Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index: Letters to the Editor

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- View 1898 Jul-Dec Volume
Letters to the Editor
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- Calorie, The. Metric, 616 ; C. Sauvage, 724
- Capstans, Electric. Arthur Rigg, 626
- Car, Motor, Traffic Control. Sidney Straker, 646; Alfred J. Allen, 679
- Cars, Motors, Control of. Sydney Straker, 616 ; Alfred J. Allen, 679 I
- Cars, Motor, Liverpool Trials. Rocket, 723 ,
- Cars, Motor, Wheels for. E. B. S., 55
- Cast Iron, Breaking Strain of. C. L. S., 497
- Cleaning Locomotives. Inquirer, 646
- Colliery Warnings. W. H. Daniels, 183
- Collisions at Sea. Voyager, 465
- Colorado, Gold Mining in. John Roger, 868
- Common Errors in Iron Bridge Design. W. C. Kernot, 293 ; L. Archbutt, 465
- Control of Self - Propelling Traffic. Sidney Straker, 646 ; Alfred J. Allen, 679
- Cookers, Automatic Gas Meters and. Edward A. Harman, 868
- Copper, Electro-Deposition of. Wm. Brown, 581, 626
- Corrosion, Some Remarkable Cases of. A. B.,357 Criticism of the Navy. W. H. Whettem, 86
- Depreciation. Viator, 151
- Destruction of the United States Battleship “ Maine.” F. M. Barber, 23 ; J. T. Bucknill, 54; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 54 ; J. T. Bucknill, 86; D. R., 86; T. M. Barber, 110; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 110, 151 ; J. T. Bucknill, 151; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 213, 242
- Draughtsmen. The Betterment of. J. Gillaird, 792
- Drought on Steam Boilers, Effects of. C. E. Stromeyer, 496 ; Wm. Ingham, 531
- Economy in Bridge Design. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., M. Inst. C.E., 868
- Efficiency of Bicycles. Ixion, 357
- Electric Capstans. Arthur Rigg, 626
- Electric Car Accident, Bradford. R. H. S., 532
- Electric Traction, Blondel and Paul Dubois’. C. du Riche Preller, 273
- Electro-Deposition of Copper. Wm. Brown, 581, 626
- Employers’ Federation. Wemyss, 724
- Engineering Books, The Best 100. A. P. Trotter, A. Struben, 625
- Engineers, Amalgamated Society of. A Working Man, 867
- Engineers in Austria and Hungaiy. Js. G., 24 ; J. T. Bucknill, 54 ; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 54
- Engineers, Naval. R. N., 791
- Engineers, Naval, and the Efficiency of the Navy. Fiat Justitia, 465
- Engineers, Royal. See Royal Engineers Equations (n). Graphical Solution with n Variables. F. J. Vaes, 867
- Escapement for watches. Revolving. H. Edwards, 723
- Euphrates Vallejo Route to India. J. H. R. Rose, 532
- Explosion, Fatal, at Glasgow, J. and E. Hall, Limited, 400
- Express Locomotives. T. Wittenberg, 756, 868
- F.R.S.N.A. History, 626
- Flash Point of Petroleum. Edward A. Harman, 242
- Flywheels, Bursting of. Archibald Sharp, 357 ; Common Sense, 400; Archibald Sharp, 433
- Fuel, Wood, for Boilers. M.I.C.E., 400
- Gas from Sewage Sludge, Illuminating. Edward A. Harman, 151, 183
- Gas Meters and Cookers, Automatic. Edward A. Harman, 868
- German Patent Office, New Rules. Robert R. Schmidt, 759
- German Population. A. Muller, 357
- Glasgow, Fatal Explosion at. J. and E. Hall, Limited, 400
- Gold, Microscopic Structure of. F. Osmond, 756 ; T. K. Rose, 756
- Gold Mining in Colorado. John Roger, 868
- Graphical Solution of n Equations of the First
- Degree with n Variables. F. J. Vaes, 867
- Hammering* Action, Water. James Casey, 55. See Erratum 87
- Independent Labour Party, Policy of the. John Penny,792
- India, Euphrates Valley Route to. J. H. R. Rose, 532
- Indicator, A New Acceleration. H. D. S., 55
- Industrial Position in New Zealand. Frederick Millar, 111
- Labour Party, Policy of the Independent. John Penny,792
- Linden Finboat. Arthur Forbes Scott, 24
- Liverpool and London Train Service. W. I. Ellis, 87
- Liverpool Trials of Motor Vehicles. Rocket, 723
- Locomotive for Prussian State Railways. Von Borries, 626
- Locomotive, Recent Tests. J. W. Ludlow, 723 Locomotives, Cleaning. Inquirer, 646 Locomotives, Express. T. Wittenberg, 756, 868 London and Liverpool Train Service. W. I. Ellis, 87
- Lorries Self-Locking Railway Station. J. Wulstan Twinberrow, 757 ; Guy E. Lloyd, 792
- “ Maine,” Destruction of the United States Battleship. F. M. Barber, 23 ; J. T. Bucknill, 54 ; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 64 ; J. T. Bucknill, 86 ; D. R., 86 ; T. M. Barber, 110 ; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 110, 151; J. T. Bucknill, 151; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 213, 242
- Mechanical Motion, A New. Pearson and Bennion, Limited, 626
- Meters and Cookers, Automatic Gas. Edward A. Harman, 868
- Microscopic Structures of Gold and Gold Alloys. F. Osmond, 758 ; T. K. Rose, 756
- “ Mohegan” Disaster. Delta, 723
- Motor Cars. See Cars^ Motors
- Equations, Graphical Solution, with n Variables. F. J. Vaes, 867
- Narrow-Gauge Railway and Rigid Wheelbase. L., 532
- Narrow-Gauge Railways. W. G. Bagnall, 214 ; X., 274
- Naval Engineers. R.N., 791
- Naval Engineers and the Efficiency of the Navy. Fiat Justitia, 465
- Naval Machinery. Pactola, 111
- Navy and Army Students. Disenchanted, 551
- Navj^ Criticism*. W. H. Whettem, 86
- New Zealand Industrial Position. Frederick Milk r, 111
- Oil, Flash Point of. Edward A. Harman, 242
- Patent Office Rules, German. Robert R. Schmidt, 759
- Patent Specification Drawings. Draughtsman, 214
- Pelton Wheel, Large. Robert A. Bruce. 723
- Petroleum, Flash Point of. Edward A. Harman, 212
- Pipes, Water Hammering in. James Casey, 55 See Erratum^ 87
- Population, German. A. Miiller, 357
- Propulsion, Wave. Arthur Forbes Soott, 24
- Prussian State Railway Locomotive. Von Borries, 626
- Railway to India. J. H. R. Rose, 532
- Railway, Narrow-Gauge, and Rigid Wheelbase. L., 532
- Railway Unpunctuality. Clement E. Stretton, 24 ; Ernest Gallon, 21 ; Norman D. Macdonald, 87 ; A Reader, 87 ; Clement E. Stretton, 110 ; J. D. T., Ill; A. L. T., Ill; W. M. Acworth, 183; A. Reader, 183; Norman D. Macdonald, 183; P. Weil, 242; Clement E. Stretton, 242; J. D. T., 242 ; F. C. Boughey Burgess, 242 ; A Reader, 273 ; M. Inst. C.E., 273 ; W. M. Acworth, 273; Clement E. Stretton, 292 ; man D. Macdonald, 292; W. J. B., C. J. M. Evans, 336
- Railways, Belgian. Charles Clinton, 758
- Railways, Narrow-Gauge. W. G. Bagnall, X.,274
- Refuse Destructors for Electric Generation. Edward A. Harman, 151, 183
- Royal Engineers. A Royal Engineer Officer, Late of the Indian Public Works Department, 23 ; Yo He Trovado, 54 ; Science, 85 ; A Royal Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 86, 108 ; A Civil Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 109 ; Yo He Trovado, 109 ; Action, 151 ; Eureka, 151; Royal Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 214 ; Eureka, 243; Fas Est, andc., 243; Science, 273 ; Yo He Trovado, 273 ; A Royal Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 335 ; Eureka, 398 ; A Civil Engineer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 398 ; Eureka, 433 ; Royal Engineer Officer, late Indian Public Works Department, 433; Eureka, 496 ; Civil Engineer, late Indian Public Works Department, 496 ; Royal Engineer, late Indian Public Works Department, 531; Science, 551; Royal Engineer, late Indian Public Works Department, 580 ; H. M. Sinclair, 625 ; Science, 625 ; Eureka, 678; Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 678 ; Royal Engineer Officer, late of the Indian Public Works Department, 757; Experto Crede, 757 ; Science, 758; Royal Engineer, late of Indian Public Works Department, 792
- Saw Bench with Radial Arm Feed. Thomas N. Robinson, 87
- Seamless Tubes. Mannesmann Tube Company, Limited, 293
- Self - Propelling Traffic, Control of. Sidney Straker, 616; Alfred J. Allen, 679
- Sewage, Bacteriological Purification of. W. D. Scott Moncrieff, 497
- Sewage Sludge, Illuminating Gas from. Edward A. Harman, 151, 183
- “ Shikishima’s” Anchors. Improved Martin’s Anchor Company, Limited, 626
- Ship Collisions at Sea. Voyager, 465
- Sinclair, The Late Mr. Robert. C. Preller, 723
- Softening Water. Onlooker, 55 ; L. 357 ; Walter George Atkins, 399. turn, 425
- South Kensington Cataloguing. Beta, 293
- Station Lorries, Self-Locking. J. Wulstan Twinberrow, 757 ; Guy E. Lloyd, 792
- Students, Army and Navy. Disenchanted, 551
- Summer Train Improvements. Kennatt Bayley, 274 ; The Writer of the Article, 293
- Trade Marks in Zanzibar. Reginald W. Barker, 497
- Trade Methods, British. C. Kadono, 581
- Train Improvements, Summer. Kennatt Bayley, 274 ; The Writer of the Article, 295
- Train Service, London and Liverpool. W. I. Ellis, 87
- Train Unpunctuality. Clement E. Stretton, 24 ; Ernest Galton, 24 ; Norman D. MacDonald, 87 ; A Reader, 87 ; Clement E. Stretton, 110 ; J. D. T., Ill ; A. L. T., Ill; W. M Acworth, 183 ; A Reader, 183 ; Norman D. MacDonald, 183 ; P. Weil, 242 ; Clement E. Stretton, 212 ; J. D. T., 242; F. C. Boughe}^ Burgess, 242 ; A Reader, 273; M. Inst. C.E., 273; W. M. Ac- worth, 273 ; Clement E. Stretton, 292 ; Norman D. MacDonald, 292; W. J. B., 292; C. J. M. Evans, 336
- Tubes, Seamless. Mannesmann Tube Company, Limited, 293
- United States Battleship “ Maine,” Destruction of the. F. M. Barber, 23 ; J. T. Bucknill, 54 ; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 54 ; J. T. Bucknill, 86 ; D. R., 86; T. M. Barber, 110; Ham. Dawes Crips, 110, 151 ; J. T. Bucknill, 151 ; Ham. Dawes Cripps, 213, 242
- Unpunctuality. See liailu'ay UnpuncticaUty
- Variables, Graphical Solution of n Equations of the First Degree with n. F. J. Vaes, 867
- Warning re Amsterdam Firms. W. C. Robinson, 55
- Watches, Revolving Escapement for. H. Edwards, 723
- Water Gas, Facts, 465
- Water-Hammer Action. James Casey, 55. See Erratum, 87
- Water Softening. Onlooker, 55 ; Chris. Thomas and Brothers, Limited, 274 ; Edmund Craw- shaw, 292 ; L. Archbutt, 357 ; Walter George Atkins, 399 ; L. Archbutt, 465 ; Wi Iter Geerge Atkins, 497, 646. See Erratum, 4.5
- Water-Tube Boiler, Babcock and Wilcox. James H. Rosenthal, 213
- Wave Propulsion. Arthur Forbes Scott, 24
- Wellingborough Accident. Hugh Leader, 400; James D. Mackinnon, 400 ; J. N. D. La Touche, 581 ; J. Wulstan Twinberrow, 757; Guy E. Lloyd,792
- Wheels for Motor Cars. F. B. S., 55
- Wilson, The Late Mr. W. W. Lawford, 465
- Wind Pressures. George E. Newton, 433
- Wood as Fuel for Boilers. M.I.C.E., 400
- Zanzibar, Trade Marks in. Reginald W. Barker, 497
See Also
Sources of Information