Engineering 1901 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index

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- View 1901 Jan-Jun Volume
General Index
Accidents, Railway :
- Collision at Abbeyfeale, 682
- Collision at Baker-Street Station, 682
- Collision at Glasgow, Fatal, 78
- Collision at Hull, 279
- Collision at Oswestry, 279
- Collision at Peckwash Sidings, Midland Railway, 279
- Derailment at Ticehurst, on the South-Eastern, 79
- Illawarra Line, Sydney, N.S.W., 461
- Accumulators, Edison's, 739
- Adjustable Curves for Draughtsmen, 155, 392
- Admiralty Buildings, New Fireproof Floor, 173
- Admiralty and Navy Programme, 307, 343, 377, 07. See also Warships
- Admiralty Topics, 807
- Advertisements, False (Legal), 276, 774
- Advertisers' A B C, 93
- Africa. See South Africa
- Agricultural Distilling Apparatus, 402
- Agricultural Engineers, Proposed Institute of, 56
- Agricultural Machinery at the Paris Exhibition, 37
Agricultural Society, Royal :
- Cardiff Show, 807, 823, 828, 845
- Oil Engine Trials, 807, 828
- Refrigerator Machines at, 823
- Implements, Entries of, 845
- Engines, Gas and Oil, 807, 828, 845
- Engines, Steam, 846
- Air-Compressing Plant at Glasgow Exhibition, 596
- Air Compressor, D'Auria, 485
- Air, Effect of X Rays upon, 283
- Air Resistance to Motion of Projectiles, 740
- Airy, Mr. Wilfred, on Geodesy, 220
- Alkali Manufacture in France, 751
- Alkali Works, Ammonia-Recovery Works, 43
- Allotropic Silver, 244
- Alloys, 82
- Alloys and Research Work of Reichsanstalt, 759
- Alpine Tunnel, 152
- Alternate-Current Working, Capacity of, 93, 125, 42. See LETTER, 248
- Alternating-Current Systems, 395, 431, 405
- Alternator. See also Electric
- Alternator, Three-Phase, and 240 Horse-Power Engine, 203
- Alternator, Three-Phase and Monophase, 766
- Aluminium, Cowper-Coles' Process of Welding, 83
- Aluminium, Durability of, 86
- Aluminium Plating, 418
- Aluminium Thermit, 360, 583
- America. See also United States
- American v. British Bridge Contracts, 215, 647, 37. See LETTER, 247
- American v. British Coal at Nagasaki, 364, 801
- American v. British Rolling Mills, 616, 630, 652. See 641
- American Combines, New, 611, 840
- American Competition, 737, 840
- American Competition, Some Reflections upon, 56. See Lzrrzas, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 73, 618
- American Contractors and British Contracts, 15, 647, 737
- American Education and Competition, 116. See LETTERs, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 473, 618. See 156
- American Institution of Electrical Engineers, 661
- American Institute of Mining Engineers. See Mining Engineers
- American Iron Trade and Combines, 840
- American Keyseaters, 691
- American Locomotives, 540. See also Locomotives
- American Machine-Tool Section at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 34. See also Machine Tools
- American Mechanic, 473
- AmeriOan Shipbuilding, 449
- American Shipping Purchase, 577
- American Tank Locomotive for Indian Railways, 46
- American Warships, Ten Years' Progress, 416, 23, 555. See also Warships
- Ammonia Recovery Plant and Duff's Gas-Producer, 43. See also Mond Gas
- Analysis of Foundry Sand and Material, 448, 535
- Annealing of Iron Hardened by Over-Straining, 26. See also Arnold, Professor, on Steel Castings
- Annuals and Year-Books, 92. See LITERATURE
- Apprenticeship and Trades Unions, 479
- Arad Water Works and Fischer's Filters, 204
- Arc Lamp, 164, 585
- Arcs, Electric Incandescent, 381. See also Electric Arches, Elliptical, 723
- Argentine Railways, 552
- Armature Plate Machines (Taylor and Challen), 07
- Armour on British Battleships, Disposition of, 09. See 245, and Battleships
- Armour of Cruisers, 273
- Armour-Piercing Projectiles, Capped, 336, 339, 83, 452, 784
- Armour-Plate Factory for Japan, 710
- Armour-Plate at Paris Exhibition, 66, 99, 131, 161
- Armstrong Guns, 297. See 345
- Armstrong, The late Lord, 105. See 19
- Army Exhibits at Paris Exhibition, 325, 360, 397
- Arnold, Professor J. 0., on the Properties of Steel Castings, 633, 748, 784
- Arsenic in France, 751
- Artesian Well at Gainsborough, 25
- Artillery, Modern, 297. See 345, 690, 726, 757
- Artillery. See also Guns and Field Guns
- Ashanti Railway, 689
- Ashford, Mr. John, Light Lathes and Screw Machines, by, 226, 251, 262, 281, 317, 352. See Lzirmts, 280, 313, 389
- Atlantic Passengers, 83
- Atlantic Steamer " Kron Prinz Wilhelm," 486
- Atomic Theory, The, 647
- Australia, Patents in Federated, 55, 164
- Austrian Guns at Paris Exhibition, 398
- Authority of Factory Inspectors, 119
- Automatic Check-Valve Lubricator, 638
- Automatic Guns, 301
- Automatic Machines and Light Lathes, 226, 251, 62, 281, 317, 352. See LBrrEas, 280, 313, 339
- Automobiles. See Motor Car
- Auxiliaries, Merchant Ships as Naval Auxiliaries, 42, 853
- Avenarius, Carbolineum, 154, 183, 216
- Babcock and Wilcox Boilers on S.S. " Martello," 32. See 800
- Babcock and Wilcox Water-Tube Boiler, 800. See 755
- Bade, M., on Armour-Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 66, 99, 131, 161
- Baikal Railway. See 645
- Baking and Confectionery Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 597
- Balance-Sheet of Paris Exhibition, 61
- Balancing Engines, 422, 432, 436, 457, 490, 521, 716
- Balancing of Engines, Geometry of, 436, 715
- Balancing Locomotives, 469
- Ball Bearings, Steel, 463. See LErrEits, 539, 618, 69, 742
- Barge Lift at Foxton, Leicestershire, 111. See 812
- Barrow-in-Furness Shipbuilding and Engineering, 136
- Bates' Hydraulic Dredger, 43
- Battery, New Edison, 739
- Battleships. See Warships
- Bavarian State Railway Locomotive, 605
- Beach Groynes, 249
- Beachy Head Lighthouse, Ropeway, 33
- Beams, Cast-Iron, 552
- Beard's Contour System of Groynes, 249
- Bearings, Ball v. Roller, 463. See LETTERS, 639, 48, 669, 742
- Bearings, Oiling of, 740
- Behr Monorail Railway, 679, 705. See LETTERS
- Belfast Shipbuilding and Engineering, 136
- Bell Rock Lighthouse, Scotland, 742
- Belleville Boiler, 335, 341, 480. See LETTERS, 83, 419, 668
- Belleville Boiler Royalties Impounded, 312
- Belleville Boilers and the United States Officials, 77
- Belleville Boiler v. Cylindrical ; Consumption Trials, 836
- Belt and Pelton Wheel-Driven Centrifugals, 627. See 550
- Bending Machine for Cranks, 538
- Bending Machine, Plate, 237
- Bevis, The Late Mr. R. R., 45
- Biles, Professor J. H., on Ten Years' Naval Construction in the United States, 416, 523, 555
- Blast-Furnace Gas Engines, 27, 60, 95, 107, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 382, 453, 518
- Blast-Furnace Gases, Dust in, 616, 654
- Bleaching Kier, Explosion of, 188
- Blocks, Commercial Strength of Pulley, 383, 419, 52
- Blyth and Whitby Shipbuilding, 43
- Board of Trade Examination of Seagoing Engineers, 677
- Board of Trade Returns for the Year, 86
- Board of Trade's Report on Patent Law Reform, 13. See 278
- Boat-Lift, Foxton, 111
- Boat-Lift, Henrichenburg Canal, 812
- Boat-Lowering Gear, Welin, 815
- "Bogatyr," Russian Type of Cruiser, 214, 670
- Boiler Explosion at Hyde, 127
- Boiler Explosion on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 450
- Boiler Explosion at Nuneaton, 384, 855
- Boiler Explosion at St. Helen's, 264
- Boiler Explosion Statistics, Manchester Steam Users' Association, 852
- Boiler Explosions for the Year, 60
- Boiler Feed-Pump Manufacture, Weir's, 795
- Boiler Feed Pump, Weir's Triple Compound, 781
- Boiler Feed Pumps, Woodison's, Clarke, Chapman, and Co., 833
- Boiler Flue Patent Case (Legal), 452
- Boiler Legislation in Britain and Foreign Countries, 817
- Boiler. See also Water-Tube Boiler and Warship
- Boiler Tests at Purdue, Locomotive, 104
- Boiler Tube, Scrapers for, 634
- Boiler Water, Composition of, 710
- Boilers of Engines, Superheated Steam of the "Inchdune ' and " Inchmarlo," 9, 71. See LETTERS, 648
- Boilers and Pipes, Mica Insulation for, 234. See LETTER, 339
- Boilers, Scaling, 634, 817
- Boilers, The Strength of, 70
- Books Received, 167, 231, 259, 293, 331, 501, 664, 50, 828
- Boring Artesian Well at Gainsborough, 25
- Boring and Drilling Machine (Atlas Company), 203
- Boring Machines at G. and J. Weir's, 797
- Boring Machines at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Boring Machines, 30-In. Vertical Turret (Warner and Swasey), 766
- Brake, Laycock's, for Railway Wagon, 57
- Brake, Macintosh Wagon, 392
- Brass Engraving Machine, 665
- Brass Machining, 798
- Brassey's Annual, 826
- Brassey, Lord, on Navy Problems, 842, 863, 854
- Brick Press, Kennedy's Semi-Dry, 236
- Bricks, Standardising Size of, 518, 583
- Bridge-Building, Past and Present, 117
- Bridge Construction, 53
- Bridge Contracts, Uganda, 215. See LETTER, 247
- Bridge over Fitzroy River, 63
- Bridge at Glasgow, New, 617. See 53
- Bridge, Niagara Falls Arch, 53
- Bridge Practice, British v. American, MandalayKunlcng Railway, 647, 737
- Bridge, Redheugh, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 608
- Bridge over the River Aire, 456
- Bridges, Timber, at Glasgow Exhibition, 666, 767
- Brighton and London Electric Railway, Proposal, 14. See also 344, 379
- Britain to Switzerland by Steamer, 154
- British v. American Bridge Contracts, 215, 647, 37. See LETTER, 247
- British and American Coal at Nagasaki, 364, 801
- British v. American Rolling Mills, 616, 630, 652. See 641
- British Battleships, Disposition of Armour, 209. See 245, and Warships
- British China Trade, 220
- British Effective Ships, Conversion and ReArmament of, 842, 854
- British Electrical Superannuation Fund, 121
- British Foreign Trade, 86
- British Inertia and Foreign Competition, 247
- British Light Railways and Tramways, 741
- British Railway Prospects, 235
- British Railway Working, Results of, 216, 248
- Bruun-Lowener Water Softener, 745
- Buchanan, Robert ; Chemical Analysis as an Aid to Foundry Work, 535. See 448
- Buenos Ayres Railway, 552
- Buffalo Exhibition, 708
- Buffer, Turton's Railway, 487
- Building. See also Glasgow Exhibition
- Building Strike in Chicago, 311
- Buildings, Fireproof Floor, 173
- Building Trades Exhibition, 547
- Bullets, Drift of, 743, 779
- Bullets, Resistance of Air to motion of, 740
- Burmah Railway Bridges Contract, 647, 737
- Burmah Railways, 546. See 647, 737
- Burrator Reservoir for Plymouth Water Supply, 92
- Cable Companies, Submarine, 182
- Cables, High-Tension, 379
- Cable, Rolled Weldless Chain, 316
- Cable Telegraphy, Pupin's, 496
- Cable Telegraphs, Submarine, Sine Wave, 1
- Cableway at the New Beachy Head Lighthouse, 3
- Calcium Carbide as Reducing Agent, 647
- Calculus for Engineering Students, Elementary Treatise on, 331
- Caledonian Railway Bridge at Glasgow, 617
- Calender Press, 74
- Calendars, 93
- "California," United States Cruiser, 217
- Calvert's Mechanic's Almanac and Workshop Companion, 93
- Cambridge Electric Company, Parsons' TurboGenerator, Trial after Twelve Months' Working, 777
- Canadian Iron Industry, 84
- Canadian Pacific Railway Cements, Tests of, 88
- Canadian Section at Glasgow Exhibition, 515
- Canadian Steel Development, 378
- Canadian Waterways, 646
- Canal Barge Lift at Foxton, Leicestershire, 111
- Canal Lift, Henrichenburg, 812
- Canal, Panama, 132, 173
- Canal Schemes, Prussian, 660
- Canals, Canadian, 646
- Canals, New York's, 366
- Canals, The Right to Mine Under, 445
- Candle and Soap Manufacture, 141
- Cape Horn Goldfields, 533
- Capital Invested in Electrical Companies, 23
- Capped Armour - Piercing Projectiles, 336, 339, 83, 452, 784
- Car Couplings, Railway, 193. See LETTER, 247
- Car, Motor. See Motor Vehicles
- Car, Motor, Exhibition at Islington, 613
- Cars, Ganz's, 399
- Cars, Motor, Central Driving, for Military, 618
- Cars, Railway, Rhodesian, Corridors, 698, 764
- Carnolineum Avenarius, 154, 183, 216
- Cardew, Major ; Lectures on Electric Railways, 44, 379, 414
- Cardiff Oil-Engine Trials, 807, 828
- Cardiff, Show, 807, 828, 845
- Carver, The Marbut Moulding, 504
- Cascade System of Electric Railway, 379
- Cassel Self-Governing Impulse Wheel, 767
- Cassel Tramways, 95. See Producer Gas Engines Cast-Iron Beams, 552
- Castings, Steel, Properties of, 833, 748, 784
- Catalysis, Sulphuric Acid Production by, 517
- "Celtic," The White Star Liner, 472. See 449
- Cement in Canada, Tests, 88
- Cement Manufacture, 279
- Cement Testing, Gorham's Flourometer, 809
- Central Driving for Military Motor Cars, 618
- Central London Railway, Vibration on, 216
- Centrifugal Fans for Cupolas and Forges, 70
- Centrifugal Pump Driven by Oil Engine, 845
- Centrifugal Pump, T.-S.S. "Deutschland," 296, 67
- Centrifugal Pumping Plant at West Ham, 604
- Centrifugal Pumps, 167
- Centrifugals with Belt and Pelton Wheel Driving, 627. See 650
- Chain, Rolled Weldless Cable, 346
- Channel Steamers, 779
- Chatillon Commentary Armour-Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 162
- Cheltenham, Magnetic Observatory, at, United States of America, 311
- Chemical Analysis as an Aid to Foundry Work, 48, 536
- Chemistry, Engineering, 500
- Chemistry and Finishing Temperature of Steel Rails, 485
- Chemistry in the Foundry, 448, 535
- Chemistry in France, Inorganic, 622, 655, 761
- Chemists' Pocket Manual, 500
- Chicago Building Strike, 311
- Chimneys, 122
- Chimneys, Discharge of Dust from, 463, 473
- China, Engineering Prospects in, 241, 308, 449
- China Foreign Trade, 739
- China Railway, 646. See 694
- China Railway, Pekin-Pao-Ting Fu, 216
- China Trade, British, 220
- Chrome Nickel Armour-Plate, 131
Civil Engineers, Institution of :
- Students' Meetings, 30, 205, 552
- Glasgow Bridge, by Mr. B. Hall Blythe, 53
- Railway Bridge over the Fitzroy River at
- Rockhampton, Queensland, by Mr. W. J. Doak, 53
- The Niagara Falls and Clifton Steel Arch
- Bridge, by Mr. Leffert Lefferts Buck, 53
- Address to the King, 173
- Present Condition and Prospects of the Panama Canal Work, by Mr. J. T. Ford, 173
- The Nilgiri Mountain Railway, by Mr. W. J. Weightman, 215
- Geodesy (Address to Students), by Mr. Wilfred Airy, 220
- The Rotary Process of Cement Manufacture, by Messrs. W. H. Stranger and B. Blount, 279
- The Hunslet Railway and Bridge over the River Aire (Students' Paper), by Mr. O. L. McDermott, 456
- The Burrator Works for the Water Supply at Plymouth, by Mr. Edward Sandyman, 492
- Modern Practice in the Manufacture and Distribution of Gas, by Mr. Harry E. Jones, 504
- Conversazione, 809. See Addendum, 837
- Claud, Mons., on the Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes, 590, 620
- Cleaning, Street, 54, 154
- Clients, Engineers, and Contractors (Legal), 511. See LETTER, 539
- Clifton Steel Arch Bridge, 53
- Climate, and the Effects of Climate, by Dr. R. H. Mill, 372
- Climate of Norway and its Factors, 76
- Clyde Shipbuilding, 91
- Clyde Shipbuilding, Naval and Mercantile, 841
- Coal, British and American, at Nagasaki, 364, 801
- Coal, Indian, 152
- Coal Industry, Russian, 418
- Coal-Mining by Electricity, 676
- Coal-Mining in the Richmond Basin, U.S.A., 485
- Coal-Mining Text-Book, 501
- Coal, Pockwood Transformed into, 181
- Coal on Saohalin Island, 214
- Coal, Value of United States, 181
- Cockburn Steam Valve, 110
- Cockerell Gas Engine for Utilising Blast-Furnace Gas, 27, 60, 95, 107, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 64, 7, 248, 339, 382, 453, 518
- College, Cooper's Hill, and Dismissal of Professors, 19, 52, 118, 211. See LETTER, 247
- Collisions. See Accidents, Railway Colloidal Solutions, Theory of, 355
- Cold Storage in Dairies, 823
- Columbia University, 468
- Combines, New American, 611
- Combines and American Steel Exports, 840
- Combine, Zinc, 678
- Commercial Education, 84
- Committee's Report on Water-Tube Boiler, 335. See LETTERS, 341, 383, 419, 480, 688, and Warships
- Companies Act, 1900, 327
- Compensation Cases, Workmen's, 86, 96, 128, 251, 71, 711, 776
- Compensation, Workmen's. See also Legal
- Competition, American, 737
- Competition and Education, 116. See LETTERS, 7, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 474, 618. See 156
- Competition, Foreign, 840
- Competition, Some Reflections on American, 166. See LETTERS, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 473, 618
- Competition in Tramways, Legal Aspect of, 359
- Composition of Boiler Water, 710
- Compressor. See Air Comyressors
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Concentration Coils, Electromotive Force of, 818
- Concert Hall at Glasgow Exhibition, 276, 570
- Condensers, T.S.S. "Deutschland," 296. See 367
- Condensing Water, Cooling Tower for, 602. See 48
- Conduit Electric Tramway System for London, 242
- Conduit and Trolley Tramway System Combined, 362, 369, 427
- Confectionery and Baking Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 597
- Connecting-Rods and Engine-Balancing, 436, 57, 490, 521
- Connett, Mr. A. N., on Combined Trolley and Tramway System, 362, 369, 427
- Conservatories, Heating, 618
- Construction of Bridges, 63
- Consumption of Electric Power of Arcs, 381
- Consumption, Water, Electric Generators, 709. See 810
- Contractors' Association, Scottish Electrical, 154, 83
- Contracts, American v. British, 215, 737. See 647
- Contracts, Bridge for the Uganda Railway, 216. See LETTER, 247
- Contracts, The Construction of, 103
- Converters. See Electric
- Conveyor, Barry's, 809
- Cooling Tower for Condensing Water, Zschocke, 02. See 648
- Cooper's Hill College and Dismissal of Professors 9, 52, 118, 211. See LETTER, 247
- Copper Extraction by Calcium Carbide, 647
- Copper, Influence on Steel Rails and Plates, 787
- Copper Ores, United States, 530
- Copper Outlook, 448
- Copper Production, 121, 546
- Copper, Sulphate of, 276
- Copper and Tin, 812
- Cordite, 345. See 297, 690, 725, 726, 757
- Cornish Cycle Engine " Scott," 12 Horse-Power (Reavell, Ipswich), 421
- Cornish Iron Mines, 712
- Corporation Works Department, 773
- Corpuscular Hypothesis, 546
- Corridor Train for Rhodesian Railway, 698, 764
- Corrosion of Guns, 345. See 297, 690, 726, 757
- Cotton Industry of British India, 381
- Cotton Industry in Japan, 763
- Councillors and Municipal Trading, 24, 312, 642
- Coulthard's Motor 'Wagon, 699
- "County " Class of British Cruiser, 273
- County Council Works Department, 773
- Couplings, Railway, 193. See LETTER, 247
- Covent Garden Theatre, Stage Machinery at, 36, 659, 724
- Cowper-Coles' Process of Welding Aluminium, 83
- Crane, 15-Ton, Locomotive Steel Works, 267
- Crane, 120-Ton, at Doxford's, 604. See 639 and 81. See LErritas
- Cranes, Electric, at Weir's Works, 796
- Cranes, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 7
- Crank-Bending Machine, 538
- Crankshaft, Hamburg-American Liner " Deutschland," 367
- Creusot Armour-Plates at Paris Exhibition, 66, 9, 131, 161
- Crossley Large Power Gas Engines for Producer Gas, 27, 60, 95, 107, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 4, 87, 248, 339, 382, 453. See 845
- Croydon Electric Light Works, Weir's Pumps at, 81
- Cruiser. See Warship
- Crystallisation, 181
- Crystal Palace Naval and Military Exhibition, 550
- Cupola Fans, 70
- Curves, Adjustable, for Draughtsmen, 155
- Curves for Draughtsmen, Smith's, 392
- Cusped Waves and Focal Lines, 283
- Cyanides Manufactures in France, 751
- Cyanine Prisms, 283
- Cycle Resistance, 205
- Cycles, Frictional Resistance of, 88, 122
- Cyclone, Solar Eclipse, of May 28, 1900, 777
- Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones, 814
- Cyclonic Winds, Periodicity of, 648
- Cylinder, A New Assistant, 435, 442. See LETTER, 18
- Cylinder Ratio of Multiple-Expansion Engines, 588
- D'Auria Air Compressor, 485
- Daelen, Mr. R. M., on Hydraulic Power Intensifier, 501, 631. See also 849
- Dairy Refrigerator Plant, Hall's, 823
- Dalby, Professor, W. E., on Balancing Engines, 36, 457, 490, 521
- Darmancier and Dalzon, Guns, Field, 397
- Davit Gear, Welin's Boat, 815
- Dawson, Lieut. A. T., on Modern Artillery and Explosives, 297, 345. See 690, 726, 757
- Deep-Tunnel Railways, Law of, 18
- Delamere-Deboutteville, The late M. Edouard, 46
- Delay in Constructing H.M. Ships, 307
- Deposits of Ore, 533, 534
- Derrick Crane, 120-Ton, at Doxford's, 604. See 39, 681. See LETTERS
- Design of Engine, Gas, 169
- Destroyer. See Battleship
- "Deutschland," Hamburg-American Liner, 296, 67
- "Deutschland," Vibration Experiments on T.-S.S., 422, 432. See 436, 457, 490, 521, 715
- D'Eyncourt on the Limit of the Economical Speed of Ships, 843, 854
- Diaries, 93
- Dictionary, Technical, 738
- Die Forging, 561, 625, 721, 791
- Dielectrics, Investigations as to, 747
- Diesel Oil Engine, 419. See LETTERS, 453
- Directories, 92
- Directors, Legal Position of, 327
- Displacement Rules for Yachts, 166
- Disposition of British Battleship Armour, 209. See 245
- Distilling Apparatus, Agricultural, 402
- Docks, London, 147
- Dockyard Labourers' Wages, 807
- Dome at Glasgow Exhibition, 275, 503, 638, 570
- Double-Tube Boiler, Irving and Noble's, 439, 474. See LErrzas, 518, 538
- Dover and Calais Passage, Channel Steamers, 779
- Doxford's 120-Ton Crane, 604. See 639, 681, and LETTERS
- "Drake" Class of British Cruisers, 273
- "Drake," H.M.S., 274
- Draughtsmen, Adjustable Curves for, 155
- Draughtsmen, Smith's Curves for, 392
- Drawing Plans of Roads, Automatic Apparatus, 32
- Dredger, Bates' Hydraulic, 43
- Dredgers for Dublin Harbour Improvements, 567
- Drift of Projectiles, 743, 779
- Drilling and Boring Machine, Horizontal, 203
- Drilling Machine, Electrically-Driven, Mather and Platt, 553. See Errata, 618
- Drilling Machine, Radial, 171
- Drilling and Milling Machine, Vertical, Hetherington, 604. See also Machine Tools
- Drills at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Dublin Harbour Improvement Dredgers, 567
- Duff Gas Producer and Ammonia - Recovery Plant, 43. See also Mond Gas
- "Duncan " Class of Battleship, 245. See 209
- Durability of Aluminium, 86
- Dust in Blast-Furnace Gases, 616, 654
- Dust from Chimneys, Discharge of, 473, 453
- Dutch State Railroad Locomotives, 143
- Dutch Torpedo-Boat, Oil-Burning, Yarrow, 803
- Dynamically Testing Steam Pumps, 104
- Dynamo. See Electric
- Dynamo Shunt, Relation between Voltage and speed in, 662
- Early Tools of Henry Maudelay, 65, 134
- Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company, Limited, 680
- Eastern Trade, Effects of Shipping Conference on, 23
- Eborall, Mr. A. C., Polyphase Electric Working, 87, 403, 579, 614, 644, 678
- Eclipse Cyclone, Solar, of May 28, 1900, 777
- Economics and Statistics, 67, 257
- Economical Speed of Ships, 853, 854
- Edison's Storage Battery, 739
- Education of Apprentices, 479. See also Technical Education
- Education, Attendance at German Technical Schools, 483
- Education, Commercial, 84
- Education and Competition, 116. See LETTERS, 7, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 473, 618. See 156
- Education of Engineering Students, 651, 557, 87. See LETTER., 618
- Efficiency of Condensing and Non-Condensing
- Engines, 24
- Elastic Solids Applied to Metrology, 647
- Elberfeld-Barmen Monorail Electric Railway, 811
Electric :
- Alternating-Current Systems, 395, 431, 495
- Alternator, 240 Horse-Power, 203
- Arcs, Incandescent, 381
- Armature-Plate Machines (Taylor and Challenge), 507
- Car Controllers (Ganz), 164
- Cathode Ray Phenomena, 545
- Converter, Three-Phase to Monophase, 833
- Converters, Substation, 387, 403
- Compulsory Purchase of Supply Station (Legal), 578
- Cranes, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 7
- Cranes at Weir's Works, 796
- Dielectrics, Problems of, 747
- Directory of Lighting and Traction, 92
- Drilling Machine, Electrically-Driven, Mather and Platt, 553. See Errata, 618
- Dynamo, Shunt, 562
- Dynamo, Alsace Company, 171
- Dynamo, Eclairage Electrique, 109
- Dynamo, Mayor and Coulson, 833
- Edison's Storage Battery, 739
- Elberfeld-Barmen Monorail Railway, The, 811
- Electric Generating Steam Engine, 698, 713, 755
- Electric Tunnel Railway, Vibration on, 216
- Electrical Exhibits at Conversazione of American Institution of Electrical Engineers, 661
- Electromotive Force of Concentration Coils, 818
- Electrolysis of Pipes, 590, 620
- Engine and Dynamo, 1000 Horse-Power (Alsace. Company), 171
- Engine, 240 Horse-Power, and Three-Phase Alternator, 203
- Experimental Work of Reichsanstalt, 759
- Fulham Works with Refuse Destructor, 215
- Ganz's Exhibit at the Paris Exhibition, 7, 35, 01, 164, 228, 291, 399
- Ganz's Cascade System, 379
- Garcke's Book and Electric Capital, 23
- Gas Engines for Electric Stations, 27, 60, 95, 07, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 82, 453, 518
- Generating Sets at Glasgow Exhibition, 698, 13, 755, 833
- Generators (Ganz), 7, 35
- Generators, Oerlikon Triphase and Monophase, 66, 833
- Glasgow Tramway System, 141, 173, 551, 574
- High-Tension Cables, by Mr. Mervyn O'Gorman, 379
- Lamp, Johnson and Phillips' " Ark," 585
- Lamps (Ganz), 164
- Library, The Latimer-Clark, 516
- Lighting at 200 Volts, Board of Trade Regulations, 583
- Lighting Machine Shop and Foundry, 170, 287, 20
- Locomotive, Mining (Ganz), 35
- Losses in Mains, 93, 125, 242. See LETTER, 248
- Machine Tools, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 291. See also Machine Tools
- Magnetic Observatory at Cheltenham, U.S.A., 11
- Meters and Measuring Instruments (Ganz), 228
- Motor, Oerlikon, 833
- Mine-Pumping Plant, 812
- Municipalities and Electric Bills, 312
- Oerlikon Triphase and Monophase Generator, 66. Converter, 833
- Parsons' Turbo-Generator, Trials after Twelve Months' Working, 777
- Penalties under the Electric Lighting Act, Legal, 149
- Polyphase Substation Machinery, 387, 403
- Polyphase Working (Eborall's Howard Lectures), 579, 614, 644, 678
- Power in Bulk, Scotch, 642
- Power in Coal Mines, 676
- Power and Light for Machine-Shop and Foundry, 170, 287, 320
- Power Station at Tyneside, 810
- Progress in Electrical Enterprise, 23
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 35
- Railway Carriages and Motors (Ganz), 399
- Railways (Major Cardew's Lectures), 344, 379, 15
- Relation between Voltage and Speed in a Shunt Dynamo, 562
- Restler High-Speed Engine, Clarke, Chapman, and Co., 833
- Stage Machinery, Covent Garden Theatre, 636, 59, 724
- Steam Electric Generators (Socidto Eclairage Electrique), 109
- Substation Machinery, 387, 403
- Switches (Ganz), 101
- Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy, 643
- Telegraph, Marconi, 643
- Telegraph, Mercadior, 821
- Telegraph, Slaby, 52, 178
- Telegraph, Sine-Wave, 1
- Telegraphone, 551
- Telegraphy, Multiple Etheric, 52, 178, 643
- Telegraphy, Pupin's, 496
- Three-Phase Railway System, 379
- Traction, Kingsland's Surface Contact System, 49
- Tramway, Combined Conduit and Trolley System, 362, 369, 427
- Tramway Slot System for London, 243
- Tramway Rolling Stock, 399
- Tramways Schemes in Parliament (Legal), 359
- Transformers (Ganz), 7, 101
- Turbines and Motors (Ganz), 35, 101
- Walker-on-Tyne Electric Station, 769, 810
- Wave Transmission, 496
- Weir's Triple Compound Feed Pumps, 781
- Electric. See also Electrical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers, American Institute of, 661
Electrical Engineers, Institution of :
- Capacity in Alternate-Current Working, by Mr. W. N. Mordey, 93, 125, 242. See LETrER, 48
- Electric Power Bills of 1900, Before and After, by Mr. W. L. Madgen, 312. See also 642
- High-Tension Cables, by Mr. Mervyn O'Gorman, 79
- Polyphase Substation Machinery, by Mr. A. C. Eborall, 387, 403. See also 579, 614, 644, 678
- Some Notes on the Transmission of Electrical Power in Coal Mines, by Mr. H. Ravenshaw, 76
- Annual Report, 710
- German Meeting, 811
- Elberfeld-Barmen Monorail Electric Railway, 11
- Henrichenburg Canal Lift,. 812
- Mine-Pumping Plant, 812
- Electrical Contractors' Association, 154, 183
- Electrical Discharge from Air Subjected to X Rays, 283
- Electrical Engineering Works, Situation of, 618
- Electrical Locomotives and Multiple - Driven Axles, 183
- Electrical Superannuation Fund, British, 121
- Electricians' Pocket-Book, 93
- Electricity in the Steel Trade, 742
- Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes, 590, 620
- Electromotive Force of Concentration Coils, 818
- Electro-Technical Lessons, 292
- Elevator. See Hoigt Emery, 710
- Engine-Balancing, Geometry of, 436, 715. See 57, 490
- Engine-Balancing, Locomotive, 469
- Engine Central Valve, 104
- Engine and Dynamo, 1000 Horse-Power, 171
- Engine and Dynamo, Eclairage Electrique, 109
- Engine, Gas, Designs, 169 '
- EnRile, Gas, Heat Efficiency of, 170
- Engine, Gas, Test of Stockport, 286. See Errata, 05, and LETTER, 313
- Engine Governors, " Hunting " of, 183, 216, 248
- Engine, High-Speed, Early History of, 70
- Engine, High-Speed Vertical Compound, Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Limited, 713
- Engine, Horizontal Compound, and 350-Eilowatt Generator, Robey and Co., and Mayor and Coulson, 833
- Engine, Marine, Auxiliary Gear, HamburgAmerican Liner " Deutschland," 296, 367
- Engine, Oil, Diesel, 419. See LETTER, 463
- Engine, Oil, Trials at Cardiff, 807, 828
- Engine-Room Complement of Warships, 29, 59. See LETTERS, 122
- Engine and Saw, Combined Cold (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 506
- Engine, Scott, Cornish Cycle (Reavell, Ipswich), 21
- Engine, Steam, for Walker • on - Tyne Electric Station, 769. See 810
- Engine, 240 Horse - Power, and Three - Phase Alternator, 203
- Engine, 300 Horse - Power Triple-Expansion, Escher, Wyss, §9
- Engine, Traction, Spring-Mounted, Aveling and Porter, 109
- Engines, Balancing, 422, 432, 436, 457, 490, 521, 715
- Engines and Boilers with Superheated Steam, "Inchdune " and " Inchmarlo," 9, 71. See LErrEits, 648
- Engines, Efficiency of Condensing and Non-Condensing, 24
- Engines, Electric Generating, for Glasgow Tramways, Musgrave's and Allis's, 141, 173, 551, 574
- Engines, Gas, at Cardiff Show, 845
- Engines, Gas and Oil, at Glasgow Exhibition, 548
- Engines, Gas, for Producer-Gas Consumption, 7, 60, 95, 107, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 54, 87, 48,.339, 382, 453, 518
- Engines, Gas, for Working with Blast-Furnace Gases, 616, 654. See 27, 60, 95, 107, 194. See LETTERS
- Engines for the Glasgow Electric Tramways, Musgrave's and Allis's, 141, 173, 574. See 551
- Engines of Light-Draught Steamer " Sayhueque," 13. See LETTER, 247
- Engines, Liquid-Expansion Motor, 813
- Engines, Marine, at Glasgow Exhibition, 549
- Engines, Multiple-Expansion, Proportions of Cylinders, 588
- Engines, Oil, at Cardiff Show, 807, 828, 846
- Engines, Painting, 419
- Engines, Portable, at Cardiff Show, 807, 828, 845
- Engines, Power Plant at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 101
- Engines, Steam Breakdown, Manchester Steam Users' Association, 852
- Engines, Steam, at Cardiff Show, 846
- Engines, Steam Electric Generating Plant, 203, 98, 713, 755, 769, 833. See 800
- Engines, Willan's and Robinson's, at Glasgow Exhibition, 698
- Engineer, The Twentieth Century, 17
- Engineers. See Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Mining Engineers, Electrical Engineers
- Engineers and Contractors, and Clients (Legal), 11. See LETTER, 539
- Engineers in the Navy, 307, 377
- Engineers, Naval, The Position of, 801
- Engineers, Naval, Training of, 710
- Engineers, Proposed Institute of Agricultural, 55
- Engineers, Royal, 669
- Engineers, Sea-going, Board of Trade Examinations of, 677
- Engineers, Society of, 188
- Engineers, Young, Position of, 88
- Engineering Chemistry, 500. See 448, 635
- Engineering Crisis in the Navy, 29, 59. See LETTERS 122, and Warships
- Engineering Field Instruments for India, 756
- Engineering of the Future, 17
- Engineering, Marine, in 1900, 10, 39, 90, 136. See.Errata, 109
- Engineering on the North-East Coast, 39
- Engineering Professors at Cooper's Hill College, 9? 52, 118, 211. See LETTER, 247
- Engineering Prospects in China, 241, 308, 449
- Engineering and Trade in the Malay States, 85
- Engineering Works of Korting Brothers, 814
- English Channel Service in 1843 and 1900, 213
- Engraving Machine, 665
- Erosion of Guns, 345. See 297, 690, 726, 757
- "Euryalus," Armoured Cruiser (Vickers), 679
- Examination of Seagoing Engineers, 677 .
- Excavating, Hydraulic, 484
- Exhibition, Building Trades,547
- Exhibition, Motor-Car, at Isington, 613
- Exhibition, Naval and Military, Crystal Palace, 50
- Exhibition, Pan-American, 708
- Exhibition, Paris, Balance-Sheet, 51
- Exhibition. See also Glasgow Exhibition
- Expansion of Silica, 456
- Experiments, Mons. le Bons' Chemical, 152
- Explosion of a Bleaching Kier, 188
- Explosion. See Boiler Explosions
- Explosion of Smokeless Powder at Indian Head, 81
- Explosive Compounds in the United States, Development of, 690, 725, 757
- Factory Act Amendment, 840
- Factory Acts, Legal Cases, 675
- Factory Inspectors, Authority of, 119
- Fairbairn, The late Sir Andrew, 741
- False Trade Descriptions (Legal), 276, 774
- Fans, Centrifugal, for Cupolas and Forges, 70
- Feed Pumps, Weir's Triple Compound, 781
- Feed Pumps, Woodison's, Clarke, Chapman, and Co.' 823
- Field Guns, 297. See 345. See also Guns
- Field Guns at Paris Exhibition, 325, 360, 397
- Filters, Fischer, at the Arad Water Works, 204
- Filters, Tokio City Water Works, 140
- Filtration of Sewage, 450
- Fire from Locomotive Sparks, Legal Liability, 706
- Fire, Tug, and Police Steamer,Twin-Screw,
- Fireboxes, Security of Locomotive, 539
- Fireproof Floor at the New Admiralty Buildings, 73
- Fischer Plate Filters at the Arad Water Works, 204
- Fitzgerald,. Admiral, on a Proposed New Fast Scout, 410, 417
- Fitzroy. River Bridge in Queensland, 53
- Five-Crank Engine, 521
- Flash Spectrum, The, 592
- Fleet. See Warships
- Floor, Fireproof, at the New Admiralty Buildings, 73
- Flourometer, Gorham's, 809
- Focal Lines, Cusped Waves and, 283
- Foreign Competition, 737, 840. See also American
- Foreign Competition and Education, 116. See LETTERS, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 473, 618. See 156
- Foreign Competition, Some Reflections upon, 56. See LETTERS, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 73, 618
- Foreign Countries Represented at Glasgow Exhibition, 515
- Foreign Trade in China, 739
- Foreign Trade of Japan, 678, 792
- Forge Fans, 70
- Forging, Hydraulic Power for, 501, 631, 849
- Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterranee, Exhibit at Paris Exhibition, 362
- Forging, Die, 561, 625, 721, 791
- Forging Power, Hydraulic Power, Intensifier for, 01, 631, 849
- Forman, The late Mr. Charles, 212
- F'ormosa, Trade iu, 120,483
- Formula for Size of Chimneys, 122
- Foundry Chemistry, 448, 535
- Foundry, Oil Fuel in Eti 313
- Foundry, Power and Light for, Electric, 170, 287, 20
- Foundry Work, Chemical Analysis as an Aid to, 48, 535
- Fowler's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-Book, 93
- Fox's Flue Patent, 452
- Foxton, Leicestershire, Canal Barge Lift at, 111
- France, Inorganic Chemistry in, 622, 655, 761
- France and the Simplon Tunnel, 152
- Fraud Revived, An Old, 832 •
- Fraudulent Engineering Beggar, A Warning, 280
- French v. British Channel Steamers, 779
- French Submarine Telegraphy, 314
- Frictional Resistance of Cycles, 88, 122
- Fuel, Liquid, in Foundry, 318
- Fulham Electric Lighting Works, 215
- Gainsborough Artesian Well, 25
- Ganz's Cascade System of Traction, 379. See 399
- Ganz's Exhibit, Paris Exhibition, 7, 36, 101, 164, 28, 291, 399
- Ganz's Rolling Stook, 399
- Garrett, Mr. -William, on British v. American Rolling Mills, 616, 630, 652. See 641
- Gas Engine. See also Engine
- Gas and Oil Engines at Cardiff, 807, 828, 845
- Gas and Oil Engines at Glasgow Exhibition, 548
- Gas Manufacture, 504, 845
- Gas Power at Korting Brothers, 844. See Power Gas
- Gas Producer, Duff's, and Ammonia-Recovery Plant, 43. See also Mond Gas and Producer
- Gas Thermometer, The Thermo-Dynamical Correction of, 592
- Gas Works, Retort Ascension Pipes, 151
- Gases, Blast-Furnace, for Motors, Dust in, 616, 654
- Gauge, Schram's Water, 685
- Gearing, High-Speed, 517
- Generator and Compound Horizontal Engine, Robey and Co. and Mayor and CohlSon, 833
- Generator, 350-Kilowatt, with Horizontal Coinpound Engine, Mayor and Coulson and Robey and Co., 833
- Generators See also Electric;
- Generators, Converters, and Motors, Oerlikon, 833
- Geodesy (Address to Students), 220
- Geodetical Instrument, 501, 727, 766, 832
- Geology of Ore Deposits, 533, 534
- Geometry of Engine-Balancing, 436, 715
- Geometry and Mechanical Problems, 30
- German Steamer " Kron Prinz Wilhelm," 486
- German Canal Projects, 660
- German Field Guns, 297. See 345
- German Harbour Improvements, 245
- German Locomotives, 74
- German Metallurgical Industry, 356
- German Research at Reichsanstalt, 759
- German Shipbuilding Society, 292
- German Shipping and Eastern Trade, 23
- German Smokeless Powders, 690. See 725, 757
- German Technical High Schools, Attendance, 483
- Glasgow Bridge, 53
- Glasgow Bridge for Caledonian Railway over Clyde, 617
- Glasgow Electric Tramways, 141, 173, 551, 574
Glasgow Exhibition :
- Air-Compressing Plant, 596
- Allotment of Space, International, 515
- Babcock and Wilcox Water-Tube Boiler, 800. See 755
- Baking and Confectionery Machinery, 597
- Boilers and Engines at the Glasgow Exhibition, 187
- Boring Machines, 30 - In. Vertical Turret (Warner and Swasey), 766
- Bridges, Timber, over the River Kelvin, 666, 67
- Buildings, 275, 366, 441, 503, 538, 570
- Canadian Section, 515
- Centrifugals, Belt and Felton Wheel-Driven, 50, 627
- Coal-Cutting, Electric, Machine, 825
- Concert Hall, 275, 670
- Confectionery and Baking Machinery, 597
- Dome, 275, 503, 538, 570
- Electric) Generating Plant, 638, 713, 755. See 00
- Electrical Exhibits, 754, 823
- Engine, High-Speed Vertical Compound (Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Limited), 713
- Engine, Horizontal Compound, and 350-Kilowatt Generator, Robey and Co. and Mayor and Coulson, 833
- Engines, Marine, 549
- Engineering- Work at the Glasgow Exhibition, 87
- Foreign Countries Represented, 515
- Gas and Oil Engines, 548
- Generator and Compound Horizontal Engine
- Robey and Co., and Mayor and Coulson, 833
- Hydraulic Machinery, 595
- Hydro-Extractors, 550, 627
- Industrial and other Exhibits, 513
- Industrial Hall and Dome, 275, 367, 441, 503, 538
- Keyseaters, 691
- Locomotive Exhibits, 515
- Locomotive Express for South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 802
- Machine Tools, 614, 571, 580, 604, 691, 766
- Machine Tools, Pneumatic, 596
- Machinery Hall, 275, 571
- Marine Machinery, 549
- Metallurgic Exhibits, 549
- Milling and Drilling Machine, 604
- New Scotch Lighthouse, 742
- Opening Ceremony, 579
- Pneumatic Plant, 596
- Printing Machinery, 548
- Progress of Buildings, 53
- Pumping Plant, 595
- Restler Engine, Clarke, Chapman, and Co.'s, 833
- Russian Section, 515
- Steam Electric Generators at, Willan's and Robinson's Sets, 698, 755
- Stirling Water-Tube Boiler, 634
- Textile Machinery, 597
- Weighing Machinery, 598
- Woodison's Direct-Acting Feed Pump, Clarke, Chapman, and Co., 833
- Glasgow Meeting of Institutkin of Naval Architects, 777, 841.
- Glasgow and Paisley Tramways, 642
- Gokteik Viaduct, British v. American Bridge Practice, Mandalay-Kunlong Railway, 647, 737
- Gold Coast Railway, 689
- Goldfields of Cape Horn, 533
- Gold Milling in Mexico, Cheap, 535
- Governors, "Hunting" of Steam Engine, 183, 16, 248
- Graduates' Association of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 711
- Grating, Mica Echelon, 220
- Gray, Mr. J. Macfarlane, on the Geometry of Engine-Balancing, 436, 715
- Gray, Professor Elisha, 279
- Greenhouses, Heating, 618
- Greiner, Mr. Adolphe, on Dust in Blast-Furnace
- Gases, 616, 654
- Groynes, Beard's Contour System of, 249
- Grubb's Collimating Telescope Gun-Sight, 619
- Gunboat. See Warships
- Gun Corrosion, 345. See 297, 690, 726, 757
- Gun Power and Range, 297. See 345, 090, 726, 757
- Gun-Sight, Grubb's Collimating Telescope, (119
- Gun Power of Cruisers, 679
- Guns. See also Artillery and Field Guns
- Guns, Modern, for Ships on the Effective List, 42, 854
- Guns, Naval, Accident to Italian, 280. See Erratum, 375
- Guns, Nordenfelt Quick-Firing, 259
- Guns at Paris Exhibition, 325, 360, 897
- Hail and Hail-Dispersing Cannonades, 293. See LETTER, 383
- Hamburg-American Liner " Deutsch land," 296, 67
- Hamburg-American Liner "Deutschland," Vibration Tests, 422, 432. See 436, 457, 490, 521, 15
- Hanssen, Mr. Alfred, on Cylinder Proportions, 588
- Harbour Improvements in Germany, 245
- Hardness of Metals, Keep's Tests for,167
- Hartlepool Shipbuilding, 42
- Harvester, Motor-Driven, 800
- Harveyised Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 66, 9, 131, 161
- Heating Greenhouses, 618
- Hemp Trade in Italy, 398
- Henrichenburg Canal Lift, 812
- Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 115
- H.M. Shallow-Draught Gunboat " Teal," Yarrow, 47
- H.M.S. See also Warships Delay in Construction of, 307
- H M.S. " Euryalus," 679. See 682
- H M.S. " Kent," 273
- H.M.S. " Russell," 245. See 209
- History of Boiler Legislation in Britain and Foreign Countries, 817
- Hoist, Henrichenburg Canal, 812
- Hoisting Engine for Canal Barge Lift at Frwton, Leicestershire, 111
- Hoisting Machinery (Review), 723
- Holland Submarine Boats, 346, 395
- Hong-Kong Trade, 277
- Horner, Mr. Joseph, on Die Forging, 561, 623, 21, 791
- Hospital, Power Plant at the Massachusetts General, 101
- Hotchkiss Guns at Paris Exhibition, 325, 360
- Hovgaard, Captain William, on the Motion of Submarine Boats in the Vertical Plane, 437, 59, 488
- Howitzers, Field, 301. See 345
- Humber Shipbuilding and Engineering, 137
- Humfrey, J. C. W., on Micro-Photographs of Thermite Iron,360
- Humphrey, Mr. A., on Power Gas and Large Gas Engines for Central Stations, 27, 60, 95, 07, 194. See Larrzas, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 382, 53, 518
- Hunslet Railway and Bridge over River Aire, 56
- "Hunting" of Steam Engine Governors, 183 16, 218
- Hyde Boiler Explosion, 127
- Hydraulic Dredger, Bates', 43
- Hydraulic Dredging at Dublin, 567
- Hydraulic Excavating, 484
- Hydraulic Forging Press, 495, 501, 631
- Hydraulic Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 595
- Hydraulic Motor Wheel, Cassel's, Self-Governing, 767
- Hydraulic Power Intensifier for Forging Presses, 01, 631
- Hydraulic Power in Steelmaking, 631, 849
- Hydro-Extractors, 650, 627
- Hypothesis, Corpuscular, 545
- Hysteresis of Oxidised Iron, 450
- Ice. See Refrigerators
- "Inchdune' and " Inehmarlo," Machinery Using Superheated Steam, 9, 71. See Limns, 48
- India Cotton Industry, 381
- India-Rubber, Effect of Alternating Motor Force On, 747
- India-Rubber Tyres, 839
- India-Rubber Works, Recovery of Naphtha in, 310
- Indian Coal, 152
- Indian Engineering College, 19, 62, 118, 211
- Indian Head, Smokeless Powder Exploston at, 381
- Indian Railway, United States Locomotive for, 746
- Indian Railways, 153
- Industrial Hall and Dome at Glasgow Exhibition, 275, 366, 441, 503, 538
- Industrial Notes, 26, 57, 89, 123, 155, 185, 218, 50, 284, 316, 349, 385, 421, 455, 487, 519, 553, 85, 619, 650, 683, 713, 746, 782, 816, 817
- Industrial Progress in Russia, 813
- Industries in Japan, Development of, 792. See 678
- Influence of Copper on Steel Rails and Plates, 787
- Inorganic Chemistry in France, 622, 655, 751
- Inspection of Boilers, Government v. Private
- Inspection of Boilers, 818
- Inspectors for Factories, Authority of, 119
- Institute of Agricultural Engineers, Proposed, 55
- Instrument for Measuring the Rolling of Ships, 07, 418, 43t. See LETTER, 473
- Instruments for Engineering Field Use, 220, 501, 66, 832
- Insulation, ,Mica for Steam Boilers and Pipes, 34. See LErrzit, 339
- Integrator, A Mechanical, 104
- Intensifier, Hydraulic Power, 501, 631, 849
- International Language, Proposed, 517
- Ireland, Shipbuilding and Engineering, 136
- Ironclad. See Warships
- Iron Industry, Canadian, 84
- Iron, Micro-Phot'graphs of Thermit, 360
- Iron Mines, Cornish, 712
- Iron Ore Output, Lake Superior, 119
- Iron Ore, Percentage of Purity, 684
- Iron, Oxydised, Magnetic Testing of, 450
- Iron, Pig, Production, United States, 182
- Iron-Sawing Machines, 671
Iron and Steel Institute :
- Report of the Council, 615
- The New President, 615
- Bessemer Gold Medallist, Mr. J. E. Stead, 615
- The Presidential Address on Iron and Steel Problems, by Mr. William Whitwell, 615, 51, 684
- Dust in Blast-Furnace Gas Used in Internal Combustion Engines, by Mr. A. Greiner, 616, 54
- Crystals of Carbo-Silicide of Manganese and Iron from a Blast-Furnace Hearth, by Mr. J. E. Stead, 616
- The Influence of Copper in Steel Rails and Plates, by Mr. J. E. Stead and Mr. John Evans, 616, 787
- British and American Rolling-Mill Practice, by Mr. William Garrett, 616, 630, 652. See 641
- On the Use of Hydraulic Power in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, by Mr. R. M. Daelon, 631. See 501, 849
- The Economical Significance of High Silicon in Pig Iron for the Acid Steel Processes, by Mr. Axel Sahlin, 632, 681
- A Water-Cooled Blast-Furnace Bosh, by Mr. Axel Sahlin, 632
- The Properties of Steel Castings, by Professor J. 0. Arnold, 633, 748, 784
- The Physical Properties of Steel, by Mr. J. A. Brinell, 634
- The Heat of Formation of Carbides and Silicides of Iron, by Mr. E. D. Campbell, 634
- The New Bessemer Shop and Heating Pits at the Works of the Barrow Hematite Steel
- Company, Limited, by Mr. J. M. While, 634
- The Measurement of Young's Modulus for Iron Rods by Tension and by Bending, by Mr. H. E. Wimperis, 634
- Note on a Medal Struck in Steel, Presented to the Institute by Mr. E. J. Ljungberg, by the Secretary, Mr. B. 11. Brough, 634
- Concluding Proceedings, 634
- Iron and Steel in Germany, 356
- Iron and Steel Residual Products, Lasses, 615, 51, 681
- Iron Tank Vessels on the Volga, 53
- Iron, Tempering of, Hardened by Over-Strain, 26
- Irving and Noble's Double-Tube Boiler, 439, 474. See LFITTEFt8, 518 538
- Isopentane and Normal Pentane, Thermal Properties of, 618
- Italian Express Locomotives, 636, 767
- Italian Guns, Accident to, 280. See Erratum, 375
- Italian Railway Locomotive, 636, 767
- Italy, Hemp Trade in, 398
- Japan Armour-Plate Factory, 710
- Japan Cotton Industry, 763
- Japan to Europe by Trans-Siberian Route, 278
- Japan Foreign Trade and Industries, 678, 792
- Japan Railways, 454
- Japan Steel Industry, 497
- Japan Trade and Shipbuilding at Nagasaki, 363
- Japanese, Formosa, Trade in, 120, 483
- Japanese Pumping Engines, Tokio City Water Works, 140
- Japanese Railways, 180
- Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding, 149
- Japanese Steamship Companies, 182
- Jones, Forrest R., on Power and Light for Machine Shop and Foundry, 170, 287, 320
- "Journal " of a Shaft, 55, 87
- Joy's Assistant Cylinder, 435, 442 See LETITR, 18
- Jungfrau Railway, 121
- Kennedy's Semi-Dry Brick Press, 236
- "Kent" Class of Cruiser, 273
- Keyseaters at the Glasgow Exhibition, 691
- Kier Explosion, Bleaching, 188
- " King Edward," the First Steam Turbine-Driven Merchant Steamer, 679
- Kingsland's Surface Contact System, Electric Traction, 619 •
- Kitson Light, 646
- Korting Brothers, Engineering Works in Germany, 844
- Krauss's Express Locomotives, 469
- Krauss's Locomotives, 605
- "Kron Prinz Wilhelm," North German Lloyd Atlantic Steamer, 486
- Kumasi Railway, 689
- Laboratory Experiments of Reichsanstalt, 75)
- Laboratory, National Physical, 707. See Errata, 35. See 759
- Labour Legislation in New Zealand, 447
- Labour, Supply of Skilled, 479
- Lake Superior Ore Output, 119
- Lambeth, Sea Water at, 712
- Lamp, Incandescence Arc, 381
- Lamp, Johnson and Phillips' Electric " Ark," 585
- Lamps, Electric, Ganz's, 164
- Lancashire Steam Motor Company's Steam Wagon, 699
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway-Locomotive Boiler Explosion, 450
- Language, Proposed International, 517
- Lathe, 27-In. Triple-Geared, with Duplex Rests (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Glasgow) 571
- Lathe. See also Machine Tools
- Lathe, Turret-Facing, at G. and J. Weir's, 798
- Lathes, Early (Henry Maudslay), 65, 134
- Lathes and Automatic Tools at G. and J. Weir's, Glasgow, 795
- Lathes, Light, and Screw Machines, 226, 251, 262, 81, 317, 352. See LErrzas,•280, 313, 339
- Latimer-Clark Library, The, 516
- Launches and Trial Trips, 30, 56, 96, 190, 222, 48, 288, 321, 336, 355, 383,460, 505, 552, 592, 18, 635, 682, 712, 743, 788, 814, 856
- Laycock's Brake for Railway Wagons, 57
- Lead Production, 482
- Leeds Forge Company (Deighton's Patent Flue and Tube Company, Limited), 462
- Legal Question as to Commercial Strength of Pulley Blocks, 383, 419, 452
- Authority of Factory Inspectors, 119
- British Creditors and Foreign Debts, 312
- Clients, Engineers, and Contractors, 511. See LETTER, 539
- Companies Act, 1900, 327
- Compulsory Purchase of Electric Supply Station, 578
- Curious Water Case, 483
- Deep-Tunnel Railways, Law of, 18
- Electric Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 359
- Factory Act Amendments, 840
- False Trade Descriptions, 276, 774
- Fox's Flue, Patent, 452
- Leeds Forge Company (Deighton's Patent Flue and Tube Company, Limited), 452
- Liability from Sparks from Locomotives, 706
- New Zealand Labour Legislation, 447
- Penalties under the Electric Lighting Act, 149
- Rating of Machinery, 547
- Recent Cases under the Factory Acts, 675
- Rights of Riparian Owner, 213
- The Right to Underground Support, 445
- Trades Union Law in Cases (Book Review), 500
- Trades Unions and the Right of Action against them (Linaker v. Pilcher), 211
- Underground Water, The Law of, 309
- Workmen's Compensation Cases, 86, 96, 128, 51, 371, 711, 776
- Legislation, Boiler, in Britain and Foreign Countries, 817
- Leonard Explqsive Powder, 726, 757. See 690
- Letters to the Editor, 23, 54, 87, 121, 154, 183, r6, 247, 280, 313, 336, 382, 419, 452, 473, 518, 38, 618, 648, 668, 712, 742, 778, 8U1, 832
- Levelling and Surveying Instruments, 220, 501 27, 832
- Library, The Latimer-Clark, 516
- Lifeboats, Safety of, 54, 154
- Lift; Barge, at Foxton, Leicestershire, 111
- Lift, Henrichenburg Canal, 812
- Lifting Machinery, 723. (Review)
- Lighthouse, A New Scotch, 742
- Light-Draught Steamer " Sayhueque," 13. See LETTER, 247
- Light Railways and Tramways, British, 741
- Lighthouse, Beachy Head, Ropeway, 33
- Lighting, Electric, Penalties under the Act, 149
- Lighting, Electric, at 200 Volts, 583
- Liehting Machine Shop and Foundry, Electric, 70, 287, 320
- Lignum Vita) Transformed into Coal, 181
- Limited Liability Act, 327
- Linaker v. Filcher, Trades Unions and the Right of Action against them, 211
- Liquid Expansion Motors, 813
- Liquid-Fuel-Burning Torpedo- Boat, Yarrow, 803
- Liquid Fuel in a Foundry, 313
- Literature, 166, 230, 257, 292, 331, 500, 663, 723, 56, 825
- Liverpool Trials of Motor Vehicles for Heavy Traffic, 617, 699, 730, 775
- Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 86, 550
- "Local Go% eminent Annual and Official Directory," 93
- Locks at the Building Trades Exhibition, 547
- "Lockwood's Builders', Architects', Contractors and Engineers' Price Book," 93
- Locomotive Boiler Explosion on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 450
- Locomotive Boiler Test at Purdue, 104
- Locomotive, Compound, South Italian Railway, 38, 767
- Locomotive, Dutch State Railroad (Beyer, Peacock), 143
- Locomotive Exhibits at Glasgow Exhibition, 515
- Locomotive Express for the Midland Railway, 665
- Locomotive Express for South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 802
- Locomotive Fireboxes, Security of, 539
- Locomotive, Passenger, Chicago and NorthWestern Railway Company, 171
- Locomotive, Tank, for Indian Railway (Pittsburg Company), 746
- Locomotive, Tank, for the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 334
- Locomotives, British v. American, 737
- Locomotives, Electrical and Multiple Driven Axles, 183
- Locomotives, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 35, 399
- Locomotives, German, 74
- Locomotives, Italian Express, 636, 767
- Locomotives, Liability to Capsize, 705. See LETTERS, Monorail
- Locomotives, Express, Krauss's System, 466
- Locomotives, Krauss's, 605
- Locomotives, Passenger, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway, 540
- Locomotives' Sparks, 706
- Locus Standi, Legal Aspect of Parliamentary Schemes, 359
- London to Brighton Electric Railway, Proposals, 14 See also 344, 379
- London County Council Works Department, 773
- London Directory, 93
- London Electric Tramway System, 242
- London to Paris Travel in 1843 and 1900, 213
- London, Port of, 147
- London, Pure Water for, 313
- London Water Supply, 81
- Lowering Gear, Welin Boat, 815
- Lubrication of Large Gas Engines, Reducing Friction, 55. See also Gas Engine Working Lubrication of Machinery Bearings, 740
- Lubrication of Petrol Motors, 278
- Lubricator, Automatic Check Valve, 638
- Lurries, Motor ( for Heavy Traffic, Liverpool Trials, 617, 699, 730, 775
- Machine Shop, Power and Light for, Electric, 70, 287, 320
Maclaine Tools :
- American Tool Section at the Paris Exhibition, 6, 34
- Armature Plate Machines (Taylor and Challen), 07
- Benson, Mr. W. S., on Early Machine Tools of Henry Maudslay, 65, 134
- Boring Machines at G. and J. Weir's, 797
- Boring Machines at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Boring Machines, 30-In. Vertical Turret (Warner and Swasey), 766
- Crank-Bending Machine, 538
- Drilling and Boring Machine, Horizontal, 203
- Drilling Machine, Electrically-Driven (Mather and Platt), 553. See Errata, 618
- Drills at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Early Tools of Henry Haudslay, 65, 134
- Electric Driving of Machine Tools (Ganz), 291
- Electric Power for Machine Shop and Foundry, 70, 287, 320
- Engraving Machine (Taylor and Hobson, Leicester), 665
- Keyseaters at the Glasgow Exhibition, 691
- Lathe, 27-In. Triple-Geared, with Duplex Rest (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Glasgow), 571
- Lathe, Turret-Facing, at 0. and J. Weir's, 798
- Lathes and Automatic Tools at G. and J. Weir's, Glasgow, 795
- Lathes, Early (Henry Maudslay's), 65, 134
- Lathes, &c., at Glasgow Exhibition, 571, 580
- Lathes, Light, and Screw Machines, 226, 251, 62, 281, 317, 352. See LETTERS, 288, 313, 339
- Machining Special Parts of Pumps (Weir's), 799
- Maudslay's Early Tools, 65, 134
- Milling and Drilling Machine, Hetherington, 04
- Milling Machine, Double-Headed (Philadelphia Company), 368
- Milling Machines, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 91
- Milling Machines at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Milling Machine, Universal (Hill, Clarke, and Co., Glasgow), 172
- Milling Machine (Ward, Birmingham), 519
- Milling Valve Spindles, Details of, 799
- Moulding Carver, The Marbut, 504
- Nut-Tapping Machines, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 291
- Planing Machine at Glasgow Exhibition (Sharp,
- Stewart, and Co.), 571
- Planing Machines at Glasgow Exhibition, 571,
- Planing Machine, Ship-Plate (Niles Company), 36
- Profiling Machine for Valve Ports (Loewe), 799
- Radial Drilling Machine (Ward, Haggas, and Smith, Keighley), 171
- Rolls, Plate-Bending (Mr. G. Addy, Sheffield), 37
- Saw and Engine, Combined Cold (Mr. S. Platt, Weduesbury), 506
- Sawing Machines for Iron (Mr. E. G. Herbert, Manchester), 671
- Stamping Machines, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 91. See 507
- Workability of Metals, 167
- Machine Tools at Glasgow Exhibition, 514, 596
- Machine Tools, Pneumatic, at Glasgow Exhibition, 596
- Machinery, Agricultural, at the Paris Exhibition, 7. See also Agriculture?
- Machinery Bearings, Lubrication of, 740
- Machinery Hall at Glasgow Exhibition, 275, 571
- Machinery, Rating of (Legal), 547
- Machining Special Parts of Pumps, Weir's, 799
- Mackintosh Wagon Brake, 392
- Magnetic Observatory at Cheltenham, U.S A., 11
- Magnetic Testing of Oxydised Iron, 450
- Mains, Electric Losses in, 93, 125, 242. See LETTER, 69, 248, also Ele ;trio
- Malay States, Engineering and Trade in, 85
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, 817, 852
- Manchurian Railway, 563, 600, 645, 694
- Mandalay-Kunlong Railway, 647, 737
- Mann's Motor Wagon, 699
- Manufacture of Gas, 504, 845
- Manufacture of Soap and Candles, 141
- Marbut Moulding Carver, 504
- Marconi Wireless Telegraphy, 613. See 52, 178
- Marine-Engine Balancing, 422, 432, 436, 457, 493, 21, 715
- Marine Engineering in 1900, 10, 39, 90, 136: See Errata, 109
- Marine Engines with Superheated Steam, 9, 71. See LETTERS, 648
- Marine Machinery, 549. See also Engine
- Marine Propellers. See Propellers
- Marrel Freres Armour-Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 163
- Marshall-Thornycroft Water-Tube Boiler, 333
- Massachusetts, Power Plant at the General Hospital, 10l
- "Martello," Babcock and Wilcox Boilers on S.S., 32. See 800
- "Maryland," United States Cruiser, 217
- Mathematics, Workshop, 258. See 331
- Mandalay's, Henry, Early Tools, 65, 134
- Maw, Mr. William H.,on Education and Microscopical Precision, 1, 557, 5S7. See LETTER, 18
- Mechanic, American, 473
Mechanical Engineers, American Society ect
- New York Meeting, 68, 101, 150, 167
- Council Report, 68
- Presidential Address, by Mr. Charles H. Morgan, 68
- Comparison of Rules for Calculating the Strength of Steam Boilers, by Mr. H. de B. Parsons, 70
- A Record of the Early Period of High-Speed Engineering, by Mr. Charles T. Porter, 70
- Steam Turbine, by Professor IL W. Thurston, 0
- Notes on Centrifugal Fans for Cupolas and Forges, by Mr. William Sangster, 70
- The Power Plant of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by Mr. F. W. Deane, 101
- The Construction of Contracts, by Mr. R. P. Bolton, 103
- An American Central Valve Engine, by Mr. E. T. Adams, 101
- A Mechanical Integrator Used in Connection with a Spring Dynamometer, by Mr. Max H. Wickhouse, 104
- Apparatus for Dynamically Testing Steam Pumps, by Mr. C. A. Read, 104
- The Tests of the Boiler of the Purdue Locomotive, by Professor W. F. M. Goss, 101
- A New Recording Air Pyrometer, by Mr. William H. Bristol, 160
- Comparative Value of Different Arrangements of Suction Air Chambers on Pumps, by Mr. F. Merriam Wheeler, 151
- Tests of Centrifugal Pumps, by Mr. W. B. Gregory, 167
- Hardness, or the Workability of Metals, by Mr. W. J. Keep, 167
- A New Principle in Gas Engine Design, by Mr. C. E. Sargent, 169
- Heat Efficiency of a Gas Engine as Modified by a Point of Ignition, by Professor C. D. Kerr, 70
- Power and Light for Machine Shop and Foundry, by Mr. Forrest R. Jones, 170, 287, 20
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of:
- Power Gas and Large Gas Engines for Central Stations, by Mr. H. A. Humphreys, 27, 60, 5, 107, 194. See LETTERS, 23, 51, 87, 248, 39, 382, 453, 518
- The Structure of Metals, by Professor J. A. Ewing, 82. See Lzrrza, 183
- Election of Officers, 105
- The Winans Premium and Graduates' Prize,105
- Report of the Council, 105.
- The late Lord Armstrong, 105. See 19
- Installation of the New President (Mr. W. H. Maw), 106
- Mechanical Historical Museum, 121
- Address to the King, 194
- Light Lathes and Screw Machines, by Mr. John Ashford, 226, 261, 262, 281, 317, 352. See Dimas, 280, 313, 339
- Combined Trolley and Conduit Tramway System, by Mr. A. N. Connett, 362, 369, 427
- Graduates' Meeting, 508
- Presidential Address, by Mr. William H. Maw, 51, 657, 687. See Limn., 618
- Graduates' Association, 711
- Mechatiical Historical Museum, 121
- Mechanism of Radiation, 818
- Mercadier Telegraph, 821
- Merchant Ships as Naval Auxiliaries, 812, 853
- Merryweather's Fire Tug and Police Boat, 46
- Mersey Shipbuilding and Engineering, 136
- Metal Price Diagrams, 66, 184, 314, 454, 581, 741
- Metal Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 759
- Metals, Experiments on, 152
- Metals, Microscopic Examination of, 360, 748, 809
- Metals, The Structure of, 82. See LzrrEks, 183
- Metals, The Workability of, 167
- Metals, Structure of, 616, 787
- Metallurgic Exhibits at Glasgow Exhibition, 549
- Metallurgical Problems - Utilisation of By-Products, 651, 681
Meteorological Society Royal:
- Election of Officers, 76
- Climate of Norway, and its Factors, by Dr. C. Theodore Williams, 76
- Report of the Council, 76
- The Phenological Observations for 1900, by Mr. E. Mawley, 235
- A Review of the Past Severe Winters in England. with Deductions therefrom, by Mr. A. E. Watson, 235
- Climate and the Effects of Climate, by Dr. H. R. Mill, 372
- The Special Characteristics of the Weather of March, 1901, by Mr. W. Marriott, 506
- The Periodicity of Cyclonic Winds, by Mr. R. T. Smith, 648
- The Eclipse Cycle, the Diurnal Cyclones, and the Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones of Temperate Latitudes, by Mr. H Helm Clayton, b14
- The Seismograph as a Sensitive Barometer, by Mr. F. Napier Denison, 814
- Vapour Tension in Relation to Wind, by Mr. R. Strachan, 506
- Meters and Measuring Instruments, Electrical (Ganz), 228
- Metric System (Weights found Wanting), 779
- Metrology, Elastic Solids Applied to, 647
- Metropolitan Traffic, Smart Handling of, 244
- Meyer, H. S., on Alternating-Current Systems, 95, 431, 495
- Mexican Steel Development, 643
- Mica Echelon Grating, 220
- Mica Insulation for Steam Boilers and Pipes, 234. See LErrER, 339
- Micro-Photographs of Thermit Iron, 360. See 583
- Micro-Structure of Metals, 82, 633, 748, 784. See LETTERS, 183
- Microscopy and Engineering Precision, 551, 557, 87. See LETTER, 618
- Midland Railway Locomotives, 665
- Military Motor-Cars, Central Driving for, 618
- Military and Naval Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 550
- Milling and Drilling Machine, Vertical, Hetherington, 604. See also Machine Tools
- Milling Gold in Mexico, 535
- Milling Machine, Double-Headed, 368
- Milling Machine, Electrically-Driven (Ganz), 291
- Milling Machine, Ward, Birmingham, 519
- Milling Machines at Glasgow Exhibition, 580
- Milling Machines, Universal, 172
- Milling Valve, Spndles, Details of, 799
- Mine-Pumping Plant, Electric, 812
- Mines, Cornish Iron, 712
- Mineral Productions of Spain, 512
- Mineral Resources of Virginia, U.S.A., 485
- Miffing, Coal, Text-Book, 501
Mining Engineers, American Institute of:
- Meeting at Richmond, Virginia, 484, 530
- Great Oil-Well at Beaumont, Texas, by the Secretary, 484
- The D'Auria Air Compressor, by Mr. Henry G. Morris, 485
- The Mineral Resources of Virginia, by Dr. C. W. Hayes, .485
- The History and Present Condition of CoalMining in the Richmond Basin, by Professor J. B. Wordworth, 485
- The Chemistry and Treatment of Steel Rails, by Mr. W. R. Webster, 485
- The Finishing Temperatures for Steel Rails, by Mr. R. W. Hunt, 485
- Excursions, 486
- Deposits of Copper Ores at Ducktown, Tenn., by Professor J. F. Kemp, 530
- W. R. Trigg Shipyard, by Mr. E. D. T. Myers, 31
- Goldfields of Cape Horn, by Mr. Alfred H. Brooks, 533
- Ore Deposits, by Professor J. H. Z. Vogt, 633
- The Genesis of Ore Deposits, by Mr. Arthur L. Collins, 531
- Concentrating Tests and Calculations, by Mr. Otto J. Pfordte, 534
- Note on Cheap Gold Milling in Mexico, by Mr. Henry F. Collins, 635
- Excursions, 535
- Mining by Electricity, 676
- Mining Locomotives, Electric (Ganz), 35
- Mining, The Right to Underground Support, 445
- Miscellanea, 24, 55, 79, 113, 145, 175, 207, 239, , 71, 305, 348, 375, 419, 451, 477, 609, 543, 575, 09, 639, 673, 703, 744, 780, 805, 837
- Modern Shop Practice, 309
- Mond Gas in Engines, 27, 60, 95, 107, 194. See, LETTERS, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 382, 463, 518
- Monorail; The Elberfeld-Barmen Railway, 811
- Monorail Railway, Behr's, 679, 705. See LETTERS
- Mordey, Mr. W. N., Capacity in AlternateCurrent Working, 93, 125, 242. See LETTER, 248
- Morison, Mr. G. U., on Engineering Crisis in the Navy, 29, 59. See LETTER, 122
- Motor-Car Exhibition at Islington, 613
- Motor-Car Tyre Industry? 839
- Motor Cars, Central Driving for Military, 618
- Motor-Driven Mowing Machine, 800
Motor Vehicles :
- Coulthard and Co.'s Steam Wagons, 699
- Lancashire Steam Motor Company Steam Wagon, 701
- Liverpool, Trials of, 730. See LErrma, 801
- Mann's Patent Steam Car and Wagons, 690
- Milnes and Co.'s Cars, 730
- Messrs. C. and A. Musker's Wagons, 731
- Mowing Machine, Motor, 800
- Thornycroft Wagons, 731
- Trial Results, 776
- Motor Vehicles for Heavy Traffic, The Liverpool Trials, 617, 699, 730, 775
- Motors, Liquid Expansion, 813
- Motors, Petrol, Lubrication of, 278
- Moulding Carver, The Marbut, 504
- Mountain Guns, 300
- Mountain Railway, Nilgiri, 215
- Moulding Sand Analysis, &c., 535
- Mowing Machine, Motor-Driven, 800
- Muir, James, on the Tempering of Iron Hardened by Over-Strain, 126
- Multiple-Driven Axles, Electrical Locomotives and, 183
- Multiple Spark Telegraphy, 52, 178
- Multiple Telegraph System,Mercadier, 821
- Municipalities and Electric Power Schemes, 12. See 642
- Municipal v, Private Enterprise, 642. See 312
- Municipal Trading, 24
- Museum, Mechanical Historical, 121
- Nagasaki,Japan, British and American Coal in, 64, 81
- Nagasaki, Trade and Shipbuilding at, 363 See LETTER, British and American Coal, 801
- Naphtha in India-Rubber Works, Recovery of, 310
- Naphtha Vessels, Iron Tank v. Wooden, 53
- Natal Railways, 735
- National Physical Laboratory, 707 See Ertata, 35. See 759
Naval Architects, Institution of :
- Spring Meeting, 416, 432
- Report of the Council, 416
- President's Address, by the Earl of Glasgow, 416
- Gold Medal to Professor G. Brian, 416
- Ten Years' Naval Construction in the United States, by Professor J. H. Bilp, 416, 523, 555
- A Proposed New Fast Scout, by Admiral FitzGerald, 410, 417
- An Instrument for Measuring the Rolling of Ships, by Mr. A. Mallock, 407, 418, 432. See LETTER, 473 •
- The Annual Dinner, 432
- On Some Experiments Made on Board the Atlantic Liner " Deutschland " during her Trial Trip in June, 1900, by Herr Otto Schlick, 422, 432
- The Influence of Depth of Immersion on the Distribution of Pressure over a Submerged Moving Plate, by Mr. C. Humphrey Wingfield, 409, 433. See Erratum, 445
- On a New Assistant Cylinder, by Mr. D. Joy, 35, 442. See LETTER, 518
- The Geometry of Engine-Balancing, by Mr. J. Macfarlane Gray, 436, 715
- On the Balancing of the Reciprocating Parts of Engines, including the Effect of the Connecting-Rod, by Professor W. E. Dalby, 436, 57, 490, 521
- The Motion of Submarine Boats in the Vertical Plane, by Captain G. W. Hovgaard, 437, 459, 88
- On a New Water-Tube Boiler, by Mr. J. Irving, 39, 474. See LErrEas, 518, 538
- Glasgow Meeting, 777
- Reception of the Council by the Lord Provost, Welcome to the Members by the Lord Provost, 41
- The President's Address, the Earl of Glasgow, 41
- Mercantile Auxiliaries, by Lord Brassey, 842, 843
- The Conversion and Re-Armament-Of Ships on the Effective List, by Lord BrasseY, 842, 854
- On the Limit of Economical Speed of Ships, by Mr. E. T. D'Eyncourt, 843
- Reception at the Exhibition, 843
- Conversazione at the Municipal Buildings, 843
- On Freeboard, by Mr. Archibald Denny, 844
- On the Transverse Strength of Ships, by Mr. J. Bruhn, 844
- A Contribution to the Solution of the Vibration Problem, by Mr. J. H. Macalpine, 844
- Naval Annual, 826
- Naval Construction in the United States, Ten Years', 416, 523, 555
- Naval Engineering Officers, 29, 59. See LETTER, 22
- Naval Engineers, The Position of, 801
- Naval Engineers, Training of, 710
- Naval. Exhibits at Paris Exhibition, 325, 360, 397
- Naval Guns, 297. See 345
- Naval Guns, Accident to Guns in Italy, 280. See Erratum, 375
- Naval Lessons from America, 177
- Naval and Military Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 660
- Naval Problems, 826
- Navy. See also Warships
- Navy Estimates, 307, 343, 377, 807
- Navy List Diary, 92
- Navy, Water-Tube Boiler Question, 335, 841, 480. See LwrrEas, 383, 419, 668
- Netherlands, Land Reclamation of Zealand Province, 331
- New South Wales Railway, 212
- New York Metropolitan Traffic), 244
- New York University, 468
- New York's Canals, 866
- New Zealand Labour Legislation, 447
- New Zealand Public Works, 312
- Niagara Falls Bridge, 53
- Niagara Steel Arch Bridge, 53
- Nickel Steel Alloys, Annour-Plate, 131
- Nilgiri Mountain Railway, 215
- Nippon Yusen and Osaka Shosen Kaishas, 182
- Nitro-Cellulose v. Nitro-Glycerine, 757. See 97, 345, 690, 726
- Noble and Irving's Double-Tube Boilers, 439, 474. See LETTERS, 518, 538
- Non-Conducting Mica Coverings for Boilers, 234. See LETTER, 339
- Nordenfelt Quick-Firing Guns, 259
- Normand's Exhibits at Paris Exhibition, 362
- North-East Coast Shipbuilding and Engineering, 9
- North German Lloyd Atlantic Steamer " Kron Prinz Wilhelm," 486
- Notes from Cleveland, 15, 47, 70, 113, 144, 175, 06, 238, 270, 304, 348, 374, 411, 476, 608, 542, 74, 608, 638, 672, 702, 735, 771, 804, 836
- Notes from Japan, 450, 506, 680, 699
- Notes from the North, 14, 46, 78, 112, 144, 174, 06, 238, 270, 304, 347, 374, 410, 444, 476, 508, 42, 574, 608, 638, 672, 702, 734, 770, 804, 836
- Notes from the South-West, 15, 47, 79, 113, 144, 75, 207, 239, 271, 304, 348, 374, 411, 445, 476, 09, 543, 575, 609, 639, 673, 702, 735, 771, 805, 837
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 15, 47, 78, 112, 144, 74, 206, 238, 271, 304, 347, 374, 410, 476, 508, 42, 574, 618, 638, 672, 702, 734, 771, 804, 836
- Notes from the United States, 46, 109, 153, 173, 69, 303, 346, 373, 419, 472, 506, 584, 604, 637, 81, 699, 741,. 780, 801, 835
- Nuneaton, Boiler Explosion at, 3841 855
- Nut - Tapping Machine, • Electrically - Driven (Ganz), 291
- Obituary: (Moved to separate index)
- Observatory, Magnetic, at Cheltenham, U.S.A., 11
- Oerlikon Triphase and Monophase Generators, 66 ; Converters, 833
- Oil-Burning Dutch Torpedo-Boat, Yarrow, 803
- Oil Engine. See also Engines
- Oil Engine Driving Centrifugal Pump, 845
- Oil Engine Trials at Cardiff, 807, 828
- Oil Fuel in a Foundry, 313
- Oil and Gas Engines at Glasgow Exhibition, 548
- Oil for Petrol Motors, 278
- Oil Well, Texan, 484
- Oiling of Machinery Bearings, 740
- Ore-Concentrating Tests, 534
- Ore Deposits, 533, 534
- Ore Deposits in Eastern Siberia, 151
- Ore Output, Lake Superior, 119
- O'Reilly, Dr. M. F., on the late Professor Henry A. Rowland, 709
- Osaka, Trade and Industry of, 763
- Oxidised Iron, Magnetic Testing, 450
- Paint, Timber-Preserving, Carbolineum Avenarius, 154, 183, 216
- Painting Engines, 419
- Pan-American Exhibition, 708
- Panama Canal, 132, 173
- "Pangrango," Oil-Burning Dutch Torpedo-Boat, Yarrow, 803
- Paper-Making Machinery, 74
- Paper-Making Machinery, Swiss, 367
- Paris Exhibition Balance-Sheet, 51
- Paris to London, Travel in 1843 and 1900, 213
- Paris Metropolitan Traffic, 244
- Parliamentary Tramway Schemes (Legal), 359
- Parsons' Steam - Turbine Driven Merchant Steamer, The First, 679
- Parsons' Turbines, 70, 679, 777
- Parsons' Turbo-Generator, Trial after TwelN e Months' Working, 777
- Passengers on Atlantic Liners, 83
- Patent Law Reform, Board of Trade's Committee's Report, 278, 413
- Patent Records, 31, 64, 97, 129, 159, 191, 223, 55, 289, 323, 357, 393, 429, 461, 493, 527, 559, 93, 624, 657, 687, 719, 753, 789, 849, 857
- Patents in Federated Australia, 55, 154
- Pekin-Pao Ting Fu Railway, 216. See 646, 694
- Pelton Wheel, Cassel's, 767. See 550, 627
- Penalties Under the Electric Lighting Act, 149
- "Pennsylvania," United States Battleship, 123 .
- Pentane, Normal, and Isopentane, Thermal Properties of, 648
- Permanent Way of Railways, 723
- Petroleum Light, Kitson Incandescent, 646
- Peyton Explosive Powder, 726. See 600, 757
- Phenological Observations for 1900, 235
- Phonograph, 55. See 551
- Photo-Micrography, Structure of Metals, 82, 551, 57, 587, 633, 748, 784. See LwrrEns, 183. See 748
- Photographs, Micro, of Thermit Iron, 360
- Physical Exhibits at Royal Society's Soiree, 612
- Physical Laboratory, National, 707. See Errata, 35. See 759
Physical Society :
- Presidential Address, by Professor S. P. Thompson, 220
- Mica Eohelon Grating, by Professor R. W. Wood, 220
- How Air Subjected to X-Rays Loses its Discharging Property, and how it Discharges Electricity, by Professor Emilio Villari, 283
- The Propagation of Cusped Waves, and their Relation to the Primary and Secondary Focal
- Lines, by Professor R. W. Wood, 283
- Cyanine Prisms, by Professor R. W. Wood, 283
- A Theory of Colloidal Solutions, by Dr. F. 0, Donnan, 355
- On the Expansion of Silica, by Professor Callendar, 456
- Thermo-Dynamical Correction of the Gas Thermometer, by Professor H. L. Callendar, 92
- The Production of a Bright Line Spectrum by Anomalous Dispersion, and its Application, the " Flash Spectrum," by Mr. R. W. Wood, 92
- Application of Elastic Solids to Metrology, by Dr. Chree, 647
- The Thermal Properties of Isopentane Compared with those of Normal Pentane, by Mr. J. Rose-Innes and Professor S. Young, 619
- On the Resistance of Dielectrics and the Effect of an Alternating Electromotive Force on the Insulating Properties of India-Rubber, by Mr. A. W. Ashton, 747
- On the Electrification of Dielectrics by Mechanical Means, by Mr. A. W. Ashton, 747
- A Model which Imitates the Behaviour of Dielectrics, by Professor Fleming and Mr. A. W. Ashton, 747
- Herr Jahn's Measurements of the Electromotive Force of Concentration Coils, by Dr. Lehfeldt, 818
- The Mechanism of Radiation, by Mr. H. Leans, 818
- Jena Glass, Specimens of, 818
- Pierson Gas Producer, 95. See also Producer Gas Engines Pig Iron, Silicon in, 632, 681
- Pipes, Electrolysis of Gas and Water, 590, 620
- Pipes, Gas Retort Ascension, 154
- Planing Machine at Glasgow Exhibition (Sharp, Stewart, and Co.), 571
- Planing Machine, Ship Plate (Niles Company), 36. See also Machine Tools Plans of Roads, Automatic Drawing Apparatus, 32
- Plate-Bending Machine,237
- Plating, Aluminium, 48
- Plymouth Water Supply, Burrator Reservoir for, 92
- Pneumatic Plant at Glasgow Exhibition, 596. See also Air
- Pneumatic Tyres, 839
- Pockwood Transformed into Coal, 181
- Pole, The late Dr. William, 22, 53
- Police, Fire and Tug, Twin-Screw Boat, 45
- Pollution of Water, Legal Case, 483
- Polyphase. See also Electric
- Polyphase Electric Railways, 379
- Polyphase Electric Working, 579, 614, 644, 678
- Polyphase Substation Machinery, 387, 403
- Port of London, 147
- Port of Rosario, 54 '
- Portable Oil Engines, 807, 828
- Position of Naval Engineers, 801
- Potassium in France, 751
- Powder Explosion at Indian Head, Smokeless, 381
- Powders, Smokeless, in the United States, 690, 25, 757
- Power Bills, 312. See 642
- Power Consumption of Incandescent Arcs, 381
- Power Gas at Korting Brothers' Works, 844
- Power Gas for Central Stations, 27, 43, 60, 95, 07, 194. See LETTERs, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 382, 53, 518 ; and Producer
- Power Intensifier for Forging Presses, 501, 631, 49
- Power and Light for Machine Shop and Foundry, 70, 287, 320
- Power Plant at the Massachusetts General Hospital, 101
- Power Transmission in Coal Mines, Electric, 676
- Poynder, H. B., and H. E. Wimperis, on the Relation between Voltage and. Speed in a Shunt Dynamo, 562
- Prague Tramway, Polyphase Substation Machinery, 387, 403
- Precision in Engineering Work, 551, 557, 587. See LETTER, 618
- Premier Large-Power Gas Engines, 27, 60, 95, 07, 194. See LETTERS
- Premium System of Labour Payment, Weir's, 796
- Press Guide and Advertiser's Directory, 93.
- Press, Kennedy's Semi-Dry Brick, 236 _
- Presses for Steel-Making, 849
- Presses with Intensifier Cylinders, 501, 631, 849
- Pressure on a Submerged Moving Plate, 409, 433. See Erratum, 445
- Printing Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 548
- Prisms, Cyanine, 283 Producer, Crossley's Gas, 95, 845
- Producer Gas Engine, 27, 43, 60, 95, 107, 194, See LEtters, 23, 54, 87, 248, 339, 382, 453, 518
- Profiling-Machine for Valve Ports, Loewe's, 799. See Machine Tools
- Progress in Electrical Enterprise, 23 .
- Progress of Engineering, 17
- Projectiles, Capped Armour-Piercing, 336, 339, 83, 452, 784
- Projectiles, Drift of, 743, 779
- Projectiles at Paris Exhibition, 360, 397
- Projectiles, Resistance of Air to Motion of, 740
- Propellers, Marine, 166
- Propeller Thrust, Vibration Due to, 422, 432
- Propellers of Twin-Screw Steamer " Deutschland," 296
- Properties of Steel Castings, 633, 748, 784
- Proportions of Cylinders for Multiple-Expansion Engines. 588
- Prussian Canal Projects, 660
- Public Works in New Zealand, 312
- Pulley-Blocks, Commercial Strength of, 383, 419, 52
- Pulp Refiners for Papermaking, 74
- Pump Bucket for Deep Well, 810
- Pump, Centrifugal, Driven by Oil Engine, 845
- Pump, Centrifugal, Hamburg-American liner "Deutschland," 296, 367
- Pump Dredger, 43, 567
- Pump Manufacture, Weir's, 795
- Pump Valves, 663
- Pump, Woodison's Feed, Clarke, Chapman, and Co., 823
- Pumps, Apparatus for Dynamically Testing Steam, 104
- Pumps, Centrifugal, 167
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven, Ganz's, 35
- Pumps, Suction Air Chambers on, 151
- Pumps, Weir's Triple-Compound Feed, 781 .
- Pumping Engines, Tokio City Water Works, 140
- Pumping Plant at Glasgow Exhibition, 595
- Pumping Plant, Mining, Electric, 81'
- Pumping Plant at West Ham, Centrifugal, 604
- Pupin's Experiments of Electrical Wave Transmission, 496
- Purchase of Electric Supply Station, Compulsory (Legal), 578
- Purdue University Locomotive Boiler Test, 104
- Pure Water for London, 313
- Pyrometers, 150
- Queensland River Pump Dredger, 43
- Quick-Firing Guns, 297. See 345, also Guns and Field Guns
- Quicksilver, 180. See also Metal Price Diagrams
- Radial Drilling Machine, 171
- Radiation, Mechanism of, 818
- Rain and Cannonades, 293. See LETTER, 383
- Rails, Steel, Chemistry and Finishing Temperature of, 485
- Rails, Steel, Influence of Copper on, 787
- Railway Accidents. See Accilents
- Railway and Bridge, The Hunslet, over the River Aire, 456
- Railway, British, Prospects, 235
- Railway Buffer, Teuton's, 487
- Railway Carriages and Motors (Ganz), 399
- Railway Carriages, Corridor, Rhodesian, 698, 764
- Railway, Central London, Vibration on, 216
- Railway in China, 216, 646, 694
- Railway Couplings, 193. See LErrEa, 247
- Railway Diary and Officials' Directory, 92
- Railway, Jungfrau, 121
- Railway, Kumasi, (389
- Railway Locomotive. See Locomotive
- Railway, Mandalay-Kunlone; Railway, 647, 737
- Railway, Metropolitan, Traffic, Smart handling of, 244
- Railway, Monorail, 679, 705, 811. See LETTERS
- Railway, Pekin-Pao Ting Eli, 216, 646, 694
- Railway Permanent Ways, 723
- Railway Rolling Stock, Rhodesian, 698, 761
- Railway Service to Paris in 1843 and 1900, 73, 213
- Railway Signalling Plant, 267, 810
- Railway, Southern of France, Exhibits, 267
- Railway Staff Apparatus, French, 267
- Railway, The_ Elberfeld-Barmen Monorail, Electric, 811
- Railway-Train Speed Regulator, 267
- Railway, Trans-Siberian, 278, 563, 600, 645, 694
- Railway Tunnels, Smoke in, 418
- Railway, Uganda, Bridge Contracts for, 215. See Lurrsa, 247
- Railway Wagon, Laycock's Brake for, 57
- Railway Wagon, Mackintosh Brake for, 392
- Railway Working, Results of, 216, 248
- Railways, Argentine, 552
- Railways, Burmah, 546. See 617
- Railways, Electric, 344, 379, 414
- Railways, Indian, 153
- Railways in Japan, 180, 454
- Railways, Natal, 735
- Railways, New South Wales, 212
- Railways, The Right to Mine under, 445
- Railways and Tramways, British Light, 741
- Rating of Machinery (Legal), 547
- Ravenshaw, Mr. H., on Electric Transmission of Power in Coal Mines, 676
- Re-Armament of Ships on the Effective List, 842, 54
- Redheugh Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 608
- Refinery, Sugar, High-Pressure v. Low-Pressure Steam in, 778
- Refuse Destructor at Fulham Electric Lighting Works, 215
- Refrigerator Trial at the Cardiff Show, 823
- Reichsanstalt, The Work of, 759
- Research, Scientific, 707. See Errata, 735. See 759
- Reservoir, Burrator, for Portsmouth Water Supply, 492
- Resistance of Air to Motion of Projectiles, 740
- Resistance of Cycles, 205
- Resistance, Frictional, of Cycles, 88, 122
- Resistance to Submerged Bodies, 409, 433. See Erratum„ 445
- Results of Railway Working, 216, 248
- Restler Engine, Clarke, Chapman, and Co.'s, 833
- Retort Ascension Pipes, Gas Works, 154
- Reversing Engine, T.-S S. " Deutschland," 367
- Richmond Chmical Works, 535
- Ridgway Retaining and Discharge Valve, 110
- Rhine-Elbe Canal Scheme, 660
- Rhodesian Railway Rolling Stock, 698, 764
- Richmond Basin, U.S.A., Coal-Mining in, 485
- Rifle Bullets, Drift of, 743, 779
- Riparian Owner, Rights of, 213
- River Steamboat Traffic, 49
- Road Locomotion. See Motor Cars
- Road Plans, Automatic Drawing Apparatus, 832
- Rolled Weldless Chain Cable, 346
- Roller Bearings, Steel Ball, 463. See LETTERS, 39, 648, 669, 742
- Rolling Stock. See Railway and Tramway
- Rolling-Mill Practice, British v. American, 616, 30, 652. See 641
- Rolling of Ships, An Instrument for Measuring, 07, 418, 432. See LETTER, 473
- Röntgen Rays, Effect of Air Subjected to, 283
- Roofs of Exhibition Buildings, 275, 366, 441, 503, 38, 570
- Roofs, Yarrow and Co.'s Shop, 441
- Ropeway at the New Beachy Head Lighthouse, 33
- Rosario, Port of, 54
- Rotary Pulp Refiner, 74
- Rottweil Smokeless Powder, 345. See 297, 690, 26, 757
- Royal Agricultural. See Agricultural, Royal
- Royal Engineers, 669
- Royal Society Soiree, 612
- Royal Yacht, 52
- Royal Yacht, Responsibility for, 807
- Royalties, Belleville Boiler, 312
- Rowland, Professor Henry A., 709
- Rubber Tyres, 839
- "Russell," British Battleship, 245. See 209
- Russia, Industrial Progress in, 813
- Russian Coal Industry, 418
- Russian Armour at the Paris Exhibition, 163
- Russian High-Speed Cruisers, New, 214, 670
- Russian Railway to China, 278, 563, 600, 645, 694
- Russian Section at Glasgow Exhibition, 515
- Sachalin Island, Coal on, 214
- Sachs, Mr. Edwin 0., on Modern Theatre Construction, 225, 529
- Safety of Lifeboats, 64, 154
- Sahlin, Mr. Axel, on Silicon in Pig Iron, 63?, 681
- Sailing Ships, Ancient and Modern, 230
- Sand, Moulding, Analysis of, 535
- Sand-Pump Dredgers, 43, 667
- "Sayhueque," Light-Draught Steamer, 13. See LETTER, 247
- Saw and Engine, Combined Cold (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 506. See Machine Tools
- Sawing Machines for Iron, 671
- Scaling Boilers, 634, 817
- Schenectady Locomotive for the Chicago and North-Western Railway Company, 171
- Schlick, Herr Otto, on Some Experiments made on Board the Atlantic liner Deutschland " during her Trial Trip in June, 1900, 422, 432
- Schools for Training Apprentices, 479
- Schram's Water Gauge, 585
- Schroder Tacheograph, 727. See 220
- Scientific Handbook, 92
- Scientific Library, The Latimer-Clark, 516
- Scientific Research, 707. See Errata, 735. See 59
- Scientific Research, Reichsanstalt, 759
- Scotch Education, 84
- Scotch Electric Schemes, 642
- Scotch Lighthouse, A New, 742
- Scotch Shipbuilding and Engineering, 90, 136
- "Scott " Engine, Cornish Cycle Type (Reavell, Ipswich), 421
- Scottish Electrical Contractors' Association, 154, 83
- Scout, A Proposed New Fast, 410, 417
- Scrapers for Boiler Tubes, 634
- Screw Machines and Light Lathes, 226, 251, 262, 81, 317, 352. See LETTEas, 280, 313, 339. See Machine Tools
- Screw Propellers, 166
- Screw Propellers of T.-S.S. "Deutschland," 296
- Screw Propeller Vibration, Vibrations Due to, 22, 432
- Sea Encroachments, Beard's Groynes, 249
- Sea Water at Lambeth, 712
- Security of Locomotive Fireboxes, 539
- Seismograph as a Sensitive Barometer, 814
- Septic Tanks for Variable Rest-Periods, 450
- Sewage Filtration, Septic Tanks for Variable Rest-Periods, 450
- Sewage Tank Retaining and Discharge Valve, 110
- Shaft " Journal," 56, 87
- Shallow-Draught Gunboat "Teal," Yarrow, 847
- Sheffield Corporation Works Department, 773
- Sheffield, Mr. George Harrison on ; Some Reflections on American Competition, 156. See LETTERS, 87, 88, 121, 247, 280, 313, 473, 618
- Shells at the Paris Exhibition, 360, 397
- Ship. See also Steamer and Warship
- Ship Resistance, 409, 433. See Erratum, 445
- Ship-Steering Gear, 292
- Shipbuilding at Home and Abroad, Earl of Glasgow's Address, 416
- Shipbuilding Industry, Lloyd's Returns, 86, 550
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1900, 0, 39, 90, 136. See Errata, 109
- Shipbuilding, Nagasaki and Trade, 363. See LETTER, British and American Coal, 801
- Shipbuilding Society, Germany, 292
- Shipbuilding Trade, Prospects, 86
- Shipbuilding in the United States, 449
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde, Naval and Mercantile, 41
- Shipping Conference on the Far Eastern Trade, 23
- Shipping Purchase, American, 577
- Shipping and Shipbuilding in Japan, 149
- Ships, Ancient and Modern Sailing, 230
- Ship's Boat-Lowering Gear, 815
- Ships, Rolling of, 407, 418, 432. See LETTER, 473
- Ships' Speeds, Limits of Economical, 843, 854
- Siberia, Tin Ore Deposits in Eastern, 151
- Siberian Island, Coal on, Pacific, 214
- Siberian Railway, 278, 563, 600, 645, 694
- Sight, Grubb's Gun, 619
- Signalling, Railway, Plant, 267, 810
- Silica, Expansion of, 456
- Silicon in Pig Iron, 632, 681Silos, Grain, 613 .
- Silver, Allotropic, 244
- Simplon Tunnel, France and the, 152
- Sine Wave, Submarine Cable Telegraphy, 1
- Situation of Electrical Engineering Works, 618
- Skilled Labour, The Supply of, 479
- Slaby, Professor, Multiple-Spark Telegraphy, 52, 78. See also Electric
- Slag, Utilisation of, 651, 684
- Smelting Tungsten, 740
- Smit and Sons, Dredgers for Dublin Harbour Improvements, 567
- Smith's Curves for Draughtsmen, 392
- Smoke in Railway Tunnels, 418
- Smokeless Powder, 345. See 297, 690, 726, 757
- Smokeless Powder Explosion at Indian Head, 381
- Smokeless Powder in the United States, Development of, 690, 725, 757
- Soap and Candle Manufacture 141
- Society, Agricultural. See Agricultural
Society of Arts :
- Modern Artillery and Explosives, by Lieutenant A. T. Dawson, 297. See 345, 690, 26, 757
- Electric Railways, Cantor Lectures by Major Cardew, 344, 379, 414
- Polyphase Electric Working (Howard Lectures), by Mr. Eborall, 579, 614, 644, 678
- Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy, by Mr. G. Marconi, 643
- Society of Engineers, 188
- South African War, Gun Erosion, 345. See 97, 690, 726, 757
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, Locomotive Express for, 802
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, Tank Locomotive, 334
- Southern Railway of France, Rolling Stock, 267
- Spanish Minerals, 512
- Sparks from Locomotives, Legal Liability for, 706
- Spectrum, Production of a Bright Line, 592
- Speed of Railways (Monorail), 679, 705. See LETTERS, Monorail
- Speed of Ships, Limits to the Economical, 843, 54
- Speed-Regulator of Railway Train, 267
- Speed and Voltage, Relation in a Shunt Dynamo, 62
- St. Chamond Guns at Paris Exhibition, 397
- St. Helen's, Boiler Explosion at, 254
- "St. Louis," United States Cruiser, 217
- Stability of Submarine Boats, 437, 459, 488
- Staff Apparatus for French Ra'lway, 267
- Stage Machinery, 225, 529
- Stage Machinery at Covent Garden Theatre, London, 636, 659, 724
- Stamping Machine, Electrically-Driven, 291. See Machine Tools
- Standardisation, 832
- Standardising Size of Bricks, 518, 583
- Statistics of toiler Explosions, 50
- Statistics and Economics (Review), 257
- Status of Engineer Officers, 29, 59. See LETTER, 22
- Steam Boiler. See Boiler and Water-Tube Boil r
- Steam Boilers, The Strength of, 70
- Steam Consumption of Electric Generator Set, 69, 777. See 810
- Steam Electric Generating Plant at Glasgow Exhibition, 698, 713, 755, 833. See 800
- Steam Engine. See Engine
- Steam, High-Pressure v. Low-Pressure, for Sugar Refinery, 778
- Steam Lines, 409, 433. See Erratum, 445
- Steam Pipes and Boilers, Mica Insulation for, 34. See LETTER, 339
- Steam Turbines, 70, 679, 777
- Steamship Line Purchased by America, 577
- Steam Stop Valve, 110
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, f•17
- Steam Wagons at Liverpool, 617, 699, 730, 775. See also Motor Cars
- Steamer. See also Ship and Steamship
- Steamer " Deutschland," Hamburg-American, 96, 367
- Steamer, Largest in the World, T.S.-S. " Celtic," 72. See 449
- Steamer, Merchant, The First Steam Turbine Driven, 679
- Steamer, North German Lloyd Atlantic, ron Prinz Wilhelm," 486
- Steamer " Sayhueque," Light-Draught, 13. See LETTERS, 247
- Steamer Service to Switzerland from London, 54
- Steamer, Thames Traffic, 49
- Steamer, Twin-Screw Fire Tug and Police, 45
- Steamer, Vibration and Engine-Balancing, 422, 32, 436, 457, 490, 521, 715
- Steamers, Channel, 779
- Steamers " Inchdune " and " Inchmarlo," Superheated Steam Machinery, 9, 17. See LETTERS, 48
- Steamship Companies, Japanese, 182
- Steamship Vibration, 422, 432. See 436, 457, 90, 521, 715
- Steering Gear, Steam, 292
- Steel Ball-Bearings, 463. See LETTERS, 539, 648, 69, 742
- Steel, Canadian, 378
- Steel Castings, Properties of, 633, 748, 784
- Steel Development, Mexican, 643
- Steel for High-Speed Gearing, 517
- Steel and Iron in Germany, 356
- Steel Industry in Japan, 497
- Steel and Iron Residual Products, Losses, 615, 51, 684
- Steel Manufacture, American Competition, Sonic Reflections on, 156. See LETTERS, 87, 88, 121, 47, 280, 313, 473, 618
- Steel Manufacture, British v. American, 616, 630, 52. See 641
- Steel Manufacture, Progress in, 651, 685
- Steel-Making, Hydraulic Power in, 501, 631, 849
- Steel Rails, Chemistry and Temperature of, 485
- Steel Rails and Plates, Influence of Copper on, 87
- Steel Trade, American, and Combines, 840
- Steel. Trade, Electricity in, 742
- Steel Trusts, United States, 210
- Steel Works Crane, 15-Ton, Locomotive, 267
- Stirling Water-Tube Boiler and Tube Scrapers,
- Stock Exchange Year-Book, 93
- Stockport Gas Engine Test, 286. See Errata, 05, and LETTER, 313
- Storage Battery, Edison's, 739
- Straits Settlements, Trade in, 179
- Stream Purity and Riparian Owners' Rights, 13
- Street Cleaning, 54, 154
- Strength, Commercial, of Pulley-Blocks, 383, 419,
- Strike, Building, in Chicago, 311
- Structure of Metals, 82, 616, 787. See LETTERS, 83
- Sub-Station Machinery, Polyphase, 387, 403, 833
- Submarine Boats for the British Navy, 346, 395
- Submarine Boats, Motion in Vertical Plane, 437, 59, 488
- Submarine Cable Telegraphy, Sine-Wave, 1
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 182, 680
- Submarine Telegraphy, French, 314
- Submerged Moving Plate, Pressure upon a, 409, 33. See Erratum, 445
- Suction Chambers on Pumps, 151
- Sugar Refinery, High-Pressure v. Low-Pressure Steam in, 778
- Sulphate of Copper, 276
- Sulphuric Acid Production by Catalysis, 517
- Superannuation Fund, British Electrical, 121
- Superheated Steam, " Inchdune " and " Inchmarlo " Machinery, Using, 9, 71. See LETTERS, 48
- Superphosphates in France, 655. See 751
- Surface Contact System, Electric Traction, Kingsland's, 649
- Surveying, Automatic Drawing Apparatus for Plans of Roads, 832
- Surveying Instruments for India and the Colonies, 756
- Surveying and Levelling Instruments, 501
- Surveying, Mr. Wilfred Airyon, 220
- Surveying by Tacheograph, 727
- Swedish Torpedo, 184
- Swiss Paper-Making Machinery, 367
- Switches, Electric, Ganz's, 101
- Switches. See also Electric
- Switzerland by Steamer from Britain, 154
- Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy, 643. See also Electric
- Tacheograph, Schroder, 727. See also Surveying
- Teaching of Physics, 220
- "Teal," Shallow-Draught Gunboat, Yarrow, 817
- Technical Dictionary, 738
- Technical Education of Students, 651, 557, 587. See LETTER., 618
- Technical High Schools, Attendance at German, 83
- Tees Shipbuilding, 42. See Errata, 109
- Telegraph Enterprise, Submarine, 182, 680
- Telegraph, Mercadier, 821
- Telegraphone, The, 651
- Telegraphy, Electrical Wave Transmission, 496
- Telegraphy, French Submarine, 314
- Telegraphy, Multiple-Spark, 52, 178
- Telegraphy, Submarine Cable, Sine-Wave, 1
- Telegraphy, Syntonic Wireless, 643
- Temperature Indicator, Callendar and Griffiths, 12
- Tempering of Iron Hardened by Overstrain, 26
- Tempering Steel Castings, 613, 748, 784
- Testing Pumps, Weir's, 800
- Testing Steam Pumps, Apparatus for Dynamically, 104
- Tests of Locomotive Boiler at Purdue, 104
- Tests of Ore Concentration, 534
- Tests of Oil Engines, 807, 828
- Test of Parsons' Steam Turbine, 777
- Texan Oil Wells, 4S4
- Textile Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 597
- Thames Conservancy and the Port of London, 47
- Thames, Sea Water at Lambeth, 712
- Thames Shipbuilding and Engineering, 137
- Thames Steamer Traffic, 49
- Theatre Construction, Court Theatre, Vienna, 25, 529
- Theatre Stage Machinery, Covent Garden, London, 636, 659, 724
- Thermal Properties of Isopentane and Normal Pentane, 648
- Thermit, Aluminium, 583
- Thermit Iron, Micro Photographs of, 360
- Thermometer, Thermo-Dynamical Correction of the Gas, 592. See also Temperature Indicator
- Thomson's Corpuscular Hypothesis, 545
- Thornycroft-Marshall Water-Tube Boiler, 333
- Three-Phase. See Polyphase
- Timber Bridges at Glasgow Exhibition, 666, 767
- Timber-Preserving Paint, Carbolineum Avenarius, 154, 183, 216
- Tin and Copper, 812
- Tin-Ore Deposits in Eastern Siberia, 161
- Tinplate Manufacture, British v.- American, 616, 30, 652. See 641
- Tinplate Outlook, 150
- Tokio City Water Works, 140
- Tool-Grinder, 612
- Tool-Room Management, Weir's, 796
- Tools. See Machine Tools
- Torpedo, Swedish, 184
- Torpedo-Boat. See Warships
- Toothed Wheels, High-Speed Gearing, 517
- Traction. See Tramway
- Traction Engine (Aveling and Porter), 109
- Trade, British Foreign, 86
- Trade Descriptions, False, 276, 774
- Trade and Engineering in the Malay States, 85
- Trade of Hong Kong, 277
- Trade and Industry in Formosa, 120, 483
- Trade and Industry of Osaka, 763
- Trade and Shipbuilding at Nagasaki, 363. See LErrEa, British and American Coal, 801
- Trade in Straits Settlements, 179
- Trade-Union Law and Cases, by Mr. Hermann Cohen and George Howell, 500
- Trade Unionism in New Zealand (Legal), 447
- Trades Unions and the Right of Action against them (Linaker v. Pilcher, 211
- Trades Unions on the Supply of Skilled Labour, 79
- Trading, Municipal, 21
- Train de Luxe for Rhodesian Railway, 698, 764
- Train, Railway, Speed Regulator, 267
- Training of Mechanical Engineers, 710
- Tramway Car Controllers (Ganz), 164
- Tramway, Electric Generating Engines for Glasgow, Musgrave's and Allis's, 141, 173, 551, 574
- Tramway Parliamentary Schemes (Legal), 359
- Tramway Polyphase Substation Machinery, 387, 03
- Tramway Rolling Stock, 399
- Tramway, System for London, Conduit, 242
- Tramway, Trolley and Conduit, Combined System, 362, 369, 427
- Tramways and British Light Railways, 741
- Tramways, Cassel, 95. See Producer Gas Engines
- Tramways, Electrolysis of Pipes, 590, 620
- Tramways, Kingsland's Surface-Contact, 649
- Tramways, Scotch Schemes, 642
- Trans-Atlantic Passengers, 83
- Transformers. See Electric
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 278, 563, 600, 645, 694
- Trans-Siberian Railway, Japan to Europe, Traffic and Fares, 278
- Transmission of Electrical Waves, 496
- Transporter, 809
- Trials of Oil Engines at Cardiff, 807, 828
- Triple-Expansion. See Engines
- Trois Dur Powder, 726. See 690, 757
- Trolley and Conduit Tramway System, Combined, 62, 369, 427
- Truck for Tramway, 399
- Trust. See also Combine
- Trust, United States Steel, 210
- Trusts, New American, 611
- Tube-Cleaning Tools, Stirling Boiler, 634
- Tug, Fire, and Police Twin-Screw Boat, 45
- Tungsten, Smelting of, 740
- Tuning Forks and Telegraphy, 821
- Tunnel, France and the Simplon, 152
- Tunnel, Railway, Vibration on Central London, 16
- Tunnel, Railways, Law of Deep, 18
- Tunnels, Smoke in Railway, 418
- Turbine-Driven Merchant Steamer, The First, 679
- Turbines and Motors, Electric (Ganz), 35, 171
- Turbines, Steam, 70
- Turbo-Generator, Parsons', Trial after Twelve Months' Working, 777
- Turning Engine, T.-S.S. "Deutschland," 367
- Turret Lathes, 226, 251, 262, 281, 317, 352. See LErrEas, 280, 313, 339. See also Machine Tools
- Turton's Railway Buffer, 487
- Tyne, Redheugh Bridge over the, 608
- Tyne Shipbuilding, 41
- Tyneside Electric Power Station, 810
- Tyres, Dunlop. and Motor Car, 839
- Uganda Railway Bridge Contract, 215. See LETTER, 247
- Underground Support, The Right to, 445
- Underground Water, The Law of, 309
- Union, Trade, Law in Cases, 600
- United States. See also America
- United States Shipbuilding, 449
- United States, Smokeless Powder Explosion, 381
- United States Battleships, New, 123
- United States Canals, 366
- United States Central Valve Engine, 104
- United States Coal, Value of, 181
- United States Cruisers, " Maryland," &c., Classes, 217
- United States Guns at Paris Exhibition, 398
- United States Locomotive for the Chicago and North-Western Railway Company, 171
- United States Naval Reports, 177
- United States Ore Output, 119
- United States Pig Iron Production, 182
- United States Solar Eclipse Cyclone of May 28, 900, 777
- United States Steel Trust, 210
- United States Warships, Guns and Mountings, 97, 345
- University, Columbia, 468
- Utilisation of Waste By - Proiuct of Steel and Iron Manufactures, 651, 684
- Valve for Engine, Central, 104
- Valve Gear, Joy's Assistant Cylinder, 435, 442. See LETTER, 518
- Valve, Lubricator, Automatic Check, 638
- Valve, Ridgway Retaining and Discharging, 110
- Valve, Steam Stop, 110
- Valves, Pump, 603
- Valves for Pump, Weir's, 798
- Vehicles, Motor, for Heavy Traffic, Liverpool Trials, 617, 699, 730, 775
- Veille Montagne, 502
- Ventilation of Theatre, 529
- Vessels, Iron Tank Vessels v. Wooden, Naphtha on the Volga, 53
- Vessels, Suction on Pumps, 151
- Vibration on the Central London Railway, 216
- Vibration of Steamers and Engine-Balancing, 22, 432, 436, 467, 490, 517, 521
- Vibration of Steamship, Experiments on "Deutschland," 422, 432. See 436, 457, 490, 21, 715
- Vickers' Armour-Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 63
- Vickers' Guns, 297. See 345
- "Victoria and Albert," Royal Yacht, Responsibility for, 807
- " Victoria and Albert," The Royal Yacht, 52
- Vienna Court Theatre, Construction of, 225, 529
- Vineyards, French, and Hail-Dispersing Cann') lades, 293. See LETTER, 383
- Virginia Mineral Resources, U.S.A., 485
- "Virginia," United States Battleship, 123
- "Volga," Iron Tank, Wooden v. Naphtha Vessels, 53
- Voltage and Speed in a Shunt Dynamo, 662
- Vulcan Works. See " Deutschland "
- Wagon Brake, Mackintosh, 392
- Wagons, Heavy, Traffic Motor Wagons, Liverpool Trials, 617, 699, 730, 775
- Walker-on-Tyne Electric Station, 769, 810
- Walters' Weighing Instrument of Precision, 185
- Warning-, Fraudulent Engineering Beggar, 280
Warships :
- Armour Disposition on British Battleships, 209, See 245
- Armour-Plates at the Paris Exhibition, 66, 99, 31, 161
- British Armoured Cruisers, 273
- British Battleship " Russell," 245. See 209
- British Effective Ships, Conversion and ReArmament of, 842, 854
- British Naval Estimates and Problems, 307, 43, 377, 807
- British Navy Boiler Question, 335, 341, 480. See LmrrEss, 383, 419, 688
- British Warships, Delay in Constructing, 307
- Dutch Torpedo-Boat, Oil-Burning, Yarrow, 803
- Clyde Shipbuilding, 841
- Engine-Room Complements of Warships, 29, 9. See LETTER, 122
- French Ships and Guns Exhibited at Paris, 25, 360, 397
- Gunpowder for British Cruisers, 679
- Guns and their Mountings, 297. See 345
- H.M.S. " Euryalus," 679
- Holland Submarine Boat, 346, 395
- Limits of Economical Speed, 843, 854
- Merchant Ships as Naval Auxiliaries, 842, 853
- Proposed Scout, 410, 417
- Russian Armoured Cruiser " Bogalyr," 214. See 670
- Russian High-Speed Cruisers. New, 214, 670
- Shallow-Draught Gunboat " Teal," Yarrow, 847
- Submarine Boats for the British Navy, 346, 95
- Submarine Boats, Motion in Vertical Plane, 37, 459, 488
- Swedish Torpedo, 184
- United States Battleships, New, 123
- United States Cruisers, " Maryland," " California," and " St. Louis " Classes, 217
- United States Naval Policy, 177
- United States Warships, Ten Years' Progress, 16, 523, 555
- Washing Streets, 54, 164
- Water, Composition-of Boiler, 710
- Water Condensation, Zschocke Cooling Tower, 02. See 648
- Water Consumption of Electric Generator Engines, 769. See 810
- Water Department, Zealand, Holland, 331
- Water-Driven Centrifugals, 627. See 660
- Water Gas. See Gas
- Water Gauge, Schram's, 585
- Water Pollution (Legal Case), 483
- Water, Pure, for London, 313
- Water, Sea, at Lambeth, 712
- Water Softener, Bruun-Lowener, 745
- Water Supply, London, 81
- Water Supply, Plymouth, Burrator Reservoir for, 492
- Water, The Law of Underground, 309
- Water Transport in Germany, 660
- Water-Tube Boiler, Babcock and Wilcox, 800. See 765
- Water-Tube Boiler v. Cylindrical, Consumption Trials, 836
- Water-Tube Boiler, Irving and Noble Double Tube, 439, 474. See LETTERS, 518, 538
- Water-Tube Boiler, Thornycroft-Marshall, 333
- Water-Tube Boiler in United States Navy, 177
- Water-Tube Boilers and Engine-Room Complements, 29, 59. See LETTER, 122
- Water-Tube Boilers, Stirling, 634
- Water-Tube Boiler Royalties Impounded, 312
- Water-Tube Boilers on S S. " Martello," Babcock and Wilcox, 232. See 800
- Water-Tube Boilers in the Navy, 335, 341, 480. See LETTERS, 383, 419, 688
- Water Wheel, Casel's, 767
- Water Works, Arad, and Fischer Filters, 204
- Water Works, Tokio City, 140
- Watkin, The late Sir Edward, 507
- Wave-Sine Submarine Cable Telegraphy, 1
- Wave Transmission, Electrical, 496
- Wear Shipbuilding, 42
- Weather of March, 1901, Severity, 506
- Weighing Instrument of Precision, 186
- Weighing Machinery at Glasgow Exhibition, 598
- Weights Found Wanting (The Metric System), 79
- Weir's Triple-Compound Feed Pumps, 781
- Weir's Works at Glasgow, Messrs. G. and J., Limited, 795
- Welding Aluminium, Cowper - Coles' Process, 83
- Welin Boat-Lowering Gear, 815
- Well, Texan Oil, 484
- Well, The Deepest in England, 25
- Western Telegraph Company, Limited, 680
- Wheel, Cassel's Self-GoverniiI Impulse, 767
- Whitby and Blythe Shipbuilding, 43
- White Star Liner " Celtic," 472. See 449
- Whitwell, Mr. William, on Losses in Iron and Steel Industries, 615, 651, 684
- Who's Who?, 93
- Willcox, F. A., on Development of Smokeless Powders in United States, 690, 757
- Winding Engine for Canal Barge Lift at Foxton, Leicestershire, 111
- Wingfield's, Mr. Humphrey, on the Influence of Depth of Immersion on the Distribution of Pressure over a Submerged Moving Plate, 409, 33. See Erratum, 445
- Winters, Severe, in England, 235]
- Wireless Telegraphy, 496
- Wireless Telegraphy, Mutilple-Spark, 62, 178
- Wireless Telegraphy, Syntonic, 643
- Wood-Preserving Paint, Carbolineum Avenarius, 64, 183, 216
- Wooden Bridges at Glasgow Exhibition, 666, 767
- Wooden Sailing Ships, Ancient and Modern, 230
- Woodison's Direct-Acting Feed Pump, Clarke, Chapman and Co., 833
- Word " Journal" of a Shaft, 55, 87
- Workmen's Compensation Cases, 86, 96, 128, 251, 71, 711, 776
- Workshop Mathematics, by Frank Castle, 268
- Workshop Practice, 309
Works :
- limiting Brothers, Kortingadorff, near Hanover, 44'
- Richmond Chemical Works, Virginia, 535
- Trigg Shipbuilding Yard at Richmond, Virginia, 631, 535
- Weir's, Limited, G. and J., 795
- Yarrow and Co.'s New Works, 441
- Works Department of London County Council, 73
- Works, Situation of Electrical Engineering, 618
- X Rays, Effect upon Air, 2S3
- Yacht Rating Rules, 166
- Yacht, Royal, 52
- Yacht, Royal, Responsibility for, 807
- Yarrow and Co.'s New Works, 441
- Young Engineers, Position of, 88
- Zealand Water Transport and Land Reclamation, 331
- Zinc Combine, 578
- Zinc Mining Company, 602
- Zschocke Cooling Tower for Condensing Water, 02. See 648
- Zuyder Zee, Reclamation of Land, 331
See Also
Sources of Information