Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1898 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1898 Jul-Dec Volume
- A TRAVERS I’Angleterre, Industrielle et Commercial. Par Edouard Deiss, 66
- Annuaire pour Fan 1899 publie par le Bureau des longitudes, 864
- Annuals, 863
- Buyers’ Guide to Technical Books on the Mechanical Arts, 659
- Calendars, 863
- Calvert’s Mechanics’ Almanack. By William Calvert, M.E., 864
- Donaldson’s Engineers’ Annual and Almanac for 1899, 532
- Eason’s Diaries, 863
- Encyclopoedia Britannica, 111
- Etudes sur la Marine de Guerre, 542
- Fowler’s “Mechanical Engineer” Pocket-Book for 1899, 864
- Future Water Supply of Birmingham, The. Thomas Barclay, 4i0
- Gloucester Diary and Directors’ Calendar 1899, The, 863
- Guides and Railway Time-Tables, 79
- Hazell’s Annual for 1899, 864
- Jahrbuch des Elektrochemie Berichte Uber Fortschritte des Jahres 1897. Edited by Nernst and W. Borchers, 774
- La Traction Electrique sur voies Ferres. Par Andre Blondel et F. Paul Dubois, 240. See LETTER, 273
- La Traction M6chanique des Tramways : Etudes des Diff^rents Syst^mes Prix de Reirent Comparison, 34
- Lean’s Royal Na^y List, 538. See LETTER, F.R.S N.A., 626
- Manual of Electrical Undertakings. By Emile Garcke, 523
- Map of British and French Possessions, 617
- Munro and Jamieson’s Pocket-Book for Electrical Engineers, 183
- Post Office London Directory for 1899, The, 861 “ Practical Engineer ” Pocket-Book and Diary for 1899, The, 861
- Prismoidal Formulie and Earthwork. By Thomas U. Taylor, C.E., 283
- Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, 604
- Railway Construction. By William Hemingway Mills, 66
- Railway Diary and Officials’ Director}’ for 1899, The, 864
- Railway Officials’ Universal Directory, 188
- Rhodes’ Steamship Guide. Edited by Thomas Rhodes, 103
- Specifications for Architects, Surveyors, and Builders, 143
- Traitd Complet d’Electro-Traction. [By Ernest Gerard, 34
- Who’s Who ? 1899. An Annual Biographical
- Directory. Edited by Douglas Sladen, 864
- Year-Books, 863 ;
- Books Received, 35, 66, 103, 211, 431, 513, 605, 775, 864
See Also
Sources of Information