, 143
- Speed of Trains, London and Liverpool, 50. LETTERS
- Spencer, Automatic Screw Machine, 421
- Spending and Saving, 613
- Spiller, Mr. H. ^V., on Pneumatic Steering of United States Monitor, “Terror,” 27
- Spool Winding for a Shunt-Wound Dynamo, 210
- Spring Testing Machine, Locomotive (Avery), 520
- St. Clair Tunnel, 484
- Stabiliuj’ of bamaged Battleships, 822
- Stage Machinery at Drury Lane, Electrical, 834
- Stage at Olympia, 337
- Standard of Light, 10 Candle-Power Lamp as, 549
- Standard United States Navy Boats, 812
- Standards, Committees of British Association, 515
- Standardising Casting, Making a Large. 218
- Stanley Cycle Show, 674,690. See also 706
- Stations, Central, Electricity (Schuckert), 844, 845, 848
- Station Lorries, Self-Locking Railway, 757, 792
- Station, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway, 1, 2
- Stations, Large Electric. See Schuckert
- Stationaiy Engines (Schneider), 314
- Statistics, Foreign, 363
- Stay Bolts, Testing Locomotive, 227
- Stead, Mr. J. E., on Brittleness in Annealed Soft Steel, 319, 404
- Steam Carriage, Brown’s, 294. See also Cars, Motor
- Steam Heated Surfaces, Protection of, 226
- Steam Nozzle, Granger's Variable, 121
- Steam Power, Cost of, 59
- Steam, Superheated, 797, 838
- Steam Trap, Lamplough’s, 627
- Steam Trap, Stubbs and Okes Expansion, 435
- Steam Winch, 8d3
- Steam Yacht as Naval Auxiliary, 814
- Steamer for Coast and Geodetic Survey, 657
- Steamer, “Duke of Cornwall,” Channel (Vickers), 150, 779
- Steamer, Japanese Built Mail, 754
- Steamer (United States Lake), “ Northland,” 419
- Steamship Guide, Rhodes, 103
- Steamship Records in 1898, 865
- Steel Alloys, New, 515
- Steel, Brittleness Produced by Annealing, 319, 404
- Steel Guns, Erosion of, 320, 486
- Steel, High Carbon, for Piston-Rods, 227
- Steel and Iron, Solution Theory of, 763
- Steel and Iron, United States, 622
- Steel, Nickel, Tests, 861
- Steel, Physical and Chemical Properties, 702
- Steel Rails, Electric Resistance of, 215
- Steel Rails, Hard, 304, 308
- Steel Ship Construction, Wimshurst’s Rules for, 790, 795
- Steering Gear, Pneumatic, of United States Monitor, “ Terror,” 27
- Sterilisation of Drinking Water, 253, 494, 608 671, 767, 833
- Stone-Sawing Machinery, 11
- Stones for Road-Making, Testing, 431
- Stove Company’s Works, Michigan, 481
- Strains,'Measuring Small Torsional, 356, 503
- Stream-Line Motions, 519
- Street Railways. See Tramivay
- Street Traffic in London, 654
- Strike Statistics, 621
- Structural Buildings (Schneider), 639
- Stubbs, Mr. J. Pemberton, on Acetylene Gas, 88,123
- Stubbs and Okes Expansion Steam Trap, 435
- Students, Army and Navy, 551
- Submarine Cable Grapnels, 571, 603
- Submarine Telegraph Company, 201
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 563
- Submarine Telegraphs, 123
- Subsidences, Coal, and Bridges, andc., 755
- Sugar Industry, 334
- Sugar Luminosity produced by Rubbing, 518
- Sugar Refining, Electrolytic, 397
- Sulphates of Heavy Metals, Alkaline Chlorates and, 550
- Sulphide Ores, Treatment of Broken Hill, 22
- Sulphur from Coal, Removing, 734
- Summer Train Improvements, 237. See Erra* turn, 272. See LETTERS, 274, 292
- Sunshine Record, Quantitative Bolometric, 479
- Superheated Steam, 797, 838
- Superheater, Schmidt’s, 839. See 799
- Survey for Fire Protection, 637. See also Fire Protection
- Survey Vessels, United States, 657
- Sutton Sewage, Bacteriological Treatment, 749
- Sutton’s Milling Cutters, 467
- Swedish Iron Deposits, 340
- Swedish Iron Industry, 303, 309, 339
- Sweden, Iron Ore of Northern, 300, 322, 365, 430. See 443
- Swedish Iron Ore Mining, 304, 340, 438, 469, 502
- Swedish Iron, Tests of, 248
- Swedish Iron Works, 300, 322, 365, 430
- Swedish Iron Works, Hofors, 443
- Swedish Water Power, 22
- Swing Bridge Machinery, United States, 370
- Swing Bridge over the Harlem River, 743
- Swiss Electric Installation, 180. See LETTER
- Switch Lever and Point Indicators, Stoney’s, 172
- Syntheses of Albuminous Substances, Leo ‘Lilienfeld, 333
- Tachometer, Bell-Elliott Tangent Reading, 743
- Tall Buildings in New York, 39, 139, 200, 290, 786
- Tanners’ Lye, 396
- Tanning, Recent Advances in, 550
- Tar Burners for Marine Boilers, £50
- Technical Education, 559, 604
- Teeth of Wheels, Drawing, 416
- Telegraph Companies, Submarine, 201
- Telegraph, Submarine, Enterprise, 563
- Telegraphs, Submarine, 123
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 588
- Telegraphy, All-British, 436, 539
- Telegraphy, Radiation and Arc Light, 335
- Telephone Cable in Walenlake, Switzerland, 397. See LETTERS
- Telephone, Magnifying, 515
- Telephon(S a id Telegraphs, 588
- Temperature and Barometrical Height in North-Western Europe, 866
- Tenoning Machine, Double Car Frame, 141
- Teredo (Marine Woodborers), 447
- “ Terrible’s” Steam Trials, 428
- “Terror,” United States Monitor, Pneumatic Steering Gear, 27
- Testing Engine Materials, 576, 628, 617
- Testing Engines (Barrus), 116
- Testing Locomotive Stay Bolts, 227
- Testing Machine at Cardiff College, Laboratory, 7
- Testing Stones for Road-Making, 431
- Testing Watertight, Bulkhead Doors, 821
- Tests of Bicycles, 246, 279. See LETTERS
- Tests of Building Materials, Fire, 130, 251,347,510
- Tests of Feed Pumps, 813
- Tests of Strength of Longitudinal Bulkheads
- Separating Two Engine-Rooms, 821
- Tests of Swedish Iron, 248
- Texas, Railway in, 85
- Textile Trade in Japan, 821
- Thames Dr^^ Dock, 432
- Theatre, Electric Stage Mechanism, 834
- Theatre Proscenium at Olympia, 337
- Theory of the Hall Effect in a Binary Electrolyte, 29
- Thermal Conductivity of Rocks and Water, 481
- Thermal Properties of Gases and Liquids, 547
- Thermal Properties of Normal Pentane, 800
- Thermometer, Aspiration, 791
- “ Thistle,” H.M. Gunboat, 563
- Thompson, Professor S. P., on Rotatory Converters, 651, 695, 719
- Thompson’s Self-Aligning Bearings, 499
- Three-Hinged Masonry Arches, 484
- Timber, Canadian, 179
- Tools, Machine. See Cycle-Making Machinery
- Torpedo-Boats. See also ^arshivs
- Torpedo-Boat Building (Schneider), 418, 692. See 444
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 816
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See also Warships
- Torpedo-Boat Engines (Schneider), 257
- Torpedo Boats, French (Schneider), 692
- Torpedo, Whitehead, 89
- Torsional Strains, Measuring Small, 356, 503
- Traction. See also Electric Traction
- Traction, Cost of Electric, 655
- Traction Engines on Highway, 330
- Traction, Mechanical, 34
- Traction, Tramway, 34
- Trade, Foreign, and Consuls, 114
- Trade, German Colonial, 393
- Trade Marks in Zanzibar, 497
- Trade Methods, British, 581
- Trade and National Expansion, 685. See also 491
- Trade and Navy Expenditure, 785
- Trades Congress, 329
- Trading, Municipalities and, 611
- Traffic of London Streets, 654
- Train, An Express, United States, 212
- Train Improvements, Summer, 237. SQQ Erratum^ ‘11'2. See LETTERS, 274, 293
- Train Service, London and Liverpool, 50. See LETTERS, 87
- Train Unpunctuality, 24, 87, 110, 111, 183, 242, 273, 292, 336
- Training Ship, United States, “ Chesapeake,” 820
- Traits Complet d'Electro-Traction. By Ernest Gerard, 34
- Tramway. See also Traction
- Tramway Cars, United States, 172
- Tramway Engine Boiler, Fatal Explosion, 217
- Tramway at Evian-les-Bains, Polyi>hase, 314
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 738
- Tramway System, Kingland’s Electric, 275
- Tramwdiy Traction, 34
- Tramways, Glasgow, 52
- Tramways, Lausanne Electric, 769
- Tramways in Lancashire, 207
- Transformers, Magnetic Circuit, 253
- Transformers (Schneider), 106
- Transmission of Electric Power, Long-Distance, 722
- Transmission of Power in Shops, Electric, 464
- Transvaal Gold, 270
- Trials of H.M.S. “Argonaut” (Fairfield), 809
- Trials of H.M.S. “Europa” (Clydebank), 20
- Trials of H.M.S. “Niobe” (Vickers), 53
- Trials of H.M.S. “ Terrible,” 428
- Tricycles. See Cycles
- Triple-Expansion. See Engine
- Tube, Convenient Form of Drying, 549
- Tube-Making Machinery, 825
- Tubes, Seamless, 293
- Tubes, Tests of Seamless, 260
- Tugboats, andc. (Schneider), 692
- Tunnel, St. Clair, 484
- Tunnel Ventilation, 778
- Tunnelling, Compressed Air, 632
- Turning Clear of Swing Bridge, New York, 743
- Turning Machinery of United States Swing Bridge, 370
- Turntable Gear, Electric Capstan and (French), 454, 579. See LETTER, 626
- Turpentine, Photo-Chemical Action of, 791
- Tuyeres in the Blast-Furnace, 670
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Two-Circuit Coil Windings, 464
- Type-Setting Machine, Cox, 641
- Uganda Railway, 754
- Underpinning St. Mary Woolnoth Church, 138
- United Kingdom, United States, and France, Wages, 612
- United States Battleship “Maine,” Destruction of the, 23, 54, 84,110, 151, 213, 212
- United States Battleship “ Oregon,” Bilge Keel and Rolling Experiments, 812
- United States Battleships, 817
- United States Blast-Furnaces, Tuyeres, 670
- United States Breechloading Gun, Barbette Carriage, 294
- United States Bureau of Foreign Intelligence, 239 United States Commercial Mission to China, 212 United States Competition (Iron and Steel Output), 622
- United States Competition in Japan, 562
- United States Cupola Practice, 671, 702
- United States Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, 669
- United States Expansion and Trade, 685. See also 491
- United States Express, A Fast, 212
- United States Government Survey Vessel, 657
- United States Hospital Ship “Solace,” 228
- United States Lake Steamers, 419
- United States Manufactures, 774, 805
- United States Monitor “ Terror,” Pneumatic Steering Gear, 27
- United States Monitors, 817
- United States Navy, Descriptions of New Battleships, Monitors, Destroyers, andc., 812 to 825
- United States Patents, 427
- United States Pipe-Threading Machinery, 263
- United States Pipes in Glasgow, 431
- United States Shipbuilding, 860
- United Spates Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 816
- United States Training Ship “ Chesapeake,” 820
- United States Tramway Cars, 172
- United States, United Kingdom, and France, Wages, 612
- United States Whitehead Torpedo, 89
- University College, Municipal Engineering, 495
- University of Columbia, New York, 849
- Unpunctuality. See Railway
- Unpunctuality Use of Explosives in Mines, 396
- Utilisation of Water Power, 22
- Valve, Automatic Cylinder Drain Valve, 627
- Valve, Safety, and (late, 467
- Variables (n), Graphical Solution of n Equations with, 867
- Ventilation of Tunnels and Buildings, 778
- Viaducts (Schneider), 476, 524, 575
- Vibrations in Solid and Hollow Cylinders, 800
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Gun Factory, Erith, 552
- Voltage per Commutator Segment as Related to Inductance, 464, 591
- Voltmeter, Muller’s Synchronising (Schuckert), 846
- Voltmeter, Platinum, 515
- Vril Electric Launch for Russia, 75
- Wages in France, United States, and the United Kingdom, 612
- Wages and Hours of Labour, 267
- - Wagon Doors, Hyde’s Hinge for, 793
- Wagons, Balancing Hinge for Railway, 615
- Wakefield, Boiler Explosion at, 605
- Walenlake, Electric Installation, Switzerland, 180. See LETTER
- Walenlake, Switzerland, Telephone Cable, 397. See LETTER
- War, Essays on Maritime, 542
- Warning, re Amsterdam Firms, 55
- Warship Production in 1898, 831
- Argentine Cruiser “General San Martin” (Orlando, Leghorn), 74
- Austrian Torpedo-Boats (Yarrow), 394
- British Cruisers, New, 17,145
- British Navy Estimates, 17, 145
- British Warships Built in 1898, 831, 862
- Damaged Battleship, Stability of, 822
- Dutch Cruiser “ Friesland,” Engines of the (Fijenoord Company), 11
- French Battleship “ Charles Martel ” Engines, andc., 551, 645
- French Cruiser “ Chanzy,” Engines of the, 35 5
- French Toq^edo-Boat Building (Schneider), 418, 444
- French Torpedo-Boat Engines, 257
- French Torpedo-Boats, 692
- French Warships and Manoeuvres, 462, 514
- French Warship Marine Engines, 195, 257, 356, 561, 645
- French Warships, Study of, 542
- French Warship “ Ville de Paris,” Old, 158
- H.M. Battleships Compared, New Types, 830
- H M. Cruisers Compared, New Types, 830
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers Tried in 1898, 862
- H.M. Warships Launched in 1898, 830, 862
- H.M. Warships Tried in 1898, 862
- H M.S. " ‘ ?’
- H.M.S. 20
- H.M.S.
- H.M.S. “Hyacinth 580
- H.M.S “ Irresistible, H.M.S. •••
- H M.S.
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” Steam Trials, 428
- H.M. S.S, “ Dwarf ” and “ Thistle’’(Gunboats) 563
- Hospital Ship, United States, 228
- Japanese Battleship, A New (Vickers). 863
- Japanese Battleship, “ Shikishima,” 593. Sec i 626
- Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “ Ikadsuchi ” (Yarrow), 854
- Japanese Torpedo - Boat Destroyer (Thornycroft), 755
- Merchant Cruisers, American Liners as, 624
- Standard U.S. Navy Boats, 812
- Steam Yacht as Naval Auxiliary, 814
- United States Battleship “ Oregon,” Bilge Keel and Rolling Experiments, 812
- United States Battleships, 817
- United States Hospital Shij) “ Solace,” 228
- United States Monitor “Terror,” Pneumatic Steering Gear, 27
- United States Monitors, 817
- United States New Navy. Descriptions of New Battleships, Monitors, Destroyers, andc 812 to 825
- United States Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 816
- United States Training Ship ‘ ‘ Chesapeake,” 820
- United States Whitehead Torpedo, 89
- Warship Production in 1898, 831, 862
- Washington Mills, Engines, 533
- Watch Escapement (Revolving), 467, 489. See LETFER,723
- Water, East London, Supply, 299
- Water Flow in Steel and Wooden Pipes, 446 Water Gas, 465
- Water Gas, Illumination and, 396 Water-Hammer Action, 55, 87
- Water Power in the Scottish Highlands, 722 Water Power, Utilisation of, 22
- Water, Purification of Drinking, 253, 494, 608. 671,767,833
- Water Softening, 55, 274, 292, 357, 399, 465, 497, 646. See Ji’rrnfw/n, 425
- Water Softening and Purification by the Archbutt-Deeley Process, 149, 166, 186, 230. See LETTERS
- Water Supply, Birmingham, 480
- Water Supply, London, 587
- Water, Thermal Conductivity of, 480
- Water-Tube Boiler, Babcock and Wilcox, 213
- Water-Tube and Ordinary Boilers in Dutch Cruiser, 11
- Water-Tube Boiler, Willard’s, 307
- Water Waste Prevention, .592
- Water Works, Leicester, 169
- Water Works, Plymouth, 395, 452
- Waterloo and City Railway, 51, 78
- Waters and Gases, Obnoxious, from Metal Works, 396
- Watson, Mr. Frank Leslie, on Refuse Destructors, 312
- Wave Measurement, Dynamometer for, 216
- Wave Propulsion, 24 •
- Waves, Air, formed by Flying Projectiles, Photographs, 191
- Weather Types, Polydiuvnal, 480
- Webb’s Buffer Equalising Arrangement, 472
- Webster, Mr. W. R., on Properties of Steel, 702
- Weighing Machine, Locomotive, 520
- Weights and Measures of Bristol, Ancient, 520
- Welded Joint, “ Falk’* Cast, 150
- Wellingborough Accident, 400, 581, 757, 792
- Welsh Coal Shipping System, 414
- Welsh Coal Strike, 114
- West Indian Hurricane, September, 1898, by Captain A. Carpenter, R.N., 866
- West, Mr. Thomas D., on Making a Large Standardising Casting, 218
- Westralian Exhibition, 656
- Whaleboats for United States Navy, 812
- Wheat Supply, 330
- Wheels, Drawing Teeth of, 416
- Wheels, Machine-Moulded, 33, 223, 313, 377, 509 Wheels for Motor Cars, 55
- White, Sir William, on Engineering Education, 659
- Whitehead Torpedo, 89
- Who’s Who? 1899. An Annual Biographical Directory. Edited by Douglas Sladen, 864
- Willard’s Water-Tube Boiler, 307
- Wilson, The Late Mr. W., 465
- Wimshurst’s Rules for Ship Construction, 790, 795
- Winch, Steam, 863
- Wind as a Motive Power, 85
- Wind Pressures, 433
- Winter Temperature and Barometrical Height in North-Western Europe, by Mr. W. H. Dines, 866
- Wisconsin Central Lin'’s Locomotives, 420
- Wood as Fuel for Boilers, 400
- Wood, Non-Inflammable, 182
- Wood, andc., for Tunnel Lining, 632
- Wood-Working Machines, 11
- Woodborers, Marine, Teredo, 447
- Woodbury, Mr. C. J. IL, on An Old Floating Bridge, 280
- Wooden Beams, Efficiency of Built, 221
- Wooden and Steel Bridges, Combination, 315
- Woolwich Arsenal, Management of, 859
- Working under Compressed Air, 530
- Workmen’s Compensation Act, 19, 464, 492, 530, 636, 727, 751
- Workmen’s Compensation Act in the Dockyards, 464
- Alma Tube Works, Walsall (J. Russell and Co., Limited), 825
- Aluminium Works at Milton, Staffs., 147, 154, 289
- Bass’s Brewery, 169
- Bethlehem Iron Works, 824
- Brush Electrical Works, 169
- Creusot. See Schneider's Works
- Duffield Narrow-Gauge Railway, 169
- Herbert’s Machine-Tool Works, Coventry, 843
- Hofor’s Iron Works, Sweden, 443
- Humber Cycle Works, 170
- Leicester Water Works, 169
- Lincoln Engine Works, Chesterfield, 613, 677 Michigan Stove Company’s, 481
- Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, 167
- Midland Railway Locomotive Works, 97
- Minton’s China and Earthenware Works, 170
- Schuckert’s. See SchucketVs and Co.^ Nuremberg
- Sweden Iron Works, 300, 322, 365, 430
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Gun Factory, Erith, 552
- Workshops and Electric Power, 500,560, 566. See 381
- Wrecks, Ship, 117, 178, 367, 657
- Xenon and Neon, Companions of Argon, 547
- Yacht, Steam, as Naval Auxiliary, 814
- Yarrow and London County Council, 146
- Year-Books, 863
- Ymuiden Locks, Electric Working of the (Schuckert), 840
- Yokohama Trade, 666
- Zanzibar, Trade Marks in, 497
- Zeeman Effect, 518
- Zinc, Electrolytic Determination of, 397
- Zwickau, Electricity Works (Schuckert), 845
See Also
Sources of Information