Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1902 Jan-Jun Volume
General Index
- Accelerator, Portable, 175
- Accident to a 15-Centinietre Quick-Firing Gun, 323. See LETTER, 373
- Accident to Military Motor Wagon, 21. Sec Errata^ 48
- Accident on the New York Central Railway, 156
- Accident, Santos Dumont Airship, and Andree Balloon, 311, 819
- Accumulators, Nickel Oxide, 355. See also Electric
- Acetylene Gas Generator, Portable, 293
- Action of Sea Water on Cement, 483
- Admiralty Administration, 251, 2:8, 351, 511, 653, 684, 749. See also Naval
- Admiralty and the Contract Department, 154, 223
- Admiralty Orders for Warships, 445. See 120, 689, 749
- Admiralty Policy as to Armaments, 653
- Admiralty. See also Naval
- Advertisers’ A, B, C, 146
- Aerial Machines at the Royal Society’s Soiree, 651, 819
- Africa. See South Africa
- Air, Emissivity of, 1
- Air Pumps, Edwards’ Electrically-Driven, 145
- “ Airedale” Filter, 357
- Airship, Santos Dumont, and Andree Balloon, 311, 819
- Alcohol Motors, French, 45
- Algiers Floating Docks, 212, 572, 789
- Alkali Production, Electrolytic, 352. See ErratUi 377
- Allen, Mr. Horace, on New System for Cooling Tuyeres for Blast-Furnaces, 619, 658
- Alloys of Copper and Tin, Microscopical Examination of, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Alloys, Effect of Vanadium on Steel, 92, 113
- Alloys, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of, 361, 373
- Alloys, Low Carbon Steel, 639
- Almanacs. See Literatuie Alternators. See Electric
- America. See United Statfs
- American Institution of Mining Engineers, Excursion to Mexico, 36, 69, 107, 143
- American Locomotives. See Locomotives American Machine Tools. See Machine Tools
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. See Mechanical Engineers
- Ammonia Recovery in Coke-Making, 618, 661
- Ammonia, Sulphate of, 19
- Amsterdam Port and North Sea Canal, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Andrde Balloon and Santos Dumont Airship, 311. See 819
- Andrews, Mr. Thomas, on Micro-Crystalline Structure of Platinum, 856
- Andrews, Professor T., on Microscopical Observations in Deterioration of Steel Rails, 501
- Annuals, 146. See Literature index Anti-Corrosive Paint, 837
- Antimony. See Metal Price Diagrams
- Applied Mechanics, International Congress of, 501
- Apprentices, The Law of, 191, 200
- Apprentices’ School in Machine-Shop, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Apprenticeship Question, 160
- Arched Viaduct over the Seine at Paris, 82, 137
- Armour Arrangement on Battleships, 180. See 445
- Armour Plate and Guns (Krupp), 737, 774
- Armour-Plate, Krupp, Penetrated by Vickers Guns and Projectiles, 717, 724. See LETTER, 748
- Armour-Plate Trials, Beardmore, 158
- Armoured Cruisers. See Warships
- Arrears in Naval Shipbuilding, 622, 684
- Artillery. See Guns
- Asaoka, M., on the Docking of Battleships, 702
- Ashley Pump, Hydraulically Balanced, 643
- Asplen’s Road Scarifier, 387
- Assam-Bengal Railway. See Indian Raihcay Carriages
- Atkinson, Mr. Robert E., on Standardisation of Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 634, 554, 588. Sec LETTER, 646
- Atlantic Liner Passengers, 87
- Atlantic IJners, 193
- Atlantic Liners Coal Consumption and Revenue, 349
- Atlantic Liners “Savoie” and “Lorraine,” French, 343, 404
- Atlantic Liners’ Speed Contest, 385
- Atlantic Shipping Combine, 579, 640, S49. See 349
- Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning Protection, 703, 767, 802
- Australian Coal, 446
- Australian Copper Production, 482
- Australian Dredgers, Cutting Machinery for, 676
- Australian Pilot Boat, 846
- Automatic Block-Signalling in America, 381
- Automatic Machines. See Machine Tools Automobiles. See Motor Cars
- Babbitt’s White Metal, Microscopical Examination of, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Babcock and Wilcox Boiler Explosion, 64. See LETTERS, 91, 517
- Babcock and Wilcox versus Belleville Water- Tube Boilers in Battleships, 318. See also 120, 445, 689, 749
- Bacterial Treatment of Sewage, 158
- Baghdad Railway, 449
- Baker Street and Waterloo Railway Tunnel, 454
- Balancing Locomotives, 767
- Balancing Marine Engines, 438. See 26, 57, 91, 402, 403, 426, 438, 454, 472, 491
- Baldwin Compound Locomotive, Plant System, 641
- Ball, Mr. W. Valentine, on Compulsory Purchase by Local Authorities, 569
- Balloon, Andree, and Santes Dumont Airship, 311 Ballooning Experiments, 819
- Bamford, Mr. C. F., on the Design and Construction of Railway Carriages in India, 236, 303, 340, 398, 466, 530, 568
- Barbican Fire and the London Fire Brigade, 600, 785. See 789
- Barnaby, Mr. S. W., on Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 383, 389
- Barrow-in-Furness Shipbuilding, 78
- Battleships, Docking of, 792. See also Docks Battleships’ Inturning Screws, 777
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beardmore Armour-Plate Trials, 158
- Beare, Professor T. Hudson, on Recent Developments in the Gas Engine, 697, 729
- Bearings for Guns, Roller Pressure, 275
- Bearings, Improvements in Propeller Shaft, 403, 439. See LETTER, 518
- Bearings, Microscopical Examination of Metals for, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Belfast Shipbuilding, 78
- Belgium and the Congo Railway, 229
- Belleville versus Babcock and Wilcox Boilers for Battleships, 318. See also 120, 445, 689, 749
- Belleville versus Niclausse Boiler Trials in Italy, Comparative, 635. See Errata,
- Bench, Engine Fitter’s, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Bending Cranks by Hydraulic Pressure, 486
- Bending Rolls, Plate- (Rushworth), 247
- Bengal-Assam Railway. See CarriageSf Indian Railway
- Berlin, Electricity Works in, 89
- Berlin Metropolitan Railway, 255
- Berlin-Zossen Electric Railway, 547
- Bermuda Floating Dock, 212, 572, 789
- Bessemer Medal to his Excellency F. A. Krupp, 618
- Bevel Gear Planer, The Bilgram, 369
- Bilge Keels, Effect on Ship Rolling, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 509
- Bilgram Bevel Gear Planer, 369
- Birkenhead Corporation Tramways Electric Generating Plant, 574
- Blast-Furnace Gas-Driven Blowing Engine, 1000 Horse-Power, 709
- Blast-Furnace Gas-Driven Blowing Engine, 1200 Horse-Power, 573
- Blast-Furnace Gas Engine, 600 Brake Horse- Power, and 460-Kilowatt Three phase Generator, 759. See 810, 857
- Blast-Furnace and Open-Hearth Furnace Combined, 639
- Blast-Furnace Tuyeres, Cooling of, 619,658
- Blast Furnace Waste-Gas Engines, 697, 729. See 573, 709, 759
- Blasting in Tunnelling, 364
- Bleach Powder Electrolytic Chambers, 353. See Errata, 377
- Blowing Engine, 1200 Horse-Power Gas-Driven, 578'
- Blowing Engine, Blast-Furnace Gas Driven, 1000 Horse-Power, 709
- Blowing Engines Operated by Blast Furnace Gas, 607, 729
- Blyth and Whitby Shipbuilding, 57
- Board of Trade and Electrical Industry, 685, 784, 817, 824. See LETTER, 855
- Boat-Lowering Gear, Welin’s, 227
- Boiler and Engine Efficiency, 728
- Boiler Experiments, 204
- Boiler Explosion at Chesterfield, 298
- Boiler Explosion at Manchester, 361
- Boiler Explosion at Oldham, 190, 197
- Boiler Explosion at Oswestry, 699
- Boiler Explosion at Ruabon, 560
- Boiler Explosion at Runcorn, 64. See LETTERS, 91, 517
- Boiler Explosions, Statistics, 354
- Boiler-Furnace Equipment, Scott-Elliott, 484. See LETTER, 518
- Boiler Testing, Locomotive, 627, 660, 692
- Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “ Hyacinth” and R.M.S. “ Saxonia,” 254, 278, 326, 749
- Boiler-Tube Swelling and Reducing Machine, 438
- Boiler, Water-Tube, for Locomotive (London and South-Western Railway), 712. See 127
- Boiler, Water-Tube. See Water Tube Boilers.
- Boiler Works, Glasgow, D. Rowan and Co., 597. See 604, 839
- Boilers, Cylindrical and Water-Tube Combined, for British Cruisers, 120, 689
- Boilers, Distortion in, Due to Overheating, 434, 458
- Boilers of the French Atlantic Liners “Savoie” and “ Lorraine,” 342, 406
- Boilers, Steam, 223
- Boiling Water, Ebullition of, 723
- Bonus System of Remunerating Labour, 208
- Boobnoff, Mr. Ivan G , on the Stresses on Ships’ Plates, 384, 390
- Books Received, 139, 205, 240,309, 338, 431, 501, 567, 668, 736, 806
- Borax and its Manufacture, 513
- Bordeaux New Railway Station, 467, 534
- “ Boreas” Hose-Coupling, 194
- Boring Machines. See Machine Tools
- Bounties, Shipping, 349, 579, 649, 849
- Boyer Pneumatic Tools in Shipwork, 416
- Boys’ Tool-Grinder, 195
- Brake, Eddy-Current Electric, 754, 762
- Brass Foundry, Magnetic Separators, 608. See Errata, 647
- Brassey’s “ Naval Annual” (1902), 707
- Brazil Ir n Ores, 639
- Break, Mechanical, for Induction Coils, 575
- Breakwater, Zeebrugge, 65
- Brett’s Hammers, Die-Forging, 139
- Bridge Construction, Civil Engineering as Applied to, 806
- Bridge Construction at New York Subway, 112, 205
- Bridge Construction : United States Workshop Methods, 91
- Bridge Girders, Formulae for Weights and Depths of, 338, 463
- Bridge Girders. See also Girders
- Bridge over the Godavari, Railway, in India, 12, 39
- Bridge, The Largest Masonry Span in the World, 124
- Bridge over North Sea Canal, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Bridge. See also Viaduct
- Bridge, Swing, on North Sea Canal, 33
- Bridge over the Seine at Paris, 82, 137
- Bridge, Tay, Dundee, 224
- Bridges, Relation between Metallurgy and Engineering : James Forrest Lecture, 538
- Bridges, Comparative Cost of Combination, and All-Steel Bridges, Highway, 625
- Brine-Well Boring, 307
- British and Foreign Shipbuilding, 193. See 751
- British and Foreign Locomotives, 480. See LETTERS, 26, 58, 486, 517
- British Labour and International Competition, 153
- British Trade in Siam, 634
- British Warships. See Warships
- British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Company, 397. See also Westinghouse
- Bronze for Steam Valve, Tests of. 204
- Bruges Ship Canal, Zeebrugge Harbour, 65
- Brush Electrical Engineering Works, 169, 218
- Buckton Testing Machine, 91, 609
- Buffalo Exhibition, Educational Section, 44
- Buffalo Exhibition, Electricity at, 109
- Buffers, Railway Car Companies’, 235
- Building, Civil "Engineering as Applied to, 806
- Building Construction, Fireproof, 25
- Building Specifications, 835
- Buildings, Composite, 363
- Bulk Electric Power Bills, 222
- Bunt, Mr. Thomas, on the Oil-Tempering of Mild-Steel Forgings, 794
- Bursting Charges of Explosives, 563. See LETTER, 509, 645. See 546, 743
- Bursting of Flywheels, 211
- Business Methods, 205
- By-Products in Coke-Making, Recover}’ of, 618, 661. See also 684
- Cabin Accommodation, Steamship, 323
- Cable Company, Telegraph, 224, 727
- Cable, Pacific, 827
- Cables.. Relays for Submarine, 016
- Cableways at the Construction of New York Subway, 11
- Calcium Carbide from Non-EIectric Furnaces, 821
- Calendars, 146. See Literature Index
- Caloric Constants, 626
- Calorimeter, Simple Form of Fuel, 651, 801
- Campbell, Mr. William, on the Microscopical Examination of the Alloys of Copper and Tin, 7, 28, 61,95, 532
- Canadian Progress, 256
- Canal Entrance at Zeebrugge, 65
- Canal Lock-Gate Electric Gear, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Canal, Manchester Ship, Prospects of, 125
- Canal, Mandalay, Headworks of, 345
- Canal, Nivernais, Mechanical Traction on, 312
- Canal, North Sea, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Canal: Panama or Nicaragua? 119. See 822
- Canal and River Harbours in Russia, 722
- Cantilever Cranes in American Shipyards, 435
- Cape Government Railway Locomotive, 679
- Capillary Tubes, Water Transport in, by Static Electricity, 20
- Capital in Electrical Undertakings, 146
- Capped Shells Penetrate Krupp Armour, 717, 724, 743
- Capstan Lathes. See Machine Tools,
- Capstan for North Sea Canal, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Car. See Motor Car^ Railway and Tramway Car Motors, French Spirit, 46
- Carbon Anodes for Industrial Electrolj’sis, 54
- Carbon Systems, Equilibrium of Iron, 626
- Carbonic Acid Compressors. See Refrigerating
- Carnegie Research Scholarships, 637, 655
- Carriage, Railway, Lamp-Fittings, 303
- Carriage, Railway, Lighting, 631
- Carriages, Railway, in India, Design and Construction of, 235, 303, 340, 398, 466, 530, 56S
- Carriages. See Railway &c.
- Cars, Railway Companies’, and Buffers, 233
- Cast Iron, Laboratory Experiments with, 204
- Catalytic Sulphuric Acid Process, 414
- Cathode Rays in Electric Current Work, 516
- Cement, Action of Sea Water on, 483
- Central London Railway Carriage, 208
- Central London Railway, Vibration on, 373, 419
- Centrifugal Machine, Electric Drive of, 812
- Chain, Silent Gear, 210
- Chamonix-Fayet Electric Railway, 573
- Chance, The late Sir James J. T., 90
- Charges, Bursting of Explosive, 563. See LETTERS, 609, 645. See also 546, 743
- Charlottenburg Testing Station, 52
- Charpy, G., and Grenet, L., on the Equilibrium of Iron Carbon Systems, 626
- Chemical Constants, 625
- Chemical Testing Station at Charlottenburg, 52 Chesterfield Boiler Explosion, 298
- Chili Copper, 255
- Chilled Cast Iron, Strength of, 204
- China Coasting Trade, Japanese Steamers in, 754
- China Railways, 20, 852
- China, Russian Developments in, 821
- China Tariff Question, 584
- China, United States Trade with, 449
- Chinese Railway, Proposed, 351
- Chinese Trade and Railways, 753
- Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers, 495
- Cirencester Water Supply Pumps, Ashley, 643
- Civil Engineering as Applied in Construction, 806
Civil Engineers, Institution ot:
- American Workshop Methods in Steel Construction, by Mr. H. B. Molesworth, 91
- The Sewerage System of Sydney, New South Wales, and its Suburbs, by Mr. J. Davis, 158
- The Bacterial Treatment of Trades Waste, by Mr. W. Naylor, 158
- The Port of Dundee, by Mr. G. C. Buchanan, 224
- Electrical Traction on Railways, bj’ Mr. W. M. Mordey and Mr. B. M. Jenkin, 258. See also 317, 369, 392
- The Greenwich Footway Tunnel, by Mr. W. C. Copperthwaite, 454
- Subaqueous Tunnelling through the Thames Gravel, Baker-Street and Waterloo Railway, b}’ Mr. A. H. Ilaigh, 454
- Locomotive Firebox Stays, by Mr. F. W. Webb, 516
- James Forrest Lecture on the Relations between I\Ietallurgy and Engineering, by Sir W. Roberts-Austen, 538
- Office Bearers, 624
- Conversazione, 763
- Clark and Standfield’s Floating Docks, 212, 572, 789
- Clear.ince Effect on Economy of Enyrines, 275
- Cleveland Iron Prices. See Metal Price Diagrams
- Cleveland, Notes from, 14, 49, 83, 117, 151, 185, 215. 248, 283, 314, 346, 377, 411, 443, 477, 508, .542, 676, 612, 647, 681. 714, 746, 780, 815, 846 Climatology, English, 822
- “Climax” Water-Tube Boiler, 342
- Clouds, 316
- Clouds, Thermal Relations of, 376
- Clutch, Double Disc Friction, 623
- Clutch, Friction, 757
- Clyde Shipbuilding, 74
- Coal, Australian, 446
- Coal Calorimeter, A Simple Form of, 651, 801
- Coal Deposits in Western Siberia, 621
- Coal Gas. See Gas
- Coal, New Zealand, 18
- Coal, Nova Scotia, 788
- Coal, Philippine, 124
- Cmhields, United States, 722
- Cohen, Professor E., on the Corrosion of Copper Tubes, 435,558
- Coke-Making, Recovery of By-Products in, 618, 661. See also 694
- Coke Manufacture from Compressed Fuel, 618, 694. See also 661
- Coker, Mr, E. G., on Elastic Recovery of Steel Bars, 549
- Coking of Coal, 618, 661, 694
- Columns, Strength of, 731 See LETTERS Combines. See also 7Vus’s
- Combine, Shipping, 5’9, 649, 849
- Combines and the “ Surplus Product,” 85 Commercial Engineering, 451, 517
- Commercial Engineering. See also Corapetltlon^ Foreign Drawing Ojjize^&c.y and Young UnMirs, Training of
- Commercial Knowledge, 205
- Commutation in Dynamos, Limits of, 197, 231, 261
- Company’s Liabilities. See Legal
- Compensation, The Law of, 355
- Competition, Foreign and British Engineers, 310, 451, 517, 584, 608, 677. See Drawing Offi.ce, tCc., and Young Engineers
- Competition, Foreign, and British Labour, 153
- Competition in Shipping, 349, 579, 649, 849 Composite Structures, 363
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Compound Locomotives. See Locomolives Compressed Fuel, Coke Manufacture from, 618, 694. See also 661
- Compulsory Purchase of Buildings, Compensation for, 355
- Compulsory Purchase l»y Local Authorities, 569
- Compulsory Purchase. See also Legal Compulsory Working of Patents, 285, 379,418. See LETTERS, 3U, 356, 486
- Concrete and Composite Structures, 363
- Concrete Mixe •, New York Subway, 141
- Condenser Tubes, Corrosion of, 558, 435
- Condensing Jdant, Klectrical'y • Driven (Allen, Bedford), 145
- Congo Railway, 229
- Congress, Diisseldorf Navigation, International (1902), 609
- Congress at Dusseldorf. See also Dusseldorg Congr<5s International de Mdehanique Appliquee, 501
- Connecting-Rod Bolts, Impact Tests, 513 i
- Conservation of Enf'opy, 723 i
- Constants and Calculations, System of Physical, 625
- Construction, Civil Engineering as Applied in, 806
- Construction, Fireproof Building, 25 Construction of Flywheels, 98, 123, 134
- Construction of Railway Carriages in India, 215, 303, 340, 398, 466, 530, 568
- Continuous Ingot-Heating Furnace, 796 Contract Department at the ^Vdmiralty, 154, 223
- Contract for a Large Viaduct, 156
- Contracts, AdmirAlty, and Arrears, 622, 684
- Conversazione at the Institution of Civil Engineers, 753
- Conversazione of the London University College, 851. See also Soiree
- Converters. See Electric
- Cooling Tuyeres for Blast-Furnaces, 619, 658
- Copper, Australian, Production of, 482
- Copper Outlook, 199
- Copper Prices, See Metal Price Diagrams Copper Production, United States, 320
- Copper, South American, 255
- Copper and Tin, 581
- Copper and Tin Alloys, Microscopical Examination of, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Copper Tube Manufacture bj' Electro-Metallurgical Process, 633
- Copper Tubes. Corrosion of Condenser, 43.5, 558
- Copper, The World’s Production. 688
- Cordite, Erosion of Guns and Explosion on H.MS “Mars,” 546
- Cordite, 563. See LETTERS, 609, 645. See 546, 743
- Cornish Dust-Fall, 676
- Corridor Carriages. See Railway Carriages Corrosion of Condenser Tubes, 435, f58
- Corrosion, Paints to Prevent, 837 Corrosion of Steel Girders, 240
- Cost of Combination and All-Steel Highway Bridges, 625
- Cost of Electric Traction on Railways, 719
- Cost of Running High-Speed Trains, 173
- Cost of a Visit to Japan, 62L
- Cost of 'Water-Tube Boilers, 500
- Costs, Manufacturing, and Drawing-Office, 711, 743, 744, 776, 822, 823
- Cottancin Composite Structures, Tests of, 3'‘3 Cotton Mills in India, 90
- Coupling, Hose, “Boreas,” 194
- Coupling, Railway Train, and Draught Gear, 314. See LETTER, 419
- Couplings, Railway Car, and Buffers, 235
- Covent Garden Opera House, London, Modernisation of, 669
- Crane, 5-Ton Travelling Gantry (Wellman- Seaver), 182
- Cranes, Hydraulic Movable and Warehouse, 438
- Cranes, &c., United States Shipyard Equipment, 435
- Crank-Bending by Hydraulic Pressure, 486
- Crankpin Lubricator, Positive Feed, 247
- Crankshaft for North German Lloyd “Kaiser Wilhelm IL,” 606
- Crankshafts, Strains on, 402, 426, 454, 491, See also 403, 439, 472, 518
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Cuban Iron, 221
- Cuban Patents and T ade Marks, 777
- Cunard Liner “ Saxonia,” Boiler Trials, 251, 278, 326, 749
- Cupola at German Niles Tool Works, 835 Cutting Machinery for Suction Dredgers, 676 Cyanides, Manufacture of, 382
- Cycles, Motor. Sec Motor Cars
- Cylindrical versus Water-Tube Boiler Trials of H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth” and R.M.S. “ Saxonia,” 251, 278, 326, 749
- Daimler Engine for Light Marine Work, 668. See 678
- Daimler Oil Motor Launch for War OlKce, 678
- Dairy Refrigerating Plant, 483
- Dalby, Mr. W. E., on Balancing Locomotives, 767
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Unbalanced Forces in Marine Engines, 438
- Dams, Subaqueous Foundations of, 822. See 119
- Dangers of Electric Incandescent Lamp Decorations, 449
- Dangers of Electric Railways, 21
- Dangers of Electric Trolley Wire, 319
- Daniels, F. H., on a Continuous Ingot-Heating D Furnace, 796
- Danish State Railways, 89
- Darby Mr. John II., on the Manufacture of Coke from Compressed Fuel, 618, 691. See also 661
- Darling, Mr. C. H , on a Simple Form of Fuel Calorimeter, 801
- Dawson, Mr. Philip, on Electric Traction, 550, 585
- Decorations, Dangers of Electric Incandescent Lamps, 449
- Deep Subaqueous Foundations, 822
- Deep-Tunnel Railways in London, 750. See also 783
- Deep-Tunnel Railways, Vibration on, 479
- Denmark New Railwaj’ Rates, 788
- Design of Battleships, Twenty-One Year’s Progress, 418, 420
- Design of Open-Web Steel Girders, 517, 550, 609
- Design of Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 383, 389
- Destroyers, First Torpedo-Boat, 551, 5:^4 Destroyers. See Warships
- Deterioration in Steel Rails, Microscopical Observation, 501
- Deutsche Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 769, 835
- “ Deirschland ” Speed Contest, 385
- “Devonshire” Class, II.M.S., Boilers for the, 120 6S9
- “ Devonshire,” H.M.S., 445. See 120, 689. 749
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 24, 194, 324, 452, 586, 756
- Diagram of Naval Engineers’ Rank and Status, 229, 251, 264. See also Naval Engineers
- Diagrams of Boiler and Engine Efficiency, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “ Saxonia,”254, 278, 386, 749
- Diamond-Mining in South 2tfrica, 200 Dictionary of Explosives, 835
- Die-Forging, 35, 139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 527, 606. See LETTER, 486
- Direct United States Cable Company, 224. See also 727
- Directories, 146. See Literature
- Disaster at Martinique, 655. See LETTERS Discharges. Figures, Point, 90
- Distortion in Boilers due to Overheating, by C. E. Stromeyer, 434, 458
- Distribution of Gas under High Pressure, 583
- Docking of Battleship, 789, 792. See 789
- Docking of the Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “ Salmon,” 368
- Docks, Floating, 212, 572, 789
- Dockyard Administration, 707
- Domestic Electric Generator, 764
- Donkin, The late Mr. Bryan, 320. See also 416
- Double Bof^om of Ships : Stresses on Ships’ Plates, 384, 390
- Douglas, Dr. James, on the Manufacture of Gas from Wood, 639, 663
- Downie, Mr. A. Marshall, on the Construction of Flywheels, 98, 134. See also 123
- “ Drake,” H.M.S., Trials of, and Propeller Efficiency, 853. See also 322, 687
- Draught Gear, Friction, for Railway Trains, 314. See LETTER, 419
- Drawing-Office Appliances : German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701. See 769, 839
- Drawing-Office and Manufacturing (’osts, 711, 743, 744, 776, 822, 823
- Drawings, Shop, 839. See a’so 597, 604
- Dredgers, Suction, Cutting Machinery for, 676
- Drilling Machines. See Machine Tools Drop-Forging. See Forging Drop-Hammers, Massey’s, 527
- Drummond’s Water-Tube Boiler and
- Arrester for Locomotives (London and Western Railway), 712. See 127
- Dumont, Ballooning, 311, 819
- Dundee Harbour, 224
- Dunkerley, Professor S., on Strains on shafts, 402, 426, 454, 491. '
472, 518
- Durban Harbour, Fire-Float for, 48
Dusseldorf Exhibition: 365, 498, 605, 654
- Congress Visit, 753
- Crankshaft for North German Lloyd “ Kaisex* Wilhelm II.,” 605
- Deutz Gas Motor Works Pavilion, 365
- Engine and Alternator (Humboldt Company), 500 Horse-Power Tandem, 642
- Engine, Tandem Compound 500 Horse-Power, (Union Company, Essen), 843
- Engine and Crane Plant, 498
- Engine, Gas, 700 Horse-Power Two-Cycle (Korting System), 843
- Ehrhardt Company and their Works, 807 Ehrhardt Pavilion, 365
- Gas Driven Blast-Furnace Blowing Engine, 1000 Horse-Power, 709
- l> uHMclUort* Exliililthm-conrinKcrf.
- Gutehoffnungshubte Pavilion, 365
- Krupp Gunsand Armour Plate, 737, /74 Krupp Pavilion and Exhibits, 365, 605 Machine Tools, 779. See LBTTBR, 823. See also under Machine Tools
- Machine Tools (Ernst Schiess), 673
- Machinery Exhibits, 365
- Materials and Machine Tools, 753
- Steel Ingot for Armour Plate, 130'Ton, 60.) Winding Engine, Horizontal Twin Tandem, 813
- Dusseldorf International Navigation Congress (1902), 609
- lliisseblort Hliipbiiilclints and Marine EiiKiiieeriiijx 751, 786 . .1
- Iron Industry and Shipbuilding in German;, by Herr E. Schroedter, 751
- Materials and Machine Tools at the DUsseldorf Exhibition, 753
- Visit to Exhibition, and Dinner, 751
- The Development of the Navigation of the Rhine, bv Baron von Rolf, 753
- The Use of Steel Wire Ropes for Navigation, by Herr Schleifenbaum, 753, 786
- The River Rhine and its Shipping, by Herr W. Freiherr Van Rolf, 786
- Excursions, 786
- Krupp Works, 786
- Hoerder and Gutehoffnungshutte Works, /ob Excursion on the Rhine, 786
- Visit to Bremen and Hamburg, 786
- Dust-Fall, Cornish, 676
- Dynamos. See Eleclri-i
- Earth Crust, Subterranean Pressures, 25, 225, 311. 419 .u ri
- East Coast Railway, India, Bridge over the Godavari River, 12, 39
- Eastern Extension of Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, 727
- Eastern Telegraph Company, 224. See a’so /27 Eborall, Mr. A. C., on Polyphase Machinery, 759. 810, 857
- Ebullition of Rotating W’ater, 723
- Economics, The Study of, 615
- Education Endowment Fund, University College, London,518
- Education, Technical, 17
- Education, United States, 45 _
- Educational Section at Buffalo Exhibition, 44 Edwards’ Air Pumps Electrically Driven, 145 Efficiency of Locomotives, 627, 660, 692 Efficiency of Propellers. See Propellers Ennt, British versus Foreign Locomotives in, '480. See LKTTERS, 26, 58, 486, 517
- Ehrhardt Field Guns, 807
- Elastic Recovery of Steel Bars, Temperature Effects, 549
Electric :
- Accumulator, Edison, 109
- Accumulator, Ricks, 191 Accumulator Works, Hygiene in, 157 Accumulators, Nickel Oxide, 3^5 Alloys, Conductivity of, 350, 373
- Alternate Current, Maximum Value of, 754
- I Alternator and Engine, 500 Horse • Power Tandem (Humboldt Company), 642. See also PvlyphcLse
- Alternator, 1000-Kilowatt, Westinghouse, 308 Anodes of Carbon for Industrial Electrolysis, 54 Arc Cinematograph, or Photographophone, 20 Armaiure Constructions, 810
- Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning Protectors, 703, 767, 802
- Berlin-Zossen High-Speed Railway, 547
- Brakes, Eddy-Current, 754 762
- British IVestinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 397. See also Westinghouse
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, 169, 208
- Cables, Submarine, 616
- Canal Lock Gate Gear, 33, 105, 170, 243, 27 L Capital Vested in Electric Undertakings, 146 Carriages and Tramcars (Brush Company), 169, 208
- Cathode Rays in Electric Current Work, 516 Centrifugal Machine Driving, 812
- China Insulators, High Tension Tests for, 852 Coherer, Marconi, 818
- Commutation, Limits of, 197, 231, 261 Compensation for Compulsory Purchase cf Land,355
- Condensing Plant, Electrically^Driven, 145 Conductivity of Metals, 350, 373 Constants and Calculations, Simplified System of, 625
- Converter for Traction Plant, Portable, 306 Crane at Amsterdam Wharf, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Crane, 5-Ton Travelling Gantry (Wellman- Seaver), 182
- Directories and Manuals, 146
- Dynamo, Commutation Limits of, 197, 231, 261 Dynamo Testing at the English Electric Manufacturing Company’s Works, Preston, 121
- Edison Accumulator, 109
- Electric Deposition, 633
- Electrolytic Production of Alkali, 352. See Errata^ 377
- Exhibits at Royal Society’s Soirde, 651, 8’9 Factory Act and Generating Stations, The, 685
- Furnace, Fusion of Quartz in, 515
- Ganz Electric Railway, 549 Gas-Driven Generators, 226, 258, 311, 356, 451, 759, 810, 857
- Gear on Board Warships See Naval Engineers
- Generating Plant, Birkenhead Corporation 'Tramways, 574
- Generator for Domestic Use, 764
- Generator, Limits of Commutation in, 197, 231, 261
- Generator. See also Alternator and Dynamo Generators, Polyphase, 759, 810, 857 German Electric Practice, 89
- Heaters, 516
- Electric —continued.
- Inductive Circuit, Growth of Currents in, 516
- Induction Coil Mechanical Break, 575
- Insulators, China, High-Tension Tests, 851 Lamp Decoration Dangers, 449
- Lamp, Nernst, 109
- Legislation, Defects in Electric, 685, 731, 784, 817, 824. See LETTER, 855
- Light, Traction, and Power in Germany, 89
- Lighting Station at Shoreditch, 821
- London Oountj’ Council Electric Supply Bill, 380
- London University College Conversazione, 857
- Machine Tools, Electrically-Driven. Sec uinler Machine Tools
- Magnets, Normal Permanent, 515
- Measuring Instruments, 501
- Meters, 337
- Micrometers, Simple Electric, 696
- Motor Construction, 857
- Motor-Driven Shafting Machine, 835
- Motors, Polyphase. See Polyphase
- Municipal Trading, 784, 817, 821, 855
- Nernst Lamp, 109
- Oerlikon System of Traction, 481
- Parliament. See Legislation
- Photographophone, 20
- Point Discharges Figures, 90
- Polyphase Alternator, lOOO-Kilowatt, 303
- Polyphase Machinery, Some Notes on, 759, 810 857
- Portable Converter, 306
- Power Bills in Parliament, 222
- Power Company, South Wales, 581
- Power Company, Yorkshire, 789
- Power Distribution, 89
- Power Plant at Shale Oil Works, 343
- Power Plant, Buffalo Exhibition, 109
- Power Plant, Wolverhampton Exhibition, f82
- Power Station, Indiana Traction, 312
- Power, Traction, and Light in Germany, 89
- Power Transmission (Review), 667
- Pump (Well), Electrically-Driven, 293
- Pumping Machinery, Electrically-Driven, 438
- Railway, Berlin Metropolitan, 255
- Railway, Fayet-Chamonix, 573
- Railway Fire Dangers ; Liverpool Oxerhead Railway, 21
- Railway, Iligh-Speed, Berlin-Zossen, 517
- Railway Problems, 258, 317, 359, 392, 481
- Railway, Three-Phase, Normal Gauge, 519 Railway Traction, Cos: of, 719
- Railways, Traction on Main, 481
- Refrigerating Appliance, Electrically-Driven, 59
- Relay for Submarine Cable, 616
- Royal Society’s Soirde, 651, 819
- Shoreditch Electric Supply, 821
- South Wales “ Bulk ” Scheme, 581
- Standardising Dynamo Tests, 212
- Static Electricity, Water Transport in Capillary Tubes by, 20
- Switch, (fee., for North Sea Canal Locks, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Telegraphs and Telephones in Germany, 89
- Tests, High-Tension, of China Insulators, 851
- Theatre Equipment, 669
- Thermo-Electric Investigation of Stress, 191
- Three-Phase Normal-Gauge Railway, 549
- Traction, Light, and Power in Germany, 89
- Traction and Overcrowding, 257
- Traction Power Supply in Indiana 302
- “ Traction and Transmission,” 755
- Traction Trolley Wire, Dangers of, 319
- Tramcars for the London County Council, 552
- Tramway Company’s Liabilities, 88
- Tramways, London, 385
- Tramway Progress, 550, 585
- Transformers, Electric Traction, 306, 312
- Units of Electro-Magnetism, Rational, 723
- Valve Gear for Engines with Electro Magnets 242
- Ward-Leonard System of Traction, 481
- Water Transport in Capillary Tubes by Static Electricity, 20
- Westinghouse Station, Indiana, 306
- Yorkshire Power Company, 7891
- Electric P0wer Plant at the Buffalo Exhibition 109
- Electric Power Scheme in South Wales, 581
- Electric Traction, Gas Engines for, 226, 258, 311, 356, 451, 759, 810, 857
- Electrical Engineering Measuring Instruments, 501
Electrical Engineers, liistitiitioii or:
- Report of Visit to Germany, 89
- Traction, Light, and Power Distribution, by Mr. W. H. Patchell and Colonel Crompton, 89
- Telegraphs and Telephones, by Mr. J. 11. Kingsbury, 89
- German Electric Practice, 89
- Steam Boilers, by Mr. C. E, Stromeyer, 223
- Railway Problem, by Mr. J. Swinburne, 317, 359, 392. See 258, 481
- Dangers of the Trolley Wire, by Mr. A. P. Trotter, 319
- The Electrical Conductivity and Magnetic Property' of Upwards of 100 Different Iron Alloys, by Professor Barrett, 350, 373
- Electric Traction on Main Lines, by Mr. Mordey, 481
- Students’ Visit to Newcastle, 590
- Relays for Submarine Cables, by Mr. S. O. brown, 616
- Electrical Traction on Steam Railways in Italy by Professor C. A. Cams Wilson, 719
- Electrical Industry and Legislation, 685, 734, 784, ^17, 824. See LETTER, 855
- Electrical Laboratory ac London University College, 851
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Iron Alloys, 350. See LETTER, 373
- Electrical Resistance, Temperature Variaticn of 386
- Electrical Resonance of Minute Metal Particles, 386
- Electricity, Atmospheric and Lightning Protec* tion, 703, 767, 802
- Electricity at the Buffalo Exhibition, 109
- Electro Magnetism, Rational Units of, 723
- Electro-Metallurgical Works, 633 1
- Electrolysis, Carbon Anodes for Industrial, 54 Electrolytic Alkali Company’s Works at Middlewich, 352. See Errata^ 377
- Electrostatic Charge, Rowland’s Experiments on the Magnetic Action of, 124
- Elevators. See also Hoists Elimination of Silicon in the Acid Open Hearth, 619, 658
- Elliott, Professor E. 0., on Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers,” 485
- Elmore Process of Electric Deposition, 633 Emissivity, Thermal, in High-Pressure Gases, 1 Employers and Technical Education, 710 Employment, Law as to, 133, 191, 200, 298, 393, 428, 489, 693, 627, 664, 683, 722, 729, 830
- “ Encyclopaedia Britannica,” 565 Endowment Fund for German Research, 223 Endowment Fund, University College, London, 518. See also 851
- Engine and APernator (Humboldt Company), 500 Horse-Power Tandem, 642
- Engine, Blowing, Gas-Driven Blast-Furnace (1000 Horse-Power), 709
- Engine and Boiler Efficiency, 723
- Engine Clearance and Economy, 275
- Engine, Compound, 500 Horse-Power Horizontal (Union Company, Essen), 843
- Engine Connecting-Rod Bolts, Impact Tests, 513. See 189
- Engine Efficiency, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “ Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 254, 278, 326, 749
- Engine, Fire-Float for Durban Harbour, 48 Engine-Fitters’ Bench, 103,129, 163, 176, 290 Engine Flywheels, 23, 98, 134
- Engine, Gas, Blast Furnace, 600 Brake Horse- Power and 450-Kilowatt Three-Phase Generator, 759. See 810, 857
- Engine, Gas Driven Blowing, 1200 H.-P., 573 Engine, Gas (1000-Horse-Power Blast-Furnace), 709
- Engine, Gas or Internal Continuous Explosion, and Pressure Recorder, 725. See 622
- Engine, Gas, Research Recording Gauge at Royal Society’s Soiree, 651
- Engine, Gas, 700 Horse-Power Two-Cycle (Korting System), 843
- Engine Heat Problem, 274
- Engine, Oil, 125 Brake Horse-Power (Hornsby), 374
- Engine, Pumping, Ashley Hydraulically-Balanced, 643
- Engine, Pumping, for the Hitchin Water Works, 572. See Errata^ 613, 715
- Engine, Riedler “ Express” Pump, 310. See 48, 114
- Engine Shafts. See Shafts
- Engine Tests, Standardising, 212
- Engine Trials, Steam, 220
- Engine Valve Gear, 242
- Engine, Winding, Horizontal Twin Tandem, 813 Engine, Winding,Non-Condensing Double-Drum, 604
- Engine Works Management, 604. See 597, 839 Engines of the French Atlantic Liners “ Savoie” and “ Lorraine,” 342, 406
- Engines, Gas, for Electric Traction, See Gas Engines
- Engines, Gas, Explosion Temperature of, 833 Engines, Gas and Oil, Practical Treatise on, 240 Engines, Gas, Recent Development in, 697, 729 Engines, Gas, and Wood Gas Manufacture, 639, 663
- Engines of H.M.S. “ Good Hope,” 286, 322, See 387, 451, 687, 853
- Engines for High-Speed Vessels, Turbine versus Reciprccating, 419
- Engines, Marine, Unbalanced Forces in, 438. See also 767
- Engines, Oil and Gas, Practical Treatise on, 240 Engines, Oil, for Light Marine Work, 668. See 678
- Engines, Practical Treatise on, 240
- Engines, Pumping, Automatic Regulator, 149 Engines, Steam and Gas, Fencing of, 417, 423, 468. See also 489, 505, 539, 550
- Engines of Steamers “ Winifred” and “Sybil,” for Lake Victoria, 808
- Engines of the Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “ Shira- kumo,” 310
- Engineering, Civil, as Applied in Construction, 806
- Engineering, Commercial, 451,517. See Drawing O,^ce, (t'c.y and Voung Engi'iieers
- Engineering, Marine, and Shipbuilding in 1901, 21, 55, 74
- Engineering and Metallurgy, Relations between (James Forrest Lecture), 538
- Engineers, British, andForeign Competition, 310, 461, 517, 584, 608, 677. See Drawin^-OtJice, tC’c., and Young Engineers
- Engineers, Institutions of. See Civil Engineers^ Mechanical Engineers^ Mining Engineers^ Electrical Engineers, Naval Architects, Iron and Steel Institute, and Dusseldorf Congress
- Engineers’ Legal Liabilities, 301
- Engineers, Naval. See Naval Engineers Engineers in the Navy, 219, 229, 264, 351, 619, 676. See LETTERS
- Engineers in the Navy, Position of. Diagrams, 229, 251, 265
- English Climatology, 822
- English Electric Manufacturing Company’s Works at Preston, 121
- English Electro-Metallurgical Company, Limited, 633
- Entropy, Conservation of, 723
- Equilibrium of Iron-Carbon Systems, 626
- Erosion of Guns and Explosion on H.M.S. “ Mars,” 546
- Eruption, Martinique, 655,777
- Estimates, Naval. See Parlianie7it and the Navy
- Etruria, Rudder Accident to (Steering Rudderless Ships), 517
- Evaporators for Sugar Manufacture, 3, 71. See LETTER, 193
- Exhibition, Buffalo, Education Section, 44 Exhibition, Buffalo, Electricity at, 109 Exhibition Buildings, Tests of Composite Structures, 363
- Exhibition, Dusseldorf. See Dusseldorf Exhibition
- Exhibition, Laundry and Sanitary, 617
- Exhibition, Military and Naval, at Portsmouth, 373
- Exhibition, Motor Car, 256, 548
- Exhibition at Osaka in 1903, 418
- Exhibition, Pan-American. See Buffalo Exhibition
- Exhibition, United States, at the Crystal Palace, 156
- Exhibition, Wolverhampton, 582
- Expansion, Thermal, of Porcelain, 385
- Expenditure on British Naval Construction, 229, 252, 265. See also Naval Problems
- Explosion on H.M.S. “Mars,” 546
- Explosion at Johannesburg, 149
- Explosion and Pressure Recorder, Mathot Continuous, 725. See 622, 833
- Explosion of Steam Pipes Due to Water-Hammer, 295. See LETTER, 310
- Explosion on the S.S. “ Para,” 584
- Explosion Temperatures of Internal Combustion Engines, 833. See also 622, 725
- Explosions. See Boiler Explosions
- Explosive Compounds, 563. See LETTERS, 609, 645. See 546, 743
- Explosives Manufacture, 610
- Explosives and Powders, 835
- Expositions. See Exhibitions
- Factors of Heat, The, 157
- Factories, Guarding Dangerous Machinery. See Fencing of Engines
- Factory and Workshop Legislation, 337, 734
- Factory Act and Electric Generating Stations, 685, 817, 824, 855
- Factory Act and Railway Companies, 467
- Factory Act. See also Legal
- Fayet Chamonix Electric Railway, 573
- Fencing of Engines, Machinery and Lift-Shafts, &c.. 417, 423, 468, 489, 605, 539. See 550
- Field Glass, Porro Prism, 275
- Field Guns, Ehrhardt, 807
- Field Guns, Krupp, 739
- Field Guns. See Guns
- Filter, “ Airedale,” 357
- Filtration Plant at Albany, N.Y., 728
- Financial Position of Japan, 527
- Fire-Brigade Appliances in London, 600, 785, 789
- Fire-Float for Durban Harbour, 48
- Fire on Liverpool Overhead Railway, 21
- Fire-Pump, Portable Petrol, 791
- Firebox Stays, Locomotive, 516
- Fireproof Construction, 25
- First Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 551, 584
- Fitters’ Bench, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Fives Lille Company, 95
- Flanges, Pipe, Standardisation of, 534, 554, 588. See LETTER, 646
- Flannery, Sir F., on Liquid Fuel for Ships, 399, 407
- Fleet, Naval. See Warships.
- Floating Docks, 212, 572, 789
- Flooring of Machine-Shops, 103, 129,163,176, 290
- Flying Machine, Santos Dumont, and Andrite
- Balloon, 311. See also 819
- Flywheel Construction, 98, 123,134
- Flywheels, Bursting of Small, 211
- Focal Lines and Anchor Ring Wave-Fronts, 360
- Foden Military Wagon, Accident, 21. See Errata^ 48
- Fog Signals, 324
- Force of Wind Experiments, 676
- Foreign and British Shipbuilding, 193
- Foreign-Built and British Locomotives, 480. See LETTERS, 26, 68, 486, 517
- Foreign Competition and British Engineers, 310, 451, 517, 584, 608, 677. See Drawing- Office^ and Young Engineers.
- Foreign Competition and British Labour, 153
- Forging, Die, 35, 139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 537, 606. See LETTER, 486
- Forgings, Oil-Tempering of Mild Steel, 794
- Formula) for Weights and Depths of Plate Girders, 338, 463
- Foundations of Dams, Deep Subaqueous, 822
- Foundries, German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701. See 769
- Foundry, Brass, Magnetic Separators for, 608. See Errata^ 647
- Fowler’s Electrical Engineers’ Year-Book, 146
- French Mail Subsidies, 349. See 679, 649, 849
- French Mechanical Industry, 95
- French Railway Signalling, 184
- French Spirit Motors, 45
- French Trans-Atlantic Company’s Steamships “Lorraine’’ and “ Savoie,” 342, 406
- Friction Clutch, 757
- Friction Clutch, Double Disc, 623
- Friction Draught Gear for Railway Trains, 314. See LETTER, 419
- Fuel Calorimeter, Simple Form of, 801
- Fuel, Liquid, for Ships, 399, 407
- Fulton Memorial, 241
- Furnace, Continuous Ingot-Heating, 796
- Furnace, Electric, Fusion of Quartz in, 515
- Furnace Eciuipment, Scott-Elliott, 484. See LETTER, 618
- Furnace Gas Engines, 697, 729. See also Blast Excrnace Gas Engines
- Furnace, Open-Hearth and Blast, Combined, 639 Furnaces, Calcium Carbides from Non-Electric, 821
- Fusion of Quartz in Electric Furnace, 515
- Fyson, Mr. Alfred, on Formula) for Weights and Depths of Plate Girders, 338, 463
- Gales on the British Coast, 376
- Gantry Crane, 5-Ton Travelling (Wellman* Seaver), 182
- Ganz Electric Railway, 549
- “ Garibaldi,” Comparative Trials of Water-Tube Boilers of Italian Warships, 635. See J^rrata. 677
- Gas Distribution under High Pressure, 683
- Gas Driven Blast-Furnace Blowing Engine, 1000
- Horse-Power, 709
- Gas-Driven Blowing Engine, 1200 Horse-Power, 673
- Gas Engine Explosion Temperature, 833
- Gas Engines. See Hngines (Jai^
- Gas Engines for Electric Traction, 226, 258, 311, 356, 451
- Gas Engineers’ Annual and Directory of Gas Undertakings, 146
- Gas Generator, Acetylene, Portable, 293
- Gas Lighting, Healthiness of, 113,160
- Gas Lighting Railway Carriages, Cost of, 568
- Gas Manufacture from Wood, 639, 663
- Gas, Michael and Will on the Law Relating to Water and, 430
- Gas-Produced Sulphate of Ammonia, 19
- Gases, High-Pressure Emissivity, 1 Gauge-Glass Protector, 325
- Gauges. Limit, 225. See also Machine-Shop Methods
- Gear Chain, Silent, 210
- Gear Planer, Bevel, The Bilgram, 369
- Generator, Acetylene Gas, Portable, 293
- Generators. See Flectric
- German Accumulator Works, Hygiene in, 157
- German Iron Industry and Shipbuilding, 751
- German Liners’ Speed Contest, 385
- German Mail Subsidies, 349. See 579, 649, 849
- German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 769, 835
- German Research Endowment Fund, 223
- German Superheated Steam Locomotive, 827
- Girder Construction at New York Subway, 112, 205
- Girders, Design of Steel Web, 517, 550, 609
- Girders, Formukc for Weights and Depths of, 338, 463
- Girders, Stresses in Braced, 25
- Girders, Webs of Plate, 236, 253. See Errata, 282
- Glass Protector, Gauge, 325
- Glasses, Porro Prism Field, 275
- Godavari Bridge in India, 12, 39
- Gold, The Metallurg^^ of, 835
- Gold, Pyretic Smelting, 355
- “Good Hope,” Steam Trials of H.M.S., 286, 322. See 387, 451, 687, 853
- Goss, Mr. W. F. M., on Tests of the Boiler of the Purdue Locomotive, 627, 660, 692
- Great Western Company’s Royal Train, 376
- Greenock Tramway Cars, 208
- Greenwich Footway Tunnel, 454
- Grenet, L., and Charpy, G., on The Equilibrium of Iron Carbon Systems, 626
- Gribble, Mr. T. Graham, on Plate Girder Webs, 236. See 253 and Errata, 282
- Griffin Oil Engine for Light Marine Work, See 678
- Grinder, Electrically Driven Tool, 575
- Guarding Machine Tools, 417, 468, 539. See 423, 489, 505, 550
- Guarding Machinery and Lift Shafts, 417, 468, 489, 505, 639. See 550
- G Umbel. Herr L., on Torsional Vibrations of Shafts, 403, 472 See also 402, 439, 454, 491, 518, 526
- Gun, Accident to a 15-Centimetre, 323. See LETTER, 373
- Gun Bearings, Roller Pressure, 275
- Gun-Cotton Manufacture, 610
- Gun Explosion on H.M.S. “ Mars,” 646
- Gun Power of British Warships, 653
- Gun Range-Finder at Royal Society’s Soiree, 651
- Guns and Armour-Plate (Krupp), 737, 774
- Guns, Field, Ehrhardt, 807
- Guns, Vickers, versus Armour Plates, 717, 724. See LETTER, 743
- Gunboats. See Warships
- Haarlem Engine Works, Electric and Hydraulic Wharf Cranes, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Hammers, Brett’s Die-Forging, 139. See also Die-Forging
- Hammers, Massey’s Die-Forging, 527
- Hanssen, Mr. C. I. T., on Physical Constants, 625
- Harbour of Dundee, 224
- Harbour, Durban, Fire-Float for, 48
- Harbour Works, Zeebrugge, 65
- Harbours for Russian Waterways, 722
- Hardened Steel, Microstructure of, 638. See LETTER, 645
- Hartlepool Shipbuilding, 67
- “ Haste” Inertia Pump, 552
- Hatfield, W. H., and McWilliam, Andrew, on the Elimination of Silicon in the Open Hearth, 619, 658
- Headworks of Mandalay Canal, 345
- Healthiness of Gas-Lighting, 113,160
- Heat Accumulation in Salt Lakes, 821
- Heat Engine Problem, 274
- Heat, The Factors of, 157
- Heater, Electric, 516
- Heating of Shops, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Hematite Prices. See Metal Price Diagrams
- High-Pressure Gas Distribution, 583
- High-Pressure Gases, Emissivity, 1
- High Speed Railway, Berlin-Zossen Electric, 547
- High-Speed Engine Shafts, Torsional Oscillations of, 26, 57, 91
- Hitchin Water Works Pumping Engine, 572. See Errata, 613, 715
- H.M.SS. “Hyacinth” and “Minerva” Steam Trials, 264, 278, 326, 749
- H.M.SS. See War skips
- Hobart, Mr. H. M., on Limits of Commutation, 197, 231, 261
- Hoists, Protection and Safety Gear of, 417, 423, 468. See also 439, 489, 505, 550
- Hong-Kong Trade, 88
- Hopkinson, The late Mr. John, 385
- Horner, Mr. Joseph, on Die-Foiging, 35,139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 537, 606. See LETTER, 486
- Hornsby Oil Engine, 125 Brake Horse-Powder, 374 Hose-Coupling, “ Boreas,” 194
- Housing Problem and Electric Tramways, 257
- Howden’s System, Boiler Trials, R.M.S. “ Saxo- nia,” 254, 278, 326, 749
- Howitzers, Krupp, 738
- Humber Shipbuilding, 79
- i Hungarian Tank Locomotive, 12. See LETTER, 451
- “Hyacinth,” “Minerva,” and “Saxonia,” Boiler Trials, 254, 278, 326, 749
- Hydraulic Cranes at Amsterdam, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Hydraulic Crank-Bending, 480
- Hydcaulic Die-Forging, 35, 139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 537, 6U6. See LETTER, 486
- Hydraulic Movable and Warehouse Cranes, 438
- Hydraulic Power at Hannawa Falls, 274 Hydro-Extractor, Electric Driving of, 812
- Hygiene in German Accumulator Works, 157
- Ice. See Refrigerating
- Impact Tests of Notched Specimens, 513
- Impact Tests on Notched Steel Bars, 180 India-Rubber, Manufacture of, 447
- India-Rubber Recovered, 672
- Indian Cotton Mills, 90
- Indian Earth Temperature, 822
- Indian Railway Bridge, 12, 30
- Indian Railway Carriages, Design and Construction of, 235, 303, 340, 308, 466, 530, 568
- Indiina Union Electric Tramway Power Station,
- Indicator, Mathot, Continuous Explosion and Pressure, 725. See 622
- Indicator Spring Test Apparatus for Steam 220
- Indicator Temperatures for Use with Platinum Thermometers, 575
- Induction Coils, Mechanical Break, 5/5
- Industrial Electrolysis, Carbon Anodes for, 54
- Industrial Notes, 27, 59, 94, 128, 161, IOD, 22/, 260. 294 325, 357, 387, 421, 453, 487, 519, 553, 587, 623, 657, 691, 725, 757, 791, 825, 853
- Industrial Redistribution, 257
- Industries of Mexico, 36, 69, 107, 143
- Industries of Sweden, 354
- Industry, Motor-Car, 545
- Inertia Pump, “ Haste,” 552
- Ingot-Heating Furnace, Continuous./96
- Institute, Iron and Steel. See iron and Steel J nstitute
- Institution of Civil Engineers. See Civil Eiyji- neers , t,
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, bee Electrical Engineers
- Institution of Mechanical Eng neers. See Mechanical Engineers
- Institution of Naval Architects. See Eaval
- Insulators, China, for High Tensions, 851
- Internal Combustion Engines, Recent Development in, 697, 729
- International Congress at Dusseldorf, bee Dusseldorf j 4.
- Inter-Urban Traction, Modern United States Practice, 306
- Ireland, Shipbuilding, 78
- Irish Viaduct Contract, 156
- Iron Alloys, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of, 351, 373
- Iron-Carbon Systems, Equilibrium of, 626
- Iron in Cuba, 221
- Iron Industry, German. 751
- Iron, Magnetic Properties of, 6S9
- Iron Ore Output, Lake Superior, 189
- Iron Ores at Brazil, 639
- Iron and Steel Girders, Formulae for Weights and Depths of, 338, 463 See also Gird,ers
- Iron and Steel Works in Mexico, 8
- Iron and Steel Institute, Review of Journal, 156
Iron and Steel Institute : See LETTERS, 617 Report of Council, 617, 637
- Bessemer Medallist, His Excellency F. A. Krupp, Essen, 618
- The Compression of Fuel before Coking, by Mr. J. H. Darby, 618, 694
- The Recovery of Bv-Products in Coking, by Mr. J. Thiry, 618, 661
- Elimination of Silicon in the Acid Open-Hearth, by Messrs. Andrew McWilliam and William H. Hatfield, 619, 658
- A New System of Cooling Tuyeres for Blast- Furnaces, bj' Mr. Horace Allen, 619, 658
- The Carnegie Medal and Scholarships, 637. 656 Nomenclature of Metallography, by Mr. J. E. Stead, 637
- The Micro-Structure of Hardened Steel, by Professor J. O. Arnold and Mr. Andrew McWilliam. 638 See LETTER, 645
- A Comparative Study of some Low Carbon Steel Alloys, by Dr J. A. Mathews, 639
- The Iron Ores of Brazil, by Mr. H. K. Scott,
- The Combined Blast-Furnace and Open-Hearth Furnace, by Mr. P. Eyermann, 639
- Gas from Wood for Use in the Manufacture of Steel, by Dr. James Douglas, 639, 663
- The Chemical and Physical Properties of Carbon in the Hearth of the Blast-Furnace, by Mr. W. J. Foster, 639
- The Sulphur Contents of Slags and other Metallurgical Products, by Baron Juptner von JonstorfT, 639 . .
- The Influence of Chemical Composition on the Soundness of Steel Ingots, by Axel. Wahlberg, 639
- Annual Dinner, 639
- The Summer Meeting, 640
- Ironclads. See Warships . .
- Irrigation in South Africa and United States, 448
- Italian Electric Railways, 719
- Italian Warships, Comparative Boiler Trials, 635, See Errata, 677
- Italian Warship Re Umberto, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 509
- James Forrest Lecture : Relations between Metallurgy and Engineering, 338
- Japan, Cost of a Visit to, 621
- Japan, Financial Position of, 527
- Japan, Locomotive and Gunboat Construction I in, 722 . . , ,
- Japan, National Industrial Exhibition at Osaka I in 1903, 418
- Japan, Notes from, 57, 224
- Japan Steel-Making, 155
- Japan and its Trade, 687, 850
- Japanese Battleships, 180
- Japanese Battleships, Docking of, /92
- Japanese Rail ways,. 643
- Japanese Shipbuilding, 18
- Japanese Shipping, 96 .
- Japanese Steamers in Chinese Waters, 754
- Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Bhirakumo, Engines of, 310
- King Edward,” Turbine Steamer versus Paddle Steamer, 125, 755. See LETTER, 419
- King Edward VIl.” Class of Battleship, 445.
- See 120, 318, 089, 749
- King Edward VII.,” H.M.S., Boilers for the, 120, 689
- Korting System Gas Engine, 700 Horse-Power Two-Cycle, 843
- “ Kronprinz Wilhelm” Speed Contest, 385 Krupp Cemented Armour Penetrated bj'
- Vickers Guns and Projectiles, 717, 724, 743
- Krupp, F. A., Presentation of Bessemer Medal to, 618
- Krupp Guns and Armour-Plate, 737, 774
- Krupp Works, 787
- Laboratory Companion to Fats and Oils Industries, 337
- Laboratory Experiments in Germany, 204
- Laboratory, National Physical, 380. See Errata^ 461
- Laboratories at London University College, 851
- Labour, British and International, Competition, 153
- Labour Question. See Industrial Notes
- Lake Superior Ore Output, 189
- Lake Victoria Steamers “Winifred” and “Sybil,” 808
- Lamp Decorations, Dangers of Incandescent, 449
- Lamp Fittings of Railway Carriages, 303 Lathes. See Machine To Is
- Launch with Daimler Motor for British War Office, 678. See 668
- Launches and Trial Trips, 66, 133, 147, 200, 226, 266, 297, 331, 361, 394, 420, 451, 494, 524, 560, 594, 630, 664, 698, 727, 764, 798, 826
- Launches, Oil Motor, 668
- Laundr}* and Sanitar)" Exhibition, 617
- Laws. See Legal
- Lead and Zinc Production, 415
- Leaf Arrester for the Water Supply of Turbines, 59
- Apprentices, The Law of, 191, 200
- Company Law, Limited Liability, 755
- Compensation, The Law of, 355
- Compulsory Purchase of Buildings, Compensation for, 355
- Compulsory Purchase by Local Authorities, 569
- Defects in Electrical Legislation, 784
- Electric Generating Stations and the Factory Act, 685, 817, 821, See LETTER, 855
- Electric Power Bills, 222
- Electric Tramway Companies’ Liabilities, 88
- Factory Act and Interested Justices, 621
- Factory and Workshop Law, 734. See 685, 817, 824; and LETTER, 855
- Factorj’ and Workshop LegisU’ion, 377
- Liabilities of an Engineer, 301
- Liabilities of Railway Companies, 449
- Machinery Rating Case, 483. See 514
- Manufacturing Justices and the Factory Act, 621
- Master and Servant Law Cases, 133, 191, 200, 298, 393, 428, 489, 593, 627, 661, 683, 722, 729, 830
- Michael and Will on the Law Relating to Gas and Water, 430
- Peaceful Picketing, 354, 413
- Private Bill Legislation, 222
- Railway Companies and the Factory Act, 467
- Taff Vale Railway Case, 354, 413. 683, 722, 729 830
- Underground Support, The Liabilities of Railway Companies, 449
- Valuations, Hints as to, 138
- Legislation and Electrical Industry, 685, 784, 817, 824. See LETTER, 855
- Legislation of Factory and Workshop, 337, 685, 734, 784, 817, 824, See LETTER, 855
- Legislation. See Legal
- Legislation, Mining, at Mexico, .39
- Letters to the Editor, 25, 57, 91, 113, 160, 193, 225, 258, 310, 356, 373, 419, 450, 486, 517, 550, 584, 60S, 645, 676, 710, 742, 776, 822
- “Leviathan,” Trials of II.M S., 687. See also 286, 332, 451
- Liabilities of Railway Companies, 449
- Liabilities, Legal, of an Engineer, 301
- Liabilities. See Legal
- Lift-Shafts, Protection of, and Safety Gear, 417, 423, 468. See 489, 505, 539, 550
- Light Experiments at the Royal Society, 651, 819
- Light Railway, Mid-Suffolk, 373, 451
- Lighters, Towing Sea-Going, 26
- Lighting Railway Carriages, Cost of, 568
- Lightning Protection, Atmospheric Electricity and, 703, 767, 802
- Limit-Gauges, 225
- Limits of Commutation of Dynamos 261
- “ Linvolpon ” System of Units, 175
- Liquefying Hydrogen, 820
- Liquid Fuel. See Oil Fuel Liquid Fuel for Ships, 399, 407
- Literature, 138, 146, 204, 240, 307, 35, 565, 667, 707, 734, 803, 835. {See Titles}
- Liverpool Overhead Railway Fire, 21
- Liverpool Train Speeds, 723
- Lloyd’s Shipbuilding Returns, 124,583
- Local Authorities’ Compulsory Purchasing Powers, 569
- Local Government Annual and Official Directory, 146
- Lock Gate and Sluice Electric Gear for North Sea Canal, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Lockers and Washstands for Workers in Shops, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290, 701
- Locks, Ymuiden, on North Sea Canal, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Locomotive Boiler Testing, 627, 660, 692 Locomotive for the Cape Government Railway, 679
- Locomotive, Compound, for the “ Plant ” System (Baldwin), 641
- Locomotive Firebox Stays, 516
- Locomotive Fireboxes, Water Tubes in (Smith, North Eastern Railway), 127. See 712
- Locomotive, German Superheated Steam, 827
- Locomotive Spark-Preventer (London and South-Western Railway), 712. See 127
- Locomotive, Tank, for Hungary, 12. See LETTER, 451
- Locomotive, Tank, for the Port Talbot Railway and Docks, 536
- Locomotives, Balancing, 767
- Locomotives, British versus Foreign Built, 480. See LETTERS, 26, 58, 486, 517
- Locomotives and Gunboats in Japan, 722
- Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 567
- Locomotives, Roumanian, Oil-Burning, 742
- Locomotives with Water-Tube Boilers (London and South-Western Railway), 712
- London County Council Tramcars, 552
- London County Council Electric Supply Bill, 389
- London Electric Tramways, 385
- London Fire Brigade and the Barbican Fire, 600, 785. See 789
- London and North-Western Train Speed to Manchester, 723
- London. See also Metropolitan
- London and South-Western Railway Water-Tube Boiler and Spark-Preventer, 712
- London University College Endowment Fund, 518. Conversazione, 851
- London Water Bill, 319, 710
- London Water Supply, 187
- Longridge, Captain C. C., on Oil Engines for Marine Work, 668. See 678
- Looms, Automatic, or Self-Shuttling, 214
- “ Lorraine ” and “Savoie,” French Trans-Atlantic
- Steamships, 342, 406
- Lorries. See Motor Cars Low Carbon Steel Alloys, 639
- Lowering Gear for Boats, Welin’s, 227
- Lubricating Bearings for Woodworking Machinery, Self, 710
- Lubricator, Positive Feed Crankpin, 247
- Machine-Shop Methods, 103, 129, 103, 170, 290, 839
Machine Tools :
- Bar and Tube-Straightening Machine (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 293
- Bevel-Gear Planer, The Bilgram, 309
- Bolt Rack, 103, 129, 103, 170, 290
- Boring and Drilling Machine, “Duplex” Horizontal (Noble and Lund), 247
- Boring Machine (Archdale, Birmingham), 183
- Boring and Milling Machine, Horizontal and Vertical (Schiess), 673
- Boring and Planing Machine at Dusseldorf Exhibition (Schiess), 779. See LETTER, 823
- Boring and Turning Mill, Heavy Vertical (Richards), 12
- Boring and Turning Mill, 28-Ft. (Sellers, Philadelphia), 112
- Boring and Turning Mill, Vertical (Schiess), 673
- Chucking Machines, 129
- Countershaft Arrangement for Machine-Shop, 103, 129, 103, 170, 290
- Drill (Radial), Electrically-Driven (Niles Company), 375
- Drilling and Boring Machine, “ Duplex ” Horizontal (Noble and Lund), 247
- Drilling Machine for Testing the Hardness of Iron, 103, 129,163, 176, 290
- Drilling and Milling Machine, Universal Horizontal (Hulse), 150
- Fencing Slachine Tools. See Guarding, ikc,
- Gear-Cutter, Combined Automatic Worm and Spur (Phoenix Company, St. Petersburg), 214
- German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 769, 835
- Grinder for Tools, Boys’, 195
- Guarding Machine Tools, 417, 468, 539. See also 423, 489, 505, 550
- Jigs with Tools and Work, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Lathe-Carrier, Turton’s, 357. See Errata, 411 Lathe, 79-In. Double-Driving Wheel, 471 Lathe, Electrically-Driven (Hendey Company), 504
- Lathe, Large Hexagon Turret Lathe, 470
- Lathe Slide, 19.68-ln. (Schiess), 675
- Lathe, 10-In. Sliding and Surfacing (Britannia Company), 325
- Lubricating, Self, for Tool Spindles, 710
- Milling Machine (Herbert), with Guards, 471
- Milling and Drilling Machine, Universal Horizontal (Hulse), 150
- Planer, The Bilgram Bevel Gear (Reinecker), 369
- Planing and Boring Machine at Diisseldorf Exhibition (Schiess), 779. See LETTER, 823
- Planing Machine, Electrically Driven, Heavy (Schiess), 673
- Planing Machine (Sellers, Philadelphia), 277
- Plate-Bending Rolls (Rushworth), 247
- Plate-Straightening Machine (Craig and Donald), 148
- Pneumatic Tools in Shipwork, 416
- Punching and Shearing Machine, Four-Sided (Craig and Donald), 148
- Saw-Bench (Robinson and King’s), 710
- Screw Machine, The Schmutz Automatic, 344
- Shaping Machine, Motor-Driven (Hendey), 825 Shipyard Tools, Electrically Driven, 148
- Spur and Worm-Gear Cutter, Combined Automatic, 214
- Tapping and Boring Machine at Dusseldorf Exhibition (Schiess), 779. See LETTER, 823
- Tool Grinder, Boys’, 195
- Tool Grinder, Electrically-Driven, 575
- Tool Stands, 103, 129,163, 176, 290
- Tool Steels, High-Speed, 689
- Tube-Swelling and Reducing Machine, 438
- Tube and Bar Straightening Machine (Mr. S. Platt, Wedneshury), 293
- Turning and Boring Mill, Heavy Vertical (Richards), 12
- Turning and Boring Mill, 28-Ft. (Sellers, Philadelphia), 112
- Universal Portable Machine Tools (Capitaine, Frankfort), 80
- Vice for Machine Tools, 575
- Woodworking Machinery (Robinson, Rochdale), 710
- Workshop Methods, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290, 839
- Worm and Spur Gear-Cutter, Combined Automatic, 214
- Machine Vice, Instantaneous Grip, 575
- Machinery at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 365. See also DiissMorf Exhibition
- Machinery Fencing or Guarding, 417, 423, 468, 489, 505, 539. See 550
- Machinery Rating Bill, 483, 5J4
- Magnetic Action of a Moving Electrostatic Charge, Rowland’s Experiments on, 124
- Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Iron Alloys, 351, 373
- Magnetic Properties of Iron, 689
- Magnetic Separators, 608. See Errata, 647
- Magnetic Valve Gear for Engines, 242 Magnetism. See Electric
- Magnets, Normal Perntanent, 515
- Management of Engine Works, 604. See 597, 839, and Machine Shop Methods
- Manchester Boiler Explosion, 361
- Manchester Ship Canal Prospects, 125
- Manchester Steam Users’ Association, 824
- Manchester Train Speed, 723
- Manchuria and Siberia Trade Openings, 222
- Mandalay Canal, Headworks of, 345 Manganese, 52
- Manila Rope Tests, 240
- Manual nf Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials, 1901-1902, 146
- Manufacture of Coke from Compressed Fuel, 618, 694. See also 661
- Manufacture, Cyanides, 382
- Manufacture of Gas from Wood, 639, 663
- Manufacture of India-Rubber, 447
- Manufacturers’ Costs, The Drawing-Office and, 711, 743, 744, 776, 822, 823
- Marconi Telegraphy, 120, 818
- Marine Boilers, 500. See Boilers and Water- Tube Boilers
- Marine Engineering Works, Glasgow, of D. Rowan and Co., 597. See 604,839
- Marine Engineering. See Engineering Warships
- Marine Engines. See Engines
- Marine Oil Engines, Light, 668. See 678
- Marine Propellers. See Propellers
- Marine Shafts. See Shafts
- Mars ” Gun Explosion, 456
- Marshall, Mr. H. 1)., on Fencing of Steam
- Gas Engines, 417, 423, 468. See also 505, 539, 550
- Martinique Disaster, 655, 777
- Masonry Span, The Largest, in the World, 124
- Massachusetts Institute and Technical Training, 710
- Massey Hammers, 527. See Die-Forging
- Master and Servant Law Cases, 133,191, 200, 298, 393, 428, 489, 593, 627, 664, 683, 722, 729, 830
- Mathot Continuous Explosion and Pressure Recorder, 725. See 622
- McWilliam, Andrew and Hatfield, W. H., on the Elimination of Silicon in the Open Hearth, 619, 658
- Measurement of Very Small Time Intervals, 54
- Mechanical Break for Induction Coils, 575
Mechanical Engineers, American Society of:
- Annual Meeting at New York, 172, 208, 240, 274
- Presidential Address bj^ Mr. S. T. Wellman, 172
- The Cost of Running Trains at High Speed, by Mr. J. H. Delano, 173
- Some Peculiarities of Springs : Spring-Testing Machines, by Mr. S. W. Baldwin, 173
- The “ Linvolpon ” System of Units, 175
- Portable Accelerometer for Railway Testing, by Mr. F. B. Cure^', 175
- A Bonus System of Rewarding Labour, by Mr. H. L. Gantt, 208
- A Silent Gear Chain, by Mr. J. 0. Nixon, 210
- The Bursting of Smail Cast-Iron Flywheels, by Mr. C. H. Benjamin, 211
- The Committee on the Standardising of Engine Tests, Preliminary Report, 212
- The Working Loads for Manila Rope, by Mr. C. W. Hunt, 240
- The Fulton Memorial, Unveiling, 241
- New Valve Gear of Gas, Steam, and Air Engines, by Mr. E. W. Naylor. 242
- The Potter Mesh Separator and Superheater, by Mr. F. A. Scheffler, 242
- Committee on Pipe Unions, Report, 242
- The Heat-Engine Problem, by Mr. Charles E. Lucke, 274
- Experiments on Spiral Springs, by Mr. C. H. Benjamin and Mr. R. A. French, 274
- Water Power Development at Hannawa Falls, by Mr. Wallace C. Johnson, 274
- The How and the Why of the Porro Prism Field Glass, by Mr. W. R. Warner, 275
- An Experiment on the Effect of Clearance on the Economy of a Small Steam Engine, by Mr. Albert Kinsbury, 275
- Roller Pressures for Great Loads, by Mr. A. Victorin, 275
- Locomotive Boiler Testing, by Mr. W. F. M. Goss, 627, 660, 692
- Filtration Plant at Albany, by Mr. William 0. Webber, 728
- Mechanical Engineers, liistitiiliou of: Portrait of the late Lord Armstrong, 7
- The Microscopical Examination of the Alloys of Copper and Tin, by Mr. W. Campbell, 7, 28, 61, 95. See 532
- Constitution of the Council, 103, 290 Modern Machine Methods, by Mr. H. F L
- Orcutt, 103,129, 163, 176, 290
- Protection of Lift-Shafts and Safety Devices in
- Connection with Lift-Doors and Controlling Gear, by Mr. Henry C. Walker, 417, 423, 468. See also 489, 505, 539, 550
- Guarding Machine Tools, by Mr. W. H. Johnson, 417, 468, 539. See also 423, 489, 505, 550 Fencing or Guarding Machinery Used in Tex- tile Factories, by Mr. S. R. Platt, 417, 468, 489, 505. See also 423, 505, 539, 550
- Standardisation of Pipe Flanges and Hanged Fittings, by Mr. R. E. Atkinson, 534, 554, 588. See 646 ,
- Recent Developments in the Gas Engine, by Professor T. Hudson Beare (Lecturer to Graduates), 697, 729
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory at the London University College, 851 .
- Mechanical Traction on the Nivernais Canal, 31L
- Mechanical Testing Station at Charlottenburg, 52
- Memorial, Robert Fulton, 241
- Merryweather’s Well Pump, Electrically-Driven, 293
- Mersey Shipbuilding, 79
- Merwarth Metallic Packing, 375
- Meta4. See Stcc?, 7ron, Tin, Copper, and Aluminium .
- Metal Price Diagrams, 24, 194, 324, 452, 586, ^56
- Metals, Microscopical Examination of, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Metallic Packing, Merwarth, 375
- Metallography, Nomenclature of. 637
- Metallurgical Exhibits at the Royal Society s Soiree, 651, 819
- Metallurgy and Engineering, Relations between : James Forrest Lecture, 538
- Metallurgy of Gold, 835
- Metallurgy of Mexico, 36, 69, 107, 143
- Meteorological Society* Royal:
- Annual Report, 92
- Svmons Gold Medal to Dr. A. Buchan, 92 Theories of Probabilities Applied to Various Meteorological Problems, by the President, 92
- Phenological Observations of 1901, by Mr. E. Morley, 258
- La Lune Mange les Nuages, by Mr. W. N. Shaw, 376
- The Prevalence of Gales on the Coasts of the British Isles During the Thirty Years 1871- 1900, 376
- Clouds, by Captain D. Wilson-Barker, 516
- Wind Force Experiments, by Captain D. Wilson-Barker and Mr. W. H. Dines, 676
- The Cornish Dust Fall of January, 1902, by Dr. H. R. Mill, 676
- English Climatology, 1890-1900, by Mr. F. C, Bayard,822
- Earth Temperature Observations Recorded in Upper India, by Mr. W. L. Dallas, 822 Meters, Electric, 337
- Metric System in United States, 256
- Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 789. See 600, 785
- Metropolitan Railway, Electrifying, 719
- Metropolitan Railway Traction, 306
- Metropolitan Railways, Vibration on, 479
- Metropolitan. See also Lo7i(ion
- Mexican Industries, Public Buildings and Scenery, 36, 69, 107, 143
- Mexico, Iron and Steel Works in, 8
- Mexico, Mining Legislation in, 39
- Michalowski Nickel Oxide Accumulator, 355
- Michele Steering Gear, 539
- Micro-Crystalline Structure of Platinum, 856
- Micrographs of Metals at the Royal Society’s Soirde, 651, 819
- Micrometers, Simple Electric, 696
- Microscopic Examination of Metals, 7, 28, 61, 95, 532
- Microscopical Observations on Deterioration in Steel Rails, 501
- Micro-Structure of Hardened Steel, 638. See LETTER, 645
- Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, 373, 451
- “ Mikasa,” Japanese Battleship, 180
- Military and Naval Exhibition at Portsmouth, 373
- Military Self-Propelled Wagon Trials, 21. Seo AVrafa, 48
- Milling Machines. See Machine Tools “Minerva,” “Hyacinth,” and “ Saxonia,” Boiler Trials, 254, 278, 326, 749
- Mine-Pumping Machinery, Electrically-Driven, 438
- Mines, Winding Gear for Deep Shafts, 686 Mining, Canada, 256
- Mining, Diamond, in South Africa, 200
- Mining Engine, Non-Condensing Double Drum, Winding, 504
- MiningEngineers, the American Institute, Excursion to Mexico, 36, 69, 107, 143
- Mining Legislation in Mexico, 39
- Mining Pumping Engines, Riedler, 48, 114, 310 Miscellanea, 15, 58, 92,126,160, 192, 217, 249, 292, 315, 347, 386, 420, 452, 477, 509, 543, 577, 613, 656, 681, 715, 747, 781, 815, 855
- Moncrieff, Mr. J. M., on the Strength of Columns, 731. See LETTERS
- Mond Gas and Sulphate of Ammonia, 19 Monterey Iron and Steel Works, Mexico, 8 Morgan Shipping Trust, 579, 649
- Monson, Mr. D. B., on Naval Engineers, 229, 264. See also 219, 351, 619, 676, 718, and LETTERS
- Morrin Patent Vertical Steam Boiler, 342
- Motor Car Exhibition, 548
- Motor Car Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 256 • Motor Car Industry, 545
- Motor, Oil, for War Office Launch (Daimler), 678, 668
- Motor Wagon Trials, Military, 21. See Errata, 4S
- Motor War-Car, 484
- Motors, French Spirit, 45
- Motors and Motor-Driving, 803. See Erratum, 855
- Motors. See Electric
- Moulding Machine, High-Speed, with Self-Lubricating Bearings, 710
- Municipal Authorities and Electric Power Bills, 222. See 817, 824, 855
- Municipal Engineers’ Legal Liability, 301
- Municipal Trade in the United States, 51
- Municipalities’ Compulsory Purchasing Power, 569. See also Legal
- Musker’s Hydraulic Movable and Cranes, 438
- Naphtha Industry, Russian, 688
- National Physical Laboratory, 380 451
- Naval Administration, 511. See Problems
- “ Naval Annual,” (1902), 707
Naval Architects, Institution of:
- Annual Meeting, 382, 399, 434
- Report of the Council, 382
- Alteration in the Rules 383
- President’s Address, by the Earl of Glasgow, 383
- Testimonial to Mr. George Holmes, 383
- The Gold Medal to Professor Dalby, 383
- Torpedo-Boat Destroj’ers, by Mr. S. W. Barnaby, 383,389
- The Stresses in a Ship’s Bottom Plating Due to Water Pressure, by Ivan G. Boobnoff, 384, 390
- The Annual Dinner, 385
- Liquid Fuel for Ships, by Sir J. Fortescue Flannery, 392, 407
- The Navipendular Method of Experiments as Applied to Some Warships of Different Classes, by Captain Russo, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 509
- Straining Forces in Crankshafts, by Professor S. Dunkerley, 402, 426, 454, 491
- Torsional Vibrations of Shafts, by Mr. L. Gumbel, 403, 472
- Improvements in Propeller-Shaft Bearings, by Mr. A. Scott Younger, 403, 439, 518
- Recent Scientific Developments and the Future of Naval Warfare, by Mr. W. Laird Clowes, 403
- Distortion in Boilers Due to Overheating, by Mr. C. E. Stromeyer, 434, 458
- Corrosion of Condenser Tubes and Sea Water Conductors, by Professor E. Cohen, 435, 558
- The Methods of Handling Material over Shipbuilding Berths in American Shipyards, by Mr. W. A. Fairburn, 435
- A Comparison of Five Types of Engines with Respect to their Unbalanced Forces and Couples, by Professor W. E. Dalby, 438. See also 402, 426, 454
- Note on Simpson’s Rule, by Mr. Macfarlane Gray, 438
- Construction , Expenditure, British, 229, 265
- Engineers, 219, 229, 264, 351, 619, 676, See LETTERS
- Engineers’ Rank and Status Diagrams,
- See Errata,
- also Natal
- Naval 252,
- Naval 718.
- Naval 229, 251 ,265
- Naval Guns. See Ouns
- Naval Machinery. See Engines
- Naval ” 373
- Naval 749 351, 403, 511, 619, 622, 653, 676,' 684,' 707,' 718; 749
- Naval Shipbuilding, Contract and Arrears, 622, 684
- Naval Ships. See Warships
- Naval Warfare and Scientific Development, 403
- Navigation, Dusseldorf International Congress, (1902), 609
- Navipendulum for Recording Ship-Rolling, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 509
- Navy Boilers, World’s Water-Tube, 819 ’
- Navy Contract Department, 154, 223
- Navy. See Warships
- Navy, Water-Tube Boilers in the. See Water- Tube Boilers
- Navy, Water-Tube Boilers, Thornycroft, and Cylindrical Combination, 823
- Negative Slip, 356,373, 450, 518, 551, 535, 609, 677, 743
- Net-Guarding for Machines, Engines, and Lift- Shafts, 417, 423, 468, 489, 505, 539. See 550
- New Explosives Company’s Works, Limited, Stowmarket, 610
- New York Central Railway Accident, 156
- New York City Subway, 11, 40, 112, 141, 205, 245, 276, 364, 429,464. See 783
- New York Rapid Transit, 783. See also Nev) York City Sub way
- New Zealand Coal, 18
- Nicaragua or Panama? 119. See 822
- Nicholson’s Wharf Cranes, 438
- Nickel Oxide Accumulators, 355
- Nickel Trust, 54
- Niclausse versus Belleville Boiler Trials in Italy, Comparative, 635. See Errata,
- Niles Tool Works, German, 835
- Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 95
- Nitro-Cellulose Powders, 568. LETTERS, 609, 645
- Nitro-Glycerine Powders, 563. LETTERS, 609, 645.
- Nivernais Canal, Mechanical Traction on, 812 Nomenclature of Metallography, 637
- North-East Coast Shipbuilding, 55
- North-Eastern Railway Water-Tube Boiler Locomotive, 127
- North of France Company Railway Signalling, 184
- North German Liner “ Kaiser Wilhelm IL,” Crankshaft for, 645
- North, Notes from the, 14, 48, 82, 116, 150, 184, 216, 248, 292, 314, 346, 376, 410, 442, 476, 508, 542, 576, 612, 646, 680, 714, 746, 780, 814, 847
- North Sea Canal, 33, 105,170, 243, 271
- Notched Steel Bars, Impact Tests on, 189, 513
- Nova Scotia Coal, 788
- Obituary : (Moved to separate index)
- Objectives, Contributions to the Theory of. Resolving Power of, 360
- Oil-Burning Locomotives, 742
- Oil Engines. See jfc’ngmeif, Oil, and Motor Cars
- Oil Fire-Pump, Portable, 791
- Oil Fuel for Ships, 399, 407
- Oil Industry, Russian Petroleum, 688
- Oil-Motor Launches, 668, 678
- Oil, Shale, Electric Power in Manufacture of, 345
- Oil-Teiupering of Mild-Steel Forgings, 794
- Oil-Well Boring, 307
- Oil Industries, Laboratory Companion in, 377
- Oldham Boiler Explosion, 190,197
- Open-Hearth and Blast-Furnace Combined, 639
- Open-Hearth Furnace, Elimination of Silicon in the, 619, 658
- Opera House, Covent Garden, London, Modernisation of, 669
- Ordnance. See Quns
- Ore Output, Lake Superior, 189
- Osaka Industrial Exhibition in 1903, 418
- Oscillations, Torsional, in High-Speed Engine Shafts, 26, 57, 91
- Oswestry, Boiler Explosions at, 690
- Overheating of Boilers, Distortion Due to, 434, 458
- Overland Railway to India, 739, 772
- Pacific Cable, 827
- Packing, Merwarth Metallic, 375
- Paddle Steamer versus Turbine Steamer, 125, 755. See LETTER, 419
- Paints, Anti-Corrosive, 837
- Panama Canal, Subaqueous Foundations of Bohio Dam, 822
- Panama or Nicaragua? 119
- “Para,” Explosion on the S.S., 584
- Paris, Arched Viaduct over Seine at, 82, 137
- Paris Exhibition, Locomotives at, 567
- Paris Street-Watering, 515
- Parliament and the’Navy, 251, 288, 351, 511, 653, 684, 749. See also Naval Problems
- Parsons’ Steam-Driven Merchant Steamers, 125, 755. See LETTER, 419
- Parsons’ Turbine-Driven Destroyer, 223
- Parsons’ Turbine-Driven Steam Yacht “Tarantula,” 745
- Passengers on Atlantic Liners, 87
- Patent Bill, The New, 285, 379, 418. See LETTERS, 311, 356, 486
- Patent Record, 31,67, 101, 135, 167, 201, 233, 267, 299, 332, 362, 395, 461, 525, 561, 595, 631, 665, 699, 765, 799, 831, 860
- Patents, Compulsory Working of, 285, 379, 418. See LETTERS, 311, 356, 486
- Patents and Trade Marks in Cuba, 777
- Patents and Trade Marks, Transvaal, 743
- Pavilions at the Dusseldorf Exhibition. See Dusseldorf Exhibition
- Pavilions, Tests of Composite Structures, 363
- Peaceful Picketing, 354, 413
- Pencoyd Company’s Bridge Construction Methods, 91
- Pendulum, Note on the Compound, 576
- Pennsylvania Railway Speeds, 551
- Persian Gulf Railway, 739, 772
- Persian Railway, 449
- Peru Copper, 255
- Petrol. See Oil and Engines, Oil
- Petrol Tractor on the Nivernais Canal, 312
- Petroleum Deposits in Central Asia, 821
- Petroleum. See O?7and Engines, Oil
- Phenological Observations of 1901, 258 ,
- Philippine Coal, 124 ,
- Phoenix Steam-Pressure Regulating and Automatic Cut-Off Valve, 537 I
- Photographic Exhibits at the Roj’al Society’s Soiree, 651, 819
- Photographophone, or Electric Arc Kinematograph, 20
- Physical Constants, 625
- Physical Exhilhts at the Royal Society’s Soirde, 651, 819
- Physical Laboratory, National, 389. See Errata, 451 and 518, 851
Physical Society:
- The Factors of Heat, by Mr. James Swinburne, 157
- Twinned Crystals of Selenite, 157
- Office Bearers, 261 President’s Address, 261 Focal Lines and Anchor Ring Wave-Fronts, by Professor E. H. Everett, 360
- Contributions to the Theory of the Resolving Power of Objectives, by Professor Everett, 360
- The Absorption, Dispeision, and Surface Colour of Selenium, by Professor R. W. Wood, 360
- Tellurium Mirrors, 360
- The Thermal Expansion of Porcelain, by Mr. A. E. Totton, 385
- A Suspected Case of Electrical Resonance of Minute Metal Particles for Light Waves ; a New ’Type of Absorption, by Professor R. W. Wood, 386
- The Temperature Variation of the Electrical Resistance of Pure Metals and Allied Matters, by Mr. W. Williams, 386
- Electric Heater, by Dr. R. A. Lehfeldt, 516 An Apparatus for Vapour Pressure Measurements, by Mr. Grant, 516
- Physical Society—continued.
- On the Growth of Electric Currents on an Induction Circuit, by Mr. Morris, 516
- The Use of Cathode Rays in Electric-Current Work, by Mr. J. T. Morris, 516
- A Mechanical Break for Induction Coils, by Dr. Dawson Turner, 575
- A Temperature Indicator for Use with Platinum Thermometers, in which Readings are Automatically Reduced to the Gas Scale, bj' Mr. R. H. Whippell, 575
- Notes on the Compound Pendulum, by Mr. b. A. F. White, 576
- Simple Electric Micrometer, by Dr. P. E. Shaw, 696
- A Lecture Experiment on the Ebullition of Rotating Water, by Mr. T. C. Porter, 723 The Conservation of Entropy, by Mr. J. A. Erskine, 723 .
- Rational Units of Electro • Magnetism, by Signor G. Giorgi, 723
- Picketing, Peaceful, 354, 413
- Picric Acid, 563. See 546, 743, and LETTERS, 609, <545 . .
- Pig-Iron Prices. See Metdl Price Diagrcmni
- Pigments, Anti-Corrosive Paints, 837
- Pile-Driving Machine, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Pilot Steamer for Port Philip, 846 Pipe-Coupling, “Boreas ” Hose, 194
- Pipe Flanges, Standardisation of, 534, 554, 588. See LETTER, 646
- Pipe-Joint Packing, Merwarth, 375 Pipe Unions, 242
- Pipes, Steam, Explosion of, Due to Water- Hammer, 295. See LETTER, 310
- Planing Machines. Sec Machine Tools
- “ Plant” System, Compound Locomotive (Baldwin). 641 „
- Plate-Girder Webs, 236, 253. See Errata, 282, and Girders
- Plates, Stresses on Ships’, 384, 390
- Platinum, Micro-Crystalline Structure of, 856
- Platt, Mr. S R., on Fencing or Guarding Machinery used in Textile Factories, 417, 468,489. See also 423, 505, 539, 550
- Pneumatic. See Air
- Pneumatic Hammer, Massey’s, 527. See also Die- Forging
- Pneumatic Tools, 714, 743
- Pneumatic Tools in Shipwork, 416 Point Discharges Figures, 90
- Polyphase Machinery, Some Notes on, 759, 810, 857
- Porcelain, Thermal Expansion of, 385
- Port of Dundee, 224
- Port Philip, Pilot Steamer for, 846
- Port. See Amsterdam
- Port Talbot Railway and Docks, Tank Locomotive for, 536
- Portable Engines. See Engines.
- Portable Petrol Fire-Pump, 791
- Portable Universal Machine Tool (Capitaine, Frankfort), 80
- Portsmouth, Military and Naval Exhibition at, 373
- Potter Mesh Separator and Superheater, 242
- Powder Explosion at Johannesburg, 149 Powders and Explosives, 835
- Powder Manufacture, 610
- Powders, Smokeless, Evolution of, 563. See 546, 743, and LETTERS, 609, 645
- Powell-Duffryn Collieries, Riedler Pumps at, 48, 114. See also 310
- Power Gas. See Engines, Gas
- Power Plant. See Electric.
- Power Plant, Water, at Hannawa Falls, 274
- Power Scheme in South Wales, 581
- Power Transmission, Electric, 667
- Prelini, Mr. Charles, on the New Subway in New York, 11, 40, 112, 141, 205, 245, 276, 364, 429, 464. See 783 . , ,
- Premium System of Remunerating Labour, 208
- Pressing, Die, 35, 139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 537, 606. See LETTER,486
- Pressure-Measuring Apparatus, Vapour, 516
- Pressures, Subterranean, 25, 225, 311, 419
- Principle of the “Surplus Product,” 85
- Prism Field Glass, Porro, 275
- Problems of Electric Railways, 258, 31 z, 359, 392, 481 .
- Producer Gas Motors. See Engines, Gas Producers, Gas, for Wood Consumption, 639, 663
- Progressive Steam Trials of H.M.S. “Good Hope,” 286, 322. See 387, 461, 687, 853
- Projectiles, Capped, Penetrate Krupp Armour, 717,724, 743 . - .OQ
- Propeller Shaft Bearings, Improvements in, 403, 439. See LETTER, 518
- Propeller Slip. See Negative Slip
- Propeller Tests of Cruisers “Leviathan, “Drake,” and “Good Hope,” 286, 322, 451, 687 853
- Propellers in Battleships, Inturning, Twin, 777
- Propellers, Reversible, for Oil-Motor Launches, 668
- Protection of Workers at Engines, Machines, , and Lifts, 417, 423, 468, 489. 505, 539. 550
- Prussian Superheated Steam Locomotive, 827
- Pump, Ashley, Hydraulically Balanced, 643
- Pump, “Haste” Inertia, 552 Pump, Portable, Petrol, Fire, 791
- Pump, Riedler “ Express,” 310. See also 48, 114
- Pump, Well, Electrically-Driven, 293
- Pumps, Air, Edwards’ Electrically-Driven, 145
- Pumps at the Powell-Duffryn Collieries, 48,114. See also 310
- Pumping Engine Efficiency, 728
- Pumping Engine for the Hitchin Water Works, 572. See Errata, 613, 715
- Pumping Engines, Automatic Regulator, 149
- Pumping Machinery, Electrically-Driven, 438
- Purchase of Buildings, Compulsory, Compensation for, 355 . .
- Purchase of Electric Undertakings by Municipalities, 569
- Purdue College Locomotive Tests, 62z,660, 692
- “ Pyritic” Smelting of Gold, 355
- Pyromecer, A New, 754. See Erratum, 826
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Quartz, Fusion of, in Electric Furnace, 515
- “ Queen Alexandra,” Parsons’ Turbine Steamer, 765. See 125, and LETTER, 419
- “ Queen,” 318
- Occident to a 15-Cenfcimeter, 323. See LETTER, 373
- Quick-Firing Guns. See Guns
- Quicksilver. See Price Diagrams
- Rails, Steel, Microscopical Observation of Deterioration in, 501. See also J/icro-s-coTiZca^, <0c.
- Railway, Accident on the Liverpool Overhead,
- Railway, Accident on the New York Central, 156 Railway, The Baghdad, 449
- Railway, Berlin Metropolitan, 265
- Railway Block Signalling in America, 381
- Railway Bridge over the Godavari, 12, 39
- Railway Car Companies and Buffers, 236
- Railway Carriage Lamp-Fittings, 303 Railway Carriage Lighting, 568 466 ^530^ 568^°^®
- Railway Companies and the Factory Act, 467
- Railway Companies, Liabilities of, 449
- Railway, Congo, 229
- Railway, Electric. See under ELECTRIC
- Railway Electric Traction, Cost of, 719
- Railway, Fayet-Chamonix Electric, 573
- Radwaj’, High-Speed, Berlin - Zossen Electric,
- Railway, Light, Mid-Suffolk, 373, 451
- Railway Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Railway, Overland, to India, 739, 772
- Rai way, Persian Gulf, 739, 772. See 449
- Railway, Proposed Chinese, 351
- Railway Rates in Denmark, New, 788 Ccbrriages and
- Railway Royal Train, Great Western, 376 Em Developments in the Far
- Railway Signalling in France, 184
- Rai way. Small Three-Phase Normal Gauge. 549 Railway Speeds, United States, 551
- Railway Station, New, for Bordeaux, 467, 534
- Railway Train Accelerometer, 175
- Railway Train Dispatching, 55
- Radway Train Draught Gear, 314. See LETTER,
- Railway Train Speed to Manchester 7^3
- Radway Trains, Cost of High-Speed, 173
- Railway Trains. See Trains Underground, New York Subway, 11, I'll, 205, 245, 276, 364,429,464.^ See
- Railways, Canada, 256
- Railways in China, 20, 852
- Railways, Chinese Trade and, 753
- Railways, Dangers of Electric, 21,156
- Railways, Danish State, 89
- Problem of, 258, 317, 359,
- Traction on, 481. See also
- Railways, Italian Electric, 719
- Railways, Japanese, 643
- Railways, Russian, Loss of Weight on. 364
- Railways, Vibration on, 479. See 767
- Royal Society’s Soirfie, 651.
- Rapid Transit in New York, 783. See also Seiv r orK Lity mibway
- Rates in Denmark, New Railway, 788
- Rating Machinery, 483, 514. See also Legal
- Rawson and Morrison’s Cableways at the Con- struction of New York Subways, 11
- Reciprocating Engines versus Turbine for High- Speed Vessels, 419. See 125, 755
- ?'"o 9'‘s-EDgine Research at the Royal Society’s Soirde, 651. See 819
- Recovered Rubber, 672
- Reflex ” Gauge Glass Protector, 325 Refrigerating Plant, Electric, 59
- Refrigerating Plant, Small, 483
- Refrigerator Chamber, Explosion in, 584 Regulator, Automatic, for Pumping Engines 149
- Relations between Metallurgy and Engineering James Forrest Lecture, 538
- Relays for Submarine Cables, 616
- Renold Gear Chain, 210
- Repair and Salvage of H.M. Torpedo-Boat
- Destroyer “ Salmon,” 368
- Repairing a Tunnel Shaft at Sea, 195
- Research Endowment Fund, German, 223
- Research Endowment Fund, University College London, 618, See 380, 451, 851 ’
- ReSgistance, Electrical, Temperature Variation of.
- Electrical, of Minute Metal Par-
- Reversals of Stress, 504
- Reynolds, Professor Osborne, and Smith, J H Mea^Jst'res™'"^ Kever.ale of
- Rhine and its Shipping, 786
- Ricks, Accumulator, 191
- Riedler Express ” Pump Engine, 310 ^48 114^^"“’'® I’owell-Duffryn Collieries,
- River Barrow Viaduct, Contract for, 156
- River Thames, Tunnelling Under, 454 74^^*^^’ Shipwork, 416. See 714,
- Road Locomotion. See Jfotor Cars
- Road Scarifier, Asplen’s, 387
- Rock-Drilling and Blasting on New York Sub* way, 364
- Roller Pressures for Great Loads, 276
- Rohi^ng of Ships, Navipendulum for Recording, 402,520,590. See Erratum, 509 ®
- Rolling Stock. See Carriages .and ira<7o?i6‘ ^129 1*63^ K6*^29b"^^^ Shaft Brackets, &c., 103,
- Roof, Railway Station, 467, 534
- Roofs ; Workshop, German Niles Tool Works, 769, 835
- Rope, Manila, Tests, 240
- Ropes for Shipping, Steel Wire, 753, 786
- Rosse, Earl of, on a Leaf-Arrester for the Water Supply of Turbines, 59
- Rotating Water, Ebullition of, 723
- Roumanian Locomotives, 742
- Rowan and Co.’s Marine Engine Works, Glasgow, 597. See 604, 839
- Rowland’s Experiments on the Magnetic Action of a Moving Electrostatic Charge, 124
- Royal Meteorological Society. See Meteorological Society
- Royal Society’s Soirde, 651, 819
- Royal Train, Great Western, 376
- Ruabon Boiler Explosion, 560
- Rubber, Manufacture of India, 447
- Rubber, Recovered, 672
- Rudder Gear, Michele Steering, 539
- Runcorn Boiler Explosion, 64. See LETTERS, 91, 517
- Russian Developments in the Far East, 821
- Russian Naphtha Industry, 688
- Russian Petroleum Deposits, 821
- Russian Railways, Loss in Weight of Goods on, 354
- Russian Waterways, Harbours for, 722
- Russo, Captain G., on the Navipendulum Method of Recording the Rolling of Ships, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 509
- Rust, Paints to Prevent, 837
- Safety-Gear of Lifts, 417, 423, 468, See also 439, 489\ 505, 550
- Sailing Ship, Largest, in the World, 788
- “Salmon,’ H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, Repair and Salvage of, 368
- Salt Industry, Stassfurt, 257
- Salt Lakes as Natural Heat Accumulators, 821
- Salvage and Repair of H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “ Salmon,” 368
- Sandstone Stresses. 204
- Sanitary Appliances for Railway Carriages in India, 531
- Sanitary Appliances in Railway Trains, 340
- Sanitary and Laundry Exhibition, 617
- Santos Dumont Airship and Andree Balloon, 311. See also 819
- “ Savoie” and “Lorraine,” French Trans-Atlantic Steamships, 342, 406
- Saw-Bench (Robinson and King’s), 710
- “ Sixonia,” Cunard Liner, Admiralty Boiler Trials, 254, 278, 326, 749
- Scarifier, Asplen’s Road, 387
- Schmidt’s Superheatel Steam Locomotive, 827
- Schmidt’s System of Superheating Steam, 788
- Schmuts’ Automatic Screw Machine. 345
- Scholarships, Carnegie Research, 637, 655
- School for Machine-Shop Apprent ces, 103,129 163, 176, 290
- Scientific Developments and Naval Warfare, 403
- Scotch Shipbuilding, 74
- Scott - Elliott Furnace Equipment. 484. See LETTER, 518
- Screw Machines. See Machine Tools
- Screw Propellers. See Propellers
- Sea Water, Action of, on Cement, 483
- Sea Sound Signals, 324
- Seine, Arched Viaduct over, at Paris, 82, 137 Seism’c D.sturbances, 655. See LETTER, 777 Selenium, The Absorption, Dispersion, and Surface Colour of, 360
- Self-Lubricating Bearings for Wood-Working Machinery, 710
- Self-Propelled Vehicles. See Motor Cars Separators, Magnetic, 60S. See Errata^ 647 Separator and Superheater, Potter Mesh, 242 Servant and Master, Law Cases, 133, 191, 200, 293, 393, 428, 489, 593, 627, 664, 683, 722, 729, 830
- Sewage Treatment, 158
- Sewer Crossing at New York Subway, 40
- Shaft Bearings, Improvements in Propeller, 403, 439. See LETTER, 518
- Shaft Repair at Sea, Tunnel, 195
- Shafts, Crank, Strains on, 402, 426, 454, 491. See also 402. 43), 472, 518
- Shafts, Deep, Winding Gear, 686
- Shafts, Torsional Oscillations of High-Speed Engine, 26, 57, 9l
- Shafts, Torsional Vibrations of, 403, 472. See also 402, 426, 439, 454, 491, 518
- Shale Oil, Electric Power in Manufacture of, 345 Shallow-Draught Steamers for African Lakes, 808 Shanghai Trade, 53
- Sheds and Warehouses at Amsterdam, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Shells, Bursting Charges of, 563. See LETTERS, 609, 615. See 546, 743
- Shells, Capped, Penetrate Krupp Armour, 717, 724, 743
- Ship “ Para,” Explosion on the, 534
- Ship Propeller Shaft Bearings, 403, 439, 513
- Ship Propeller Slip. See Negative Slip
- Ship, Sailing, Largest, in the World, 788 Ships' Shaft, Repair of, at Sea, 195
- Ship State-Room Accommodation, 323
- Ship Steering Gear. Michele, 539
- Ship’s Boat-Lowering Gea’*, Welin, 227
- Ship’s Crankshafts, Strains on, 402, 426, 454, 491. See also 403, 439, 472, 518
- Ships’ Double Bottoms, The Stresses on, 884, 890 Ships, Liquid Fuel for, 399, 407
- Ships’ Plates, Stresses on, 384, 890
- Ships, Rolling of, 402, 520, 690. See Erratum, 509
- Ships. See also Steamers
- Ships’ Shafts, Torsional Vibrations of, 403, 472. See also 402, 426, 439, 454, 491, 518
- Ships, Sizes of, 24
- Ships, Steering Rudderless, 517
- Ships, Transverse Strength of, 113 Shipbuilding, British and Foreign, 193
- Shipbuilding Costs in America and England, 349. See 579, 649
- Shipbuilding Industry, German, 751 Shipbuilding, Japanese, 18
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1901, 21, 55, 74. See 124, 583
- Shipbuilding for the Navy, Contract and Arrears, 622, 68 L See also Naval Problems
- Shipbuilding, Pneumatic Tools in, 416, 714, 743
- Shipbuildiiiir. See also Naval Architects Shipbuilding Trade Prospects, 124, 583
- Shipbuilding Trade, Decreased Activity, 583
- Shipbuilding and Bounties, 349, 579, 649, 849 Shipping Bounties, 349, 679, 649, 849 Shipping Combine, 579, 649, 849 Shipping, Japanese, 95
- Shipping Problems, Lord Glasgow on, 383 Shipping on the Rhine, 786
- Shipping, Steel Wire Ropes for, 753, 786 Shipping Subsidies, 349, 579, 649, 849 Shipyard Equipment, United States, 435 “ Shirakumo,” Engines of the Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 310
- Shop Drawings, 839, See also 597, 604
- Shop Flooring, Heating and Equipment, Machine, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290
- Shoreditch Electric Supply, 821
- Siam, British Trade in, 634 Siberia, Coal Deposits in Western, 621 Siberia and Manchuria Trade Openings, 222 Siberian Railway Development in the Far East, 821
- Sieve for Leaf-Arrester for Water Supply of Turbines, 59
- Signalling, Automatic Block, in America, 381 Signalling, Railway, North of France, 184 Signals, Fog, at Sea, 324
- Silicon in the Open Hearth, 619, 658
- Simplon Tunnel, 622
- Simplon Tunnel, Ventilation of, 483
- Simpson’s Rules, 438 Slip. See Negative Slip Sluices of Mandalay Canal, 345 Smelting of Gold, Pyritic,” 35.5
- Smith, J. H., and Reynolds, Professor, Osborne, on a Throw Testing Machine for Reversals of Mean Stress, 504
- Smokeless Powders, Evolution of, 563. See LETTERS, 609, 645. See 546, 743
- Sound Signals, 324
- South Africa, Irrigation in, 448 South African Diamond Mining, 200 South African Locomotive, 679 South American Copper, 255
- South Wales Electric “ Bulk” Scheme, 581 South-West, Notes from the, 15, 49, 83, 117, 151, 185, 217, 249, 283, 315, 346, 377, 411, 443, 509, 543, 577, 613, 647, 681, 714, 746, 781, 847
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 14, 49, 83, 150, 185, 216, 248, 283, 314, 346, — "
476. 508, 542, 576, 612, 646, 680, 814, 846
- Spark-Preventer for Locomotives South-Western Railway), 712
- Specifications, Building, 835
- Speed of Motor Cars, 545 Speed of Railway Trains to Manchester, 723
- Speed Trains, Cost of Running High, 173
- Speeds, United States Railway, 551
- Spelter Prices. See Metal Price Diagrams Spiral Springs, Experiments, 274
- Spirit Motors, French, 45 Springs, Spiral, Experiments, 274
- Springs and Spring-Testing Machinery, 173 Stability of Ships, and Rolling, 402, 520, 590.
- A'rrafw?n, 509
- Stamping, Die, 35, 139, 203, 269, 333, 431, 636. See LETTER, 486
- Standardisation of Limit Gauges, 225 Standardisation of Pipe Flanges and Flanged
- Fittings, 534, 554, 588. See LETTER, 648 Standardising Engine Tests, 212 Stassfurt Salt Industry, 257 State Railways, Danish, 89 State-Room Accommodation, 323 Static Electricity, Water Transport in Capillary
- Tubes by, 20
- Station, New Railway, for Bordeaux, 467, 534 Stations, Electric, and the Factory Act, 685, 817, 824. See LETTERS, 855
- Stations, Electric. See Poiver Stations^ Electric^ Engines^ and Engine, Gas
- Statistics of Boiler Explosions, 354 Steam Boilers. See Boiler and
- Boiler,
- Steam - Distribution Mechanism
- Engine, 813
- I Steel for Connecting-Rod Bolts, Impact Tests,
- I 513. See 189
- j Steel Construction ; United States Workshop
- I Methods, 91
- i Steel, Corrosion of, 240
- j Steel, Effect of Vanadium on, 92, 113
- Steel Forgings, Oil-.Tempering of, 794
- Steel Girders, Design of. See Qirders
- Steel Industry, German, 751
- Steel Ingot for Armour-Plate, 130-Ton, 605
- Steel and Iron Girders, Formulae for Weights and Depths of, 338, 463. See also Girders
- Steel and Iron Institute. See Iron and Steel Institute
- Steel and Iron Works in Mexico, 8
- Steelmaking in Japan, 155
- Steel Manufacture, Canada, 256
- Steel Manufacture, Equilibrium of Iron Carbon Systems, 626
- Ste-l Manufacture with Gas Made from Wood, 639, 663
- Steel, Microstructure of Hardened, 638. See LETTER, 645. See also Microscopic^ ct’c.
- Steel, Open-Hearth Furnace, Elimination of
- Silicon in, 619, 658
- Steel Plate Girders, 236, 253. See also Girders Steel Production, United States, 86
- Steel Progress in United States. 172
- Steel Rails, Microscopical Observation of Deterioration in, 501
- Steel Wire Ropes, 753, 786
- Steel Works, United States, Increase in, 583 Steels, High-Speed Tool, 689
- Steering Gear for Ships, Michele, 539
- Steering Machinery of H.M.S. “Good Hope”
- (Napiers), 322
- Steering Rudderless Ships, 517
- Stevenson’s Sea Guide and Yachting Manual for 1902, 146
- Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1902, 146 Stokehold Temperatures on British Cruisers, 322 Storms on the British Coast, 376
- Straightening Machine, Bar- and Tube-, 293 Strains on Crankshafts, 402, 426, 454, 491. See also 403, 439, 472, 518
- Street-Watering in Paris, 515
- Strength of Chilled Cast Iron, 204
- Strength of Columns, 731. See LETTERS
- Strength Test of Composite Buildings, 363 Strength of Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 383, 389.
- See 368
- Strength of Vessels, Transverse, 113, 384, 390 Stress, Investigation of Thermo-Eleotric, 191 Stress, Reversals of, 504
- Stresses in Braced Girders, 25
- Stresses on Ships’ Plates, 384, 390. See 368
- Stromeyer, Mr. C. E., on the Distortion of Boilers
- Due to Overheating, 434, 458
- Stromeyer, Mr. C. E., on Explosions of Steam Pipes Due to Water Hammer, 295. See LETTER, 310
- Structure of Micro-Crystalline of Platinum, 856 Structure of Steel, 638. See Microscopic^ tOc.
- ' Structures, Composite, 363
- Study of Economics, 615
- Subaqueous Deep Foundations, 822 Submarine-Boats and Naval Warfare, 403 Submarine Cables, Relays for, 616 Submarine Telegraph Cable, 827
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 224, 727 Subsidies on Steam Shipping, 349, 579, 649, 849 Subterranean Pressures, 25, 225, 311, 419 Subway in New York City, 11, 40, 112, 141, 205,
245, 276, 364, 429, 464. See 783
- Suction Dredgers, Cutting Machinery for, 676 Sugar Centrifugal Machine, Electric Drive, 812 Sugar Manufacture, Evaporators for, 3, 71. See
- LETTER, 193
- Sulphate of Ammonia, 19
- Sulphuric Acid Process, Catalytic, 414 Superheated Steam Locomotive, 827 Superheater and Separator, Potter Mesh, 242 Superheating Steam, Schmidt’s System of, 788 “Surplus Product,” The Principle of the, 85 Surveying for Tunnels, 429 Swansea Water Supply, 347, 373
- Sweden Industries, 354
- Swinburne, Mr. J., on the Electric Problem of
- Railways, 317, 359, 392. See 258
- Sydney Sewerage Treatment, 158
- Syren Signals, 324
- Taff Vale Railway Legal Decision. See Trade Unions^ under LEGAL
- Tanks, Experimental. See National and Physical Laboratory^ 383
- “Tarantula,” Steam Yacht, Turbine-Driven, 745 Tariff Question, China, 584
- Tay Bridge, Dundee, 224
- Technical Education, 17, 710
- Technical Lexicon; Nomenclature of Metallography, 637
- Technical Words, United States, 193
- Tees Shipbuilding, 57
- Telegraph Cable Companies, 224, 727
- Telegraph Cable, Pacific, 827
- Telegraph, Relay for Submarine, 616
- Telegraph, Submarine, 224, 727, 827 Telegraphy, Marconi, 120, 818
- Temperature of Earth in India, 822
- Temperature Effects on the Elastic Recovery of Steel Bars, 549
- Temperature Indicator for Use with Platinum Thermometers, 575
- Temperature Variation of the ance of Metals, 386
- Temperatures of Explosion of tion Engines, 833
- Temperatures, Stokehold, on
- Tempering of Mild-Steel Forgings, 794
- Temporary Engineers in the Navy, 26. See Naval Engineers
- Temporary Steering Apparatus for Ships, 517 Test of Composite Buildings, 363
- Testing Apparatus for Steam Trials, 220
- Testing of Dynamos at the English Electric Manufacturing Company’s Works, Preston, 121
- Testing of Locomotive Boiler, Purdue College, 627, 660, 682
- Testing Machine, Buckton, 91, 609
- Testing for Reversal of Mean Stress, 504
- Testing Springs, Machine for, 173
- - • Station, Charlottenburg, 52
- xeava, on Notched Steel Bars, 189
- Tests of Notched Specimens, Impact, 513 Tests, Standardising, for Engines, 212 Textile Machinery, Fencing and Guarding, 417, 468,489. See 423, 505, 639, 55U
- Thames Shipbuilding, 79
- Thames, Tunnelling under the River, 4&4
- Theatre, Modernisation of Covent Gardea Opera
- House, 669 _ -
- Thermal Emissivity in High-Pressure Gases, 1 Thermal Expansion of Porcelain, 385 Thermal Relations of Floating Clouds, 3/6 Thermo-Electric Invest’gaticn of Stress, 191 Thermometers, Platinum Temperature Indi
- cator for use with, 575
- Tliirv Mr. J., on Recovery of By-Products in Coke-Making, 618, 661. See also 681
- Thornycroft Boilers for Large Vessels, 155 Thornycroft and Cylindrical Combination Boiler
- Installations, 823 . „ .
- Thornycroft’s Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Engines,
310 Thunderstorms and Atmospheric Electricity, 703, 767, 802 a 11
- Time Intervals, Measurement of Very Small, 54 Tin and Copper, 581 . , „
- Tin and Copper Alloys, Microscopical Examina
- tion of, 7, 28, 61, 95,532
- Tin Prices. See Aletcbl Price Dia.nams TolchOil Engine for Light Marine Work, 668.
- See 678 Tool-Grinder, Electrically-Driven, 575 Tool Steels, High-Speed, 689 . ,
- Tools, Pneumatic. See P.’i^uwauc looia Tools. SQQ Machine Tools Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Engines (Thornycroft},
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, First of, 551, 584 Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships Torpedo Boats. See Warships .
- Torsional Oscillations in High-Speed Engine
- Shafts, 26, 67,91 ,
- Torsional Vibrations of Shafts, 403, 472. See also 402, 426, 439, 454, 491, 618
- Towing Sea-Going Lighters, 26
- Track Moving, New York Subway, 141 Traction, Electric, 306, 550, 585 Traction, Electric, cn Main Railways, 481. bee
- also Railivays under ELECTRIC Traction. See Tramways Tractor, Oil, on the Nivernais Canal, 312 Trade in China, United States, 449 Trade in Japan, 687, 850 Trade Marks and Patents, Transvaal, 743 Trade, Municipal, in United States, 51 Trade Openings in Siberia and Manchuria, 222 Trade Unions, Legal Position of. See Legal Trade Unions, Picketing, 354, 413 Trades’ Waste, Bacterial Treatment of, 158 Train Accelerometer, 175 Train Coupling and Draught Gear, 314. See LETTER, 419
- Train-Despatching, 55 Train-Lighting, 531 Train, Royal, Great Western, 376 Train. See Railway Train Train for Transporting Main Shaft, 605 Trains, Cost of Running High-Speed, 173 Training, Technical, 710
- Tram-Cars for the London County Council, 552 Tramway Companies’ Liabilities, Electric, 88 Tramway Compulsory Purchase by Local Authorities, 569
- Tramway Trolley Wire Dangers, 319
- Tramway, United States Practice in Electric, 306
- Tramways, Birkenhead, Electric Generating Plant, 574
- Traniwavs, Electric, and Housing, 257. See also 306, 550, 585
- Tramways, London Electric, 385. See 552
- Tramways. See New York Subway
- Transit in New York, Rapid, 783. See also New York City Subway
- Transmission of Electric Power, 667
- Transporting Main Shaft, 605
- Transvaal Patents and Trade Marks, 743 Transvaal Mines, Winding Gear for Deep Shafts, 686
- Transverse Strength of Vessels, 113
- Trap, Steam, High-Pressure, 623
- Travelling Crane, 5-Ton, Gantry (Wellman- Seaver), 182
- Treatment of Sewage, 158
- Trials, Comparative, of Water-Tube Boilers in Italy, 635. See Errata^ 677
- Trials of H.M. Cruisers, 286, 332, 451, 687, 853 Trials of Japanese Battleships, 180
- Trials of Steam Engines, 220
- Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Trolley Wire, Electric, Dangers, 319 Trust, Nickel, 54
- Trusts in America, 191 ,
- Trusts. See also Combines
- Trusts and the “ Surplus Product,” 85 Tube Manufacture by Electro-Deposition, 633 Tube Railways, Vibration on, 373, 419, 479 Tube Swelling and Reducing Machine, 438 Tubes, Condenser, Corrosion of, 435, 558 “ Tubes” in Parliament, 750
- Tunnel Lining and Vibration, 373, 419 Tunnel Railways, Vibration on, 479 Tunnel, Simplon, 622
- Tunnel, Simplon, Ventilation of, 483 Tunnelling, 240
- Tunnelling, New York City Subway, 11, 40, 112, 141, 205, 245, 276, 364, 429, 464, 783
- Tunnelling under the River Thames, 454, 750 Tunnels, Deep, in London, 373, 419, 479, 750 Turbine-Driven Destroyer, 223
- Turbine-Driven Steam Yacht “ Tarantula,” 745 Turbine, Steam-Driven, for Merchant Steamers, Parsons’, 125, 755. See LETTER, 419
- Turbine Steamer versus Paddle Steamer, 127, 755. See LETTER, 419
- Turbine versus Reciprocating Engines for High- Speed Vessels, 419
- Turbine Water Supply Leaf-Arrester, 59 Turning Machines. See Machine Tools Turton’s Lathe-Carrier, 357. See Errata^ 411 Tuyeres, Cooling, for Blast-Furnaces, 619, 65b
- Twin Screws on Battleships, Inturning, 777
- Tyne Shipbuilding, 5G
- Tyres for Railway Carriages, 568
- Tyrrell, Mr. If. G., on the Comparative Cost of Combination and All-Steel Bridges, 625
- Unbalanced Forces in Marine Engines, 438. See also Balancing Engines
- Underground Railway Fire Dangers, 21
- Underground Railway, New York Citv Subway, 11, 40, 112,141, 205, 245, 276, 364, 429\ 464, 783
- Underground Support; Liabilities of Railway Companies, 449
- Underground Tramways. See also Underground Subways
- Undermanning in the Navy. See Naval Engi neers
- Unions, Pipe, 242
- Unions, Trade. See Trade Unions
- United States Automatic Block-Signalling, 381
- United States Coalfields, 722
- United States Combines and the “ Surplus Product,” 85. See also Combines
- United States Copper Production, 320
- United States Education, 45
- United States Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, 156
- United States Gunboats Built in Japan, 722
- United States, Irrigation in, 448
- United States, Lake Superior Ore Output, 189
- United States Locomotive, 641
- United States and the Metric System, 256
- United States, Municipal Trade in, 51
- United States, Notes from the, 13, 126, 150, 215, 248, 283, 356, 374, 450, 486, 507, 542, 574, 622, 642, 680, 724, 756, 790, 814, 825, 855
- United States Practice in Electric Inter-Urban Traction, 306
- United States Railway Speeds, 551
- United States Shipbuilding Costs, 349. See 435, 579, 649, 849
- United States Shipyard Equipment, 435
- United States Steel Production, 86
- United States Steel Progress, 172
- United States Steel Works, Increase in, 583
- United States Technical Words, 193
- United Stites Trade with China, 449
- United States Trusts, 85, 191. See Shipping Coinbine and Steel Trust
- United States versus British Locomotives, 480. See LETTERS, 26, 58, 486, 517
- United States Workshop Methods in Steel Construction, 91
- Units of Electro Magnetism, Rational, 723
- Units, “ Linvolpon ” System of. 175
- University College, London, Research Endowment, 518; Conversazione, 851
- Universal Electrical Directoiy (J. A. Bsrly’s), 146 I
- Universal Portable Machine Tool (Capitaine, Frankfort), 80
- Valuations, Legal Hints as to, 138
- Valve Gear for Gas, Steam and Air Engines, 242 Valves of Bronze, 204
- Valves, Phoenix Steam-Pressure Regulating and Automatic Cut-Off Valve, 537
- Vanadium, Its Effect on Steel, 92, 113
- Vapour-Pressure Measuiing Apparatus, 516
- “ Varese,” Comparative Trials of Boilers
- Warship, 635. See Errata, 677
- Varnishes for Railway Carriages, Causes
- Failure, 568 Vehicles, Self-Propelled. See Motor Cars
- Ventilation of the Simplon Tunnel, 483, 622
- Vessels, Transverse Strength of, 113, 384, 390
- Viaduct, Arched, over Seine at Paris, 82, 137
- Viaduct Contract, A Large, 156
- Viaduct over the Godavari, Indian Railway,
- Viaducts on New York Subway, 205
- Vibration of Locomotives, 767
- Vibration on Railways, 479
- Vibrations of Shafts, 403, 472. See also 402, 439, 454, 491, 518, 526
- Vice, Instantaneous Grip Machine, 575
- Vickers Guns versus Krupp Armour-Plate, 717, 724. See LETTER, 743
- Vickers Japanese Battleship “ Mikasa,” 180
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Motor War-Car, 484 Vieille Montagne, 689
- Visit to Japan, Cost of, 621
- Volcanic Action, Martinique, 655, 777
- Wages, Bonus System, 208
- Wagon Trials, Military Self-Propelled, 21.
- Urrata, 48
- Wagons. See Railway Wuyons
- Wagons, Steam Motors. See Motor Cars
- Walker, Mr. Heniy C., on Protection of
- Shafts and Safety Devices in Connection
- Lift-Doors and Controlling Gear, 417, 423, 468. See also 489, 505, 539, 550
- Walls, Shifting Retaining, 215
- War-Car, Motor, 484
- War Office Launch with Daimler Motor, 678. See 668
- Warehouse Cranes, Hydraulic Movable and, 438
- Warehouses and Sheds, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Warfare, Naval, and Scientific Development, 403
- Admiralty Contracts and Arrears, Shipbuilding, 622, 684
- Armament of British Warships, 318, 445, 653. See also 12'i, 689, 749
- Battleship Designs, Twenty-One Years’ Progress in, 418, 420
- Docking of Japanese Battleships. The, 792
- Floating Dock for British and United States Warships, 212, 572, 789
- German Warships with Thornycroft and Cylindrical Boilers, 823
- Gun Power- of British Ships, 318, 445, 653 H.M.S. “ Devonshire ” Class, Boilers for the, 120, 689
- H.M S. “Drake,” Trials and Propeller Efficiency, 853. See 322, 451, 687
- H.M.S. “ Good Hope,” Steam Trials, 286, 322. See 451, 687, 853
- H.M.S. “ King Edward VII.” Class, 445. See 120, 318, 689, 749
- H.M.S. “King Edward VII.” Boilers for the, 120, 689
- H.M.S. “ Leviathan,” Steam Trials of, 687. See also 286, 332, 451, 853
- H.M.S. “Mars,” Explosion on, 546
- H.M.S. “Prince of Wales,” 418, 420
- H.M.S. “Queen,” 318
- H.M.S. “Revenge,” Rolling of, 402, 520, 590. See Erratum, 609
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Salmon,” Salvage and Repair of, 368
- Italian Warships “ Garibaldi” and “Varese,” Belleville versus Niclausse Boiler Trials, 635. See Errata,
- Japanese Battleship “ Mikasa,” 180
- Japanese Battleships, Docking of, 793
- Japanese Toi^edo-Boat Destroyer “Shira- kumo,” Engines of, 310
- Naval Expenditure and New Construction Diagram, 229, 251, 265
- Propeller Efficiency of Cruisers, 322, 451, 687, 853
- Scientific Equipment of Warships, 403
- Small Tube Boilers for Large Vessels, 155, 823
- Steamboat Equipment, 26, 57, 193
- Submarine Boats and Naval Warfare, 403
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Design, 383, 389
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, Parsons’ Turbine- Driven, 223
- United States Gunboats Built in Japan, 722
- Vickers Guns versus Armour-Plates, 717, 724. See LETTER, 743
- Water-Tube Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “ Hvacinth,” and R.M S. “ Saxonia,” 254, 278, 326, 749
- World’s Water-Tube Navy Boilers, 819
- Washing Machines, 617
- Washstands and Lockers for Workers in Shops, 103, 129, 163, 176, 290, 701
- Water Bill, The London, 319, 710
- Water, Ebullition of Rotating, 723
- AVater Filter, “ Airedale,” 357
- Water Filtration Plant at Albany, N. Y., 728
- Water and Gas, Michael and Will on the Law Relating to, 430
- Water Gauge-Glass Protector, 325
- Water-Hammer, Explosion of Steam Pipes Due to, 295. See LETTER, 310
- Water Power Development at Hannawa Falls, 274
- Water Supply Leaf-Arrester, 59
- Water Supply, London, 187
- Water Supply Pump, Ashley’s, 643
- Witter Supply, Swansea, 347, 373
- Water Transport in Capillary Tubes by Static Electricity, 20
- Water-Tube Boiler Committee’s Report, 149, 254, 278,326
- Water-Tube Boiler Explosion at Runcorn, 64. See LETTERS, 91, 517
- Water-Tube Boiler, Morrin, Vertical, 342
- Water-Tube Boiler Trials in Italy, Comparative^ 635. See Errata, 677
- Water Tube Boiler Water Consumption, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 254, 278, 326, 749
- Water-Tube Boilers in Battleships, Babcock and Wilcox versus Belleville, 318. See also 120, 445, 689, 749
- Water-Tube Boilers, 500
- Water-Tube Boilers, Circulation in, 495
- Water-Tube Boilers in the German Navy, Thornycroft and Cylindrical Combination, 823
- Water-Tube Boilers for Large Vessels, Small Tube, 155, 823
- Water-Tube Boilers for Locomotives (London and South-Western Railway), 712. See also 127
- Water-Tube Boilers in the Navy, 120, 193, 226, 254, 278, 311, 318, 326, 445, 689, 749
- Water-Tube Boilers for the New British Cruisers, 120, 689
- Water-Tube Boilers, The World’s Navy, 819
- Water-Tubes in Locomotive Fireboxes (Smith,
- North-Eastern Railway), 127. See also 712
- Watering Streets in Paris, 515
- Waterloo and Baker-street Railway Tunnel, 454
- Water Turbines. See Turbines
- Water-Well Boring, 307
- Waterways. See Canals
- Water Works Pumps. See Pumps
- Wave Fronts, Focal Lines and Anchor Ring, 360
- Wear Shipbuilding, 56
- Weather Causes, 92
- Webber, Mr. William O., on Filtration Plant at Albany, 728
- Webs of Plate Girders, 236, 253. See Errata, 282, and Girders
- Weight, Loss of, on Russian Railways, 354
- Welin’s Boat-Lowering Gear, 227
- Well-Boring for Water Brine and Oil, 307
- Well Pump, Ashley, Hydraulically-Balanced, 643
- Well Pump, Electrically-Driven, 293
- Wellman-Seaver 5-Ton Travelling Gantry Crane, i 182
- Westinghouse Company, Works of British, 397 ’
- Westinghouse Electric Machinery at the Indiana Train way Station, 306
- Wharf Cranes at Amsterdam, 33, 105, 170, 243, 271
- Wharf and Warehouse Cranes, Hydraulic, 438
- Whitby Shipbuilding, 57
- White Metal. Microscopical Examination of, 7, 28, 61,95, 532
- Willing’s Press Guide and Advertiser, and Advertisers’ Directory and Hand-Book, 146
- Wiraperis, Mr. H. E., on Gas Engine Temperatures, 833
- Wind-Force Experiments, 676
- Winding Engine, Horizontal Twin Tandem, 812
- Winding Engine, Non-Condensing Double Drum, 504
- Winding Gear for Deep Shafts, 686
- “Winifred” and “Sybil,” Steamers, for Lake Victoria, 808
- Wire Ropes, Steel, for Shipping, 753, 786
- Wireless Telegraphy, 120,818
- Wolverhampton Exhibition, 582
- Wolverhampton Exhibition, Woodworking Machinery, 710
- Wood for Gas Manufacture, 639, 663
- Woodworking Machinery at Wolverhampton Exhibition, 710
- Words. See Technical Words
- Working of the Boiler Explosions Act, 354. See Boiler Explosions
- VVorkmen’s Compensation. See Servants and Masters
- Workmen’s Houses and Electric Tramways, 257
Works :
- British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 397
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, 169, 208
- Ehrhardt Company and their Works, 807
- Electrolytic Alkali Company’s Works, Middlewich, 352. See Errata, 377
- English Electric Manufacturing Company’s Works at Preston, 121
- English Electro-Metallurgical Company, Limited, 633
- German Accumulator Works, Hygiene in, 157
- German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 769, 835
- Monterey Iron and Steel Works, Mexico, 8
- New Explosives Company’s Works, The, 610
- David Rowan and Co.’s Marine Works, Glasgow, 597. See 604, 839
- Works, Increase in United States Steel, 583
- Works Management, 604. See 597, 839 Workshop and Factory Law, 734
- Workshop and Factory Legislation, 337
- Workshop Methods. See Machine-Shop Methods
- Workshop Methods in Steel Construction, United States, 91
- World’s Copper Production, 688
- World’s Water-Tube Na\y Boilers, 819
- Wrought-Iron Columns, Strength of, 731. See LETTERS
- Yacht, Steam, “Tarantula,” Turbine-Driven, 745
- Yarrow Boilers for Large Cruisers, 155
- Year-Books and Annuals, 146. See Literature
- Ymuiden Locks on North Sea Canal, 33,105, 170, 243, 271
- Yorkshire Electric Power Company, 789
- Young Engineers, Training of, 677, 743, 744
- Younger, Mr. A. Scott, on Improvements in Propeller-Shaft Bearings, 403, 439. See LETTER, 518
- Zeebrugge Harbour Works, 65
- Zinc and Lead Production, 415
- Zinc Manufacture, 689
- Zinc Prices. See Metal Price Diagrams
See Also
Sources of Information