Engineering 1911 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1911 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1911 Jul-Dec Volume
Electrical Apparatus: 82, 151, 212, 244, 339, 372, 403, 480, 515, 549, 582, 615, 653, 687, 752, 783, 815, 849, 8 0
Accumulator Boxes. G. E. B. Pritchett, 406 Ammeters. Siemens and Halske A.-G., 880 Arc-Lamps. J. 0. Girdlestone and C. F. G. Thorkeln, 339
Arc-Lamps. Korting and Mathiesen A. -G., 372, 752
Arc-Lamps. Siemens Schuckertwerke, 549 Arc-Lamps. Siemens Schuckertwerke, 849 Arc-Lamp Suspension. J. Stevenson and O. R. Williams, 406
Brushes. General Electric Co., 815
Condensers, Electric. Siemens - Schuckertwerke, 151
Current Transformer. Siemens and Halske A.-G., 849
Cut-Outs, Electric. M. J. Railing and C. C.
Garrard, 339
Cut-Outs. A. C. Reyrolle and A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 480
Dynamo-Electric Machines. Siemens Bro hers Dynamo Works, Ltd., and C. A. B. D.
Koettgen, 406
Dynamos. H. Leitner, 781
Fuses. Siemens Schuckertwerke, G.m.b.H., 406
Generators, Alternating - Current. A. • G.
Brown, Boveri, 372
Hot-Wire Measuring Instruments. Hartmann and Braun A.-G., 687
Lamps, Electric. G. Ludecke and the Imperial Lamp Works (Brimsdown), Ltd., 81
Mercury Vapour Apparatus. Hartmann and Braun A.-G., 339
Meters, Electricity. Chamberlain and Hookham, Ltd., and S. James, 372
Meters, Electricity. G. Hookham, 212
Meters, Electricity. W. S. Sprague and Chamberlain and Hookham, Ltd., 815
Meters, Prepayment, Electricity. H. Aron Elektriz'tats-Zahlerfabrik, G.m b.H., 82
Motors, Electric. J. C. Crawshaw and the Phmnix Dynamo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 582
Motors, Induction. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd , and J. Martin, 615
Motor - Starters. M. B. Field and Ferranti, Ltd., 339
Polyphase Series Motors. Siemens Schuckertwerke G.m.b.H., 515
Potential Regulators for Generators. Allge-meine Elektricitats Gesellschaft, 244
Rheostats, Motor-Starting. W. F. Perry, 653 Switches. A. F. Berry, 687
Switches, Electrical. Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Ltd., and N. Collins, 372
Switches, Electrical. A. W. Penrose, 151 Switches, Electric. M. J. Railing and C. C.
Garrard, 687
Switches. Spagnoletti, Ltd., and V. E. Joyce, 819
Telephone Receivers. M. S. Conner, 244 Terminals, Electrical. A. P., G. C., and P. A.
Lundberg, 849
Voltage and Current Regulation. W. J. Poole, 244
Voltaic Cells. S. Benko, 582
Wireless Telegraphy. J. A. Fleming, 783 Wireless Telegraphy. Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., and H. J. Round, 615
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, Ac.:
82, 151, 212, 244, 406, 443, 480, 549, 582, 653, 687, 752, 783, 815, 849, 880
Calorimeters, Gas. A. Macklow-Smith, 406 Carburettors. P. A. Poppe, 849, Engines. E. Crowe and E. Crowe, 783 Forced-Lubrication Apparatus. W. F. Rain-forth and D. Napier and Son, Ltd., 752
Gas-Producers. T. W. S. Hutchins, 815 Gas-Producers. A. Wilson, 687
Ignition Arrangements. Firm Robert Bosch, 212
Internal-Combustion Engines. C. Y. Knight, 582
Internal-Combustion Engines. The Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., and R. Nicholls, 406
Internal-Combustion Engines. E. Ashworth, 653
Internal-Combustion Engines. Firm Robert Bosch, 212
Internal-Combustion Engines. J. Hay, 82
Internal-Combustion Engines. F. Lamplough, 582
Internal-Combustion Engines. F. W. Lan;. Chester, 653
Internal-Combustion Engines. J. O. Merryweather, 549
Internal-Oombustion Engines. C. B. Redrup, 752
Internal-Combustion Engines. L. Renault, 880
Internal-Combustion Engines. B. S. and F. S. Roberts, 687
Gas Engines, &C.— continued.
Internal-Combustion Engines. F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 849
Internal-Oombustion Engines. W. J. Still, 443
Internal-.Combustion Engines. C. L. Sumpter and H. K. Foster, 549
Oil-Engines. E. W. Petter, 783
Pistons. C. Y. Knight, 480
Pistons. W. J. Lloyd, 241
Pistons. F. H. Tanner, 752
Producers, Gas. D. Clerk, II. N. Bickerton and W. Bradley, 151
Producers, Gas. W. Jones, 403
Producers, Suction-Gas. W. H. Moore and Ambrose Shardlow and Co., Ltd., 783
Valve-Gear. The Wolseley Tool and Motor-Car Co., Ltd., A. A. Remington, and A. J. Rowledge, 549
Guns and Explosives:
82, 151, 212, 244, 339, 443, 480, 549, 582, 815, 849
Automatic Guns. Sir A. T. Dawson and G. T.
Buckham (two patents), 849
Breech-Block Gear. Sir A. T. Dawson and
G. T. Buckham, 582
Fuses. Fried. Krupp A.-G., 151
Gun-Mountings. Sir A. T. Dawson and G. T.
Buckham, 549
Ordnance. Fried. Krupp A.-G., 815
Ordnance-Training Gear. R. H. S. Bacon and
F. Duncan, 82
Percussion Fuses. R. II. S. Bacon and R.
Redpath, 480
Percussion Fuses. E. Schneider, 151
Projectiles. Sir A. T. Dawson and L. Silver-man, 815
Projectiles. Fried. Krupp A.-G., 443
Projectiles. II. Stanbridge, 339, 244
Recoil and Running Out Gear. Sir A. T.
Dawson and G. T. Buckham, 212
Sighting Apparatus. Sir A. T. Dawson and
G. T. Buckham, 582
Small Arms. P. Mauser, 549
Torpedoes, Automobile. A. E. Jones, 151
Torpedoes, Automobile. Whitehead and Co.
A.-G., 443
Hydraulic Machinery:
244, 687
Hydraulic Apparatus. H. S. Hele-Shaw and F. L. Martineau, 687
Suction Apparatus. W. J. Frame, 244
Lifting and Hauling Appliances : 82, 113, 151, 339, 443, 515, 615, 880
Capstans. J. A. Liddle, 113
Derrick-Cranes. Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., and E. Jullien, 515
Driving Systems, Electrically - Operated. Crompton and Co., Ltd., J. C. Macfarlane,
H. Burge, and A. Williams, 82
Haulage Clip, J. W. Smallman, 443
Hoists. Adamson, Ramsbottom, and Co., Ltd., and H. Ramsbottom, 615
Hoists. G. C. C. Henderson, 151
Lifting-Jacks. W. Adair, 880
Pulley-Block. Tangyes, Ltd., and E. Johnson, 339
Machine and other Tools, Shafting, &c.: 113, 152, 340, 615, 783, 816, 850
Drills, Electric. A. Stewart and the Westminster Tool and Electric Company, Ltd., 152
Drills, Twist. B. O’Reilly, 152
Driving-Chains. H. Renold, 783
Friction-Clutch. G. II. Broadbent, 615
Friction-Clutches. Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 113
Gearing. A. C. and J. King and F. Hamer, 816
Gearing, Toothed. F. Humphris, 850
Multiple Disc-Clutches. Croft and Perkins, Ltd., and II. Lindsay, 816
Turning-Mills, A. E. Bennett and H. Thompson, 340
Mining, Metallurgy, and Metal Working :
212, 340, 443, 515, 550, 653, 688, 752, 880
Boring-Machines. A. Drummond, 443
Coal-Cutting Machines. Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and A. W. Davies, 653
Coal-Washing Machinery. O. Sheppard, 688
Colliery Corves. D. J. Davies and L. Roderick, 752
Conveyors. J. Allardice, 550
Foundry Ladles. W. J. Caulfield, 212
Lamps, Miners’. T. Jones and T. R. Davies, 880
Pyrometer, Thermo-Electric. F. Stroude and E. Josephs, 515
Safety-Lamps, Miners’. E. A. Hailwood, 653
Steam-Crane Excavators. D. Whitaker, 340
Miscellaneous : 212, 654, 688, 784, 350
Advertising Lantern. A. T. C. Rosander, 784
Fans. Centrifugal. J. Keith and C. Tuson, 850
Flying-Machines. H. D. de M. Carey, 654
Glazing. J. A. King, 654
Gyrostats. R. H. Barbour and E. K. Scott, 654
Liquids, Atomising. Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and W. Wheal, 212
Testing of Materials. G. Kapp, 683
Motor Road Vehicles:
82, 113, 212, 340, 515, 615, 688, 815, 850 Automobile Vehicles. The Daimler Motor
Co. (1904), Ltd., and F. M. Charles, 850
Change-Speed Gears. Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft, 515
Clutch Mechanism. Rex Motor Manufacturing
Co., Ltd., and H. Sarginson, 816
Cooling Arrangements. Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., and T. B. Murray, 212
Cycles, Motor. East London Rubber Co. and E. A. Baines, 615
Motor-Car Lamps. S. 0. Cowper-Coles, 113
Speedometers. J. B. Hamilton, 815
Spring Suspension. F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 688
Steering-Wheels. C. W., F. H., and E. A. Bluemel, 688
Transmission Gear. C. H. Dent and Dent Motors, Ltd., 82
Transmission Gear. Etablissements de Dion
Bouton (Soc. Anon.), 340
Wheels. F. and A. Probert, 515
Wheels, Detachable. F. W. Lanchester, 515
Printing' and Allied Machinery:
113, 550, 616, 783
Die-Printing Presses. H. B. Croker, 616
Lithographic Printing-Machines. J. Shackleton, 783
Off-Set Printing-Presses. A. II. Walker, H.
Pearce, and T. R. G. Parker, 113
Stereotyping. Duplex Printing Press Co. and II. F. Bechman, 550
Type-Casting Machines. G. O. J. Stubbs, 550
113, 443, 480, 550, 616, 688, 783
Air-Compressors. W. Evans and Brecknell, Munro and Rogers, Ltd., 616
Air-Compressors. Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and J. M. Copland, 480
Pumps. H. A. Humphreys, 443
Rotary Pumps. J. S. Raworth and T. Browett, 113
Rotary Air-Pumps. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and J. Petermoller, 688
Rotary Pumps. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and J. Petermoller, 550
Rotary Air-Pumps. G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and J. Petermoller, 783
Railu ays and Tramways :
113, 152, 212, 340, 480, 515, 550, 653, 688, 752, 850, 880
Anchoring Tramway Rails. Thos. Green and Son, Ltd., and E. Rhodes, 850
Axle Journal-Boxes. E. Peckham and F. S. Andrews, 212
Brake Apparatus. J. N. Curtis and E. D. Sampson, 515
Brake Mechanism. Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., and E. S. Luard, 340
Buffers, Central. Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., and H. H. Gunstone, 212
Buffers. C. H. Gray, 480
Hopper Wagons. Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., and W. H. Wigley, 688
Locomotives. James Howden and Co., Ltd., and J. Howden, 152
Overhead Trolley Wire Construction. Oester-reichische Daimler Motoren A.-G., 516
Points and Crossings. Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., F. Bland, and E. Lannouth, 516
Points and Switches. H. A. Thomson, 653
Rail-Chairs. F. J. Hadfield, 752
Railless Traction Systems. E. M. Munro and the Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., 114
Signalling Apparatus. Siemens and Halske A.-G., 516
Switches, Railway. A. H. Johnson and L. W. Williams, 340
Train-Recorders. Siemens and Halske A.-G., 340
Trains, Lighting, Heating, and Ventilating.
J. Stone and Co., Ltd., and A. H. Darker, 113
Tramcar Life-Guards. J. Bowring, 688
Tramcar Life-Guards. J. Whiteley and J. M. Moss, 113
Trolley Bases. E. M. Munro and the Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., 152
Trolley-Poles. E. M. Munro and the Railless Traction Co., Ltd., 114
Vehicle Trucks, Railway. Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and S. Leech, 550
Ships and Nautical Appliances:
304, 444, 516, 550, 616, 653, 784, 850 Ash-Ejectors. J. Stone and Co., Ltd-, and W.
S. Parsons, 616
Ships and Appliances—continued.
Compasses. Kelvin and James White, Ltd., and F. W. Clark, 550
Compasses, Gyroscopic. Firm Anschutz and Co., 850
Dredgers. Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., and E. Dunlop, 784
Gyroscope Compasses. Hartmann and Braun A.-G., 516
Log Apparatus, Ships’. Thomas Walker and Son, Ltd., and T. S. Walker, 444
Marine Propulsion. The Hon. C. A. Parsons and S. S. Cook, 516
Marine Propulsion Installations. C. A. Parsons and S. S Cook, 444
Marine Turbine Propulsion. The Warwick Machinery Co. (1908), Ltd., and S. J. Pigott, 653
Rudders, Ships’. R. S. Bagnall and Sons, Ltd., and C. L. Bagnall, 850
Speed-Indicators. Chadburn’s (Ship) Tele-
«. graph Co., Ltd., and A. J. Grant, 304
Turbine Installation, Marine. A.-G. Brown, Boveri, 880
Steam Engines, Boilers, Evaporators, Ac.:
82, 114, 152, 304, 372, 444, 616, 653, 784, 850 Condensers, Evaporative. E. H. Beckett, 781 Engines, Steam. J. Davidson, 114
Fire-Grates. J. W. and T. A. Thomas and C. Millard, 444
Furnaces, Water-Tube Boiler. Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and J. Rosenthal, 372
Generators, Steam. C. M. Shaw, 304
Injectors. H. E. Gresham, 654
Injectors. H. E. Gresham, 850
Scaling Boiler-Tubes. W. II. Cheyne and G. R. Mewburn, 444
Steam-Traps. W. M. Still and Sons, Ltd., E. H. Still, and A. G. Adamson, 616
Superheaters. Galloways, Ltd., and H. Pilling, 304
Superheaters. F. K. Woodroffe and J. C. Blythe, 650
Superheaters. A. F. Yarrow, 114
Surface-Condensers. A.-G. Brown, Boveri, 654
Turbines. Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft, 784
Turbines. C. A. Parsons (two patents), 304
Turbines. C. A. Parsons, 444
Turbines, Steam. Warwick Machinery Co.
(1908), Ltd., and F. Samuelson, 304
Valve-Gear. J. Davidson, 152
Valve-Gear. J. Davidson and W. O. Larin uth, 444
Valve-Operating Gear. A. Robertson, 616
Valves, Reducing. J. Graham, A. Graham, Jun., and D. A. Graham, 152
Water-Tube Boilers. A. F. Yarrow, 82
Textile Machinery:
114, 340, 654, 688, 784, 850, 880
Beams, Warpers’ and Weavers’ Beams. W. Pemberton, 784
Calender Bowls. The Bradford Dyers’ Association, Ltd., and J. Graham, 340
Loom-Pickers. J. W. Taylor and Y. Yates, 688
Loom-Shuttles. R. Starkie, 340
Loom-Shuttles. J. Tanner and E. Graham, 784
Net and Tulle Machines. A. G. Bally and J. Richard, 880
Spinning-Frames. Jonathan Hattersley and Son, Ltd., H. Peterson, and J. Lee, 850
Spinning-Slivers. W. T. Smith, 114
Threading Loom-Shuttles. J. R. Bradshaw, 654
Weft-Replenishing Looms. B. Crossley, S. Lawson, and the Palatine Automatic Loom Company, Ltd., 114
Fenders, Vehicle. R. J. Marshall and W. H. Penman, 654
NAMES OF PATENTEES. Adair, W. Lifting-Jacks, 880
Adamson, A. G., and others. Steam-Traps, 616
Adamson, Ramsbottom, and Co,, Ltd., and another. Hoists, 615
Albion Motor-Car Co., Ltd., and another. Cooling Arrangements, 212
Allardice, J. Conveyors, 550
Allen and Co., Ltd., Edgar, and another.
Central Buffers, 212
Allen and Co., Ltd., Edgar, and others. Points and Crossings, 516
Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft Potential
Regulators for Generators, 244
Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft. Turbines, 784
Andrews, F. S., and another. Axle Journal-Boxes, 212
Anschutz and Co., Firm. Gyroscopic Compasses, 850
Aron, H. Elektrizitiitszahlerfabrik, G. m.b.H.
Prepayment Electric Meters, 82
Arrol and Co., Ltd., Sir William, and another.
Derrick Cranes, 515
Ashworth, E. Internal-Combustion Engines, 653
Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Water-Tube Boiler Furnaces, 372
Bacon, R. II. S., and another. Ordnance-Training Gear, 82
Bacon, R. II. S., and another. Percussion Fuses, 480
Bagnall, C. L., and others. Ships’ Rudders, 850
Bagnall and Sons, Ltd., R. S. and C. L. Bagnall.
Ships’ Rudders, 850
Baines, E. A. Motor-Cycles, 615
Bally, A. J., and another. Net and Tu’.le Machines, 880
Barbour, R. H., and another. Gyrostats, 651
Bechman, II. F. Stereotyping, 550
Beckett, E. II. Evaporative Condensers, 783
Benko, S. Voltaic Cells, 582
Bennett, A. E., and another. Turning-Mills, 340
Berry, A. F. Switches, 687
Bickerton, H. N.» and others. Gas-Producers, 151
Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., and another.
Internal-Combustion Engines, 406
Bland, F., and others. Points and Crossings, 516
Bluemel, C. W., F. H., and E. A. Steering-
Wheels, 688
Blythe, J. C., and another. Superheaters, 653
Bosch, Firm Robert. Ignition Arrangements, 212
Bosch, Firm Robert. Internal-Combustion Engines, 549
Bowring, J. Train-Car Life-Guards, 688
Bradford Dyers’ Association, Ltd., and another.
Calender Bcwls, 340
Bradley, W., and others. Gas-Producers, 151
Bradshaw, J. R. Threading-Loom Shuttles, 654
Brecknell, Munro, and Rogers, Ltd., and another.
Air-Compressors, 616
British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another.
Alternating-Current Induction Motors, 615
Broadbent, G. H. Friction-Clutch, 615
Browett, T., and another. Rotary Pumps, 113
Brown, Boveri, et Cie., A.-G. Alternating-Current Generators, 372
Brown, Boveri A.-G. Marine Turbine Installation, 880
Brown, Boveri, et Cie., A.-G. Surface-Condensers, 654
Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Railway Vehicle Trucks, 550
Buckham, G. T., and another. Automatic Guns (two patents), 849
Buckham, G. T., and another. Breech-Block Gear, 582
Buckham, G. T., and another. Gun-Mountings, 549
Buckham, G. T., and another. Recoil and Running-Out Gear, 212
Buckham, G. T., and another. Sighting Apparatus, 582
Burge, IL, and others. Electrically-Operated Driving Systems, 82
Carey, H. D. de M. Flying-Machines, 654
Caulfield, W. J. Foundry Ladles, 212
Chad burn’s (Ship) Telegraph Co., Ltd., and another. Speed-Indicators, 304
Chamberlain and Hookham, Ltd., and another.
Electricity Meters, 372, 815
Charles, F. M., and others. Automobile Vehicles, 850
Cheyne, W. IL, and another. Scaling Boiler-Tubes, 444
Clark, F. W., and others. Compasses, 550
Clerk, D., and others. Gas-Producers, 151
Collins, N., and others. Electrical Switches, 372
Conner, M. S. Telephone Receivers, 244
Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Brake Mechanism, 310
Cook, S. S., and another. Marine Propulsion, 516
Cook, S. S., and another. Marine Propulsion Installations, 444
Copland, J. M., and others. Air-Compressors, 480
Cowper-Coles, S. O. Motor-Car Lamps, 113
Crawshaw, J. C., and others. Electric Motors, 582
Croft and Perkins, Ltd., and another. Multiple-
Disc Clutches, 816
Croker, H. B. Die-Printing Presses, 616
Crompton and Co., Ltd., and others. Electrically-Operated Driving Systems, 82
Crossley, B., and others. Weft-Replenishing
Looms, 114
Crowe, E. Internal-Combustion Engines, 783
Curtis, J. N., and another. Brake Apparatus, 515
Daimler Motor Co. (1904), Ltd., and another.
Automobile Vehicles, 850
Daimler Motoren-Gesellschaft. Change - Speed Gears, 515
DaimlerMotoren-Gesellschaft. Friction-Clutches, 113
Darker, A. IL, and others. Lighting, Heating, and Ventilating Railway Trains, 113
Davidson, J. Steam-Engines, 114
Davidson, J., and another. Valve-Gear, 444
Davidson, J. Valve-Gear, 152
Davies. A. W., and others. Coal-Cutting Machines, 653
Davies, D. J., and another. Colliery Corves, 752
vies, T. R., and another. Miners’ Lamps, 880
Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Automatic Guns (two patents), 849
Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Breech-Block Gear, 582
Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Gun-Mountings, 549
Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Projectiles, 815 Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Recoil and
Running-Out Gear, 212
Dawson, Sir A. T., and another. Sighting Apparatus, 582
Dent Motors, Ltd., and others. Transmission Gear, 82
Dent, C. H., and others. Transmission Gear, 82 Drummond, A. Boring-Machines, 443
Duncan, F., and another. Ordnance-Training Gear, 82 *
Dunlop, E. and others. Dredgers, 784
Duplex Printing Press Co. and another. Stereotyping, 550
East London Rubber Co. and another. Motor Cycles, 615
Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Ltd. and another. Electrical Switches, 372 ’
Etablissements de Dion Bouton (Soc. Anon ) Transmission Gear, 310 v ‘
Evans, W., and others. Air-Compressors, 616
nfcd*’ aJld another. Motor-Starters, 339 Field, M. B. and others. Motor-Starters, 339
D?edfer“784 ergUSOn’ “d aE°ther’ Fleming, J. A. Wireless Telegraphy, 783
and another- Internal-Combustion Engines, 519 &
Frame, W. J. Hydraulic Suction Apparatus, 244
GaBoways, Ltd., and another. Superheaters, Ga5J?rd’ and another. Electric Cut-Outs, Garrard, C. C., and another. Electric Switches, General Electric Co. Brushes, 815
Girdlestone, J. 0., and another. Arc-Lamps 339 Grahnm and others- Calender Bowls, 340 i
G152 J” A> 3UD" and D‘ A- deducing Valves, r™n?mA Et’ and a"?ther- Loom Shuttles, 784 ckT’cV’ ^*480 S^d-Illdicat°-. 304 Green and Son, Ltd., Thos., and another
Anchoring Tramway Rails, 850
Gresham, IL E. Injectors, 651
Gresham, H. E. Injectors, 850
Gunstone, H., and others. Central Buffers, 212
Hadfield F. J. Rail-Chairs, 752
Hamer°F a‘nd‘ 2Iiners’ Safety-Lamps, 653 nd others- Gearing, 816
Hamilton, J. B. Speedometers, 815
passeas"516nd Gyr0SC0Pe Co“-
H^ng\nnst;umeBnrtTn687A-’G- HOt’Wire Mea'
’ J°nathan> aEd ^hers.
Hay, J. Internal-Combustion Engines 82 Heenan and Froude, Ltd., and ano’her Atom
ising-Liquids, 212 « anomer. Atom-
Hele-Shaw, H. S., and another.
Apparatus, 687
Sn^rSOn’^-CAC- H^ts, 151
Hleetricity Meters, 212
Locomotives, 1°52 Ja“e8’ and another.
Humphns, F. Toothed Gearing 850
Hutchins,T. W.S. Gas-Produlers" 815
Imperial Lamp Works (Brimsdownl T m and another. Electric Lamps, 82 ’ ’’
& S"vand others' Electricity Meters 37-2 Johnson, E., and others. Pulley-Blocks 330 2
H., and another. SlS^gh...
T°nes’ A. E. Automobile Torpedoes 150 Jones, T., and another. Miners’ Lamns «-n Jones W. Gas-Producers, 406 P3> 8'°
OPyPrmnetfr,’5ia5nd an°ther- Thermo-Electric
JulhAn E Switches, 849
’ E, and others. Derrick Cranes, 515
Kekh Testing of Materials, 688
KeWiA akd'Tnms White06 LM Ugal ?n8> 850 Compasses, 550 ’ td’’ and an°ther.
S,’ J.’A.a Glazing,‘d6^Ofcher- Geari^’ 816 582ht’ Y- Vernal-Combustion Engines,
C’ Pi8fcons, 480
„. .Electric Machines, “d °fchers' DJ'"«™o.
Korting and Mathiesen A p a - t
752 *uiiesen a.-g. Arc-Lamps, 372,
Krupp A.-G., Fried. Fuses 151 Krupp A.-G., Fried. Ordnance 815 1
Krupp A.-G., Fried. ProjeS,8^^ |
5™2l0USh’ F‘ Internal-Combustion Engines, 1
LanchesteP f‘ W' l/terna? o’1® )Vhee’s- E]5 653 • W‘ Inlernal-Combustion Engines,
Larauth, E„ and others. Points and Crossings, ' Larmuth.W.O., and another. Valve Gear, 444
- i
Electric Lamps, 8;
Leech, S., and others. Hanway
Leitner, H. Dynamos 783 avjss di,c <***
Lloyd, W. J. pi’t0”s’ 2ii Brake Mechanism, 310
Luard. E. S.,andothe • ^Iectric Lamps, 82
Ludfcke, G., and others. Electrical
Lundberg, A P., G. 0., and r.
Terminals, 849
Macfarlane, J. C.» Qan<l others.
Operated Dnvmg Systems 82
Operated Driving ^’A^^eters, 406
K°JsSWelets Telegraph Co Ltd, and another. Wireless Telegraphy^^^^ Kenderg>
Alternating Current-
Hydrau’b Ap-
!.D°Internal-Oombu9tion En-
. Wireless Telegraphy. 61b auuuic»« wiiww Vahml
Marshall, K. J., and another. ------
Martin, J., and ot,hera.
Induction Motors, 615 Martineau, F. L , and another.
paratus, 637
ss?& •»■“>«•
Cutting Machines, 653
Merry weather, J. C. ---
Mos"?TM.!3and another. Tramcar Lifeguards, M^ro, E. M„ and others. Bailless Traction ' Mu'nt EX and others. « 152
ments, 212
Napier and Son, D., and another. Forced Lubrication Apparatus, zo- ~ u Boiler
Newburn, G. R., and another. Scalin* uonex Nicholls, R* and others. Internal-Combustion
Engines, 406 .
Oesterreichische Daimler-Motoren A-G. Over-head Trolley-Wire Construction, 51b
O’Reilly, B. Twist-Drills, 152
Palatine Automatic Loom Co., Ltd., and others.
Weft-Replenishing Looms, 114 1
Parker, T. R. G., and others, Offset 1 nnting Pju’sons^W.1!., and others, Ash-Ejectors, 616
Parsons^ C. A., and another. Marine-Propulsion Installations, 444, 616
Parsons, C. A. Turbines (two patents), 304, 444 Pearce, IL, and others. Offset Printing Presses, ) 113
Peckham, E., and another. Axle Journal-Boxes, 212
Pemberton, W. Warpers’ and Weavers’ Beams,
Penman, W. IL, and another. Vehicle Fenders, 654 . . 1K1
Penrose, A. W. Electrical Switches, lol
Perry W. F. Motor-Starting Rheostats, 653
Petermoller, J., and others. Air-Pumps, 688
Petermoller, J., and others. Rotary Air-Pumps, 783
Petermoller, J., and others. Rotary Pumps,
Petersen, IL, and others. Spinning-Frames, 850
Petter, E.W. Oil-Engines, 783
Phoenix Dynamo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and another. Electric Motors, 582
Pigott, S. J., and others. Marine Turbine Propulsion, 653
Pillin", H., and others. Superheaters, 304
Poole’W. J. Voltage and Current Regulation, 244
Poppe, P. A. Carburettors, 849
Pritchett. G. E. B. Accumulator-Boxes, 406.
Probert, F. and A. Wheels, 515
Railing, M. J., and another. Electric Cut-Outs, 339
Railing, M. J., and another. Electric Switches, 487
Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and another.
Railless Electric Traction Systems, 114
Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and another.
Trolley Bases, 152
Railless Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and another.
Trolley Poles, 114
Rainforth, W. F., and others. Forced Lubrication Apparatus, 752
Ramsbottom, IL, and others. Hoists, 615
Raworth, J. S., and another. Rotary Pumps, 113
Redpath, R., and another. Percussion Fuses, 480
Redrup, C. B. Internal-Combustion Engines, 752
Remington, A. A., and others. Valve Gear, 549
Renault, L. Internal-Combustion Engines, 880
Renold, H. Driving Chains, 783
Rex Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and another.
Clutch Mechanism, 816
Reyrolle, A. C., and others. Cut-Outs, 480
Rhodes, E., and others. Anchoring Tramway Rails, 850
other. Net and Tulle Ro^rts,nB.’ S8°and F. S. Internal-Combustion RoTett A? 752
RoWoyc^ffi and another. Spring Sus-pension, 688 Advertising Lantern, 784
Rolenthai, j.f’and others. Water-Tube Boiler RoFundn,aH8j.^and others. Wireless Telegraphy,
Gl5 , AT and others. Valve Gear, 549 Roycef F\ H-, ahd others. Internal-Oombustion Royci!nF.’ H9, and others. Spring Suspension, 688 ’
Sampson, E. D„ and another. Brake Apparatus, Ramnelson F and others. Steam-Turbines, 304 iarXson IL, and others. Clutch Mechanism, Schneider, E. Percussion Fuse», 151 ^eott E K and another. Gyros ats, 654 Shackleton; J. Lithographic Printing Machines, Shallow and Co., Ltd., Ambrose, and another.
Suction-Gas Producers, /83
Shaw C. M. Steam-Generators, 304
Sheuoard O. Coal-Washing Machinery 688 C- Rrnthers Dynamo Works, Ltd., and
&1another Dynamo-Electric Machines, 406 another. Ammeters, 880
and Hab^A.-G.’ Current Transformer, Siemens and Halske A. G. Railway Signalling Apparatus, 516
Siemens and Halske A.-G.
Train-Recorders, 340 Siemens-Schuckertwerke. ^rc-Lam^ 549^ 849 Siemens-Schuckertwerke. Electric Condensers,
Siemens-Schuckertwerke, G-®-1?-11: ’'pX’iX Siemens-Schuckertwerke, G.m.b.H. Polyphase
SiFveman.T,^ cMC3tile9’ 815
Smallman, J. W. Haulage Clip, 443
Smith, W. T. Spinning-Shvers,
Snac-noletti, Ltd., and another. Switches, 849 Sprague, W. S., and others. Electricity Meters,
SUnbridge, H. 339
Starkie R. Loom-Shuttles, 340
Stevenson, J., and another. Arc Lamp Suspen-
Stewartt A, and others. Electric Drills, 152
Still, W. J. Internal-Combustion Engines, 443
Still, E. H., and others. Steam-Traps, 616
Still and Sons, Ltd., W. M , and others. Steam-StonePandCbo., Ltd., J., and another. Ash , Stonelnd’Co6, Ltd.. J., and another. Lighting, Heating, and Ventilating Railway-Trains, 113
Stroude, F., and another. Thermo-Electric Pyrometer, 515 A
Stubbs, G. O. J. Type-Casting Machines, 550 Sumpter, C. L., and another. Internal-Com-
bustion Engines, 519
Tangyes, Ltd., and another. Puy.e-v;P1ffk4R3?9
Tanner, J., and another. Loom-Shuttles, 784
Tanner, F. H. Pistons, 752
Taylor, J. W., and another. Loom-Pickers, 688
Thomas, J. W. and T. A., and another, lire-
Grates 444
Thompson, II., and another. Turning-Mills, 310
Thomson, H. A. Points and Switches, 6o3 Thorkeln,C. F. G., and another. Arc-Lamps,,339 Tuson, C., and another. Centrifugal fans, 8<iU
Walker, A. II , and others. Offset Printing-
Presses 113
Walker and Son, Thos., Ltd., and another.
Ship’s Log Apparatus, 444
Warwick Machinery Co. (1908), Ltd., and another. Marine Turbine Propulsion, 6o3
Warwick Machinery Co. (1908), Ltd , ana another. Steam-Turbine, 304
Weir, Ltd., G. and J., and another. Air-Pumps, 688
Weir, Ltd., G. and J., and another. Rotary Air-Pumps, 783 , ,
Weir, G. and J., Ltd., and another. Rotary Pumps, 550 #
Westminster Tool and Electric Co., Ltd., ana another. Electric Drills, 152
Wheal, W., and others. Atomising Liquids, 212 Whitaker, D. Steam-Crane Excavators, 340 Whitehead and Co., A.-G. Automobile Tor
pedoes, 443
Whiteley, J., and another. Tram-Car Life-Guards, 113
Wigley, W. IL, and others. Hopper-Wagons, 688
Williams, O. R , and another. Arc-Lamp buspension, 406
Williams, A., and others. Electrically-Operated Driving Systems, 82 .
Williams, L. W., and another. Railway Switches, 340
Wilson, A. Gas-Producers, 687
Wolseley Tool and Motor-Car Co., Ltd., and others. Valve-Gear, 549
Woodroffe, F. K., and another. Superheaters, 653
Yarrow, A. F. Superheaters, 114
Yarrow, A. F. Water-Tube Boilers, 82
Yates, Y., and another. Loom-Pickers, 688
Sources of Information