Engineering 1905 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1905 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1905 Jan-Jun Volume
- British Engine Exports, 85, 542, 654
- Reduced Railway Fares for Agricultural Exhibits, 607
- Royal Society's Prize-Sheet, 249
- Royal Society's Special Meeting, 5i
- Special Fares to Royal Agricultural Show, 639
Alloys. See Mechanics
- Manager of Penistone Steel Works, 17
Armour. Bee Naval
Artillery. Bee Guns
Automobiles. see Motor-Cars
Boilers. Bee Engines and Boilers
- Austerlitz Bridge over the Seine, 575
- Eye-Bars for the Quebec Bridge, 59
- Forth Bridge ; Wind-Gauge Readings, 390
- Huge Cantilever for Quebec Bridge, 854
- Klondike Bridges, 423
- Manhattan Bridge, 699
- New York Central Railroad Bridges, 653
- Railway Bridle over the Seine, 93
- Runcorn Transporter Bridge, 483
- Santa Lucia Bridge ; Reconstruction, 215
- Sliding-Plates for Bridge Bearings, 543
- Sunderland Railway Bridge, 439
- Argentine, 460
- Canadian, 442
- German, 391.
- Goole, 521
- Leeds and Liverpool, 339
- Manchester Ship, 33, 119
- Panama, 326, 379
- Severn Waterways, 166, 490, 551
- Suez Canal, 17, 604
Cars, Motor. See Motor-Cars.
Catalogues : 8, 136, 166, 232, 266, 328, 364, 396, 671, 624, 23, 788
- A.E.G. English Manufacturing Company, Limited, 266
- Adamson and Co., Joseph, 788
- Alley and Maclellan, Limited, 723
- Alliance Electrical Company, Limited, 788
- Allis Chalmers Company, 266
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease, and Co., Limited, 788
- Atkins and Co., E. G., 266
- Audley Engineering Company, Limited, 723
- Avery, Limited, W. and T., 723
- Avonside Engine Company, 624
- Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, 166
- Bailey and Co., Limited, W. IL, 266
- Balcke and Co., 263
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, 166
- Bayliss, Jones, and Bayliss, Limited, 364
- Bennis and Co , Limited, E., 232
- Berkefeld Filter Company, Limited, 166
- Blackwell and Co., Limited, Robert W., 136, 788
- Bridge and Co., David, 166
- Brockie-Pell Arc Lamp Company, Limited, 571
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., 64, 723
- Butler and Co., J., 624
- Callender Cable and Construction Company, Limited, 723
- Callender and Co., Limited, G. M., 266
- Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, 624
- Campbell, Wm. W., 232
- Carrick and Wardale, 396
- Carver, Limited, C. F., 571
- Chain-Belt Engineering Company, 328
- Chambers, Scott, and Co., 328
- Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Limited, 36
- Clarke, Chapman, and Co., Limited, 571
- Clincher Patent Plug Company, 624
- Compagnie Centrale de Construction, 788
- Consolidated Engineering Company, Limited, 96
- Cook, Sons, and Co., Limited, Joseph, 723
- Crypto Electrical Company, 788
- Daniell, Limited, S. A., 166
- Davies, Kent, and Stewart, Limited, 364
- Davis and Son, John, 624
- Derry-Collard Company, 136
- Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited, 723, 788
- Diesel Engine Company, Limited, 136
- Dodge Manufacturing Company, 68
- Donkin and Clench, Limited, Bryan, 68
- Dorman and Smith, 68
- Electric Heating Company, 328
- Electrical Company, Limited, 68, 136, 166, 396, 23
- Empire Roller-Bearings Company, Limited, 136
- Escher, Wyss, and Co., 166
- Eyre Smelting Company, Limited, 266
- Fairbanks Company, 232, 571
- Fairfax and Co., J. S., 136
- Ferranti, Limited, 232
- Fowler and Co., Limited, 328
- Gaukroger, Sykes, and Roberts, Limited, 166
- General Electric Company, Limited, 571, 723
- Glacier Anti-Friction Metal Company, Limited, 23
- Graham, Morton, and Co., Limited, 166
- Green and Co., George, 136
- Gwynnes, Limited, 166, 396
- Hanuel and Lueg, 166
- Harris Cycle Company, Limited, 266
- Haslam Foundry and Engineering Company, Limited, 864
- Haworth and Co., James, 788
- Hayward-Tyler and Co., 136, 396
- Hellesen, Enke, and V. Ludirgsen, 364
- Hobdell, Way, and Co., Limited, 166, 571
- Holden and Brooke, Limited, 136, 328, 788
- Hopkinson and Co., Limited, J., 396
- Hornsby and Sons, R., 232, 624
- Horsfall Destructor Company, Limited, 136
- Hughes and Stirling, 624
- India Rubber, Gutta-Percha, and Telegraph Works Company, Limited, 571
- Isles, Limited, 788
- Ivel Agricultural Motors, Limited, 266
- Jackman and Co , Limited, J. W., 136
- Jarvis, E. F., 671
- Johnson and Phillips, 232, 266, 396, 788
- Johnson and Sons, Limited, William, 68
- Kaye and Sons, Limited, Joseph, 396
- Kennicott Water-Softener Company, 328
- Key Engineering Company, Limited, 68
- Killon, H. Birch, 136
- Knowles and Co., John, 723
- Kramos, Limited, 136
- Lahmeyer Electrical Company, Limited, 136
- Le Carbone Company, 136
- Lechler, Paul, 788
- Lister and Co., T., 166
- Locomotive Publishing Company, 136
- Loewe and Co., Limited, L., 136, 723
- Lombard Governor Company, 68, 266
- Marshall, Sons, and Co , Limited, 232
- Mather and Platt, Limited, 136, 723
- Matthews and Yates, 571
- May Otway Fire Appliances, Limited, 232
- Melloweq and Co., Limited, 788
- Merck, E., 68
- Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 571.
- Mirrlees, Watson, and Co., Limited, 328
- Moul and Co., 624
- N.S. Electric Storage Company, Limited, 723
- Naeyer and Co., Vve. Louis de, 788
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson, 136
- Nicolson Tool Company, 328
- Parkinson and Sons, J., 166
- Pearson Fire-Alarm, Limited, 364
- Pfeil and Co., 364
- Platt, Limited, Samuel, 266
- Pneumatic Tool Company, 328
- Power-Plant Company, Limited, 136
- Power-Saving Pulley Company, 136
- Ragosine and Co., Limited, 136
- Renold, Limited, Hans, 571
- Richards and Co., Limited, George, 328
- Richardson, R. J., 328
- Riehle Brothers Testing-Machine Company, 28
- Roger and Co., Limited, Roger, 723
- Royce, Limited, 396
- Sanitary Appliances Syndicate, Limited, 266
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Limited, 136, 166, 32, 266, 364, 624
- Smith and Grace Screw-Boss Pulley Company, Limited, 788
- Smith and Sons of Saltley, Limited, 788
- Smith and Stevens, Archibald, 396
- Snowdon, Harry, 624
- Societa, Ceramica Richard Genori, 723
- Speedwell Motor and Engineering Company, 64
- Straker and Squire, 396
- Sturtevant Engineering Company, Limited, 364
- Sugden, T., Limited, 136
- Thorn, W. and F., 266
- Unbreakable Pulley and Mill-Gearing Company, Limited, 571
- Union Electric Company, 68
- United Flexible Metallic Packing Company, Limited, 166
- Vickers Sons and Maxim, Limited, 571
- Wantage Engineering Company, 788
- West Australian Mining Industry. 571
- Westinghouse Companies' Publishing Department, 571
- Worthir:gton, Henry R., 136
- Anthracite Combine (Proposed), 805
- Anzin Company's Working, 817
- Argentine Beds (New), 848
- Barry Exports, 85
- Belgian Briquettes, 606
- Belgian Coal, 68
- Belgian Exports, 165
- Brazilian Coal, 509
- British Columbian Fields, 552
- British Exports, 136, 215, 356, 470, 608, 833
- British Exports in 1904, 51
- British Production, 290
- Brynwith Colliery, Re-opening, 183
- Canadian Developments, 360
- Canadian Imports, 619
- Canadian Output, 563
- Cardiff, 17, 51, 85, 119, 151, 183, 215, 249, 281, 15, 347, 390, 411, 443, 483, 518, 643, 676, 607, 41, 673, 707, 747, 781, 805, 834
- Cardiff Exports, 151, 166
- Cardiff Prices, 1904, 411
- Chinese Deposits (Shansi), 543
- Colliery Developments, 16
- Colliery Rating Appeals, 641
- Derbyshire Mining, 59
- Duffryn Colliery, 835
- Electric Coal-Cutters at Coalville, 324
- French Production, 224, 315, 406
- German Coke Importations, 651
- German Exports and Imports, 604
- German Production, 266, 501, 671
- Greenland Coal, 748
- Howden Coal Seam, 483
- Hull Trade, 50, 482, 606, 780
- Indian Production, 509
- Italian Enterprise at Cardiff, 835
- Large American Storage Plant, 119
- Lochore Pit, 804
- Mediterranean Railway Contracts, 618
- Middlesbrough, 17, 51, 85, 118, 151, 183, 216, 49, 281, 314, 346, 389, 411, 442, 483, 518, 542, 75, 606, 640, 672, 707, 747, 780, 834
- Natal Production, 541, 640
- New Derbyshire Seam, 690
- New Durham Seam, 381
- New French Bed, 670
- New Pits at Tirdon kin, 575
- New Seams at Cheadle, 780
- New Shaft at Lings Colliery, 59
- New Welsh Seams, 1, 17, 249, 347, 390
- New Yorkshire Seam, 706
- Newport Shipments, 17
- Nova Scotian Production, 214, 388
- Peasedown (New) Seam, 483
- Professor Kendall on the Yorkshire Fields, 606
- Railway Contracts, 26, 67
- Report of Commission on Coal Supply, 118
- Rules for the Use of Electricity in Mines, 326
- Scotch Trade, 118, 249, 346, 389, 509, 606, 780
- Sheffield, 17, 51, 85, 118, 150, 182, 214, 249, 280, 14, 347, 389, 410, 442, 482, 518, 542, 574, 606, 40, 672, 706, 747, 780, 804, 834
- South Lancashire Mining, 847
- South Wales Shipments, 85,347, 483, 641, 781
- submerged-Coal Experiments, 215
- Swansea Trade, 281
- United States Production, 721
- Welsh Coal for the East, 347
- Welsh Coal for French Railways, 183
- Welsh Coal for Italy, 575, 707
- Welsh Exports, 17, 215
- Welsh Formations, 281
- Welsh Production (1904), 281
- Wemyss Colliery Washer, 831
- World's Production, 442
- Yorkshire Mining, 672
Companies :
- American (Bell) Telephone and Telegraph
- Company, 462
- Anglo-American Telegraph Company, 165
- Bell Brothers, Limited, 389
- Bessemer and Co., Limited, Henry, 150, 182
- Bristol and South Wales Wagon Company, Li' mited, 183
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works Company,
- Limited, 781
- British Engine, Boiler, and Electrical Insurance Company, Limited, 314
- Brown and Co., Limited, John, 834
- Burmeister and Wain Shipbuilding Company, 90
- Cammell, Laird, and Co., 85, 215, 389, 410
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, Limited, 475, 530
- Cooke and Co., Limited, William, 706
- County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Company, Limited, 443
- Crompton and Co., 813
- Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron, and Coal Company,
- Limited, 707, 835
- Head, Wrightson, and Co., 839
- General Electric Company, 671
- Hadfield's Steel Foundry Company, 314, 346, 410
- Hallamshire Steel and File Company, Ltd., 672
- Jessop and Sons, William, 249, 280, 314
- Johnson and Phillips, 813
- Kelham Rolling-Mills Company, Limited, 672
- Krupp Company, 68
- Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 330
- Lincoln Wagon and Engine Company, Ltd., 451
- North Central Wagon Company, 160
- Parkgate Iron and steel Company, Limited, 672
- Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water
- Company, 390
- Rhymney Iron Company, Limited, 151
- Riohelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., 362
- Robey and Co., Limited, 389, 451
- Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Limited, 673, 727
- Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 280
- Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Limited, 118
- Stephenson and Co., Limited, Robert, 360
- Stirling Boiler Company, Limited, 129
- Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, 747
- Vickers Sons and Maxim, 314, 346
- Yorkshire Iron and Coal Company, 642
Defence of Coasts See Naval
Drainage. See Sewage
Electric Tramways. See Tramways
Electricity : 400-Volt Direct-Current Railway, 119
- American Single-Phase Alternating - Current
- Railway, 290
- American Telegraphy, 839
- Arc Lighting at Dublin: Addendum, 17
- Asbestos-Sheathed Fuse, 571
- Bell Telephones in Canada, 705
- Berly's Universal Directory, 179
- Board of Trade Lighting Orders, 26
- Business Developments in the States, 671
- Canadian Coast Telegraphy, 839
- Chilian Telegraphy, 602
- Cost of Current Generation (American Railways), 575
- Costs and Records of Electric Undertakings, 388
- De Forest Wireless Telegraphs, 358
- Electric Tramway Systems, 136
- Electrical Methods of Smelting Iron, 26
- Electrical Trades Directory, &c., 1905, 298
- Electricity at Plymouth, 805
- Electricity at South Shields, 751
- Energy Used by Valtellina Three-Phase Line, 41
- Ernest Scott and Mountain's New Works, 673
- Garcke's Electrical Undertakings, 257
- Gas v. Electricity (Cost), 364
- Hydro-Electric Plants Affected by Frosts, 258
- " Igranic " Starting Rheostats, 182
- Industrial Electricity, 381
- Lighting, Bristol, 781
- Lighting, Cardiff, 673
- Lighting, Ebbw Vale, 673
- Lighting, Leeds, 707
- Lighting, Newcastle, 641
- Lighting, Sheffield, 747
- Lighting and Traction Directory, 279
- Luminous Efficiency of the Carbon Filament, 43
- Motor-Driven Textile Mills, 482
- Municipal Wiring, 211
- Newcastle Supply, 364
- Paddington Electricity Exhibition, 249
- Paraguassu Rapids Power Scheme, 575
- Peat Fuel for Generating Electricity, 611
- Phoenix Dynamo : Erratum, 407
- Plant at Deptford Wharf : Addendum, 151
- " Pluto," Electric Heater, 411
- Power at Montreal, 93
- Power in New Brunswick, 543
- Power in Ontario, 673
- Power Schemes in the North, 85
- Power in South Wales, 390, 443
- Power Transmission between CAnada and
- Mexico, 166
- Power at Vancouver, 707
- Rules as to Use of Electricity in Mines, 325
- Smart Repair Work on Westinghouse Generators, 26
- Suggestions for Electrotyping-Bath Work, 258
- Telegraph and Telephone Work at the Post
- Office, 280
- Telephone in the States, 452
- Telephony in Argentina, 720
- Telephony in Canada, 589
- Telephony in the Great North-West, 17
- Temperature Experiments on Field Coils, 378
- Temperature Rise in Field Coils, 281
- Tesla Patents : Infringement Case, 364
- Thornhill Power Station, 191
- United States Telephones, 258
- Willesden Power-House, 500
- Wireless Telegraph Installation at Merchant
- Venturers', 607
- Wireless Telegraphy in Brazil, 26
- Wireless Telegraphy in Canada, 607
Engineering. See Shipbuilding and Industries
Engines and Boilers :
- American Engineering : Erratum, 355
- Babcock and Wilcox Boilers in Australia, 755
- Bennis Mechanical Stoker Efficiency, 509
- Efficiency of Steam-Pipe Coverings, 281
- Fire in a Boiler-House, 640
- Marine Boilers : Standards Committee's Specifications, 347
- The Past, Present, and Future of the SteamEngine, 119
- Record Turbine Run, 8
- Schwartzkopff System of Firing Boilers, 607
- Specific Heat of Superheated Steam, 641
- Steam Engine Exports, S47
- Superheated Steam in the Willans Engine, 390
- Turbines, 727
- Turbines in the German Navy, 640
- Water-Tube Boiler for Six-Coupled Goods Locomotive, 641
- Errata and Addenda :
- American Engineering, 355
- Arc Lighting at Dublin, 17
- Atlantic Steam Shovel, 16
- Contracts, 312
- Electric Plant at Deptford Wharf, 151
- Furness Railway Six-Wheel Coupled Locomotive, 359
- Girder and Plate Radial Drilling-Machines, 575
- Japanese Armour-Plate Trials, 607
- Latent Heat and Specific Heat, 746
- " Manxman " Steering Gear, 281
- Passengers on Atlantic Liners, 115
- The Phoenix Dynamo, 407
- Sand- Pump Dredging in the Mersey, 671
- Slide-Rules with Log-Log Scales, 396
- Steam Trials of H.M S. " Roxburgh," 706
Exhibitions :
- Automobile Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, 13, 339
- Christchurch (New Zealand), 389
- City and Guilds of London : Students' Work, 748
- Colonial and Indian, 641.
- Earl's Court : Naval, Shipping, and Fishing, 6, 607
- Fishing Trades, 452
- Holborn and Finsbury Electrical, 327
- Liege, 551
- Meteorological Instruments, 160, 315
- Milan, 781
- Paddington Electricity, 249
- Scandinavian (Proposed), 93
- Explosions. See Engines and Boilers
- Explosives. See Guns
- Gas and Gas Engines :
- Berlin Gas Works, 835
- Efficiency of Small Crossley Engines, 475
- Gas v. Electricity (Cost), 364
- Laclede System of Gas Distribution at St.
- Louis, 126
- Leeds Gas, 672
- Lubrication of Engine Cylinders, 261
- Producers, 81
- Voelker Incandescent Mantle Manufacture, 58
- Guns. Explosives, dtc.
- Government Orders for Artillery, 17
- New Explosive, 641
- Re-Sighting the 12•In. Guns of the " Empress
- of India," 543
- Trials of "Brown" 6-In. Wire-Wound Gun, 119
Harbours. Piers. ac.:
- Assouan Dim, 641
- Auckland Harbour Scheme, 148, 753
- Blyth Harbour Improvements, 296
- Bremen Improvements, 328
- Bristol Docks, 119
- Bristol Dock Returns, 51
- Canadian Graving Docks, 31
- Dock for the Philippines, 840
- Dee Estuary Improvement Scheme, 379
- Dredging of the Parana, 277
- Mexican Ports Improvements, 324
- Newport Dick Developments, 611
- Ohio Improvements, 196
- Pier-Head Quay-Wall, Troon Harbour, 410
- Proposed Bristol Channel Harbour, 249
- Rangoon Port, 69
- River Parrett ; Proposed Improvements, 411
- Sand-Pump Dredging in the Mersey : Addendum, 671
- South Australian Lighthouses, 330
- South Shields New Docks, 165
- St. Lawrence Improvements, 501
- Table Ray Works, 359
- Tyne Improvement Commission, 249
- Tyne Pier, 81
- Valparaiso Improvements, 191
- Industries (Various):
- American Chamber of Commerce in Berlin, 119
- American Cotton Manufactures, 296
- Belgian Metallurgical, &c., Industry, 68
- Bolling and Lowe's Trade Report, 93
- British Chamber of Commerce for Italy, 26
- Canadian Timber Trade, 197
- Canadian Trade Intelligence Office, 83
- Cutlery Expoits, 606, 670, 834
- Engineering Trade Report for 1904, 26
- German Industrial Development, 831
- Glass Industry in Caspian District, 805
- India-Rubber Industry in Colombia, 591
- Japanese Imports, 895
- Leeds Mechanical Industry, 33
- Locomotive Exports, 81, 182, 315, 607, 831
- Mexican Imports, 723
- Municipal Undertakings of Leicester, 317
- Russian Metallurgy and Machinery, 805
- Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, 118, 150, 442
- Swansea Harbour Trade, 315
- Swansea Valley Tin, &c., Trade, 17, 51, 85, 119, , 281, 315, 347, 39D, 83, 411, 443, 483, 518, 43, 641, 673, 707, 747, 781, 75, 607, 805, 835
- Tin-Plating in Canada, 707
- Trade of Bahia Blanca, 512
Institutions. See Technical Societies
Iron and Steel :
- American Production of Steel, 407
- Belgian Blast-Furnaces, 487
- Belgian Trade, 389
- Blast-Furnaces (United Kingdom), 51
- British Exports of Chairs and Sleepers, 150
- British Rail Exports, 98, 266, 360, 560, 613, 835
- Cleveland, 17, 51, 85, 118, 161, 183, 215, 249, 31, 314, 346, 389, 410, 442, 83, 518, 542, 574, 06, 640, 672, 707, 747, 780, 04, 834
- Cleveland Warrants in 1904, 16
- Cundall's Works, Reconstruction of, 183
- Cut Steel Nails, 150
- Detection of Bad Steel, 280
- Dominion Company's Output, 381
- Dowlais Works, 17, 51, 85, 119, 183, 249, 315, 47, 390, 411, 443. 518, 543, 575, 607, 641, 673, 07, 741, 781, 835
- Duty-Free Articles for Canada, 195
- Explosion at Cleveland Steel Works, 347 •
- Fan versus Blower for Furnace Blast, 641
- Foundry Iron in America ; Proposed Standard. 05
- French Pig Production, 442
- French Steel Production, 442
- German Pig Production, 195, 500
- Imports of German Iron and Steel, 280
- Iron and Steel in Belgium, 68
- Lake Superior District ; Prospects, 62
- Lancashire, 28, 62, 96, 132, 163, 194, 225, 262, 92, 326, 359, 393, 422, 454, 619, 656, 685, 718, 51, 784, 817, 849
- Manufacturing Scheme for New South Wales, 09
- Middlesbrough Statistics, 483
- Midland Trade, 28, 62, 96, 132, 163, 194, 225, 62, 292, 326, 359, 393, 422, 454, 521, 619, 656, 85, 718, 751, 784, 817, 849
- Norwegian Ore Deposits, 528
- Ore from Magnetic Sands, 607
- Painted Paper for Protection of Steel Surfaces, 09
- Report on Electrical Smelting of Iron, 26
- Russian Ore Importations, 669
- Scotch, 16, 50, 84, 118, 150, 182, 214, 248, 280, 16, 389, 410, 442, 482, 542, 574, 640, 672, 706, 46, 780, 804, 834
- Scotch Pig in 1904, 50
- Scotch Steel Trade Combine, 814
- Scotch Tube Trade, 314
- Scrap Iron at Middlesbrough, 215
- Sheffield, 50, 85, 118, 150, 182, 214, 249, 280, 42, 574, 601, 14, 347, 389, 410, 442, 482, 518, 40, 672, 706, 747, 780, 804, 834
- South Wales Shipments, 85, 347, 483, 641, 81
- Swedish Exports, 58
- Tees Shipments, 17, 151, 281, 442, 575, 707
- Tube-Makers' Co mbine, 118
- "Unor " Tool Steel, 607
- Welsh Pig for the United States, 575
- Australian, 418
- Canadian, 623
Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, &c.
Light. Electric. see Rudy-icily
Machine Tools. See Mechanics
- Cleveland Iron, 17, 51, 85, 118, 151, 183, 215, 49, 281, 314, 346, 389, 410, 442, 482, 518, 542, 74, 606, 640, 672, 707, 747, 780, 804, 834
- Glasgow Pig, 16, 50, 84, 118, 150, 182, 214, 248, 80, 314, 346, 389, 410, 442, 482, 509, 642, 574, 08, 640, 672, 706, 746, 780, 804, 834
- Metal Report for 1904, 26
- Sulphate of Ammonia, 16, 50, 84, 118, 150, 182, 14, 248, 280, 314, 316, 389, 410, 442, 482, 509, 42, 574, 606, 610, 672, 706, 746, 780, 804, 834
Mechanics. dre. :
- Acetylene Flame Standard for Light, 575
- Acid-Resisting Enamel and Galvanising Paint, 80
- Atomic Weights Standard, 151
- Automatic Screw-Machine, Operating, 707
- Automobile Compressed-Air Carpet-Cle tning
- Plant, 249
- Brooks's Parabola Curve, 81
- Cathode Rays and an Allied Phenomenon, 182
- Cement-Setting Experiments, 805
- Chemistry, Applied, Report on, 51
- Coal-Storage Plant in America, Large, 119
- Coles's Automatic Buffer-Coupling, 281
- Cushions for Bridge-Floors, 268
- Destructor Plant (Twelve-Cell), 835
- Device for Measuring Water required in Concrete Mixer, 607
- Dry Air for Blast-Furnaces, 93, 258
- Embossing-Machines, 805
- Expanded Metal for Mexican Aqueduct, 818
- Friction as affected by Lubrication, 781
- Garnet as an Abrasive, 215
- Girder and Plate Radial Drilling - Machines :
- Erratum, 575
- Gyrostatic Action, 389
- Homersham's " Quick-Start " Lubricator Box, u7
- Horsfall Destructor Plant, 288
- " Invar " for Astronomical Clocks, 93
- Latent and Sperific Heat : Rrratum, 746
- Limit-Gauges for Whitworth Bolts and Nuts, 85
- Matter and Ether : Poincare's Conclusions, 835
- Mechanism of a Modern Man-of-War, 50
- Meldrum Destructor Test, 483
- Milling-Machines, 411
- Minute Structure of Metals, 317
- N-Ray Fallacy, The, 51
- Ore-Unloading Machines, 475
- Pintsoh Incandescent Mantle, 151.
- Pneumatic Hammers, 727
- Polygraph Attachments for Typewriters, 422
- Portland Cement Manufacture, 281
- Pulley, Expanding, for Motor Bicycles, 215
- Radiation Pyrometry, 93
- Reinforced Concrete Piles at Hamburg, 115
- Reinforced Concrete for Walls, &c., of a Factory, 258
- Resistance of Ferro-Concrete to Fracture, 315
- Rubies, Artificial, 572
- Sand for the Making of Concrete, 543
- Sensitive Manometer, 835
- Shear-Legs at Chatham Dockyard, 443
- Side-Slip in Cycles, 84
- Silicon, Solubility of, in Zinc and Lead, 673
- Slag Cement Hardening, 575
- South Wales Coal Formations, 281
- Spider Lines for Filar Micrometers, 119
- Standard Screw Threads, 616
- Stres3es Produced in Wires by Impulsive
- Loads, 315
- Structure of Metals, 119
- Tar-Macadam for Roads, 258
- " Teon " Belting Unaffected by Submersion, 703
- Test of Portland Cement for Adulteration, 607
- Treatment of Sumatran Ore containing Selenium, 281
- Washer at Wemyss Colliery, 834
- Wire Sawing of Stones, 166
- Wood - Working Machinery ; Absorption of
- Power, 390
- * Met :Os. See Industries, Iron «ntl Steel, and itechlit'es.
Mining :
- Algerian Petroleum, 656
- American Petroleum, 422, 452
- Australian and New Zealand Gold, 343
- Belgian Metallurgical Industry, 68
- British Gold Imports, 476, 640
- British Machinery Exports, 33, 132, 261, 355, 38, 637, 804
- Corundum Deppsits in Canada, 317
- Deep Winding, '281
- Indian Gold, 281, 512
- List of Mine-Owners, 584
- Naphtha in Baku, 475
- Nova Scotian Gold, 707
- Russian Mining and Machinery, 805
- South African Gold, 93, 276, 396, 475, 543
- Sumatran Ore : Treatment, 281
- Transvaal (General), 314
- Transvaal Gold, 377
- The Vieille Montagne, 572
- West Australian Mining Industry, 571
Miscellaneous :
- Adams, Professor Henry, Retirement of, 410
- Arc Works Club, 813
- Artificial Rubies, 572
- Baku Fire Commission, 805
- Benson's " Facts for Advertisers," 839
- Bituminous Gravel for Paving Purposes, 68
- British Fire-Prevention Committee's Tests, 16, 571, 680
- British Fire-Prevention Committee's Testing
- Station, 846
- Bromley Refuse-Destructor, 288
- Calendars, Almanacks, &c., 166
- Canadian Customs Regulations, 51
- Canadian Timber Trade, 197
- Carnegie Research Scholarship, 60
- Cement-Covered Wood Poles, 658
- City of London Directory, 558
- Coal-Smoke Abatement, 773
- Concrete, New Method of Laying, 362
- Conisbrough Viaduct ; Principles of Design, 51
- Contracts, 26, 50, 69, 81, 119, 182, 214, 258, 280, 12, 354, 390, 420, 452, 509, 551, 674, 604, 650, 72, 747, 769, 805, 834
- Cost of Steam Heating of Detroit Residences, 16
- Cottage Plans of Sir William Grantham, 258
- Cuba, 249
- Deep Borehole in Denmark, 119
- Diamond-Cutters and Lead-Poisoning, 748
- Dinner of Past and Present Crewe Men, 640
- Engineer, How to Become an, 347 '
- Engineering Standards Committee on Electromobiles, 410
- Engineering Standards Committee's Specifications and Reports, 347, 378, 390, 640
- Ernest Scott and Mountain's New Works, 673
- Explosion at!Cleveland Steel Works, 347
- Fa0.1. Explosion at Sheffield Works, 747
- Fire-Service Commission, 249 .
- Fire-Test of Electro-Glazed Casements, 347
- Fire-Tests with Automatic Sprinklers, 85
- Greenwich Observatory Report, 747
- Halifax Improvement Schemes, 574
- Harmsworth's Encyclowedia, 390
- Hazell's Annual, 321
- Health Resorts Development Association, 603
- Housing Workmen at Dalmuir, 17
- Illustrated Europe (Guide), 675
- James Watt Anniversary Dinner, 118
- " John Fritz" Medal for Lord Kelvin, 475
- Kelly's Directory of the Engineers, Iron and
- Metal Trades, 543
- Laxton's Builders' Price-Book, 198
- Le Tour de 300 Metres, 475
- Leather Belting ; Diagram of Strengths, 209
- Lebaudy Air-Ship, 781
- Leicester Municipal Budget, 347
- Lewis, Sir W. T., and the Bute Estates, 51
- London Geological Field Class, 475
- London Improvements, 60
- Mercantile Year-Book and Directory of Exporters, 442
- Metric System, 339
- Mexico Yesterday and To-Day, 723
- Minimax Fire-Extinguisher, 353
- Municipal Year-Book, 293
- New Zealand Timbers for Telegraph Poles, 315
- Optical Convention, 353
- Oxford Diplomas in Scientific Engineering and
- Mining, 443
- Painted Paper for Protection of Steel Surfaces, 09
- Palmer Record, 559
- Para Rubber Trees in the Malay Peninsula, 443
- Paraguassu Rapids Power Scheme, 575
- Patent Office Library Series, 60, 835
- Personal, 17, 59, 117, 151, 183. 214, 232, 258, 80, 322, 351, 390, 411, 451, 475, 543, 575, 607, 50, 672, 706, 747, 76°, 805, 836
- Pon trhydyrum Tin-Plate Works, 119
- Population' of Buenos Ayres, 685
- Population of Rosario, 518, 585
- Population of Washington. 769
- Portland Ci ment Venice, 183
- Public Works, 115
- Qualifications for Inspectors of Mechanical
- Transport (A.S.C.), 673
- Rating of Power-Station at Thornhill, 315
- Refuse-Destructor at Brussels, 554
- School Hygiene, 126
- Seaver-Morgan Company Acquire Transvaal
- Mining Machinery Business, 575
- Sell's Dictionary of the World's Press, 423
- Sell's Directory of Registered Telegraphic
- Addresses, 197
- Sheffield University, 482
- Shredded Wheat, 60
- Side-Slip in Cycles, 84
- Slide Rules with Log-Log Scales, 266, 396
- Society of Arts Commercial Examinations, 381
- South Africa ; Development Since 1850, 296
- Southern Rhodesia ; Data for Emigrants, 604
- State-Aid Scheme for Danish Artisans, 641
- Stone-Sawing by Wire, 166
- Technical Instruction at Sheffield, 50, 182, 214
- Technical Lending Library, 475, 575
- Technolexicon (German), 805
- Tourists'.Guide to the Continent, 640
- United Engineering Rifle Cup, 781
- United States Cement Production, 583
- University College, London, Extensions, 85
- Vickers' Newspaper Gazetteer, 224
- Vulcan Insurance Company's Fellowship Proposal, 258, 575
- Weight of Crowds, 628
- Wood and Wood-Working, 390
Motor-cars and Motors:
- The Automobile Club and Inconsiderate Driving, 513
- Automobile Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, 13, 339
- Automobilist's Pocket-Book, 293
- British Empire Motor Trades' Alliance, 355
- British Motor-Boat Club, 543, 835
- Change-Speed Pulley for Motor Bicycles, 215
- Engineering Standards Committee for Electromobiles, 410
- Gearing Efficiencies, 183
- Gordon-Bennett Cup ; Competing Cars, 716
- Historical Development of the Motor-Car, 347
- " Igranic " Starting Rheostats, 182
- International Tourist Trophy Race, 315
- London Road - Car Company's Motor - Car
- Order, 26
- Motor-Boat Race (International), 281
- Motor-Car Service in Brecknock (Great
- Western Railway), 781
- Motor-Omnibuses on the Great Western, 835
- Motor Wagons for Carrying Farm Produce, 388
- Motoring Annual, 314
- The Napier Racing Boat, 362
- North-Western Railway ; Motors in Wales, 707
- Petrol-Cars, 381
- Petrol-Consumpf ion Tests with Napier Car, 475
- Public Service Motor-Omnibuses, 91, 119, 179
- Side-Slip Devices, 369
- Simms Motor-Car Buffer, 673 tgivr v,
- Speeds, Weights, and Efficiencies of Electric
- Motors, 411
- Steam Motor Carriages on Foreign Railways, 85
- Stopping Tests for Motor-Driven and HorseDrawn Vehicles, 748
- Swiss Tramway-Cars with Special Worm-Gearing, 347
- Technical Motor Education, 17
- World's Speed Record, 215
- Yarraw-Napier Petrol-Boat, 451, 475
Naval :
- American Naval Contracts, 65
- Austrian Torpedo-Boat "Kalman," 748
- " B " Submarines, 165
- Board of Admiralty Duties, 315
- Brazilian Navy, 755
- Coastguard Cruiser " Squirrel," 224
- Earl's Court Exhibition, 26, 607
- "Empress of India" ; 12-In. Guns, 513
- French Navy, 673
- German Battleship " Braunschweig," 94
- German Cruisers under Construction, 551, 657
- German Navy Developments, 805
- Harwich ; Prospective Naval Port, 756
- H.M.S. "Achilles," 822
- H M Destroyer " Garry," 378, 682
- H.M. Destroyer " Kennet," 221
- H. M.S. " Devonshire," 407
- H.M.S. "Hibernia," 822
- H.M.S. " Pathfinder " (Scout), 483
- H.M.S. "Skirmisher," 183
- Italian Navy,•615, 705, 854
- Japanese Armour-Plate Trials : Erratu»i , 607
- Liquid Fuel Storage at Portsmouth, 215
- Machine Shop at Devonport, 707
- Mechanism of a Modern Man-of-War, 50
- Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co.'s
- Output, 411
- " Royal Navy List," 551
- Russian Navy Additions," 563
- Scout Cruisers for the United States Navy, 329
- Shear-Legs at Chatham Dockyard, 443
- Spanish Navy, 654
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. "Roxburgh " : Erratum, 706
- Submarine Mining Stations, 119
- Submersible versus Submarine-Boats, 427
- " The Fleet," 608
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Chelmer," 460
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Garry," 584
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers " Ness" and " Gala," 8
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Wear," 165
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, 552
- Turbines in the German Navy, 640
- United States Armour-Plate Contracts, 362
- United States Battleship " New Hampshire," 09
- U.S. Cruiser " Vesuvius," 814
- United States Naval Appropriation Bill (1905), 10
- United States Navy, New Cruisers for, 615
Physics. See Mechanics
Piers. See Harbours
Railways and Locomotives :
- Acceleration Trials with Steam and Electric Trains, 748
- Aerial Railway at New Tredegar, 781
- American Railroad Interest, 707
- American Single-Phase, Electric, 209
- American Street, 443
- American Train Staff System, 183
- Amsterdam and Haarlem Electric Light Railway, 355
- Argentine Railways, 327, 747
- Atlantic Steam-Shovel : A ddendum, 16
- Automatic Signalling (North-Eastern Railway ), 47
- Automatic Signalling (Metropolitan District), 35
- Barry, 17, 513
- Belgian Light Railways, 330
- Belgian State Railways, 706
- Bridges over the New York Central, 653
- British Exports of Chairs and Sleepers, 150
- Canadian, 214, 439, 442, 485, 643
- Canadian Electric, 739
- Canadian •, Extent of New Lines, 94
- Canadian Northern, 33
- Canadian Pacific, 92
- Cape to Cairo, 640
- Cape Government, 614
- Car Contract for Grand Trunk Pacific, 25
- Cardiff, 215
- Cheltenham and Honeybourne, 198
- Congo ; State of Finances, 116
- Cost of Electric and Steam Railways 01burban), 215
- Cost of Steam and Electric Locomotives, 151
- Electric Energy on the Valtellina, 641
- Electric Railways (Projected) in Denmark, 803
- Formula for Train Resistance, 119
- Freight Cars in America, 804
- French, 487
- Furness Railway Six-Wheel Coupled L000moLive : Erratum, 359
- Great Central Steam Motor Service, 16
- Great Western, 183
- Great Western Motor-Omnibuses, 835
- High-Capacity Ballast Wagons, 475
- Hong Kong Electric, :390
- Improved Pintsch Light for Railway Carriages, 151
- Kearney-Thom Mono-Rail System, 182
- Korean, 536
- Large Locomotive Contract, 183
- Light Railway and Tramway Orders, 191, 231
- Light Railways Act, 1896, 166, 328, 606, 685
- Locomotive, 1500-Horse-Po teer Baldwin-Westinghouse Electric, 707
- Locomotive Exports, 84, 182, 315, 607, 834
- Locomotives on English Railways, 211
- London and South-Western Guide, 699
- Maintenance Cost on British Lines, 293
- Manganese Steel Rails on Pennsylvania Rai
- road, 576
- Massachusetts Electrical, 278
- Metallic Sleepers, 814
- Metropolitan 50-Ton Electric Locomotives, 707
- Mexican Railways, 683
- Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, 257
- Motor Wagons for Carrying Farm Produce, 388
- New Cornish, 17
- New Durham Coast, 452
- New York Grand Central Station, 183
- New Yorkshire Line, 673
- North-Eastern (Light Line) Extension, 765, 781
- North-Eastern Extensions, 396, 835
- Nova Scotian, 614
- Ohio Street Electric Railway Fares, 258
- Orange River Colony, 603
- Paris Metropolitan, (80
- Patent Fuel Contract, 835
- Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 423
- Private Wagons, Disadvantage of, 781
- Railroad Commission of Massachusetts, Powers of, 51
- Rails on the Boston Elevated, 93
- Railway, 1400-Volt Direct-Current, 119
- Railway Rating, 380
- Railways of Europe ; Extent, 328
- Reinforced Concrete for Superstructure of
- Chicago Elevated, 575
- Single-Phase Locomotive for Swedish State
- Railways, 756
- Sleeper Supply in Argentina, 604
- Smart Work in the Erection of Signal Bridges, 73
- Smith African, 699
- Speed on American Railroads, 814
- Speed-Tests of Bogie Carriage Trains, 748
- Standard Flat-Bottamed Rails, 390
- Stanford's London Railways Map, 151
- Station Stops, 543
- Steam Motor Carriages on Foreign Railways, 5
- Steel Sleepers, Objections to, 836
- Swansea Loop Line, 673
- Swansea Freighters and Great Western Railway, 707
- Taff Vale, 151
- Thomas's Central hitomatic Buffer-Coupling, 47
- Tractive Resistance of Loaded Goods Wagons, 83
- Uganda, 347
- Universal Rate Tariff for Goods, 584
- Ural (New) Railway, 835
- Welsh Railways (Fiscal), 543
- Zone Tariff on Swedish State Railways, 673
- Zugspite Electric, 609
- Intermittent Filtration System, 543
- Ivy Bridge Septic Works, 413
- Leeds, 575
- Skipton Scheme, 484
- Trade Effluents in Sewers, 607
- Worcester Works, 215
Shipbuilding and Shipping :
- Allan Turbine Liners, 439
- Ainerimn Lake Steamers, 835
- Board of Trade Committee on Ship Tonnage, 89
- Bristol Channel Service, 315
- Bristol Dock Returns, 51
- Canada's Oriental Service, 329
- Canadian, 600
- Canadian Navigation, 362
- Clyde, 50, 118, 182, 249, 346, 410, 442, 542, 574, 46, 834
- Clyde Trust, Constitution of, 739
- Copenhagen Shipping, 641, 690
- Earl's Court Exhibition, 26, 607
- Extension of Workmen's Compensation Act to
- Seamen, 28
- French Steam Navigation, 815
- Fulton Centenary, 690
- German Steam Navigation, 427, 509, 746
- Great Western Cornish Line, 781
- Liverpool and Brazil (Proposed) Line, 517
- Lloyd's Record of Wrecks, 390
- London County Council Steamboat Service, 805
- "Manxman " Steering-Gear : Addend urn, 281
- Middlesbrough Contracts, 118
- New Orleans ; Additional Services, 183
- North German Lloyd, 542
- P. and 0. Contracts, 765
- Passengers on Atlantic Liners : Erratum, 115
- Plymouth and the Mail Service, 781
- Port of Piraeus, 608
- Rhodes's Steamship Guide, 715
- Salving of the Maine, 835
- Scotch Contracts, 150, 214, 640, 706
- Shallow -Draught Passenger Steamer "Naparima," 518
- Shipping Trade and Freights (1901), 100
- Shipping World Year-Book, 222
- South African Shipping Ring, 150
- Suez Canal Dues and Measurements, 17
- Turbine Steamers, 727
- Unloading Machines f 3r Iron-Ore Vessels; 475
- Washing Ships' Bottoms before Painting, 616
- World's Ports, The, 419
Shipping. See Ship5uilding, &c.
Societies. dea Techntexa. &c., or Tirades, &o.
Strikes. See Trade Societies. &c.
Technical Societies :
- American Association of Cement - Manufacturers, 281
- American Institution of Electrical Engineers, 19, 151
- American Society of Civil Engineers, 396
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 119
- Association of Italian Manufacturers, 781
- Association of Managers of Sewage-Disposal
- Works, 543
- Association of Teachers in Technical Institutes, 390
- Belgian Gas Engineers, 673
- Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers, 50, 215
- Birmingham District Association of Clerks of
- Works. &c., 607
- Bradford Sanitary Association, 377
- British Empire Motor Trades' Alliance, 355
- Buffalo Foundrymen's Association, 641
- Cambridge University Engineering Society, 347
- Camera Club, 119
- Canadian Manufacturers Association, 804, 834
- Chemical Society, 411
- Congress, Fifth International, for Applied
- Chemistry, 51
- Coventry Engineering Society, 136, 411
- Crystal Palace Engineering School, 517
- Engineering Standards Committee, 281, 616
- Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, 543
- Glasgow Technical College Scientific Society, 82
- Glasgow University Engineering Society, 84
- International Committee on Atomic Weights, 51
- * Teelin lc al 8 o eioties-contimic 1.
- International Railway Asso.Aation, 119
- Institute of Marine Engineers, 119, 552
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 249, 280, 389, 18, 551
- Institution of Civil Engineers (Bristol Students), 835
- Institution of Civil Engineers (Glasgow S5udents), 84, 214, 410, 482
- Institution of Civil Engineers (Students), 216, 90, 347, 407, 483, 618
- Institution of Civil Engineers (Yorkshire
- Students), 61, 389
- Institution of Electrical Engineers (Glasgow
- Section), 606
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in
- Scotland, 118, 249, 389, 574, 672
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 518
- Institution of Naval Architects, 216, 411
- Iron and Steel Institute, 151, 443
- Iron and Steel Institute (Sheffield District), 85, 18
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 58, 500
- Lake Superior Mining Institute, 281
- London Geological Field Class, 475
- London University College Engineering
- Society, 93
- Manchester Association of Engineers, 411, 476
- Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 542
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 804
- National Association of Cement-Users, 543
- New England Street Railway Club, 93
- New York Railway Club, 216
- Northampton Institute, 804
- North-East Coast Institution of • Engineers and
- Shipbuilders, 381, 411
- Optical Convention, 411, 660
- Paris Academie des Sciences, 315
- Paris Society of Civil Engineers, 781
- Past Engineering Students, University College, 347
- Permanent-Way Institution, 314
- Royal Meteorological Society, 160, 315
- Royal Sanitary Institute, 61
- Royal Society, 315, 641
- Societe Fra;ncaise de Physique, 748 •
- Society of Arts, 443, 640, 611
- Society of Cape Civil Engineers. 296
- Society of Chemical Industry (Liverpool Sec
- tion). 607 •
- Society of Post Offlee Engineers (Proposed), 509
- South Wales Engineers, 518
- Tramways and Light Railways Association, 14, 781
- University College Engineering Society, 59, 83, 257, 347, 552
- Telegraphy. See Bleariaity
Telephony. See Electricity
- Trade. See Goal, Iron and Steer., Markets, Shipbuilding, Electricity, and Industries
Trade Societies. Unions, Strikes, Vic.:
- Aberdeen Painters' Strike, 326
- Admiralty Employes' Wages, 262
- Alien Law in the United States, 62
- Aliens Bill, 554
- Alleged " Sweating " on the District Railway, 95
- Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, 226
- Ancient Order of Foresters, 718
- Arsenal Employes' Contributory Pension
- Scheme, 62
- Associated Blacksmiths, 162, 392, 554, 718, 83, 849
- Association of Telephone Employes. 619
- Australian Labour Party, 28, 816, 849
- Australian Labour Party's Fiscal P 'Hoy, 62
- Australian Miners' Strike, 62
- Beaulieu Factory(Limoges) Workers' Strike, 656
- Belfast Bakers' Dispute, 718
- Belfast Tramway Labourers' Strike, 359
- Belgian Miners' Strike. 226, 326
- Belgian Shoemakers' Strike, 718
- Belgian Socialists, 817
- Belgian Textile Workers' Strike, 850
- Benefit Accounts of Engineers' Amalgamated
- Society, 586
- Benefit Accounts of Boilermakers and Shipbuilders, 655
- Benefit Funds of the Asso•Jiated Blacksmiths, 84
- Benefit Funds of C*rpenters and Joiners, 750
- Bequest to the Brassworkers' Union, 422
- Blast- Furnacemen's Wages, 51
- Board of Trade Report as to Labour, 130, 261, 91. 392, 520, 6s4, 717, 815
- Boilermakers and Shipbuilders' Society, 131, 6', 392, 553, 655, 684, 849
- Boot and Shoeipperatives' Strike, 359, 393, 422, 86, 554, 619, 656, 718
- Boot and Shoe Operatives' Union, 191, 326, 684, 50
- Brest Dockers' Strike, 132
- British and Continental Miners and the German Str,ke, 163
- Bryncoch Collieries Strike, 96
- Bureau System and the Unemployed, 454
- Mr. Burt's Views on the Chinese Labour Question, 454
- Mr. Burns on the Fiscal Question, 455
- Cammell, Laird's Boiler-Makers' Wages, 62
- Carpenters and Joiners and the London County
- Council, 292
- Carpenters and Joiners' Society, 96, 226, 359, 54, 656, 760, 784
- Charlesworth Miners' Strike, 292
- Chicago Teamsters' Strike, 618, 685, 849
- Chinese Labour Dispute in the Rand, 036
- Chinese Labour in South Africa, 28, 96, 326, 54, 718, 849
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners' Wages, 483, 575
- Clyde Engineers' Wages, 422, 487, 621
- Coal-Mines Employment Bill, 825, 684, 817
- Contraq and Government Work ; Comparative
- Cost, 292
- Co-operative Annual Congress, 816
- Co-operative Societies and Labour Disputes, 95
- Copper-Refiners' Dispute at Neath, 422
- Cotton Operatives' Wages, 194, 393, 422
- Cotton Spinners' Provincial Association, 849
- Cotton Trade Prospects, 359, 393, 686
- Criticism of Labour Members, 781
- Denaby Main Case, 520, 618, 685
- Discharges of Small-Arms Factory Men, 436
- District Railway Employes' Dispute, 359, 393, 86
- Dunlop Rubber Works' Strike, 132
- Durham Miners' Association, 62, 225, 326, 486, 84, 750
- Durham Miners and Labour Measures, 486
- Dutch Textile Workers' Strike, 784
- Emigration Prospects and Conditions, 61
- Employers' Parliamentary Council, 325
- Employment of Children Act, 1903, 784
- Employment in Engineering Trades, 685
- Enderby Quarrymen's Strike, 718
- Engineers' Amalgamated Society, 26, 131, 191, 26, 454, 486, 553, 685, 655, 750, 816
- Fall River Cotton Operatives' Dispute, 62, 132, 93
- Federation of Trades, 162, 61.8
- Fis :al Question, Th., 28
- Fluctuation of Wages, 131, 392, 520, 684, 717, 16
- French Strikes, 292
- Friendly Societies Companies, 816
- Friendly Societies in 1904, 28
- Frie Idly Societies and Thrift, 718
- Galvanised Iron Makers' Trade Union, 454
- Gas-Workers' Dispute at Palmers, 619
- Gate head Tram Nayrnen's Strike, 454
- General Railway Workers' Union, 849
- German Labour Troubles, 849
- Glasgow Building Operatives' Dispute, 536
- Glasgow Gas-Workers' and Holidays, 751
- Governmental Employes and Union Representation, 486
- Hayward Weavers' Association, 656
- Health Protection Legislation, 421
- Hiring and Remuneration of Agricultural
- Servants, 291
- Hungarian Weavers' Work and Pay. 347
- Independent Labour Party Conference, 586
- Industrial Conditions in 1901. 27
- Industrial Notes, 27, 61, 95, 133, 162, 194, 225, 61, 291, 325, 358, 392, 421, 451, 486, 520, 553, 85, 618, 655, 684, 717, 760, 783, 815
- Industrial Situation, 131, 261, 392, 520, 684, 815
- International Association for Labour Legislation, 292
- Intimidation and the Trades Vsemites Bill, 486
- Iron and Steel Trade ; Wages Abroad, 781
- Ironfounders' Society, 95, 225, 359, 554, 655, 84
- Ironmoulders' Society, 96, 225, 359, 554, 655, 50
- " Ironworkers' Journal," 358, 551, 655
- Ironworkers' Wages, 358, 411, 707
- Italian Railwaymen's Strike, 326
- "Journal of the Amalgamated Engineers," 94, 486
- Labour Commonwealth ; Suggestions in New
- Zealand, 586
- Labour Department of the Board of Trade, 291
- Labour Deputations to Parliament, 262
- Labour Members' Programme, 194
- Labour and the Political Outlook, 326
- Lab cur Representation Committee, 28, 162, 94
- Labour Representation Committee's Conference, 162, 191, 2,32
- Labour Representation and the General Federation, 618
- Labour Representation Levies and the Unions, 86
- Labour Statistics, Abstract, 717
- Lancashire Cotton Trades, 132
- Legal Position of Trade Unions, 292
- Leicester Guardians and the " Test Men," 656
- Leicester Unemployed and the March to
- London, 685, 751, 784, 817
- Leicestershire Quarrymen's Strike, 326, 359
- Lever Brothers' Old-Age Pension Scheme for
- Employes, 62
- Limited Hours in United States; Important
- Decision, 553
- Llantwit Colliery Strike, 618
- Lock.Out in the Swedish Metal Trades, 781
- London Building Operatives, 849
- London Relief Expenditure, 454
- London Society of C nnpositors, 421, 684
- London Trades Council and the London
- County Council Age Limit, 487
- Lord Stanley's Concessions to Postmen, 163, 86
- Loss of Life in Various Occup ations, 421
- Lyons Policemen's Strike, 6s5
- Master Cotton-Spinners' Amalgamation, 163
- May-Day Demonstrations, 618
- Merthyr Colliers , Strike, 163 •
- Midland Wages Board, 62, 132, 358, 521, 750
- Mines Amendment Bill and Miners, 393
- Monmouth Miners' Dispute, 751
- Montevideo Shipping Strike, 718
- Municipal Employes' Association and Employment Conditions, 850
- Naphtha-Workers' Strike at Baku and District, 8, 62
- National Amalgamated Society of Brassworkers, 422
- National Conference of Friendly Societies, 422
- New South Wales Arbitration Act, 619
- New York Railwaymen's Strike, 358
- Night Work in Continuous Wire-Drawing Factories, 311
- North-East Coast Engineers and Shipbuilders'
- Wages, 28, 586, 817
- North of England Conciliation Board, 358
- North of Eng and Iron Trade Wages, 151, 194, 18
- North Wales Miners' Dispute, 226
- Northumberland Miners and the Eight-Hours
- Bill, 718
- Northumberland Miners and National Federation, 96
- Northumberland Miners' Wages, 195
- Nottinghim Lace Trade Dispute, 292 ..d- Age Pensions and the Order of Druids, 850
- Operative Cotton-Spinners, 96, 2 i2, 326, 654, 55
- Operative Stonemasons' Case, 226
- Trade Unions, Strikes, t A
- Overtime and the Society of Amalgamatel
- Engineers, 816
- Paris Carriage-Builders' Lock-Out, 393
- Parisian Carriage Workers' Strike, 292
- Parisian Moulders' Dispute, 784
- Parliamentary Committee, 132, 195, 262
- Parliamentary Committee's Newspaper Project, 62
- Parliament, 262, 393, 559
- " Peaceful Picketing" and the Trades Disput€ s
- Bill, 521
- Pecuniary Losses from the German Coal Strike, 62
- Poor Law ; Suggested Reforms, 194
- Postal Employes' Demands, 96, 226, 422, 486
- Preferential Employment of Unionists in Australia, 850
- Presentation to Mr. William Abraham, 454
- Proposals for dealing with the Unemployed, 7 162, 194, 454
- Proposed Legislation for the Unemployed, 486
- Proposed State Ownership of Means of .Production, 163, 194
- Railway Clearing-House Superannuation Fund, 8, 95
- Railway Employes' Discontent, 226
- Retention of Employes at WoolwichArsenal, 6:1
- Retirement of Mr. Sam Woods, 486
- Ruskin College at Oxford, 326
- Russian Labour Troubles. 96, 131, 162, 194, 226, 62, 292, 325, 392, 422, 618, 718, 816
- Scale of Living among Agricultural Labourers, 92
- Scotch Blastfurnacemen's Wages, 656
- Scotch Iron Trade Wages, 150, 410, 706
- Scotch Miners' Federation and Wages, 28
- Scotch Socialist Labour Party, 586
- Shopkeepers and Early Closing, 62
- Simplon Tunnel Workers' Strike, 359
- Skilled Labour Report, 131, 261, 392, 520, 681, 17, 815
- Social Democrats' Conference, 586
- Socialist Unemployed, 226
- Society of Drillers' Case, 262
- Society of Tailors' Crusade against Sweating, 89
- South Metropolitan Gas Company's ProfitSharing, 486
- Spanish Strikes, 93
- Steam-Engines and Boilers Bill, 325
- Stop-Day Case, 292, 326, 520
- Strike Fund Case, 225
- Strike Statistics, 131, 261, 392, 520, 681, 717, 16
- Swedish Metal Trade Strike, 816
- Telephone Workers' Union (Proposed), 292
- Textile Operatives and Unionism, 751
- Thrift in Industrial Life, 717
- Trades Disputes Bill, 292, 325, 359, 454, 486, 21, 618, 655.
- " Trades and Labour Gazette," 162, 262, 392, 84
- Unemployed Bill, 681, 750, 850
- Unemployed in 1904, The, 27
- Unemployed and Mansion House Committee, 1, 132, 226
- Unemployed Problem, The, 27, 162, 194, 292,454, 486
- Unemployed Problem and Emigration, 61
- Unionism ; European Development, 784
- Unskilled Labourers in Transvaal Mines, 314
- Viennese Carpenters and Joiners' Strike, 393
- Wages in 1904, 27
- Wages for Agricultural Labour in Various
- Districts, 292
- Wages Board Bill, 325
- Welsh Iron and Steel Workers' Wages, 28
- Welsh Miners' Strike, 685
- Welsh Miners' Wages!, 195, 262, 292, 607, 618
- Westphalian Miners' Dispute, 62, 96, 131, 162, 91, 226, 262
- Wolverton Railway - Carriage Works ; Employes, 96
- Women Workers and the Army Clothing Factory, 486
- Women Workers at the Pit Brow, 487
- Workmen's Compensation Act ; Extension to Seamen, 28
Tramways :
- Adelaide (South Australia), 249
- Alexandria, 761
- Bradford Corporation, 848
- Bridge for Track-Repairing, 195
- Car-Wheel Tyres, Steel and Chilled Iron, 475
- Conduit System of Traction in South London,. 43
- Copenhagen Electric, 347
- Derby Corporation, 520
- Double Deck Tram-Cars, 410
- French, 487
- Glasgow Corporation, 747
- Leeds Corporation, 443, 575
- Lincoln Electric, 160
- London Electric, 183
- London United, 344
- Newcastle, 232
- Overhead Equipment Materials, 93
- Pontypridd, 249
- South Shields, 748
- Speed Limits on London Tramways, 195
- Swiss Cars with Special Worm-Gearing. 317
- Tramway and Light Railway Orders, 191
- Tannelliag
- Simplon, 51, 183, 281, 443, 607
Vehicle,. See Cars, Motor, and Rail:vays
Warships. Se, Naval
Water Works, Acc.:
- Bristol Supply, 315
- Cape Town Supply, 344, 616
- Carlisle Supply, 781
- Design of Water Works, 280
- Leeds Supply, 443
- Lincoln Supply, 834
- Newport, 643
- Purification of Supply to French Towns, 346
- Rhymney and Aber Valleys Developments, 390South Australian Supply, 266
- Water Power in Sweden, 720
See Also
Sources of Information