Engineering 1901 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1901 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1901 Jul-Dec Volume
- Accumulator, Regenerative Steam, 466
- Acme Four-Spindle Automatic Screw Machine (Schischkar and Co.), 731, 732, 734, 735
- A. E. G. Construction and Systematic Manufacture of Alternators. See Alternators
- Addy, Mr. George, Lifting-Jack, 881
- Addy, Mr. George, Sheffield, Pipe-Flange Drilling Machine, 139
- Agricultural Machinery, Canadian, 446, 447, 497
- Air-Compressor, " Boreas," 475
- Air-Compressor, Hydraulic, at Magog, 114
- Air-Compressor, Vertical Compound (D. Stewart and Co., Limited, Glasgow), 610
- Air, Liquid, Pictet's Process, 368
- Alloys, Copper and Iron, Microscopical Sections, 852, 853
- Alternator. See also Electric
- Alternators, Electric, Construction and Systematic Manufacture of, 173, 174, 176, 177, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 240, 241, 244, 215, 277, 278, 279
- America. See United States
- Angle-Bar Bevelling Machine (Davis and Primrose, Leith), 702
- Anglian Engineering Company, Limited, Stowmarket, the " Bull " Electric Motor, 358
- Ansaldo, Genoa, Reconstruction of the Turkish battleship " Mesoudie," 529
- ArchbutPfteley Water-Softener, 597
- Armorl Electro-Capillary Relay, 782
- Armoured Cruisers. See Warships
- Arrol and Co., Sir William, Glasgow, Redheugh Bridge over the Tyne, 484, 486, 550, 552, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649
- Artillery. See Guns, Schneider - Canet and Vickers
- Ash and Coal Conveyors, 864
- Askam Iron Works, Compound Blowing Engines (Galloways), 362, 363, 365
- Assouan Dam Across the Nile, 336, 337
- Atkins' Continuous Water-Softener, 596
- Atlantic Liner Engine Arrangements, 271
- Atlantic Liner "Kronprinz Wilhelm," 468
- "Atmah," Lengthening of Steam Yacht, 180
- Automatic Machines. See Lathes and Machine Tools
- Automatic Railway Coupler, Geoghegan's, 52
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars
- Avery, W. and T., Limited, Birmingham, Crane Weighing Machine, 561
- Awning Roof at Nottingham Station, 738, 739. See pages 672, 678, 679, 736, 737, 738, 739, 800, 801. See 830, 832, 833
- Bagnall, W. G., Limited, Stafford, Narrow-Gauge Side-Tank Locomotive for the Egyptian Delta Railway, 321, 328
- Balanced Marine Engines, Macalpine's Design, 63, 64, 65, 97, 98
- Balancing Engines, 589
- Balancing of Locomotives, 726, 727, 728, 755 Baldwin Electric Mining Locomotive and Railway-Car Electric Generator, 829
- Baldwin Express Passenger Locomotive, 829 Ball Step Bearings, 115
- Bar-Bevelling Machine (Davis and Primrose, Leith), 702
- Barbette Gun Roller Path Planing Machine, 216 Barbette Mounting, Krupp, 199
- Barr, Stroud, and Becker's Electric Clock, 117 Barrett, Mr. John, Keighley, Economic Cupola, 324
- Barrow Docks Petroleum Tanks, 286, 287 Barrow Hematite Steel Works, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 722, 723
- Battleships. See Warships
- Bearings, Ball Step, 115
- Benrath Company, Revolving Cranes, 217
- Bessemer Converters for Copper Manufacture, 706
- Bevel-Gear Cutting Machine, Bilgram (Reinecker, Chemnitz-Gablenz), 731
- Bevelling Machine, Angle-Bar (Davis and Primrose, Leith), 702
- Bilbao Breakwater and Harbour Works, 461, 462
- Bilgram Bevel-Gear Cutting Machine (Reinecker, Chemnitz-Gablenz), 731
- Blake-Denison Continuous Weighing Machine, 482, 483
- Blast-Furnace Bosh, Water Cooled, 66 Blast-Furnace Gas Engine and Dynamo, 600 Horse-Power, 174, 177
- Blast-Furnaces at Barrow Iron Works, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 722, 723. See 66
- Bleaching Plant (Mather and Platt), 438, 439, 441, 442
- Blowing Engines, Compound, at the Askam Iron Works (Galloways), 362, 363, 365
- Bogies for Tramways' and Railway Wagons, Italian, 516, 520
- Boilers. See also Water-Tube Boilers
- Boiler, Double-Ended, of Twin-Screw Steamer " Ortona," 268
- Boiler Feed-Water Filter (J. H. Carruthers and Co., Glasgow), 837
- Boiler Feed-Water Softener, 596, 597
- Boiler-Tube Scraper, 136
- Bolt-Driving Machine, Vertical Boring and Hydraulic, 282
- "Boreas " Air-Compressor, 475
- Boring and Hydraulic Bolt-Driving Machine (McDowall Johnstone), 282
- Boring Machine, Horizontal (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited), 41
- Boring and Turning Machine, Horizontal (Hetherington, Manchester), 366
- "Bornu" and "Sokoto," Engines of the Screw Steamers, 300
- Brake, Tramcar Emergency (British Electric Car Company, Limited), 61
- Breakwater, Bilbao, 461, 462
- Brebner's Eclipsing Mechanism for Lighthouses, 564, 565
- Breech Mechanism of Guns. See Guns, Vickers' Artillery, and Schneider-Canet
- Bridge, Foot-, over the Seine at Paris, 320, 325 Bridge, Redheugh, between Newcastle and Gateshead, 484, 486, 550, 552, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649
- Bridge-, Swing, over the River Weaver, at Winnington, 860, 861
- Bridge, Tal-y-Cafn Road, over the River Con¬way, North Wales, 40, 46, 142, 143, 145
- Bridges across the Victoria Railway Station, Nottingham, 830, 832, 833
- British Electric Car Company, Limited, London, Tramcar Emergency Brake, 61
- British and Foreign Shipping, Diagrams of Pro-gress,. 433, 434,- 435
- British Pneumatic Railway Signalling Apparatus, 158
- British Westinghouse Company Electric Gene-rator and 500 Horse-Power Compound Corliss Engine, 703. See also Westinghouse
- Brother's Electric Cableway, New York, 574, 575
- Browett, Lindley, and Co., Limited, 1250 Indi-cated Horse-Power Engines, Salford Electricity Works, 805
- Brown and Co., Limited, John, Clydebank Ship-building and Engineering Works, 242, 276, 290 •
- Brown Conveyor Company's Cantilever Crane for Shipbuilding Berths, 183, 184, 185 Brunn-Lowener Continuous Water-Softener, 597, Buckton Testing Machine at the James Watt
- Engineering Laboratory, 406, 407
- Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, Com-pound Locomotive, 463, 464
- Buffalo Exhibition, Railway Exhibits, 829 Buildings, Station, at Nottingham, 800, 801 Bulkhead Doors, Ship's, Hydraulically-Operated (Stone, Deptford), 48, 49
- " Bull " Electric Motor (Anglian Company, Limited, Stowmarket), 358.
- Buoyancy of Ships, 29, 30, 31, 79
- Buoys and Lightships, 410, 419, 420
- Burners for Oil-Gas Buoys, 419, 420
- Cable Incline Railways, Uganda, 442, 443
- Cableway, New York Subway, Brother's Electric, 574, 575
- Caledonian Railway Locomotive for Mineral Traffic, 275
- Caledonian Railway, 30-Ton Wagon, 740, 746 Callendar's Portable Indicator for Platinum Thermometer, 644
- Canadian Agricultural Machinery, 446, 447, 497 Canal, Dortmund and Ems, 378
- Cantilever Cranes over Shipbuilding Berths, 183, 184, 185
- Capstan Lathes. See Machine Tools
- Car Emergency Brake (British Electric Car Company, Limited), 61
- Car, Geoghegan's Automatic Railway, Coupler, 52 Carburetter for Internal Combustion Engines, Moorwood-Bennett, 479
- Cargo Steamer's Engines, 300. See Boiler, 268 Carriages. See Railway
- Carruthers and Co., J. H., Feed-Water Filter, 837
- Carruthers and Co., J. H., Glasgow, Compound Duplex Feed Pumps, 640
- Cars. See Motor Cars
- Casting, Large, Transported by Rail, 590 Central Station, Salford Electric, 803, 804, 805, 861, 865, 866, 863 S69
- Centrifugal, Electrically Driven (D. Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 881
- Channel Steamer's Engines, 299
- Circulation of the Dtirr Boiler, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,
- 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 165, 166
- Clock, Barr, Stroud, and Becker's Electric, 117 Clydebank Shipbuilding and Engineering Works
- (J. Brown and Co., Limited), 242, 275, 290 Coal Consumption of Large Ships, 268 Coal-Cony eyor Weighing Machine (Blake-Deni
- son), 482, 483
- Coal Steamer "Mercedes" (Northumberland Company, Limited), 848
- Coal Wagon, 25-ton Bogie (Pickering, Wishaw), 627
- Coal-Weighing and Recording Machine, Ingrey's Automatic, 312
- "Cobra," Loss of the Destroyer, Gyroscopic
- Action, 624, 625, 647, 680, 719, 813, 847 Cochrane, Mr. John (Barrhead), 15-Cwt. Steam
- Hammer, 691
- Columbus Monument, Underpinning, 742. See also New York Subway
- Columns for Roofs. See Nottingham Station Competition in Shipping and Shipbuilding, 433, 434, 435
- Compound Locomotive. See Locomotives Compressor, Air. See also Air-Compressor Compressor, Air, at Magog, Test of Hydraulic, 114
- Construction and Systematic Manufacture of
- Alternators, 173, 174, 176, 177, 205, 206, 207,
- 208, 209, 240, 241, 244, 215, 277, 278, 279 Converters. See Electric
- Conveyor Weighing Machine (Blake-Denison), 482, 483
- Conveyors, Ash, 864
- Conway, Road-Bridge over River, 40, 46, 142, 143, 145
- Cooling Cylinders of Internal Combustion En¬gines, 427
- Copper and Iron Alloys, Microscopical Sections, 852, 8;3
- Copper Joint Rings, 270
- Copper Manufacture, David Process, 706
- Cordite and the Erosion of Guns, 47
- Corridor Carriages See Railway Carriages Coupler, Geoghegan's Automatic Railway, 52 Couplings, Railway Wagon, 516, 620
- Cowans, Sheldon, and Co.' Carlisle, 3-Ton Elec¬tric Travelling Crane, 872
- Crab, Electric, for Brown Cantilever Crane, 185 CI ane-Hooks, Strength of Drop-Forged, 537, 538 Crane, 3-Ton Electric Travelling, S72
- Crane, 20-Ton Locomotive Steam (Wilson, Liver-pool), 661
- Crane, 20-Ton Travelling Electric (Russell, Motherwell), 682
- Crane, 80-Ton Floating, for the Santos Harbour Works, 182, 188
- Crane Weighing Machine (W. and T. Avery, Limited, BirminghamN, 661
- Cranes over Shipbuilding Berths, 183, 181, 185 Cranes in Shipbuilding Yards, 217
- Cross Water-Tube Boiler for Twin-Screw Launch, 840
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Cumberland Mine Protection by Sea-Wall, 179
- Cupola, The Economic, Barrett, Keighley, 324
- Curves of Ship's Freeboard, 29, 30
- Cutter Grinder (Mr. J. J. Guest, Birmingham), 772, 773, 785
- Cutting Speeds of Machine Tools, 882
- Cylinder Arrangements in High-Speed Atlantis
- Liners, 271
- Cylinder Cooling of Internal-Combustion Engines, 427
- Cylinder Temperatures, Gas Engine. See Gas Engine Research
- Dams across the Nile, 336, 337
- Danube Regularisation Works, 884, 885 Darlington Wagon and Engineering Company, Limited, High-Capacity Railway Wagon, 549 David Copper Process, 706
- Davis and Primrose, Angle-Bar Bevelling Ma-chine, 702
- Daydd and Pi116, MM., Foot-Bridge over the Seine at Paris, 320, 325
- Deal Frame, Self-Contained Double Wood (alcDowa,11, Johnstone), 282
- Denison and Son, Samuel, Leeds, Continuous Weighing Machine, 482, 483
- Denny, W., and . Brothers, Turbine Steamer " King Edward," 18
- Desrumaux Continuous Water-Softener, 597 Destroyer " Cobra," Loss of, Gyroscopic Action,
- 624, 625, 647, 080, 719, 813, 817
- Destroyers. See Warships
- Diagram of Coal Consumption of Large Ships, 268
- Diagram of the Theoretical Economy of High Steam Pressure, 270
- Diagrams of British and Foreign Shipping, 433, 434, 435
- Diagrams, Gas Engine, 593, 594, 629, 630, 632, 638, 666, 667
- Diagrams of Metal Prices, 26, 162, 374, 494, 660 784, 880
- Diagrams, Values and Depreciations, Engine Works, 704
- Die-Forgings, 37, 105, 106, 305, 1306, 469, 470,
- 471, 474, 569, 570, 571, 669, 670, 671, 672, 825, 826
- Dock, Pontoon, Self-Docking, for the Spanish Government (R. Stephenson and Co., Limited, Hebburn-on-Tyne), 95
- Dome, Locomotive Running Sheds, 355
- Doors, Ships' Bulkhead, Hydraulically - Ope-rated (Stone, Deptford), 48, 49
- Dortmund and Ems Canal, 378
- Dredger,14 Suction Hopper, Seine Navigation, 705, 7
- Drill, Eight-Spindle (Schischkar and Co.), 731 Drillinz Machine, Pipe-Flange (Mr. George Addy, Sheffield), 139
- Drills, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Dudbridge Ironworks, Limited, Portable Oil Engine, 3
- Duisburg Company, Revolving Cranes, 217
- " Duke of Cornwall," Engines of the Twin-Screw Channel Steamer, 299
- " Duke of Lancaster," Engines of the Twin-Screw Channel Steamer, 299
- DUrr Water-Tube Boiler in the German Navy, 80,
- 81, 82, 83, 84, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 165, 166 Dynamos. See Electric and Genertftors
- Eastern Railway of France, Locomotive Running Sheds, 354, 355
- Eastern Railway of France, Profile and Diagrams of Speed and Train Resistance, 580
- Eclipsing Mechanism for Lighthouses, Brebnees, 564, 565
- Efflux of Steam, 444
- Eguilles Smelting Works, the David Copper Process, 706
- Egyptian Delta Railway, Narrow-Gauge Side Tank Locomotive (Bagnall, Limited, Stafford), 321, 328
- Egyptian Irrigation, Assouan Dam, 336, 337
- Egyptian Sugar Company's Sugar-Cane Triple-Crushing Plant (D. Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 646, 652
- Ehrhardt and Sehmer, Schleifinuhle Express Pump, Electrically-Driven, 403
Electric :
- Alternator, 1000 Horse-Power, at Berlin Works, 170
- Alternators, Construction and Systematic
- Manufacture, 173, 174, 176, 177, 205, 206, 207,
- 203, 205, 240, 241, 244, '245, 277, 278, 279 Armorl Electro-Capillary Relay, 782 Blast-Furnace Gas-Motor and Dynamo, 600
- Horse-Power, 174, 177
- Cable-Way at New York, Brother's, 574, 575 Callendar's Portable Indicator for Platinum Thermometer, 044
- Centrifugal Motor for Sugar-Refining, 881 Clock , Barr, Stroud, and Becker's Electric, 117
- Crab for Cantilever Cranes, 185
- Crane, 3-Ton Travelling, S72
- Crane, 20-Ton Travelling (Russell, Mother-well), 682
- Dynamo, 3-Phase, for 500 Volts, 173. See also Generators
- Engine, 500 Horse-Power Compound Corliss, and Generator (Markham, Chesterfield, and Westinghouse Company), 703
- Engine, Gas, and Electric Generators, at Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Salford, 808
- Engine, High-Speed, and Dynamo (Mather and Platt), 512, 513
- Generator, Continuous-Current, 176 Generator, Railway-Car Lighting, 829 Generators and Electrically-Driven Pumps
- (Mather and Platt), 512, 513
- Generators and Motors for Shipbuilding Works, Westinghouse, 607, 618
- Generators at Rheinfelden, 177
- Generators at Salford, 803, 804, 805, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869
- Generators, Typical, 173, 174, 176, 177 Lighting Railway Cars, 829
- Locomotive, Minine, Baldwin, 829
- Motor, the " Bull " (Anglian Company, Stow-market), 358
- Motor for Mine Pump, Triphase, E.A.G., 10 Motor Water-Car (British Electric Car Com-pany, Limited), 828
- Motors for 4-Roll Printing Machine, 265
- Power Transmission at Manufacturing Works,
- 163, 422, 423, 607, 618, 808
- Pump, Electrically-Driven, Schleifmuhle's Express, 403
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Glenfleld and Ken¬nedy, Limited, Kilmarnock), 591
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Mather and Platt), 512, 513
- Railway Car-Lighting Generator, 829 Regulator for Lighthouses, 410, 419 Shipbuilding Works, Electrically - Driven ,
- Palmer's, 607, 618. See 168
- Signalling on Railways 532, 533
- Subway. See New York Subway
- Switchboard and Connections, Lighting and Tramway. Salford, 865, 866, 868, 869 Tramcar Emergency Brake (British Electric Car Company, Limited), 61
- Trolley Wire Dangers, and their Prevention, 501
- Turbine-Driven Generators at Rheinfelden, 177
- Westinghouse Shipbuilding Yard Driving Plant at Palmees, 607, 618
- Electrically-Driven Centrifugal (D. Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 881
- Electricitats Actien-Gesellschaft, Triphase Elec. tric Motor for Mine Pump, 10
- Electricity Works at Salford, 803, 804, 805, 864, 865, 866, 868, 869
- Electro-Capillary Relay, Armorl, 782
- Embankment for Protecting Hodbarrow Mines, 179
- Embankments across the Nile, 336, 337
- Ems and Dortmund Canal, 378
- Engine-Balancing, Macalpine's Design, 63, 64, 65, 97, 98. See also Locomotives, Balancing Engine-Building, Die-Forging in, 469, 470, 471, 474, 569, 570, 571, 669, 670, 671, 672. See also 37, 105, 106, 305, 306, 701, 762, 825, 826
- Engine, 500 Horse-Power Compound Corliss, and Electric Generator (Markham, Chester-field, and Westinghouse Company), 703
- Engine Economy, Power Required to Drive Marine Engine Works, 422, 423
- Engine, .Gas, Blast-Furnace, and Dynamo, GOO Horse-Power, 174, 177
- Engine, Gas, Carburretter for, 479
- Engine, Gas (Forward Company), 517
- Engine, Gas, Research Results, 593, 694, 629, 630, 632. 639, 666, 667
- Engine, Headech's Heavy-Oil Motor, 548 Engine, High-Speed, and Dynamo (Mather and Platt), 513
- Engine, Oil, Portable (Dudbridge Iron Works, Limited, Stroud), 3
- Engine Slide-Valve Relief Rings, 271
- Engine Speed Indicator, Twin-Screw, 27
- Engine Vibration, 589
- Engine, Ward's Metallic Gland Packing, 163 Engine Works, Power Required to Drive, 422, 423 Engines of Ativtic Liners, Cylinder Arrange¬ments, 271
- Engines, Balancing of Locomotives, 726, 727, 728, 755
- Engines of the Channel Steamer " Duke of Corn¬wall," 299
- Engines of the Channel Steamer " Duke of Lancaster," 299
- Engines, Compound Blowing, at the Askam Iron Worki (Galloway's), 362, 363, 365
- Engines, Compound, of the Screw Steamer Fleswick " (Mackie and Baxter, Govan), 443, 450
- Engines, Enclosed, 301
- Engines with Forced Lubrication, 301
- Engines, Gas, and Electric Generators at Metro¬politan Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Salford, 808
- Engines of H.M.S. " King Alfred," 301, 302
- Engines, High-Speed Quadruple-Expansion, for Launch (Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Li¬mited), 212
- Engines, Internal Combustion, Cooling Cylin-linders of, 427
- Engines, Internal Combustion, Moorwood-Ben-nett Carburetter for, 479
- Engines, Marine, v. Parsons' Turbine for Channel Steamers, 303
- Engines of the Pacific Liner " Ortona," 30U. See Boiler, 268
- Engines of the Screw Steamers " Bornu" and Sokoto," 300
- Engines, Suction Hopper Dredger for Seine Navigation, 705, 714
- Engines of Torpedo-Boat Destroyers v. Cargo Steamers, 298
- Engines, Triple-Expansion, for Shallow-Draught Twin-Screw Launch, 840
- Engineering Laboratory, James Watt, Buckton Testing Machine, 406, 407
- Engineering, Marine, during the Last Ten Years,
- 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303 Engineering and Shipbuilding Works (J. Brown
- and Co., Limited, Clydebank), 242, 275,200 Engineering Valuations, Diagrams of, 70 Equipment of Shipbuilding Works, 168, 169, 170,
- 183, 184, 185, 216, 217
- Erosion of Guns, 47
- Escape of Steam through Orifices, 444
- Evershed and Vignoles, Limited, London, Rela¬tive Twin-Engine Speed Indicator, 27
- Exhaust Steam Regenerator, 466
- Exhibition, Buffalo, Railway Exhibits, 829 Exhibition, Glasgow. See Glasgow Exhibition
- Falkenau, Mr. A., Philadelphia, Universal and Cutter Grinder, 44, 45
- Feed-Pumps, Compound Duplex (J. H. Car¬ruthers, Glaszow), 610
- Feed-Water Filters, Gravitation (J. H. Car¬ruthers rand Co., Glasgow), 837
- Feed-Water Softeners, 596, 597
- Field Guns. See Guns and Schneider-Canet Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, Gas Engine for Research Work, 693, 594, 629, 630, 632, 638,
- 660, 607
- Fielding and Platt, Gloucester, Hydraulic Plant for Die-Forging, 469, 470, 471, 474, 569, 570, 571, 669, 670, 671, 672
- Filter, Gravitation Feed-Water (J. IL Carruthers and Co., Glasgow), 837
- Filters, Mechanical, Reeves' (Mather and Platt), 402
- Firewood-Splitting Machine (Glover, Leeds), 435 Fiume Torpedo Works, Whitehead, 395, 398, 399, 400
- Flange Drilling Machine, Pipe- (Mr. George Addy, Sheffield), 139
- " Fleswick," Compound Engines of the S.S. (Mackie and Baxter, Govan), 443, 450
- Floating Crane, 80-Ton, for the Santos Harbour Works, 182, 188
- Floating Dock (R. Stephenson and Co., Limited, Hebburn-on-Tyne), 95
- Foden, Sons, and Co., Limited, Edwin, Military Lorry, 794
- Foot-Bridge over the Seine at Paris, 320, 325
- Forged Crane-Hooks, Strength of Drop-, 537, 538
- Forging, Die-, 37, 105, 106, 305, 300, 469, 470, 471,
474, 509, 570, 571, 669, 670, 671, 072, 761, 825, 826 702,
- Forward Company, Limited, Birinin..;hanl, Gas Engine, 517
- Foundries. See also Clydebank Shipbuilding and Engineering Works
- Foundries at.Vickers' Works, Barrow-iii-Furriess, 113, 116, 120
- Freeboard, Curves of Ships', 29, 30
- French Lightships and Buoys, 410, 419, 420 French Locomotive, Eastern Railway of France, 578, 679, 680, 682
- Furnaces, Steel and Iron, at Barrow Works, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 722, 72'3
- Galloways, Limited, Manchester, Coinpon n(l Blowing Engines, 862, 363, 365
- Gantry Cranes over Shipbuilding Berths, 183, 184, 185
- Gas Engine Results, 593, 594, 629, 630, 032, ($38, 666, 667
- Gas Engines. See Engines, Gas
- Gear-Cutting Machine, Bilgrain Bevel, 731
- Generator, Railway-Car Electric, 829
- Generators, Electric. See Electric
- Geoghegan's Automatic Railway Coupler, 52
- German Canal, Dortmund and Ems, 378
- German Cranes, 217 • German Navy and the Dtirr Boiler, SO, 81, 82, 83, 84, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 165, 166
- Gland Packing, Ward's Metallic, 163
Glasgow Exhibition :
- Air-Compressor, " Boreas," 475
- Air - Compressor, Vertical Compound (D.
- Stewart and Co.'Limited, Glasgow), 610 Barr, Stroud, and Becker's Electric Clock, 117 Bleaching Plant (Mather and Platt), 438, 439, 441, 442
- " Boreas " Air-Compressor, 475
- Boring Machine, Horizontal (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited), 41
- Canadian Agricultural Machinery, 440, 447, 497
- Electrically-Driven Centrifugal (D. Stewart and Co., Limited, Glasgow), 881
- Engine, 500 Horse-Power Compound Corliss and Electric Generator (Markham, Chester¬field, and Westinghouse Company), 703
- Engines, I I it.fli-Speed Quadruple-Expansion for Launch (Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limi¬ted), 212
- Filter, Gravitation Feed-Water (J. It Car-ruthers and Co., Glasgow), 837
- Filters, Mechanical, Reeves' (Mather and Platt), 402
- Gas Engine (Forward Company), 517
- Hammer, 15-Cwt. Steam (Cochrane, Barrhead), (391
- Headech's Heavy-Oil Motor (D. Stewart and Co., Limited, Glasgow), 548
- Hoe's Four-Roll Printing Machine, with Elec-tric Motors? 250? 265
- i; I asgoW Ex Iii1it.iOIL---conthmed.
- lathes, Turret (Lang, Johnstone, and Herbert,
- Coventry), 0, 7. See also Machine Tools Mather and Platt's Electrical Exhibit, 512, 513 Pneumatic Tools (R. G. Ross and Son, Glas
- gow), 252, 253
- Pump, Electrically-Driven, Schleifmuhle Ex¬press, 403
- Pumps, Compound Duplex Feed (J. II. Car-ruthers, Glasgow), 640
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Glenfleld and
- Kennedy, Limited, Kilmarnock), 591 Slotting Machine (Sharp, Stewart, and Co.,
- Limited), 041
- Thornycroft-Cross Water-Tube Boiler (Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited), 213 Wagon, 25-Ton Bogie Coal (Pickering, Wishaw), 027
- Water-Tube Boiler, Penman's, 27
- Water-Tube Boiler, Sinclair's, 849
- Weighing - Machine, Crane (Avery, Limited, Birmingham), 501
- Woodworking Machinery (HcDowall, John-stone), 282, 283
- " Glasgow Herald " Four-Roll Printing Machine, 256, 205
- Glasgow University, Buckton Testing Machine at the Engineering Laboratory, 400, 407 Glenfield and Kennedy, Limited, Kilmarnock,
- Electrically-Driven Pumps, 591
- Glover and Co., M., Leeds, Firewood-Splitting Machine, 435
- Graham, Morton, and Co., Leeds, Ash Conveyors, 864
- Great Central and Great Northern Railway Station at Nottingham, 672, 678, 679, 736, 737,
- 739, 739, 800, 801, 830, 832, 833
- Grinder, Universal and Cutter (Mr. A. Falkenau, Philadelphia), 44, 45
- Grinder, Universal and Cutter 01 r. J. J. Guest, Birmingham), 772, 773, 785
- Group Flashing Lights for Lighthouses, 561 Guest, Mr. J. J., Birmingham, Universal and Cutter Grinder, 772, 773, 785
- Gun Erosion, 47
- Gun-Mounting in Barbettes or Turrets, 196, 197. 199, 200, 201
- Gun-Mounting Department (Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, Barrow-in-Furness), 110, 112, ' 113, 116, 120
- Guns. See also Schneider-Canet and Vickers Gunboats. See Warships
- Gyroscopic Action and the Los3 of the Destroyer " Cobra," 024, 625, 647, 680, 719, 813, 847
- H.M.S. " King Alfred," Engines of, 301, 302 H.M.S. " King Alfred," Launch of (Vickers), 611 Hodbarrow Mines, Cumberland, Sea-Wall for
- Protecting Mine, 179
- Hoe's Four-Roll Printing Machine, with Electric Motors, 256, 265
- Hooks, Crane-, Strength of Drop-Forged, 537, 538 Hose-Pipe, Wallach's Armoured,49
- Hospitnl Ship, United States krmy Transport "Sumner," 78, 79, 80,214, 220
- Howitzer and Field Carriages. See Schneider. Canet
- Hungarian State Railway Locomotives, 867 Hydraulic Air-Compressor at Magog, Test of, 114 Hydraulic Bolt-Driving Machine, Vertical Boring and, 282
- Hydraulic Forging. See Die-Forging Hydraulic Pumping Machinery, 787, 788, 789, 790, 820, 821, 822
- Hydraulics of the Resistance of Ships, 834 Hydroleum System of Burning Liquid Fuel, 817
- Implements,Canadian Agricultural, 446, 447, 497
- Incline Railways, Uganda, 442, 443
- Indicator for Platinum Thermometer, Calendar's Portable, 644
- Indicator of Relative Speed of Twin-Screw Engines, 27
- Ingrey's Automatic Coal Weighing and Recording Machine, 312
- Ironclads. See Warships
- Iron Blast-Furnace Bosh, Water-Cooled, 66
- Iron and Copper Alloys, Microscopical Sections, 852, 853
- Iron-Melting Cupola, 324
- Irrigation in the Nile Valley, 330, 337
- Italian Railway Rolling Stook, 616, 520
- Jack, Lifting-,for Tramcar, 881
- James Watt ngineering Laboratory, 406, 407
- Joints for High-Preesure Steam Pipes, 270
- Kilroy's Relative Speed Indicator, 27
- "King Alfred," H.M. Armoured Cruiser (Vicker's), 611
- "King Alfred," H.M.S., Engioes of, 301, 302
- "King Edward," Turbine Clyde Steamer, 18
- Kinipple, Mr. W. It. (Portrait), 781
- "Kronprinz Wilhelm," North German Lloyd Twin-Screw Steamer. 458
- Krupp Barbette Mounting, 199
- Lacy, I lulbert, and Co., London, " Borcas " Air Compressor, 475
- Ladle, Steel-Tipping, at Barrow Works, 707, 70s, 709, 710, 711, 722, 723
- Lamont and Co., Paisley, Pumps in the Twin Screw Yacht " Margarita," 317
- Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited, Lancaster, Rhodesian Railway Wagons, 181
- Lang and Sons, J.. Johnstone, Turret Lathe, 7
- "Lantai " Boiler-Tube Scraper, 13Q
- Large-Capacity Railway Wagons for the Trans¬vaal, 740, 743, 746
- Las Palmas Slipway, Grand Canary, 567
- Lasche's Experiments on the Construction and Systematic Manufacture of Electric Alter¬nators, 170. 173, 174, 176, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 240, 241, 244, 245. 277, 278, 279
- Lathe, Capstan (A. Herbert, Limited, Coventry), 796, 797
- Lathe, Heavy Turret (A. Herbert, Limited, Coventry), 0
- Lathe, Relieving (Reineoker, Chemnitz-Gablenz), 731
- Lathe, Shaving (A. Herbert, Limited, Coventry), 769
- Lathe, Turret (J. Lang and Sons, Johnstone), 7 Lathes. See also Machine Tools
- Lathes, &c.. Tooling of, 505, 500, 508, 540, 541, 542, 544, 602, 603,606
- Launch, Engines and Boilers of (Simpson, Strick¬land, and Co., Limited), 212
- Launch, Shallow-Draught Twin-Screw (Simpson, Strickland, and Co.), 840 •
- Launching-Cradle of II.U.S. " King Alfred " (Vickers), 611
- Leeds Forge Company, Limited, Large-Capa^ity Railway Wagons, 740, 743, 746
- Lengthening of Steam Yacht " Atmah," 180 Lifting-Jack for Tramcars, 881
- Lighthouse Apparatus, 564, 565
- Lighthouse Electric Regulator, 410, 419 Lighting, Electric-Car, 829
- Lighting, Electric, at Salford, 803, SOS, 805, 864 865, 866, 868, 869
- Lightships and Buoys, 410, 419, 429
- Liquid-Air Process, Pictet's, 368
- Liquid Fuel, Hvdroleum System of Burning, 817 List and Munn's Feed-Water Filter, 837 Locomotive, Compound Express, for the Eastern Railway of France, 578, 579, 580, 582 Locomotive, Compound Goods, for the Prussian State Railways (Vulcan Company, Statin., 764, 765, 771
- Locomotive, Compound Passenger and Goods,
- for Hungarian State Railway, 867 Locomotives, Compound, in South America, 463, 464
- Locomotive Construction, Die-Forging in,469,
- 470, 471, 474, 569, 570. 571, 669, 670, 671, 672, See also 37, 105, 106, 305, 306, 761, 762
- Locomotive, Eight-Coupled, for Mineral Traffic Caledonian Railway, 275
- Locomotive, Electric Mining (Baldwin), S29 Locomotive, Express Passenger, for Illinois Central Railway (Baldwin), 829
- Locomotive, Narrow-Gauge Side Tank, for E.-:Y1)-tian Delta Railway (Bagnall, Limited, Stal-fo:d), 321, 328
- Locomotive Running Sheds for the Eastern Railway of France, 354, 355
- Locomotive Steam Crane, 20-Ton (Wilson, Liver¬pool), 601
- Locomotive, Three-Cylinder Compound, for
- North-Eastern Railway, 11, 13, 14, 15 Locomotives, Balancing of, 720, 727, 728, 755 London and South-Western Railway, Pneumatic
- Railway Signalling, 168
- Lorries, Military, Self-Propelled, 776, 793, 794 Lorries. See also Motor Oars
- Lubrication, Forced, of Torpedo•Boat Engines, 301
- Machine-Shop Tools and Cutting Speeds, 832
Machine Tools,:
- Angle-Bar Bevelling Machine (Davis awl Prim-rose, Leith), 702
- Automatic Screw Machine, Acme 4-Spindle,
- (Schischkar and Co.), 732, 734, 735 Bevel-Gear Cutting Machine, Bilt.fralli (J. L.
- Reinecker and Co.), 731
- Boring and Hydraulic Bolt-Driving Machine (McDowall, Johnstone), 282
- Boring Machine, Horizontal (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited), 41
- Boring Machine and Lathes for Manufacturing Torpedoes, 398, 399
- Cutting Tools and Speeds! 882
- Deal Frame, •Self-Contamed Double Wood (McDowall, Johstone), 282
- Drill, 8-Spindle (Schischkar and Co.), 731 Drilling Machine, Pipe-Flange (Mr. George Addy, Sheffield), 139
- Drills, Lathes, and Milling Tools, &c., at Vickers' Gun-Mounting Works, Barrow-in-Furness, 110, 112, 113, 116, 120
- Drills, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Electrically-Driven Tools, &c.,at, Palmer'si
- Shipbuilding Works, 607, 61 Firewood-Splitting Machine (Glover, Leeds),
- 435
- Grinder, Universal and Cutter (Mr. A. Val-kenau, Philadelphia), 44, 45
- Grinder, Universal and Cutter (Mr. J. J. Guest, Birmingham), 772, 773, 785
- Hammer, 15-Cwt. Steam (Cochrane, Barr-head), 691
- Horizontal Turning and Boring Machine (Hetherington, Manchester), 366
- Lathe, 12-In. Shafting (Atlas Engineering Com¬pany, Manchester), 836
- Lathe, Capstan (A. Herbert, Limited, Coven-try), 790, 797
- Lathe, Heavy Turret, 6
- Lathe, Shaving (A. Herbert, Limited, Coven-try), 769
- Lathe, Turret (J. Lang and Sons, Johnstone), 7 Lathe, Turret (A. Herbert, Limited, Coven-try), 6
- Lathes, Relieving (J. E. Reinecker, Chemnitz-Gablenz), 731
- Lathes, &c , Tooling of, 505, 506, 60S, 510, 541,
- 542, 644, 602, 603, 606
- Milling Machine (Smith and Coventry, Li-mited), 675
- Milling Machines (Richards), 308, 309
- Planers for the Gun-Roller Paths on Barbettes, 216
- Planing Machine, Roller-Fed Wood (McDowall, Johnstone), 282
- Pneumatic Tools, 614, 615
- Pneumatic Tools at Glasgow Exhibition (R. G. RQSS And Son, Glasgow), 252, 253
- Machine Tools-continued.
- Power Required to Drive Machine Tools, 422, 423
- Riveters, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Saw and Bench, Portable (McDowall, John-stone), 283
- Screw Machine, Automatic (A. Herbert, Li-mited, Coventry), 768
- Shipbuilding Appliances at Barrow, 168, 169, 17I8 0 ; at Palmer's, Jarrow • on - Tyne, 607, 6
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, Clyde-bank, 242, 275, 290
- Slotting Machine (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited, Glasgow), 641
- Tooling of Machines, 505, 506, 508, 510, 511,
- 542, 544, 602, 603, 606
- Tube-Cutter, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Wood-Working Machinery, 71, 86, 282, 283, 435 Mackie and Baxter, Govan, Compound Engines of the Screw Steamer " Fleswick," 443, 450 Manufacture of Alternators, Construction and Systematic, 173, 174, 176, 177, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 240, 211, 244, 245, 277, 278, 279
- Marine Engine Works, Power-Driven, 421, 423 Marine Engines. See Engines
- Marine Engineering during the Last Ten Years,
- 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
- Markham and Co., Chesterfield, Engine, 500 Horse-Power Compound Corliss, and Electric Generator, 703
- Mather and Platt, Bleaching Plant, 438, 439, 441, 442
- Mather and Platt, Generators at Salford Elec¬tricity Works, 804. See also Salford Electricity Works
- Mather and Platt's' Mechanical Filters, 402 Mather and Platt's Electrical Exhibits, Glas¬gow, 512, 613
- Macalpine, Mr. J. H., Balanced Marine Engines. 63, 64, 65, 97, 98, 589
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, Gas-Engine Research Work, 593, 594, 629, 630, 631, 632, 638, 666, 667
- " Mercedes," Coal Steamer (Northumberland Company, Limited), 848
- Merchant Shipping Progress, British. and Foreign, 433, 434, 435
- "Mesoudie," Reconstruction of the Turkish, Battleship (Ansaldo), 529
- Metal Price Diagrams, 26, 162, 374, 494, 66U, 784, 880
- Micrography, Iron and Copper Alloys, 852, 853 Military Railway Wagons, Transvaal, 740, 743, 746
- Military Self-Propelled Lorries, 776, 793, 794 Milling Machine (Smith and Coventry, Limited), 675
- Milling Machines (Richards), 308, 309
- Mining Locomotive, Electric, Baldwin, 829 Monument, Underpinning Columbus, 742. See New York Subway
- Moorwood-Bennett Carburetter for Internal-Combustion Engines, 479
- Motor Car Engine, Cylinder-Cooling, 427
- Motor Car, Military Lorries, 776, 793, 794
- Motor, Oil, Headech's (Stewart, Glasgow), 518 Motor Wagon, 4-Ton Steam (Yorkshire Com-pany, Leeds), 313
- Motors. See also Electric
- Motors for Shipbuilding Use, Electric,607, 618 Mountain Railways, Wganda, 442, 44 Mountings for Guns (Constructive Department
- at Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, Barrow
- in-Furness), 110, 112, 113, 116, 120
- Mountings for Guns. See Vickers' Artillery and Schneider-Cant
- Mountings, Turret and Barbette, for United States Naval Guns, 200
- National Show, Machine-Tools at, 796, 797
- Naval Construction Works,Gun-Mounting Department at Vickers', 11, 112, 113, 116, 120 Naval Machinery during the Last Ten Years,
- 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
- Naval Machinery. See Engines
- Naval Mounts for Guns. See Schneider-Ca net, Vickers, and Krupp
- Naval Ordnance, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 196, 197,
- 199, 200, 201, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 Newcastle and Gateshead, Redheugh Bridge,
- 484, 486, 550, 552, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649
- New York Sewers, 507
- New York Subway, 478, 479, 507, 509, 545, 574,
- 575, 674, 699, 742, 763, 857
- Nile Valley Irrigation, 336, 337
- North-Eastern Railway, Three-Cylinder Com-pound Locomotive, 11, 13, 14, 15
- North German Lloyd Atlantic Liner,` Kronprinz Wilhelm," 458
- Northumberland Shipbuilding Company, Li-mited, Coal Steamer " Mercedes," 848 Nottingham Victoria Railway Station, 672, 678, 679, 736, 737; 738, 739, 800, 801, 830, 832,833
- Officine Meccaniche, Milan, Italian Railway Roll¬ing Stock, 516, 520
- Oil Engines. See Engines, Oil, Internal Co in-bustton, also Petroleum
- Oil Fuel, Hydroleum System of Burning, 817 Oil-Gas Buoy Burners, 420
- Oil Motor, Headech's(Stewart, Glasgow), 548 Optical Appliances for Lighthouses, 564, 565 Ordnance. See Guns
- Ordnance, Naval, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 196, 197,
- 199, 200, 201, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235
- Orifices, Escape of Steam through, 444
- " Ortona," Engines of the Twin-Screw Steamer, 300, See Boiler, 268
- Overhead-Wire Dangers, and their Prevention, 501
- Oxygen-Separation Process, Pictet's, 363
- Pacific Liner's Engines, Twin-Screw Steamer "Ortona" 300. See Boiler, 268
- Packing, Ward's Metallic Gland, 163
- Palmer's Works at Jarrow, Electrical Equipment, 607, 618
- Pan-American Exhibition, Buffalo, Railway Exhibits, 829.
- Paris Footbridge over the Seinem 320, 326.
- Parsons' Turbines, Steam Regenerator for Work¬ing, 466
- Parsons' Turbine v. Reciprocating Engine for Channel Steamers, 303
- Pearn and Co , Limited, F., Manchester, Com¬pound Single-Acting Rain Pump, 35'J Penman's Water-Tube Boiler, 27
- Petroleum. See also Oil
•* Petroleum Tanks at Barrow Docks, 286, 287 Pickering and Co., Limited, R. Y., Wishaw, 25-Ton Bogie Coal Wagon, 627
- ,Piotet's Oxygen Separation Process, 368
- Pier Sinking for Bridge. See Redheugh Bridge Piers for Tal-y-Cafn Bridge over River Conway, 40, 46
- .Pig-Breaking Machine at Barrow Works, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 722, 723
- Pipe-Flange Drilling Machine (Mr. George Addy, Sheffield), 139
- Pipe Joints, High-Pressure Steam, 270
- Planers for the Gun-Roller Paths on Barbette, 216
- Planing-Machine, Roller Feed, Wood (M.cD Johnstone), 282
- Platinum Thermometer, Callendar's Portable Indicator for, 644
- Pneumatic Railway Signalling, London and South-Western Railway, 158
- Pneumatic Signalling on Railways, 153, 532, 533 Pneumatic Tools, 614, 615
- Pneumatic Tools (R. G. Ross and Son, Glasgow), 252, 253
- Pontoon Pock, Self-Docking, for the Spanish Government(R. Stephenson and Co., Limited, Hebburn-on-Tync), 95
- Portable Engines. See Engines
- Portable Oil Engine (Dudbridge Iron `forks, Limited, Stroud), 3
- . Portrait of the late Mr. W. R. Kinipple, 781 Portrait of Mr. Robert Whitehead, 398
- Power, Electric. See Electric
- Power Required to Drive a Marine Engine Works, 422, 423
- Printing. Machine, Hoe's Four-Roll, with Electric Motors, 256, 265
- Projectile Department at Vickers' Works, 110, 112, 113, 116, 120
- Prussian State Railways, Locomotive, Compound Goods for the (Vulcan Company, Stettin), 764, 765, 771
- Pump, Compound Single-Acting Ram(Pearn and Co., Limited, Manchester), 359
- Pump, Double-Acting (Wilcox, London), 4 Pump, Schleifinuhle Express, Electrically-Driven, 403
- Pump, Tri-Phase Electric Motor for Mine, E.A.G., 10
- Pumps, Centrifugal, Electrically-Driven (West¬inghouse), 607
- Pumps, Compound Duplex - Feed (Carruthers, Glasgow), 640
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Glenfield and Ken¬nedy, Limited, Kilmarnock), 591
- Pumps, Electrically-Driven (Mather and Platt), 512
- Pumps, Lamont's, in the Twin-Screw Yacht " Margarita " 317
- Pumping Machinery, Hydraulic, 787, 788, 789, 790, 820, 821, 822
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Quick-Firing Artillery. See Schneider-Cand and Vickers
- Rail Mill at Barrow Works, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 722, 723
- Rail Sections, Tramway, 393
- Rail Transportation of a 75-Ton Casting, 590 Railway Coupler, Geoghegan's Automatic, 52 Railway Couplings, 516, 520
- Railway-Car Electric Lighting Generator, 829 Railway Locomotives. See Locomotive
- Railway Rolling Stock, Italian, 516, 520 Railway Rolling Stock, Rhodesian (Lancaster Company), 181
- Railway, Shallow Subway in New York, 478, 479,
- 507, 509, 545, 574, 575, 674, 699, 742, 763 Railway S'gnalling, Modern Practice, 532, 533 Railway Signalling, Pneumatic, London and
- South-Western Railway, 158
- Railway, Soudan, 385
- Railway Station at Nottingham, 672, 678, 679,
- 736, 737, 738, 739, 800, 801, 830, 832, 833 Railway Train Resistance and Speed, 580 Railway, Uganda, Temporary Inclines on the Kikuyu Escarpment, 442, 443
- Railway Wagon, 25-Ton Bogie (Pickerin, Wishaw), 627
- Railway Wagons, High-Capacity, Darlington Company, 549
- Railway Wagons, Large-Capacity, for Transvaal, 740, 743, 746
- Ransome and Co., Limited, A., Stanley Works at Newark-on-Trent, 71, 86
- Reaping Machinery, Canadian, 446, 447, 497 Reclamation from Sea of Land over IIodbarrow Mine, 179
- Redheugh Bridge between Newcastle and Gates-head, 484, 486, 650, 652, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649
- Reeves' Mechanical Filters (Mather and Platt), 402
- Regenerative Accumulator, 466
- Regularisation of Danube, 884, 885
- Regulator for Lighthouses, French, 410, 419 Reineoker, Cheinnitz-Gablenz, Relieving Lathe,
- 731; Bilgram Bevel-Gear Cutting Machine, 731 Reisert Continouus Water-Softener, 597
- Relay, Armorl Electro-Capillary, 782
- Relief Rings for Slide Valves, 271
- Relieving Lathe (Reineoker, Chemnitz-Gablenz), 731
- Resistance of Girders, Moment of, 783 Resistance of Ships, Hydraulics of, 834 Resistance of Trains, and Speed, 580
- Reversing and Starting Gear, Baxter's, 443 Rhodesian Railway Rolling Stock (Lancaster Company), 181
- Richards' Machine Tool Company, London, Ver-tical and Horizontal Milling Machine, 308, 309 Rigby Hammer, 691
- River Danube Improvements Works, 884, 885
- River Nervion Improvements at Bilbao, 461, 462 River Piers for Tal-y-Cafn Bridge over Conway, 40, 46
- River Tyne, Redheugh Bridge, 481, 480, 550, 552, 014, 615, 610, 618, 849
- River Weaver, Swing-Bridge, Winnington, 860, 861
- Riveter, Pneumatic Swivelling (R. G. Ross and Son, Glasgow), 252, 2i3
- Riveters, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Road-Bridge, Tal-y-Cafn, North Wales, 40, 40, 142, 113, 115
- Rolling Mills at Barrow Works, 707, 708, 700, 710, 711, 722, 723
- Rolling Stock. See Locomotives, Railway Car-riages and 1Vagon3
- Root of Locomotive Running Sheds, 355
- Roof, Victoria Railway Station at Nottingham,
- 072, 078, 679, 730, 737, 738, 739, 800, 801, 830, 832, 833
- Ross and Son, R. G., Glasgow, Pneumatic Tools, 252, 253
- Royal Dutch Forge Company, Leyden, Holland, 80-Ton Floating Crane, 182, 188
- Russell and Co., George (Motherwell), 20-Ton Travelling Electric Crane, 682
- re's Blast-Furnace Bosh, Water-Cooled, 60
- "Saiidettie," Lightship, 410
- Salford, Electricity Works at, 803, 801, 805, 864, 805, 860, 808, 869
- Sand Pump Dredger, Screw Steamer (Satre's), 705, 714
- Satre Socidtd Anonyme, Lyons, Suction Hopper
- Dredger for Seine Navigation, 705, 714
- Saw and Bench, Portable (DIcDowall, Johnstone), 283
- Schischkar and Co , Drill, Eight-Spindle, 731
- Schleiftnuhle Express Pump, Electrically-Driven, 403
- Schneider-Camel Ittaick Firiog Artillery :
- Breech Block of 75-Millimetre (2.952.In.) Quick-Firing Field Gun, 74
- Breech Mechanism of 4.724-In. Siege Gun, 109 Firing Practice, 210, 247
- Fuze Regulator, Double, 75
- Howitzer and Field Carriage, 120-Millimetre (4.724-In.), 108
- Howitzer, 120-Millimetre Quick • Fi ring, 249 Shrapnell PracticeoDiagrams of, 248
- Siege Gun, 120.Millimetre (4.721-In.) Quick -Firing, 249
- Sight for Field Guns, 75
- Sighting Device for Howitzers, 107
- Schwartzkopff Company, Berlin, Hydraulic Pumping Machinery, 787, 788, 789, 790, 820, 821, 822
- Scraper, Boiler-Tube, 136
- Screw Machine, Automatic, Acme Four-Spindle (Schischkar and Co.), 732, 734, 735
- Screw Machine, Automatic (A. Herbert, Limited, Coventry), 768
- Screw Machines. See also Machine Tools Sea-Wall for Protecting Hodbarrow Mines, 179 Sections of Nile Dam, 336, 337
- Sections of Tramway Rails, S93
- Seine Navigation, Suction Hopper Dredger, 705, 714
- Self-Propelled Vehicles. See Motor Cars Sewers, New York, Wooden Barrel, &c., 507 Shafting Lathe, 11!-In. (Atlas Engineering Com
- pany, Manchester), 836
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Boring Machine, Hori-zontal, 41
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited, Glasgow, Slotting Machine, 611
- Shaving Lathe (A. Herbert, Limited, Coventry), .769
- Sheds, Locomotive, Running, for the Eastern Railway of France, 354, 355
- Sheer-Legs, 80-Ton Floating, for the Santos Har¬bour Works, 182, 188
- ship Stability Curves, Transport "Sumner," 79 Ships' Bulkhead Doors, Hydraulically-Operated (Stone, Deptford), 48, 49
- Ships, Curves of Freeboard, 29, 30
- Ships' Resistance, Hydraulics of, 834
- Ships. See also Steamers and Warships
- Ships, Stability of, 29, 30, 31
- Ships, Transverse Strength of, 31
- Shipbuilding Berths, and the Cranes over them, 183, 184, 185
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Works (J. Brown and Co., Limited, Olydebank), 242, 275, 290 Shipbuilding Works, Arrangement and Equipment of, 168, 169, 170, 183, 184, 185, 216, 217 Shipbuilding Works, Electrical Equipment, 607, 618
- Shipping and Shipbuilding Competition, Dia-grams, 433, 434, 435
- Siege Guns. See Schneider-Cadet Guns Signalling, Pneumatic, London and South-Western Railway, 158
- Signalling on Railways, 532, 533
- Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited, Dart-mouth, Shallow-Draught Twin-Screw Launch, Boilers and Engines, 840
- Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited, Dart-mouth, Steam Engines and Boilers for Launch, 212
- Sinclair, Mr. George, Leith, Water-Tube Boiler, 840
- Slide-Valve Relief Rings, 271
- Slipway at Las Palmas, Grand Canary, 567 Slotting Machine (Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Li-mited, Glasgow), 641
- Smith and Coventry, Limited, Manchester, Mill¬ing Machine, 675
- "Sokoto " and " Bornu," Engines of the Screw Steamships, 300
- Soudan Government Railways, 385
- South American Compound Locomotives, 463, 464
- Spanish Government, Self - Docking Pontoon Dock (R. Stephenson and Co., Limited, Heb-burn-o i-Tyne), 95
- Speed Indicator, Relative, 27
- Spence's Electric Motors for Four-Roll Printing Machine, 265
- Splitting Firewood, Machine for (Glover, Leeds), 435
- Stability Curves, Transport Ship " Sumner," 79 Stability of Ships, 29, 30, 31
- Stamping For6ings, 37, 105, 106, 305, 300, 469,
- 470, 47t, 474, 569, 570, 571, 069, 670, 671, 672, 761, 762. 825, 826
- Stanhope Continuous Water-Softener, 596 Stanley Works at Newark (A. Ransome and Co., Limited), 71, 86
- Starting and Reversing Gear, Baxter's, 443 Station, Railway, at Nottingham, 672, 678, 679,
- 736, 737, 738. 739, 800, 801, 830, 832, 833 Stations, Electric. See Electric and Engines,
- and Enines, Gas
- Steam Efflux, 444
- Steam Engines. See Engines
- Steam Exhaust Regeneration for Working Tur-bines, 466
- Steam Launch Engines and Boilers (Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited), 212, 213
- Steam Lorries. See also Motor Card
- Steam Motor Cars, 776, 793, 794
- Steam Motor Wagon, Four-Ton (Yorkshire Com pang, Leed-), 313
- Steam Pipe Joints. High-Pressure, 270
- Steam Pressures, High, Diagram of Theoretical Economy, 270
- Steam Turbine v. Reciprocating Engines for Channel Steamers, 303
- Steam Turbines. See also Parsons
- Steam Yacht " Atmah," Lengthening, 180 Steamer " Mercedes," Coal (Northumberland Company, Limited), 848
- Steamer, North German Lloyd Atlantic Liner, " lironprinz Wilhelm," 458
- Steamer, Shallow-Draught Twin-Screw, 840 Steamer, for Transport and Hospital Service,
- United States Screw Steamer " Sumner," 78,
- 79, 80, 214, 220
- Steamer, Turbine-Driven, " King Edward," 18 Steamers' Coal Consumption, 2t8
- Steamship Machinery during the Last Ten Years,
- 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
- Steel Furnaces and Iron Works, 707, 708, 709,
710, * 711, 722, 723
- Steel Treatment, 426, 500, 633, 634
- Steel Works, Barrow Hematite, 7i)7, 708, 709, 710,
711, * 722, 723
- Stephenson and Co., Limited, Robert, Hebburn
- on-Tyne, Self-Docking Pontoon Dock, 95 Stewart and Co., D., Glasgow, Electrically
- Driven Centrifugal, 881
- Stewart and Co., D., Limited, Glasgow, Headech's Heavy-Oil Motor, 548
- Stewart and Co., D., Glasgow, Sugar-Cane Triple-Crushing Plant, 646, 652
- Stewart and Co., D., Glasgow,Vertical Compound Air-Compressor, 610
- Stone and Co., J., London, Hydraulically-Operated Bulkhead Doors, 48, 49
- Straker Steam Vehicle Company, Motor Wagon, 793
- Street Railway. See Tramway
- Strength of Drop-Forged Crane-Hooks, 587, 538 Strength, Transverse, of Ships, 31
- Subway, New York, 478, 479, 507, 509, 545, 574,
- 575, 674, 699, 742, 763, 857
- Suction Dredger, Hopper, Seine Navigation, 705, 714
- Sugar-Cane Triple - Crushing Plant for Egypt (D. Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 646, 652
- " Sumner," United States Army Transport, 78, 79, 80, 214, 220
- Swindon Locomotive Works, Die-Forging De¬partment, 469, 470, 471, 474, 569, 570, 571, 669; 670, 671, 672, 761, 762. See also 37, 105, 106, 305, 306, 825, 826
- Swing-Bridge over the River Weaver at Winn-ington, 860, 861
- Tal-y-Cafn Road - Bridge over River Conway, North Wales, 40, 46, 142, 143, 145
- Tanks, Petroleum, at Barrow Docks, 286, 287 Testing Machine at the James Watt Engineering Laboratory, 406, 407
- Test of Hydraulic Air-Compressor at Magog, 114
- Tests of Drop-Forged Crane-Hooks, 537, 538 Thermometer, Platinum, 593, 638
- Thermometer, Platinum, Callendar's Portable Indicator for, 644
- Thornycroft-Cross Water-Tube Boiler, 213 Thornycroft Steam Wagon Company, Limited, Military Lorries, 776, 793, 794
- Timmis's Railway Signals, Electric, 532, 533 Tooling of Machines, 505, 506, 508, 540, 541, 542, 544, 002, 603, 606
- Torpedo Boats. See Warships
- Torpedo Manufacture at Fiume, Whitehead, 395, 398, 399, 400
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Wa? ships Tiaclion. See Tramways
- Train Resistance and Speed, Railway, 580
- Trains. See also Railway
- Tramcar Bogie and Motor, Italian, 520
- Tramcar Emergency Brake (British Electric Car Company, Limited), 61
- Tramway Motor Water - Car (British Electr:c Car Company, Limited), 828
- Tramway Rail Sections, 393
- Tramways, Dangers from Trolley Wires, and their Prevention, 501
- Tramways, Salford, 803, 804, 805, 864, 865, 666, 868, 869
- Transport "Sumner," United States Army, 78, 79, 80, 214, 220
- Transporting a 75-Ton Casting by Rail, 590 Transvaal Military Railway Wagons, 740, 743, 746
- Transverse Strength of Ships, 31
- Travelling Cranes over Shipbuilding 13erths, 183, 184, 185
- Travelling Electric Crane, 3-Ton, 872. See also Crane
- Treatment of Steel, 426, 500, 633, 634 Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Trolley-Wire Dangers, and their Prevention, 501 Tube-Cutter, Pneumatic, 614, 615
- Tube Scraper, Boiler, 136
- Tubing, Wallach's Armoured, 49
- Tunnelling, New York Subway, 478, 479, 507,
- 509, 545, 574, 575, 674, 699, 742, 763, 857 Turbine-Driven Generators at Rheinfelden, 177 Turbine-Driven Steamer " King Edward," 18
- Turbine, Parsons', v. Reciprocating Engines for Channel Steamer, 303
- Turbines, Gyroscopic Action of, in Shi. s, 624, 625, 647, 6S0, 719
- Turkish Battleship " 3Iesoudie," Reconstruction of the (Ansaldo), 529
- Turning and Boring Machine, Horizontal (Hetherington, Manchester), 366
- Turret and Barbette Mounting for Guns, 196, 197, 199, 200, t01
- Turret Lathes, Tooling of, 505, 506, 508, 540, 541,
- 542, 544, 602, 603, 606
- Turret Lathes. See also Lathes
- Twin-Screw Engine Indicator, 27
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Tyacke Continuous Water-Softener, 596
- Tyne Bridge, Redheugh, Gateshead, 484, 486, 550, 552, 644, 645, 646, 648, 649
- Uganda Railway, Temporary Inclines on the Kikuyu Escarpment, 442, 443
- Underpinning Buildings for New York Subway, 47s, 479, 507, 509, 545, 574, 575, 674, 699, 742, 763, 857
- Underpinning of Monument, Columbus, 742. See Rim York Subway
- United States Army Transport "Sumner," 78, 79, 80, 214, 220
- United States Express Passenger Locomotive, 829 United States Turret and Barbette Mountings for Guns, 200
- University of Virginia, 151
- Values and Depreciations, Engine Works Dia¬grams, 704
- Valve Relief Rings, 271
- Valve, Von Borries, for Prussian Locomotives, 765 Vehicles, Self-Propelled. See Motor Cars Vibration of Engines, 589. See Balancing of
- Kngines
- Vibration of Marine Engines, Mazalpine's Solu¬tion of Priblem, 63, 64, 65, 97, 98
Vickers' Artillery:
- 6-In. Quick - Firing Gun on Centre - Pivot
- Mounting, 229
- 6-In. Quick-Firing Gun on Pedestal Mountie.;,
- 229, 231
- 7.5-In. Quick-Firing Gun on Pedestal Mount
- ing, 231
- 9.2-In. Gun, 232
- 9.2-In. Gun, Barbette Mounting, 197
- 12-In. Gun, Barbette Mounting, 196
- Automatic Quick-Firing Gun, 47-Millimetre,
- 3 Pounder, Hith Hopper Feed, 233, 234 Barbette Mountings, 196, 197, 201. See also
- 199, '200
- Breech Mechanism of 12-Pounder Quick-Firing Gun, 119
- Breech Mechanism of 6-In. Quick-Firing Gun, 149, 151
- Breech Me hanism of 9.2-In. Breech-L'ading Gun, 150
- Breech Mechanism of 12-In Breech-Loading Gun, 151
- Breech Plugs, 147
- Danger Space of Vickers' and other Guns, 235 Energy of Vickers' and other Guns, 234
- Naval Mounts, 196, 197, 201, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234
- Section of Vickers' Guns, 146, 147 Semi-Automatic 3-In. 14-Pounder Gun, 232, 233 Twin 6-In. Quick-Fiiing Gun, Barbette Mount-ing, 201
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, Barrow-in-Furness, Gun-Mounting Department, 110, 112, 113, 116, 120 ; Shipbuilding Works, 168, 169, 170, 183, 184, 185, 216, 217
- Vickers. Sons, and Maxim, Limited, Launch of H.M S. " King Alfred," 611. See 301, 302 Virginia University, 154
- Von Borries' Valve for Prussian Locomotives, 765 Vulcan Company, Stettin, Locomotive, Com
- pound Goods, for the Prussian State Railways,
- 764, 765, 771
- Vulcan Company, Stettin, Twin-Screw Steamer " Kronprinz Wilhelm," 458
- Wagon, 4-Ton Steam Motor (Yorkshire Com-pany, Leeds), 313
- Wagon, 25-Ton Bogie (Pickering, Wishaw), 627 Wagon-Weighing Machine (B'ake-Denis3n), 432, 483
- Wagons, High - Capacity Railway, Darlington Company, 549
- Wagons, High-Capacity, for Rhodesian Railway (Lancaster Company), 181
- Wagons, Large-Capacity, Italian Railway, 516, 520
- Wagons, Railway, Large-Ca;acity, for Transvaal, 740, 743, 746
- Wagons, Steam-Motor. See also Motor Cars Wallach's Armoured Hosepipe, 49
- Ward's Metallic Gland Packing, 163
- Warsh ps German Navy and DUrr Boiler, 80, 81, 82, 83,
- 84, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 165, 166
- Guns and Gun Mounting. See Vickers and Sch 11 eider-Canet
- H.M.S. " King Alfred," Engines of (Vickerz),301, 302
- H M.S. " King Alfred," Launch of (Vickers), 611
- Naval Machinery during the Last Ten Years, 268, 270, 271, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer v. Cargo Steamer Engines, 298
- Torpedo-Boat Machinery, 298, 301
- Turkish Battleship " Mesoudie," Reconstruction of (Ansaldo), 529
- United States Army Transport " Sumner," 78, 79, 80, 214, 220
- Water-Car, Motor, British Electric Car Company, Limited, 828
- Water-Cooled Blast Furnace Bosh, 66
- Water Filter, Gravitation Feed (J. H. Carruthers and Co., Glasgow), 837
- Water-Softeners, 596, 597
- Water - Tube Boiler, Cross, for Twin - Screw Steam Launch, 810
- Water-Tube Boiler, Penman's, 27
- Water-Tube Boiler, Sinclair's, 849
- Water-Tube Boiler, Wigzell's, 316
- Water-Tube Boilers, Dtirr, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 165, 166
- Water-Tube Boilers, Thornycroft and Thornycroft-Cross (Simpson, Strickland, and Co., Limited), 213
- Weighing Machine, Blake-Denison Continuous, 482, 483
- Weighing-Machine Crane (W. and T. Avery, Limited, Birmingham), 561
- Weighing and Recording Machine, Ingrey's Automatic Coal, 312
- Westinghouse Air Railway Signal, 532, 533
- Westinghouse Gas Engines and Generators at Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, Saltley, 808
- Westinghouse Generators and Motors for Shipbuilding Yards, 607, 618
- Westinghouse. See also British Westinghouse
- Whitehead Torpedo Works at Fiume, 395, 398, 399, 400
- Wigzell's Water-Tube Boiler, 316
- Wilcox and Co. W. H., London, Double-Acting Pump, 4
- Wilson and Co., Limited, John H., Liverpool, 20-Ton Locomotive Steam Crane, 661
- Winch, Electrically-Driven, 607
- Wind Screen for Roof of Nottingham Railway Station, 672, 678, 679, 736, 737, 738, 739. See also 800, 801, 830, 832, 833
- Winnington, Swing-Bridge at, 860, 861
- Wireless Telegraphy, Armorl Electro-Capillary Relay, 782
- Wollaston Continuous Water-Softener and Heater, 596
- Wood-Working Machinery at Ransome's Worl s,71, 86
- Wood-Working Machinery (hIcDowall, Johnstone), 282, 283
- Wooden Barrel Sewer, 507
Works :
- Arrangement and Equipment of Shipbuilding
- Works, 168, 169, 170, 183, 184, 185, 216, 217 Barrow Hematite Steel Works, 707, 708, 709,
- 710, 711, 722, 723
- Clydebank Shipbuilding and Engineering Works (John Brown and Co., Limited), 242 275, 290
- Gun-Mounting Department at Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited, Barrow-in-Furness, 110, 112, 113, 116, 120
- Palmer's Works at Jarrow, Electrical Equip-ment, 607, 618
- Power required to Drive Marine Engine Works (David Rowan and Company's), 422, 423
- Ransome and Co., Limited, Allen, Newark on Trent, 71, 86
- Swindon Locomotive Die-Forging Department, 469, 470, 471, 474, 569, 570, 571, 669, 670, 671, 672, 761, 762. See also 37, 105, 106, 305, 303, 825, 826
- Values and Depreciations, Diagrams, 704
- Vickers' WorLs at Barrow, 168, 169, 170, 183, 184, 185, 216, 217. See Gun-Mounting' Department
- Whitehead Torpedo Works at Fiume, 395, 398, 399, 400
- Worsdell Three - Cylinder Compound Loco-motive, 11, 13, 14, 15
- Yacht " Atmah," Lengthening of, 180
- Yacht, Twin Screw, " Margarita," Lamont's Pumps in, 317
- Yorkshire Steam Motor Company, Leeds, 4-Ton Wagon, 313
See Also
Sources of Information